just fic

Title: Betrayal, Deception & Forgiveness
Author: anne
Posted: 09-17-2002
Rating: PG up to NC-17 (later)
Email: anneeb4@aol.com
Content: C/A
Summary: I'm getting Angel and Cordelia out of the 'situations' that the writers put them at the end of S3
Disclaimer: No, I haven't managed to buy or get control of ATS over the summer- it still belongs to Joss, Mutant Co & etc
Notes: It's been awhile. I've been taking a break. I haven't read any spoilers for the S4 by choice, haven't written any stories by fact-I haven't had any ideas or I did, but I didn't have an idea how to start- I wanted to get the hero's out of the their respective problems- but I couldn't figure out what to write, so I didn't. I did try some of the other ideas that were suggested but until I could either get Angel out of the situation or watch it, all my other ideas slowed to a complete stop.
Well, I started writing, of course, it would have to be close to when Joss blows everything I write out of the water, so I'm going to be posting quickly from now on- trying to get the story out before the season premiere.
Dedication: anybody and everybody that read my stuff before and took the time to say nice things. Thanks.

Prologue 1

The war between instinct, rage, love, resignation, and hope was creating a confusing intricate battlefield within, each feeling and thought pushing to the surface crying for superiority. Instinct and rage were the easiest and the loudest. It wasn't a surprise; he had lived off of both for over two centuries. They cried for him to survive and kill, to do whatever was necessary to make it be. The demon in him demanded it, it maybe dead but it refused to die. It swore that it would be free and wreak havoc to an unimaginable degree to the ones that caused its confinement. It would mock their lives as they mocked its death. They would feel pain. Then as quickly as that promise was made love pushed forward gaining power and strength. Love, he had felt it and it was unconditional. It was a father's love, something he never thought to experience. It was a feeling that couldn't be stopped or dimmed by his demon. He would die willingly for that love. His love for his tormentor was stronger than his rage. Acceptance came with the resignation; he was a demon and a killer. It was payback time for the years of evil and death. He deserved his fate, but as strong as that thought was there was another seeping forth. Hope existed fighting through the frustration of hopelessness, stronger than the instinct and rage and even than that of resignation. He couldn't give that up, not now. It was her unwavering belief that he was good that allowed him to love again. She gave him the strength to believe when his son came back a bitter stranger. He had felt it all, as he stood free on the cliff and waited for the epitome of his hope and love. She was with him; she would give him the strength to survive. Somehow, she would know and save him. She had to, she always did.


The darkness didn't frighten him; he had lived so long in it. It was his friend and companion. It wasn't the darkness that worried him. It was the quiet. The sounds of life that he had lived with for over two centuries faded. The voices, the heartbeats, the nonsense of the humans that had surrounded him were gone. There was nothing-just the silence of a world underwater. How he missed the blur of the noise even as irritating as it could be at times. He wasn't afraid of the dark, but of the quiet..he was terrified.


How he wished he could feel the touch of his fatal enemy, just a flash, a burn- the feel of his dead flesh singeing under its slightest caress. But for the sun to grant his wish he would have to be free. It couldn't even herald the passing of time in the depths that he sunk. Hell wasn't this terrifying. The horror of hell was something external that tore at him body and soul. This silence ripped internally, flaying his being layer-by-layer, year-by-year. Memories and imagines flooded through taking on their own existences. Distorted faces, silently screaming in terror, thick red blood masking their features ran rapid through his mind. Men, women and children, he was spared none of it. A hundred years of horror visited him moment after moment in ever excruciating detail. The isolation of his prison gave him nowhere to hide. Angel attempted again to focus on who she believed he was not what he knew he had been.


He smiled. He was in the sun, a brightness that now was his friend. He was walking hand in hand with the woman he loved. She was smiling in happiness, laughing pulling him along. She tugged harder bringing him closer to their goal. Finally, they reached it. The young man, a boy really, smiled in greeting. The boy held out his arms in welcome. She grinned, knowing that it would be okay- that she had been right all along, and led him to his son. His words were poetic, profound, knowledgeable, everything a father should say to his son. Books were written with the words he spoke. He was a father and a man; the ones that he loved- loved him. He was happy.


The darkness was winning. Hope was losing footing as the woman's smile faded just as his true identity was diminishing. The images of his friends that proved he was more than just a monster were impossible to hold on to. The memory that could describe in detail the broken bodies of the family he killed in 1803 and the hatred that marred Connor's young face, couldn't remember the color of Fred's eyes or the shape of Gunn's features. He cried out, his cracked voice resounding against the walls. He could only see shadows of Cordelia's smile. It was finally going to happen, the impossible, he was losing the ability to conjure up Cordy's smile or her confident words of hope. The one person that he had come to rely on so much was fading away. Now there was nothing to do but wait. Soon, the isolation would drive even the memories of his horrors out of his mind

The rage and instinct were flooding his being. The demon was taking over, its need to survive paramount. Conversely, it had been waiting with the patience of the saints, waiting for the man to forget the humanity that had been so hard-earned and fragilely possessed. It would survive.

Prologue 2

"Uh." Cordelia blinked.

"It's the cleansing time."

"Uh, again."

"You need clarity if you are to become that which your destiny calls for."

"I'll repeat it again, uh."


Cordelia glared at the bright lights that surrounded her, the absolute feeling that everything would be all right was slowly becoming an uneasy feeling that decisions made on the spur of the moment at the urging of flattery weren't a good idea. Why hadn't she asked more questions? And why in the hell hadn't she made Skip take her to Angel first? She really should 've talked to him before she just blurted out 'yes' to Skip. Sure, she knew now that she loved Angel, but did he love her? She thought so, but a girl really should be more secure about something like that before she made life-altering spur of the moment changes. Damn, Angel was probably still waiting for her. She.oh, she didn't know what she had been thinking, just that the decision felt right at the time. But, it didn't feel right now. This better not take long, Angel would not be happy waiting all night for her. What if he thought she was in danger? He would freak. Why hadn't she just gone back to the hotel after Groo left? She could've cornered Angel in some empty room. There were tons in the hotel. What romantic brain fart happened that made her think that she could get away with telling Angel to meet her an hour out of town. Like they ever had that much free time without something happening. Who did she think they were - a normal man and woman that could take the time to be romantic? No, she should've just bit the bullet as soon as the realization hit her. She loved Angel and she should've just told him rather than plan some scenic declaration.

"Cordelia." Voices boomed. "You are distracted by lower being thoughts, you must rid yourself of them if you are to ascend to the higher plane."

Cordelia narrowed her eyes. "I love Angel, I'm not ridding myself of those thoughts or feelings."

"You must."

"I won't."

"You will."

A flash of light encompassed Cordelia's body forcing her off the ground solidifying around her until she was lying in the air trapped in a glowing bright box.

"You will stay, until you have reached the clarity necessary for the privilege we have granted you."

"Crap." Cordelia pushed at the glowing walls around her.

Prologue 3

Memories were washed away as the stillness of the deep water became a torrent rushing against the bars and the small glass window of his metal coffin. Rocks and debris crashed into the glass. The contents of the ocean swooshed through the broken small opening. Sound came in the deepness, a low roar vibrating against the metal encasement. The power of nature rocked the box, slowly at first then with greater force. Angel clenched his eyes and mouth tighter trying to avoid the onslaught of sand and seaweed. He braced his shoulders and hands against the wall in an attempt to remain still, but the power of the sudden current was too strong. His body was flung, smashing against the small confine. He winced at the sound of bones being shattered. The box moved swiftly now, turning and crashing into obstacles. Angel knew nothing about what was happening except that he was in the grip of a violent power. The turbulent movement of his prison continued for what could have been mere moments or long years. His body was beaten and bruised from the continuous impact. It seemed endless, but then it stopped as the blackness of unconsciousness overcame the vampire

Part 1

"Do come in, make yourself at home." Wesley said dryly as continued to stare out the window into the flashing sky.

"Not much of a home." Lilah glanced around at the neglected apartment.

"If it offends you then leave. Nevermind, just leave." Wesley spared the lawyer a cold glance.

"Ow, after our passion filled nights, if I was a less secure woman I'd be hurt."

"Well, you're not, so you can just leave."

Lilah expended a long loud breath. "Oh, Wesley, don't you even want to know why I'm here, believe me as fun as you are, I've other reasons, more important reasons, reasons that get me out in this ungodly weather." Lilah looked down in disgust at her ruined six hundred dollar shoes. "You know, phones were designed to be answered."

Wesley turned slowly, hiding the flinch of his body as lighting struck and thunder shook the small apartment. "What do you want, Lilah," ignoring her obvious wet condition.

"And here I thought the English were polite. No thank you, I don't need a towel or dry clothes."

"That's good, because I wasn't offering."

"Those self-righteous so-called friends of yours sure did a number on you, killing any chivalrous bone in your body."

"Yes, so you see, you won't find a warm haven from the storm here, so you can leave. Drown on the way out, would you. Please," Wesley added as an afterthought.

"Cute." Lilah shrugged off her soaked coat and walked to the kitchen table, grabbing at the whiskey bottle there.

"I don't believe I offered you a drink either."

Lilah raised her full glass in a mock toast and swiveled on her now bare feet. Wesley, without expression, moved to follow the woman into his bedroom. "And I don't want whatever it is you are offering."

Lilah poked her head out of the bathroom. "You're virtue is safe for now," she said dryly patting her naked torso with a towel. "Dry clothes would be nice. Nevermind." Lilah strode to Wesley's closet a grabbed a sweater.

"What do you want? And, please make your self at home."

"What do you know about the storm?" Lilah straightened tying the strings of Wesley's sweat paints around her waist ignoring the man's sarcasm.

"It's a storm."

"Brilliant deduction." Lilah swished passed him back to the whiskey bottle. "Any other idea, like maybe it's a prophecy or something?"

"It's a tropical storm that has been just classified as a category five hurricane, I believe it has been named Ezekiel."

"And you don't think that it's odd, out of place, unusual, not right.."

"I'm afraid, I'm not versed on how the weather service names storms." Wesley turned away from Lilah's stare.

"Still hiding in the sand, licking your wounds." Lilah scoffed. "This storm- should be plummeting the western or central pacific basin or better yet the east coast. But, no it's here, without warning. Wesley, Ezekiel? - Coincidence? Or is it a sign? The sign of bad times arising."

Wesley blinked. "Has Wolfram & Hart become even more paranoid? Frightened that something else is encroaching on their right to cause havoc and mayhem."

"Hey, paranoia has made Wolfram & Hart very powerful."

"I thought it was selling your souls."

"Whatever. Look, the storm has the senior partner's very uneasy. It sprang out of nowhere. It's not weakening. It's gaining momentum. The coast is being turned inside and out. They don't like it."

"What do I care if Wolfram & Hart don't like that the beaches are eroding."

"It's not the loss of shoreline, it's what in the ocean that's got them worried. They want what's in it to say put. The news reports say that everything that was on the bottom of the water is being tossed on land. That's what they want stopped."

"Stop the storm. I don't know the chant." Wesley rolled his eyes.

"The storm can't be stopped, but contingencies needed to be formed just in case."

"In case what? What is on the bottom of the ocean that has the senior partners in a dither?"

"Angel and they're afraid that he's going to be really pissed if he shows back up on land and as a consequence screw up their plan.

Wesley blinked. "Angel's on the bottom of the ocean."

"Don't look at me, we didn't do it. Neat idea, though. Wolfram & Hart has always been a little hesitant about just killing the vampire because of the whole maintaining the balance of the comos stuff. Neutralizing him, making it difficult for him, having him ignore the fight that was all good, but they never really wanted him dead at our hands, too unsure of the results. But this way, he's out of the game, no fault of ours, at least he is for now and they want to keep it that way. The best of both scenarios."

"Why are you telling me this? I don't care if the senior partners are unhappy and I can't stop a storm even if I did."

"Don't expect you to. We can't, why should you. The mystics and soothsayers are all a buzz. Their warning signals are flashing but they can 't pin point any magic source controlling it and all weather-influencing spells are failing miserably. The idea that the storm could bring forth Angel is causing the researchers all sorts of heartburn-well those with hearts anyway. They can't let go of the idea that it's another prophecy or something. Is it?"

"It's a storm, Lilah. Nothing I've read involving Angel's inclusion in the various prophecies has mentioned him at the bottom of the sea or of a storm that will bring him forth. Though, that in and of itself could be considered unusual as the vampire with a soul seems to get himself included in about every prophecy there is."

"So, I've learned." Lilah raised her glass again. "You're right, it could just be a really bad storm our researchers aren't having any luck with the prophecy-angle, just thought I'd ask. No. What you can help us with is protecting the prophecy-or more specifically the person that did put Angel at the bottom of the ocean."


Lilah gave a small smirk as the realization hit Wesley full force.

"Connor did it."

Lilah raised her drink again at Wesley in congratulatory salute. "Seems the son had some REAL issues with daddy the vampire. Doesn't like demons and hates, I mean hates Angel."

"I saw them."

"Father and son fighting duo- a lie. Connor may fight like Daddy, but he deceives like Holtz. That's the man he thinks of as his real father, seems he soaked up step-dad's hatred. Holtz came back with Connor. He's dead now and Connor blames Angel. He was just waiting for the perfect moment and he obviously found it."

"How do you know all of this?"

"We have Connor, it wasn't easy- but we got him."

"He's not dissected? I do remember that being your original goal."

"Goals change. Anyway, he's been checked out. Human, completely human. The nifty fighting strength, nothing to do with vampire genes, just training and Quor-toth's atmospheric conditions, kind of like Superman- red sun, he's normal- under the bright yellow one, superboy. Cutting him up won't help us learn more about the reason he was able to be conceived by two vampires."

"Then why do you want him? Obviously, its not to control Angel if you want him to remain at the bottom of the ocean."

"The son's a wild card and possibly the Tro-clan. Prophecy- remember, you found it. Well so have we. We just don't know what it means exactly and we want to. It can go either way. Isn't that what you found."

Wesley turned away to stare back out of the window. "If Angel does show up, he'll come after Connor. You're dead."

"We know and that's why we need your help."

"You want me to help you keep father and son apart AND you alive."

Lila poured another drink. "We want you to help to keep father and son apart and son alive. Us- me- we'll take our chances."

"Angel won't kill his son that was a false prophecy."

"Maybe then but we can't be sure now. The boy locked his dad up in a metal coffin and tossed him the ocean to remain aware and conscious until the end of time. Not real loving and Angel's not real forgiving. Look at you."

"I betrayed him. Holtz warped Connor- Angel will forgive his son. "

"Maybe, I'd agree with you. Except, well, there's the seer-factor to consider."

"Cordelia." The drink stilled in Wesley's hand.

"Connor was able to get to Angel, because Angel was rendezvousing with her- alone, on cliff- what's up with that by the way, they doing the lover lane's thing? Don't answer, it was rhetorical. Anyway, she's missing has been since that night."

"Missing, not dead. Connor didn't say he killed her." Wesley forced his questions to be a statement.

"The boy doesn't like to say much about her. I think he may feel slightly guilty about that one. Angel, on the other hand, he's quite self-righteous about."

"Then maybe he didn't.."

"Wesley, she was meeting Angel that night. You're former employees confirmed that."

"You've talked to Gunn and Fred."

"Not willingly. What's his name cornered me, threatening me to tell them where Angel and Cordelia were. I didn't know then, so I couldn't tell, not that I would've told him. He's just not as scary as Angel. Jeez, Wes, they really do want to keep you away from the loop, don't they, not telling you that Angel and Cordelia have been missing for a month, not even to ask for your help. They have been looking everywhere else. Guess they really did forget about you. My point was- the seer was there and you can't tell me that she wouldn't have tried to stop Connor if she was alive. I've seen her 'protect' Angel. She wouldn't let the son hurt him even if Angel was willing."

Wesley closed his eyes and slowly nodded.

"So, you see the equation is slightly different than Connor just betraying Angel. He killed Angel's seer. What will Angel do, you know him. Will he forgive Connor for that? It's a tough call, I've seen what he's been willing to do to protect his little girlfriend."

Wesley ignored her sarcasm. "Still, Angel wouldn't.." Wesley paused remembering everything that Angel had done in the past to save Cordelia. "If it was anyone body else, he would kill, no question, but Connor- I don't know."

Lilah shrugged. "We can't take that chance, can you? You protected the boy from Angel before, won't you do it again?"

"It was a lie."

"Connor doesn't know that- and this time it might not be, the father just might kill the son. Come on, Wesley, you're the next best thing to a father that boy has- Angel is a demon that he hates- Holtz is dead. You saved him, you allowed Holtz to save him. That's all he needs to know. He'll trust you and then he'll trust us."

Wesley let out a small laugh. "Trust Wolfram & Hart?"

"Hey, were the only game in town for both of you and you know it."

Wesley turned back to the storm outside but not before slowly nodding.

Part 2

Fred stood, arms crossed, in the middle of the hotel lobby. She swayed back and forth on her heels, her teeth clenched nervously on her lips. "I wish Angel and Cordy were here. Where are they? Why can't we find them?" She swirled to face Gunn.

"Girl, I don't know and with the storm..I don't know." He repeated at Fred' s expression.

"Charles," Fred stopped her comment, looking at the large object Gunn had propped up. "You found the door."

"Stuck in a tree, or rather tangled in broken branches and roots. Can't believe the hotel is still standing. Damn." Gunn looked around at the broken glass and shattered wood littering the lobby.

"I don't like this, Charles. None of it. The storm, Cordy and Angel missing, Connor gone. Why hasn't he come back? Where did he go? It's been a month. Where is everyone? Where?"

"Fred," Gunn started helplessly. He had tried. They both had. They had waited, but Angel never came back from his meeting with Cordelia. At first, they had pushed their worries aside. From Angel's whistling and humming demeanor, they both came to the conclusion that somehow Angel and Cordelia were going to finally be honest with each other about their feelings. They figured that deserved some alone time and could understand why phone calls weren't on either's priority list. They hadn't really started to get anxious until they realized that Connor had also disappeared. But he was a teenager discovering a new world, maybe he just went exploring. That justification lasted about thirty minutes. Connor had seemed to accept Angel. He had gone to the movies with them, fought along side Angel, defended him, but neither of them could shake the memory of Connor's earlier distrust, hatred even, towards Angel. They started to worry and the unanswered phone calls to Angel and Cordelia's cell phones didn't do anything to alleviate any of those worries.

Still, they waited. Angel and Cordy may just be talking, discovering their feelings. Both, Gunn and Fred knew how those talks could go on and on. Time did seem to disappear when you discovered love. But, Connor never came home and love or not, they knew that Angel needed to know. They tried his phone, Cordelia's cell and home phone but neither answered. They tried every half hour and with each minute their worry became more pronounced. Their anxiousness was clinched when the sun rose. Angel and Cordelia weren't at her apartment, love or not, one of them would have returned the countless messages on Cordy's machine.

Their anxiousness solidified into panic when the police called reporting Cordy's jeep abandoned on the freeway. They didn't know what to think when they found Angel's car on the cliff where he was supposed to meet Cordelia. They searched the rocks and beach below, called every demon snitch that they knew. But nothing, no sign of Connor, Angel or Cordelia. Weeks passed and no word, Gunn had tried to find Justine but Holtz's ally had disappeared along with everyone else. Lilah swore on the threat of death that Wolfram and Hart had nothing to do with Angel and Cordelia's disappearance. She had laughed at Gunn's worry. He almost killed her then.

Fred called Lorne on the off chance that the demon knew something. Lorne didn't. He was as clueless as they were, though he did tell them to find Connor. Find the boy and they would find Angel, find Angel and the vampire would find his ladylove, he said. Lorne denied knowing anything specific just that he didn't trust the boy and warned Angel not to turn his back on his son. The boy may have come home but he still had a lot of issues. Fred begged Lorne to take them to the Conduits. The demon refused.

"Charles, we've got to go Las Vegas and drag Lorne back if we have to. He has to take us to the Conduits. He has to. He told Angel where they were when Cordy was dying, they have to help us."

"No, girl, they don't. They didn't help Angel just tossed him around. Cordy helped herself when she became demonized."

"But, Charles, we have to try, we have to do something."

"Yeah," Gunn shrugged.

Part 3

The vampire opened his eyes and encountered darkness but no water. He took a deep breath, smelling and tasting the atmosphere around him. It was air. The vampire heard bits and pieces of conversations drifting on the breeze. Words describing a great storm and exclamations about the devastation to the beach floated towards him. He heard grunts and groans as the owners of the voices lugged dead sea life and broken debris from the shore. Angel slowly moved his crushed hand to the bars of his steel prison pulling at the seaweed and debris that clogged the opening. His hand was immediately jerked back; only to return just as quickly stuffing the seaweed back between the bars as the sunlight burnt his skin. Angel settled back in the metal cage. He needed to feed and he needed the daylight to disappear. He could wait. He had survived. He would be free soon.


The vampire strained uselessly against the bars. Extreme hunger and slow healing injuries had just as effectively neutralized his strength as the enormous pressure of the depths of the ocean sea had.

Angel stalled his growl of rage and frustration. He heard voices again, different voices than before. Those earlier voices had drifted into silence as the sun dropped and the workers left the beach. Angel stilled, waiting as the voices came closer.

"Robby, we shouldn't be here. There are signs up all over the place. It's dangerous."

"They just put those up. They don't mean anything. What are you afraid of, Laurie, a sea monster?"

"I don't like it and I especially don't like this as an idea of a date."

"Come on, hon, I just want to look around for a little bit. Chuck and his cousin found a piece of an old ship. They said that they're getting they're name in the paper and like a thousand bucks and that was just down the beach. Who knows, maybe there was a treasure on that ship or something. Gold and gems."

"Aren't you just a little old to be searching for pirate treasure? Anyway, how could anyone find anything on this beach? It's sickening to see what is thrown in the ocean. Look, that's a car. Why would somebody dump an old car in the ocean?"

"Probably had a dead body in it, that's why."

"That's just sick."

"Come on, just a little while, then we'll go to the club."

"Fine, but if I fall on any of this junk....Gross."

"Its just seaweed."

"That's not just seaweed, it's your sea- monster, yucky and slimy."

"Use your flashlight and watch where you step."

"You're so in for it when we get home."

"Hey, over here."

"What, that's just a bigger clop of seaweed."

"No, its a chest, see," pointing to the glimmer of metal shining through the wet plant life. " A treasure chest." He cocked a grin.

"Sure it is," rolling her eyes in response.

"Laurie, did you hear that."

"I didn't hear anything."

"I did it was...someone crying for help. Shit. There's a person over there. Come on help me," rushing to the seaweed and hint of metal.

"What, no way."


Laurie stopped as she heard a weak voice call out amidst the seaweed.

"Holy shit, there's a man in here." The young man turned his attention to the metal box. " Buddy, don't worry; we'll get you out. How in the hell did you get in there? Laurie, get over here and help me."

"I don't know, Robby. Somebody must've put him in there. We got to call the cops or something."

"He needs our help now. Go, find something, there that pole, bring it here, I'll break the lock."

"Geez, how did a street sign get all the way here."

"Just bring it. Okay, Buddy, hold on -it only will be a minute."

Angel settled back as the young man jerked and hit at the bolt.

"Got it. Okay, Buddy."

"Broken hands" Angel whispered.

"Oh, wow, sure, okay, here let me help you up."

The young man leaned into the box, only to be grabbed and pulled closer.

Laurie jerked up the flashlight at Robby's scream. "What...Robby?" Her scream echoed Robby's fading one as the light flickered on his flailing legs, his upper body having disappeared into the box. She jumped back as Robby's lifeless body was suddenly thrown aside. "Oh my god," she stumbled back, tripping on her feet as a dark figure rose out of the chest.

She scrambled back; scooting along the sand trying to get away, small whimpers came from her throat as the dark man kept approaching.

Laurie was able to get to her feet as the man's step faltered. "What did you do to Robby?" She cried, still moving.

The man straightened. "I'm really grateful for his help, but now I need yours."

"Oh my god, what are you?" Laurie finally noticed the man's gold eyes and distorted jagged features.

"Don't run. I don't have all my strength yet." Angel sighed. " I said don't run," bending down to pick up the pole that Robby had used to break the lock. Angel threw the pole at the running girl, knocking her back to the ground. "I'm sorry, but I need more."

The man didn't sound sorry he just moved closer. Laurie tried to scream and move away but the pole had knocked the wind out of her.

"Don't be afraid, it'll only hurt for a minute," the vampire said as he reached down and dragged the young woman to his chest. "It's for a good cause." Angel plunged his fangs into the squirming girl's neck, draining her quickly just has he had done to her date.

Angel released the body and staggered back to the rocks near his broken prison. He sat giving himself time for the stolen blood to revitalize his injured body. He would need sleep; real sleep to reach his full strength but that would have to wait. That time would come but not before did what he needed to do.

Part 4

Cordelia was grateful for the silence. She couldn't believe it. The Powers were keeping her prisoner and acting completely insane as far as she was concerned. If she had to listen to that stupid voice repeating over and over again that her feelings for Angel were those of a lower being therefore not worthy of her new status- that he was not worthy or god forbid see one more vision of Angel in past Angelus- mode or his stint as beige- Angel, she would scream, really she would. She didn't understand. The Powers were trying to make her doubt Angel. It didn't make sense.


Cordelia looked around suspiciously as the glowing walls around her disappeared. Cautiously, she stood up in the middle of the white room. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Skip. "This is my destiny? I don't like it- AT ALL", she emphasized.

"You're destiny awaits. You just need to..."

"Say I don't love Angel. Okay, I don't love him, so there, now can I go home?"

"Cordelia," Skip shook his head. "You accepted your calling, you decided. You can become a very powerful tool."

"A tool. I don't like the sound of that, I really don't. And as for accepting.well. the fine print of this deal was written in invisible ink. You didn't tell me that I had to give up Angel, much less hate him. What's with the Angelus show and tell? Why? That was a long time ago. He's a warrior for the Powers now, I'm working for them, why can't we be together, we're on the same side."

"You're more than a seer, Cordelia, or can be. That's your destiny. The power you've been given carries a price. Angel is nothing but a demon, a vampire- a monster.."

"Hold on right there, buster. You're a demon, he's a demon, and I'm part demon. So, what's with the 'nothing but a demon' crap? And he's not a monster. He's Angel, a champion, you know, one of the good guys. What's with you? Skip, this doesn't make any sense. Why are the Powers trying so hard to convince me - if I didn't know better I'd think they're trying to brainwash me into believing that Angel's a monster- and that's just stupid, he's not, something is definitely not right here. I want to go home NOW."

"That will not be possible," Skip said, his deep voice changing along with his form.

"Who the hell are you?" Cordelia stared at the small young girl who replaced the familiar form of Skip.

"You're host for what could be a very long time as it seems that you aren't reacting as you should to our little program."

Cordelia started to speak then closed her mouth contemplating the little girl.

"You were going to say.." The girl urged.

Cordelia laughed in disgust. "I fell for it. This is a trap. You're not a Power."

"Oh, I'm a Power, just not the one of the ones you expected. It seems that we've both been a bit wrong, fortunately I can fix my mistake, you can't. I work the other side of the street."

"You won't make me hate Angel. So whatever you're plan was it failed and he 'll find me- and you'll get the spanking that you deserve, little evil Pollyanna."

"Pollyanna, I like that no one's ever given me a name before." The little girl giggled clapping her hands; suddenly she stopped her cute face an indiscernible mask. "Angel can't get in here, not unless I wish it and I don 't. That's even if he can get himself out of the little predicament that he 's in."

Cordelia recoiled at the sight of the innocent girl cold face. "You're so evil."

"In the eye of the beholder. I've my niche in things."

"What have you done to Angel?"

"Me, nothing. Didn't have to, leave it to the son."

"Connor? What.."

"As amusing as it is to recite the sordid tale of the destruction of your family, we've other things to discuss."

"What.." Cordelia lurched back as she was encased in a swirling band of light. She tried to yell out but her voice was gone.

"As I was saying, I don't like you, not at all. Angel, I can understand feel a connection to- he has a lust for blood, a need for revenge, things I can respect. A warrior for good- ha, if he makes it out of his prison, it' ll only be a matter time before he turns away from the fight and we won't have to do a thing. It's in his nature. You, on the other hand, have developed nobility that is as fruitless as it is disgusting. I'll admit that you snuck up on us had we known the full effect you would have on the vampire and the power you would wield we would've had Vocah kill you instead of just turning you into a psychic vegetable."

Cordelia struggled harder against the restraints at the girl's words trying to harness the power that she knew she had.

The little girl laughed. "You do have power, but no idea how to use it. Typical- 'The Powers' as you call them, always do that-put their players on an uneven playing field without the requisite knowledge to fight effectively. Some nonsense about the learning curve and freewill. I can help you, teach you. You are powerful; they gave you it, but didn't bother to tell you how to use it. Is that who you want to work for? Let me help you. There'll only be a small price to pay- just your soul. Hey, I'm not even asking for Angel's just yours. He'll come to us on his own, we don't need you for that."

A burst of rage flowed through Cordelia's body, light exploded from her body neutralizing the restraints. She slumped on the ground gasping for breath as new restraints appeared, crushing her chest.

"Not bad. But, all you've done is tell me no and that in the future that the restraints will have to be stronger and the conditioning harsher. Cordy," the little girl bent down patting Cordelia's face. "It doesn't have to be like this. We won't ask you to kill Angel or anything like that. So what's the harm? I know you're history, you don't have to go that far to belong with us. Get rid of the last three- four years; go back to when you knew what was important- fame, fortune, beauty and power. You could have it all, just like you always knew you would. Can your Powers give you that? Will they? You're a fool if you think they will or that they will help you. They like to wait and let fate play out. I'm giving you the change to take a hand in shaping fate not just waiting for it to happen indiscriminately. I'm wrong," the little girl cupped Cordelia's face gently, "If we had known, we would cultivated you from the start. You could've been a Queen by now, instead you're nothing."

Silent tears ran down Cordelia's face as the restraints formed into a box, encasing her back into the bright coffin.

"Think about it and let me know. Really, Cordy, what is it you really want? You jumped at the chance to ascend to a 'higher' destiny- believing that you deserved more than that of just being Angel's seer, but it wasn't an offer that your Powers were giving you; to them you are just a seer. You want the power and I can give it to you. " The little girl vanished.

Part 5


"Who are you?" Connor stopped his pacing and looked at Wesley.

"My name is Wesley, don't you remember? Silly, why would you, you were three months old."

"You knew me before my father took me to Quor-toth." The teenager suspiciously asked.

Wesley chuckled sadly. "Changed your diapers even." Wesley turned to stare the boy. "And I took you from Angel to protect you. My actions almost got me killed, twice. But, my actions did allow Holtz to place himself in the position to act as your father."

"I don't know you."

"I don't expect that you would. For you it was years ago. Sit, I'll explain." Wesley patted to the chairs in the room.

"I don't trust you, I don't trust them." The teenager waved his hands around.

"I don't really blame you, but please listen." Wesley patted again.

Connor moved with the guarded grace of a wild animal, tentatively moving towards the beckoning hand.

Wesley waited as Connor perched on the edge of the chair. "I worked with Angel, I was a friend of his."

"You're human, he's a vampire."

Wesley chuckled again. "Yes, but sometimes lately, I forget what being human means. I worked with Angel because at the time it seemed right. He claimed that he was no longer Angelus; he was a vampire with a soul, fought for good. And Cordelia was with him, you know Cordy, don't you." Wesley studied the boy.

"I know her, she's a demon," Connor said quickly jerking his head away from Wesley's gaze.

Wesley nodded. "She wasn't always though."

Connor shot his head back. "What?"

"Cordy was as human as you can get. I knew her when she was a teenager, not much older than you and she was definitely human. She didn't become part demon until," Wesley shrugged. "Five- six months ago, after you were born, it happened on her birthday."

"Why? How?"

Wesley shrugged. "Every since she came to work with Angel, her loyalty, her desire was to..please Angel, and she felt becoming part demon would make him happy."


"You have to understand, she started working at Angel Investigations when she was barely eighteen. She was young, she believed in the vampire with soul and his cause. She believed her transformation would better able her to help him."

"He's evil."

"She believed as I did when I started working with them."

Connor jerked angrily away and settled his gaze on the floor. "I..He told me that he fought for good, even took me to fight vampire's, I almost believed him. But he's evil."

"He's persuasive."

Connor brought his head back up. "I don't like it here, I'm a prisoner."

"I know. But, these people are trying to make sure that Angel doesn't kill you."

"He can't," Connor laughed harshly. "He's gone."

"They're not so sure and I'm not either. I..I know Angel and until you see him dust, then its best to assume that he's out there working towards whatever goal he has in mind."

"He couldn't."

"Never underestimate your father. Many have and as a result died."

"He's not my father."

"Yes he is- maybe not the one you want or the one that should be, but he is and he is a formidable ally just as he is formidable enemy."

"I can handle him, I beat him before."

"You, I imagine got lucky. Don't ever underestimate Angel. When he sets his mind on something, it usually gets done."


"Connor, don't okay. Connor, did you kill Cordelia?"

"Why does everybody keep asking me that?"

"Because if you did, Angel will more dangerous."

"I don't care. I don't care about him or her." Connor jerked his gaze back to his feet. "I did what I had to do."

"Very well." Wesley got up. "If you want to talk to me again, you can call." Wesley handed the boy a cell phone. "My number is programmed in, just push 1. All I've ever wanted since I knew that your birth was possible was the best..I will always protect you." Wesley sighed.

"I don't remember you."

"That's okay, I remember you." Wesley walked out.


"You were good today." Lilah walked into Wesley's apartment.

"I'm pleased that you think so."

"Will you ever get over your bitterness? Babe, you got Connor, the one that your family hates you for taking away and he's going to love you, be as loyal to you as he was to Holtz. Ironic. It's wonderful."

"It was one meeting."

"Yeah, but all the readers watching the tape agreed he was ready to accept you. They all thought you played it just right leaving when you did - not too much pressure but still just enough bringing up 'I knew you as a baby' stuff, give it a week. Hey, you never mentioned that Cordelia the 'wonderful' seer was 'Cordelia the demon'."

Wesley eyes narrowed. "It was none of your business."

"Wow and here I thought it was the cow girl you had the hots for. The forbidden fruit, was she? Angel's girl." Lilah grinned and walked away.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to bed." Lilah turned taking the last bit of clothing off her body.

" I don't ..."

Lilah strode towards him, her fingers gently against his lips. "Yes you do. Who are denying yourself for.Angel, the vampire that tried to kill you, Cordelia the demon- saint, who only gave her loyalty to Angel- who rejected you completely before she ended up dead, Gunn and Miss Texas, your sweetie, who are doing what we should be doing right about now. Me and Connor that's who you have now, enjoy it, the other's - it's time you let them go."

"You're right." Wesley leaned and captured Lilah's lips.

Part 6

Angel got up from the rocks going to the body of the young man he drained. He grabbed the keys out of his pocket before he placed the body in the metal box. Laurie's body followed her boyfriends after her keys were taken. Angel closed the door encasing the couple in their own coffin.

With one last look at the metal chest, Angel turned and quickly traveled the couple's path reaching the pickup truck on the edge of the outlook. He glanced around taking in the scenery. He wasn't far from where he fell. It wouldn't take him long to get where he needed to go. He threw Robby's keys to the ground as they failed to start the truck. He tested the girls and growled in satisfaction as the engine started.

Angel went for about a mile when he swerved onto another outlook. His car was gone and there was no sign of Cordelia's jeep. He slammed his fist into the steering wheel; he had no idea how long he had been in his watery tomb. Had Cordy come and gone, angry that he had stood her up or had she showed up in time to see Connor? He didn't know and he had to.


"Cordelia." Angel yelled throughout the hotel. "Cordelia." He repeated louder in a growl. The vampire turned ready to head to his next destination at the responding silence, not caring that he sensed Gunn and Fred in the hotel.

"Angel. Angel, Oh god, don't go, Angel.." Fred came running down the stairs clutching a large shirt around her body. The owner of the shirt came barreling after the young woman. "Yoa, man, stop."

"Cordelia?" Angel swung around to face his surprised friends.

"She's not with you? Please, say she's with you." "She was with you, right?" Both Fred and Gunn said at the same time.

Angel stepped back into the hotel. "Where is she?"

"We don't know- Cordy's been gone as long as you have- a month. You were supposed to be together, but then poof. Her car was found and then yours. You weren't together? Please, Angel say you were together wherever you were, where were you by the way and thank god you're back.um, Angel, Connor' s gone to. He's not with you either, uh." Fred stood wide-eyed in front of the vampire.


"Connor, we don't..."

"Cordelia- where was her car found." The vampire said succulently.

"She wasn't with you, okay. Charles." Fred looked up at her boyfriend.

"It was found on the freeway miles from the bluff, no one saw anything, it was weird, nobody noticed Cordy leaving her jeep in the middle of the frickin highway. Angel, where were you? And Connor.."

"Cordelia first." Angel growled.

"Angel, what's going on? What happened to you?"

"Connor was at the cliff he attacked me, thought I killed Holtz, trapped me in a steel box and threw me in the ocean, I got out. I have to know if he went after her." Angel turned to leave the hotel.

Fred and Gunn blinked simultaneously both at each other than at Angel. "Stop." Gunn yelled at the retreating vampire.

Fred started to speak quickly, her hands wringing together. "Okay, that explains why you haven't been around for the last month, you've been at the bottom of the OCEAN for a MONTH."

"Girl." Gunn placed a hand on Fred's shoulder.

"Did you hear what he said, he said his son dropped him in the bottom of the ocean, no wonder we couldn't find him. Did you think of looking for Angel at the bottom of the ocean, I didn't? Did you? No. You didn't because that's insane. Really, it's insane and it begs the question where's Cordy- the moon. Hadn't thought to look there. But, I didn't think to look at the bottom of the ocean for Angel. So," Fred shrugged widely. " We all can see, how not good I am at this detective bit." Fred's voice rose to a dangerously high level.

"Cordy's not on the moon."

Fred shook and waved her hands in the air. "How do you know?" she cried at her boyfriend. "Like you knew that Angel was at the bottom of the ocean. You did, uh."

"Fred," Gunn looked helplessly at Angel, but he vampire was giving him no help but heading back for the door.

"Angel, where are you going?

"To find Cordelia, then deal with Connor."

"How?" Gunn and Fred both said. "We looked everywhere, even asked Lilah." Gunn added.

Fred nodded. "Threatened her, even, but she swore that Wolfram & Hart didn't have anything to do with any of your disappearances."

"You left her alive."

"Um, well, yeah."

"Then, you didn't ask correctly." Angel vanished into the darkness.

"Oh," Fred's eyes got big. "Maybe, we should follow him."

"To save the bitch? If she does know something, Angel will get it out of her."

"No, to make sure he doesn't disappear again." Fred shook her head pulling at Gunn. Fred stopped suddenly causing Gunn to bump into her. "What d'ya think he meant with 'then he'll deal with Connor'?"

"I don't want to think about it- I'm just hoping that the answers are at Wolfram & Hart, not with Connor when Angel finds him."

Fred's eyes widened again. "Connor wouldn't....right, he sunk Angel to the bottom of the ocean. It's insane, all of it." She said again, moving quicker to Gunn's truck.

Part 7

"Connor, you can trust me." Wesley sat down in front pacing silent teenager. "Connor, you called me." He quietly urged.

"The only person I can trust is dead." Connor jerked to a halt.

"Yes, I understand that you believe Angel killed Holtz." Wesley nodded his encouragement ignoring for the moment the hostility, but rather focusing on the loneliness and torment the boy's angry tone masked.

"He did. I saw it."

Wesley leaned up in an offer of support. "You saw Angel kill Holtz and you failed to stop it? I could see how that would be distressing."

"I..No, if I was there I would've protected him. I would've killed Angel then. I saw my father's body. He was bitten by a vampire." Connor argued and defended at the same time.

"Bitten?" Wesley raised a brow and sat back in his chair. "Connor, I'm curious, clearly you are aware of a vampire's inclination to kill their victims by biting thereby satisfying their lust for blood and violence, but have you ever seen a victim of one?"

"I haven't seen God but I know he exists, my father taught me that just as he taught me about the nature of demons and vampires just as he taught me about Angel. I saw the bloody marks of evil on my father's neck. Angel killed him."

Wesley lifted his hand in a conciliatory motion. "I'm not disputing that a vampire killed Holtz or even that Angel may have had a desire to want Holtz dead, but Angel is not the only vampire in LA, not by a long shot. What makes you so sure that it was Angel if you didn't see the actual killing."

"That woman, father's friend Justine, she saw it. She saw how Angel wouldn' t listen to my father explain that he forgave Angel. He just killed him just like he killed my father's family years ago."

Wesley leaned back further in his chair, his demeanor becoming more contemplative as he digested Connor's words. " Holtz forgave Angelus for killing his wife and children?"

"You don't believe me," Connor jumped up. "My father was honorable. A man of faith and strength with the ability to forgive, unlike a demon."

"I would agree that forgiveness is not the easiest concept for Angel but it seems that you also have that trait." Wesley sat up sharply.

"He killed by father. I won't forgive that ever."

"And Holtz took Angel's son, you as a helpless baby, to a hell dimension. In some cultures, not just that of demon, Angel would be just. If in fact he did kill Holtz."

"Angel has never been just, I've heard the stories, I know what he is," Connor glared. "He killed.."

Wesley held up his hand again. "Connor, it wouldn't surprise me if he had, but if Angel made that decision, it would surprise me that he would've bit Holtz to do it or that he would've left a witness alive to tell about it, especially to you."

"He's a vampire."

"Yes that he is- a very dangerous one."

"You don't believe me."

"No. I'm just considering the possibility that Justine lied to you. After all- she slit my throat at Holtz's bidding and left me to die just so Holtz could take you for himself."

"He was trying to protect me."

"By killing me?" Wesley cocked his head at Connor. "No, I was trying to protect you. He was trying to use you for revenge and it seems that he succeeded."

"You're trying to make me doubt my father." Connor moved aggressively towards the seated man.

"No. I'm trying to get you to open your eyes. Angel can be all that you believe him to be, but you have to see that Holtz also suffered from the same demon, he may've been human but he acted out of anger and the need for revenge just as Angel has done in the past. He's no better than Angel. You were a baby, he didn't know you except as Angel's son, but he took you. Why?"

"To protect me. He loved me."

"I do hope he did but Connor the truth is that I watched you being born, I fed you, held you, bathed you and protected you while Holtz sent his men in to try to kidnap you not caring that he could've harmed the humans, not demons, but humans that loved and protected you. The truth is- had Holtz not ordered my death and stole you from me, you would be playing with your toys and learning to walk, you'd be safe. Instead, you've grown up in a hell-dimension, only to return to be held prisoner by one of the many factions that wanted you dead when you were a baby. That's the truth."

Connor looked around the room that he was held. "They want me dead?"

"Not anymore, now they just want to know why you're alive. Connor, you were borne of two vampires not an every day occurrence- it's the type of thing that prophecies are made. They just want to know the hows and whys of yours."

"I don't know. I don't care."

"You don't have much of a choice. You can't be let free not until it's assured that Angel won't be a danger to you."

"He's gone. But, if somehow, he comes back, I'll just do it again."

Wesley looked hard at the angry young man. "Did you kill Cordelia? Yes or no."

Connor narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"Because whatever I believed and whatever you believe- Angel wouldn't have killed you and even now after you've entombed him he wouldn't, unless.if you 've killed Cordelia, I can no longer say that the prophecy was false- the father just may kill the son."


"No, Connor, I imagine you were able to get the best of Angel because he wouldn't kill you, but the situation has changed. Cordelia's death by your hands, his continuous isolation in a watery coffin- they change the odds and they just may have changed Angel. You only heard the stories from Holtz, now you could very well meet the horror."


Wesley waved his hands around. "You, Wolfram & Hart, have no real idea what Angel can be capable of. Holtz knew, but that was a 150-year-old memory of Angelus. I can help you. "

"I don't need."

"Yes, you do. I know both the vampire with the soul and the unsouled one. Let me help you like I was supposed to do before."

"What do you want?"

"Did you kill Cordelia?"

"NO." Connor shook his head in frustration.

Wesley started at the boy for a moment then looked away, his attention no longer on the boy but directed inward. "Where she is? She wouldn't be absent this long without some reason," he murmured almost harshly to himself.

"What's so important about her?" Connor interrupting, hearing Wesley's low words.

"Cordy?" Wesley looked up and a slight smile formed over his features, almost sad in its completion. "She's the heart of ..the heart of the vampire and she's never willingly that far from him. If she's gone, Angel, if he returns not ready to kill everyone and everything, will be preoccupied trying to find her. That gives us time." Wesley said in a stronger tone, the thoughts which had given rise to his dejected demeanor of only a second ago were gone.

"Time for what?"

"To prepare for his coming after you."

Part 8

Images paraded through Cordelia's mind, past pictures of her young and beautiful, stylishly lording her popularity, wealth and opinions over her high school minions with a delicate silk sledgehammer. The old feeling of satisfaction came drifting back through her body as the images took hold. More recent memories of her in princess finery being regaled and honored came swarming back as did the alternate visions of awards and adoring fans worshiping at her feet. Cordelia smiled happily in her bright prison, those memories brought her pleasure. The other ones, the ones she couldn't focus on, they were the ones that brought her piercing pain. Imagines of Angel, the helpless of her visions, her first dingy worn down apartment in LA, Doyle's death, the first time she was tortured for the cause, even Sunnydale- not the pleasurable moments- the other ones all cascaded through her mind and with each came an excruciating agony. Cordelia forced her mind away from the pain, it was so much easier to just think about the could've beens and not the realities of her life.

She sighed a breath of relief as the pain subsided and a moment of true clarity overcame her. Little evil Pollyanna was right, Cordelia did know what she wanted and she knew how to get it. Cordelia sank back and started to smile. She hadn't gone that far from the girl she had been. Thank god.

"Cordelia, you've made your decision."

Cordelia stood in front of the little girl as the magical bright confines of her prison disappeared. "I know what I want." Her grin widened at her freedom.

The young girl acknowledged Cordelia's smile as she leaned forward in her small chair. "And that is?"

"What I deserve, what I've always deserved."

"I'm glad you've come to reason. You know the price."

"My soul. Got it. But, don't you want to hear mine?"

"You aren't in a bargaining position."

"I think I am. You haven't killed me, so you want me. Why, that's the big question, and then again maybe not, I've my guesses. I'll be what you want once you've given me what I want. It's called negotiations. Don't all the big law firms know that?"

"What is it you want? You'll get power, fame, wealth, all that you've ever desired."

"Nice, very nice opening bid, but I want Angel too."


Cordelia held up a glowing hand to the now aggravated little girl. "I'm not rejecting your generous offer, I'm just adding an extra clause an easy one for you. I want Angel, you want Angel, it's a frickin 'We want Angel' party- though you're a little young for him and you're not blonde." Cordelia wrinkled her brow. "I'm not really either anymore" she pulled at her hair, the artificial blonde color fading fast at the lack of touch ups. With a grunt, Cordelia turned her attention from her hair to the girl. "But, either way, you're too young or look it anyway, as long as I've known Angel and his various chippies, he isn't into the young ones, well, they have to be at least 16," Cordelia studied the little girl. "It could be that he's a breast man," Cordelia cocked her head at the little girl's flat chest. "Sorry, honey, you don't got any, what are you playing at 9." Cordelia shook her head. "Not the age I'd want to be if I was all powerful."

"What?" The girl's annoyance turned to confusion.

"Keep up with me, what are the pigtails too tight, I want Angel. I've had time to think in your pleasant accommodations as cramped as they were. I've wanted Angel from way back when, salty goodness and all. He's hot. And Cordelia Chase does not, will not, in the future travel without a mantoy on her arm, a very hot mantoy- or in this case, a very very hot mampire-toy on her arm."

"Angel's indisposed." The girl's eyes glared into bottomless black holes.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at the little girl's words and expression. "Then un-indisposed him. You know where he is, so do it. It's not like this wasn 't your plan if 'in case of' happened. I'm just saying make the 'in case of' happen. Cordelia smiled at the perched lips of the little girl. "Oh, Polly, come on," she cajoled as the girl's eyes fluttered back to their normal color and her expression became confused again at Cordy's total obliviousness to the death stare she just shot Cordelia. "I'm here just in case Angel breaks out of whatever trouble he's got himself into while I was gone- I know it and you know it. You said it yourself, I affect the vampire, I'll admit I was a little clueless at first, it was the losing the whole focus of what I want thing- but now I can see it, I do- a lot. And I want him- a lot. You say he'll come over to your side of the street eventually. I say give him to me now and that eventually will become a lot sooner."

"You'll bring us Angel's soul?" The little girl studies Cordelia waiting for her reply.

"Hell no." Cordelia shook her head adamantly. "His soul stays safely where it needs to be. No one wants Angelus running free- believe you me. That vampire wouldn't only come over to your side of the street- he would kill everything on both sides because that would make a good day for him. No Angelus." Cordelia nodded with conviction.

"Then what is it you offer?" The girl nodded accepting Cordelia's answer.

"I offer you Angel soul and all. He won't go after you. You know where he is. You know that Connor put him there. I'm here. Congratulations, you got the drop on his family. Keep me here unwillingly; he'll come after you. Please, Polly, who are you kidding, this will be the first place he'll look. Me, here willingly, Angel won't touch you. He won't fight me and with Connor against him, he'll need me. Like, this wasn't your plan. Geez."

The little girl stood straightening her flowered dress. "Maybe." She turned. "Angel has returned, as we predicted the storm has released him." The girl stilled looking inwards, her voice soft. "He's on the edge the right push one way or the other will send him across the line."

"I can push him, whichever way I want him." Cordelia smiled.

"Which way is that?" Polly turned back to Cordy.

"You've read my mind, put the thoughts there even, you doubt your power. Hmmph."

"I don't doubt mine or minimize what the Powers gave you. We'll make sure."

In a flash Cordelia was back in her coffin, Pollyanna looking down at her. "A little precaution." She lifted the object in her hand to Cordelia's neck. "Think of this as polygraph that can see all so we'll really know," she said as she pressed the object into Cordelia skin. Cordelia screamed.

Part 9

"I'm not sure that tonight you did so well." Lilah scowled over at Wesley.

"Second meeting." Wesley said shrugging his shoulders. "He called."

"You told him that Angel didn't kill Holtz." Lilah stomped her foot, standing with her hands on her hips in front of Wesley.

"I gave him something to think about." Wesley pushed past the woman.

"Wesley, I'm taking a chance on you."

"Never asked you to. In fact, I remember repeatedly telling you to stay away."

"Wesley," Lilah grabbed the man jerked him around. "Why?"

Wesley shook his head he was tired too tired to go for the obvious. He sighed. "Lilah, Connor's loyalty is to Holtz, Holtz alive wasn't loyal to Wolfram & Hart. That man had his own agenda. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Connor has to see it too, then and only then will Connor turn to me."

"What if he swings all the way back to Angel."

"I'll be there for that and say the appropriate things when it's time. But first, he needs to be separated from Holtz. The man may still be dead but his presence still influences Connor."

Lilah stalled. "I don't know."

"Lilah, Holtz hated demons not just vampires and he taught that hatred to Connor. Wolfram & Hart's main client base is demon, unless Holtz's influence is diluted and then extinguished Connor will hate you'll too. He' ll never trust you."

Lilah bit her lip. "All right."

"Lilah, where is Cordelia?"

"The kid killed her."


"He was lying."

"Did your readers' tell you that because that's not what he told me and I believe him. Find her. If Angel comes back we are going to need her too."


Angel watched from a distance. He couldn't make out their words completely the indiscriminate blare of a car alarm and the concrete pillars placed strategically between the vampire and the couple muffled the voices. But he heard enough. He stood still has Wesley then Lilah passed. Angel jumped in his car and followed them out of Wolfram & Hart's parking garage.


"Well, he didn't kill them. Wesley with that bitch-when did that happen? Why didn't I know that happened? Wesley shouldn't be with her at all. She' s skanky and evil." Fred thrust her arms against her chest.


"Oh, so you knew this, too. Just like you knew Angel was in the bottom of the ocean."

"I didn't.no."

"Just drive, you're losing them. I hope Angel kills her, skanky bitch."

Gunn shot a look at his mumbling girlfriend as he pressed down on the gas to keep up with Angel's car.

Continue on...