just fic

Title: Unexpected
Author: rgw (Robin)
Posted: 11-25-2002
Rating: NC17
Content: Cordelia/Angel
Summary: Angel and Cordelia discover something unexpected while attending Xander and Anya’s wedding in Sunnydale. This takes place some time at the beginning of Season 3 after everyone is over the trauma of Buffy dying and then coming back, but before the whole Darla/Connor mess.
Spoilers: All of Angel Season 2 and Buffy Season 5.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Notes: This is my first attempt at fanfic, so constructive criticism is gladly accepted. It's really just a silly bit of fluff that I wrote a while ago, and I'm a little bit intimidated by all the great fics that I've been reading here, but I thought it might be a mood-lifter. This is a response to a challenge on Stranger Things.
"Any situation which involves Angel and Cordy having to vacation together in a room with one bed, one shower ... you get the drift :-) One of those "learn they have feelings for one another" pieces." ~SealedNFate

(Part 4 Continued...)

Angel squared his shoulders before he followed Cordelia into the magic shop. He could do this, he thought as he casually strolled into the room where the others were gathered. The smirk he was unable to suppress was entirely genuine as he got a look at Xander, Giles, and Spike.

“Rough night, boys?” Cordelia asked cheerfully.

Xander groaned but didn’t lift his head off the table.

“Must you be so damned chipper?” Giles grumbled, rubbing his temples.

Buffy grinned. “Definitely a rough night,” she said pleasantly. “And apparently a rough morning, rough afternoon, and rough early evening too.”

“Yes,” Anya agreed. “This is a very strange ritual. Why do men want to do this if they spend the next day sweating and puking? That doesn’t seem very fun at all.”

Xander looked up. “It’s a guy thing, An. You’re not supposed to understand it.” He looked around at Cordelia and Angel.

“What are you smiling about, Deadboy? Why aren’t you suffering like the rest of us?”

Angel chuckled. “Fast metabolism and a strong constitution.” Cordelia cleared her throat. “And a little help from a very good friend.” Cordelia smiled broadly.

Spike turned his head to look at Angel without lifting it from the table. “Bloody hell! You shouldn’t even be walking.”

Angel smirked and leaned against the counter crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m walking just fine, and actually feeling pretty good.”

“Pillock.” Spike glared at him before closing his eyes again.

“Quite,” Giles agreed.

“That is *so* not fair,” Xander complained.

“Well, he does have the whole vampire super-healing thing going for him,” Buffy supplied cheerfully, smiling up at Angel. He shifted slightly.

“Yeah, well, so does Spike, and he can barely move,” Xander retorted.

Cordelia exchanged a glance with Angel, and she nodded. “But Spike didn’t have the advantage of Cordelia’s hangover remedy,” Angel replied.

“Cordelia has a hangover remedy?” Xander asked hopefully.

She smiled. “Sorry, Xander. It only works for vampires.”

“At this point, I’d be willing to try anything,” he replied.

“I doubt it,” she said. “Giles, do you keep any blood on hand?”

Giles looked at her over the rim of his glasses. “There might be some in the refrigerator in back.”

She left the room and returned a couple of minutes later with a coffee cup which she set on the table in front of Spike. “It smells horrible and tastes worse, but if you can get it down, it really helps.”

Spike lifted his head and sniffed at the mixture. “Gyahh! That smells bloody awful! I’m not drinkin’ that!”

“Well, then I guess you’ll just have to keep suffering,” Cordelia replied matter-of-factly.

He gave her an evil look, and then slowly picked up the mug in a shaky hand. “You mean to say you drank this shit?” he asked Angel.

Angel nodded.

“Twice,” Cordelia added.

“Probably gonna poison me,” Spike grumbled.

“Oh, quit stalling, you big baby, and just drink the stuff.” Cordelia was glad that Angel hadn’t been so annoying because she was rapidly running out of patience. Of course, she had felt much more concerned when Angel had been sick, she thought.

Angel was trying hard not to laugh. “Just drink it fast, and try not to smell it.”

Spike glared, and then quickly drained the mug. “Bloody hell!” He slammed the empty cup down on the table. “What was in that? That was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted!”

Cordelia smiled. “Two Alka-Seltzer and two aspirin tablets dissolved in a cup of blood.”

Xander shuddered. “Definitely for vampires only.”

“How on earth did you come up with that?” Giles asked.

She shrugged. “Poor Angel looked so miserable this morning, I had to do something. Since most drugs seem to work on vampires, I figured these should, too. Then I thought it’d be good to get some blood in him, so voile! Disgusting, but effective.”

Angel just smiled fondly at her.

Buffy was looking at her oddly, but she chose to ignore it for the moment.

“Yeah, well it doesn’t feel like it’s doin’ anything to me,” Spike complained.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Talk to me again in about twenty minutes.”

Just then, the front door to the magic shop opened with a jingle.

“Hi everyone!” Willow said brightly. She and Tara looked around the table. “What did we miss?”

* * *

Once everyone had arrived and the party had been moved, slowly, to the Springfield Vineyards, the wedding rehearsal had gone quite well. The groom had managed to stand up throughout, and everyone had generally figured out where to go and when to move.

After the rehearsal, the group returned to the Bronze for the big rehearsal party.

Cordelia stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as she touched up her lipstick. How many times in her life had she stood in exactly this spot and checked her appearance for some boy? She smiled slightly. She had even stood here and checked her appearance for Angel several years ago.

She had had such a crush on him when she had first met him. Who wouldn’t? He had been gorgeous, older, mysterious. Of course, that was before she had known he was a vampire. After that, she had been completely put off. Eeew! Dead guy! She had gladly left him to Buffy, preferring her dates to have a pulse.

She studied her reflection in the mirror and thought back to her younger self. She had never really gotten to know Angel back then. She hadn’t cared to. How stupid, she thought. She could have had his friendship all those years.

Of course, that would have made the Angelus interlude a lot more painful...

Well, she knew him now, she thought as she put her lipstick away and ran a comb through her hair.

Funny. She definitely knew he was a vampire now, knew all kinds of things about his past that she would probably rather not know, ancient past and recent past, and none of it really bothered her. The drinking blood thing hadn’t bothered her in ages. She bought it for him, poured it for him, stored it in her own refrigerator for him. It wasn’t any different to her, now, than Wesley drinking his tea. She didn’t think she’d want Angel snacking on her, but otherwise, it just didn’t matter.

The not-breathing thing didn’t seem to bother her any more, either. Truthfully, she really never thought about it. And she didn’t notice his lack of pulse, either. I mean, really, how often do you listen to someone else’s heartbeat? she asked herself. Pretty much, never. She never listened for Wesley’s or Gunn’s.

And over the last two years, she had touched him so often to bandage him, and he had touched her so often to catch her when she had a vision, that she hardly noticed that his skin wasn’t warm. It was no longer unnatural; it was just Angel.

So, she knew he was a vampire and totally accepted the strangeness. Sort of like knowing someone who had a lot of weird eccentricities. You just got used to them after a while.

One thing was certain, knowing him had not changed her opinion about his looks. He was still gorgeous, especially when he smiled, which he had been doing a lot more lately. Now that Willow and Tara had anchored his soul, he could relax a bit, and let himself be happy, which meant he’d be smiling even more. That’d be nice. Very nice.

Of course, it also probably meant he’d be seeing a lot more of Buffy. In more ways than one. Cordelia frowned. There was that jealous thing again. She had most definitely been jealous last night when she had thought about Buffy and Angel, and she was feeling jealous again now. She didn’t want Buffy any where near Angel, which was part of the reason she’d kept the Slayer away from him this morning. She had wanted to take care of him herself, to be the one there for him. She hadn’t wanted to share her time alone with him with the other woman.

Whoa. Possessive much?

What was up with that?

Well, OK, if she were being perfectly honest with herself, she had been having strange thoughts about Angel all weekend. Her nervousness about sharing the room, the wonderful way it had felt to wake up with Angel wrapped around her, the way she had reacted to seeing him in nothing but a towel, her jealousy of Buffy, her desire to take care of him. All things that she really shouldn’t be feeling if she and Angel were just friends.

And the incredibly embarrassing way she’d called him ‘sweetie’ earlier in the day. She felt herself blushing at the memory. Thank god he had been feeling too bad to take any notice of it.

So, did she have ‘more than friends’ feelings for Angel? Xander seemed to think she did. And that was just too weird for words. Anya, Spike, and Xander had all thought that she and Angel were a couple. Were they seeing something that she didn’t?

She had never really allowed herself to think about Angel romantically. After all, even if by some miracle he had gotten over Buffy, there was still the matter of the curse. As much as she liked Angel, she just didn’t think she could have dealt with a no-sex relationship. And there was no way she was doing that kind of angst. That was for whiners and soap opera queens. Like Buffy.

But the curse wasn’t an issue now. Angel was free to have a real relationship, a complete relationship, if he wanted. He could be happy.

What would it be like to be with Angel? She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what it would feel like to kiss him, to feel her body pressed against his, to feel his hands slide down her back to pull her more tightly against him. She could easily imagine losing herself in his kiss as one of his hands slid back up to gently stroke her breast...

She opened her eyes an stared at herself in the mirror. She was flushed and breathing heavy. OK. That answered that question. She wanted to be with Angel. A lot.

So what did that mean? She loved Angel as a friend and a co-worker, no question about that. She liked and respected him. She wanted to take care of him and make him happy. She was jealous and possessive of him, found him attractive, and wanted to sleep with him. In the not sleeping sense...

Oh god. She was falling in love with him.

No, it was worse. She was already in love with him.

Now what was she supposed to do? Oh sure, the curse wasn’t an issue, he was free to have any relationship he pleased. But Buffy was still here. Cordelia might be in love with him, but he’d never love her in return, not as long as Buffy was available. He’d probably still be in love with Buffy long after she died.

So where did that leave Cordelia? No where. The best friend. The sidekick.

She sighed. A year from now she’d probably be back at the Bronze celebrating Buffy and Angel’s wedding.

God, that was depressing.

Well, there was only one thing to do. He could never know. Cordelia would not be made a fool of, especially not by Buffy Summers. No, as long as Angel never found out that she loved him, they could always be friends.

Maybe she’d get over it.

Yeah, right.

She shook her head. OK, she’d have to come up with some kind of plan. Especially since she’d have to go back to that motel room and sleep in the same bed with a man she’d just realized she was totally in love with. Maybe if she just went in and went straight to sleep, she wouldn’t have to talk to him or look at him, and he wouldn’t find out.

And with his ultra-sensitive vamp hearing, he’d probably be able to hear her heart racing from all the way across the room.

God, she was screwed.

Well, she couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. Eventually, someone would notice. She squared her shoulders and held her head high. She was Cordelia Chase. She could handle this. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked back out into the room.

* * *

Angel checked his watch. Cordelia had been gone a long time. He hoped that nothing had happened to her. Maybe she had run into another one of her old friends. He glanced around the room, but didn’t see her.

Willow and Tara got up from the table to go dance.

“I want to dance, too,” Anya said, grabbing Xander’s hand and pulling him up out of his seat. “Come on, Xander. Let’s dance.”

“I’ll try,” he said as he slowly drug himself to his feet.

Buffy laughed. “Oh, you’ll manage, and it’ll be fun.” She turned to Angel. “Want to dance with me?”

“Um, I don’t dance.”

She smiled her most winning smile. “I’ll go easy on you, I promise.”

He shifted nervously. “I, um, no thanks. This fast music is way too... modern for me.”

“You sure?” she looked up at him coyly.

“Definitely.” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to dance with her, exactly. It was just that he really wanted to know what was taking Cordelia so long. And he didn’t want Cordelia to come back and find him dancing with Buffy.

Buffy shrugged. “OK, then. I’m gonna go get a drink. You want?”

Angel shook his head. “No, thanks. I’m fine.”

He watched her get up and start toward the bar before he turned his gaze back to the rest of the room, searching for Cordelia.

After a minute, he heard Spike sigh loudly. He turned to see Spike staring off in the other direction. He looked to see what Spike was watching. Buffy. He smiled slightly.

“Ask her to dance.”

Spike turned to look at him, surprised. “What’s that?”

“I said, ask her to dance.”

Spike didn’t even pretend not to know who Angel was talking about. “Why? So you can laugh while she shoots me down? No thanks, mate.”

Angel shook his head. “I’m trying to offer you some advice. She likes to dance. She wants to dance. You should ask her.”

Spike stared at him for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “Why?”

Angel rolled his eyes. “You like her. You want her. If you want to pursue her, you’re going to have to do things that she likes. Like dancing.”

“And why would you want to help *me* with Buffy? She’s the love of *your* life.”

Angel smiled. “No. She isn’t. I will always love Buffy, but I’m not in love with Buffy.” Angel shrugged. “She deserves to be happy, to have someone who loves her completely and is always there for her. I can’t be that person. Maybe you can.”

“You hate me.”

“Yeah, I do. But she doesn’t. And it’s not up to me.”

Spike snorted. “Cheerleader’s good for you.”

Angel raised an eyebrow, but Spike didn’t elaborate. He continued to watch Buffy as she talked to the bartender, ordering her coke.

Then he shrugged. “Wouldn’t matter. Even if she wasn’t inclined to reject me for just bein’ me, there’s no way she’d dance with me with you sittin’ right there, bein’ all available.”

Angel stood. “Then I won’t be sitting here.”

He wandered across the room, avoiding the dance floor, in the general direction of the restrooms. He was really beginning to worry about Cordelia. Maybe he should get Willow to go in and see if she was OK. It wasn’t all that uncommon to find other vampires in the Bronze. Maybe she’d gotten into trouble...

No, he would have known. Somehow. Buffy would have known if there were other vampires about.

He looked around the room and then turned back towards the restrooms in time to see Cordelia finally come back out into the club.

“Hey,” he said quietly.

She jumped. “Angel! You scared me.”

“Sorry.” He looked at her carefully. “Are you OK?”

She smiled a little too brightly. “Yes. Of course. I’m fine. Why? Did something happen?”

Something was wrong. She was nervous, jittery. He put his hand on her arm and gently turned her to face him. “Nothing happened. I was just worried about you. Are you sure you’re OK?”

She nodded, but wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “I’m fine.”

He moved his hand up and placed his finger under her chin, gently tilting her face up so that she was forced to look at him. “Cordy?”

She licked her lips, and he had to fight the sudden urge to kiss her.

Her smile faded somewhat. “I’m OK, really. I just... ran into someone, is all.” She paused. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“It’s OK.” He released her, and her eyes flitted around the room.

The music in the club changed to a slow, romantic song. He held out his hand. “Dance with me?”

She looked up at him. “You don’t dance.”

“I make exceptions. Dance with me.” She continued to study him. “Please.”

She nodded, and he took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. He pulled her gently towards him, and put his arms around her, his hands resting lightly on the small of her back. Her hands were on his shoulders.

Holding her as they danced was almost like the dream he had had. Only now, a couple of inches separated them, and he longed to pull her closer. He doubted that she’d let him, though. She was still tense, and she had been uncharacteristically quiet. He wished she’d talk to him.

He looked back at their table. Buffy had returned with her drink. The others were still dancing, so she and Spike were alone.

* * *

“Where’s Angel?” Buffy asked.

Spike shrugged. “About.”

She sipped her drink and turned to look at the dance floor. A hand suddenly appeared in front of her. A pale hand with fingernails painted black. She hadn’t even heard him move.

“Dance, luv?”

She just looked at him.

“No harm in it. I can’t hurt you. You can kick my ass.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t mean anything. Just a bit of harmless fun. It’s supposed to be a party, right? And Peaches is busy, so why not, eh?”

She knit her eyebrows, obviously thinking it over, and then stood.

“Fine. But watch your hands.”

Spike grinned. “Sure thing, luv. I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

* * *

“I’ll be...” Angel remarked absently.

Cordelia pulled away a little to look up at him. “What?”

“Buffy and Spike.” He turned so she could see where the other couple stood on the dance floor.

“Wow,” she said. “There’s something I never thought I’d see.” She looked back up at him. “Are you OK with that?”

He smiled down at her. “Sure.” She had a soft, concerned look in her eyes, and her nervousness seemed to be fading. “I’m fine with it.” He pulled her a little bit closer, and she didn’t resist. “At the moment, I’m perfectly content.” He could feel the warmth of her body, and as he continued to look into her eyes, he could feel the rest of the world fading away. The urge to kiss her was back, stronger than before. His eyes strayed down to her lips. It would be so easy. Just lean down a little and...

He forced himself to look away.

He couldn’t. Not here, not now. But he did pull her flush against him. She didn’t protest. Even though he couldn’t kiss her, he was going to savor the feel of her for as long as the music lasted.

Cordelia was confused. She had been so nervous when Angel had surprised her outside the bathroom. She had been afraid to look at him, afraid that he would look into her eyes and know that she loved him.

Then he had asked her to dance. Angel never danced. And why with her? Why not with Buffy? And why wasn’t Angel upset that Buffy was dancing with Spike? He hated Spike. He loved Buffy. It made no sense.

And a moment ago, she had the strangest feeling that he had been about to kiss her. Well, she had been mistaken about that, but she had not resisted when he had pulled her close against him. She could feel all of her body in contact with his. It was nice. Too nice, and she had to resist the urge to lay her head against his chest. Well, maybe for just a moment...

Angel’s eyes drifted closed and he concentrated on feeling every place where Cordelia was touching him. She was so soft and warm. Gradually, he felt her relax and lay her head against his chest. Holding her close with one hand still at her lower back, he ran his other hand up along her spine to the base of her neck, pressing her against his body. God, she felt good. He never wanted this to end.

But, as with all good things, eventually the music began to fade. He was reluctant to let her go, and hesitated, hoping the next song would be another slow one. It was not, and he was forced to release her.

He held onto her hand briefly. “Thank you.”

She had a strange expression on her face. “Any time.”

They walked back to the table, and he held a chair for her. Buffy and Spike had already returned, and Buffy was looking at him strangely. No doubt, she knew where he had been and that immediately after turning her down, he had sought out Cordelia. He really hadn’t wanted to hurt her feelings. He did still care about her. But at the moment, Cordelia was his priority.

That felt right.

He caught Buffy’s eyes as he sat. In order to avoid a lot of unpleasantness at someone else’s event, there would be no more dancing with Cordelia tonight.

Xander and Anya arrived back at the table, followed by Willow and Tara.

“For the record,” Xander started, “if I ever decide to go out drinking like that again, someone please bash me over the head with something very heavy. It would hurt less.”

Willow laughed. “Lucky for you, you only get married once.”

“Thank god!”

* * *

The warm night air ruffled Angel’s hair as he drove back to the motel. Sometimes, he really loved the convertible.

The rest of the party had been uneventful. He had managed to avoid dancing with anyone, including Buffy, no matter how she smiled, pouted, or flirted with him. She had eventually given up on him, and had danced a time or two with Xander and then had branched out to some of the other men at the club. She had even danced once or twice with Spike. She was less than pleased.

He had longed to dance with Cordelia again, just to hold her, but had refrained. She had danced once or twice with other men, and even once with Spike, but she had always returned to her chair by his side, so it hadn’t bothered him. Much.

He was a little surprised that seeing Buffy with Spike wasn’t bothering him more. It should have, and not too long ago, it would have. But as he had told Spike earlier, Buffy needed someone who could be completely focused on her, who loved her completely, who could always be there for her no matter what. Angel couldn’t be that man. His heart wasn’t in it.

Maybe Spike could. As much as Angel hated Spike, he had to admit that Spike was certainly steadfast and loyal when it came to love. He had stayed devoted to Drucilla for a hundred years, and would have done anything for her. Maybe he could do the same for Buffy. If she’d let him.

Odd. He had spent so much time waiting and hoping that he and Buffy could be together, that somehow they would find a way to overcome the curse and their destinies and make their way back to each other. Now that it was possible, it wasn’t what he wanted. He had finally let her go. He had moved on.

He looked over at Cordelia sitting quietly in the passenger’s seat. She hadn’t said much all evening, which was very unusual. Xander had talked to her a bit, asking about her life in LA, what she did every day in their work and how she felt about it. Angel had decided that he would put off ripping off Xander’s head since the young man was showing such a sincere interest in Cordelia’s well-being, trying to get to know the real Cordelia. She had answered his questions, been pleasant and polite, but she hadn’t been her normal, outgoing, enthusiastic self.

Something was wrong. Still.

He pulled the car into the parking space in front of their room and shut off the engine. Their room. If only that were true in the way he wished, that he and Cordelia were more than just two friends who were temporarily roommates.

Maybe he’d be able to work on that. “Cordy, is something wrong?”

“Hmmm? No, no, nothing’s wrong.” She seemed nervous again.

“Have I done something?”

She smiled slightly. “No, Angel, you haven’t done anything. It’s just been a long weekend. I’m fine.”

She wasn’t. But whatever it was, she wasn’t ready to tell him, so he had no choice but to let it go.

They got out of the car, and he unlocked the door to the motel room, opening it so that she could go in. He followed. She walked briskly into the room, then stopped abruptly and turned, nearly colliding with his chest. He reached out with both hands and caught her, steadying her so that she didn’t fall.

She put her hands up and grabbed his arms. “Angel! Sorry, I didn’t mean to...” She looked up into his eyes. She was so close and so warm, and he was looking right into her eyes. “I ...” The desire to kiss her was overwhelming. He didn’t even try to fight it.

He leaned down slowly and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She froze, but didn’t pull away. He kissed her again, still softly, but longer this time, before pulling back to look at her face. She seemed surprised, and a little confused, but not upset. And she was not afraid.

He moved one hand up to cup her cheek, and pulled her to him for a longer kiss. The tip of his tongue darted out to trace her lower lip. She parted her lips, and his tongue slipped into her mouth, teasing and tasting her. He felt her arms wrap around his neck, as he crushed her against him. A wave of desire washed over him, and he deepened the kiss, becoming more passionate, more urgent. God, he wanted her.

Cordelia had been so surprised when Angel first kissed her, that she had responded almost without thinking. This had to be a dream. She was not standing here, in Angel’s arms, being kissed breathless. Then his tongue had entered her mouth, and she had quit thinking entirely. The sensation of being kissed by him, being held against him, feeling his hands on her was incredible. She wanted more.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself up to the kiss. He must have felt her surrender, since he pulled her more tightly against him, one hand moving up and down her back, the other touching her cheek, her neck. He broke the kiss long enough to allow her to breathe and then claimed her lips again, his free hand moving from her neck, down to lightly caress her breast through her blouse. His thumb rubbed her cloth covered nipple, and she moaned and arched into his touch.

It wasn’t enough. She needed to touch him, to feel her hands on his bare skin.

Without breaking their kiss, Cordelia pushed his coat off his shoulders. He released her long enough to free one arm, and then the other. His hands returned to her immediately, running over her back, her hips and her breasts as she started to undo the buttons on his shirt.

He pushed her slowly backwards until she felt the back of her legs hit the bed. He turned and sat on the bed, pulling her down next to him. She laid back, panting slightly, and he followed, his weight resting on his right side, his left hand lightly skimming her cheek before he leaned in to kiss her again. He pulled her blouse out of the waistband of her skirt and started to unbutton it. When he reached the top, he pulled away from her slightly, watching intently as he slowly peeled the fabric back to reveal her white lace bra.

“So beautiful...” he whispered, his finger lightly tracing a path along the edge of the lace.

She shivered as he continued to touch her, and tried to push his shirt off his shoulders. He shrugged it off and tossed it to the floor, shedding his undershirt as well before returning to his place next to her. She ran her hand up his arm and along his collarbone. She trailed her fingers lightly down his chest, stopping to caress his small nipples.

At his sharp intake of breath, she looked up at his face. His eyes had fluttered closed, his lips curved in a small smile. She continued to run her hands over him, warming and caressing him, until a shudder ran through him.

“Oh, Cor...” He leaned down and captured her lips again, kissing her hungrily. He reached behind her and undid the clasp to her bra, pulling it away from her and tossing it over his shoulder. She could feel his cock pressed against her thigh like a bar of steel as he stroked her bare breasts, rubbing and teasing her hardened nipples. She arched her back, pushing more of herself into his hand. He released her lips, allowing her to breathe, and left a trail of moist kisses down her neck and chest until he reached her breast.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and held him to her chest as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, flicking and teasing the tip with his tongue. His free hand ran down her side and back up the inside of her thigh, pushing her skirt up her legs. His fingers played gently along the silk of her panties.

“Oh god, Angel, please.” Every where he touched, she was on fire. She writhed against him, trying to push herself against his hand.

She reached her own hand between them and unhooked his belt buckle, before undoing the button on his pants and sliding down his zipper. She slipped her hand inside his pants and stroked him through his silk boxers.

Angel growled against her breast, the vibration sending a fresh wave of desire through her. His hips began to move in time with her strokes, thrusting himself into her hand. He bit down gently on her breast, and she cried out, arching against him, before he released it and kissed his way over to its twin. His fingers continued to rub her through her panties, and she could feel herself becoming wet. She was lost in the sensations, rapidly spinning towards the peak.

Abruptly, Angel sat up and removed his hand from between her legs.

“No!” she cried desperately. “Angel, please!”

“Shhhh.” He placed a finger over her lips. “It’s OK. Don’t worry.” His voice was low and rough, and she could clearly see the desire in his eyes. Desire for her. He wasn’t leaving.

Angel sat up and yanked off his boots and socks, and then stood and dropped his pants and boxers. He turned back to Cordelia. She was bare from the waist up, sprawled partly across the bed, her hair mussed, her eyes almost black with passion. God, she was beautiful. He wanted to touch and taste every inch of her, but that would have to wait. He needed to be inside her. Now.

He knelt next to her on the bed and unzipped her skirt.

“Lift up.”

He slid her skirt and panties over her hips and down her legs, dropping them on the floor with her shoes. He helped her scoot all the way onto the bed before reclaiming his place at her side.

He slid his hand down her hip and along her thigh, pulling her against him. He could feel the heat radiating from her body and smell her arousal. It was intoxicating. He had to have her.

He kissed her again, pushing her onto her back as he leaned over her. His hand ran back up the inside of her leg until he brushed against her soft curls. He slid his finger gently against her clit. Her hips bucked against his hand and she tore her mouth away from his.

“Oh god, Angel! Yes...”

He rubbed her clit more intently and she writhed beneath him. He sucked a nipple into his mouth and felt her hands anchor themselves in his hair. He slipped a finger inside her as he continued to massage her clit with his thumb.

“Oh, Angel!” She came with a gasping cry of his name. He continued to rub her, drawing out her pleasure until his own need became nearly unbearable. As she was slowly recovering from her climax, he pushed her knees apart and positioned himself between her legs. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her, and she moaned and bucked her hips, trying to impale herself on him.

But there was one more thing he needed.


He felt his face change as the vampire took over, but there was nothing he could do about that now. She would have to know who and what he was.

“Cordelia. Look at me.” He managed, his voice strained with the effort of holding himself back.

He waited until she opened her eyes and was looking directly into his.

“Cordelia...?” He needed to know that she wanted this.

She reached up and touched his cheek. “Yes, Angel, please,” she whispered. “I love you.”

She loved him. With a single thrust, he buried himself inside her.

He was engulfed in her heat, and he stilled, desperately trying not to lose control too soon. But it was nearly impossible to resist. He began to move slowly, and she pushed her hips towards him, forcing him deeper inside her. Warmth was spreading through him, and every place she touched him, his skin tingled. His nerves were on fire, and he began to move faster, driving them both closer to the edge.

He pushed into her harder, and she cried out his name. He looked down at her. She was the perfect picture of passion, head thrown back, eyes closed. She clutched at his shoulders, panting for breath. And she loved him.

He shook with the effort of holding back his release.


He reached between them and pressed his finger to her clit.

“Oh god, Angel!”

Her inner muscles contracted fiercely around him as her climax washed over her. He could no longer hold back his own completion, and his movements became faster, more frantic, as he felt himself fly over the edge. As the intense feelings of ecstasy pulsed through him, the desire for her blood became overwhelming. He sank his fangs into her neck as he released himself into her body.

After a moment, his body began to calm, and he withdrew his fangs. He gently licked the puncture wounds until they stopped bleeding and Cordelia’s breathing slowed to a more normal pace. He lifted himself slightly and propped himself up on his elbows, finally able to return to his human features.

Cordelia had a soft, satisfied smile on her face. He kissed her gently on the lips. “You OK?”

“Mmmm hmmm.” She gently rubbed his shoulder. “You?”

“I’m perfect.” He couldn’t think of a moment when he had been happier.

He kissed her again, and reluctantly moved off of her.

“No.” She weakly grabbed at his arm. “Stay.”

He laughed. “I’m too heavy.” He laid back. “Come here.” He pulled her against him, and she wrapped her arm around his waist and snuggled into his side. “That OK?”

“Mmmm. Nice.”

He put his arm around her shoulders and gently stroked her arm as he listened to her breathing even out as she drifted off to sleep. She was beautiful and warm and amazing.

And she loved him.

Part 5: We Told You So

Cordelia drifted awake slowly. She felt wonderful, relaxed and comfortable and happy. Very happy. She was sprawled almost completely on top of Angel, and his hand was running slowly up and down her spine. It felt nice.

She snuggled into his chest, and he took her hand in his free one and brought it to his lips. He gently kissed her fingertips. It felt very nice.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said between kisses.


He continued to stroke her back, each downward stroke pressing her against his hardening cock. A familiar warmth began to spread through her, centering between her legs. Unfortunately, that focused her attention on other urgent matters, and she began to untangle herself from his embrace.

“Hold that thought,” she said trying to move off of him.

He frowned slightly.

“I’ll be right back.”

He looked at her a second, and finally relented.


She smiled and rolled away from him, covering herself with the sheet. She reached over the side of the bed and grabbed the first item of clothing she could find, which happened to be Angel’s shirt. She hastily wrapped it around herself and scampered into the bathroom.

After taking care of business and brushing her teeth, Cordelia stared at her reflection in the mirror, unable to contain her smile. The events of the previous night were fresh in her mind. It had been so much more wonderful than she ever could have imagined, so incredible that she couldn’t believe that it was really real. But it was. She had made earth-shattering, mind-blowing love with Angel, the man she was completely and totally in love with. And he was just on the other side of that door, waiting for her, wanting to make love to her again.

She shook her head in amazement. Just yesterday it would have seemed impossible that she could have made love to him. That she would tell him that she loved him.

She paused.

She had told him that she loved him.

But he hadn’t responded.

He hadn’t said a word.

Her smile faded and a horrible sinking feeling washed over her. In the heat of passion, she had admitted that she loved him, which she had promised herself she wouldn’t do because he would never be able to love her in return. And he had not responded to her because he didn’t love her. He loved Buffy.

But he had been willing to have sex with her. And he was waiting to do it again.

Oh god. What was she going to do?

“Cordelia?” Angel’s voice came through the door.

She couldn’t face him. She certainly couldn’t go back to bed with him. And how was she ever going to be able to work with him? He had seen her naked!

“Cordy? Are you OK?”

“I’m fine,” she called back to him.

She couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever. It was barely noon. Angel wouldn’t be going anywhere for hours. She might be able to dash out, get some clothes on, and run out of the room, but that seemed unlikely. He’d probably try to stop her.

Unless he didn’t care.

No, she wouldn’t think that. Couldn’t think that.

She sat on the edge of the bathtub and took a deep calming breath. She could handle this. She had known all along that he was in love with Buffy, that he would never love her. Then why had she let him have sex with her? she asked herself. Because she loved him, that’s why. She had wanted him, wanted to share a part of him, if only for the night.

Now she was left with the morning after.

* * *

Angel stretched contentedly. His vampire senses told him it was midday, probably not much past noon. They didn’t have to be anywhere until after 6:00 tonight, so he had hours to touch and taste and explore every inch of Cordelia’s beautiful body. He smiled. He would have to thank both Willow and Xander for this weekend. He hadn’t known it was possible to be this happy or to feel this good.

He idly wondered what Cordelia could be doing in the bathroom for so long. He listened carefully, but couldn’t hear water running. He couldn’t hear anything at all.

He sat up in bed. She was definitely in there, though. She had answered him a couple of minutes ago. Well, several minutes ago.

Something was wrong. Was she having regrets? She had seemed fine last night. He reviewed their lovemaking carefully. He hadn’t forced her. She had wanted him, been enthusiastic, and had said yes when he’d asked. Had she changed her mind? Had she woken up and realized that he was still a vampire and been put off by the fact that he had clearly wanted her again?

His good mood began to evaporate, and he got up and slipped on his boxers.

She had said she loved him. Did she not really mean that? Was it just something she said in the heat of the moment? His worry increased. He needed to know, needed to talk to her.

He walked toward the bathroom door, but before he could knock, the door opened and Cordelia walked slowly out.

She wouldn’t look at him. He reached his hand out to touch her face, but she pulled away. His heart fell.

“Cordy? What is it?”

She took a few steps, putting distance between them. “What happened here, Angel?”


“You. Me. Having sex.” She paced a couple of steps.

“Cordelia, we didn’t have sex. We made love.” He couldn’t quite hide the hurt and confusion in his voice. “I thought you wanted it. You said...”

“I know what I said.” She turned to look at him, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I don’t understand why it happened.”

He shook his head. This couldn’t be happening. “Do you regret what we did? Is that what this is about?” He swallowed trying to ignore the pain. “You said you loved me.”

She held up her hand. “Don’t,” she said angrily. “Don’t even try to use my own feelings against me. I need to know what happened last night, Angel. Was it just because it’s been a long time for you and you thought, ‘Hey, Cordelia’s available. I’ll have sex with her.’ Or was this some kind of test? Make sure you really won’t lose your soul before you run off to live happily ever after with Buffy?”

He was stunned. She thought he was using her? “Buffy? What does Buffy have to do with this?”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Buffy has everything to do with this. With you. You love her. Now you can be with her. Only first you decided to test things out on me.”

“Cordelia! Is that what you really think? That I would do that to you? Use you like that?” He shook his head. “Never.”

The tears finally spilled down her cheeks. “Then I don’t understand. You’re in love with Buffy but you had sex with me.”

Suddenly, things became clear to him. He hadn’t told her, hadn’t said he loved her. Given what she knew of his past relationship with Buffy, it wasn’t really surprising that she thought he still loved the Slayer. Well, time to clear that up.

“No,” he said. “I’m not in love with Buffy. Not any more.” He crossed the room to stand in front of her. “The truth is that I probably haven’t been in love with Buffy for a long time.” He placed his finger under her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “As long as the curse was in effect and there was no possibility of having a real relationship with anyone, I clung to the idea of being in love with her. It kept me from getting involved with other women. It kept me unhappy.” He gently wiped away a tear with the pad of his thumb. “But it wasn’t real. And it didn’t work. I still managed to fall in love with someone else.” He smiled slightly. “This. Last night, wasn’t about me being desperate for sex or about testing Willow’s spell. It was about me being in love with you, and wanting to make love to you.”

She had stopped crying. “You love me?” she asked in a small, shaky voice.

“Yes, Cordelia. I love you.” He continued to stroke her cheek with his thumb.

She licked her lips. “But what about Buffy?”

“What about her?”

“She still loves you,” she whispered.

He shook his head. “Not really.” He placed a finger over her lips to silence the objection he could see coming. “Buffy will always be special to me. We shared an incredibly intense relationship, and in a way, there will always be a bond between us. I love her, sort of like you love Wesley. She’s an important part of my life. But I’m not in love with her, and I don’t believe she’s really in love with me. That’s in the past.”

“Not for her.”

“I think it is. And I think that once she’s forced to acknowledge it, she’ll agree.” He slid his hand down to her shoulder. “But either way, it doesn’t really matter for us. What’s important is that I love you and I want to be with you.” He paused, suddenly unsure. “Unless you don’t want me.”

She grabbed his arm. “Of course I want you. Angel, I love you.”

He smiled. “Thank god.”

She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. He held her to him, resting his cheek on the top of her head.

“I’d understand, you know,” he started. “If you changed your mind or decided you’d made a mistake, what with the vampire thing. I know it’s not natural and if you didn’t want me to touch you, I’d understand.”

She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. “I know you’re a vampire, Angel. It doesn’t matter. It hasn’t mattered for a long time.” She smiled shyly. “And I definitely want you to touch me.”

He watched as a new thought struck her. She gingerly brought one hand up to her neck and moved the collar of his shirt aside to reveal his bite mark. “You bit me.”

He froze. He had forgotten about that.


He risked a look at her face. She didn’t seem angry or upset, just curious. He wasn’t sure how to answer. He hadn’t really done it consciously, but he had done it all the same. He had hurt her. “I’m sorry.”

She cocked her head and continued to look at him. “Don’t be,” she said simply. “It doesn’t hurt, really. I just thought... well, I just thought that you didn’t bite people...”

“I don’t! I’m not...” He sighed. “It’s hard to explain.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You worked up an appetite? I looked tasty?” Another thought occurred to her. “You’re not going to start thinking of me as food, are you? Because, eeew! That’s not very appealing.”

“No! God, no! It’s not like that at all.” He dropped his hands to his side and stared down at the floor. “It wasn’t about being hungry, and I certainly don’t think of you as food.” He shrugged. “When I get... passionate... it brings out my vampire side.”

She nodded. “Yes, I noticed.”

“That part of me... wants... different things.”

She thought about that. “So the biting thing is like a kinky vampire sex thing?”

His eyes snapped up to meet hers. “No! Well, kind of. Part of it.” He paused.

“Go on.”

“At that moment, when I, um, well, you know...” He was suddenly embarrassed and was grateful that vampires didn’t blush. “Anyway, *then* that part of me wanted to be connected to you, wanted to taste you.”

“Oookay,” she said slowly. “Kinky sex thing.”

“Only partly.” She looked at him expectantly. “The other thing is that the vampire part of me wanted to claim you, to mark you as mine.” He braced himself for the explosion he was sure would come.

“So, biting me is like the vampire equivalent of engraving your social security number on me?”

It was a weird analogy, but not too far wrong. He nodded. “Other vampires will know that you belong to me.”

Both of her eyebrows shot up. “I see. And besides me and Buffy, how many other women belong to you?” Her tone was decidedly colder.

“Um, actually, just you.”

“But you bit Buffy.”

“It’s not the same.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Explain yourself.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “When I bit Buffy, I was sick. I didn’t want to bite her at all, but she kind of made me, and I needed her blood to stop the poison. It was more like feeding than what we did.”

Cordelia shook her head. “No, no. Not then. I meant when you two did the horizontal mambo, and you bit her then.”

“I didn’t bite her then.”

“Why not?”

“I couldn’t. It wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right.”

Cordelia frowned. “So, it wasn’t OK to bite Buffy, but it’s open season on me? It’s OK to own me, but she’s better than that?”

This was just getting worse and worse. “No, Cordelia. It wasn’t OK to bite Buffy because she’s a Slayer and I’m a vampire. I’m the enemy. As much as she loved me, and as much as she tried to accept it, she never really could. She mostly tried to pretend like the vampire in me didn’t exist. Like, if we ignored it, it would go away. She was always opening drapes and doors during the day and burning me, or forgetting that I had to be invited in or that I couldn’t go certain places during the day. She tried to pretend it wasn’t there, and when I was with her, so did I. I tried to be just a regular guy. I always tried to hide the vampire things from her, so no, I didn’t feel comfortable biting her. She wouldn’t have accepted it.” He shrugged. “She probably would have freaked out and tried to stake me.”

He shook himself out of his thoughts. “But you’re different. Somehow. You know that I’m a vampire and you don’t try to pretend otherwise. You accept it. When I’m with you, I can accept it. I can just be me. I don’t have to hide half of what I am.” He stopped and looked at her. “Last night when I couldn’t keep the vampire from surfacing, you looked right into my eyes, you touched my face, and you told me that you loved me. That meant more to me than you can ever know.”

He took a few steps away from her and sat on the edge of the bed. “So, I felt like I could be completely open with you, completely unrestrained. I didn’t stop to think. I just let the animal in me do what it wanted. It wanted to mark you so that everyone would know you were mine, and I wouldn’t have to share you. It wanted to connect with you in every way, in the deepest way I knew how.” He paused. “I’m so sorry. I should never have let myself do that to you. You shouldn’t have to see that part of me. Sometimes, I forget what an animal I really am. It won’t happen again.”

She crossed the room and stood in front of him, her hands cupping both sides of his face, forcing him to look into her eyes. “Stop that. You are not an animal. You’re a wonderful, kind and caring man.” He started to protest and she silenced him with a kiss. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m a little sensitive and insecure about the Buffy thing. I’ll try to get over it.” Again, she stopped his attempted comment with another kiss.

“Wanna know something?” She grinned at him. “I’m glad I’m the only woman you own. See that you keep it that way. If I find out you’ve been nibbling on anyone else, I’m going to be seriously annoyed. Got it?” He nodded. She began to run one finger lightly down his cheek, tracing his jaw line, while the other hand continued to caress the other side of his face.

“And the kinky sex thing is OK.” Was she saying what he thought she was saying?


She cut him off with another kiss, this one longer, her tongue darting between his parted lips, gently probing his mouth. “I’m not done,” she said when she broke the kiss. “Where was I? Oh yes, kinky vampire sex. Totally OK.” She stopped and smiled shyly. “Actually, at the time... I really liked it. I want it to happen again.” He just blinked. “OK? I love you. All of you. I want you to feel free to do what pleases you, what makes you happy. I don’t want you to feel as though you have to hide what you are. I know what you are.”

The happy feeling he’d had when he’d first woke up was beginning to come back to him. He looked into her eyes. God, she was amazing. “So, you wouldn’t be upset if I...?”

“Do the kinky vampire sex thing? Nope.” She looked at him adoringly. “I wouldn’t be upset at all. In fact, I’d probably be very pleased.” She moved closer to him so their bodies were in contact. Her wondering finger made it’s way along his shoulder and then back to his neck. It tickled, and he shivered slightly.

She leaned down and kissed him again, slowly, passionately. His hands came up to grip her hips. “Wasn’t there some thought you were supposed to be holding onto?” she asked when she finally came up for air.

“Mmmm, I seem to remember something,” he agreed.

She pulled him to his feet. “Maybe I can remind you.” She stood on her toes and used one hand to pull him down into another passionate kiss, while her second hand worked its way under the waistband of his boxers. He felt himself hardening again as she slowly removed the unwanted garment.

That done, she broke their kiss and pushed him back onto the bed. She moved between his legs, running her hands lightly up his thighs.


“Shhh. I’m busy reminding you.”

She continued to stroke his legs, tracing figure eights along the inside of his thighs. He relaxed back onto the bed, enjoying the feel of her hands on his skin. She gently pushed his legs a little further apart.

At the first touch of her lips on his leg, he jerked off the bed and shot into a sitting position.


She gently pushed him back. “Relax. You’re being reminded.”

“I remember.” He watched her lick her lips. “Trust me. I remember.”

She just smiled. “I’m not convinced. Relax.”

“You’re making that very difficult.”

“Good. Now lay back.”

He slowly leaned back, propping himself on his elbows so he could watch her. She caught his gaze and held it as she slowly leaned back down and pressed a string of open-mouthed kisses up the inside of his thigh. As she neared his cock, he twitched in anticipation. Cordelia just smiled and worked her way back down his other leg.

When she reached his knee, the tip of her tongue darted out and licked his skin. The warm, moist touch sent a shiver down his spine. She started back toward his groin, licking tiny circles on his skin.

“Oh, Cor...” he moaned. The anticipation was driving him crazy. If she didn’t touch him soon, he would have to beg. As her tongue touched the top of the inside of his thigh, he quivered. She lightly bit down on his leg and his hips bucked.

“Oh god.”

With one hand on the inside of his other leg, she lifted her head long enough to catch his gaze again, before leaning down and touching the tip of her tongue to the base of his cock. She lightly licked a trail from base to tip before placing a moist kiss on the end of it. With her eyes locked to his, she slowly took the tip of him into her mouth, sucking gently.

He fought the urge to thrust his hips as she took more of him into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock. The heat of her mouth, the moist caress of her tongue, and the suction she created as she moved up his shaft felt way too good. He lay back on the bed, no longer able to support himself on his elbows as the incredible sensations raced through him.

She continued her efforts, moving slowly up and down his shaft, taking him a little deeper on each downward stroke, sucking a little harder each time she moved back up. He clutched at the sheets trying to keep himself still. He felt her free hand move from the inside of his leg to gently caress his balls just as she took him completely into her mouth, and couldn’t hold back a moan. He felt his face change and knew he was barely holding onto the thinnest thread of control.

“Cor. You have to stop,” he panted. “I can’t... I’m gonna... Cor, please...”

Her only response was to rub her tongue along the underside of his cock and increase her suction. He could feel his body tighten, primed for an explosion. He gripped the sheets so tightly, his knuckles were white. Unable to hold himself still, his hips thrust in time with her movements.

She only rubbed him harder.

“Cor!” he cried desperately. She had to know how close he was. “Stop, please... Oh god... so close... I’m gonna... Oh god, Cordelia!”

His control shattered and his climax pounded through him, waves of pleasure washing over him as he shot his seed into Cordelia’s mouth. She continued to caress him until his body calmed, and then she gently released him.

He opened his eyes to find her watching him with a smug grin on her face.

“Wow,” he managed.

She crawled up the bed and flopped down next to him. She was very pleased with herself.

“So, it was OK, huh?”


She laughed lightly. “Did you remember what it was you were thinking about before I went into the bathroom?”

He grinned. “Uh huh.”

“You think you’ll be up to it? You seem a little worn out.”

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “Oh yeah. I’ll be fine.”

They lay for a few moments in comfortable silence.

“So, how long will it take you to get ready for the wedding tonight?” he finally asked.

“About an hour, I guess.”

“What time is it now?”

She sat up and looked at the clock on the night stand before laying back down. “About 1:30.”

“Hmmm. That leaves us about three and half hours.” He rolled over and kissed her. “Just about enough time.” The prospect of spending three and half hours in bed with Angel was very appealing. She just had one small problem.

“Mmmm. Except you have to feed me first,” she said. “I’m starving.”

“Order in.”

She looked up at him. “I thought you could take me out.”

He pulled her under him. “No way are you leaving this bed. Order in.”

She huffed in mock protest. “Fine. But you have to let me up so I can call.”

He kissed her again and reluctantly rolled off of her. “Make it fast.”

She could feel his eyes on her as she sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the phone. Her back was to him, so she missed the wicked grin that crossed his face. She heard him rustling the covers as he scooted across the bed until he was seated behind her, his legs on either side of hers. She looked at him questioningly as she waited for her call to be answered. He smiled reassuringly and placed a soft kiss on her neck. She sighed and relaxed back into him.

He continued to kiss her neck, running his hands up and down her arms. She tilted her neck to the side allowing him to have his way.

“Hello!” she said into the phone. “Yes, I’d like to place an order.”

He snaked one hand around in front of her and into the front of the shirt she still had on. Cool fingers began to stroke and tease her breast, making it difficult to concentrate on the person on the other end of the phone line.

“Um, yes, one small, um, ham and pineapple...”

Angel’s fingers became more insistent, plucking and rolling her nipple into a taut peak. She tried to push his hand away, but it wouldn’t budge. She tried to move away from him, but she was trapped between his hard chest and his wandering hand. At the same time, he began to suck on her neck. She was having difficulty controlling her breathing.

“Yeah, Sunnydale Motor Inn, room 121.”

Angel began to rub her hardened nipple with his thumb, causing her to arch her back as she tried to increase the pressure on her sensitized flesh.

“No, I don’t know the street address.”

She felt Angel’s other hand skim around her waist and move between her legs. He pushed the material of the shirt aside and snaked his fingers through her soft curls.

“Angel!” she gasped as his questing fingers found her clit.

She heard a confused voice over the phone.

“Yes, yes, that’s the name.”

She tried desperately not to pant as she squirmed against Angel’s fingers. She was amazed that he could bring her to such a state, make her so hungry for his touch, in so short a time.

“Um, 555-4300... OK, fine. Thanks.”

She was immensely relieved when she heard the line disconnect, and struggled to put the phone back in its cradle.

Angel continued to caress her, switching his hand to her other breast, increasing the pressure of his fingers against her clit. She panted and moaned as he stroked her faster, her hips thrusting against his hand.

He kissed his way over to the other side of her neck before stopping at his bite mark. She felt him trace the mark with his tongue before fastening his lips against her skin and sucking on the wound. That action sent electric shockwaves through her.

“Oh, Angel.” She wanted him to bite her again and pressed her neck harder against his mouth.

He continued his ministrations on her neck as he started a fast, alternating rhythm of sliding his finger in and out of her and circling his finger around her clit. In moments, she was coming hard against his hand. He gentled his motions, bringing her down softly.

“That was so unfair,” she said when she had caught her breath.

He laughed. “Maybe, but it was fun.”

She slapped his leg playfully, and then watched, fascinated, as he finished unbuttoning the shirt she was wearing.

“Angel, what are you doing?”

“Making love to you,” he replied, pulling the shirt off her shoulders.

She frantically tried to pull the garment back on. “Angel! The pizza guy will be here before long.”

He glanced at the clock. “We have at least twenty minutes. Plenty of time to get started.”


* * *

Cordelia stood nervously in front of the Springfield Vineyards reception building. The closer to the event they had gotten, the more uncomfortable she had become. Angel gently squeezed her hand.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

She looked up at him and smiled. She was still a little amazed at what had happened over the last few days, especially the last 24 hours. She had learned that she was in love with Angel. And miracle of miracles, he was in love with her. And true to his word, he had spent most of the afternoon proving it by making wonderfully passionate love to her.

Which brought her back to the problem at hand.

“I really don’t want to do this,” she finally said.

“Why not?”

She shrugged. “They’re going to find out about us, and then there’ll be a scene, and everyone will start yelling, and Xander and Anya will be upset that we ruined their wedding.”

“Cordelia, most of them already think we’re together.”

“Yes, but not Buffy. Or Willow... what if she undoes the spell?” Panic raced through her.

“Willow is not going to undo the spell. Cordy, it will be fine.”

She shook her head and tried to let go of his hand. “Maybe if we act like everything’s normal, they won’t figure it out.”

Angel growled and clasped her hand in a firm grip. “No. I will not hide this from anyone. You are mine, and I want them to know it.” He stopped and calmed himself before continuing more gently. “Cordelia, I love you. I can’t possibly hide that. I don’t want to hide it. Besides, they’re going to find out sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.”

She shook her head again. “No, it’d be better if Buffy found out later. Much later. When I’m far away in Los Angeles where she can’t hit me.”

He touched her cheek with his free hand. “The sooner she finds out, the sooner she can accept it and move on with her own life. She isn’t going to hit you. I won’t let her. If she even tries to touch you, I’ll stop her.”

“No! Angel, you can’t.” She was suddenly afraid for him. “You can’t fight with her. She’s a slayer. She could kill you. Please tell me you won’t fight with her.”

He smiled. “As long as she leaves you alone, I won’t fight with her. Don’t worry. It will be OK.” He smirked. “It’s not like we could hide it anyway, even if we wanted to.”

“What do you mean?”

“Spike. He’s a vampire.” At her puzzled look, he continued, “he’d smell it.”

Oh. She had forgotten about that. “But I took a shower and...”

“And you’re wearing perfume and hair spray. Doesn’t matter. I can smell it. He will, too.”


Angel grinned. “No. Not ‘eew’.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Not ‘eew’ at all.”

Cordelia leaned in and savored Angel’s kiss. Maybe it would be OK.

“Hey, guys!” Willow’s perky voice caused Cordelia to jump away from Angel, eyes wide with panic.

“Willow! And Tara! Hi!” She gestured nervously, trying to hide their still joined hands behind her back. “Um, we were just, uh, you know, getting ready to go in. We didn’t want to be late. We’re not late are we? Because if we are, we should just go in and sit down and...”

“Cordy,” Willow interrupted, stopping Cordelia’s nervous babbling. From the gleam in her eye and the small smile on Tara’s face, it was obvious that they had seen Angel kissing her. “It’s OK.”

“What?” Cordelia frantically tried to play innocent.

“They know,” Angel said quietly.

Cordelia turned her worried gaze on the other two girls.

Tara nodded, still smiling. “It’s been pretty obvious that there’s something between you.”

“And the kissing thing was a big clue,” Willow agreed.

“You’re not going to undo the spell, are you?” Cordelia asked.

“No, of course not,” Willow answered. “Why would we do that?”

“Well, you did it for Buffy...”

Willow shook her head. “No, we did it for Angel.” She paused. “And in a way, we did it for all of us. At the time we found the spell, we didn’t know that you and Angel were close, so I guess we kinda did it thinking that Angel and Buffy would get back together. But that’s not *why* we did it. And we’re definitely not going to undo it. If you and Angel are happy together, then we’re happy for you.”

Cordelia released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” Willow responded.

Angel squeezed her hand, and she looked up into his eyes. He was smiling at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back. God, she loved him. And she was definitely happy.

“Come on, let’s go see Xander and Anya get married.”

* * *

The wedding went without a hitch. Anya was a beautiful bride, and the couple seemed to be very happy.

Angel watched the emotions play across Cordelia’s face as she watched the event. He wondered if she ever thought about getting married. He wondered if she thought she was sacrificing marriage and family by getting involved with him. He smiled. She wasn’t. He was certain of that. He would achieve his redemption, his shansu, and he would be human again. Maybe not this year or the next, but before too long.

He took her hand in both of his. She was still about six years younger than he had been when he was turned. They had time. Some day in the not-too-distant future, he would marry Cordelia. It was only a matter of time.

When the ceremony was over, they offered their congratulations to the couple. Anya took one look at Angel and Cordelia’s joined hands and turned to Xander.

“See. I told you.”

Xander laughed. “Yep. You sure did.” He gave Cordelia a devilish grin. “And let me be the first to say ‘I told you so’ to you.”

“Xander,” Cordelia responded indignantly.

Angel frowned. “What did you tell her?”

“That you had a thing for her.”

Anya nodded enthusiastically. “I noticed it first. It was so obvious that you two were totally in love with each other. Just friends. Hmmph.” She snorted, and then smiled brightly. “So, I guess I can say ‘I told you so’, too.”

Xander laughed and put his arm around his new wife. “Definitely. We told you so.”

* * *

Dinner was over, and the reception party was in full swing. Angel stood at the bar and waited for the server to return with his two glasses of merlot. This was turning out to be a pleasant evening after all. Their old friends seemed to be fine with their new relationship, which had allowed Cordelia to relax. The wine hadn’t hurt either. No, all in all, a nice evening.

He adjusted the jacket of the dark blue suit he was wearing. No, it wouldn’t even be so bad if Cordelia made him dance with her.

Who was he kidding? He’d be happy to dance with Cordelia. As long as it was a slow song, and he could hold her close.


The voice belonged to the one person they hadn’t talked to. Yet.

“Buffy. Hi.”

She wasn’t smiling.

“Can we talk? Alone?”

Angel looked back at Cordelia sitting at the table. “Sure.”

He walked with Buffy out of the building into a courtyard with a small fountain.

“I want to hear the truth, Angel.”

He nodded. “Of course.”

She took a deep breath. “You love her, don’t you.”


She just stared at him for a moment. “I mean you’re in love with her.”

“Yes, I am.”

She blinked back tears. “How?”

He didn’t really think he could explain it. “I’m not sure. It wasn’t something that I went looking for, it just happened. We were friends. We spent a lot of time together, got to know each other.”

“Was it something I did?”

“No! Buffy, no.” He took a step toward her. “You didn’t do anything. It had nothing to do with you at all.”

“Then why don’t you love me?” A single tear escaped and ran down her cheek.

“I do love you. Buffy, in a way, I will always love you.”

“Then how can you be with her?”

He reached out and brushed away a tear, gently stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Buffy, what you and I had was wonderful, but it’s been over for a long time. I loved you then, and part of me will love you forever, but we both know that we were never meant to be together.”

He tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes. “I’m your past, Buffy.”

She shook her head. “I still love you.”

He smiled. “I know. But you’re not in love with me.” She started to protest, and he silenced her with a finger. “As much as I hate to admit it, Riley Finn was proof of that.”


“It’s OK. You had to move on, and you did. And now I have, too.” He paused. “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy.”

She placed her hand over his on her cheek. “But Angel, you’re the one that makes me happy.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not. Not for a long time.”

She held onto his hand. “I don’t want to let you go.”

He slowly pulled his hand away. “You already have. You just don’t want to believe it.” He grinned at her. “You’re being available is going to make a lot of guys very happy.”

She smiled in spite of herself. “I doubt that.”

“Hey, I bet they’ll be lining up.”

She looked down at her shoes. “I haven’t even had a *date* in, well, almost a year.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll happen. Sometimes the right person shows up when you least expect it.”

She gave him a half smile. “Are you talking about me, or you?”

He laughed. “Both, I guess.”

They fell silent for a moment.

“Can I ask you one question, Angel?”


She stared at the ground for a moment before continuing. “Why Cordelia?” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked back up at him. “This would be easier if it was someone else, anyone else. Why her?”

What could he say? “She’s not the same person you knew. Well, she is sometimes, but mostly she’s not. What we’ve seen in LA, it’s changed us all.” He shrugged. “I don’t know how to explain it, Buffy. Over the last two years, she’s become the single most important person in my life, and it happened so gradually I didn’t really notice until it was too late.” He laughed a bit. “To be honest, neither one of us noticed until we got here and people kept asking about it.”

She nodded. “Yeah, that’s funny,” she replied, her voice flat.

“Sorry. I can see how you might not appreciate the humor in it, but all I’m trying to say is that it was unintentional and unexpected. And despite it’s being a complete surprise, it’s wonderful and real, and it makes me happy.”

She smiled wanly. “I can see that.”

Even now, it was difficult for him to stand and watch her in pain and not want to do something to make that pain go away. But he was not about to apologize for being happy. And he was not about to give up Cordelia. “Being happy is a good thing.”

“Yeah, must be.” She sounded bitter.

“Hey, it’ll happen for you. Just because things didn’t work out for the two of us or for you and Riley, doesn’t mean they never will. You just haven’t found the right man.” He smiled, suddenly thinking of Spike. “For all you know, he may be in there at Xander’s reception just waiting for you to come along.”

She snorted.

“You just have to give it a chance, Buffy.”


They fell silent again.

“I should be going back in,” he finally said. He wanted to get back to Cordelia.

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, you probably should.”

He started for the door. “You coming?”

She shook her head. “In a minute. I’m going to sit out here for a while.”

He looked at her for a few seconds, saying a silent goodbye to his past, and then turned and headed back into the reception, to Cordelia and his future.

* * *

Cordelia sat at their table and waited impatiently for Angel to get back with her glass of wine. It had been a nice party so far. Everyone they had talked to had been happy for them, and she was finally beginning to relax and enjoy her evening with Angel.

A body clad all in black plopped itself down in the chair next to her. “Tall, dark, and broody leave you by yourself, luv?”

Cordelia looked over at the vampire lounging next to her. “Spike.”

“The very same.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Angel’s just getting drinks. I’m sure he’ll be back any second now.”

“Ah, well then, I’ll make it quick. Just wanted to say thanks.”

She was confused. “For what?”

“Shaggin’ Peaches, of course.”

“Spike!” Cordelia could feel her face turning three shades of red.

“No, really. I know it couldn’t have been that pleasant. So, thanks for bein’ a trooper and helpin’ me out.”

“Spike! I’ll have you know I didn’t sleep with Angel to help you out, and it was very ‘pleasant’, thank you very much.” She stopped and looked at the amused grin on his face. “And I can’t believe I just said that. You are infuriating.”

Spike chuckled. “Sorry, luv. Couldn’t help it.” He took a sip of the beer he was holding. “Besides, I knew you must have enjoyed yourself some, the amount of shaggin’ you two must’ve done.”

“God, could you be any cruder? And how would you know, anyway?”

He grinned. “I can smell him all over you, luv. A lot of him. All over you.”

She blushed again. “This is completely humiliating. Could you please go away?”

“Yeah, sure, just wanted to... say, what’s this?” He reached out and gently pushed Cordelia’s scarf aside revealing Angel’s bite mark. “Well, well, well.” He looked at Cordelia carefully. “He’s put a claim on you. You’ll be keepin’ him occupied for quite some time, I’d say.” Suddenly, he snatched his hand away from her. “And if he catches me touchin’ you, he’ll rip my head off.”

He sat back and smiled. “I hope it works out for you, luv. You seem a nice enough chit. What you’d want with a pillock like him, I’ll never know, but if it makes you happy, then I wish you the best. And thanks for takin’ him all the same. Gets him out of my hair.”

“OK,” she said cautiously. “I’m going to take that as a compliment and say ‘thank you’. Now, go away, Spike. Go bother Buffy.”

“Sure thing,” he said, standing. “Oh, and by the way, I told you so.”

* * *

Angel walked back into the room in time to see Spike saying something to Cordelia. He couldn’t see Cordelia’s reaction, but she must have made some reply because the other vampire walked away with a smug grin on his face. Angel frowned slightly, and quickly made his way to the table.

“What was that all about?” he asked Cordelia as he handed her a glass of wine.

She smiled as she took the glass. “Spike just wanted to say ‘I told you so’, like every other person we’ve talked to tonight.”

Angel chuckled.

“I sent him off to pester Buffy.” She took a sip of the wine. Then it hit her. She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Oh god, he’s gonna tell Buffy.”

Angel put his hand on her knee as he settled into the chair next to her. “It’s OK. She already knows.”

“She does? You told her?”

He nodded.

“Is she mad?” She grabbed his arm. “She didn’t hurt you, did she?”

“No, Cordelia. She’s not mad, and she didn’t hurt me.” He took her free hand in his own. “She’s not happy, but she’ll be OK.”

She sighed in relief. “Good. That’s good.” She looked at him carefully. “Are you OK? With things, you know, with us? With her?”

He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it. “I’m very OK with us.”

She smiled brightly. “I love you.”

“I know. I’m a very lucky man.” He kissed the palm of her hand this time. “And I love you very much.”

Her eyes shone. “Oh, Angel.”

A slow, romantic song began to play as couples drifted to the dance floor. Angel set his wine glass on the table and stood.

“Come on. Let’s dance.”

She looked slightly surprised. “Twice in one weekend?”

“It must be the company.”

She stood, and he lead her to the dance floor and pulled her close against him. She slid her hands up to his shoulders and laid her head against his chest. He smiled, content.

After a minute, she pulled away from him slightly. “What do you think Wesley and Gunn are going to say?”

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to tell them something.”

“Definitely. Wesley will freak if he sees the two of us together without knowing about your soul being bound.”

He rubbed his hand lightly up and down her back. “He’s seen us together before.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not *together* together, he hasn’t.” She looked at him. “What? Did you think I’d be able to go a whole day around you in the office and not touch you?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“Hmmph.” She leaned her head back against him.

He savored the feeling of holding her in his arms and thought about what things would be like when they got back home. He pictured her moving around the office, or sitting at her desk, a tempting slice of creamy thigh visible as her skirt rode up her long, shapely legs while she typed on her computer.

No, he would not be able to keep his hands off of her.

He would have to talk to both Wesley and Gunn right away.

He let his hands drift down to her hips. Of course, he was having trouble keeping his hands off of her right now.

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow in LA?” he asked.

“No, why?”

“I was thinking that maybe we could stay here tonight instead of driving back.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Why is that?”

The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. “I’ve developed a strange fondness for that motel room.”

She looked into his eyes, thinking about all of the time they had spent in that room over the last several days. The last day in particular.

Oh, yes. It was a wonderful room. With one really large, really nice bed.

That they had shared.

“It has a certain appeal,” she finally agreed.


“I wouldn’t feel right leaving without seeing it one more time,” she said with a smile.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

He lead her from the dance floor and they collected their things. As they headed for the door, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close against him.

Yes, he’d definitely have to thank Willow for the spell and Xander for getting married and inviting them here for the weekend.

He’d also have to thank the Sunnydale Motor Inn for only having one room, he thought with a smile.

Cordelia looked up at him, a soft, loving smile gracing her own lips.

He didn’t know who he would be able to thank for the miracle of Cordelia. But he was grateful, and he’d make sure she knew how much she meant to him every day of her life.
