just fic

Title: The Portal
Author: louloucn
Rating: R
Email: louloucn@hotmail.com
Summary: (for this part at least) Cordy comes back from a date with Groo, and later talks to Angel
Spoilers: Post WITW, but knowledge of BtVS would be helpful too.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Anywhere, just drop me a note so I'll know where to look.
Notes: Note: This is my first fanfic ever so please be kind. As for the end of part 1 to the next part, I thank Dannyblue for inspiring me to actually start writing this fic in the first place and for Angelicgal82, starlet2367 and Love's Bitch for their always enjoyable fanfiction. They are the best.... also, please note that this is kind of like a prologue but I thought it was necessary just for the story. Also, I have no idea what I am doing here... Not used to writing fanfic at all...
Feedback: Yes, please.
Dedication: To schweet and AngelLuver21, who have remained avid followers of this series: your wish is my command.

Part 8
Spike had been drinking very heavily since he had gotten back to Sunnydale. Come to think of it, he had been drinking constantly ever since Druscilla had abandoned him. Even though he was heavily intoxicated, it didn’t prevent him to find Angel’s mansion in the middle of the night, since he had a lot of things to square away with him.

As he approached the mansion, he spied through a crack in the house made by boards that were carelessly nailed on in a haphazard fashion. He peered in to look at his lifelong nemesis.

Angel was sitting there reading, of all things, perfectly still and completely immersed in his book.

~Stupid fucking poof! Reading…what the bleeding hell are you reading for?~ Spike thought to himself as he chugged down another gulp of brandy from the bottle he had in his hand.

All of sudden, he noticed that Angel wasn’t alone.There was definitely someone there with him. ~Probably stupid Buffy. What a bunch of idiots, always making gaa gaa eyes at each to other. Make me want to heave.~

However, to his amazement, the person coming into view was not at all Buffy. Spike then rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus on the person there, still not completely sure of what he was seeing before him.



“What are you doing?” Cordy asked him as she approached him to offer him his usual mug of blood for the night.

“Oh, I’m just reading.” Angel answered absently, as he was still totally concentrated on the novel”

“ ‘La Nausea’ by Jean Paul Sartre “ Cordy read outloud as she looked at the cover of the novel. “Angel…” Cordy whined. “Why are reading that?”

“It’s interesting” Angel insisted. “It’s a classic, Cordy.”

“Come on!” Cordy pleaded, as she began to take Angel’s arm to pull him off the chair. “Can’t you read something more, I don’t know, livelier, more fun?”

“Honey, this is fun to me.” Angel replied, not even looking up to look at her in the face.

“Oh please! You honestly will have me believe that this book is belly of laughs?” Cordy asked.

“No, I didn’t say that, but I do find it fascinating.” Angel answered back.

“And this coming from a guy who cries over the most boring thing in the world: a Ballet!” Cordy reminded him.

“Oh come on Cordy! ‘Gisele’ was a classic! Of course I cried like a baby, even though I was super evil vampire! Cordy, you just don’t know fun when you see it.” Angel replied.

“I don’t know fun? Oh I know a hell of a lot more about fun! I practically invented the word ‘fun’.” Cordy declared defiantly.

“Oh yeah?” Angel replied, finally looking up from his book, clearly intrigued by her claim. “Prove it!”

“Well, first of all, we are getting rid of this book!” Cordy declared, as she ripped the book from Angel’s clutches and threw the book outside, almost hitting Spike’s head in the process.

~Watch it girly!~ Spike thought as he ducked his head, clearly annoyed.

“Hey, I was reading that!” Angel answered, his arms crossing.

“No books, broody boy.” Cordy exclaimed. “Now we do this,” as she uncrossed his arms and put them to his sides. “Wait here.” She then proceeded to get something from the bedroom.

“Cordy?” Angel asked, completely uncertain with what the hell she was coming up with.

“I’m back!” Cordy answered from behind. “Now you have to trust me, okay?” She then proceeded to blindfold him with a scarf that she had.

“Cordy, come on! I can’t see a thing!” Angel replied, trying to take the blindfold off of his eyes.

“Nope! Take your hands off of it mister! You told me that I didn’t know what fun is and well, I’m trying to prove my point here, so just hang on, okay.”

“Fine!” Angel replied, kind of annoyed, and then proceeded to cross his arms again. “But I know I’m not gonna like it.”

“Sure you say that now, but don’t you fret…you’re gonna like my surprise.” Cordy answered.

She then uncrossed him arms again, put them to his sides, and then made him stand.

“Where are we going?” Angel asked, kind of scared.

“oh, not very far… just to the couch.” Cordy assured him.

She then made him sit on the couch. Afterwards, she proceeded to climb on his lap, to sit face to face with him.

“Cordy…” Angel said, as his defenses began to wane as he felt her weight pressing down on his thighs. He then began to smile.

“Hey surprise…” Cordy said softly, in a very sexy voice, as she whispered in his ear and proceed to lick his earlobe in the most gentlest and skilled manner.

Angel began to literally shiver at gesture. “Cordy” he moaned, as he pulled her closer to him.

“You’re gonna pay for saying that I wasn’t fun.” Cordy whispered again in his ear. As she whispered, he could hear tear open a package. RIP!

“Cordy, you know we can’t do….” Angel began to speak, though his voice faltered at the end.

“Silly boy,” Cordy answered. “Do guys only think about sex? It is so not what you’re thinking… but it’s pretty fun, I think.”

It was a package of blueberry Pop Rocks. She then proceed to empty some of it into her mouth “Open wide!” Cordy whispered. “Cuz you’re getting a big surprise.” She then gave him a long kiss, almost attempting to suck his mouth dry.

~What the hell is that?~ Angel thought as he felt the crystals start to pop on his tongue. He couldn’t really taste it, guessing it was sweet, but my God is was like an explosion in his mouth, like no other, as his and Cordy’s tongues darted one another as they began to paw at one another.

Finally Cordy broke away. “So, you like?” she asked, as she looked at the expression on his face.

“Definitely more fun than reading.” Angel agreed as tried to motion her to kiss him again.

“Wait…so are you saying that I’m fun?” Cordy asked, demanding for proclamation.

“YES! You are fun! You are the queen of fun! Now we continue with the kissing again? And do whatever you were doing before, cause I loved it.” Angel declared.

“WHOO WHO! I won!” Cordy exclaimed with joy, and then calmed down. “Now we can commence the kissing.” As she empty some more Pop Rocks into her mouth and kissed him again.


~I definitely want to heave now~ Spike thought as he looked on with disgust. And it wasn’t the brandy talking either, though he did feel like he was going to regret tomorrow when he gets the usual ‘stake me now’ hangover, but more importantly, he was just appalled by the scene he had just saw, as well as confused.

~ I thought he was all sobby and lovesick for the Slayer!~ Spike thought to himself. ~But I guess he’s moved on. I guess I don’t totally blame him since his last shag did try to send him to hell.~

~But what is it with that poof and ex-cheerleaders? Does being a complete twit and gaining a soul forces one to have an uncontrollable attraction towards cheerleaders? To become complete and utter love slave to them? Be a whippin’ boy? I fucking hope I never become that pathetic!~

Even though, he did want to go into a corner and puke his guts out, he did have to give the girl some respect. At least she threw out his shitty novel out the window. At least she did that right. Though as he looked at them and saw how much in love they were, he couldn’t help but think about Dru and his love for her. This made him grew angrier and angrier towards the vampire he was glaring at, as he recalled all the horrid things he had done to tear him and Dru apart and now he was back and in love.

“We were happy!” Spike exclaimed. “You brainwashed her. I could just...” He then took another giant swig of Brandy. “Yeah, I’ll show * you * who’s a cool guy…You’re going down.”

As he finshed his sentence, he began to walk away from the window, and as he was completely wasted, he accidentally tripped on one of the flower beds, and passes out.


Angel began to feel under Cordy’s skirt to touch her between her thighs and then proceeded to slowly finger under her panties. His blindfold was still on, but after 250 odd years of living, he had enough experience to know where to go.

“Angel…”Cordy began to moan, as began touch her closer and closer to that spot. “Angel don’t stop!”

“I wasn’t planning on…”Angel answered

“Stop, Angel! Stop!” Cordy cried out suddenly, stopping him in a halt.

“What?” Angel asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No Angel.” Cordy assured him. “Nothing like that. Angel…” she began to whisper in his ear. “ I think I just saw Spike pass by.”

“Spike?” Angel answered, as the mention of that name got him fired up. He began to look around, but as his blindfold was still on, he saw nothing. “Where the hell is he?”

“Shh!” Cordy answered. “He might still be out there.”

“Let me at him!” Angel answered, ready to rumble.

“No Angel! Stop!” Cordy replied, pushing her weight down on his legs to stop him from budging. “You know why he’s here. He just broke up with Dru and he’s heartbroken. You know that he only stayed a couple of days and basically left. At least for a year.”

“But…”Angel protested.

“Angel, you know what we said about making changes. We can’t do that.” Cordy replied gently. “So even though you want to jump up and start a brawl with him, you can’t right now cuz you need everything to happen the way that it did and that night, you did not have a fight with Spike, okay? That happens tomorrow.”

“Fine.” Angel answered grudgingly.

Then Cordy proceeded to stand up.

“Hey, where are you going?” Angel asked. “You’re not gonna just leave me here all blindfolded, are you?” he gave her a smile.

“No…” Cordy giggled. “I’m gonna guide you to bedroom, where we shall proceed to.. finish what we started.”

Angel then gave her the biggest smile he could have as Cordy began to lead him upstairs.


“College, huh?” Angel asked, as he looked at all the college brochures that were scattered on Buffy’s lap.

“Higher education. Kind of an intense proposition.” Buffy answered.

It was after school the very next day, and Buffy had paid a visit because she wanted to give Angel the good news about her SAT scores. Angel, of course, had already been reminded of everything because of Cordy, so it was hard just to pretend that he was surprised.

Instead of taking them by surprise this time, Angel and Cordy had anticipated her visit, and did what they could to prepare before her arrival. Cordy had gotten home from school early so that she could get home before Buffy did and both Angel and Cordy had scrambled to hide every single possible thing that they could think of that belonged to Cordy so that Buffy wouldn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary.

This time, Cordy remained upstairs in the bedroom, insteading cowering by the sofa. Not only was she disinterested in what Buffy would do, but she had to get ready for her double date. The mention of a ‘date’ kinda made Angel crazy, even though he knew that it didn’t mean anything. He just didn’t like Xander since he was ‘dating’ Cordy and also because he knew that Xander was cheating on her and that made him even more despicable in his eyes.

“Where do you wanna go?” Angel asked, just to humour her.

“I have no idea. My mom was the one that got all these. She's so excited, she can't stop talking about it.” Buffy replied, as Angel sat across from her. “ I had a really hard time coming up with an alibi so I could come over here.”

~Joyce!~ Angel thought to himself, as the memory of her death filled his mind. He quickly tried to hide the pain that he felt as heard that name. He had wanted to be there sooner for Buffy once he had heard about Joyce, but it wasn’t possible. He remembered that Joyce was really that fond of him at any time, but he had to thank her for not only being a wonderful woman and mother to Buffy, but also for convincing him to walk away from Buffy when she knew that Buffy needed to go on without him. He was especially glad about Joyce’s plea now, cause if she hadn’t, he would have never left Sunnydale, and gone to LA, where he wouldn’t have met Cordy again, his reason for living at all in this world. His best friend. His girlfriend. The love of his life.

“She doesn't know about me.” Angel realized as he remembered the circumstances that they had been in.

“Big no. She's having enough trouble dealing with the Slayer issue. I don't think she's ready to process the information that... you and I are friends again. Anyway, I think this college jones is just a reaction to the whole Slayer thing.” Buffy explained.

~Friends…~ he thought to himself. He hoped that they were friends. It seemed like a strange word to described their relationship, now that he could think back and remember clearly. He remembered how much they had tried to convince themselves tha they were friends at that time, but were they ever friends to begin with?
Although, he will probably always love Buffy in some way or another, he had hoped that she was serious about the being friends thing. ~Sounds like a nice concept.~

“She wants you to get out.” Angel answered.

“Someplace a little less Hellmouthy.” Buffy replied with a nod. “She has a point. Y'know, but there are reasons to stay, too.”

“What are they?” Angel asked as if he didn’t already know the answer.

“Um... you know, there's my Slayer duties, obviously. What do you think I should do?” Buffy remarked, even though she was surprised that he didn’t clue into what she really meant.

“As a friend, I...” Angel replied, as he got up. “I think that you should leave.This is a good opportunity for you.”

He then stood by the fireplace, and was facing away from Buffy. Although he had meant what he said all those years ago, he knew that when he said it the first time, a part of him didn’t want her to leave at all. He wanted her to stay with him forever. But now, after all that had happened and now that he could truly be friends with her, when he advised her to leave, he had meant it with all of his soul. But he also unfortunately knew that leaving Sunnydale would never be in the cards for her. That she would remain in Sunnydale. ~Maybe someday you’ll be able to leave Buffy ~ Angel thought, as he felt her eyes staring at him.

“Yeah. It's not like there's any great thing keeping me here.” Buffy answered, as if she didn’t care.

Angel turned around as he watched trying to stuff her brochures in her bag as quickly as possible, just to get out as fast as she could. He knew what he said hurt and he also knew that even after 3 years, Buffy would never truly understand why he left her, but he knew that it was the right thing to do.

“Thanks for the advice. It's another perspective to consider.” Buffy said quickly as she put her bag on one shoulder, trying not to meet his eyes.

“Where are you going? You just got here. It's early.” Angel remarked. He really didn’t want her to leave. He wanted her to stay a little longer so that he could get to know her. He had realized that he never really knew Buffy the person. All that he had known about her was that she was the first girl that he ever loved. Nothing more, nothing less. But now, since he was stuck in this predicament, he thought that maybe now was a good a time as any to finally know how Buffy clicked. Also, Cordy would be leaving soon, and it would be nice to have some company while she was gone.

“Yeah, well, my mom starts worrying a lot earlier these days. I'll stop by soon.” Buffy replied, as she walked out, without even looking at him.

Angel just watched as she left. ~I don’t ever think I’ll ever know who she really is,~ He thought in sadness.


“Whoa! It smells like church in here.” Xander declared, as he approached Willow. “No, wait... Evil church.”

Xander had just arrived to meet Willow at the science room. She had called everybody to tell them to all meet up here for their big ‘double date’. ~I hope to God that everything will go as planned.

“It's just chemistry stuff. An experiment.” Willow explained, although she never moved from her spot, as she was deeply concentrated on the task at hand.

“So you said when you called. Why do I have to be here?” Xander asked, as he was still confused on Willow’s instance to meet up in a science room.

“It'll help you on the exam. You're way behind.” Willow replied quickly, trying to hide her intent.

" But that's why you love me, right?” Xander answered back, with a sexy look. “Academically dangerous?”

“Here. Hold this.” Willow declared, completely ignoring his comment, and handing him a raven feather.

“A feather. And who will I be tickling?”Xander asked coyly. ~I never knew how kinky Willow can be! He then brushed the feather lightly on her cheek to tell her that he got it.

For a moment, Willow was completely taken by Xander’s feather tickling, and was about to be lost in the moment, but then her mind focused back on reality and she pushed his hand aside.

“Shush.” Willow warned. She had gone to the magic shop earlier that day for supplies and she had hoped to God that she was doing it right. “Okay. Bring mixture to a boil...” as she double checked the directions in her magic book.

“I assume this isn't going to make us late for our evening of bowling magic?” Xander asked.

“There’s no magic!” Willow answered in defense, as she jerked up at the mention of the word. “I mean, bowling, yeah.”

“Can we turn these lights on?” Xander asked.

He was trying to take a closer look at the book that Willow was studying from, since it looked awfully familiar, but with it being dark and every… ~Hey wait a minute!~

“Is that a spell book?” Xander asked, slowly clueing in.

“No, no, no! Chemistry book.” Willow answered quickly, as she tried to block the book from Xander’s view.

“Wait a minute. This is love spell stuff! You're doing a love spell?” Xander exclaimed in realization.

“No! Of course not! This is a purely scientific...” Willow said, trying to cover again.

~Yeah right! Scientific … he smirked, as he pointed clearly the tile of the book “Witchcraft”

“...de-lusting spell... for us. I thought it would go better if you didn't know.” Willow finally admitted.

“Are you nuts, or have you forgotten that I tend to have bad luck with these sorts of spells?” Xander yelled, as he heard Willow’s admission. Then he flashed back to the time he tried to cast a love spell to make Cordelia love him and it turned out to be a disaster. Not only did Buffy, Willow, and every other girl he knew had hunt him down like an animal for him to be their love slave, the spell had no effect on Cordelia whatsoever. Though he had to smile at the memory of finding Willow in his bed, with only his shirt on, pushing him forcefully onto his bedroom door and proceeded to lick his earlobes…~Oh God, was she ever sexy then…she’s even more sexy now…

“But you said you wished that these feelings could just go away.” Willow yelled back.

Xander’s mind refocused again. “Yeah, I wish for a *lot* of things! I told you I wished I was a fireman when we were in sixth grade, but you didn't follow through on that!” he declared, trying to find any excuse to prove his point.

“I can't do this anymore, Xander! I mean, this whole 'us' thing is... bleagh!” Willow replied. She didn’t mean to say ‘beagh’ but she had to as she thought to sweet Oz and to Cordelia, who probably already knows about this whole crazy thing.

“So, do you really need to resort to the black arts to keep our hormones in check?” Xander asked, clearly hurt by the ‘bleagh’.

“At this point, I'm thinking 'no'.” Willow calmly answered.

“I'm gonna get the lights,” Xander decided, as he walked towards the light switches, “clean this place up before they get here and start asking questions.” He then clicked them on.

Out of nowhere, Spike appeared and grabbed Xander by the neck to choke him.

“Xander!” Willow cried out, as she saw Xander totally defenceless against Spike.

Part 9

“A spell. For me. You’re gonna do a spell for me.” Spike declared.

He had just taken Willow and Xander to his factory. He then proceed to dump a whole bunch of supplies on the bed where Xander laid, still unconscious from the blow to the head Spike gave him.

“Uh, what kind of a spell?” Willow asked weakly.

“A *love* spell! Are you brain dead?” Spike yelled, as he went to his dresser to fetch another bottle of Brandy. “I'm gonna get what's mine. What's mine. Teach
her to walk out on me.”

He takes a couple of swigs from the bottle, determined to get even more drunk than last night. Even though he had a little mishap that morning, almost being burned to a crisp, he still needed to get really drunk, especially to wipe away the memory of Angel and that cheerleader. ~I do anything to get rid of the memory of that tart straddling that stupid poof. Stake me, I don’t care!~

“You can do it, right? You can make Dru love me again? Make her crawl!” Spike demanded. ~I mean, if Angel can get that perky cheerleader to love him despite the fact that he’s bloody stupid, of course Dru can love me again!~

“I-I can try.” Willow stammered, completely afraid.

“What are you talking about, trying? You'll do it! Spike yelled, as he grabbed her neck.

“Yes, I'll do it!” Willow yelled back, trying not to choke under his grip.

Spike then smashed the bottle of brandy in his hand and held it to her face. “You lie to me, and I'll shove this through your face! You want that?” Spike threatened.

“No!” Willow cried out, as she began to sob in fear.

“Right through to your BRAIN!” Spike threatened more fiercely.

“No, please, no...” Willow wailed, as she cried even more.

Spike then suddenly shoves her aside, and sits down. His expression changed from anger to sadness.

“She wouldn’t even kill me. She just left. She didn't even care enough to cut off my head or set me on fire.” Spike explained, as he sniffled. “I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some little sign that she cared?” * Sigh * “It was that truce with Buffy that did it. Dru said I'd gone soft. Wasn't demon enough for the likes of her. And I told her it didn't mean anything, I was thinking of her the whole time, but she didn't care. So, we got to Brazil, and she was... she was just different. I gave her everything: beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful girls in them, but nothing made her happy. And she would fliiirt!” Spike further recounted, as he sniffled some more, pained by the memory. “I caught her on a park bench, making out with a *chaos* demon! Have you ever seen a chaos demon? They're all slime and antlers. They're disgusting!”

Then he began to look up at Willow, who was sitting next to him and listening with concern his sob story. He then began to stroke Willow’s hair as he continued.

“She only did it to hurt me.” Spike explained as he took his hand off of her “So I said, 'I'm not putting up with this anymore.' And she said, 'Fine!' And I said, 'Yeah, I've got an unlife, you know!' And then she said... she said we could still be friends.” As he mentioned the word, he began to break down and started to crying uncontrollably on Willow’s shoulder. “ God, I'm so unhappy!”

“There, there.” Willow answered, trying to pat Spike on the knee, not knowing what to say. ~I’ve never had a vampire cry on me like that! This is a first…~

“I mean, friends! How could she be so cruel?” Spike added, as the mere mention of the word was poison to him. Then he began to look up and saw her neck.

“Mmm. That smell... Your neck...” Spike said softly, as he began to inhale her more deeply. ~Red is sure looking might cute tonight with that fuzzy pink number and that beautiful neck…I could just eat right…~

He then changed into his game face.

“ I haven't had a woman in weeks.” Spike admitted.

“Whoa! No! Hold it!” Willow said as she panicked at the situation.

“Well, unless you count that shopkeeper.” Spike added, forgetting about the shopkeeper from the magic shop where he first saw Willow.

“Now, now, hold on! I-I'll do your spell for you, and, and, and I'll get you Drusilla back, but, but there will be no bottle-in-face, and there will be no 'having' of any kind with me. Alright?” Willow replied, trying to clearly explain her terms.

“Alright.” Spike agreed, as he shoved Willow away. “ Get started.”

“Now, I'm not a real witch, you know. I-I don't know if this is gonna work right away.” Willow explained gently.

“Well, if at first you don't succeed, I'll kill him,” Spike commanded, as he pointed to Xander, “ and you try again.”

“This isn't enough.” Willow exclaimed, as she looked at all the supplies before her.

“What?” Spike yelled.

“Well, there are other ingredients, a-and a-a-a book. I need a, a spell book. This isn't it.” Willow tried to explained, as she tried to calm him down.

“You've got one, though, at home?” Spike asked.
“Not at home. I left it somewhere.” Willow explained.

“Where?” Spike demanded, as he stared violently into Red’s eyes.


“Thank God you are here.” Cordy said. ~Why did I just say that? You knew that she would be here…this is your second time around at this, remember?~

“Yeah! Not all of us have dates tonight.” Buffy answered, slightly bitter that she was not out tonight…with Angel.

“Something's up.” Oz explained.


Oz, Cordelia and Buffy were all in the science room now as they saw the room in a complete mess.

“We were supposed to meet in here. I don't know what could have happened.” Cordy lied.~Of course you know what happens! Spike kidnapped them both and have taken them to the factory!~

“What is all this stuff? I'm thinking weird science.” Buffy remarked.

“Was Willow messing with her magic tricks again? Maybe they disappeared. Maybe she turned Xander into something ishy!” Cordy replied. ~I wonder what Willow was really up to here…~

“Whatever happened, there was obviously a fight.” Buffy answered, as she scanned the room.

“I don't see any blood.” Oz observed.

“Yeah, either they were taken, or they ran, or maybe...” Buffy deduced.

“You're having too many ors! Pick one!” Cordy blurted, trying to act as concerned as possible.

“I don't know. I need you guys to find Giles, okay? I'm gonna look for them. Maybe they didn't get too far.” Buffy concluded.

“Where is Giles?” Cordy asked innocently as she continued to act clueless.

“Uh, he's at a retreat in the clearing in Breaker's Woods.” Buffy answered quickly.

“Yeah, I know the spot, but it's like a forty-five minute drive.” Oz replied.

“So motor!” Buffy commanded.


Angel was strolling towards Buffy’s house. Ever since he had gotten here, he had never once gone by in its general direction. It seemed odd to him now, and he felt uneasy. However, he knew that he had to go because it was somewhere he needed to be and soon.

As he approached the open side door of the kitchen, he noticed Spike sitting there enjoying a cup of something with Joyce. It made him sad and somewhat uncomfortable to see Joyce there. It was a very weird feeling to see someone, healthy and living, right there in front of him, when he knew that she had passed away. It also made him sad to know that despite the fact that Spike was pure evil in his mind, he had always been envious of Spike’s relationship with Buffy’s mom. She always liked Spike much more and carried a soft spot for him, while ever since he had walked into Buffy’s life, he could always remember a constant struggle to get Joyce to even like him. ~ I don’t blame her. I mean, how would I react if Connor was 17 and dating a person a hundred times older than him… I’d go crazy!~ It was so interesting nowadays the perspective that he had since becoming a father. The word itself saddened to no end, as he missed his little boy ever so much and longed to hold him once more.

He then proceeded to walk out of the shadows and waited to be greeted in the same fashion as always.

“Oh, my God. Get out of here!” Joyce gasped, jumping out of her chair.

“Yeah. You're not invited.” Spike taunted.

“He's crazy. He'll kill us.” Joyce insisted, as she stood there in fear.

“Not while I breathe. Well, actually, I don't breathe.” Spike explains, as he continued to taunt Angel with his eyes. ~See stupid poof? Where does your moronic ways get you now, huh?

“Joyce, listen to me.” Angel said calmly, hoping that she would see the new Angel.

“You get out of this house, or I will stake you myself.” Joyce threatened, not seeing anything different from this Angel.

“You're a very bad man.” Spike replied, in a slight state of enjoyment. ~I would KILL to see that!~

“Joyce, please invite me in.” Angel said calmly.
Spike makes like he’s going to bite Joyce, but is disappointed not to get any reaction from Angel.

~You would never bite Joyce! Angel thought to himself. Spike was way to fond of Joyce to do such a thing. What he was worried about was Spike’s knowledge about him and Cordy. That was something that bothered him, especially if he ever mentions it to Buf…

“Argh!” Spike muttered, as Buffy rushed in, pinned him down on the kitchen island and grabbed him immediately by the throat.

“Angel, why don't you come on in?” Buffy said, as Angel slowly walked in.

”Oh! Oh, no!” Joyce exclaimed as she began to really panic. She then moved as far away from Angel as possible.

Angel just sighed in disappointment at the gesture.

“You shouldn't have come back, Spike.” Buffy declared, still holding Spike down.

“I do what I please.” Spike said defiantly.

“Okay, I’m confused now.” Joyce said.

As Spike makes a move for Buffy’s arm, Angel pins his arm down. Buffy then grabbed for the nearest wooden spoon and goes in to stake him.

“Willow!” Spike blurts out.

“You took Willow.” Buffy answered, realizing the gravity of the situation.

“You do me now, you'll never find the little witch.” Spike added.

“Willow’s a witch?” Joyce asked, completely baffled by the situation.

“And Xander?” Buffy questions further.

“Him, too.” Spike replied.

“What, Xander's a witch? I...” Joyce was still not getting any clarity over the situation.

“Where are they?” Angel demanded, putting on his best tough guy impersonation.

“Doesn't work like that, peaches. And when did you become all soul-having again? I thought you outgrew that.” Spike answered, looking at Angel and giving him a knowing wink, as to say that ‘I thought you outgrew your little girly cheerleading phase.' Angel just glared at him in disgust. Spike then turned back his attention towards Buffy.

“Your friend's gonna work a little magic for me. She does my spell, I let them both go.”

“You're not famous for keeping your promises, Spike.” Buffy reminded him.

“Well, you and your ‘great poof’ here wanna tag along, that's fine. But you get in my way, and *you* kill your friends.” Spike answered in a threatening tone.


“What if they were kidnapped by Colombian drug lords? They could be cutting off Xander's ear right now! Or other parts!” Cordy exclaimed, trying to show as much irrational thinking as possible. ~Just think of Fred now… if anyone has crazy thought processes, it’ll be her.~

Oz suddenly brings the van to a halt as he sniffs the air.

“Hello?” Cordy wondered.

“It's Willow. She's nearby.” Oz replied as he began to sniff the air some more.

“ What? You can smell her? She doesn't even wear perfume.” Cordy insisted.

“She's afraid.” Oz remarked, with a look of worry on his face. He then proceeds to put the van in reverse and go into the opposite direction.

“Oh, my God. Is this some sort of residual werewolf thing?” Cordy asked. “You know, before I would have been surprised at this, or maybe even freaked out, but now it’s more like I’m feeling comforted and creeped out at the same time…I think it’s kinda cool.”

Oz gave her a surprised look, but appreciates her comment. “Thanks.”

Cordy continued to look at him with awe. She could really see how much Oz really loved Willow and was continually saddened by the ever close moment when Oz would see Willow and Xander. It broke her heart thinking about it since she knew how good Oz treated Willow, even after he made up with her. She had never really understood the meaning of love when she was in high school, but now, when she had actually found someone and she was really in love, it completely killed her to see how devoted Oz was and the fact that she couldn’t save him from the imminent pain that he would suffer.

“You really love her, don’t you?” Cordy asked.

“Yeah I do.” Oz answered simply, giving her a little smile, as he turned his attention on the road.

Cordy also had to turn her attention something else too. Something that had been bothering her the whole day, anticipating the date. It had been really hard to know what was going to happen to everyone, but now as she sat there quietly as Oz drove on, she had to mentally prepare for the events that were about to unfold.

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