just fic

Title: A Mother's Love
Author: Anne
Rating: NC17 Disclaimers: I wish but no ATS does not belong to me
Dedication: To all the wonderful authors that have been posting on this board- you all amaze me and make be smile (well some of you angsters make me cry- but I'm still having fun)
Spoilers: Daddy- and a borrowing heavily from all the specualation of posters as to what will happen to the 'baby'. Some of you may know that I'm not a big fan of the baby on ATS, but I will tell you- there are NO major character deaths in this- and to me until Joss makes it otherwise- Connor is a major one -
2) Birthday. I had to make some adjustments after Birthday.

Comments: This story is pretty much complete so the weirdness of RL permitting posts will come fairly frequently- Oh, it's VERY long. So, those of you that don't like long fics and I understand- be warned or just don't read. as always feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 27

Angel hated this room. It was dark. It was empty. It was quiet. He wanted noise and mess. He wanted to scold Cordelia about throwing the wet towels in the corner, he wanted her to arch her brows and take off her shirt tossing it on the floor in defiance. He wanted to grab her in his arms and have his shirt join the mess of their room.

Angel wanted the noise of Cordelia laughing, of Connor coming in arching his brows and telling them that they were weird. That parents weren’t suppose to laugh, giggle and touch so much. And then for Angel and Cordelia to turn on their son, grabbing him and tickling him, until he shouted that he was too old for such nonsense and lecture them on appropriate parent behavior.

Angel wanted to be in that dream again. Never had he been in such a place of love and happiness. It had been so much more than anything he thought or dreamt of. The talk with the Oracles had scared him. It scared them both he and Cordelia. They had spent each day afterwards to the fullest waiting for the shoe to drop, waiting for the dream to end. Days past, then weeks of playing with his son, teaching his son and watching Connor and Cordelia together. The dream just kept getting more and more real and amazing. So much more than the glimpse of the future he had when Connor was just a baby. Then he had an unspoken dream that somehow Cordelia would become Connor’s mother. He had known that she would be wonderful with Connor. But he had underestimated her. She had gone beyond mere wonderful. Cordelia was extraordinary. She was perfect in her every flaw. Connor more than just loved her, he adored her.

Connor, the baby that turned into the little person overnight. Angel would just stare at him sometimes he was so astonishing. And he loved Angel. He had accepted Angel has his father, not just the hero that Cordelia told him his father was. Of course, that was only after he learned to trust that Angel loved Cordelia as much as he did. Luckily that hadn’t taken much longer than the first few nights. God Angel wanted it all back.

Then the miraculous weeks had turned into months. Both he and Cordelia never spoke about the Oracles edict after the day at the lake. It was in the back of both of their minds, but they made another silent agreement never to comment on the length of time that the Oracles were allowing, never to talk about Angel’s leaving. The months had turned into years. The knowledge of the shoe that was poised over their heads was all but forgotten. As was a home in LA, their home was now in Mythos. How could they think any differently when they had birthdays, days at the lake, talking about nothing and everything, laughing and just living, there had been no visions, no demon’s to battle, just them and their son.

Angel remembered the day that Connor had called him Dad instead of Daddy. He brooded. Until Cordelia came sat on his lap and quirked her lips and said I told you so. Father is next, she said kissing his head. He growled, she swatted. And Connor came in and lectured at the results of the swat. Parents do not roll around on the floor.

Angel remembered grabbing Connor’s sword off the wall and rushing up to the bedroom at Cordelia’s horrified screech. He was ready to kill. But there was nothing to kill, just a distraught Cordelia in front of the mirror pulling up strains of her thick long hair.


“Gray hair!” Pulling the offending intruder from her dark hair. “I’ve got gray hair.” She threw her head on the vanity. “I’m only….Connor is…oh my god, I’m getting old soon I’ll be close to being near middle age and I’ve got a gray hair.”

Angel had been with Cordelia long enough to know that laughing would get him staked. “Honey, let me see.” He knelt down. “Cordy, I think you got the only one.” He looked again. “Yep, sure of it.”

“I’m getting old.” She whined pushing at him. “You’re using the same hair gel. Oh, god Angel, what will happen when I’m all wrinkled and skin hanging, hair falling, everything falling? You won’t love me any more. And I can hear Connor now- Hey the young good looking guy that’s my father, the old hag- mom.”

Again Angel knew not to laugh. He was very proud that he knew that. Angel started inspecting her hair strain by strain, rubbing his hands through the dark thickness that he loved. He moved down his eyes and fingertips to scrutinized her face and neck.


“Shh. I’m making a baseline.”


His hands moved to her shirt pulling it up, nudging her to lift her arms. Cordelia did, but still asked why. “Have to know.” Angel peered close to her breast, his fingertips tracing every bit of skin that they could reach.

“Angel?’ Cordelia squirmed. She was losing her concentration.

“Base line, Cordy. It’s scientific. So, just Shh. I need to check everything.” His hands moving over her stomach, grasping at her waist and laying her down on the floor. “I need to do this so I’ll know when you’re falling. How can I dump you if I don’t know? So, I’ll just be making daily, no hourly, cuz you don’t know how quickly ‘things’ can fall- checks. It’s all scientific of course.” Leaning down to kiss her.

“I’m serious.” She pouted. “I’m getting old.”

“I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see you become more beautiful than you already are.”

She smacked him. “Older! Angel.”

“Cordelia I’ve ‘known’ you since you were in high school. And now your thirty and I’ve never seen you more beautiful. Logically, that means you will just become more beautiful as the years go on.”

Cordelia scrunched her face. “There is some serious flaws in that but I like it, so…go ahead make your base line….and” Pulling his face to hers. “I better be hearing the same bullshit when I’m sixty.”

“Oh, you will and it isn’t bullshit,” Angel mouth pressed against her naked belly.

Angel had spent the next hour making his base line. He remembered watching as Cordelia laughingly went into the bathroom, her insecurity about growing old without him gone for the moment. He had gotten up and stared at the mirror, willing some physical sign of the life that he had been living. He prayed for a gray hair, a wrinkle anything to say that he was alive. The back of the room stared back. Angel resisted the urge to smash the unrelenting glass. He went into the bathroom, going to his life, going to the evidence that he was more than just a vampire.


“I thought of more tests- all completely scientific.”

“Uhuh.” Cordelia grinned moving to let Angel in the shower.


Connor just grew. Still a child, but showing the signs of the man he would become. Angel had taken to training him in the basement when he got old enough by Cordelia’s calculations. Angel had already taken over Cordelia’s sparring with Skip. He had done that the first week.

Connor would come to the basement, always sitting on the bottom step watching in awe. Cordelia had gotten very good and without Angel’s vamp strength; she was a challenge to him. They practiced the sword and hand to hand. Every day, Connor would watch still on the bottom step, only the awe slowly turned into study. And every day Angel would be proud as his son grew and watched, at least until the hand to hand with Cordelia led him to want to hold on to her longer than necessary. He would rest his hands on her waist, his hands changing their purpose at their own will. Then Cordelia would elbow, kick, shove or glare at him. Angel would have a moment of insecurity, until he remembered the presence of their son and saw the want mirrored in Cordelia’s eyes. And they would just begin to spar again.

Angel loved his son, more than life than self. But there were times that he had wished him away. Namely times like that. Or when he barged in the bedroom. The boy seemed to have a six sense on when to best interrupt. He told Cordelia. Cordelia laughed said that was ridiculous, just like it was ridiculous that Angel thought that Connor had ever threatened him. Connor idolized Angel. Well, Angel knew that that one night long ago, Connor had threatened him. It made Angel wonder if Connor’s sixth sense was some how related to the boy’s possessiveness over his mother. Cordelia laughed even harder at that theory. She said if Connor always seemed to interrupt that was just because Angel wanted to make love all of the time. Then she kissed him and made up for laughing at him. Connor had come in wondering why they were laughing and disgusted that they were kissing again. Cordelia had whacked Angel before he could tell her ‘I told you so.’” Which had led to Connor stomping out even more disgusted.

When he was ten, Cordelia allowed Connor to take his sword off the wall. Angel had known that Skip had been training him earlier. Angel argued with Skip to use a wooden sword. But the Kham-pah training was Skip’s territory, his authority given to him by the Powers. Angel couldn’t stop it, so he picked out the sword. It was small and the blade coated dulling its sharpness, it was as safe as Angel could make it. It was all Skip would allow. Angel had wanted to gut the demon with the dull blade, but he stayed and watched, eventually he took over the training, while Skip watched. Neither Skip nor Angel told Connor to lie to his mother, but the boy sensed that it wasn’t a topic that he should bring up. But, Cordelia found out when he was seven. Angel wasn’t sure whether it was her mother’s eyes or her mother’s ears that discerned the truth. That was their first fight and the worse and the one that showed Angel who Cordelia had become.

Cordelia sent Connor to Skip’s, as soon as the boy was out of the house Cordelia raged at Angel for knowing and not stopping it. For being a part of it. She yelled, switching from blaming him, to ranting about the unfairness of it all. She ordered him to do something, to fix it, to make the prophecy of the Khap-man go away and not touch their lives, to make Connor’s boyhood a normal one. That’s when Angel finally spoke, reminding her that the prophecy was their life, that’s why they were on Mythos, that is why they didn’t know how long Angel had to be them with, that’s why Angel would do what he had to make sure that Connor was trained correctly and safely while he could, that he would be apart of it. Angel knew that the flash of anger in Cordelia’s eyes at that moment was not because of the hidden training, but because Angel broke their agreement. Angel had said out loud that he would have to leave. The guarded look that he had seen when he first arrived was back in her eyes. It scared him. It had terrified him when she left the bedroom in cold silence. Cordelia shut him out. Angel sat on the bed, wishing that he could’ve done what she asked, wishing it more than anything, wishing that he had kept his mouth shut even though he knew he only said what had to be said. Angel wanted to go back to being the dense one, the one in denial, the one that said nothing, while Cordelia forced him to see the truth of things, saying the words he never wanted to hear but needed to with her blunt honesty. But on this one issue, he had done it. And in doing so he broke the agreement. Angel stayed that way for the rest of the night, sitting on the edge of the bed wondering how his dream ended when he was still in Mythos. The only thing that kept him sane was the sound of her heartbeat still in the house. He had felt so helpless. Helpless because he couldn’t fix it, and fear because Cordelia had left him alone to feel that way.

He had looked up as she walked back in the bedroom the next morning, his expression now as guarded as hers had been earlier. At some point the helplessness had turned into anger at Cordelia. She knew that he couldn’t fix it, she knew he wanted to fix it, yet she still left him, she still blamed him. Angel moved to leave, she blocked his path, her hands going to him, her eyes no longer guarded but filled with tears. Cordelia begged him to fix it, she begged for it to go away as her hands reached for him and her body pressed against his. His anger burned into rage at her tears and actions. She had left him alone and now she was back begging the impossible. Angel couldn’t listen to her; he couldn’t feel that helplessness again so he didn’t listen. He just reacted, reacted to his anger, to his need to have her. He grabbed her reaching hands pushing her back, his body covering hers, her wrists held roughly to the bed, his eyes still guarded staring into her pleading ones. Angel could ignore her words, but he couldn’t ignore her eyes. He couldn’t ignore the need in them or the love and trust that he would fix it. He released her moving away his head down. Angel couldn’t look anymore into her eyes. His anger gone, just the helplessness remained. He closed his eyes, he felt her arms encircled him, her body up against his back, her head in the crook of his neck, her tears wetting his skin, and he wanted to run from her. Angel, you can, fix it, you can make it go away. Love me. Make me feel something other than scared, please. Love me. Her lips pressed into his neck. Angel moved taking her arms and hands from him, his body once again over her. He stared into her eyes and the sad smile on her face. He so wanted to make the Powers allow them to live their dream. He wanted his son to always be safe. He wanted to do it for himself but mainly to take the sadness and fear away for Cordelia. Angel wanted to more than just momentarily take away her fear. She held his face, caressing his cool skin. Loving me is enough Angel. She cupped his head and brought their lips together. And Angel loved her has completely and thoroughly as he knew how. Afterwards, she leaned up, her body still covering his, wiggling her hips closer not allowing him to withdraw. She cupped his face. The tears were back, Angel wasn’t sure if they had ever left. I’m sorry, that I wasted what time we had, I’m so sorry. I need you so much. I got scared. But, I promise I won’t do it again. I’ll never leave you alone again. He had brushed her hair, twisting it in his fist bringing her back to his lips, their hips starting to move again as their need was renewed.

Angel knew that Cordelia could no longer make that promise, but he also knew that she meant it. Later, when she was curled up beside him, she whispered into his chest that she wouldn’t try to stop the training, but that Angel had to be there every time the boy picked up a weapon and it would not happen in their house, not until she said so. Angel pulled her in tighter nodding his agreement. He remembered watching her as she fell asleep. Wondering where the young woman that she once been had gone. This Cordelia was as strong, as loving, as smart, as beautiful, as independent, as the other one, but where the other tried to keep her pain to herself for as long she could, trying to deal with it on her own, suffering in silence, this one needed him to share it, to make it better. Holding her that morning after was when he realized that it wasn’t just the fear of a small child training with real weapons that caused her anger, its was the prophecy, it was the fear and pain of knowing that Angel would have to leave her, the fear and pain of knowing that one day Connor would also leave her to fight for Powers. She hadn’t been asking him to fix the impossible situation, but to fix the pain to make it better, to give her the strength to face those days when they came. Angel had needed the other Cordelia to give him hope, to link him to his humanity and that Cordelia had needed for him to let her give those things to him, that Cordelia needed Angel to let her help him deal with his pain his guilt. This Cordelia need Angel for so much more, she needed him to help her with her pain. She needed him to give her hope. This Cordelia let him in completely. It had scared Angel for Cordelia to need him that much, he had been able to disappoint the other Cordelia the one that needed so much less from him, it would be so much easier to hurt this Cordelia. He had been a basket case when he had seen the look of disappointment in the other Cordelia’s eyes, it would kill him to see it in this one’s. Because like before, he still needed her more than she needed him. Angel knew that would never change. He knew that when she woke up and saw him staring, she smiled a real smile and curled over him, bringing her warmth all around his cold dead body. Warm enough now, broody boy she asked. She smiled again at his answering smile. Good, I meant it, I won’t leave you alone again, we’ll find away. We will. Her sleepy voice warming his chest even more.

And Cordelia hadn’t fought Angel about the sword again, but it didn’t stop her from yelling at every other increasingly dangerous addition to their son’s training. She still raged, she still ordered him to do something, to fix it. But never had she left him again and Angel would fix what he could and hold her and love her for the things he couldn’t.


And not all of their fights centered on the Prophecy or Connor’s training. Angel remembered the night he and Skip went out after a training session. One drink became two, two became three, three had become four, four had become five and so on; it had become a matter of pride for Angel to drink the big demon under the table. Angel hadn’t completely gotten over the fact that Connor and Cordelia had relied on the demon when Angel hadn’t been there and without his vampire strength he couldn’t do the stupid juvenile macho challenge and have a brawl with the demon, so Angel settled for the just as stupid juvenile macho drinking contest. Of course, Angel hadn’t thought of it has stupid, juvenile or macho. That’s what Cordelia had yelled over and over again as she stomped around the bedroom. He tried to explain that he had won. But she hadn’t been impressed, that seemed to make her even madder. Then again, it could have been the closet door he broke and her clothes that he ruined. Angel tried to explain that it was Skip’s fault. The big demon had given him a key to get home. Obviously, the demon had been a sore loser because; he lied to Angel about how to use it. Skip said just think about home and throw it. Cordy had just stood with her hands on her hip, her brow cocked towards the closet that Angel had fallen out of. Angel did think about home, then he thought about Cordy in the bedroom, then he thought about pajamas, then he thought that it wasn’t fair that Cordy made him wear pajamas when he didn’t want to, didn’t it think was fair that she wore pajamas when he didn’t want to her or clothes for that matter. That’s when he ended up the closet. It hadn’t been his fault Skip hadn’t told him how to use the key right. And it was hers for wearing pajamas and for having so many shoes and clothes. Angel wouldn’t have broken the door if her clothes hadn’t tried to smother him and when he tried to get away her shoes tripped him that’s when he fell on the door breaking it. Cordelia had stopped yelling and stared. She bent down to pick up the ripped blouse from his hand. She nodded. Angel smiled. He thought she understood. But she hadn’t she just asked him if he killed any other of her clothes when they so viciously tried to attack him. That’s when Angel tried to explain about the contest and that he won. It hadn’t helped.

That’s just when the real yelling began. And when she stormed out of the bedroom. Angel had run after, actually stumbling after, yelling or rather slurring that she promised not leave him. She had turned on him, rolling her eyes and went into the kitchen. He had followed still shouting. Cordelia turned to him slamming a bottle of ale on the table. I’m not leaving you, dumbass. I’m getting drunk. I refuse to deal with you being all drunk and stupid, sober. Angel had tried to defend both his sobriety and intelligence. Cordelia cocked a brow. Really, she glared; so you think that my clothes and shoes have it in for you, do you? And you noticed that your son isn’t home tonight and you notice that I am wearing absolutely nothing under my robe? She flashed him. Angel fell on the floor. And I had such plans for you tonight, dumbass, she tied her robe, but no you had to go be all stupid, she poked him on the chest pushing him back down, juvenile, she poked him again. Angel tried to grab the sash of her robe and pull it open, but missed. That’s when he knew that maybe he was a little drunk. He slumped back on the floor. Hmmph, she grabbed the bottle and headed back up to the bedroom. Angel struggled up to the refrigerator and grabbed several containers of blood, he tried to remember how many drinks he actually had but it was kind of fuzzy, so he just grabbed some more. Angel didn’t remember every having so much blood at one time when he wasn’t severely injured or Angelus. He shrugged. It took less than thirty minutes for him to be almost completely sober or so he had thought. Angel ran up to the bedroom too plead with Cordelia to show him what her plans had been. It was after she screamed, checked his chest and face for injuries and finding none, threw him in the shower, that Angel realized that maybe he should have waited a little longer to be completely sober, because then maybe he would realized that most of the blood he had drunk ended up on his face and shirt. After about an hour of banging and yelling to be let out of bathroom, he decided he would just kick the door in. Of course, that had to be when Cordelia decided to open the door. He actually managed not to kick her, falling on his ass instead and banging his head against the tub. After making sure that he hadn’t cut his head or anything, she spent the next 20 minutes yelling at him for trying to break the door down. She didn’t seem to care that he hadn’t actually done it. And it had been her fault anyway for locking him in. What mean person locks a wet naked person in a bathroom? Cordelia hadn’t said anything she just went to the bathroom door and slid it back and forth. Angel had no idea what she was doing. That’s when she told him quite loudly that the bathroom door didn’t have any locks. That it never had any locks. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that he didn’t believe her. Because then she had his face up to the door, asking him where he thought the lock was. At that point Angel gave up and just slumped down against the wall and watched Cordelia pace back and forth glaring and yelling. He must of fell asleep or something because he hadn’t noticed that she stopped yelling until a pillow smacked him in the face. He blinked and looked nervously up at Cordelia, he couldn’t have done anymore, he hadn’t moved, unless he had fallen asleep while she was yelling at him, that would probably make her yell some more. He shrugged hoping that she would let him know soon what he did. But all she said was well. He tried to think, but he had no clue. So he shrugged. She rolled her eyes and took a deep sigh untying her rope and throwing it at him. Well? Angel pulled the rope from his face. She was still there, still rolling her eyes, but she was nude. The problem was he wasn’t at all sure what that meant anymore, his head still ached. And he had messed up so much that night if he made a move towards the beautiful woman and kissed her he would probably be wrong and get yelled at. Angel didn’t what to take the chance and decided to sit right there and just look. Looking was good. Cordelia was very fun to look at. Except now she was frowning. He closed his eyes and waited for the yelling. Come on dork, she grabbed his hand. He looked up. Do you want to make love or not. Okay, Angel knew this. He jumped up pushing her to the bed landing on top of her or that was what he meant to do. He blamed it on the tub, Cordelia blamed it on the liquor, either way he misjudged and didn’t quite make the bed, rather he hit the edge and both he and Cordelia landed on the floor. She stared down from her position half on him half off. Angel waited. He had to admit he was very surprised at what happened next. She laughed. She kissed him. Angel took that as promising so he tried to pick her up. She pushed him back down, kissing again. She said she didn’t trust him to get on his feet anymore tonight. They would just have to stay there. She asked though if he could be trusted to the necessary actions or would she have to all the work. Angel told her that she better do it. She laughed kissing him once on the lips and then left them to concentrate on the rest of his body. Angel didn’t know though whether that should be classified as a real argument, looking back on it- it had been fun.

All of it had been wonderful, the fights and fears hadn’t changed that. It had been life. It had been Angel’s home.

Angel remembered the last day, today. Connor had turned twelve only a week earlier. The day started normally enough, Cordelia was wrapped around him. Angel was nuzzled into her chest, their legs, and arms, not separated by an inch. Connor yelled for them to get up. Angelus bounded into the room to make sure that they did. Angel like he had for the last three years wished it was their son and not a big slobbery cat that jumped in the middle of the bed. But somewhere probably around the time Connor started to call him dad, Angelus was the only one that still wanted to sleep with them or come into the bedroom to wake them. Angel had tried to get Cordelia to retract the pajama rule, when it became obvious that Angelus would be the only one that would see them naked. But she wouldn’t, she said Connor might still have a bad dream or something. Angel wasn’t sure if she really believed that or if she was just reluctant to admit that Connor was growing up. Whichever, Angel had accepted her refusal with only a small whine. After all, he had managed over the years to get Cordelia to relax the rule a bit. They would go to bed in pajamas and wake up in them in the morning, but the time in between was just flesh on flesh.
And taking off Cordelia’s clothes was always fun.

They had breakfast. Angel made omelets. Cordelia pouted as she did every morning that they told her not to cook. Angel sipped his blood as they ate around him. The blood was no longer hidden, at some point it had just seemed silly. He was a vampire. Connor knew it. He even told Angel that he remembered the game face from being a baby. Angel doubted it since he had been only three weeks old, but he loved Connor for saying it.

Angel and Cordelia went to the basement to spar. They had been engaged in the swordplay more than a few minutes when Angel sensed something missing. He looked to the steps. No Connor. It was the first time that he remembered that Connor hadn’t been there, even though he was training with the sword, he had always come and watched his parents. Angel stumbled. Cordelia shrugged and gave a wistful smile, one that both said I hate it too and our boy is growing up- we are no longer the center of his universe. Angel had been distracted, his hand moving in rote. Cordelia captured it, holding it to her waist. He glanced puzzled. “No Connor, there has to be some benefits.” She cocked an eyebrow. Angel loved that eyebrow and the other one and the eyes underneath, the nose and the mouth, god the mouth. Angel kicked out, bringing Cordelia to the floor rolling her on top. “You weren’t paying attention.”

He got the other raised eyebrow. “Hmmph. Are you sure about that?” Angel felt rather than saw her hand slid up between his thighs, pressing caressing moving further up, cupping him, squeezing gently. “I was thinking of adding this to my routine, think the bad guys would appreciate it?”

“You need to stick to staying with the bad guys, and continuing that with only me, only me.”

“Yes, grr guy.” She laughed as he flipped her on her back.

“Do we even now where Connor is?”

Cordelia pulled him closer to her lips. “With Bob. He told me they were going to hang out today. Which probably means they’re going to do something we don’t want to know about. Probably the Corridor.”

“You’re taking that thought very calmly.” Angel said brushing a strain of hair out of her face. Even the slightest mention of Connor attempting the Corridor without Angel or Cordelia brought Cordelia to rage.

Cordelia leaned her back on the floor and sighed. “Not really, but you’re right. I can’t protect him forever nor can I stop his destiny and fighting. If he’s going to be the Khap-man then he needs to know what Skip and you are teaching him, whether I like it or not.”

Angel twirled a dark strain of hair between his fingers. He placed a kiss on her forehead. “I don’t like it, either.”

“I know.” She leaned back up and bringing her lips to his, her hands moving slowly under his shirt.

Angel lifted his head. “Not that I’m complaining, but he could come back.”

Cordelia smiled. “I’m sure that we’ll have time.” She pulled his head back.

Angel lifted his head again. “In that case, we’re going to the bed.” Angel quickly stood picking up Cordelia in his arms.

Angel remembered it all. He wished he could get sick, get rid of the bile in his throat the nausea in his stomach. He knew it wasn’t real. He was a vampire. But god the pain felt real. He remembered carrying Cordelia up the stairs, trying to take advantage of her mood to convince her to retract the pajama rule. Cordelia laughed and said maybe, her eyes twinkling as her lips went to the skin under his chin. Angel took the steps two at a time happy, finally he knew he had won. He had just known that it was going to be a great day. That was until he saw Skip standing at the top of the stairs. The demon looked at both of them and said only two words that destroyed the dream. “It’s time.”

Chapter 28

Angel woke up cold. He reached out for the body that had warmed him for the last eight years. Nothing. He opened his eyes. He quickly closed them. He pushed at the book that was still in his arms.

He sat up and looked in it. It wasn’t a dream, it had been real, it just was now gone. He wanted to fling the book across the room.

“Angel. Don’t, please. If that is album of Cordy and Connor please don’t.”

“Please, I want to see it, please.”

“Man, come on.”

Angel turned. Wesley, Fred and Gunn were huddled in the doorway. They wouldn’t enter but they were there. And their eyes weren’t on him but on the album he had been ready to throw.

The rage was there but so was Cordy’s voice. It was yelling, let them see the damn book. ‘You swore to me that you wouldn’t brood that you wouldn’t shut Wesley and the rest out. You swore to me that we would find away. You promised.’

Angel dropped his hand. He held the book out. How did he know that Wesley would be the one that would enter and take it? “Wes.” Angel kept his grip. “We have to find a way, please.”

Wesley really wished that his one hand wasn’t on the album or that the other one was being held by Angel’s very tight grip, because his glasses needed a good shining.

“We will.”

Angel nodded at his friend’s words, taking them for a vow just like they were meant to be.


“Oh look,” Fred squealed. She pointed to a picture of Cordelia and Connor. “Look, Look aww.” Tears started to fall.

“Fred, dear, that’s the first picture, if you want we can do this later.” Wesley’s voice was calm, but his eyes were sparkling. He hadn’t felt so energized in such a very long time. Cordelia and Connor weren’t with them, but they were alive and they looked happy. It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t the solution he wanted, but it was so much better than the not knowing.

Fred’s tear filled eyes glared true danger. “Move this book and you die. Awww.” She pointed to the next picture.

The awws, and ooh, and ‘ what the hell is that’ sounded through the lobby.

“What kind of animal is that? It looks mean, but Connor’s riding it.”

“That’s Angelus.” Angel stepped up.

“Uh.” Everyone stared, surprised by the vampire’s sudden appearance and about the mention of Angel’s soulless demon.

“He’s a Truxcat. Cordy got him for Connor when they first arrived. She said it reminded her of Angelus.”

“Can see the resemblance.” Gunn pointed to the large fangs protruding from the cat’s jaws. “Should the kid…”

“He’s just a big baby, purring and slobbering over everything. Angelus loves sweet cakes. Use to give them to him when he chewed on Barney.”

“Okay, can’t see it.” Gunn just stared at the expression on Angel’s face.

“Barney was a toy?” Wesley asked.

“Nay, a Fragornis demon, he used to like to smell Cordy. Angelus didn’t like him.” Angel smiled at an obvious pleasing memory.

“Okay, back to seeing it.” Gunn said.

“Angel, if you want it back.” Wesley went to shut the book. Wesley didn’t want to push their luck, this was the first time in three days that Angel had come downstairs or let the book out of his possession. Angel stopped the action taking the book and opened it up to the first page. “This was when Cordy and Connor first got to Mythos. He wasn’t even scared. And this was his first party. Oh wait. Here look at this….This was the sword he got on his fifth birthday. It’s on the wall because Cordy wouldn’t let him touch it. The wall was my idea. She wanted to throw it in the slime pit. She said I did good.”

Wesley just stared. Angel was smiling. Fred and Gunn were crowding around him, pointing and laughing. Wesley began to really feel that things would be okay. He thought that he just might attack that new book he got on dimensions. But first things first. He shoved Gunn to the side and moved in closer to see. Fred slapped at Wesley as he knocked into her as Gunn shoved back.

“Stop it. I'm trying to see.” She glared at both men.

“It was him,” Wesley pointed to the black man.

“Was not.” Mumbling at Fred’s glare. Both men squeezed into get a better look.

Angel had continued to talk, obvious to the fierce whispers and movement around him.” Oh wait..This was his seventh birthday, see. Look at Cordelia- I took this when she wasn’t looking- the guy got the dessert wrong, see she’s yelling at him. Have you ever seen a Tempuside demon so scared?”

“Angel, you’re fishing.” Gunn pointed. “Look, Angel’s fishing.”

“Move. I can’t see.” Wesley knocked away Gunn’s hand so he could see. “Angel, you’re fishing.” Wesley blinked up at the vampire.

“That’s what I said.” This time, Fred smacked Gunn’s hand as it went back to picture.

Angel smiled. “Connor likes to fish. Wait.” Angel turned the page. “I got that, see it’s bigger than Skip’s.” Everyone leaned and shook their heads. It was very strange seeing two powerful demons sporting goofy grins and fishing poles holding up very weird and ugly fish. Actually, it was weird enough seeing Angel just grinning. “Angel, the hat? Man, what’s up with that?” Angel looked down at the fishing hat covered in colorful lures that he was wearing in the picture. “Connor gave it to me for father’s day, nothings wrong with it.”

“Of course not, Angel. Charles doesn’t have any taste. It’s a lovely hat.” Fred scowled at the black man.

“Look, how big he is.” Angel was now pointing to a picture of Connor. “You should see him with Cordy. He adores her. Doesn’t he look like her?” Jumping from one picture of Connor and Cordelia to another.

Fred looked and he really did. Not physically, but in the expressions captured in the pictures. Every expression that she saw on Connor she had first seen on Cordelia. Except…Fred looked again. Except the expression of knowing that you are loved and loved in return. She hadn’t seen that on Cordelia before, because Angel and Cordelia had been idiots, denying the Kyerumption, but in these pictures all three of them had that look- god it made her want to cry. Okay, she was crying.

“Angel, so they are all right.”

“Cordy is well, Cordy.”

Wesley, Fred and Gunn smiled, and then their eyes widened in surprise, as the vampire didn’t stop there. “She’s wonderful, beautiful, smart, strong, she’s…” His voice trailed to stop.

“And Connor.” Wesley hurriedly asked trying to stall the darkness that was descending over the vampire. The ex-watcher sighed when it seemed to work.

“Connor?” Angel smiled. “He’s twelve, smart, smarter than must adults I know, he’s just….He’s my son.”

“Twelve?” Fred looked back at the pictures. “No. I figured out the time differences from when Cordelia and Connor first left, it wasn’t that hard he should only be eight.”

Angel looked at her. “How long was I gone?”

“Two weeks.”

“Two weeks?” Angel picked up the book. “It was a lifetime. Wes, what’s going on? When Cordy and I first got back, it was six hours here, but Connor had his birthday, five months had past in Mythos. How fast is it going? Stop it.”

Wesley was truly clueless. “Fred?”

“I’ll start working on the math, that should give us the rules. There’s always rules.”

Chapter 29

A week and nothing, except that Lorne had a vision a vision without a message from Cordelia. Angel had gone ballistic. Something was wrong. But there was nothing he could do. Angel cringed. Only one vision, for that at least he was grateful. It had been two weeks and according to the calculations that Fred did that meant Cordelia had at least a couple years without having one.

Angel didn’t know what to do. When they weren’t working on a case they were working to figure out exactly what type of dimension Mythos was, but so far nothing.

Angel was going crazy. Cordelia and Connor’s years were passing and he wasn’t a part of it. He wanted Lorne to have another vision, just to reassure him that Cordelia was still alive, but a vision meant she was closer to death, even on Mythos. He hated this. He was going to explode. He forced himself back in the leather chair. He opened the photo album; it always made him feel better, even though afterwards he wanted to kill something. Angel brushed the pictures.


“Is he asleep?”

“I doubt it.”


“Fred?” The young woman never cursed.

“I want to see the pictures again. He won’t let them go. I want to see them, again. I’m family. Connor calls me Aunt Fred. I’m Cordy’s friend. I want to see them again. I want….” She looked up as Wesley shoved an envelope in front of her.

“I made copies, when he was really sleeping, finally.”

“Oooh.” Kissing Wesley smack on the lips. “Whoops, sorry.” Fred giggled and grabbed at the pictures.

Gunn rolled his eyes and then turned to Fred. “Gimme. Look at that, they took a picture of him playing with my game. Angel said Connor plays like me. I’m Uncle Gunn, to you’ll.”

“Well, I’m Uncle Wesley and look, he got first prize at the science fair.” Holding the picture of Connor and his ant farm. “Brains, he gets from me.”

“Wesley, he wrote me a forty page story in mathematics.”

“You haven’t seen that.”

“He did.”

“You don’t know that,”

“He did. Angel said. It was a story about them and the Corridor- I don’t know what that is, but he did too.”

“Yeah. He liked my game, see.” Gunn held up the picture.

“I’m sure that he took great knowledge from what I wrote him.

“Like he could understand all big way out there words.” Gunn grinned.

Wesley scowled.

“Children.” Lorne grabbed the pictures. “Look at the Celestic harp, it’s bigger than cutie pie. His parents don’t have lick of music in them, but this kid. It must have been my singing to him when he was a baby.”

“Right.” Gunn rolled his eyes and grabbed the pictures back, only to have them snatched by Fred. “These are mine.”

“Actually, Fred, I got them for all of us. And I got them. Faced Angel. So, if they’re anybody’s they’re mine.” Wesley took them back.

“Angel was asleep that doesn’t count.” Fred took them again.

The young man stared and listened, then looked around the hotel. This had been her life, her family. This had supposed to have been his. Connor shook his head. He didn’t have time for what could have beens, not now. “Excuse me.”

Everyone jumped. Wesley and Gunn’s hands went discretely to nearby weapons. They no longer waved them at unexpected guest; they had lost some clients that way. And even though Holtz wasn’t a threat anymore and no slick evil lawyers had dropped by in awhile, they could never be sure who or what could walk through the door, so they kept the weapons near by.

“What do you want? Who are you?” Gun and Wesley studied the sandy haired man.

“I need my father. Where he is?”

“Um…your dad, is he missing, possibly a demon kidnapped him?” Wesley pushed at his glasses, pushing his axe behind him.

“Or a vamp got him?” Gunn shoved at his own weapon, moving it out of sight.

“My father, Angel where is he?”

“Oh shit.” Gunn stumbled back

“You're mighty tall and big for a 16 year old.” Fred quoting the age that they figured out that Connor must be.

“That’s because I’m 21. Angel?”

“Ang… Oh, Angel. There you are. There is someone to see you.” Fred, Gunn, Wesley, stepped back.


Angel was sitting in the office looking at the pictures again. Remembering. He could almost feel them. Smell them. He concentrated. One scent was stronger, but the other was there in its midst. It wasn’t a memory. Angel ran out of the room. Only to stop at his friends shocked looks and the tall, strong young man that was standing in front of them.

Angel stared. The hair was not blonde but not really brown. The skin fair, the face was familiar. The eyes were brown. “Connor?” Angel smelled to confirm.

The young man nodded.

Angel sniffed again; he looked at the grown man. Angel stumbled back. He was more than confused. But one thought managed to come through, one that made him growl. “Where’s Cordy?”

“You have to go to Mythos. She won’t leave Skip. I can’t protect her, you have to go.” The young man glared, almost daring Angel to say no.

Angel stared at the young man. This wasn’t Connor, the boy that loved Angel, the boy that trusted that Angel loved his mother and would protect her. The boy whose expressions flew across his face, letting everyone know what he was thinking and feeling. This young man’s eyes were guarded, closed off, but they hadn’t been when Angel first saw him, they had only become that way when Connor had turned towards him.

“You have to go NOW.”

Angel swallowed his growl at the young man’s tone. He would deal with it later. “You can get me there?”

“You’ll go, then.”

This time Angel did growl. “Connor, I don’t know what your problem is but if Cordy needs me and you can get me there, you’re wasting time.”

Connor’s glare faltered at Angel’s angry response. He nodded. “I..You’re right.”
Angel acknowledged Connor’s nod and started to the weapons cabinet.

Wesley stepped up blocking the vampire’s path. “How do we know your Connor, Connor last we knew was three weeks old, or twelve. You aren’t either. And just what kind of danger is Cordelia in?”

“Yeah, Connor’s only sixteen.” Fred turned her laptop towards everyone. The screen displayed an equation. “See.” She pointed. “16, not 21. 16”

“Kitten, not now.” Lorne gently shut the laptop.

Wesley took another step this time back. The dark vampire and the sandy-haired young man both glared. Wesley assumed that the growl just came from Angel, but he wasn’t really sure. “Yes, well, Connor, the danger?” Definitely, father and son, the resemblance was a bit scary.

Connor looked straight at Angel answering Wesley’s question. “The 7th hell is breaking down, Mortnublis has found a way.”

“It’s at Mythos? ”

“No. It’s not Mortnublis that is the danger to mother right now. Its growth in strength as weakened all of the ‘prisons’. Mythos is now under siege by every evil that is incarnated there. But, Mom won’t leave. She’s staying and fighting with Skip. But it’s just them. You have to go. I can’t stay there. You have to go and protect her.” The anger and resentment was still present in the young’s man tone but there was also an edge of panic. For the first time since Connor had looked at him, Angel saw his son. The little boy who had begged him and threatened him to love his mother and the one that relented- allowing and trusting Angel to also be her protector.


The man stopped glaring. It was the parent voice. Connor didn’t even stop to figure out why it still could affect him.


“We’re wasting time.” Angel stopped at the weapons cabin and looked back. “The key has never let me take weapons or my strength.”

“Not a problem. So you will go?” He asked again, the earlier look was back in the man’s eyes. Angel had thought all of Connor’s trust issues had been taken care of. Angel looked at his son, but that had been over nine years ago in Connor’s life. Angel had been out of Connor and Cordelia's lives longer than he had been in them. Angel’s guessed Connor’s doubts could be justified as well as his anger but still they were a waste of time. “Connor.” His tone clearly expressed that thought.

“Of course.” The look of relief on his face scared Angel. “Connor, exactly what is happening?”

“I told you the prison is breaking down.”

“Skip’s guards, the corridor.”

“No help. Never were. Dad, we have to go.” Connor had lost most of its anger at Angel, once the vampire had confirmed that he would go.

Wesley grabbed up some weapons throwing them in a bag.

Connor stopped. “I can ask him.” Pointing to the vampire. “ But, I can’t ask you.”

“Then don’t. Angel, whenever you are ready.”

“Not without me.” Gunn grabbed the battle-axe.

Fred ran up grabbing a weapon.

“NO, Fred,” Wesley and Gunn yelled.

“I’m not being left alone to worry, I’m not.”

“I guess that means I’m going too, then,” Lorne walked up. “It’s me and you kitten while the brave manly men fight whatever the hell is going on.”

He held out his hand to Wesley. The ex-watcher nodded and shoved the bag into the demon’s hand, and then turned back into the weapon’s cabinet.

Connor looked at the group. “You don’t understand, even if you win I might not be able to get you back. He.” Pointing to Angel. “I have to ask, I have to for mom, but..” Connor stopped at the resolute expressions that faced him. Now he understood why his mother would get such a sad expression of longing when she talked about them. They were brave and they were her family. He nodded, no longer bothering to argue with their decision.

Angel hadn’t even bothered to question that Wesley and the rest wanted to go. It hadn’t surprised him. He wouldn’t have asked them, but he wouldn’t tell them not to go. And it no longer bothered him why Connor was angry. The little boy that had let Angel be Cordelia’s protector had obviously not given up his role as his mother’s primary protector and was resentful that Angel would be the one now to protect her. Angel couldn’t worry about that or the danger his friends were going into, because what his son never realized was that Angel was Cordelia’s first protector and really the only one Angel would allow.

“So, you have the key, we’ve been searching…” Wesley tucked his favorite dagger into his jacket and picked up an axe.

“I’m the key, “ Connor said as a bright light flashed and they all fell into a black hole.

Chapter 30

“That was wild.” Gunn got up making sure that his legs, arms and weapons were still all present and accounted for.

“He shouldn’t be 21.” Fred grumbled as she picked herself up from the ground.
“The math, it’s never wrong, there are rules…He shouldn’t be 21. And where are we?”

“Mythos, the prison, I presume, it has all the right décor.” Lorne cringed as he looked at the dark room that they landed in.

“Fred, dear, I don’t think this is the time.”

Fred had started grumbling again about the screwed up math. Wesley stopped his comment and looked off to the sound of a battle coming from the next chamber. He quickly followed where Connor and Angel had already gone.

“The party does seem to be that way.” Gunn ran.


“Mother.” “Cordy.” Both Connor and Angel yelled at the same time.

“Duck.” Wesley added more helpfully coming up from behind. He could barely make out Cordelia’s features the room was so dark. But he did see the Ajax demon.

Cordelia started at the voices, but followed the last instruction without stopping. She dropped and rolled as an Ajax demon's leap changed to a death fall. She looked at the two swords protruding from the demon’s skull.

She got up her sword still in hand. “Connor?” She started forward, and then stopped. And moved back. “…Angel…, Wesley, Gunn AND Fred and Lorne?” She took a step further away from them.

We missed you.” Gunn said as he swiped his axe at an approaching demon. “What was that?” He said at the multi-appendage, now headless thing on the floor.

“Otocupiadic” Wesley said as he pulled his axe from its back.

“Who comes up with these names? Is this is it?” Gunn looked around for more demons.

“No. There’s one more.” Cordelia said never moving closer.

“Oh, that’s not bad. Do we know where it is?”

Cordelia shook her head. “And there are at least fifty other species imprisoned here, so…

“So, a lot of demons, then?”

Again, Cordelia nodded.

Angel moved towards Cordelia. “Cordy?” Cordelia stumbled back in the shadows as Angel made a move towards her.

“Cordy?” Angel stopped, staring at her through the dim light, finding her scent in the air. She was scared and mad. He moved. And she moved further away. Angel stilled, he sensed she wasn't just; she was on the brink of fleeing. He knew the scent, Angelus had smelled it daily from his victims, and Angel had smelled many times during his souled years, he just never smelled it radiating from Cordelia, not because of him. Angel turned quickly to his son. He wanted answers now. And Cordelia wasn’t answering him.

Connor barely looked at Angel as he ran to Cordelia. She didn’t move away, but she didn’t move forward.

“Mom, are you all right? Mom. I brought Angel; he’ll protect you while I’m gone. Mom. Please, I’m sorry. Mom.”

Angel saw Cordelia turn and look at him. He moved closer. He took another step when she didn’t move away.

“Mom.” Cordelia turned towards Connor.

“Go. Be careful.”

“Mom, please. I love you.” The young man was begging.

Angel stopped he didn’t understand Cordelia’s hesitation towards Connor. His sudden growth in years couldn’t be a shock to her. But she just stared. Her body slumped slightly and then she reached out and hugged Connor tightly. “I’m sorry, honey. I love you. You go. Be careful. I’ll be fine. Angel’s here. We’ll both be okay, I promise, just come back.” She leaned up and kissed him on his cheek.

Cordelia stood still and watched Connor go get the sword from the Ajax’s skull and hurry to Angel.


“I have to go, protect her, please.” Connor shimmered out of the prison.

“Okay, where did Jr. go and shouldn’t we be moving or something.” Gunn looked around. “Or was the plan just to wait…Okay, no body that knows what the hell is going on speak all at once, cuz the one’s that know aren’t being damn helpful. Cordy, do we stay or do we go? Are we waiting for them?”

Gunn’s angry statement seemed to shake something loose in Cordelia. She started walking forward. “Skip is trying to reactivate the doors and trying to will demons back into the fire cells but there are too many of them. Another alarm sounded, he went to check and I stayed here and.” She waved around to the several demons on the ground. “Then you all came. You came.” She moved her gaze on Angel.

“Cordy, where did Connor go?” Angel’s voice reflected both relief and concern. Concern for his son and relief that whatever fear had made her want to run from him was no longer present. She was still scared and mad. But she wasn’t going to run. “Cordy?” His eyes traveled up and down her face and body, as she got closer. His eyes shot up to most obvious difference first. “Why did you cut your hair? What did you do to you the color? Why?”

Cordy stalled, her hand shot up to brush at her bangs. She scrunched up her face and stared at Angel. “Cordy?”

Angel’s question stopped everyone else’s questions and changed them.

“Did the fashion oblivious lug just ask Cordy about her hair in the middle of what I assume is a very dire unpleasant situation?”

“Yeah and I think he was whining.” Gunn said in response to Lorne.

“Why is Cordy acting so funny, like she’s scared of us or something?” Fred said.

Cordy took a deep breath at her friends statements and moved forward even quicker going to Angel, “Connor doesn’t need a key to transport between dimension, it’s his legacy, prophecy, whatever, just like it’s his prophecy for him to fight the Mortnublis. He was born to wake it up then to kill it, does that make any sense?” Her tone rising. She shook her head, taking another deep breath. “Well, this is his beginning. Connor’s gone to the 7th Hell to fight the Mortnublis and what ever else evil that is there-alone.”

”Actually, I think it’s that vamp that’s acting all funny now.” Gunn and the rest looked.

Angel was just staring at Cordelia, his hand reached up to touch the short highlighted strain of hair. His fingers went to her face. Cordelia moved back away from his touch just as a loud wail vibrated through the chamber.

“Damn, the demon’s have broken through the 4th level. Come on.”

Angel grabbed her arm before she could take off.


“Angel, we’ve to go.” She pulled away and started running.

Chapter 31

Skip skidded to a halt as Cordelia approached. Angel was beside her. “That damn boy, he wasted precious time.”

“Don’t bitch. They’re here to help and he went. What happened?” Cordelia glared. Angel glanced down at Cordelia. He had never heard her so angry at the big demon, even after Skip had given Connor the sword.

Skip bristled at her tone, but answered simply. “The integrity of the 4th seal was broken. A Baxious and Ingator have escaped.”

“Escaped as in really escaped?”

“Can’t worry about it now. We have to stop the rest. You should have gone when Connor told you to.” Skip’s voice was beginning to betray his own anger.

“Don’t even go there.” Her tone rising. She took a deep breath, lowering her voice. “What do we do?”

“Split up.” Skip shook his head at Cordelia and looked over the rest of the group that joined him. He shook his large head again. “Idiots, brave idiots all of them. The Baxious and the Ingator had the ability to bypass the seals once the fire cell broke apart; most of the rest of the demons have to make it to the ground level before they can get the strength to actually escape. I suggest that you’ll split up along the seals and kill everything that tries to get through.”

“Skip?” Cordelia grabbed at his arm. “Most?”

“The demons on the 9th level also have that capability so…”

Cordelia scrunched up her face. “Angel, you need to go with Skip.”

“I’m not leaving you.” His eyes traveled up and down her face, his hands going back to her hair.

Cordelia knocked his hand away. “Angel, if the demons escape they really escape. There is no Corridor.”

Angel grabbed her, holding her with one hand, his fingers tracing the skin on her face, moving to pick up a highlighted strain of short hair, his hands and eyes back moving down her body.

“Angel, not now.” She pushed.

Angel kept a hold of her. “What happened to you? You’re….”

“Not now.” She jerked away, brushing at her bangs and moved further away from the vampire. And repeated her earlier statement. “There is no Corridor.”

Angel questioned the bitterness in her eyes, just like he was questioning everything about her appearance. “So, we’ll get them in Mythos. The town must have some precautions in place for a prison breakout. Cordy, what?” His hand reaching for her again.

“Does the vamp seem way to preoccupied with the touchy feely thing?” Gunn said.

“I think he might be more interested in why the Princess looks so scrumptiously well-preserved for a 41 year old. Love to know the secret.”


“She was a delectable 20 when she left, cutie pie is 21 one would assume that they’ve been growing old together.”

The new comers shot another look at Cordelia. Lorne was right. Cordelia didn’t look 41; she didn’t even look the same as when she came to fight the Mortnublis two weeks ago, when Connor was four. Or in the majority of the pictures that Angel had shown them when Connor was 8, 10, and 12. They hadn’t noticed because they expected to see Cordelia and they had -they had seen her as they best remembered her-, as she was when she first left- when she was twenty. The way she looked now.

“This places has no rules.” Fred said disgustedly, finally acknowledging that she would never figure out the time equation.

“STOP STARING.” Cordelia brushed angrily at her bangs.


“NOT NOW.” She turned away from the vampire.

“Angel,” Skip grabbed at the vampire who was once more going towards Cordelia. “The Princess is right, we don’t have the time. This is Mythos. This is all there ever was. If the demons leave these walls, they have a free pass to every other dimension, peaceful or hell.”

“I don’t understand. Cordy?”

Cordelia wouldn’t turn she stood smacking her sword at the ground.

“Angel’s she’s pissed, let it alone for now- I told you to leave. You would’ve never known if you had just left.” Skip shot to the woman.

“The HELL, I wouldn’t,” Cordelia turned pulling at her hair. “And like, I was going to leave you alone. So JUST SHUT UP.”

“Guys are we fighting or what.” Gunn said. “I mean demons, I mean the bad ones.”

“Fighting. Angel, go with Skip. You’ll come with me.” Cordelia turned, and then stopped suddenly, going quickly to Angel. “You were there, right?”

“Cordy?” Trying to touch her again.

She knocked his hand away. “You were there in…” Cordelia clenched her jaw unable to finish.

“Princess.” Skip urged.

“SHUT UP, you lying green jerk…” Cordelia shook her head and turned back to Angel. “You were there with me and Connor, it was real for you, right?” This time she let him touch her, his thumb brushed at the angry tears suddenly spilling from Cordelia’s eyes.

“You know I was.”

“WAS IT REAL?” She clutched at his jacket. “Do you love me?” Angel didn’t understand anything that had happened since a grown Connor had come into the hotel. And it didn’t look like he would be any closer to understanding anytime soon. But he did understand the plea in Cordelia’s eyes hidden behind her anger.

Angel dropped his sword, cupping her tearstained face. “I love you and whatever has happened I’ll fix it, one way or another.”


“Cross my heart.” He leaned in to kiss her, her own sword dropping as her hands went around his body. Cordelia pressed in closer, her hands clutching at his neck pulling Angel’s mouth closer, trying frantically to deepen the kiss. Angel could feel her tears running down her cheeks, he could taste them as they trailed onto their lips, her fingers were digging into his flesh, and he could feel the vibration of her sobs against his chest. He began to hate the kiss. In it he felt her fear and desperation. Something had happened, something that had terrified her, something more than just Connor going to the Mortnublis or the demons loose in the prison and whatever it was Angel hadn’t been there to stop it. He pulled back a little; Cordelia’s hands pulled harder trying to keep him close. Angel leaned back, not leaving her lips, but brushing them, ignoring her whimpers. “Cordy, Shh, honey. I’ll fix. I promise. I love you,” he whispered into her lips, his hands wide on her back, caressing, trying to soothe her. “Shh,” he whispered as he leaned back moving his lips gently over hers, not deepening the kiss until he felt her hands unclench and the silent sobs lessen. Cordelia’s hands moved to his shoulders, caressing their width trailing up to the collar of his coat, her fingers reaching up into his hair. Angel leaned in further, his one hand reaching up to run his fingers under her shorter hair, turning her face to allow his tongue to reach in for more of a taste. He heard her whimper again, but time it was okay. He moved the hand on her back down to the gentle curve pressing her hips closer to his. The tears were still there but the sobbing had stop, the frantic heartbeat was still rapid but it was the sound that Angel recognized and loved, not the jerky fast beats caused by fear and desperation. His fingers tugged at the hem of her shirt to skim the flesh around her tattoo. Cordelia jerked closer, her hands moving around to the front of his jacket, Angel automatically moved his body away giving her hands the room to move down his chest and go under the sides of his coat, once her hands were clutching and pulling at his shirt he closed the distance.

“Moira.” Fred whispered her eyes shining. She did figure that out.

“Sweetums, we’re not seeing Moira, were seeing something much more beautiful.” Lorne reached out to cover Fred’s eyes. “It’s also about to become X-rated.”

“Hey.” Fred pulled at his hands.

“Honeykins, you’re too young. I think we’ll are. Kiddies, Love birds time to separate no nesting in the evil prison where evil dwells.”

“Here? Now? Man, that just don’t make sense.” Gunn turned to Wesley. “Stop them before one of those Octopyithings come up and think they’re one of its own.”

“Angel, Cordelia.” Wesley called.

“Not working.”

“Sorry, left the fire hose at the hotel. And I’m not about to jump in between them. I don’t see Angel reacting well to that, do you?” Wesley glared. “Angel, Cordelia.”

Skip came up next to Wesley. “Princess.” He said in a loud tone. Skip turned to Wesley. “It used to work. Can you tell me, how the vampire ever defeated anything with her around. A herd of Talicon beasts could have trampled them ten times over.”

“They weren’t doing that in LA.” Gunn insisted. “They weren’t. She was always in danger, he was killing a lot.” Gunn perked up. “Hey, Angel. Lots of demons around, one I’m sure will look at Cordy funny, maybe rough her up, hurt her, unless you go kill them all.”

“I blame her you know. She’s a disruption to the natural order.” Skip moved up grabbing each of the couple’s collars and pulled them apart. “Dear Powers, do you two ever come up for air, the vampire I get, but don’t you have to breathe sometime.”

Angel growled his eyes flashing gold, going for the demon.

“See.” Wesley shot a look to Gunn. “He’s not happy.”

Gunn nodded and went to pick up the swords that Angel and Cordelia had dropped.

“I think it’s romantic.”

“You are such a sweetiekums.” Lorne said pulling her back. Fred looked at him. Lorne shrugged. “The Romance is now going to become a violent drama.”

Cordelia jumped in front of Angel blocking him from Skip. Angel continued move, growling at Skip, only to stop as Cordy’s hand shot up behind grabbing at his. His game face receded as Cordelia’s hand tightened around his, her fingers intertwining with his.

“Don’t push me, Skip.” Cordelia glared at the big demon.

“Princess, you’re the one that wouldn’t leave, I told you to go, Connor told you to go, but you wouldn’t listen, so you’re here, now use some of the hostility and go fight.”

Cordelia glared and grabbed the swords from Gunn, handing Angel his. “Go, with Skip.” Her anger softening as she gazed at the vampire.

“No, I’m staying…”

Cordelia leaned up and pulled his head down. “I’m okay. I needed to know that the last 21 years were real. And it was, because you were there, you were real, we were real, so the rest has to be right,” She bit her lip. “I love you.” She smiled and turned to run.

“Cordy.” Angel grabbed at her arm. “I love you.” He stared at her. “I don’t know what’s going on. But, I do know that. I love you, it was real.” Angel didn’t know why, but Cordelia still needed to be reassured. He knew he had been right, when she flashed him another bright smile and leaned up kissing him again, her eyes still glistening, but the tears no longer flowing. “Go.” turning to run in the other direction. She stopped. “Are you’ll coming or what?”

“Just making sure you and vamp weren’t going to go back in lip lock.” Gunn picked up his sword and jogged to her along with the others.


“Come on, Angel. I could use a vampire. Damn, woman. When this is over and if we all live I want you to take her away, so I never have to listen to her bitch and bitch. She hasn’t stopped since this all started.” Skip started to run in the opposite direction not waiting to see if Angel followed. Angel watched as Cordelia disappeared with the others. He shook his head, he wouldn’t be able to really fix things until this was over and he knew what was actually wrong. He started running.

“How long? And where are your guards? And why is Cordy twenty again? And why doesn’t she think that it was real? ” Coming up beside Skip.

“Long?” Skip shrugged as he ran. “Time as no meaning here and no guards, never were. Down here.” Skip jumped into a dark shaft that appeared in the wall. “The demons are loose, but they are still on the level. This way we’re bypassing the seals and going straight to the 9th level. ” His voice trailed as he descended down the shaft.

“This seems pretty easy, why don’t they just use this.” Angel slid after him. Not oblivious to the fact that Skip had not been at all helpful or answered his questions about Cordelia.

“I still control the barriers of the shaft, for now.”


Cordelia rushed to explain as she led the others down the dark passageways. “There are a total of 9 levels to Mythos, well 10, but…nevermind.” The look of disgust on her face was confusing to the others. “The 9th houses the most dangerous demons. Therefore theoretically the most secure level. We just left the 3rd and now are going to the fourth. So far only a few other demons besides the ones that were just killed have gotten this far. They’re also dead. What we need to do is work our way down, killing anything that approaches.”

“Angel and Skip?”

“Starting at the 9th and working their way up. With Angel, Skip might have a chance. I couldn’t go down there. No humans permitted something about the security precautions erected. Only demons can keep those particular nasties in place. Well, except for Connor. But he….”

“Went to the true source.”


“Kiddies, I think…” The beginning of Lorne’s warning was interrupted as three Melcos demons burst through a wall. Lorne grabbed at Fred pushing her back. Gunn went to shove Cordelia, but she was already running.

“Did Cordy just flip?” Fred said in awe.

“Hello, being amazed right now about the new super Princess is wasting time.” Lorne said. “Kitten, were you planning to use that nifty suitcase that you lugged with you?”

“Right. Guys, get them over there.” Fred yelled, pointing at the empty wall to their left.

“The toaster.” Gunn yelled using his axe to move the demon facing him. Wesley and Cordelia acknowledged and changed their direction. The demons followed.

With a wild swing, Gunn pierced the demons tough hide. He pushed the demon to the wall as it howled. The howl became a loud wail as Fred catapulted a strong blade into its chest.

Fred and Lorne hurried to reset the weapon as Gunn rushed to aid Wesley and Cordelia. Both had the demons pressed against the wall, dodging their spiked fist. Howls came from the demons as their respective weapons cut into the demons’ flesh.

Cordelia ducked as a demon got through her defense.

“Cordy?” Wesley tried to glance back while still paying attention to the demon he was fighting.

“Fine” She smiled and then lunged her sword going straight into the demon’s stomach.

Wesley nodded as he swung; Gunn’s stroke was simultaneous. The last demon fell with gashes in his chest and back.


Cordelia swung her blade. The demon’s head separated from its body. “Dead.” She rested her hands on her knees. “I’m too old for this.” She glanced up at Wesley’s expression. “I’m a 41 year old mother.”

Wesley stared. “Cordy?

Cordelia pulled at her short hair. “Yeah, I know, but I’m supposed to be – the bastards. Come on. We have five more levels.”

Lorne came up to Wesley. “The Princess seems to be mighty miffed at her retention of her youth. Not a typical reaction. She is one unhappy camper. Wonder what’s the Powers did now?”

“Lorne.” Wesley pointed around to the dead demons.

“No. The death and mayhem isn’t it. And that wasn’t what the smooching was about either.” Lorne pondered. “Oh well, better go follow. More death and mayhem is waiting.”

Chapter 32

Angel pulled at Skip’s arm holding the demon back.

“Angel, we’ve got to go that way.” The demon pointed with his free arm. “This isn't moving in that direction.”

“Why is Cordy fighting your guards’ battle? Where are they? What happened? Connor is 21 but Cordelia is 20 again.”

“Never any guards- just me. And why is the Princess fighting? Because she's a very stubborn young woman that doesn’t listen to reason.”

“I saw them. I talked to them. I fought with them.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know- look we don’t have time for this. If we live I’ll explain what I can, but only if you promise not to let her yell at me anymore. I didn’t do it. I just work here. I follow orders. I told her to leave, so did Connor. She wouldn’t listen.” Skip yanked his arm back.

“You haven’t answered me. What happened to Cordelia and Connor? And you sure haven’t explained what little you have answered." Angel's frustration was giving away to anger. Something had happened to Cordelia and he needed to know what.

“Angel, we don’t have time. And I’m not the one that should explain about Cordy. You need to hear it from Cordelia and Connor.”

“What do you mean? And Connor is alone, he’s..”

“A man, the Tro-Clan, the Khap-man this was what he was born for. Though, he doesn’t follow orders either. He was supposed to go straight to the 7th Hell, not stop off to get you. None of you follow orders.”

“How is it that he’s grown…?”

“Angel, we don’t have time.”

“You said time is meaningless here.”

“It is- relative to any other dimension, but time does flow. And right now it is flowing towards our non-existence and the release of some very horrendous evil beings.”

“You will explain.” Angel was getting nowhere with the demon. He would just have to use his burgeoning rage to finish this- what ever it was, and then he would get his answers.


“What is it?”

“We should be nearing the 6th seal.”

“That worries you more than the last two.” Gunn rubbed at his shoulder. Swinging an axe through a Melco’s demons tough hide was jarring to say the least.

“The Scropulates are on the 6th level.” Cordelia glanced up to the ceiling. Wesley started to search the walls and ceilings at her words.

“Guys, why are you looking up?” Fred automatically followed their gazes.

“Scropulates are insect/lizard types -they crawl.” Wesley said.

“Oh, now I’m just getting itchy.” Lorne shivered. “I think I feel them slivering up my back.”

“If one were slivering you would know, they're bigger than an average human.”

“Oh. You’re just a blast of sunshine. Fred, dear, you do have more of those nice sharp blades in that deadly but tasteful suitcase of yours, don’t you?”

“Uhuh,” Fred glanced nervously all around.

“Watch out for their…” Wesley spun and pushed Fred to the ground as Cordelia swung her sword.

“Tails.” Cordelia and Wesley yelled as everyone stared at the knobby scaly shelled being withering on the ground and it’s severed long spiky tail twitching where Fred had only seconds before been standing.

"What’s with the motorized tail?” Gunn moved closer to look at the thick flesh moving about on the ground.

“Gunn.” Wesley pulled the black man back and took the axe from him. Both he and Cordelia started whacking. “The spikes are poisonous, deadly for several hours after the creature's death. ”

“Cordy, how many were there?”

“Two, I think. One was already killed on the third level. This should be it. Just be really alert.” She shrugged, pulling her sword out of the creature.

“Any other unpleasant nasties we should be on the alert for?” Lorne asked.

Cordelia scrunched up her brow. “The Scropulates…Rachets and Nexial for starters.”

“Any other need to know special attributes?”

“Rachets and Nexials are just big and deadly.”

“I’m comforted.”

“Why did you come?” Gunn asked.

“And miss the fun, please.” Lorne shot the black man a look.

“I think I heard something.” Fred started flipping the latches of the suitcase.

“You did. Nexial.” Wesley identified the huge creature that turned the corner. Hard black scales encased its very large muscular frame. The demon howled as he sensed their presence.

Fred and Lorne set up the catapult weapon as Gunn, Wesley and Cordelia rushed the demon.

Gunn reached the demon first only to be thrown back as the demon’s massive foreman struck out. Wesley dodged in at the demon’s distraction swing his axe. Gunn scrambled up and went to where Cordelia was beating her sword against the scaly Armour, her blade bouncing off. He added his axe to her attempts to break through the tough skin.

“Lorne, we need something stronger.” Wesley yelled.

The green demon dug into the bag he had been carrying. He pulled out a 12inch, 6in diameter double-edged hatchet. “Which of you heroes want it?”

“Here.” Gunn caught the weapon in midair.

“It comes in a lovely double set.”

“Quit talking and toss.” Wesley called ducking under the Demon’s swing his hand reaching out.

“Cordy, move please.” Fred said.

Cordelia looked up. “Go girl.” Rolling and ducking as Fred let lose another sharp blade from her weapon.

“You’ve been practicing.” Cordelia smiled coming up to the flushed woman.

“Yeah, they still don’t know that the very first time I did it, it was just really good luck. You won’t tell.”

“I haven’t yet, have I?” Still smiling.

Fred smiled back. “I’ve missed you. I saw the pictures. They’re beautiful. Did Connor really write a math fairy tale? Angel said…”

Cordelia clutched at Fred’s arm. “You saw the pictures? They exist?” The pictures that Skip gave Angel, you saw them?”

“I don’t know whether Skip gave them to him or not. Angel just had them when he came back. You looked different, older, still beautiful and Connor was so cute. This place doesn’t have any rules.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face still holding on to Fred’s arm.

“Uh, Cordy, you’re kinda of hurting me.”

Cordelia looked down at her hand. “Oops, sorry Fred. And you’re right this place definitely has no rules.” Cordy looked at the young woman beside her. “I missed you.” Hugging Fred tightly. “And, yes Connor did write you a mathtale.”

“Ooh, I want to see it. Cordy?” Fred asked as Cordelia’s expression darkened.

“Cordy, where next? Demons dead.” Gunn called.

“Yeah, well so would I. Let’s go.” Cordelia took the lead through the hallway.

Chapter 33

In gameface Angel rushed the Vexus Demon. Answering Angel’s growl with its own, the demon charged. The solid box shaped purple demon and the vampire grappled clutching at each other. Their bodies slamming up against the surrounding walls as they pushed and pummeled at each other. Angel had the advantage of longer arms, but the demon had the advantage of massive weight.

Skip was busy tossing an Ionx demon against the stone column. He rushed towards the falling body when he heard the resounding sound of a neck breaking. He got lucky. The landing had snapped the demon’s neck. Skip turned to where the vampire was occupied. Angel seemed to be doing fine. Skip winced as the vampire smashed into the wall. Sort of. Skip winced again, this time as another Ionx demon burst out from its hiding place landing squarely on Skip’s back.

Skip twisted bringing the attacking demon over his shoulder and charged.

Angel grunted boxing the Vexus on either side of its head with all of his might. The action stunned the demon momentarily. Angel took advantage and wrapped his arms around the demon’s wide neck squeezing and twisting. He fell back as he heard the satisfying click of vertebrae separating.

He looked up to see Skip breaking the Ionx back over his knee. Angel looked at the floor it was riddled with demon corpses. “Anymore?”

Spike looked around quickly taking inventory. "Two are missing."

Angel searched the area at Skip’s words.

"Don't bother, they're gone. Damn it. That's why you shouldn't have come." Skip started to jog towards the eighth seal.

Angel looked around at all the demons he had killed. "I think I helped a little."

"Sure, here, but out there that's where you are supposed to be. Connor shouldn’t have brought you. Mythos isn’t the only prison dimension that’s breaking down; the Powers are going to need all of the available warriors on the outside to clean up any stranglers that escape. You here makes you unavailable.” Skip shook his head. “This has gotten way to…..” Skip sighed at Angel’s scowl. “We can only leave, if Connor defeats the Mortnublis. He’s the only key left for this dimension, well actually all the prisons. If he doesn’t survive, then the Powers have a fail safe, basically, if he dies, the prisons disappear, with them any good guys and bad guys that are still standing. I told the Princess that so did Connor, but she wouldn’t leave, just bitched." Skip stared accusingly at Angel. “Do you know that after twenty one years, I’ve started to talk like her? I wore Khaki, do you believe that- me- she said I had to support the Gap. Not enough demons with legs, so those with legs had to buy or no more Gap. So, I bought. Bitched. I would’ve never said that before her. I should’ve followed my first gut reaction and socked her one when I saw her in the in the hotel. Socked her then taken Connor. I would’ve if I had known. I would’ve. She shouldn’t be here.” The demon glared again and then started to run faster.

Angel stopped and stared. Skip’s tone hadn’t backed up his words. He had been complaining about Cordelia ever since Angel arrived. But the demon wasn’t mad at Cordelia or rather he was, but not because she bitched, but because she hadn’t left, wasn’t safe. Angel had been right to wonder about the demon. Wife, kids, whatever, Skip cared for Cordy.

“So, Skip, what about Gertie, Bob and Cecilia are they safe?”

“Yeah, thank the Powers. They’re at Gertie’s mothers. I know Gertie is just worrying her head off, but luckily the kids are too young to understand. Well, Cecilia probably would if we had told her, but Bob’s only six, so we didn’t tell either of them.”

“Six? Bob is older than Connor. He was thirteen when I left. I went to his birthday parties. I gave him a sword.”

Skip sighed. “It was a nice sword. I got to take it with me. I’ll give it to him when he’s old enough. Look, Angel, the kids are real, they just weren’t really in Mythos, well nothing was in Mythos….Angel…Mythos is a prison, that’s what it is, that’s all it has ever been. I just work here. My life, my family is at my home, twenty minutes away in another dimension. Except for Gertie she wouldn’t let me take the promotion alone.” Skip shook his head and shrugged. He stared at the vampire. “Angel, we really don’t have the time, and honestly I don’t want …we have to do this, then hopefully….” Skip just shrugged again.

“We had dinner…”

“Yeah. Gertie’s a great cook isn’t she? She hated what was happening to you and Cordelia. And I really don't want to talk about it and I'm truly beginning to hate it right now. But, it did happen. And Cordelia did have Connor for twenty-one years; you had them both for eight. That’s a good thing.” Skip turned to run, mumbling some words under his breath.

Angel heard though. What did Skip mean that he hoped that it would be enough.

Angel grabbed at the demon. “Tell me.”

“Not now.”" Skip rolled his eyes. "We have to go to the eighth level, now. Really, Angel what part of possible release of horrendous evil things and no time, didn't you understand. Your personal issues are just going to have to wait." Skip shook his head. "I think I liked the bitching better, then the constant questions."

A low growl resounded throughout Angel's chest.

"How about this- then- The Princess and the others are fighting making their way down here. Do you want to just stand here asking questions or would you like to go and maybe help them."


"Angel." The big demon said in the same tone.

"Let's go." Angel growled in frustration. Skip was right; his questions would have to wait until he was sure that Cordelia was safe.

Chapter 34


“Done.” Skip scanned the dead bodies on the floor. “All accounted for.”

“Then let’s go.” Angel was getting even more anxious. Skip and he had gotten all, but the two from the 8th and 9th level. He was getting closer to Cordelia and rather than making him relieved it scared him. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He had forgotten that he wasn’t supposed to be happy when he had been with Cordy and Connor. But Angel had remembered when he came back to the hotel without them. He was so close to holding her again, so close to being happy. Angel had a sick feeling in his stomach that it wouldn’t come to be. But whatever the shoe was it wouldn’t be Cordelia's death. It couldn’t. Angel could accept that he wasn’t meant to be happy, but he wouldn’t accept her death.


Angel and Skip burst through, taking in the action quickly. They both bumped into each other as they ran towards Cordelia fighting the Ajax demon. Angel pushed Skip away. “They need your help. She’s mine.”

Skip glared at Angel’s demon face. He sighed and turned to the other humans and sighed again. “Twenty years of habit is hard to deny, but I warn you if something happens to the princess Gertie will be really mad.” Skip charged at the Ajax demons that threatened the other humans and Lorne.

The fight was quick and furious and suddenly it was over. The group looked around at each other.

Gunn was the first to speak. “Okay, Angel and guard guy are here, which means that they went 9 and up. We went four and down. We’re all together which means…it’s over right?”

Cordelia grinned her smile growing wide. “It does…” she looked to Skip for confirmation.

“Except for a couple. But, here- now, it’s over.”

Cordelia blinked at Skip, her smile immediately dimming. “Over, hardly.” Her scowl turned into a scream.

Everybody jumped. Angel was first to Cordelia’s convulsing body.

“Angel, don’t.” Wesley pulled the vampire’s hand from grabbing at the tight swirl of spiky flesh that circled Cordelia’s form. The flesh jerked then twitched, less frantically, but still moving. Gunn looked up from the tail he sliced off of the now writhing demon.

“She said two, one was killed on the third level and one we killed. She said two.” Gunn looked around angrily.

“I told her three. I did.” Skip dropped down pushing away Angel. “Princess, I told you three. You didn’t listen did you? Too busy yelling…I …”

Angel pushed the demon away. “She’s mine.” He growled.

Skip backed up. “I told her three.” He said to no one in particular.

Wesley pushed at his glasses. “This is not fatal, the venom paralyzes until death, but it can be counter-acted… I just need the ingredients. Skip, this place as a Gap and Target, it has to have a herb shop.”

Skip looked at the ex-watcher. Angel growled at Skip and went back to carefully pulling the tail from Cordelia’s now unconscious body.

“No. Nothing. Mythos is a prison. This is it. There are no stores-toys, clothing, books or otherwise. This is it.” Skip kicked at the ground. “This place can’t help her. Not unless Connor comes back. He’s the only one that can take us from Mythos.”

Gunn slumped against the wall. “I’ll say it once again, I don’t like these DAMN powers.” He clutched his axe close to his chest. “And don’t you say a word.” He glared at Lorne.

“Hey, I’m with you, bro.”

“Uh, ‘bro’?” Gunn looked at Lorne like he lost his mind.

Lorne shrugged. “It must’ve been the bonding over darts.”

“Skip, there has to be a way. Cordy wrote in her letters, Angel said….” Wesley insisted.

“This is a prison, with no prison library or canteen, okay. Nothing.” Skip knelt down beside Angel and Cordelia.


Everyone but Angel turned as the young sandy haired man appeared. He smiled and then his brow scrunched. “Mom?” Connor looked around.

“Mom.” Connor ran to the huddled body on the floor, Angel was pushed to the side easily. Connor clutched at Cordelia’s hand. Angel growled at his son and pushed back. Connor shot out a hand throwing the vampire back.

“You were supposed to keep her safe. That’s all you had to do.” Connor glared trying to keep the vampire away, he shoved again, and Angel went rolling back.

Angel saw nothing but something blocking him from Cordelia. He lunged. Connor grabbed at the vampire and threw him across the room. “You were supposed to keep her safe.”

Skip stood and glanced at the others. “One of you needs to calm the vampire, I’ll take care of Connor. Cordy doesn’t have time for this.”

“I thought Connor was human?” Gunn whispered to Lorne.

“He is. He’s just stronger than daddy bear.”

Wesley stood and went to Angel; he reached out hoping for the best. “Angel, both you and Connor are upset. Fighting each other is just wrong. He’s your son. She’s his mother. You have to work together. I can save Cordelia, if I have the ingredients and the time. You and Connor fighting won’t give me that.”

Skip was knelt down saying similar things to the young man. Whatever he said worked. Connor got up and addressed Wesley. “You can save her?”

“Yes. I just need the ingrediants. We have them at the hotel.”

“I can take you.”

Angel moved to take Cordelia from the other man. Connor brushed him away moving his precious bundle out of the Angel’s reach. Angel’s demon once again came forth.

Fred stepped forward. “Stop, both of you. Cordelia is not some tug of war prize. If you won’t let the other carry her then someone else will.” She glanced to Wesley.

Wesley stepped forward reaching for Cordelia at the same time as Skip. The human and demon glared at each other.

“This is ridiculous.” Lorne stepped up. “The testosterone is flying wild. Give me the Princess. It’s only fair, if she dies because of all of your stupid stubbornness, I’ll probably get stuck with the full force visions. Idiots.” Lorne cradled Cordelia in his arms. “There Princess, I yelled at them for you. Remember that. She's going to be so pissed at all of you. Cutie Pie key, you were going to take us somewhere, like home?”

Connor glared but realized that he was just wasting time. He nodded.

Chapter 35

“Okay, that was just rude.” Lorne looked at his now empty arms and the vampire that was running up the stairs with Cordelia.

“And possibily, not smart.” Gunn said as he stared at Connor running after them. “Connor seems to have grown a bit and he doesn’t seem to be happy right now. Father and son are a lot alike when it comes to Cordy in danger, why do I think that means one of them will be seriously hurt.”

“I’ll go.” Fred started up the stairs.

“Gunn, I need some Axus herb, we don’t have anymore. It was on our list of things to do. Go.”

“Done.” The black man was already out of the door.

“Lorne, I need your help with the rest.”

“Like wonder kid said, done.”

Wesley nodded and went to his office.


Fred let out an uncharacteristic whistle at the sight before her. “Wow. I remembered how to bring the hogs to feed.”

Angel stood wincing as Skip and Connor just looked around annoyed.

“Now, that I’ve your attention. Wesley is making the potion as we speak. He’s helping Cordelia while y'll are doing nothing but acting liking little boys fighting over your favorite toy. You.” Pointing to Skip. “Sit over there. Angel, you sit right here.” She patted to the spot on bed next to Cordelia’s lifeless body. “Conner, you can sit here.” She pointed to the vacant spot on the other side of Cordelia. “There, now if y'll just remember that she's what is important- we’ll all be fine. Can I go help Wesley, or do I need to stay here?”


“Thought so,” Fred drew her hand over Angel’s hunched shoulders. “She will be alright. Wesley said so.”

Connor maintained his calm for as long as it took Fred to leave the room. As soon as the door shut he reached out and pushed at Angel. “This is all your fault.” His fists clenched around Angel’s collar.

“Connor, stop.” Skip stood up. “This is not Angel’s fault and you know it. She knew the risks, but wouldn’t leave. If you’re going to start throwing blame around then start with the guilty parties. She should have left, it’s as much her fault as any others.”

“No.” Both Connor and Angel shot a look towards the demon.

Skip ignored Angel and concentrated on Connor. “And Connor, it’s as much your doing as it’s mine. You have to accept your role in this. You knew your abilities; you knew that Mortnublis was coming. You could’ve have gotten her out before this ever happened. I could’ve refused to let her stay. I should’ve just socked her. Unconscious, you could have taken her.” Skip’s tone changed to a grumble. "Should've just hit her."

“I couldn’t have sent her back here not to him and you know it.” Connor turned angrily away from the demon.

Angel looked at his son, grabbing at his arm. “You could’ve prevented this.” Angel’s guise was human, but his tone was colder more deadly than a growl.

“I couldn’t. She doesn’t belong here with you. You were just killing her.” The young man said just as coldly.

“Connor, you know that’s not true.” Skip shot up. “Angel didn’t give Cordelia the visions. They're just a mistake.”

“It’s his fault. I wasn’t going to bring her here, just so he could kill her. She’s my mother. SHE is my mother, not some soulless vampire that he couldn’t keep his hands off, that he risked everything for, that he betrayed my mother for. It’s his fault.”

“That’s enough” Skip yanked Connor away from the vampire. “You’re acting like a spoiled brat. Cordy would have your head if she heard you.”

Connor shoved and the big demon went flying across the room. Connor’s actions broke Angel out of the stupor that Connor's word’s put him in. He leapt towards the young man throwing him up against the wall, his hand around his son’s neck. “Obviously, you’re angry at me and I’m not going to try to you tell that your anger isn’t justified, BUT you will not do this in here, NOT in front of her.”

Skip got to his feet and moved closer. “Angel.” Skip tugged gently at the vampire. Angel stilled then released his son, letting Skip move even closer. “Connor, you’re scared. You’re scared of what Cordelia is going to do when she wakes up, you’re scared that she won’t forgive you, you’re scared that she won’t believe that you’re her son. Just like you’re scared that Angel won’t forgive you or believe it, when you tell him the whole truth. I understand, Angel doesn’t. This isn’t his fault. And Connor it isn’t yours either. Now, calm down.”

“NO.” Shimmering out of sight.

“Okay, what the hell just happened?” Gunn said as he and Wesley appeared in the doorway. They had run up as soon as they heard the shouting.

“Not the father and son reunion that songs were written about that’s for sure.” Lorne pushed his way through the two men, Fred in tow. “But, that can wait. Wes. Here.” Lorne held out the cup in his hand.

“Quite right.” Wesley took the antidote. “We just need to for Cordelia to swallow some.” He sat on the bed and poured the liquid down her throat. “Come on, Cordy.” Angel hurried over to sit on the other side of the young woman, brushing at her bangs. “How long?”

“About an hour.”

“Why so long?”

“Because it just is, Angel. But, it will work. Cordelia will be fine. Really, Angel.” He looked up at the vampire. “Once the antidote takes effect, she will be fine, like nothing happened. And it will work.” Wesley put the empty cup on the table by the bed. Wesley got up and turned to Skip. “Can you explain?”

“I didn’t want to but…” Skip slumped in the chair waiving to Cordelia and then to the air. “The ones that should don’t seem to be available right now.” Skip turned to Wesley. “She will live?”


Skip nodded. “That’s good Gertie really likes her. So, you all got a minute.”

Every one grabbed a chair. Angel remained on the bed, his fingers stroking Cordelia’s face.


“Some of this, you already know, but it will be easier from the beginning. The 7th dimension is linked to the prophecy of the Tro-Clan, the one that would be the Kham-pah. The evil there had been contained for about a millennium, give or take a few years. But the structure was weakening. The Kham-pah was to be ready to battle the evil when the Mortnublis was strong enough to escape. Because with its complete departure if not defeated by the Kham-pah, all the evil would escape from every prison dimension, everywhere. And well you get the picture. Connor is the Tro-Clan. His birth triggered the Mortnublis. Their growth in power was to correlate so that they would be ready at the same time, even playing field and all that. But somehow, The Princess and Angel’s bond, connection whatever you want to call it…”

“Kyerumption” Fred said knowingly.

“Shh, girl.” Gunn waved his hand.

“As good a word as any, anyway together they were close enough to the true Khap-man fully ready to accelerate the growth of Mortnublis.”

“Wesley figured that out.”

“Shh.” Wesley blushed at the young woman.

“Basically, they screwed up the prophecy. Connor would never be ready to fight the Mortnublis in time if he stayed in this dimension. The Mortnublis had started to seep from the 7th hell before he was a month old.” Skip turned to Angel. “You’ll did well, but you wouldn’t have defeated it, because you weren’t the Khap-man, it was the Khap-man that only could because it was his presence that could draw out all of Mortnublis. The part you killed here, the part you contained wasn’t all of it. Connor was the only one that it would fully form for.” Skip took a deep breath. “I don’t know exactly why the Powers sent Cordy the vision. They knew it was happening, they could have just sent me to take him, they didn’t have to involve her, but they did. Maybe it was a test for you or maybe for her, kill to birds with one stone- maybe they thought you would fight me and win, highly doubtful by the way, I don’t make the same mistakes twice. Hmmph.” Skip shook his head. “Or maybe they actually knew the tyke would need someone to love him. It couldn’t be Angel, he was needed here, and he had his own destiny.”

“Why Mythos.”

Skip looked at Wesley. “No time. Or at least only the time that the Oracles wished it to be. It was a great job at first, guarding at Mythos. Long hours, but in a blink of an eye, well after the commute, I was home with my family, barely even gone. I didn’t get the high-end key until I was promoted. With Connor in Mythos, he would be protected and his growth accelerated sufficiently to be ready.”

“No rules, told you.”

“Yes, chickie, now Shh.”

“The problem was that Cordelia couldn’t have survived in Mythos.”

“Connor could?”

“Sure. A snap of their fingers and he be grown. It’s part of what he is, he as the ability to transcend time, dimensions. The ultimate warrior- on call- go where needed. Ready, without any memory of having parents, a childhood, a life, because he wouldn’t have had one.”

“Those Powers are some cruel Mothers.” Gunn shook his head.

“But with Cordelia there, they had to make the illusion of a life. So, they gave her Mythos.” Skip turned to Angel. “The Mythos you saw when you were there.”

“How did they do it?” Wesley asked.

“That’s a power I don’t know. I just know the effects. Sort of like the Matrix- a construct of life. “

“You’ve seen the Matrix?”

“Of course, great movie. Trinity all dodging everything and the Agents crumple…I not really explaining it well am I? How about it was more like the original first Star Trek, you know where Captain Pike, the one before the real captain, James T. Kirk, now there was a champion, anyway Pike is kept in the cage but those big headed aliens, not attractive by the way, but living an illusion. “

“You watch Star Trek?” Wesley said.

“Sure an original Trekkie even liked the new generation, but those after well, not the same. Can’t have the show with out the Enterprise. Went to a convention once, here in LA, no one even blinked, I looked pretty normal.” Skip briefly looked up smiling reflecting on his memories. He started at Wesley’s cough. “Right, will Cordy’s cage was a dark cell in the 10th level of the Prison and the big headed aliens, blue and gold Oracles. The Princess was living in Mythos, a illusion really, but her body was in the 10th level.”

“I was there.” Angel looked up in disbelief.

“And for a very short time you were also in that very dark cell, sharing the cage, if you will. Just like I was. My job was to watch over them in the illusion. The illusion was real enough that danger did exist. The inhabitants of that illusion had free will; the Corridor's dangers were real enough. If Cordy had died in the illusion she would have really died. So, I went into the illusion to protect them. I was gone from my family for about three months, your time, mine's a little different. The Powers needed me there to protect them from danger in the illusion and out of it. I had the ability to get Connor out if I had to, but otherwise they stayed.”

“What about Cordy? I mean, if she was in a cell, then he was, right, if something happened to them you would have gotten both of them out.”

“Connor was the star in the illusion completely, growing at its speed. He was never on the 10th level or at least he wasn’t until he was 18 and the Oracles told him everything. Up until then, he believed that Mythos was a real place, a real time, and a real…. Just real. He didn’t take it well; he’s got a temper. It from the Princess, I imagine.” Skip chuckled. “She sure could yell. I couldn’t have gotten her out of the 10th level, only the Oracles and Connor could’ve. And he didn’t when he was told to. That’s why they brought them to see her, to see the truth, to see that the woman that raised him in fact was a 20-year dying seer lying on a stone cot in a dungeon sleeping. That’s when they told him about Angel with and without a soul and they told him about Darla and when they told him about Cordy, Angel’s seer, but that’s all they told him. I tried to tell Connor that she had been more to you that just that, I even told the true version about Billy Blem, you know the prize in the fiery pit, you going against the Powers for a girl, that girl.” Skip’s gaze traveled to Cordelia. Then went back to his listeners. “But he didn’t believe me. Connor just said that you had never told his mother that you loved her, not before Mythos and that wasn’t real, because that was just his and his mothers place, their dream. I tried, I did.” Skip looked at Angel.

The vampire was no longer looking at the demon; he eyes were now glued to the young woman on the bed. Skip shrugged. “And they told him it was time for her to go back to her warrior. Connor refused and they didn’t make him. He told me it was because of the visions that if he took her back she would die. Angel,” Skip tried to get the vampire to look at him, but Angel’s eyes remained fixed on Cordelia. “Angel, you have to understand, the Oracles just dumped a load on him, the full extent of his destiny that his life was an illusion, that the woman that gave birth to him was not a hero vampire, but a soulless killer who along with his father canvassed most of Europe killing and terrorizing, that even while she carried him, she killed innocents, tried to kill him, tried to kill Cordy…”

“Why would they tell him that about Darla? Even if it was true. That’s just cruel.” Fred cried.

“ Part of his training and evolution, Connor never knew evil, not really, not in Mythos, danger sure, maybe, but not evil. They had to make him aware of its existence, to humble him, to show him that one-dimensional heroes aren’t real, and they had to show him that through his parents he had the capacity to be evil. They took me out of the illusion then, they wanted me to complete his training in other dimensions. I was glad to get out, it was getting harder and harder to remember that it wasn’t real. That my real kids were only 6 and 10, not 19 and 23, I had Gertie, she wouldn’t let me take the promotion, that’s what the Powers called it, without her. The kids we sent to their grandparents, but it was hard for both of us. It was easy to forget what was real and what was Mythos. Anyway, I was out and Cordy was still in.” Pointing to the still figure on the bed. “Not knowing any of it. Connor never told her, never told her what the Oracles had said. He just went home to the woman he knew as his mother, the beautiful, loud, wonderful Princess after we finished our training off Mythos. He was never gone for long. I never went back in after they took me out. Then it happened, Mortnublis was ready, Connor was ready and as result the illusion was ended. Cordy woke up in that dark cell, not knowing how she got there, not knowing that she was still twenty, not knowing that she had only been there what two months tops. The first thing she yelled when she saw me was where was Connor and why didn’t I at least write, and then a thousand and one quick questions about Gertie and the kids. You see for her, I had been gone from Mythos for four years. She wasn’t happy that Gertie and I just left her. When she stopped to take a breath, I tried to explain. She didn’t believe me. Her rants changed from me to whoever placed her in the dark cell. She was going to kill the idiot who cut her hair and put her in the out of style clothes. She demanded that I tell her where Connor was. It wasn’t until Connor appeared and told her the she started to believe. It was…it was not ….it was not a good thing to see her start to believe that the last 21 years of her life had been an illusion made up by the Powers. I don’t think I’d seen her ever so lost and scared, not even when Angel left. She kept looking around, like she was trying to find something, someone to make it all go away. To tell her it wasn’t true, that it hadn’t been all a lie. I don’t think, she fully accepted it, I don’t know. But she wouldn’t leave. She wouldn’t leave me alone to fight in Mythos. Connor said he would take her back here to her home. I had been wrong, that’s when I saw her truly lost and scared. Connor tried, he begged her to let him take her. He tried to tell her that it hadn’t been a lie, that he was her son. She just looked at him and then her gaze would dart around the cell, looking at the door, as if she expected something to come through and save her. And then something happened inside her. Her fear was gone, and there was only anger, at me, at everything, except Connor, she didn’t know how to act around him anymore. But she still wouldn’t leave. She said if it been so damn real, then she knew how to use a sword better than I did. She ordered me to get her one, old habits die-hard, so I did. And Connor again, tried to tell her that he loved her that he was her son. She just nodded and hugged him and told him to be careful, but she didn’t tell him that she loved him and you couldn’t tell what she was thinking anymore, you used could. If she wasn’t saying it, you could see it in her eyes, her face. But she wasn’t saying or showing anything but anger. That’s when Connor left. And Cordy and I started fighting, each other and the demons. Then you came.” He looked up at Angel.

Angel finally looked up.“Get Out.”

Fred wiped her tears and looked to Wesley. Gunn turned his clenched jaw to the ex-watcher. Lorne just turned. “Muffin?”

“Out,” Wesley stood up and walked over to Angel. “She will be awake soon, when you’re both ready, we’ll be downstairs.”

Angel had already turned back to Cordelia.

When Wesley shut the door, he curled up next to her still body and laid his face on her chest, the fingers in one hand tangling themselves in her hair, the others stroking her cheek. It had to be real. Because he remembered the sound of her heartbeat against his cheek, he remembered the texture of her skin under his fingers, he remembered the silkiness of her hair, and he remembered her body’s warmth seeping into his dead body making it feel alive. He remembered, so it had to be real. He needed Cordelia to hurry and wake up, he couldn’t fix this alone.

Chapter 36

Angel sensed the vibration in the air and the scent of his son. His son. Raged burned through out his body. Angel tried to still it. Connor was not who he was angry with, not the one he wanted to kill. Angel’s hand remained intertwined with Cordelia’s limp one. His head remained on her chest. Angel couldn’t allow his rage at the Powers destroy anymore of their lives.

Connor just stared. How many times in the eight years that Angel was a part of their dream had he seen them like this-holding each other, touching? Only then they had been laughing or just kissing. His mother hadn’t been lying still on their bed, his father hadn’t been clutching on to her as if she was his only life preserver. Connor wanted to blame Angel, he needed to blame Angel, and otherwise Connor would have to accept his part in all of this. Connor closed his eyes and then opened them again. Watching. The Oracles had said that Cordelia Chase was just Angel’s seer. Yet, what he saw before him was love. He had to hear it from Angel, maybe then he would believe.

“You do love her?”

Angel forced back his rage at Connor’s doubt. Angel stilled gripping tightly at the hand that he held. God, he needed her to wake up to help him through this.

Connor repeated the question.

Angel lifted his head, meeting the young man’s eyes. “Do you know how many times I’ve had to endure this, sitting here just watching, waiting, needing her to wake up, to stop suffering from whatever injury or curse that she bore because of me.” Angel shook his head and sighed. “Yes, I love her. I’ve have loved this woman before you were born. I needed her even before that. I will always need her.

Connor narrowed his eyes. “Yet..”

“But, I slept with Darla. You may never understand what brought me to that point. But you will have to try if you are going to be a warrior for the Powers. They.” Angel’s voice low hinting at his suppressed rage. “They ask so much, they expect too much, their rewards far off and fleeting at best. I questioned, I doubted, I almost destroyed everything.” Angel looked again at his son, the rage gone momentarily; resignation was all that was heard. “Darla was Darla. A beautiful, exciting companion for a hundred and fifty years, she was a part of who I once was. It had been so easy then, the pleasure, the killing and the terror. So, easy without a soul.”

Connor scrunched his face and backed up. He didn’t want to hear this, but he knew he had too.

“When I got a soul. I couldn’t find the pleasure in the killing anymore, it was no longer easy, but I wanted that simplicity back. Souls, humanity, I didn’t know what to do with the concept. A hundred years later, I still didn’t know. I met humans and demons along the way that tried to show me. But I still didn’t know. Until her. Angel’s mouth turned up in a very small smile. “I had known her when she was just a teenager- I say that has if that was a long time ago. But it isn’t. She is so still very young. I knew her in Sunnydale, but had no concept of who she really was or what she would come to mean to me. Then she came into my existence here in LA-so, Cordy. She was all - so, you still “grr’. I didn’t know how to respond. Even in Sunnydale, she threw me. One just didn’t know how to respond to her beauty, smile and tactless comments. And here in LA, I didn’t have time to wonder or figure it out. She took over everything. She was always there, sometimes unwanted, sometimes stupidly superficial, but always caring and always there. She wouldn’t leave. She promised with a big smile to stay with me until I reached my redemption. She didn’t doubt that I would. And as strange as it was, I found myself believing her, finding hope in her promise. And even when I shoved her away, she forgave me. I lied to her, didn’t tell her that I had tried to reclaim that earlier simplicity by having sex with Darla.” Angel stared. “You know we didn’t even have the time for her really yell at me when she found out, Darla had shown up pregnant ready to give birth, then all the fighting to protect you and finally when we thought you were safe, she didn’t yell. She just baby proofed the hotel and tried to make me realize that I couldn’t raise you alone. And she did make me realize, she made me realize that there was no other woman that I wanted or ever wanted to be the mother of my child. You asked if I loved her….I’ve needed her for so long. Love…what’s love? If it’s the knowing that you are complete with a person, knowing without them you’re damned then yes I loved her, I love her. “

Connor wanted to believe. “You never told her. You….”

Angel couldn’t help it, he laughed. “We’re talking about Cordelia Chase, one does not just shout out that they love her, not unless they are willing to face a raised brow and disgusted Hmmph. No, she could’ve very easily laughed at me or god forbid pitted me. I wasn’t going to take the chance. Know this, she wasn’t forth coming in her love either. We knew, but didn’t. And as she will yell, I was a dense dork. We knew that the other was the most important person in the other’s lives; we just didn’t equate that feeling with love, because love had been very painful for both of us. And then we also didn’t know about my soul’s permanency….I loved Cordelia Chase. I did and always will. The time we had together was real. She said so.” Angel scrunched up his brow and leaned down. “Has it been a hour yet? Wesley said she would be better in a hour.” Angel’s voice began to rise. “She should be awake. Some thing’s wrong.” Angel headed for the door, promising that if Cordelia died the Powers would pay with his soul.


The vampire was back at the bed in an instant, clutching at the hand reaching for his.

“What happened?” Cordelia glanced down at the covers she was lying on. “I’m in your bed? At the hotel? I’m home?”

“A Scropulate attacked you. Connor was able to bring us back and Wesley gave you the antidote.”

“Connor?” Cordelia’s eyes searched finding the young man standing silently off to the side. Cordelia pushed herself up.

“Cordy, you should..”

“I’m fine, whatever Wesley gave me worked wonders.” She quickly reassured Angel. “Connor.” Cordelia smiled at the young man. “You’re safe. You won. I knew you would.” Her smile dimmed. “You aren’t hurt are you? Come here.” She walked closer to the young man as her hands beckoned him closer.

Connor took a hesitant step. “I’m fine.” Connor wanted to rush to her, but he was unsure. She looked so different. His father was right- Cordelia Chase was so very young. Regardless, Connor could accept the differences, because his feelings were the same, but he remembered how Cordelia reacted to him when she first woke up. She had looked at him as if she didn’t know him. It had frightened him, because if she rejected him, then he would really be alone. She didn’t seem to be rejecting him, but he was still unsure.

Cordelia paused at Connor’s uncertainty. She sighed. “Connor, come here.” Holding out her arms to the young man.


“Yes, mom. Though, admittedly it’s strange to be called that by a grown man older than I am. But, strangeness as become the norm in my life, so yes, I’m mom.” She smiled, her arms still held out.

Connor rushed to her, embracing her tightly. “Honey, I’m so sorry that I scared you. I just….I just couldn’t understand, but you are my son. Forgive me, please.”

Connor shook his head in the confines of the embrace. “Mom, I’m so sorry.”

Cordelia backed up, her hands going to his face. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about, you’re the only truly blameless one in this mess, you and your father. The Powers did this, not you. You didn’t put me in the prison.” She smiled reassuringly at Connor’s flinch. “It’s okay. I don’t have memories of the cell, only memories of loving and raising you and I wouldn’t change those for anything.”

“But, I…”

“Connor.” Angel finally spoke, interrupting what was sure to be Connor’s tearful confession that he had kept Cordelia in the prison even after the Powers were ready to release her. Angel couldn’t help but feel some anger at the young man. If Connor had released her, Cordelia never would have been danger, fighting with Skip. She never would’ve been injured. But, Angel repressed his anger and stopped the young man from telling Cordelia. Cordelia seemed fine, amazingly fine for having been lying unconscious only moments before. And she seemed to have accepted what happened and chosen to believe that dream rather than the reality. The fear he had sensed radiating from her on Mythos was gone. And if there was any remaining anger, she was hiding it well. Hiding it so as not to upset Connor. Well, Angel didn’t want Connor to upset Cordelia. So, he interrupted.

“I need…”

“Connor, Cordy needs to rest.”

“Angel, I fine, I told you. I’m….”

“Connor, why don’t you go downstairs and tell everyone that Cordy is awake.”

“Angel.” Cordelia said, annoyed that the vampire seemed to be ignoring her. She was fine.

“Connor.” Angel said.

Connor scrunched his face back and forth between Angel and Cordelia. He sighed and then nodded. “Okay.”

Chapter 37

“I said I was fine.” Cordy glared at the vampire once Connor left the room. “Fine- as in well, no coddling necessary. Why did you send him away?” Her eyes widened. “Angel, you said everyone- is everyone okay? Was anybody hurt? Everybody was okay, before….well, before I got injured. Did anyone else get hurt? Why aren’t you answering me? Tell me already.”

“I was waiting for you to take a breath.”

“Hmmph. Well?”

“Everyone is fine.”

“Whew.” She nodded, and then glanced back at the vampire, biting her lip. “What about you? I’m assuming that you know what happened. Are you okay? Angel? You said it was real. That’s what you told me. Do you still believe it? You still love me don’t you? You’re okay with Connor being grown up, aren’t you? He’s still your son. Angel, say something. Do you love me or not? You’re really mad aren’t you? Do you love me?”

For a brief moment Angel considered waiting to see how long it would take her to need to breathe. And the myriad of expressions flowing over her face was beautiful to watch, except now the fear was returning. And he needed to touch her. Cordelia's next question became her last as Angel’s lips ended her words.

Cordelia’s fear evaporated as soon as she felt the firm coolness pressed against her lips. With a small cry of relief and pleasure, her body melted against Angel’s. Her arms holding him tight as her lips responded to the cool pressure. Her mouth opened instantly at Angel’s urging. Their tongues met and explored each other, needing to taste and devour. Cordelia tried to wiggle even closer to the strong body holding her. Angel’s hands left Cordelia’s hair and moved down to her back, helping her in her desire.

“Angel,” she murmured as her lips moved away, taking breaths and small kisses along his jaw, her hands moving frantically along his sides and back, trying to find an pathway to his skin.

With a low growl, Angel pushed back, shrugging off his coat and then taking Cordelia back into his arms.

Cordelia pressed immediately back into his body. With a triumphant groan, Cordelia pulled at Angel’s shirt, her hands going immediately underneath. Angel’s growls became louder. He lifted the young body in his arms, moving them to the bed. His hands reaching for her shirt as soon as his body was settled firmly over Cordelia.

Again, Cordelia’s lips had to leave Angel’s. She took a breath. “We need to talk.” She tried to say, but her whimpers of pleasure seemed to take precedence.

Angel recaptured her lips, his hands and fingers fondling and pressing at her breasts and torso.

“Angel.” She tried again, though not moving her body away.

Angel’s mouth traced down her cheek and chin. “Need you.”

“Later.” Cordelia agreed as her fingers entangled themselves in Angel’s hair, pulling his mouth even closer, her legs wrapping tighter round Angel’s hips.

Neither heard the door open. Angel didn’t even sense the others presence until someone coughed. Cordelia was still oblivious, her hands pushing up Angel’s shirt to get more access to his skin.

Connor stared, his face turning bright red, embarrassment fighting against his annoyance. It was a scene straight out of his childhood. The embarrassment was present because now he was old enough to really know what he had been always interrupting. Annoyance won out though, old habits were hard to deny. “Hmmph.” Connor smiled at the annoyance. It felt right. It was weird, it took him walking in on his parents starting to make love that reassured him, that it had all been real, that the love that both Cordelia and Angel shown him as a child was real.

Angel pulled up from Cordelia tugging down her shirt. Her eyes glazed, questioning until she heard Fred’s whispered Aw and Moria. Cordelia looked to the doorway, brushing at her bangs. Connor, Wesley, Fred, Gunn were all crowded in the opening.

“Gee, didn’t Lorne want a show?”

“I’m here Princess, continue if you wish.” A green hand waved over the heads of the others.

“You know I could count on my hand all the times that I didn’t walk in on them. The times I did were too many to bother with.” Skip sighed from the back of the crowd.

“Skip?” Cordelia leaned up trying to see the demon.

“I’m here.”

“Hmmph.” Cordelia looked back to the doorway and waved. “I’m fine.”

“Uhuh, “ Gunn said.

“Mom, Dad, really.” Connor shook his head.

Angel got up from the bed, holding his hand out for Cordelia. He pulled her to chest briefly. “Connor did this, you know. He does it on purpose.” Angel whispered.

Cordelia rolled her eyes smacking at his arm. “Angel.” Then she smiled and leaned up to him. “It’s going to be okay, isn’t it?”

“It will be better when our family leaves our bedroom, starting with our son.” Angel grumbled. She smacked him again.

Chapter 38

“So, now what?” Cordelia said from the crook of Angel’s arm, her hand reaching down to ruffle Connor’s hair.

“Mom,” Connor brushed away her hand and scooted further away.

“I’ve to say, it’s weird, just weird Connor 21 and calling Cordy mom, weird.” Gunn said from his seated position on the lobby counter.

“That’s because they were no rules.” Fred shook her head. “No rules.”

Angel smiled at the young woman. Fred was pacing back and forth in front of Gunn, she would grumble then turn and look at the three of them, he and Cordy on the couch, Connor sitting on the floor nearby and she would let out a deep sigh and Aww.

“Connor.” Wesley had his glasses in his hands wiping furiously at the lenses. “Connor” the ex-watcher said again.

“What, sorry.” The young man glanced up from the movements Wesley’s hands were making. Connor turned to Cordy. “He does do it.”

“Told you.”

“Excuse me.” Wesley put his glasses back on.

Connor pointed. “Mom said you were always doing that. Wiping your glasses whenever you were about to start on some….” Connor scrunched up his face. “Some…”

“It’s okay, Connor. Wesley knows that I think a lot of what he says is boring, it’s just that the other stuff is wonderfully smart.” She smiled at the stuttering ex-watcher.

“Yes, well, right.” Wesley forced his hand down from reaching for his glasses. “I was just going to ask Connor is it over- is Mortnublis dead.”

Connor sighed and nodded. “Yeah.”

Angel looked at his son. Connor was alive, but whatever he experienced in the 7th hell hadn’t been easy for the young man. Angel’s rage at the Powers intensified.

“So, then you here to stay. Everybody’s home.” Fred smiled. “Good, you can show me your mathtale Angel and Cordy said you did one about the Corridor-What’s a Corridor?”


“You didn’t write one?”

“Yes, but I’m not staying.”

“What?!” Both Cordy and Angel shot up.

“Connor, I know it’s still a little twighlight zoney, but everything will be okay. So, maybe there’ll be a few odd looks at our mother and son presentation. But who cares. You’re staying with us. Right, Angel.” It wasn’t a question to the vampire.

“Yes.” Cordelia smiled at the vampire’s answer.

Connor shook his head. “I can’t. I….my mission isn’t here.”

“Your mission is over, bad guy dead, 7th hell is…”

“That wasn’t my mission, that was just the beginning. My mission is to continue to fight wherever the Powers need me. My ability to transcend dimensions allows me to go everywhere. I’m not needed here. This dimension has enough warriors.”

“You are needed here.” Cordelia stomped up. “You are. And you aren’t going. Angel, do something.”

“Connor, this is your home.”

The young man smiled sadly. “I…it was supposed to be, but it’s not….no…”

“What do you mean? Supposed to be? It is.” Cordelia glared.

“No, mom. It would’ve been had I not gone to Mythos. But I did…”

“NO.” Cordelia backed away from the approaching young man.

“Cordy.” Angel got up reaching for the young woman. She swirled at his touch. “No, No..” Her eyes filling with tears. “NO.” She ran up the stairs. Angel took off after her.

“What’s wrong with Mom? Why is she so upset? It’s more than….” Connor turned to the rest of the group.

Wesley took off his glasses. “You said this should’ve been your home…Well, Cordelia is the one that took you away. She obviously feels responsible that this isn’t your home.” He shoved the glasses back on his head.

“That’s not right. Skip, I thought you told them.” Connor glared at the big demon.

“I did, but she was unconscious. And even if she had heard, I’m not sure it would’ve helped. But, I’ll go…”

“No.” Connor shook his head and headed for the stairs.

Chapter 39

“Cordy, please.” Angel reached out towards the young woman huddled against the backboard of the bed.

She shook her head. “I did it. It’s my fault. I ruined everything.”

“Cordelia.” Angel said sharply. “You did what was right. You know that.”

“No, No. You defeated the Mortnublis. I should’ve ignored the vision and told you. We could have done it. Then Connor would’ve been with us. He would still be with us. He would be here.” She buried her head in her hands.

“Cordy, the Mortnublis couldn’t be defeated not by me, not by all of us. We didn’t kill all of it. You know that. And we couldn’t have because Connor was the only one that could. But, you and I, our bond accelerated the Mortnublis growth, Connor couldn’t have stayed with us.”

“I should’ve just left. I knew that the Mortnublis somehow sensed me. I should’ve just gone, and then everything would’ve been fine. You would have been able to see your son grow. Angel, I stole t hat from you. How can you love me? How can he forgive me?” Her head going back into her hands.

In this one instant Connor felt comfortable coming between his father and mother. He laid a hand on Angel’s shoulder asking for permission. Angel growled and nodded, giving up his spot on the bed, allowing Connor to take his place.

“I can forgive you.” Connor reached out and clasped at Cordelia’s hands. “Just like Dad can because my going or not going to Mythos wasn’t an option. Skip came to take me. I can forgive you because of the choice you made.” He smiled as Cordelia looked up, the questions filling her glistening eyes. “You didn’t have to stay with me, but you did. And because you did, I had a childhood, a life, a mother that loved me and also a father.” Connor glanced over at Angel and gave a small smile, and then the young man turned back to Cordelia. “That hadn’t been the Powers plan, but you changed it. You loved me, you told me who my father was, you made it possible for him to visit, and you made it possible for us to be a family. Mom, I was borne of two vampires, a fact that is impossible, I wasn’t meant to have a life, I was meant to be a prophecy. You made it possible for me to be so much more. And for that, I love you and there is nothing to forgive.”

“No, “ Cordelia shook her head. “I should’ve left. Then the Mortnublis wouldn’t have grown so quickly, there would have been no need for you to leave. I should’ve.” Cordy looked to Angel. “I should’ve. I just didn’t know, they didn’t tell me that if I left it would be okay. It just never occurred to me to leave you. I…”

Connor pleaded to Angel. He hadn’t helped. Angel put a hand on Connor’s shoulder squeezing, assuring the young man that everything would be fine. Connor moved, letting Angel have his former position back.

“Cordy, you’re being stupid and dense.”

Her eyes shot up to the vampire. Angel hid his smile at the flash of anger he saw behind the crying eyes. “Yes, stupid and dense. Geez, not only are you a princess, but you’re a whiny one.”


“Scropulate, Cordy. Skip told you there were three. They’re pretty easy to avoid if you had been paying attention, but no you got yourself into stupid trouble- princess, and now you are whining about things that you couldn’t have changed and things that you know aren’t true.”

“Angel, you do know that you’re making me mad.” Cordy scrunched her nose at the vampire. What was he doing? She wanted to be forgiven, if that was possible, then comforted.

Angel shrugged. “I’m bored. We’ve had this talk too many times. You did what was right. It isn’t your fault. The first few times, I could be sympathetic, but now I just think you like hearing yourself whine.”

“You are such a dead vampire.” She bounced up on the bed. “Hmmph.”

“Does the fact that you want to stake me, mean that you’ve finally moved away from the pity party?”

“Angel.” She glowered at the vampire.

“Cordy. I love you. Connor loves you. You did what was right and you gave Connor a home. Yes, there was a time that I didn’t think I could forgive you for taking him, but that lasted a day. Because in that day, I saw how much you loved my son, that you raised him, told him stories that made him look at me in awe, and saw the Mortnublis. If I had kept Connor here and tried to fight the Mortnublis, your vision would have come true. If I’d taken him to the Powers, then he would’ve been alone. But neither happened because you willing sacrificed your home here. And because you did Connor knows me as a father, not as some sort of abstract sperm donor. Jerky jerk, remember. And as for you just up and leaving, I wouldn’t have let you. Just like I would’ve been reluctant to believe that I couldn’t protect Connor, I would’ve found it impossible to believe that you leaving would be a good thing. So, you see, there is nothing to forgive.”

Cordelia leaned back into the headboard. She tried one more time. “Angel.”

“Don’t Cordy. Guilt is my area of expertise and you just haven’t done anything to be guilty about. It’s a waste of time. Connor says he can’t stay, but he hasn’t gone yet. Do you really want to be up here crying when you could be spending time with him laughing, loving and having fun.”

Both Cordy and Connor looked at the vampire. Connor smiled and turned to the young woman. “Mom, I can’t live here, but I don’t have to actually leave…..” He scrunched up his face. “Actually, I do…we all do, the Oracles what to talk to you. That’s where I went, it wasn’t just a tantrum, really.” He smiled apologetically to Angel.

“The Oracles. Noo,” Cordy whined again. “They never say anything, I want to hear, they just screw things up. I’m not going.” She sat back even further her arms crossed against her chest.

The Oracles. Angel wanted to see them. Angel still wanted to kill them for their callous manipulations. If it hadn’t been for Cordy, they would’ve had his son raised in a vacuum. And Cordelia had been kept helpless and a prisoner.

Cordelia raised her eyes to the still vampire. “You’re not going either, not if you’re going to try to kill t hem. That wouldn’t be the way to make sure that they aren’t going to do anything else.”

“Dead, is pretty sure.” Angel no longer wondered how she knew what he was thinking.

“Yeah, until the next twin set come up. Angel, I’m going to have to go, aren’t I? Too make sure that you don’t over react, I’ll have to be the voice of reason ”

Both Connor and Angel looked to the young woman. Both in different incidents had been present during Cordelia’s audiences with the Oracles. She had never been the voice of reason, unless that voice was loud and insulting.

“When do we have to go?”

“Soon….but, “ Connor looked to Angel. He knew that his father hadn’t wanted Connor to tell Cordelia about how Connor had kept her in the prison. But he also knew that the Oracles would somehow probably throw it out there without explanation or in context, just like they did to him about Angel and Cordy’s history, causing even more damage.


“Connor.” Angel said, somehow knowing what the young man was about to do.

“I have to, before they do.”

Angel thought about it and nodded. And to be truthful, Angel needed to hear the explanation from his son, also.

“Connor, what are you talking about?”

“Mom,” Connor took a deep breath and sat on the bed across from his father. “I didn’t tell you, but I found out, “ He waved his hand around.” Everything. When I was eighteen.”

“Everything? “ She blinked. “They told you didn’t they. Those sanctimonious blue idiots. Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve explained, much better than those blue toned salt and pepper shakers.”

“Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Your mother. Darla. They t old you she didn’t have a soul, that she was evil, didn’t they. Well, she was. I lied about the good vampire bit, but not about the hero part. She was a hero. She recognized that you h ad a soul and she sacrificed herself for you to live. So, she was a hero, because self-sacrificed is not the standard fare of your typical ‘grry’ evil vamp. So, don’t believe anything they said. And your father did love her.”

“Mom.” Connor looked at Angel.

Angel shrugged. “At least she didn’t say that Darla was blonde proof t hat I loved her.”


“Cordy, the Oracles did tell Connor and yes he was mad. But, I told him about Darla. Who she was and that while I didn’t love her she was a part of my past, part of who I had been at the time and how I was doubting my soul, my reason for fighting and that Darla was a symbol of an easier time, a time without my soul.”

“You were trying to lose your soul. Damn you.” Cordelia hit Angel. She glared and hit him again. “If you ever do anything so stupid again, I’ll stake you. And you lied to me. ” She hit him again and then turned apologetically to Connor. “I wasn’t talking about you, honey.”

“Cordy, I said I was sorry.” Angel whined.


Connor just stared. Angel was fidgeting. Connor laughed. He had seen that expression before. God, it all really had been real. He sighed. “No, mom. I wasn’t talking about Darla. Darla was Darla, a means to a prophecy, a …mother that I will…accept that gave her life for me and for that be grateful. Because that led me to you…and him.” Connor again smiled a small grin towards Angel. “But, when I was eighteen, the Powers pulled Skip and I out of the illusion, they showed me the truth of Mythos, they showed me you lying on the 10th level, young as you are now, unconscious living a dream. They told me that it was time for you to leave, to go back to your life with your warrior, that you still had some time…” Connor closed his eyes. “They said your warrior needed you. But I refused. I wouldn’t let them send you back, I wouldn’t send you back….” Connor’s eyes fell to his hands. “I couldn’t end it. I needed you. What they wanted from me was so….I needed you. so …..That’s why you faced the prison insurrection. If I had done what the Powers told me to, you would’ve been safe. I….I’m sorry.” Connor looked up his eyes filled with tears.

. “You knew…for four years you knew,” She scrunched up her face and glared. “You knew…and you didn’t tell me, I’m your mother. You should have told me. Oh, honey. Come here.” She reached out bringing the young man to her chest.

Connor pushed back. “Mom, I said..”

“Shh, baby. Those damn oracles. Wonder what test that was?” She shook her head at Angel. She scrunched her face. The vampire was still, his eyes unreadable or a least not easily so and she didn’t have time to dig.


”It’s okay, I understand. And so does Angel,” She looked at the vampire over Connors head, begging, ordering Angel to understand. “Don’t worry so, realistically, it was probably only a week extra in that place, and if you had done what they wanted, I would’ve missed so much. Though,” she pulled back. “This does explain the major broodiness that you dwelled in.” She looked at Angel. “ I just t thought that the broody brow caught of with him. Not fun to be around. Hmmph. You should’ve told me, what you were going through.” Her hands back again cradling Connor’s face.


“Shh. I understand.” She sighed. “Skip left, he never came back. That explains it. I just thought he was being thoughtlessly rude.” She sighed again and looked to Connor. “Um. Honey, when do we have to leave?”

“I…. when we’re ready.”

“Well, that’s an invitation to dawdle. Connor, go back downstairs. Show Fred the mathtale; get to know your aunt and uncles. I need to talk to your father.”


“Connor, go- and we will come down when we’re ready to go. Now, scoot.”

“Mom. I’m not ten.”

“Scoot.” She said again.

“Okay, Mom are you…”

“Honey, I’m fine. I do understand why you did it. And like I said before my memories are of us, not the cell, so I really am fine.”

Connor nodded and looked to Angel. “Dad?”

“He’s fine, too. Angel understands.” Cordelia answered for the vampire. “Now go, honey.”

Chapter 40

Cordelia turned from the door to face Angel. “You do understand, right? You have to; he’s your son. Really. Think about it. You would’ve done the same thing, not listening to the powers to get what you want. And he only wanted a family.”

“Is t hat why you rushed him out of here to see if I understood. I’d hoped it was because you wanted to make love.” Angel moved closer to the young woman.

“Angel, this is serious. I need to …”

His lips cut her off again. He pulled back up. “I need you now.”

Cordelia looked at the vampire then over his shoulder at the door. “Lock it.”

Angel went quickly to the door. He turned his eyes wide, very appreciative and very hungry. “How did you do that?”

“Necessity,” Cordelia said. Her clothes gone from her body, her arms held out and a big smile on her face. “It’s been almost ten years.” She giggled.

Angel’s shirt was ripped from his body as he moved towards her. Cordelia yanked at his pants when he got close enough. Very soon, they were both on the bed. Hands and lips traveling everywhere.

Cordelia clung tightly against Angel has he entered; she bit into his shoulder her fingers clutched at his shoulders. Sighs and moans emitted from her throat as her hips moved against his. It was over sooner than either was ready for, their pleasure bursting after the first few rhythmic thrusts. Cordelia wrapped her arms and legs around Angel’s body. “I don’t want to leave this.”

“You won’t, not again.” Angel brushed her bangs back, his hand going through her hair. Cordelia wiggled and got up at his expression. “You don’t like my hair.”

“Cordy,” Angel was forced up at her quick movement. “I love your hair.” Reaching for the silky strains.

“You don’t. I saw that look.”

“What look?

“The I don’t like Cordy’s hair look. You never said anything.”

“I love your hair.” Angel’s head was starting to hurt. He refused to believe that he was going to have to have t his discussion again.

“You made a look.” She shook her head trying to dislodge his fingers from her hair.

Angel stared at his hand and the strains that were clutched in it. Maybe he did make a look. “I love your hair.” He said again. “I just….It twirls better when it’s longer.” He tried to get her to see how the strains didn’t go completely around his fist. “Anyway, you must like it longer and darker, cuz it was.”

“Men.” Cordelia got up. “For that, I just may go bald.” She strode to the bathroom. Angel sat on the bed still looking at his hand.

“Hey, ‘Grr’ guy, I’m going to take a shower. If the fact that my hair is too short and not dark enough doesn’t turn you off completely, you can hold the soap.”

Angel was off the bed in an instant.

“They been up there a long time, maybe I should.”

Skip grabbed at the young man. “Don’t. Just let them be for now. The less interruptions, the quicker they come down. Maybe.” Skip shook his head and went back to the sofa. Gertie was going to kill him for being so late. But, he really wanted to wait and see how it all turned out. Things seemed to be going okay. Angel and Cordy were definitely okay. And the brief times, the big demon saw Connor with them it seemed okay, some tension, but not undefeatable. He just wanted to make sure that all would be well, or at least as well as it good be. Skip settled back in the chair. Gertie would understand once he explained.

Gunn looked up as Connor came over to him. The black man was still sitting on the counter, but now he was holding a palm size computer game.

Connor smiled almost shyly. “That’s not the same as the one you gave me.”

Gunn blinked, remembering back how only two weeks ago he was running around trying to find his favorite game to give to Connor. A four-year-old Connor. He looked again at the young man. His expression was one of hesitations and longing, going back from Gunn and the game. Gunn shrugged. “It’s an upgrade, see.” Gunn held out the game.

Connor started pushing at the buttons. He scowled when he saw his score compared to Gunn’s previous one.

Gunn laughed. “So like dad, I’m the champion. Wait to you see, my game boy.” Gunn jumped off the counter pulling Connor to the TV.

Gunn’s action seemed to bring the rest of the room to life. Fred ran up Connor pulling at his arm. “Angel and Cordy said you wrote a mathtale? Did you like mine? I want to read yours.”

Wesley cleared his throat. “Connor is a grown man, I don’t imagine he’s interested in games or fairytales. He’s a warrior, I’m sure he would be more interested in the new books I got.” Wesley’s pompous tone turned suddenly to an eager one. “They’re just over here.” He pulled at that the young man. “I’m sure you’ll find them interesting.”

“Right,” Fred rolled her eyes as she tugged on Connor. Whoops. She just rolled her eyes at Wesley. Wow.

“Kiddies, leave cutie pie, alone.” Lorne strode up, placing his hand on the only free area left on Connor’s arms. “I’m sure, he would much prefer to hear some Aretha live.”

“Live, get over it man. You ain’t Aretha, no matter how many times you primp and gargle.” Gunn said. “Game boy is this way.”

“My books over here.” Wesley pulled.

“I’ve still got some story left on my wall.” Fred tugged.

“You don’t, we painted it. We did.”

“I wrote more, when they were away, so there.” She stuck her tongue out at the black man. Whoops.

“Man, you’re turning into Cordy.”

“No, Fred is not turning into anybody, but her own wonderful self.” Cordelia smiled at the young woman as she came down the stairs. “She’s just finally realizing that you’re all idiots.”

Fred smiled.

“Mom, Dad.” Connor gently disentangled himself from all the hands that were grabbing at him. “Mom, Dad.”

“They just missed you.” Cordy smiled. “Can we borrow him for a little while?”

“Yeah.” “Of course.” “Bring him back.” “He would love Aretha.”

Wesley took off his glasses. “Angel. What?”

“We have to go talk to the Oracles.”

“No” “Ain’t happening.” “There goes my lovely song.”

“Angel, we all will go.”

Angel smiled at Wesley. “No. But thank you, for everything.”

Wesley gulped and wiped even harder, his actions became even more frantically as Cordelia leaned up and kissed on his cheek. “I knew that you would help him.” She whispered.

“Cordelia, I…”

“I’ll be back. “ She kissed him again. “Skip, are you coming?”

“Do they want me?”

“Yes.” Connor said.

“Then, I guess I’m coming. Damn.” Skip looked at Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Lorne. “I won’t be back. So, bye. And you all are very brave idiots, it was a honor to fight with you.”

“Pooh. You’re visiting again, if I have anything to say about it.” Cordelia glared.

“Well, forget what I said. The Princess seems to have made up her mind. Ready when you are.” He turned back to Cordelia. “Um, Princess, you will explain to Gertie why I’m so late won’t you.” Skip turned to Angel. “She can be just as mean as her.” Pointing to Cordelia.

“Gertie….I do want to meet her.”

“Princess, you did. She was with me.”

“Bob and Cecilia?”

“At their grandmothers. They’re only 6 and 10.” Skip cringed at Cordelia’s smile and contemplative expression.

“6 and 10?” Her eyes brightened. “They have to come for a visit with you and Gertie. I just bet you don’t have any decent stores where you’re from.”

“You’re not playing dress up with my daughter or teaching Bob how to pout. Experiencing that once was enough. ”



“He would liked my Game boy much better than your oh so interesting books.”

“I hope that Skip’s kids do visit. I want to go shopping with them. Cordy has great taste.”

“Sweetie, if little girl demon child looks anything like Daddykins that wouldn’t be advisable.” Lorne said.

“Pooh, I don’t see your horns getting away of you attempting to fashionably conscious.”

“Where DO you shop?” Gunn raised his eyes to the demon.

“Planning to move on from the street years into adulthood.”

Gunn grumbled and jumped back on the counter. “What’s up, Wes? You worried?”

Wesley shrugged, looked down at the glasses in his hand and shoved them back on his face. “What didn’t some one tell me that I’m a neurotic with these things?"

“Thought you knew.” Gunn said picking up his game.

“I think it’s cute.” Fred nudged up her own glasses.

“Wise neurotic one, do you think we should be worried? Redundantly as I speak.” Lorne said.

“I…I don’t know. I can’t imagine what more the Powers can do them. But, then again I never imagined this.”

“Wesley, you do think that they are coming back? They have to, right?” Fred said.

“Angel will be and I cant’ think of a reason for Cordy not to, not now. Connor’s grown and the truth known about Mythos.”

“What a fucked up truth that was. I’ll say it again those Powers are..” Gunn started.

“Oh, please tell us how you really feel, it’s not like we haven’t heard that chorus before over and over again.” Lorne rolled his eyes.

“Weren’t you going to go put on a dress and sing diva tonight.” Gunn scowled.

“Oh, Lorne, I want to go. I think we’ll should.”

“Fred? You don’t want to wait for Cordy and Angel?” Wesley said.

Fred bit her lip and shrugged. “It’s the Moira, I think maybe it will be okay for them to come back and be alone. In fact, I’m not sure I want to be here. It’s romantic and all, but…”

“Yes, excellent notion going to the Club.” Wesley said. “Gunn?”

“I ain’t staying here to watch.” Gunn jumped off the counter, grabbing his jacket. “I’m thinking that I will be wanting a few days off once they do get back.”

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