just fic

Title: Torture
Author: Psychofilly
Posted: 04-15-2002
Rating: NC17+
Disclaimer: Not my characters, just my twisted imagination.
Summary: Super A, this is for you. Angelus chained to a bed/Cordy gettin off to it. The how and why are unimportant, but I tried to make it plausible at least.
Warning This story has Angelus saying some extremely bad things, but it *is* Angelus so...just be forewarned.

Angelus could smell her, before he saw her. She smelled of coconut, and passion fruit, of Southern California, and sex...Her looks also did not disappoint, high heels, black wrap around mini-skirt, shimmering plum corset...only they didn't have corsets like that in the eighteenth century...unless you were a whore. He licked his lips, like a starving man catching the scent of a banquet. He had been locked away from her taste, and it was slowly driving him insane.

Cordelia chase peered across the sea of chains at the leering face of her friend, only he wasn't her friend anymore. Behind the deceptively good natured face lurked a monster. She shivered at the thought of what would have happened if Gunn and Wesley hadn't subdued him, before he killed his son, before he tried to kill them all. Wesley stepped beside her, slipping his free arm around her waist, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She lay her head gratefully on his shoulder.

"Don't you two look good enough to eat..." Angelus tugged experimentally at the chains binding his wrists. "Hey, Wes, old buddy...come here. I won't bite, I promise!" Hungry, he was so hungry, Wes would keep the hunger at bay long enough to deal with the bitch...his bitch.

Wes just rolled his eyes and ignored him. He leaned in and kissed Cordelia gently on the temple, smiling inwardly at Angelus' low rumbling growl. His arm tightened around her slipping even further across her belly, his thumb traced a path along her lower ribs. Cordy quirked her brow, and his eyes flicked to the now snarling vampire. She gave him the slightest of smiles, and leaned further into Wes, rubbing her cheek against his chest. Wes leaned close, whispering to her, letting his lips brush against her ears as he spoke. "Don't worry Cordy, Angel's soul is safe, and if my translations are correct we might have a chance to anchor it this time. I have Fred double checking my translations and Gunn is helping Lorne track down the last of the ingredients."

Angelus strained to hear their whispered conversation. He knew they were just toying with him...he smelled no desire off of Cordy, he could tell by her posture, her face, her breathing...she was trying not to laugh. He knew they were comfortable friends, he calmed down. He caught a few snippets and at the mention of Gunn's name Angelus snarled, and Cordelia giggled.

"I think someone's a little pissed..." She smirked.

Wes grinned, and nodded. "Yes, well I think Gunn has been itching to have a go at Angel's demon for a some time."

Angelus hissed and struggled against the chains. "When I get my hands on that Son of a Bitch..." Unholy indignation rose within him.

"What's the matter?" Wesley taunted.

"He's just mad 'cause Gunn kicked his ass." Cordy snickered.

"Bastard cheated." Angel grumbled.

They both turned and headed to the hallway. Wes informed her, that he was going to check on Fred, and prepare for the ritual. She told him to just do it as soon as they were ready. There would be no need for anyone else to see him like this. Cordelia had appointed herself Angel's guardian, well his bodies at least...his leather clad body. (Bad thought's bad!) She didn't want Gunn or Fred anywhere near Angelus...there was no telling what kind of horrible things the bastard would say to them.

She was still having to constantly remind herself that her friend was not the thing in there chained spread eagled on the bed, with more chains wrapped around his waist for good measure. She had seen the damage he had done in Sunnydale, and she wasn't one for taking chances. But another nagging voice kept whispering in her head, that yes, the vampire in the bed *was* her friend, or at least a big part of him, and she was curious how he would be without his soul's controlling influence. It's not like she had ever had a chance to sit down and chat before, what with all the fighting for their lives.There was only one way to find out. She squared her shoulders took a few calming breaths, and walked confidently back to the bedroom.

Angelus strained to see the room beyond the door. The chains kept him from being able to raise up very far. He knew one of them would leave, but which one? He heard Wes' heavier footfalls moving down the hallway, but he still couldn't see his seer...Angel's seer. He hated carrying around all of his souls memories, the ghosts of his feelings for Cordelia still fluttered inside his unbeating heart. Angelus' true intentions for her were much more base...Lust, desire...fuck, he was going to get hard just thinking about it.

"Hello Coor-deeliaaa, you still here?" He lifted himself the fraction the chains allowed, and saw her. She was watching him with those bright hazel eyes of hers, eyes that both he and his souled half adored. "Like what you see?" He quipped, grinding his hips against the chains.

"You're really something, you know that?" She drug a straitbacked wooden chair beside him, and sat down. Her arms were crossed, posture erect, expression unreadable, she bristled with defenses.

"You think?" He stared at her with naked lust flaring in his eyes. Her crossed arms pushed her breasts even further up almost spilling them over the tops of the shimmery cups of the corset. He decided it wasn't really a corset, but some designer hybrid between that and a bustier. He strained against the chains, muscles cording with the effort. Cordy's presence was driving him mad. it had been so long since he had anything to eat besides pigs blood, and *ages* since he'd had a good fuck. Since Angel had developed feelings for the seer, he'd even stopped going to the furies. Cordy had disappeared, and suddenly he felt a cold burning on his chest. He writhed in agony, and vamped out, cursing in his mother tongue.

"Oops, did I drop that cross on your chest? Silly me..."

"Get it OFF!!" He roared. "You fucking BITCH!!"

She removed it, and cradled it in her hands, a purely evil glint flashing in her eyes. "Don't test the chains again, or I'll put it on your crotch."

"You don't need to make up excuses to touch it." He devoured her with hungry eyes. "I could make you scream, and it wouldn't all be from pain.

Cordelia shivered, disgusted by his words, but drawn by his eyes. It's just my luck, she thought. The monster is the one that finds me attractive.

"Wait, till I get these off, I'll fuck you in every opening, and when I'm done...I'll cut some new ones and fuck you there too!" He was lying, he didn't want to mar one millimeter of her beautiful golden flesh, but dammit, she was pissing him off.

"Shut up." She whispered appalled at the crude, disgusting things Angelus was saying.

"What?" He said, shrugging innocently. "I have an idea! Why don't you bring Fred down here." His voice began to rise. "I'll fuck her, drain her, then rip her in two..." He shouted, then his voice dropped, dripping with sex. "Then, I'll turn you. How's that for foreplay? You and I Cordy...you could be *my* Queen."

She turned away unable to meet his smiling face.

"Oh, come on! Don't be a prude! I know you've thought about it...this cock...inside you. I...he, we've thought about it enough."

"Shut up!!" She shouted, slapping him hard across the face.

He smiled, licking at the small trickle of blood that leaked from the already closing cut on his lip. He could see she was visibly trembling, hot tears lurking behind too bright eyes. "Just, joking...some people." He rolled his eyes. "You're really wound a little tight there Cor. I really don't plan to hurt you, unless you want me too?" He said hopefully.

"How can you be so mean? You exist inside Angel, a part of you *is* him." Her lip began to tremble. "Is that what you really feel, is that what you say inside his head.?" She pulled the chair close. He let his head fall back to the pillow with a sigh. He lolled his head in her direction. His eyes widened, as he noticed that her skirt had fallen open a little, revealing a hint of plum silk and a flash of her inner thigh. He was feeling oddly moved by the anguish clearly etched in her features, an echo of his soul, he supposed. It made him want to lash out, hurt her a little more, push her over the edge...but he was a practical man. He knew that Angel's friends would find a way to restore his soul, and quick, but maybe...just maybe...he could have a little fun first. Leave a nasty mess for his soul to clean up.

"We think about you a lot."

Her head shot up, to Cordelia's surprise, Angelus was looking at her seriously, all traces of his wicked humor gone. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, letting her chin set on the peaks of her fingers. "What do you mean?"

"He loves you, you know..." He searched her face, and to his disappointment found she was missing the point, again.

"Well duh, I love him too...he's my best friend...were close. I love his son, like he's my own."

"Jesus Christ! Are you blind?" He growled. "No, you're just stupid, aren't you?"

"Hey!" she bristled. "I'm the one with the cross, and I'm not afraid to use it!" She huffed, and leaned back in the chair, her legs spreading a little.

"Use it then, it would be better than listening to that big mouth of yours. He's been practically throwing us at you for the last few weeks, and what do you do? Leave us for that moronic musclebound puppydog!" He laughed harshly. " If Liam weren't such a wank, I'd have ripped him to shreds already for touching you, or at the very least let that tree demon suck him dry. At least we could have played the comforting friend and copped a few feels, gotten some new material to jerk off to!"

Cordelia gaped at Angelus, unsure of whether to slap him again, puke or laugh. Her heart went out to the Angel she knew. She wondered what it must be like to have this...creature inside of him...this craven, sexual predator. She shuddered. If he hadn't come down for a clean shirt, if Fred hadn't noticed the tight leather pants and the attitude... She studied the struggling vampire. His bare chest glowed like he had woven captive moonlight into his skin. His normally warm brown eyes were two blackened coals, burnt by lust. His smile was sensual, almost too soft for the hard look in his eyes. He smelled of leather, baby powder, and raw unrefined man. He was as beautiful as she ever remembered seeing him, and yet more ugly.

She couldn't help the purely physical thrill of his eyes as they roved roughshod over her body. She stood, and began to pace, trying to keep the wet evidence of her arousal from his notice. "You're such a big fat liar!" ("Grr..I'm *not* fat, dammit!") "I mean excuse me, but my name is *not* Corduffy!" She laughed surprised at how halfhearted it sounded. "I'm not blond, and I'm not the 'Soap Opera Weekly' that was the love of Angel's life. She paced faster, hands punctuating her sentences.

"BUFFY?" Angelus couldn't keep the incredulity out of his voice. "Buffy who? Look...Angel is an obsessive fuck, I'll grant you that, but he started moving on from her waaay back. Of course he only realized it after the whiny bitch died...again."

Cordelia couldn't help but smile...the enemy of my enemy..."And you?"

"The one thing I regret is not killing her the moment I lost my soul, would have saved me a lot of trouble." He growled.

"Okaaay, so you're over Buffy, but what does that prove, really? You're so hard up for sex that you'd be talking dirty to Lorne if he was the only one in the room, and Angel or Liam, or whomever doesn't even find me attractive.

There it was! This was the opening he had been waiting for..."You think we, that Angel thinks you're ugly?" He shook his head disbelievingly. "I take it back, your both dumb, *and* stupid!" He licked his lips, smiling into her glare. "We've both seen a lot of women in our lifetime, but we've never seen a riper, more juicy plum than you." He cocked his head, "And besides what reason would I have to lie now?" he chuckled good naturedly. "When the truth is so much more fun." His eyes dragged themselves the entire length of her body, and settled gently on her face. "The way you look tonight..."

Cordelia blushed. For some reason, maybe because his eyes had softened, and he was looking directly at her, instead of directly through her clothes. Maybe because his words were as gentle as his voice. Her insides felt liked they had been dipped in warm oil. She dropped her head, letting her hair hide her burning cheeks.

"Cordy? Cordy, look at me." He sighed when she refused to meet his gaze. For the millionth time he wished he had something heavy to bash her over the head with...reasoning with Cordelia had always been Liam's department, he had handled most of the lusting and wanting...at least until recently when they had been rather united on *that* front. Which brought him back to the fact that underneath the leather and chains, he was hard as a rock. "Cordy please..." Her head snapped up. Brutal honesty was working so far, so he continued. "I just want to taste you...just this once, without soulboy's interference." His voice was pleading, hoarse with genuine need.

"Pffft!" Anger knotted in her stomach, and weaving itself with her desire, putting her on edge. "Whatever, buddy! Like I'd let you get me close enough for you to bite!"

Angel shrugged. "I wasn't talking about biting, but you know, I'm up for that too...Well I'm up anyway." He tittered trusting his hips against the chains. He saw her eyes go to the prominent bulge there...made you look. "Have you ever been eaten by someone who doesn't have to breath?" Angelus stuck his tongue out, and made a slow lapping motion. He watched her closely, the way her eyes looked everywhere but him, the way she shifted uncomfortably in the chair...She was thinking about it, he was sure.

Cordelia heard Angelus taking slow, deep, deliberate breaths. She blanched. He was scenting her! She knew how sensitive his nose was, knew he would be able to smell the humiliating scent of her body's betrayal. She wanted to run and hide, but it was too late.

He chuckled again, pleased his words were having the desired effect. "Ahh, Cordelia..."


"I can't help it...I'm irresistible!"

Monster with an Angelic face...bah! "Oh no, your completely resistible."

Angelus just sniffed the air, and looked smug.

She crossed her arms and shook her head in disbelief. It was true. This shirtless, leather clad, sex starved vampire was a turn on, he was also homicidal... what I wouldn't give for a simple man, wait...I have that. She sighed. "I'm *not* attracted to you, I'm..." She couldn't admit her feelings to this thing that wore Angel's face. He would only find a way to twist it, to make it ugly. "Oh...you! Look at you lying there all smug. You get off to pushing peoples boundaries don't you? Well I'm not some mindless chippy you can just manipulate! Your sad, and pathetic...with all the wanting to kill...and, well, you know!" she huffed.

"Sex Cordelia, It's only a word, you can Say it." He said sweetly. Her eyes narrowed into deadly slits. "What?" He asked innocently.

"I think someone need's their boundaries pushed a little." She mumbled to herself. "Just thinking of new and meaner ways to torture you're dumb ass." she replied.

"Torture!" He roared, the little bitch had no idea...He thrust his hips against the chains, and kicked savagely, trying desperately to get free. "Seeing *you* every day...so close. Waking up with you in my bed. The way you touch me for no reason...smelling you after you've had sex, or while you're on your period...Seeing that smile of yours, seeing you smile at him that way. Believe me, Cordelia *you* know all about torture. You push my boundaries, every day, my patience, my control...lying here, with you dressed like that, smelling you. You won't let me touch you, and it's PISSING ME OFF!!!"

Cordelia sat numbly as his words sank in. Angel wanted her, longed for her, and she had turned a blind eye to it. She could see the truth of it, not so much from the words Angelus had said, but by the look of raw yearning on his face. She recognized it, finally. How many times had she seen that look and ignored the implications of it that tugged at her heart? How many times had she let her fears stomp out the hope in his? She had been stupid. She had chosen the wrong path. She was going to fix it. But first she was going to give the son of a bitch chained to the bed in front of her a taste of his own medicine...

Was the minx smiling? Angelus about blanked out in cold fury as he watched her look him in the eye and smile a cold knowing smile. She had just manipulated him somehow, he was sure of it. She had maneuvered him into revealing more about himself than he had intended, just like she did to that souled idiot that inhabited his body. Her smile widened as he shifted uncomfortably, her eyes were gleaming with pure malice. Gods, she was perfect, he had never wanted her more...and hey...what was she doing?

Cordelia leaned back in the chair, and propped her legs comfortably on the bed. She ran her hands down the length of her thighs around the bump of her knees and slowly back up over her toned muscles. Angelus' eyes flickered from her legs to her face, as if unsure of where to look, and afraid he might miss something. "So, your saying that my being here, near you, that's torture?"

Angelus watched, helplessly, as her hands completed their parallel journey. They pushed her skirt up a little higher, riding the scanty material up to her waist, and then dipped down and nestled themselves lightly on her inner thighs. She had thrown him a crumb, she was working herself up, making herself hot, and doing it at his expense. *He* wanted the full five courses, however. He could feel her eyes brushing over his shoulders and into the shadowy recess under his arm, only to emerge along the rise of his chest, and slip down to the bulge in his pants. Angelus imagined her hands going there. As if she could hear his thoughts her soft moistly gleaming lips twisted into a smirk. Angelus growled.

Cordelia put her legs down and stood up. "What'cha got under the hood there, Angelus?" She purred as she placed a long, perfectly manicured finger on his chest, thrilling to the way he squirmed at her lightest of touches. She ran her finger lightly over his chest, and down his tight abdominal's, making a brief detour to circle his belly button, and finally stopping at the top of his pants. Angelus shivered, and she felt it all the way up her arm. It gave her a sense of empowerment. She deftly flicked the button of his pants open. He gasped. She resisted the urge to touch him everywhere at once, to press as much of his skin as possible to hers. He was panting now, anticipating her next move. She watched his face as she ever so slowly pulled down the zipper.

Oh, this was bad. She was being bad, he would remember this when he got his soul back, and there would be hell to pay. She had messed up so badly, had left him in the lobby of the hotel, with his heart in his eyes, and she had slept with another man. She would have to hope he understood, and let her try and fix the mess she had made, the mess she was still making, cause this was drastic, but maybe they both needed this...His penis sprung from it's soft curly bed...and he was panting, even though she had hardly touched him. Angel loved her, and she loved him. This was wrong...she couldn't stop. Why did this feel so right, even though it was so bad. Why did the gaze of a monster make her feel so alive, so like the woman she always wanted to be for him, even though this part of him couldn't even appreciate the woman she already was?

"Why do you do that?" Angelus just looked at her and cocked an eyebrow. "With the breathing. You don't have to breath...so why do you?"

His only response was to become perfectly still. The desire was still there, hollowing out his eyes, glowing through his skin. He gathered one breath. "Let me go, or get up here," he commanded.

Cordelia laughed. "Hardly! This is your torture, remember?" She raked her nail up the length of his penis, satisfied with his sharp hiss. She reached around and undid the buttons of her skirt...It fell to the floor.

Angelus tracked her with hooded eyes. He was confused, aroused, beyond all patience and endurance. The bitch had nerve, he gave her that. She sat on the straitbacked hard ass chair and slowly spread her legs. He groaned. White heat settled in his groin, as he tried to rub himself against the chains, anything to release the pressure he felt building there.

Cordelia let her head fall, tugging he hem of her corset down. Her panties and corset matched, she had planned the effect, if not the use she was putting it to. Doubts plagued her but she pushed them away, and concentrated on Angelus. Life was about to take an interesting turn, and Cordelia could feel the possibilities zinging across her nerves like an electric current. She raised her head up, giving her hair a flirtatious toss. She let him see the electric fire in her eyes.

"I don't take orders from a psychotic murderer...If seeing me is torture, then buster, your about to get an eyeful..." She put a finger to her lips, moistening the tip with her tongue, and rubbing it across the swollen pink skin, tugging them open and letting a sigh escape. She closed her eyes and threw her head back, running her palm down the smooth tanned lines of her neck...She could hear Angelus' quick panting breaths had returned, and her blood raced in concert, picking up the rhythm.

She lifted her other hand and ran both across her shoulders, pressing lightly against her collarbone. She tried not to think of his smooth pale shaft rising high out of his pants. Instead she watched him, as he stared, entranced, at her neck. "Most men have one feature that really turns them on." She leaned forward giving him an unobstructed view of her cleavage. She smiled, warming to her subject. "You see, there is your basic breast man, for them there is nothing better." She ran her hands over the smooth swell of her breasts, gently squeezing them together, pushing them up until the dusky pink areola peeked over the top of the cups. She wet her fingers and ran them over the soft nubs of her nipples until they were hardened pink pebbles. Years of lonliness had brought skill to her fingers, and she worked until she felt a fresh surge of wet heat between her thighs, and her stomach turn to jelly. She didn't look at Angelus. "Some men are ass men...Gunn is definitely an ass man. I catch him staring sometimes." That produced the desired rumblings from the vampires chest.

Whore was enjoying playing the tease...He could practically taste the thick honey of her arousal. This wasn't what he had bargained for, not at all. Come hell or high water, soul or no soul...He would get her back. His imagination wasn't helping him at all...He visualized his fangs brushing against her erect nipples, teasing gasps of pleasure mixed with pain from those perfect lips. He watched as she stood, turned around, and hooked her long purple fingernails through the fabric of her underwear. She pulled them down, bending at the waist. Angelus mouth began to water, as she revealed her neatly trimmed dark mounds and the bares glimpse of the petals concealed within. "So fucking beautiful." He whispered, so rapt he wasn't even aware he had spoken audibly.

"So you like my ass too?" She turned and put her foot on the chair intending to remove her black stylish heels. Last seasons, but still nice.

"Don't." She only arched her brow at him...She was in charge, and she knew it. "Please." He swallowed his pride. "Please leave them on."

"Okaaay." Angel had never noticed her shoes, and now Angelus was acting like he had a shoe fetish...it was creepy. She shrugged, and sat back down. Angelus' brown eyes seared her wherever they landed. The weight of his stare was physical, and dark desire sprung from those touches. She let them brand her.

"Mmmm...What did I leave out?" She placed her hands on her knee's and spread her legs wide, giving him a clear view. "The legs; Are you a leg man Angelus?" She ran her hands up her thighs again, stopping short of their apex, and kneaded the muscles of her inner thighs. She gently traced the v from her mons over her pelvis, around her hips, and tickled the backs of her thighs. She ran her hands down the undersides of her knee's resting them on her thighs. "What get's your motor running? Killer legs, a great rack?" She straitened, and rubbed herself, making her way, up over her chest..."Or a plain old boring neck?" She toyed with the shadowy hollow of her throat, and ran her hand up, and through the now damp hair at the nape of her neck. Her other hand suddenly dropped, and parted the moist folds of her vagina.

Angelus didn't know where to look as his bloodlust warred with his...well...lust. She was splitting him into, driving him over an unseen edge. He didn't know what to do, so he remained still, trying to take all of her in at once. She bit down on the plump mound of her lower lip, as she gently inserted her fingers inside her slick entrance. She pushed them in as far as they would go. Her other hand found her breast and squeezed it hard. She gasped, drew her fingers out and circled her clit, rubbing the sensitive nub. She began to slowly finger fuck herself. She was right in front of him but still to far away. His whole body trembled screaming for release. She was driving him insane...He wanted to grab her and sink his fangs deep, as he pumped her. He wanted to kiss her lips and swallow her screams.

"You're so pretty when you play the whore Cordy. You've known so little pleasure in your life, only pain...I could teach you so much about both...What do you say Cordy? We could paint the town red." He panted.

This was getting damn irritating. She was having an effect on Angelus, she could see that easily enough, but this was supposed to be torture, not soft core porn. She looked around the room. Ok, what would MacGuyver do? She spied some leftover lengths of chain, and got an idea. Never let it be said that Cordelia Chase wasn't up to a challenge!

"I say that you and I are going to have to come to an understanding here, bub."

Angelus laughed, pleased that he was getting under her skin. "Is this where you let your inner bitch run free?" He vamped out. "Sorry Princess, but that is..." He yanked on the chains for emphasis. "...so...not...scary!"

"No Dumdass, this is where we try something new." She stood up and grabbed a six foot length of chain. "Just for the record, I hate you. I'll never love *you*, but we are going to have to live together, so you'd better straiten your ass out Mr. or..."

"Or what?"Angelus sneered.

Cordelia wrapped the chain around the vampires neck.

The bitch had talent...he was beginning to respect that.

Cordelia eased herself on the bed next to Angelus, careful to avoid his hands. She put her heel on the trailing end of the chain, and swung her other leg over his chest, keeping it away from his vicious looking fangs. She tried not to look at his erection, but it was hard not to be drawn to it. She wanted to touch it, to feel it buried inside of her. He had been right she craved it, but she would be damned before she'd give Angelus the satisfaction. There would be plenty of time for that when Angel was back to normal.

She planted her foot squarely on the other end of the chain, grabbed the headboard and pulled herself up. As she stood, the chained tightened painfully around Angel's neck. He bucked and cussed, but she held on to the headboard. She'd have to ask him later what some of the words he had choked out meant. She stood there until he quit moving and simply glared at her.

"You know you can't strangle me." he croaked.

"True, but I bet a crushed windpipe is not a pleasant experience." Satisfied with his angry glare she carefully sat on his chest gasping as heated flesh met his cool skin. "Besides I don't want you biting me, now, do I?"

Angelus saw angry red sparks dancing around the corners of his vision. He was close to passing out from the shock of her burning skin. He could feel the firm swell of her buttocks, and her cunt was rubbing liquid fire into his chest. She lifted her feet off the chain, and tucked them behind his shoulders. She immediately rose, placing the chain under her knees. It took her a few moments to adjust, each move seeming to make the chain cut a little deeper into his skin. She rose above him like a golden idol. Tanned skin, stretched taught over muscles that he had worked to help develop. Her soft brown curls hovered just over his face, but the chain around his neck prevented him from raising up and tasting her. She leaned back a little, and he saw the undersides of her breasts and her shining catlike eyes above him.

"I may not know as much as you do, Angelus, but I'm a quick study, remember?" She raised up and began to work her pussy right in front of his eyes. Her fingers worked in a familiar rhythm. She closed her eyes, and threw her head back, moaning as she began to feel a knot of pleasure forming deep inside, as her muscles began to clench and relax around her fingers. She could hear Angelus moaning underneath her, but all she could see was the top of his head. She could hear the bed creak as his muscles strained against the chains, and it pushed her to work herself harder. Her fingers worked at a frenzied pace, rubbing against her clit with each stroke. Her focus narrowed down till nothing mattered but the building wave of sensations...the tingling in her spine, the sharp stabs of pure hedonistic pleasure radiating from her belly, the growing tension filling her up pushing at the tight confines of her skin.

Angelus lay helpless, pinned underneath Cordelia as she tortured him with her wanton display. He could all but taste her, she was so close, and her smell hung thick in the space between them. He stuck out his tongue, and tasted the air. He tried to lean forward and push the tip of his tongue into her inviting pink folds, but he always came up a few millimeters short. He was beaten, he never had a chance, he conceded, she won...but only because of the chains. He could hear her groans, as she neared her climax. His mind snapped, and driven by pure need he began to pull, once more against the chains. She was too lost in her own pleasure to notice, as the cuffs began to cut into his skin, he thought his shoulders might pop out of their sockets but still, he pulled...

She let out a strangled cry that could have been his name, as her body went tense. Angelus pulled harder, ignoring the blood, beginning to run down his forearms, he could feel the wood bending, hear it creaking as it resisted his strength. Cordelia shuddered, and then her juices exploded onto his face. He opened his mouth and caught the hot shower of her cum, licking greedily at her liquid essence on his lips. It was all he needed. The heavy oak headboard snapped like twigs. Quicker than a snake, he leaned up, letting Cordy fall backwards. He unwrapped the chain from his neck and threw it around Cordy's shoulders yanking her up, drawing her to him.

"My turn!" He growled.

He grabbed her by the ass, and lifted her, moving her down without preamble over his long ignored cock. He shoved himself inside of her, she was already so wet, he met no resistance as he buried himself to the hilt.

Cordelia was a dead woman, and she knew it. Angel wasn't going to go anywhere, there were still to many chains, but she wasn't going anywhere either. His grip was like iron, and he didn't look like he had any intention of letting her go. She tensed waiting for him to rip her throat out, but instead he had only pinned her with his cock. Her entire body was sent into meltdown, as he stretched her to fit. They sat there for a second, Angelus froze, almost as surprised at the turn of events as she was. He blinked, she had to bite her lip in an effort to stifle the urge to laugh. He would only hear the nervousness behind it. She was out of her depth, but surely the ritual was already underway. She just had to stall him...could not panicking be considered a stalling tactic? He lifted her, and slammed her back down hard against his pelvis.

He could have killed her, but he was going to be trapped in this body for a long time, he chose to fuck her.

Angelus eyes went gold as he began to move Cordy against him. She was everything he had ever imagined and more. There was nothing left to him but animal need, and the nagging realization that his time was almost gone. He couldn't move his hips very much, so he moved her, lifting her high, and pounding her against him. His mouth went to her neck, and he bit down hard at the juncture of her shoulder, licking the sweat slicked skin, and sucking the blood to the surface. He was a wild thing and if he could, he would have ate her whole, but he made due with trying to taste every square centimeter that he could reach. His tongue circled her neck as his teeth closed around her windpipe. He placed firm bites along her shoulders, and sampled the the surface of her chest with the flat of his tongue, sucking and growling, letting her know with each thrust, how much he appreciated her delicate body...

Cordelia fought it...not physically, she was nothing compared to the strength of Angelus, and he wasn't hurting her. Instead he was pushing her body's boundaries, she almost wished he would hurt her. It would give her a justification to despise him. Instead he was making his way slowly to her breasts, while one hand continued to move her, and the other chased the shivers up and down her spine. The tip of his penis found the right spot inside of her, and his mouth wrapped around a puckered nipple, pulling sensations from deep within her. She screamed in ecstacy...she was coming unmade, Angel's motions became erratic, and her own breathing hitched as a second orgasm rippled through her already sensitized nerves...

Angelus felt a gathering of sensations in his belly as his orgasm neared. He felt full, as if there was too much of him to fit in the tight confines of his skin. No! no just a few more moments! He ground himself ferociously inside of her, using the last of his will to hold on as he jumped free and wild over the edge and came as he crashed into her, his Cordy...his bitch, because he had gotten there first, and Angel would always remember that...Because at some point Angel wouldn't have to share any more because his days were numbered, but he would always have this, and the sweet memory of her torture...

Angel woke from a grey formless nightmare into a dream. His first sensations were of pain and heat. He was immobilized, he squirmed. Chains, he was chained...Why was he chained? He could almost remember, but it was still too hazy. He looked down, and saw Cordelia. Her head was resting comfortably in the crook of his shoulder, her bare legs wrapped around his chained ones. Naked Cordy? How did I miss *that*? She yawned and stretched like a sated cat. Her sleepy hazel eyes meeting his confused chocolate ones.

"Hey." she purred.

"Cordy? What...how...I mean?" His demon was there lurking in the background, content, and oddly smug.

"Shhh. It's Ok. I'm not sure how, but you lost your soul. Wes and I had an orb of thessela with a drawing spell prepared. If you lost your soul anywhere in the hotel it would go strait into the orb. It would be safe until we could put it back. Lucky for us Fred noticed you were acting different so we were able to stop you before you hurt anyone." She shifted pressing her breasts against his side, as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

The memories were beginning to come to him. He groaned.

Cordy smiled. "Yeah, I'm not sure if Fred will be able to look you in the eye for a week or two. Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

He frowned. "I ate my mother." He reached for her pulling her face up forcing her to meet his gaze. He remembered. He remembered everything. "And this?"

"Your demon and I just needed to come to an understanding." She straddled the confused vampire, running her hands across his chest. His hands instinctively moved to her thighs. She bent and placed a soft kiss on his lips, chuckling at his reluctance to let her sit back up.

"What are you doing to me Miss Chase?" He moaned against her lips.

"Wesley thinks he may have found a way to anchor your soul. I figure there is only one way to find out." She wiggled her hips against him.

"But...But, they'll be here any minute!" he protested.

"Why Mr. Angel, that sounded like a challenge..."
