just fic

Title: A Mother's Love
Author: Anne
Rating: NC17 Disclaimers: I wish but no ATS does not belong to me
Dedication: To all the wonderful authors that have been posting on this board- you all amaze me and make me smile (well some of you angsters make me cry- but I'm still having fun)
Spoilers: 1) Daddy- and a borrowing heavily from all the specualation of posters as to what will happen to the 'baby'. Some of you may know that I'm not a big fan of the baby on ATS, but I will tell you- there are NO major character deaths in this- and to me until Joss makes it otherwise- Connor is a major one -
2) Birthday. I had to make some adjustments after Birthday.

Comments: This story is pretty much complete so the weirdness of RL permitting posts will come fairly frequently- Oh, it's VERY long. So, those of you that don't like long fics and I understand- be warned or just don't read. as always feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 41

Cordelia raised her brows at the dark chamber Connor shimmered them into. She nudged at Angel. “You know for supposedly know it all supery beings, the Oracles are pathetically unimaginative.” Pointing at the Post Office Doors.

Angel looked around. This really did look like the old LA access to the Oracles. He looked at Connor questioningly.

The young man shrugged. “They like Post Offices, I don’t know.”

“Are we still in LA?”

Connor shook his head. “They all look this. Well, except the one in Mythos or at least it seemed to be different to us while we were there.”

“It’s dingy. I bet they got off on ‘the oh’ so grandeur of Mythos. This is just danky.” Cordelia hmmphed.

“Ready?” Connor said from his position at the urn.

Cordelia grabbed Angel’s hand and nodded.

“Yes.” Angel tightened his grip on her fingers.

Chapter 42

“Khap-man.” The male Oracle stepped forward.

“Hey, where’s Zelda and Fritz?” Cordelia stepped up studying the dark haired Oracles.

The male Oracle blinked, his steel-blue eyes resting on the young woman. “Seer, I do not believe that I was speaking to you. It was told that you do not hold yourself with the proper respect. It seems that information was correct.”

“Respect is earned buddy. And when any of you higher types start respecting me, then maybe I’ll be properly bowy and scrapey.” Glaring into the Male Oracle’s gaze.

“Mom.” “Cordy.” “Princess.”

Cordelia swirled around. “What? He’s the one being rude. He started it. And anyway, I’m pissed. Expecting me to be all bowy, when they’re the ones that screwed with all of our lives. Hmmph.”

“Seer, you were the one that didn’t follow the course that was planned. You are the one that made the choice to as you say ‘screw’ with your life. Had you done what was told, you would’ve remained with your warrior, you would’ve never been placed in the construct of Mythos.”

“Right. And Connor would’ve been alone.” Cordelia rolled her eyes and then narrowed them. “If it was such a screw up, why did you or whoever let me stay. Why did you bother with Mythos? Why did you allow Angel to visit? We’ve got the pictures.”

The female Oracle stepped forward, placing a delicate hand on her brother stopping him from speaking. “Cordelia, if you find it more comfortable you may call me Zelda or any other name you wish, well with in reason, of course.”

Cordelia stepped back confused. The dark haired woman was smiling at her. A real smile, not one of Zelda’s infrequent discreet ones. This was definitely new, an Oracle with a sense of humor.


“Brother. This is not the time for recriminations or censure, but one of explanations and deciding the direction of the next step.”

“Next step?” Angel said. Angel was angry, but the mention of explanations by the Oracle was unusual. They’ve never been forthcoming before. He was suspicious of their motives but he was also curious. And the female Oracle seemed more open than any of the others.

“Yes, Angel, the next step. Your destiny as well as Connor’s has been laid out. What remains to be decided is the next step on how those destinies are reached. A mistake was made one that affected the prophecies of both warriors….”

“You’re blaming me.”

The female turned to Cordelia. “You have been unexpected. Your actions and choices have confused us. As had the actions of Doyle, humans were not meant to be seers, yet Doyle was able to pass them on to you. It should not have happened, but it did. It did because of an emotion that we do not understand, the concept of love, yes we understand, the power of it no. Had we been aware, the mistake would not have happened. So, no Cordelia. We do not blame you. The fault was ours.”

“Doyle loved me?” Cordelia said in a very small voice. “I…” She turned to Angel. Angel smiled and shrugged, nodding slightly.

“Oh.” Cordelia bit her lip and hugged her arms around her body. She hadn’t known. Cordy had known that he cared, but love? Doyle had always been coming on to her, flirting and stuff, sometimes sweet, sometimes joking, sometime annoying, but she never thought he had been serious. Not even after the kiss when he died. Though, she did wonder at times afterwards, the kiss had been real, sad and full of regret of possibilities that had been lost. But, Cordelia had stopped even those infrequent wonderings –‘what ifs’ were a waste of time.

“Doyle’s heart was his own. We cannot answer for him. But, he was able to pass on the visions, something that should not have happened. We attempted to correct that mistake by giving you the choice in Plyea to rid yourself of the visions.”

“A test, Fritz said it was a test.”

“Fritz’s an idiot.”


“Brother, he is and you know he is, Zelda was only marginally better but at least she was able to recognize that her original misconceptions of the seer were incorrect and sensed Cordelia’s benefit to the Kham-pah.”

The male oracle reluctantly nodded. Still obviously uncomfortable with the frankness his sister was showing to the lower beings.

“Plyea was not a test, it was a true offering. You would not have been judged poorly for choosing the Groosalugg and the throne of Plyea, it was expected that you would. Unfortunately, as you said the choices given were lame. You were misjudged. Then it was discovered that your bond with the warrior was circumventing the Khap-man’s prophecy. Again, we attempted to correct that by taking the Tro-Clan to Mythos. And again, we misjudged you. But fortunately, Zelda was able to see that your presence would not harm the Khap-man’s growth, but would benefit it, as your presence had benefited Angel.”

“Okay, I think you are being complimentary towards me, but what’s the catch.”

“It’s over. The Khap-man is ready to start on his path, he no longer needs your presence.”

“Yes, I do.” Connor rushed forward.

“And neither does Angel.” The female continued ignoring Connor’s interruption.

Angel growled, loudly denying the statement.

The female oracle blinked and stared at the two angry warriors. “Well, you both better learn too.” She said harshly. “Cordelia is a human seer, she cannot survive much longer. She will die and there is nothing to be done, not while she has the visions.”

“More with the dying. You don’t…”

“Yes, we do and so do you, Cordelia. Denial is not what is needed from you.”

“I’ve survived this long, I’m strong.”

“Not strong enough. Skip.”

The big demon had been standing off to the side, wondering why he had been summoned. Now he begining to get a clue and he wished that he didn’t. Skip nodded. “Cordy, you don’t want to believe, but you have to. Tammy.” Skip held out his hand as a blonde woman approached, her clothes were 17th century.

“Hello, Miss.”

“Tammy, here had the visions in 1630.”

“Aye had ‘em nigh for a year, and a hellish year it was. The town fathers called me a witch, wanting to burn me at the stake, but it never came to be, didn’t have to burn me.” The young woman turned from Cordelia showing a gapping hole in the back of her head. “The last vision blew me skull out.” Tammy turned back to Cordelia. “We humans weren’t meant to have the visions.”

“Thanks, Tammy.” Skip waved her out of the chamber.

“Take the visions away.” Angel stormed forward. “It was a mistake, you said it. She wasn’t meant to have them, take them away. Cordy can’t die.”

“We cannot, the seer must be willing to give them up. We can not take the gift.”

Angel and Connor turned to Cordy. “Give them up.”

Cordy stumbled back at the men’s shout. “Angel, you need them…”

“I don’t give a damn about them, you are who I need. Get rid of them.” Angel angrily shook the young woman.


“Mom, Angel will get a new seer, I’m sure. Anyway, it doesn’t matter- you can’t die. Give them up.” Connor ran up and echoed Angel’s assertions.

“No.” Cordelia yanked away from the men. She looked at the Oracles. “It’s not that easy is it? I asked – What’s the catch?”

“It is that easy. But, you’re right there is a catch. But you will be given a fair trade.”


“Yes, for the visions and your memory of them, you will be given the life you wanted. You came to LA to be an actress. And you will be one; a famous one, a wealthy one, and your life will be successful and charmed. You’ve earned it for your suffering on our behalf.”

“My memory of them? My memory of them consists of Doyle, Angel and Connor and Wesley, Gunn and Fred. When you say…….”

“They will be gone.”

“What is it with you people that think you can just play havoc with my memories?”

“It is a fair trade.”

“I knew Angel, Wesley and Doyle before the visions, you can’t take that away.”

“No, but you won’t remember your connection to the warrior, you will not be a part of the fight anymore. You will live the life you wanted.”

Cordelia shook her head. “What happens to the visions?”

“History will be rewritten, you will not meet Angel at that first party, you will instead meet up with an agent -a legitimate one, not Russell Winters, the course of the life you should have had would then begin- one with out Angel, without the visions. Angel will receive the visions from Doyle.”

“Cordy,” Angel went to the young woman. “You have to live.”

Cordelia smacked Angel’s hands away. “Didn’t you hear them? They want me to not only give up the visions but you and Connor and who I am.” She turned to the Oracles. “I’m not that person who wanted to be an actress, sure I’ll still try, but that’s not who I am. I can’t give up my life, my real life, who I am. I won’t.”

“You will die.”

Cordelia shook her head; she looked up in sudden thought. “The globe. The globe took away the pain.”

Connor rushed up. “That’s right. I asked you both before, give her the globe. It will….”

“Will do nothing but delay the inevitable and if Cordelia remains with Angel in LA, the delay will be minimal, the globe takes the pain away, but not the damage caused. That damage will be fatal, human’s were not meant to have the visions, only demons.”

Angel grabbed back at Cordy. “You cannot die. So what that you forget the death and pain of the fight- you will have the life you deserve.”


“So what that you forget me. I need you alive that’s all.”

“Angel, I’ll forget that I love you and so will you. That’s what they’re saying. I’ll never meet you in LA; we will never be a family. I won’t be a part of a family. I won’t do it.”

Angel closed his eyes, his forehead resting on hers. “I don’t care. Cordy, you need to live.”

Cordelia shook her head. “I won’t forget, not you, not Connor, not the helpless that need to be saved. I won’t.”

“Mom. Dad’s right. You have to live.”

“NO.” Cordelia broke away from both men.

“Cordelia,” Skip came up to the young woman. “You will die.”

“Everyone dies. I will not give up who I’ve become. I like me. I finally like me. I have a purpose to my life. I have a real family. I won’t give that up. I would rather die.”

“Cordelia, you have always had the heart to love, choose to live and you will find love again. Do not let your fear make you choose wrongly.”

“This is what you want.” Cordy turned to Angel. “You want me to forget you, you want me to fall in love with some else.”

Angel suppressed the growl emerging in his chest. He fought against the memories of Cordelia, early ones and more recent ones, ones of her smiling, of bringing him warmed seasoned blood, her putting fake flowers in the basement, her promising to be with him forever, the feel of her warmth as she lay on him. He struggled against his love and his demon’s desire for the young woman. “Yes.”

Cordelia just closed her eyes and pushed away from the vampire. “What about Connor?”


“The prophecy- are you saying that if you do this, rewrite history that Connor will still be born.”

“Wolfram & Hart will still find Angel to be a threat, they will still resurrect Darla, the prophecy will be unchanged and as you will not be with the warrior, it will be correct. Connor will not need to be taken to Mythos for that reason.”

“Oh.” Cordelia looked at Angel and Connor. “Angel will be able to raise him, then.”

The female oracle lowered her head.

“Okay…. Do it.” Cordelia bowed her head, her tears hitting the ground.

“Hold on.” Skip came forward. “Tell her all of it. If she’s going to make that decision tell her all of it.”

“Skip, you over step your bounds.”

“Then you shouldn’t have brought me here. But you did. You made me show the Princess the truth of Tammy. Now tell her all of it.” Skip said. The demon had wanted Cordelia to choose to live, but it was clear that Cordelia’s now sudden change in mind was based on her remaining guilt at taking Connor from Angel. And Skip knew her reasoning to be false.

“Skip?” Cordelia turned to the big demon, brushing at her cheeks.

“Skip.” The oracles ordered in unison.

“No. You’ve played with her enough. Plyea, this choice none of it has been completely honest. And all the Princess has been is honest with you. The Powers say she deserves the life she wants for her suffering, well it is clear what life she wants, but you can’t give that so you offer a false one and she is willing to take it now for Angel and Connor. Tell her the whole truth, if it’s to be her last decision as a mother and seer let it be one not based on a lie.”

“Skip, what lie?”

“Cordelia, if you do this…” Skip paused. The Oracles remained silent. “Connor will be born, he will not HAVE to go to Mythos. But Angel will give him to the Powers. Because without your influence over the last three years, the vampire will not be in any position emotionally to love or raise a child.”

“Angel loves Connor, he would never..”

“Cordelia, you are thinking of Angel as he is now. Remember who he was when he left Sunnydale, remember who he was when he first got to LA, think of what would’ve happened to him after Doyle died and you hadn’t been here. Broody doesn’t cover it. Beige, hardly. You have been Angel’s greatest link to his humanity, without you his redemption may still occur, but not at the rate it has been going.”

“Wesley would be there. He would help Angel.”

“The Rogue demon hunter? Cordelia, the family that you, Wesley and Angel became was because of you, you are the heart.”

“Skip, what are you doing? Cordelia’s made her decision to live.” Angel said roughly.

“Telling her the full truth of the effects of her decision.”

“I am not a concern, her life is.”

Skip just shook his head and turned back to Cordelia.

The young woman was studying the huge demon. “Connor would be born, Angel would…” Cordelia rubbed her face. “What would happen to Connor?" lifting her face, her eyes red.

“The Khap-man would be taken care of.” The Oracles spoke in unison.

Cordelia looked at the Oracles and gave sad chuckle. “Damn you,” Cordelia slumped on the ground, her energy deserting her as the tears began to flow. She blinked up to the vampire. “Angel, please help me.”

Angel was on the ground instantly holding her close cradling her head into his chest. “I don’t want to die, I don’t. But I can’t leave you alone, I don’t want to leave you alone, I don’t want Connor to be alone, I don’t want to lose my family.” She whispered clutching at his jacket, her face buried in his chest.

“Shh, honey. Shh.” Angel held her tight. Angel didn’t know any more. He would be willing to give up Cordelia if that meant she wouldn’t be endanger from the visions, but if she gave up the visions then what Skip said would be true. Angel knew how much Cordelia had changed him, without her he would never have been able to let someone close to him after Doyle died. Without her, the outcome of the beige period would assuredly been more destructive, the birth of Connor wouldn’t have brought him joy, he wouldn’t have understood how to experience that emotion. And he couldn’t have raised Connor, not without her or Wesley. Wesley? Would Wesley, Gunn and Fred even be a part of his life? Again, Angel could sacrifice his feelings for his family, but could he sacrifice Connor’s feelings for them. Angel didn’t know. But he also knew that Cordelia couldn’t die.

“Dad.” Connor said softly. “She can’t die. I’ll be fine with what the Powers planned for me. She can’t die.”

“Is this really what you wanted?” Skip crossed his arms over his large chest and questioned the Oracles. “Angel even further from his redemption, Cordy not there for him to check his natural inclination to brood and doubt, Connor without knowing love and its power?”

“The seer deserves the choice. Her calling was a mistake, a mistake that can be righted. She is owed the choice.” The male oracle said.

“Then give her all of the choices.”

“You would suggest that?”

“Sure, so far all of them have been not so great, what’s one more bad choice.”

“Skip, what are you talking about.” Connor said.

“What else have you failed to mention?” Angel growled and struggled against jumping up and throttling someone, but the body sobbing in his arms kept him still.

“Humans can’t be seers…”Again Skip waited. After no interruption from the Oracles he continued. Skip finally figured out why he was brought here. He was the messenger of the unpalatable truths. He shook his head. “Demons are the only ones that can, so Cordy can become part demon.”

“What?’ Angel did jump up this time.

Cordelia remained on the floor but her tears had stopped, she looked at Skip. “Part demon?”


“And I could keep the visions and my life? I would able to remain who I am?”

“You would be part demon, you would be giving up part of your humanity, part of who you are.”

“But, history wouldn’t be re-written, I would keep the visions, I wouldn’t have to leave Angel, my life or my family, right?”

Skip nodded.

Cordelia got up and bit her lip. “What kind of demon?”

“The side effects would be unknown, the pain of the transition would be such that make the visions a walk in the park, a day at the beach. But you would survive it and the visions would remain with you.

Cordelia nodded and scrunched up her face. “Okay.”


Cordelia shrugged and smiled at Angel. “Much better than the other two alternatives. Will I turn green? I don’t want to be green, it’s so overdone, maybe a nice gold?” She smiled to Skip and then turned to the Oracles. “So, demonize me already.”

The both Oracles shook their heads. “Again, we misjudged you, Seer. We apologize. Cordelia Chase, it is an honor to know you.” Hands extended and a bright light flashed. Cordelia was still screaming as the chamber disappeared.

Chapter 43

“What the hell…” Gunn ran up.

“Why is Cordy screaming, what’s wrong? What’s happening?” Fred knelt down to where Angel and Cordelia appeared. The vampire still trying to restrain Cordelia’s thrashing body.

“Connor, Skip?” Wesley asked urgently as they appeared.

“It… Skip.” Connor turned to the big demon.

“I warned you all it was going to be painful.” Skip winced as he heard Cordelia’s moans. Suddenly she stopped.

Cordelia pushed at Angel, her eyes wide. “I’m okay, now. Whoa, you weren’t kidding, were you?” She turned to Skip.

“Sorry, princess.”

“No, I’m alright. I actually feel good.” She turned looking trying to see her backside as her hands went to her forehead. Cordelia turned back up smiling. “No tail, no horns.” She glanced at her hands. “Not green. I…” Her face scrunched up. “Vision. A young man in a park in Glendale, some where near a pond- there is a demon waiting for him, he’s red with four no make that five horns.”

“Um. Cordy?” Wesley said his glasses pushed back on his face.

“What?” She followed everyone’s gazed down to her feet, which were floating in the air. “Wow. I can handle this, much better than being green.” She smiled back up the group. “Vision- really should go save that guy.”

“Uhuh.” The stunned group turned to Angel.

“Probably should.” Angel glanced back up at Cordelia. “Honey, are you coming down?”

Cordy bit her lip and shrugged. “Not sure how.”

Skip laughed. “Breathe in deeply and think it.”

“Okay.” Cordelia did as the demon suggested and with a plop her feet were back on the ground.

Chapter 44

Four months later….

“I’m starving.” Cordelia pulled at Angel’s hand trying to make him walk faster.

“You’re always starving.”

“I can’t help it.” She whined. “It’s another side effect. Food tons of it needed.” She shrugged. “I’m just grateful that it’s not showing up on my butt and thighs. Now that would be horrible. It’s not right?” Cordelia let go of Angel’s hand to try to look behind her.

“I don’t know, come here.” Angel pulled her against him, his hands moving to caress and cup her buttocks. “Nope, still perfect.” He grinned as his lips descended. Cordelia let him kiss her for a minute then pushed away. “Starving.”

Angel laughed. “I still don’t see why I couldn’t have cooked you something at the hotel.”

“Because gourmet that you are, you don’t do sushi. And I would’ve had to listen to Wesley try to figure out what kind of demon I am while he stared at me shoving food in my mouth. Do you know he wants me to make a list of every craving? Like the fact that I now want raw fish means anything. I always liked sushi. Hmmph. He’ll probably check for gills. And then Dennis would just bring me everything in the refrigerator. I’m not sure he’s settling into the hotel real well. He and Fred seem to be getting long fine, but he misses our alone time.”

“Tough, bath’s are now my job, not his. I’m the only dead thing that’s scrubbing your back.”

“I can’t believe that you’re jealous of a ghost.”

“He’s jealous of me.”


“Well, he is. And Wesley is more interested in the floating, increase in your strength and the shimmering. I, on the other hand, am interested in the flexibility.”

“Sex, that’s all you think about.” Whacking him.

“Come on let’s get you fed, you’re grumpy.”

“Grumpy? You’re just saying that because I won’t make out with you in a nasty alley.”

“I don’t see the difference between the alley and the sewers-that’s all.”

“Angel, I’m not going into an alley and make love, I’m not.”

“See, grumpy.”

“Hmmph.” Cordelia stomped ahead and then stopped. “Did you hear that?”

Angel immediately searched the area for any unusual night sounds. He was about to shake his head when he heard it and identified it. “It’s nothing, just a …..”

“A kitten..aww. Angel, look.” Cordelia ran quickly to a full dumpster in the alley. “Shh, baby, I won’t hurt you. Come here.”

Angel stood and watched as Cordelia knelt down in the nasty alley, she wouldn’t kiss him in, pushing her hand through the trash, calling to the small animal. “Shh,” She smiled as her hand gently captured the kitten. Cordelia sat down on the filth, cradling the animal to her chest. Her hands stroking at its mewing body as her eyes looked around. “Angel, go look for more. There should be a mommy or brothers ands sisters.”



“Yes, Cordy.”

Angel went deeper into the alley, his senses on alert for tiny cat heartbeats and the sounds of little mews. He turned around. “Nothing.”

“Go further. He couldn’t have been all alone. Go around the other corner.”

“Cordy, I thought you were hungry.”


Angel sighed and went further into the alley, disappearing as he turned the corner.

Chapter 45

Rats, but no cats. Angel really wished he found a cat. Then Cordy would stop sending him back into the surrounding alleys searching for the kitten’s lost family.

This was it no more alleys and dumpsters. Angel was now officially declaring the kitten an orphan.

Angel stopped, his eyes narrowing as he saw Cordelia talking to a man under the streetlight. He started to move quicker. The guy was human, but that meant nothing on a dark LA street.


“There you are.” She smiled and then frowned at Angel’s expression. “Angel, this is Craig. Craig stopped and asked if I needed any help, I was just explaining how we found this precious little kitty and how you were searching for its family. Any luck?”

“No.” Angel walked up closer, his eyes scrutinizing the man.

“Oh.” Cordelia held up the golden dirty kitten eye level. “So, it’s just you, uh, don’t worry Angelus, we’ll take you home.”

“Uh.” Angel wasn’t real surprised that Cordy would want to take the cat home, but Angelus? “Cordy.”

“Doesn’t he look like him?” Cordelia brought the kitten up to her cheek rubbing against the matted fur.

“Ah, no.” Nevermind the soulless vampire, that kitten in no way resembled the big slobbering saber tooth Truxcat. Well. Angel listened. Except for the loud purring and the way the kitten was molding itself against Cordy’s face.

“Of course he does. He’s even the same color.” She brushed at the fur, showing Angel the tawny color underneath the dirt.

Angel stared at the little animal, whose large eyes were studying him, flecks of gold appeared amidst the bright green of the orbs. Angel held a hand out to the little creature, his finger going to its too big ears. The kitten purred even louder and pushed at Angel’s finger. “Maybe.” The vampire said reluctantly.

“He is cute, dirty though.”

Angel glanced up. He had forgotten about the Craig person. Angel moved his hand and narrowed his eyes as Craig reached towards the kitten, his hand getting very close to Cordelia’s chest. Suddenly the kitten turned, his fur bristling, his oversized paw shot out and struck at the approaching hand. Angel smiled as he heard the small growls vibrating through out the kitten’s small body.

“Oww.” Craig’s hand drew back and he started sucking at the blood that sprang from the tiny punctures on his finger. “You better be careful. It probably has diseases. Eww.” The man jerked his hand out of his mouth staring at his finger. “If I caught something….”

“Then you will learn not to startle animals, geez. Angel, what are you doing?”

“What?” Angel had taken the kitten from Cordelia chest and placed it in his palm, while his other hand was scratching at its ears, moving down towards the kitten’s stomach. The kitten purred and rolled onto it’s back, it’s paws batting and swatting at Angel’s fingers. It’s playful growls, intermittent with its pleased purrs at the attention.


Angel ignored Cordy. “Come on Angelus, we need to find you some treats.” The kitten purred even louder as Angel put him on his shoulder, the kitten scrambled around the vampire’s head.

Cordelia rolled her eyes and turned to Craig. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

“I..” The man grunted and turned away.

Cordelia ran up to the vampire and the kitten. “Let me hold him.”

“No, you’ll just spoil him.”

“Angel, really.” Cordelia plucked the kitten from Angel’s shoulder, the kitten immediately curled up into Cordelia’s chest. “There baby. Next, the big dork would have you rolling on the ground teaching you how to growl louder. Hmmph.”

“He got a good growl already.” Angel said. “Just needs some practice.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Food for me and Angelus. We better just go to the grocery store. I'll settle for store bought sushi. Angelus here needs proper food, toys and litter, a bunch of stuff. And first thing tomorrow to the vets.”

Angel nodded in agreement, not at all put off with the thought of spending the next hour supplying the kitten with the necessities and treats.

Chapter 46

Almost a year later, January 14, 2003

“Angelus, get off.” Gunn grunted as he pushed at the twenty-pound tawny color cat. The cat growled and stepped further in between the black man and the computer game he was trying to play.

“Just scratch his ears.” Fred said hurrying around picking up files and other papers from the lobby.

“No. I don’t like him. He’s fickle. He’s only nice when Angel and Cordy aren’t around, when they’re here, he just ignores me. Unless I get to close to Cordy then he growls. He’s weird and possibly dangerous. I think he may’ve been named well.”

“Gunn, you’re exaggerating.” Wesley said as he entered the room, bundles of wrapped boxes in his arms.

“Yeah. You’ve said the same thing. And he won’t let me play my game.” Gunn pushed again at the cat.

“Scratch him will you. And you aren’t supposed to be playing a game anyway. Have you gotten all the stuff on the list?” Fred glared.

“Yeah, it’s in the kitchen.” Gunn put down the game and looked down at the cat that was now purring happily at being petted. “Fickled.”

“Well, then I can use some help.” Fred waved around the lobby. “Cordy and Angel will be back soon.”

“I can’t move. I’ve got the cat.” Gunn said as Angelus had settled on his lap, nudging and pushing at his hand.

“Not anymore,” Fred said as the cat suddenly jumped from Gunn landing on the floor bristling. “What’s up with….” Fred stopped as the air shimmered in front of her.

“Are we late?” Skip said as he emerged through the swirling air.

“Skip? We?” Fred’s eyes brightened. “Is Connor with you?”


“Oh, then…” Her eyes brightened again. “The kids. You brought Gertie and the kids. Wesley.” Fred called out. She turned back to Skip. “ Did you bring them? I want to meet them, Cordy told me..” She stopped as a diminutive, definitely female version of Skip came through the Portal. Fred wiped her hands on her pants. “Hi, can I call you Gertie? Cordy says it and I just…Hi, I’m Fred.” Holding out her hand.

“Hello, and of course you can.” Gertie smiled. “I’ve heard a lot about you, too. Children,” Gertie called as two even smaller versions came through. “Cecilia, Bob say hi to Fred.”

“Hi.” The children said in unison. Fred dropped down to the floor. “Wow, Cecilia, you’re even prettier than Cordy said, and she said you were very pretty.”

The eleven-year-old green demon smiled shyly. “I don’t have any hair. All the models have hair.” Her hand reached for Fred’s long brown hair.

“Pooh, no brains, no personality, no real prettiness, cuz that’s you.” Fred smiled poking playfully at the young demon. “I can’t believe that no one’s told you how pretty you are. I know Cordy has.”

“She has to, she’s my aunt.”

“Well, I say it, too. Come on…”

“Gerry told her, but he’s stupid.” Bob pulled at Fred’s arm.

“Gerry?” Skip turned from his conversation with Wesley. “Gerry? Gerry, that measly Cratdox demon.”

“Daddy, he’s nice.” Cecilia glared at her younger brother.

“Gertie,” Skip turned to his wife.

“Skip, Gerry is a perfectly nice boy.”

“He’s a Cratdox, can’t trust ‘em. You,” Skip turned to his young daughter. “Are eleven and you will not see that boy again. No way. Pretty, nope can’t trust ‘em.”


Gertie shook her head at her daughter. “It’s alright honey, Daddy is just being silly.” Her gaze changed to a glare as it landed on Skip.

“Right, well.” The big demon shuffled. “Where’s Angel and Cordy?”

“Still out.”

“Good, so we’re not too late. It took forever to get out of work. Paperwork. They told me it was a promotion. I never learn.” The big demon shook his head. “What’s this?” Skip looked down to the cat that was sitting at his feet studying him.


“No really, what is it?”

“It’s a cat. Cordy named him Angelus.”

Skip laughed. “Not even close.” His eyes widened at the growls coming from the cat. “Okay, maybe a little. Hey.” Skip leaned down to scratch behind the animal’s ears. The cat let him, and then moved away.

“Don’t be offended. It takes him a while to warm up to anybody besides Cordy or Angel.”

“Resemblance is becoming closer, he hasn’t chewed on anyone yet as he?”

“No, but he’s makes his displeasure known.” Gunn grumbled as the cat jumped back on the counter going for the black man’s hand. “Fickled, beast.” Gunn scratched.

“Skip, have you heard from Connor?”

“No, but don’t worry, the boy knows. If he can he’ll be here.”

Wesley nodded putting his glasses on.

“The Princess?” Skip asked

“Good, the pain has virtually stopped as well as the side effects. She’s learning to control the levitations and her new strength.”

“Anything else.”

“No physical signs, but she shimmers now.”

Skip’s eyes widened.

“No, not like that, her limit is at best we figure thirty feet in this dimension.”

“Yeah, she likes that she can sneak up on Angel, now. Gotta watch her, she’s always shimmering and shouting boo.” Gunn shook his head. “Between her, Phantom Dennis dropping things and Angelus trying to trip me all the time, I’m not planning on a very long life.”

“What’s a Phantom Dennis?”

Skip jumped back as a party hat appeared bobbing in front of him.

“Cordy’s ghost. He moved in when she did.”

“A ghost.” The children gazed at the party hat floating in the air. “Cool. Where did he go?” Pointing to the empty space that once held the hat. They squealed as the hat returned with two more hats dangling in the hair.

“Please, wear them, he’s been trying all afternoon to get someone to wear the stupid things. Hey,” Gunn jumped as a book fell on his foot. “Angel is the one you don’t like, not me.”

Wesley rubbed his brow. “Dennis still has some issues with Angel and Cordelia being in L. O V E..” Wesley jumped as a book hit him in the head.

“Wesley, Dennis is a ghost not stupid, he can spell. Dennis, stop it. You know Cordy is happy. Angelus, don’t.” Fred squealed as the big cat jumped from the counter through the air his claws slashing at the bobbing party hat. The cat went running as papers and cushions from the sofa went flying after him.

Fred winced as the sounds of things hitting the floor and a cat’s loud growls filtered back into the lobby. She smiled apolitically. “Angelus and Dennis don’t get along very well. They behave when Cordy and Angel are home, but otherwise.” She shrugged. “So, you haven’t heard from Connor, either?” She winced as she heard more noise.

“I’ll go.” Gunn said. “Save me from spoiled cats and ghosts.”

“Can we watch?” The kids called after the black man. A ghost was just cool.

“Sure, but duck when I tell you too. Okay.”

The little demons nodded happily and ran.

Skip shook his head and tried to answer Fred’s question about Connor. “I haven’t heard from him since he left again. But I’m out of the action side now, just paperwork. Some promotion.” Shaking his head.

Wesley rubbed again at his glasses. “Angel and Cordy are starting to worry. This is the longest it’s been since he’s contacted them. I was hoping he could actually appear today or at least send word. I do hope he’s all right.”

“Yeah, we haven’t seen him in almost a year. How long was that stupid mission supposed to last?” Fred pushed at her glasses.

“Enough of this,” Gertie said. “I’m sure Connor is fine and will be here and from the looks of the place, you’ll could use some help if it’s going to ready when Cordy comes back.”

“Would you mind, please? Gunn and Wesley have been no help.” Fred said.

“What? I got the stuff on the list. It’s in the kitchen, I told you. Man. And I just stopped world war 3 in there.” Gunn said coming back into the main lobby.

“Did you take it out of the bags, set up the food and drinks?”

“You didn’t tell me too.” Gunn whined.

“Fred, I got the presents wrapped.” Wesley pointed to packages on the table.

“Yes, well, did you pick up all your books you left lying around? No, you didn’t. “

“Dennis did that, not me.”

“Well, if you put them up then he wouldn’t have been able to throw them, now would he?” Fred turned to Gertie. “I would love to have your help.”

“Dennis is a ghost, it doesn’t matter if I put the books up, and he can just take them down. Dennis is always making a mess of my research.” Wesley called after Fred.

Skip put his hand on Wesley’s arm. “Don’t even bother. You’ll lose.” He just laughed as Wesley lack jawed watched Fred and Gertie hurrying to the kitchen whispering.

Gunn shook his head. She hadn’t told him. He looked down to Bob; the small demon had followed him back into the lobby and now was looking at Gunn, the boy's eyes big and round.


“Connor says that you have neat games.”

Gunn grinned. “That I do. Come on.” Gunn led the boy to the couch and switched on his play station.

Cecilia looked at her father and Wesley. “It’s boring in here. Hmmph.” She went back into the kitchen.

“I don’t understand her anymore, I don’t. She used to look at me in awe. No it’s I’m boring or silly, or OH DAD or power forbid, she just Hmmphs.” Skip shook his head. “Any drinks in this place?”

Wesley smiled and led the big demon to the bar asking about Skip’s new job.

Skip stopped and looked around. “Where’s the Song demon?”

“Lorne is upstairs practicing. He hurried around earlier setting up this ‘amazing’ sound system.” Wesley pointed to the speakers discreetly hidden on the walls. “ Now, he needs to be alone to prepare.”

“He didn’t want to clean.”

Wesley shrugged and then laughed.


“Angel, I can’t believe I’m saying this but don’t you want to go home.”

“Cordy, there are still a couple of shops left.”

Cordelia looked around the mall and sighed. “Since when did you turn into Lorne?”

“Cordy, its your birthday, you said you didn’t want a party, but you need presents, so shop.”

Cordelia looked down at the packages at her feet. “I’ve enough.” She sighed again. Cordelia had said she didn’t want a party or make a big deal that she was still alive for another birthday. And everyone seemed to be following her orders. Well. Except for Angel. Cordelia sort of thought he wouldn’t. But she hadn’t expected him to put him, his credit card and her in a mall, all together. Cordelia should be ecstatic, the potential of getting was even better than when Angel had surprised her with all those clothes when he was trying to make up for the whole beigy period. But Cordelia was sort of hoping for something more romantic, something more just the two of them than a trip to the mall. Though, Cordelia admitted the fact that Angel was still with her after two hours in a mall was pretty amazing. He even let her buy him some stuff. But she wanted to go home. And she guessed, she did want something more special, than the easy let Cordy have a credit card present. But, Cordelia did tell them to ignore her birthday, so she couldn’t really complain. Angel was trying to be sweet and do what she said. Cordelia sighed again.

“How long as it been?”

“Two hours, don’t you want to go home? You hate shopping.”

“I don’t hate shopping.” Angel hid his grimace. Two hours? He could’ve sworn it had been at least six.

“You do too. Angel, we can go home. Wesley said that he and Gunn were taking Fred to that movie she wanted to see. I can show you what I bought.” Cordelia held up the Victoria Secret’s bag. “You’ll like it. Come on, let’s go home.”

Angel studied the bag. Cordelia had made him wait outside when she went into that store. Angel knew from the window displays what kind of store it was. And he really did want to see whatever was in that bag on Cordelia. But Fred said she would call when it was time.

Angel took a deep breath preparing himself for more shopping. “Cordy, there are only two more stores left. Let’s just go and see if there is anything else you want.”

Cordelia stared at Angel. “Who are you? And what have you done with my vampire?”

Angel forced a laugh. “Come on.”


Fred and Gertie looked around the lobby, then at each other. They both smiled, silently congratulating each other.

Fred pushed up her glasses. “Now, we wait.” She looked at her watch. “How much time should we give Connor. I hate this.”

“I’m here.”

“Connor.” Fred rushed to the young man, hugging him tightly. “Your safe, here and Wesley give me the phone.” She pushed away her hand beckoning wildly.

Wesley smiled handing Fred the phone.

“Connor, you look well. The situation on the Dextrial plane?”

“Situated.” The young man smiled at Wesley.

“Good, Good.” Wesley nodded wiping at his glasses.

“Here, I brought you some books that I found there.” Connor held out.

Wesley shoved his glasses on his head, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Excellent. Thank you. I tried to find information about the plane, but accurate data on that dimension is sorely lacking here.” Eagerly taking the books.

“I made it in time?”

“Yes, “ Fred smiled, handing the phone back to Wesley. “I need to go tell Lorne that he better hurry and finish whatever he is doing up there. And Wesley don’t start reading those now, put them up.”

“Connor,” Two young voices yelled as they ran to the young man. “Hey, you two.” He hugged at the small demons. “Look at you at both.”

He leaned back. “Next year, swords for you Bob.”

“Um, Connor.” Skip stepped forward.

“Yeah, then I can finally use the sword Angel gave me. I can.” Bob smiled eagerly.

“Connor,” Gertie came up beside her husband.

“I was seven.”

“Uh, uh. And you let Cecilia practice with a sword, and she’s a girl.” Bob said.

“Girls are just as brave as boys. Stupid.” Cecilia popped her younger brother upside the head.

“Hey,” Bob pushed at his sister. Very soon, both children were rolling around fighting on the floor.

“Thank you very much, Connor.” Skip reached down picking up his son and daughter. “Stop it, right now. Both of you.”

“He started it,” Cecilia yelled trying to smack her brother again.

“She hit me first.” Bob’s legs kicked out towards his sister.

“Children, if you don’t behave right this minute, you both will be sent to your grandmother’s while your father and I enjoy Cordy’s birthday. Is that what you want? I thought you wanted to see Angel and Cordy again.”

“Yes, mam.” Both children stilled. They did want to see Angel and Cordy. Angel and Cordy were great, they only came to visit once, but it had been fun. They liked to play, even though they kissed a lot sometimes. But they told cool stories and stuff.

“That’s better.” Gertie smiled at her children.

“Come on, Bob let’s play some more Galaxy War.” Gunn held out his hand.

“I want to play, too.”

“Then come on.” Gunn beckoned to Cecelia.

“Did you get a new one?” Connor said.

“You, too, but you keep the cat.”

Connor looked down at the cat that had some how materialized in his arms. The cat was purring and rubbing against him. “Okay. What’s his name?”


The cat looked up at Connor from its position in Connor’s arms and purred even louder. Connor laughed. “So, Angelus when did find your way back.” Scratching at the cat’s head.

“He just showed up.” Gunn looked at the cat and Connor. “He’s fickled.”

“Gunn’s just jealous, it took him four weeks to get Angelus to sit in his lap.”

“What?” The black man shot at Fred.

“Please, like we didn’t know that you were carrying around tasty treats all of the time, trying to get Angelus to acknowledge your existence. You tried too hard that’s your problem. Angelus was just teasing you, isn’t that right, honey.” Fred scratched the cat’s ears. The big cat nudged at Fred’s hand.

“Whatever, are we playing or what?’ Gunn grunted and moved to the couch.


The young man turned to the doorway and bigger smile broke over his face. “Happy Birthday, Mom.”

Cordelia stepped into the lobby, leaving Angel to scramble to pick up her fallen bags. She looked around the hotel-the lobby was bathed in lights and balloons. On the counter was a huge cake surrounded by presents. And around that sight was her family- all of them. Wesley, Fred and Gunn were smiling stupidly, a party hat was floating next to Skip, who was trying to hold his two children back from charging at her and Angel, Gertie standing there with her beautiful all knowing smile. And Connor. Except. Cordelia brushed at her tears. Where was.,…Her tears turned into laughter as she saw Lorne stomp down from the stairs.

“A warning, a head’s up, that’s all I wanted. Could you do it? No.” Lorne shook his head and then belted out the most soulful, beautiful and loud ‘Happy birthday’ that Cordelia had ever heard.

“The shopping spree?” Cordy whispered to Angel.

“You didn’t really think that I suddenly liked to shop did you?”

Cordy elbowed the vampire. “None of it’s going back, you and your credit card are just screwed.”


“You’ve got sex the brain you know that don’t you.”

“And you are all talk, you love it.”

Cordelia scrunched her face.

“Stop your thought, our son’s coming.” Angel whispered.

“Oh.” She smacked the vampire. Her scowl turning to a smile as Connor approached. “Angelus, give me a break, let me get a hug in without your 20lb presence.”

The cat looked up from Connor’s shoulder, he nodded and in a flawless leap landed on Angel’s shoulder.

Cordelia took the young man in her arms. While Angel stood by, stroking the large cat that draped itself around his neck.

“Wes, have you checked that cat for demon blood?”

“What?” Wesley turned to stare at Gunn.

“It’s weird, the way it knows what she saying, and it showed up around the same time Cordy started on her demony journey. I just saying- it’s not a normal cat.”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “Gunn, Angelus likes you just as much as he likes Fred and I, okay. Obviously, he’s more attached to Angel and Cordelia because they’re the ones that found him.”

“Explain, Connor then. The cat was all over him, never did that with me and I gave him treats. Connor, not one.”

“Gunn, you are jealous over a cat.” Wesley shook his head.

“Am not. He needs to be checked out that’s all.”

Wesley shook his eyes and moved towards Cordelia. “Happy Birthday.”

Cordelia moved out Connor’s arms and smiled at Wesley. “Thanks.” She hugged him quickly, turning to engulf Fred who had come up also. “Yoa.” She smiled at Gunn going to hug him.

Cordelia stopped in front of Skip and his family. Tears blinked from her eyes. She dropped to the floor, holding her arms out to the children. “Come here, you darlings.” Both demons barreled into her chest as she rocked them.

“Look at you two.” Cordelia's hands going to both Cecilia and Bob’s faces. “Bob, you’ve gotten so big. Soon, you’ll put your dad to shame.”

“I grew an inch since you last visited.”

“I can tell. Angel, look how big he’s gotten.”

“Hey, don’t I get a hug.” Angel moved forward. “Angelus”. The cat jumped from the vampire’s shoulders, just as Bob ran to Angel.

Cordelia smiled and then sat on her heels studying Cecilia. “You’ve become even prettier. Fred,” Cordelia beckoned to the other young woman. “That color book I got you, don’t you think, this gold here means she’s a summer or a fall, what do you think?” Cordy traced the bright color around Cecilia’s horns.

Fred studied. “Fall, I think. Cordy, I have the really pretty green dress that I bought before well, you pointed out that I wasn’t a fall, but I bet the color would be great on Cecilia.”

“You’re right.” Cordelia nodded.

“Gertie, do something.” Skip whispered to his wife. “They’re going to dress her up, make up’s next. She’s a demon for the powers sake.”

“Oh be quiet. She likes pretty things. ” Gertie smiled. “Cordy, I thought so too. But our dimension is so lacking in decent stores.”

Cordy nodded. “I know. What do you think?” She smiled at the young girl.

“None of the other demon’s have dresses.”

“I’m a demon and I wear dresses,” Cordy looked down at her jeans. “Sometimes.”

“You’re human.”

“Demon.” Cordy smiled her eyes glowing red.


“Um. Cordy?” Wesley gapped.

Cordelia shrugged. “My eyes just did something didn’t they?”


“Cordy?” Angel moved up Bob’s hand still in his. Connor also moved closer.

“I’m fine, didn’t hurt. It was just cool, right Cecilia.” The little girl looked from the now worried adults and back at Cordy’s big smile. “I thought so.” She looked up at her mom. “I did.”

“That’s cause it was.” Gertie said, now smiling. “And if you want to see if you like Fred’s dress you can, if it’s all right with her.”

“Of course it is.” Fred smiled.

“Cordy, I really should…”

“Wes, not now. It’s a party, you can quiz me about the eye thingy later, okay.”

Wesley reluctantly nodded.

“Gertie,” Skip tried again. “We don’t…”

“Wear clothes? There is no rule that says we can’t. We just don’t need to because of the armor, but if Cecilia wants to she can. Now be quiet.”

“I..Really?” Cecilia smiled at Cordelia.

“Really, and while we’re looking at the dress, you can tell Fred about the mathtale you’ve been writing.”

“I finished it.”

“You wrote one, too? I’ve one.” Fred said excitedly.

“Cecilia loves math.” Cordelia nodded. “Fred, here is a whiz at it.”

“Really?” Cecilia’s eyes got even bigger, more excited than the thought of the dress.

“Uh, uh, how about after the party you tell me yours?”

Cecilia nodded happily.

“Oh, Powers.” Skip groaned.

“Now, what’s your problem?”

“Look what they are doing to our children.” Pointing to Bob sitting smashed between Gunn and Angel as Connor squished in at the end of the couch, yelling at the TV as a computer-generated war was fought. Cecilia was running back and forth between Cordy and Fred, chattering about dresses, math and a demon boy named Gerry.

Wesley looked also; he couldn’t help but smile. Cordy was right it was a party, a big happy family party. He jumped as Angelus landed on his chest, purring and nudging. “Hungry, are you?”

Lorne swished up. “What a good-looking family? Makes me tear up. Now,let’s us get the party rolling. Songs. Dennis.” Lorne clapped as the speakers along the wall suddenly blared with music.

Chapter 47

Cordelia paused towel drying her hair. “Angel?”

The vampire was just leaning up against the wall of the bedroom watching her.

His gaze never faltered as he leaned up from the wall holding out his hand. “Happy Birthday, Cordelia.”

Cordelia let the towel fall. “Angel, you already bought me those clothes” her eyes on the small box in his hand.

“That was stalling, this is your birthday present.”

Cordelia pulled her robe tighter fidgeting, there was something about Angel’s tone that made her nervous.

“Cordy.” Angel moved closer.

Cordy bit her lip as she took the box, her fingers shaking as they pulled on the paper. The bracelet was beautiful, delicate in its integrate woven knots. The silver glistened. Cordelia looked at it closer. Not silver, but platinum. She looked again at its design, it was more than just pretty, it meant something. “Angel?”

“It’s an Airigh Warrior Bracelet. It's an old Celtic design worn by courageous men and women warriors as a shield against evil forces. They were also were given to betrothed lovers to represent eternal love and faith. Appropriate, I thought. You are the most courageous person I’ve ever known and you are my love, the one that I will love forever, my betrothed, if you will allow.”

“Angel?” Cordy squeaked looking back at the bracelet.

“Cordy, I can’t walk into a church a pledge my love to you, but I can with this symbol vow to you now that I will protect you from any evil with my life and soul and will love you eternally with both.”

Cordelia closed her eyes, the tears still escaping, her hand automatically securing the band around her wrist. “Okay.” She nodded, her eyes raising to Angel’s, her teeth no longer biting at her lip, but flashing in a great smile.

Angel smiled and brushed at her remaining tears. “Okay?”

“Okay and I love you and will never leave you and oh, god I love you,” she lunged into his chest, burying herself into his body.

Angel held tighter, his hand moving up and under her hair. He twisted the dark strands through his fingers gently tugging her head up so he could taste her lips.

Cordelia lifted her head as her hands brought his face closer, meeting his lips in a hungry, needful kiss. Hands moved in unison to remove all barriers of clothing. The bodies fell as one on the bed, touching and tasting, fulfilling all needs.


Angel grumbled as Cordelia pushed him and got out of the bed. “Cordy.”

“Put them on.” She threw a pair of pajama pants at him. “Connor’s home.”

“Cordy, he’s not about to come barging in with a bad dream, he’s 22 yrs old.”

“On.” She said pulling her cotton boxers up and adjusting her t-shirt.

“You’re mean.” Angel growled as he pushed his legs in the pants.

“Hmmph. You used to be good at this.” She said as she curled back up over him. “Challenge too much?”

Angel growled. It had been almost a year since the pajama rule was in effect; it had taken him two days and a lot of begging to convince Cordelia that Fred wouldn’t barge in on them. And more days, convincing her that if Dennis didn’t like it, he had 78 other rooms he could haunt. Finally, she had relented. Angel should have known that as soon as Connor actually stayed for more than a few hours, the rule would be back in full force. He positioned Cordelia more securely over his body. Luckily, this was one skill that didn’t fade with disuse. His hands and lips effectively ignored the clothes that now separated their bodies.


“MOM, DAD, get up, breakfast.” A voice rose from the stairs.

Angel opened his eyes into two green-gold ones. Angelus was standing on his chest, his claws kneading his gaze un- wavering.

“Get off.” Angel pushed. The cat remained, this time raising his voice with Connors.

“Angel, don’t be mean.”

“He’s piercing me to death, he won’t move.”

“Angelus, off. We’re up.” She shooed. The cat purred and jumped off the bed.

“That door was closed. Dennis and Angelus can’t be in the same room together but they work together to annoy me, now?”

“Angel, don’t be stupid, Angelus adores you, Dennis well, they just want us to get up and join Connor downstairs for breakfast.”

“I’m not ready to get up.” Angel reached for Cordelia.

Cordy hand rose to smack the vampire. Her action stopped as her bracelet caught the light. She quieted fingering the band. She turned to Angel. “I love you.” She jumped on him, happily kissing every piece of the vampire’s flesh she could reach.


Cordelia leaned up as Angelus pounced back on the bed. “Out.” she pointed to the cat. Angelus growled and complied.

Angel just stared as Cordelia’s eyes glowed red and a flash leapt from her pointed finger as the door slammed shut and locked.

Cordelia turned to him and shrugged. “New demony-trick, lets not tell Wesley yet, okay?”

Angel looked at the locked door separating them from the growling cat, the knockings of the ghost and the voice of their son. “Okay, this one is definitely a good one.” He grinned pulling Cordelia back down on the bed.

Cordelia showed her agreement by once again kissing ever piece of the vampire’s flesh she could reach.

Chapter 48

Connor pushed at the food on his plate. “What good are you?” He glared at the cat. Angelus nudged apologetically at the young man.

“Connor, you’re pouting.” Gertie put more eggs on his plate.

“Breakfast is family time.”

“Connor look around you. This could be classified as family time.”

Connor looked up. Gunn and Wesley were seated at the large table in the formerly unused dining room of the hotel arguing over the last muffin as Dennis re-filled everyone’s glasses as the beverages emptied. Lorne was clad in a bright yellow robe, humming as he took the said muffin from under the noses of the arguing men. Fred was telling Cecilia and Bob that eggs were okay, but tacos were the best. She would make sure they got some later. Bob’s eyes never left the young woman’s face. Bob was developing a crush. Skip was trying to interrupt and explain that they didn’t have tacos at home and don’t get the kids started on wanting them. Fred just poohed and told the children more about the benefits of salsa and sour cream.

Angel and Cordelia saw the same thing as they came down the stairs. Cordelia moved up putting her arms around Connor. “Beats waffles, uh.”

Angel sat next to Connor. “Gertie cooked, I hope.”

Connor smiled. “Yes.”

Angel nodded.

Cordy rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen coming back with a mug of blood. “Here, ‘grr’ guy, don’t say I can’t cook something.”


“Yeah, and…”

“Love it.” Angel drank.

Connor laughed.

Chapter 49

“Connor, why don’t you take my place training with Angel this morning. Lorne is going introduce us girls to some of the better demon couture.” Cordelia said.


Angel and Connor faced off, both with swords held high. Angel moved slowly at first testing Connor’s skill and strength. Soon, Angel was moving faster, utilizing his vampire speed. Connor’s blows were strong and sure. Angel still had the advantage of his quickness and two and fifty years of experience, but Connor’s skill was impressive and his strength equal to if not greater than the vampire. The sounds of steel clashing against steel vibrated throughout the basement. Angel stumbled as Connor’s blows became harder, deadly. Angel jumped up grabbing out capturing his son’s weapon. Connor was angry, there was a rage in him, but Angel didn’t sense that it was directed at him, he had just been a convenient target.

“Connor, what is it?”

Connor just stared not recognizing Angel for a moment, and then his eyes closed and shoulders slumped.

“Connor, sit.” Angel moved to the bench. “Tell me.”

Connor looked at his sword then at Angel. “I’m sorry.”

Angel shook his head at the apology. “Just tell me.”

Connor sighed and sat next to his father. “I…I think…I think I can finally understand why you doubted. I don’t know…”

“What happened on Dextrial?”

Connor leaned against the wall, his fist clenched at his sides. “I was there longer than I’ve been anywhere fighting. There was a warrior there, reminded me of Skip, I got to know him and those around him. I liked him; he was brave, honorable and had the deepest laugh. We fought side by side, but in the end I couldn’t save him. The Powers sent me there to help the warrior destroy the evil, but I couldn’t save him. I did what they wanted me too, I eventually defeated the evil, but I couldn’t save my friend. I tried.” Connor’s head fell.


“It’s not just Dextrial, it’s everywhere. Evil. I fight it, I defeat it, I turn around and there’s more. It doesn’t ever go away does it? Good people keep dying, no matter what I do.”

Angel rested his head on the wall. “Yes. Someone told me once that I would never win, that humanity needed the evil I fought, that humanity wanted it, that there would always be a balance of good and evil. And the struggle between that balance would be eternal and what I did didn’t matter. I believed him.

“That’s when..”

“Yeah, when I turned away from my friends, my humanity, the fight, I gave up. But then I realized that while Holland had been right, he had also been wrong, because what I did mattered. It mattered to my family, it mattered for that one person I could save. It mattered. And it matters what you do.”

“How…I just get so tired sometimes, there is no end.”

“Stop looking for it. It will overwhelm if you don’t. Look only at what you can accomplish, the person you did save, not the one you failed to. Because even though you weren’t able to save your friend, you saved others by your actions. Mourn him. But don’t dwell on it, don’t let it defeat you.”

“Easier said than done.”

Angel chuckled. “Yeah. But, you know what helps, puts in all in perspective.” Angel looked at his son doubtful eyes.

“Go back upstairs and watch Wesley and Gunn, know that they are human, no special powers, no prophesizes to fulfill, yet they believe in the good in humanity and they fight for it. Look at your mother, the most human person I ever met and the most courageous. She’s given up so much, parts of her humanity, any chance of a normal life and she doesn’t regret any of it. To her it was worth it. She sees what the struggle does through her visions, and what it’s done to her and she still believes. She’s never doubted. Watch her. You will see hope and faith. And if nothing else you will continue to fight, because to give up would dim the light in her eyes. And believe me, seeing the hope die in her eyes, her faith in you broken is not something that can be lived with. I wish that I could make it simple for you; I wish that you had and would have a normal human life; I wish that I could do that for Cordelia. But I can’t”

“Dad, Mom is happy.”

“I know, amazing isn’t she?”

Connor smiled getting up.

Angel looked at his son. “Connor.”

“I’ll be okay, I just needed to be reminded that I’m more than just the Power’s Khap-man, that I’m a part of a family that love me and as long as I have that I have hope that Mom’s right, that it is worth it.” Connor picked up his sword. “You were showing me a new move, before I tried to kill you, you want to try again.”

Angel got up. “Okay, but just to warn you- if you kill me, your mom is going to be really pissed.”

Connor laughed and took up his fighting stance.

Chapter 50

“I don’t want you to leave.” Cordelia pouted in front of Skip and his family.

“Princess, I’ve already missed days of work and you’ll have corrupted my children enough. Good bye.” Skip struggled with all the shopping bags that Gertie and Cecilia forced on him.

“Hmmph.” Cordy hugged the big demon and Gertie. She knelt down to the children. “Bye. Love you.” She pulled them both in a big hug, the fourth of the morning.

“We love you too.”

“Bye.” Fred, Wesley, Gunn, and Lorne stood together.

Bob ran up to Fred. “Bye. I love you too.” He hugged her again, a computer game clutched in his fist.

“Aww.” Fred squeezed the little demon.

“Someone has a crush.” Lorne chuckled.

“I gave him the game. All she did was give him tacos.” Gunn grumbled.

“True, but sweetums is so much cuter.”

“Shh.” Fred glared and then stared back at the six year old. “Tacos, remember.”

“Young lady,” Skip’s voice boomed.

“Pooh.” Both Cordy and Fred said at the same time.

“Come on, dear. You never win.” Gertie pulled at her husband.

“But, Gertie, this means I’ll have to petition the Powers for a Taco bell.”

“Think of the paperwork.” Gertie smiled.

“You’re mean.” Skip said as he herded his family together and shimmered them away.


“Connor, do you have leave too.” Cordy held the young man’s hand.

“Yeah, I need to check in with the Powers and see where’s next. Um, you know they’re talking about getting me a seer.”

Cordelia blinked. “Not human, I hope.”

“I think they learned their lesson on that one.” Connor kissed her forehead. “I’ll bring her, him, or it by if it happens.”

“Connor.” Angel stood studying his son

“Dad, I’m fine. You were right, they do ask a lot, but I can manage as long as I’ve here to come back to in between.”

“You do, this is home.”

“Yes. Bye. Love you both, all of you.” Connor waved to his remaining family and shimmered out of sight.

Cordy turned on Angel. “Why wouldn’t Connor be fine? What did you talk about when you were sparing? What don’t I know?”

“Later.” Angel kissed her wrinkled forehead.


A day later

“Now what?” Gunn grumbled, pulling Angelus in his lap. “It’s so quiet around here.” He scratched dejectedly at the purring cat. Angelus stayed for a minute more and then jumped over to Angel’s lap. Gunn rolled his eyes. “Demon cat,” he mumbled under his breath and slouched even further in the chair.

“Yeah, it's too quiet,” Fred twirled her pencil on the desk.

“Quiet is good, I can catch up on my reading.” Wesley held up a book. “Connor, Skip, Gertie with the kids was all very distracting.”

“Yeah, I miss them too.” Angel said resting his feet on Wesley’s desk, his hand rubbing vigorously at the cat’s stomach. Angelus purred and growled happily, knocking and slapping at Angel’s attacking hand.

“Hey.” Wesley pushed the vampire’s feet off his desk.

“Where’s Cordy?” Gunn said.

“Talking Dennis into painting the third floor.”

“Better him than us.” Gunn said.

“You’re next.”

“Oh. Great.”

“Hey, gloomy gusses.” Cordelia stood in the doorway. Angelus jumped down and circled the young woman at the door.

Gunn scrambled up in his chair. “Hey, Cordy, I don’t paint well. It’s the fumes.”

“Uh. Oh, nevermind that. Vision. Fifth and Turnpike, demons attacking a day care. Anyone one interested.” She said leaning up from scratching at Angelus ears.

The occupants of the room jumped to their feet scattering to gather the weapons.

Angel stopped as Cordelia’s grin. “What are you so happy about?”

“I really like my life. Now, lets go save some helpless.”

Angel grinned and had to agree.


Angelus jumped on Wesley’s desk and scattered the papers on the floor. The cat leapt for the door as Dennis threw a pillow at him. Angelus growled and ran, leaving Dennis to pick up the papers. The ghost angrily swished around in the air, Wesley was going to blame him again. Dennis knew the cat did it on purpose. Once the room was presentable, Dennis made for the kitchen where he hid Angelus bowl of treats.
