just fic

Title: The Portal
Author: louloucn
Rating: R
Email: louloucn@hotmail.com
Summary: (for this part at least) Cordy comes back from a date with Groo, and later talks to Angel
Spoilers: Post WITW, but knowledge of BtVS would be helpful too.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Anywhere, just drop me a note so I'll know where to look.
Notes: Note: This is my first fanfic ever so please be kind. As for the end of part 1 to the next part, I thank Dannyblue for inspiring me to actually start writing this fic in the first place and for Angelicgal82, starlet2367 and Love's Bitch for their always enjoyable fanfiction. They are the best.... also, please note that this is kind of like a prologue but I thought it was necessary just for the story. Also, I have no idea what I am doing here... Not used to writing fanfic at all...
Feedback: Yes, please.
Dedication: To schweet and AngelLuver21, who have remained avid followers of this series: your wish is my command.

Part 21

Angelus’ voice:

Passion…it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us, guides us, passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have?

The music was playing loudly in the Bronze. Buffy and Xander were both on the dance floor, having a great time. Although it was nice just to see everyone having a good time and just being able to talk to Willow without having her look at her with scorn, she still felt a little uneasy, having a nice nice time, while Angelus was on the loose.

“Hey Cordelia, are you alright?” Willow asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine Willow, but you know, I think that I need a little air. I’m kind of hot.” Cordy replied, as she got off of her seat. “I’ll just go out and take a breather for a little bit.”

“Okay.” Willow answered.

As she walked outside into the alleyway, she leaned herself against the outside walls of the Bronze, she then looked down at the outfit that she wore and groaned. One of the worst things about traveling back through time was having to dress in her old clothes. As she surveyed herself with the pearly tights, short skirt, short boots and black jacket, she couldn’t believe how this was fashionable then. She actually LIKED wearing this? Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard something drop to the floor. As she looked up, she saw Angelus, in the shadows, throwing an innocent girl, his meal ticket, onto the ground. Looking completely satisfied, he finally met her stare.

“Well, what a surprise.” Angelus replied with a smile as he reverted back to his human face. “I didn’t think you would be outside, all alone, while your friends were dancing the night away.”

“ I just wanted to a breather.” Cordy said very matter of factly.

“I’m glad that you came outside, Cordelia.” Angelus said as he walked over to her, with another little smile. “I wanted to talk to you about our last rendezvue. I have to say I was a bit surprised with your fighting moves. I didn’t know that a little girl like you could fight.”

“Well, Angel taught me well.” Cordy replied.

“I bet.” Angelus replied with a wink. “Anyways, I have little proposal for you.”

“Well, I’m not interested. So, I’m going to go now…” Cordy said as she turned to go inside.

Then Angelus ran and grabbed her shoulder to turn her around. “Hey, where’s your hurry? I thought we were having a nice conversation.”

“I’m tired. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”Cordy replied with a tired sigh. “I don’t want to be anywhere near you.”

Angelus, in response, then roughly pushed her unto the wall outside, holding both of her arms down. Cordy then winced and tried to break free from his grasp, but he held her down pretty hard. “You know? I don’t think you really mean that. I mean, if you meant it, you wouldn’t feel anything if I did this.” With one swift move, he moved both of her arms above her head so that he could hold them down with one hand. With his other hand, he slowly caressed her breast, gently tracing his index finger over her breast and her nipple.

Cordy shivered at his touch, but she started to bite on her lip in shame, not even looking at his face.

“Look at me Cordelia.” Angelus said as he grasped her chin and turn it towards him, her eyes staring right into his. “You know you want me. Don’t deny it.” Then he moved his hand down to her hip, moving it up higher, towards the opening of her skirt. “This feels good doesn’t it?” he whispered into her ear. “Come over to the dark side Cordelia. You know you want to.” He hissed. Then he started to breathe her in, inhaling her in deeply. As he kept breathing heavily on her, his hand went between her thighs, grazing it, teasing her with his fingers. “Cordelia…Cordelia….”he whispered.

Cordy just stood there immobilized, unable to move or twitched. Although she couldn’t deny that she felt something as he touched her, she knew that it was only because he was pretending to be Angel. However, whenever she looked into his eyes, it betrayed him. His cold eyes that were empty, not full of life and warmth that her Angel had. Tears start to fall from her eyes as she felt his hardness moving on her thigh. She just wanted him to stop. She would do anything for him to stop.

And then, he did. Out of nowhere he stopped, and broke her free. Angelus then let out a cruel laugh. “Oh my God!” Angelus cried out and he laughed some more, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is so fucking hilarious!”

“What the hell is so funny?” Cordy demanded, completely baffled with his actions.

“Why didn’t I see it sooner?” Angelus continued. “Cordelia, you’ve been a bad, bad little girl.” Waving his finger at her.

“What are you rambling about?” Cordy demanded.

“All this time, I just thought you were a run of the mill, stupid cheerleader. But low and behold, hiding behind all that makeup and that short skirt, is a…DEMON.” Angelus chuckled in pleasure.

Cordy gasped. She didn’t know that her demoness had also traveled back through time. “How did you know?” she whispered in panic.

“I could smell it. Even with that intoxicating perfume that tries to mask it…I know you. I know you Cordelia.” Angel replied with a sly glare. “Now I’m even more sure about you…I always knew you were the special one. Better than Buffy by far.”

“Just stay the hell away from me!” Cordy yelled out in disgust. “You know nothing about me!”

“Don’t I?” Angelus answered. “Don’t forget that your little goody two shoes lover boy is still in me. I can still feel him, slowly dying inside of me as I grow stronger. He’s fading away you know.”

“Just shut up!” Cordy screamed in anger.

“* Sigh * why fight it? I don’ t know why you do? Don’t you know it’s in your nature now to do what comes naturally?” Angelus replied. “You are a demon. Accept it. Accept your fate and come to me.”

“Never!” Cordy replied firmly.

“You say that now, but don’t you worry. You’ll be crawling to me in no time.” Angel said softly, still with his evil grin on his face. “I’ll be patient for now, but I won’t be waiting for long.” Angelus then turned away from her and walk off into the night. “ Cordelia, remember, you can’t fight passion!” and then he laughed maniacally, leaving Cordy alone in alley, in a fragile state, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.


It was the longest night for Cordy. Although she had managed to go back into the Bronze, and covered up her feelings, she knew once Xander took her back home, she would be alone again.

The whole night she kept twisting and turning in her bed, trying to sleep, but she couldn’t. All she could think about was Angelus’ hand, moving down her body, up her thigh, his heavy breathing and…It plagued her mind and filled her heart in agony. How could she have been so stupid to think tha she could handle this all alone? She also cursed herself for having been so vulnerable to him. She should have fought back, hit him, anything. But once again she had been a victim to him.

As the night grew longer, she finally shut her eyes tightly and finally fell into the deep sleep that she longed for.


The night grew into day very quickly. As Cordy opened her eyes, groggy from her almost sleepless night, she groaned at the sight of daylight pouring into her bedroom. As she basically rolled out of bed and got onto her feet, she noticed something on her bed. Cordy wiped her eyes as she was a little sceptical that her eyes were fooling her. However, as her sight began to focus, she knew that she could clearly see a folded faded yellow piece of paper on her bed. She knew exactly what it was, but unable to stop herself, she opened the paper up. Surely enough, it was a sketched drawing of her sleeping ~Bastard! Cordy thought to herself. Despite having stayed up most of the night, he still managed to sneak into her room and draw her. As she thought of him, she had a realization that Buffy would be getting a surprise from him as well. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. At that time, Cordy remembered that she didn’t feel as much sympathy for her than she did now. As she thought back, she knew that all that she could think about was herself and roaming fears that Angelus would come to get her in her car. Now, everything’s changed. Not only Angelus was terrorizing Buffy, but he was also wanted her. It was hard for her to admit, but now, more than ever, she had so much in common with Buffy it scared her. ~I wonder how Buffy’s taking it today.


“He was in my room.” Buffy exclaimed as she walked into the library.

“Who?” Giles asked as he looked up to her.

“Angel. He was in my room last night.”

“Are you sure?” Giles asked again.

“Positive. When I woke up, I found a picture he'd left me on my
pillow.” Buffy affirmed as she crossed her arms.

“A visit from the pointed-tooth fairy.” Xander added.

As Buffy was talking, the thought of Angelus plagued Cordy again, as she remembered the scene in the alleyway. She tried not look any different to the others, but there was something that was plaguing her…

“Wait, I thought vampires couldn't come in unless you invited them in.” Cordy asked.

“Yes, but, uh, once you've invited them in, thereafter they're, they're always welcome.” Giles explained.

Cordy nodded as she understood. Although Angel had never really visited her when he was here with her, but she had basically unconsciously invited him into her home. She had already given him her heart, so naturally he was free to everything in her life. She had no idea that there would be consequences like this.

“Y'know, I think there may be a valuable lesson for you gals here about inviting strange men into your bedrooms.” Xander exclaimed.

Cordy gave him a glaring look and rolled her eyes at his comment. ~If he wants a stupid reaction to a stupid comment…Cordy thought to herself as she reverted to Queen C mode. “Oh, God!” She exclaimed in realization. “I invited him in my car once. That means he can come into my car whenever he wants.”

“Yep, you're doomed to havin' to give him and his vamp pals a lift whenever they feel like it. And those guys never chip in for gas.” Xander replied.

Cordy just looked away, disgusted. ~I can’t believe I ever dated him!

“Giles, there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the invitation, right? Like a barrier, a no shoes, no pulse, no service kind of thing?” Buffy asked in concern.

“Yeah, that works for a car, too?” Cordy added, ~Among other things


“ So Angel has decided to step up his harassment of you?” Giles asked Buffy as they walked around the hallways with Xander and Cordy in tow.

“By sneaking in her room and leaving stuff at night? Why doesn't he just slit her throat or strangle her while she's sleeping or cut her heart out?” Cordy added in Queen C mode. ~Oh God! Why did I say that? Cordy thought to herself. “What? I'm trying to help.” ~Yeah, help! Now you’re going to panic about Angelus some more. Way to go Cordy!

Cordy tried to remain keep her mouth shut as they continued to walk along the colonnade.

“Yes.” Giles replied with a little apprehension and then looked at Buffy again. “ Uh, uh, look, it's-it's classic battle strategy to throw one's opponent off his game. He-he-he's just trying to provoke you. Uh, to taunt you, to, to goad you into, uh, some mishap of some

Cordy listened intensely to Giles’ words as if it was meant for her.

“The “ nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah” approach to battle?” Xander asked.

“Yes, Xander, once more you've managed to boil a complex thought
down to its simplest possible form. “ Giles replied, in exasperation of Xander’s stupid comments.

“Giles, Angel once told me that when he was obsessed with Drusilla, the first thing h-he did was to kill her family.” Buffy reminded him.

~KILL her entire family? Cordy thought in horror.

“Your mom.” Xander said in seriousness.

“I know. I'm gonna have to tell her something.The truth?” Buffy declared.

“ No. You-you-you-you can't do that.” Giles answered firmly.
“Yeah. The more people who know the secret, the more it cheapens it for the rest of us.” Xander added.

“But I've gotta tell her something. I've gotta do something. Giles, Angel has an all-access pass to my house, and I'm not always there when my mother is. I can't protect her.” Buffy retorted.

“I told you I will find a-a spell.” Giles affirmed.

“What about *until* you find a spell?” Buffy asked.

“Until then, you and your mother are welcome to ride around with me in my car.” Cordy replied. She knew it was a dumb comment, but she need everyone to think she was okay, instead of shaking in fear.

“Buffy, I-I understand your concern, but it's imperative that you keep a level head through all this.” Giles replied.

“That's easy for you to say. You don't have Angel lurking in your bedroom at night.” Buffy answered, with some panic in her voice.

“I know how hard this is for you. All right, I don't. But as the Slayer, you don't have the luxury of being a slave to your, your passions. You mustn't let Angel get to you. No
matter how provocative his behavior may become.” Giles said firmly.

~Provocative? You have no idea! Cordy thought, but she also took his words to heart, knowing exactly what he meant. She needed to be strong. To resist her passions. For Angel’s sake. For her own sanity.

“So what you're basically saying is, 'just ignore him, and maybe he'll go away'?” Buffy asked.

“ Yes. Precisely.” Giles replied.

“Hey, how come Buffy doesn't get a snotty 'once again you boil it down to the simplest form' thing?” Xander complained.

Then everyone just stared at him.

“Watcher's pet.” Xander muttered.


“I agree with Giles. You need to just try and not let him get to you.” Willow exclaimed, as she walked towards the desk. It was late at night, and she was getting ready for bed, but Buffy’s call had interrupted her routine. She needed to calm Buffy down. “ Angel's only doing this to try to get you to do something stupid. I swear, men can be such jerks
sometimes. Dead or alive.” Willow added, as she thought of Xander.

“I just hope Giles can find a keep-out spell soon.” Buffy replied, feeling a teensy bit better. Dressed in her pyjamas, she was also ready for bed, but she need to hear a friendly voice. Especially after that weird talk with her mom about Angel. “I know I'll sleep easier when I can... sleep easier.”

“I'm sure he will. He's like book-man.” Willow assured her as she started to sprinkle fish food into her fish tank. “Until then, try and keep happy thoughts and...”

“ And what?” Buffy asked noting the silence on the other end of the phone.

Willow had just noticed something on her bed.

“Willow?” Buffy asked.

Willow then approached her bed and proceeded to open the faded yellow envelope that was on her bed.

“Willow?” Buffy asked again, beginning to get worried.

As Willow opened it, she saw a string. She pulls on it, and out come her fishes,
strung together one after the other.


“Thanks for having me over, Buffy. Especially on a school night and all.” Willow said, as she sat beside Buffy. She had headed quickly to Buffy’s in fear. And even though there were garlic cloves strung about the bed and she was holding a stake in her hand, she couldn’t help but still feel afraid.

“No problem. Hey, sorry about your fishes.” Buffy replied, assuring Willow it was no trouble.

“Oh, it's okay. We hadn't really had time to bond yet. Although for the first time I'm glad my parents didn't let me have a puppy.” Willow replied, still a little antsy.

“It's so weird... Every time something like this happens, my first instinct is still to run to Angel. I can't believe it's the same person. He's completely different from the guy
that I knew.” Buffy remarked, as she stared into space.

“Well, sort of, except...” Willow began as her voice trailed.

“Except what?” Buffy asked.

“You're still the only thing he thinks about.” Willow finished her sentence.


Cordy closed her eyes as she slowly drifted into a deep slumber. Ever since Angel had lost his soul and she was alone in the world now, the only comfort that she could find in life was her dreams. In her dreams, she could be with Angel. Everything in the world was beautiful and sunny. The world was perfect.

She thought of Angel and waited patiently for his arrival. Suddenly, he appeared. He was beautiful and bright, just as she remembered him. He quickly swooped in and held her. “Cordy…” he whispered.

“Angel…”Cordy sighed in relief. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Angel then looked at her with his beautiful, warm eyes and gave her a smile. Then he closed in for a kiss. Cordy just got herself lost in his kisses that she had longed for so long. The kisses got deeper and deeper, as Angel caressed her tresses and her face.

“Cordy, I love you so much.” Angel whispered softly.

“Angel, just don’t stop.” Cordy whispered back as he went back to kissing her. His kisses started from her forehead, unto her cheeks, her ears and down her neck. Every movement he made just made Cordy sigh in pleasure.

“Angel…”Cordy sighed a she held onto his head, running her fingers through his hair.

“Shh…” Angel whispered. “Let me do everything… let me be your everything.”

Although Cordy hesistated for a minute, she eased back and let him continue. She knew what was about to happen, but she didn’t care. It was only a dream, but she needed to feel his arms about her again. To feel him near her again.

Angel then started kiss her between her breasts as he slowly pulled down the straps of her violet negligee. He explored her shoulders and teased her nipples with his tongue ever so gently, waiting for her response. Cordy arched her back and sighed, hoping that Angel and his lips would not stop for a second.

Cordy then pulled him towards her as she kissed his lips and went towards his neck, devouring it. Angel gasped. “Cordy…” he whispered. “I thought I said I was going to do everything.”

She didn’t listen as she unbuttoned his black shirt quickly and threw it hastily on the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping for him to get closer to her.

Angel then proceeded to kiss her breasts again, traveling further down her beautiful body, kissing her carefully around her stomach and her belly button, pulling her negligee down her hips until it lost itself between her sheets and she finally kicked them off.

The gesture just sent her into even more happiness as it made her flash back to their magical time at the ballet when he had done that to her for the first time. Although they could blame it on the spirits at that time, this time, there was nothing. It was just them, Angel and Cordy, together at last. Cordy then caressed his hair again, as she motioned him to where she wanted him.

He moved further down to her hips and the soft spot between her legs. Cordy then opened her legs as far as she possibly could, inviting him in, begging him to touch her.

Angel kissed the spot softly and proceeded to put one of his fingers in it, feeling the wetness and anxiousness she had.

“God Angel!” she cried out, as she arched her back further, pushing herself closer to him.

Angel took his finger out and started to kiss her clit ever so gently and then with his tongue, he licked in tiny little circles around it, completely aware what it was doing to Cordy, as he felt her fingers grasping his head a little harder. Then he proceed to suck her, not willing to stop until she came.

Cordy was just pushed to the limit, as she felt herself losing control and feeling as free as could ever be. Waves of pleasure overtook her as she began to fall even though Angel never stopped for a second.

“Angel…” she cried out, as fell back down to earth.

Angel, to soothe her, moved back up to reach her lips and kissed them to silence her. He then broke away from her and whispered in her ear: “We’re only just beginning.”

Cordy gave him a flirtatious smile, as her hands inexplicably traveled to his pants, as she unloosened his belt and unbutton the pants, pulling both his boxers and his pants down in one quick gesture. Reaching for his hardness, she commanded him, “Angel, I want you inside of me now.”

Angel then kissed her breasts again, sucking on her nipples like there was no tomorrow. He lifted his head back to her and said “Your wish is my command.”

He held onto her once more as he ease ever so slowly into her, with Cordy opening herself up once more, holding him closer to her with her legs. Angel then pushed himself closer to her and began to move.

“Harder Angel…” Cordy sighed, begging for more as she met his thrusts.

Angel did as she asked and thrusted himself harder into her, groaning with each movement. Angel kissed her even harder as he began to lose control. Cordy just moved her hips with his, meeting every move he made as she pulled him closer to her.

“Cordelia…” Angel cried out as he was about to come. Cordy was relentless as she continued her movements, losing control as well, as she gasped, and held on further.
Angel, not being able to hold on, much longer, cried out in pleasure, with his face shifting from vampire back to human. Cordy came after, as her orgasm came like a huge explosion, making her tingle all over her body and leaving her sighing in pleasure, breathless from the whole experience.

As she pulled him closer to her, she gave him another long, luxurious kiss. Angel slowly broke away and whispered once more in her ear: “Cordelia, sweet Cordelia, I told you that you would be crawling back to me.”

Suddenly Cordy stopped. She opened her eyes. There before her was Angelus on top of her, staring down at her with his cold eyes and licking her face in satisfaction. She let out a horrified gasp as she pushed him away, and scrunched herself in her bed, desperately trying to cover herself with her sheets. ~Oh my God….no… it can’t be! It was only supposed to be a dream! She thought to herself, as the bleak reality of it all sunk in.

As he was pushed back and off the bed, he jumped and stood up, with a satisfied laugh, “I have to say, you exceed all of my expectations! Way fucking better than Buffy. No fucking wonder he stopped loving her and went to you!”

“Oh God!” Cordy wimpered as she put on her negligee on and pulled her knees towards her, burying her head down in shame.

“You know what was the best?” Angelus continued, as he buttoned up his pants. “You made it so fucking easy. All I had to do was whisper in your ear and you were putty in my hands. And my God, I hardly touched you and you were already wet.”

“No….” Cordy cried out, as she put her hands to her ears, trying to block out what he saying to her, hoping that he would just go away and she would wake up from this nightmare.

“I know what you’re thinking, but baby, I’m not a dream.” Angelus replied, as he started to button up his shirt. “I’m 100% real. Don’t even deny it. You were dying for a fuck, practically begging for it.”

“SHUT UP!” Cordy cried out again.

“Oh what’s a matter baby?” Angelus cooed. “Are you mad that I’m here or for the fact that you enjoyed it? You wanted to fuck me just as much as I wanted to fuck you. Didn’t I say that you were special? I mean, I play around with Buffy’s mind for the hell of it, but with you… it’s an art. I mean, feeling you come, twice no less, well it’s not something I’m going to easily forget, nevertheless you.”

Cordy just sat there in silence as she started to sob, ashame of what had happened, wanting to rid herself of the disgust that she felt, as if she began to feel repulsed and sick. Her insides started to sore, as she felt unclean.

“Don’t you have anything to say? Or did I just rock your world so much that you want more, huh? Do you want me to fuck your brains out again?”

“NO!” Cordy cried out, as she reached from under her pillow to reveal a cross, pointing it straight in his direction. “I want you to stay the hell away from me and I never, ever want to see your face again!”

Angelus’ face reverted back to his vampiric game face as he turned away from the sight of the cross and back away. As he moved farther away from the cross, he glanced sideways back at her a gave another crude grin. “Cordelia, you can’t fight me off forever. I’ve tasted you and now you’re just going to crave me… you won’t be able to resist. And I’ll be thrusting into you in no time.” He gave another sinful smile as he swiftly jumped out of her window, with the sounds of his evil laughter trailing behind him.

Cordy just sat there in silence and began to sob even louder, as in that moment, she felt more alone in the world than ever before, lonely and dirty, unable to clean herself from the guilt she possessed.


“ I brought something for you.” Druscilla declared to Spike. “ Poor thing. She's an orphan. Her owner died...without a fight. Do you like her? Hmm?”,she smiled as she rubbed Spike chest. I brought her especially for you... to cheer you up.” Druscilla continued, as she proudly held up the puppy in her arms. “And I've named her...Sunshine! Open wide.” She said, as she motioned him to Spike, but he looks away. “Come on, love. You need to eat something to keep your strength up. No, rrrrr, open up for mummy.”

“I won't have you feeding me like a child, Dru.” Spike exclaimed, as he wheeled himself away from her.

“Why not? She already bathes you, carries you around and changes you like a child.” Angelus declared, as he entered the room.

“Why, Angel. Where have you been? The sun is almost up, and it can be so hurtful. We were worried.” Druscilla said lovingly.

~Oh I was somewhere… and boy was it worth it! Angelus thought to himself happily.

“No, we weren't.” Spike exclaimed.

“You must forgive Spike. He's just a bit testy tonight. Doesn't get out much anymore.” Drusilla explained.

“Well, maybe next time I'll bring you with me, Spike. Might be handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space.” Angel replied, as he glared at Spike.

“Have you forgotten that you're a bloody guest in my bloody home?” Spike answered back angrily.

“And as a guest,” Angelus began as he leaned closer to Spike. “ if there's anything
I can do for you... Any... responsibility I can assume while you're spinning your wheels... Anything I'm not already doing, that is.” Angelus gave him a cruel smile ~God, it’s been a really great day…

“ That's enough!” Spike yelled.

Angelus smiles widely and giggles. ~Yeah, it’s been a fucking great day…

“Aww...” Druscilla sighed happily, giving Spike a peck on the cheek and puts the
puppy in his lap. Spike, in turn, holds the puppy as she steps away and goes around the table. “You two boys... fightin' over me and all. Makes a girl feel...AHH!

“Dru, what is it, pet?” Spike asked, as he rushed to her side.

“The air. It worries. Someone... an old enemy is seeking help... help to destroy our happy home. Ohhhh...”She winces in pain.


“Welcome. How may I serve you today?” the strange shopkeeper asked with a foreign accent.

“ Uh...” Jenny began, unsure about the shopkeeper.

“Love potion? Perhaps a voodoo doll for that unfaithful...”

“I need an Orb of Thesulah.” Jenny interrupting him

“Oh, you're in the trade.” The shopkeeper replied with a sigh of relief, dropping his foreign accent. “Sorry about the spiel, but around Valentine's Day, I get a lot of tourists shopping for love potions and mystical revenge of past lovers. Sad fact is, Ouija boards and rabbits' feet, that's what pay the rent around here. So how did you hear about us?

“My Uncle Enyos told me about you.” Jenny replied.

“So you're Janna, then.” He said, as she turned to look at him. “Sorry to hear about your uncle.”

“ Thank you.” She answered warmly.

“ He was a good customer. Well, no, there you go.” He said as he set down a wooden box and opened it. “ One Thesulan Orb. Spirit vault for the rituals of the undead. I don't get many calls for those lately. Sold a couple as new age paperweights last year. Yeah, I just love those new-agers, boy. They helped to send my youngest to college. By the way, you do know that the transliteration annals for the ritual of the undead were lost. Without the annals, the surviving text is gibberish.”

“And without a translated text, the Orbs of Thesulah are pretty
much useless.” Jenny added. “ Yeah, I know.”

“ Well, I only mention it because I have a strict policy of no refunds.” He replied, as he shut the box.

“It's okay. I'm working on a computer program to translate the Rumanian liturgy to English based on a random sampling of the text.” Jenny explained.

“ Yecchh. I don't like computers. They give me the willies.” He admitted.

“Well, thank you.” Jenny replied.

“ You're welcome.” He said with a smile. By the way... Not that it's any of my
business, really, but, uh, what are you planning on conjuring up? If you
can decipher the text?

“A present for a friend of mine.” Jenny answered as she lifted the orb.

“ Really? What are you gonna give him?” he asked.

She looks into the Orb and it begins to glow.

“ His soul.”

Continue on...