just fic

Title: A Long and Meandering Tail
Author: psychofilly
Posted: 07-27-2002
Rating: NC17
Content: C/A, B/S, this part. Other parts C/A, B/A, C/S, A/C/S, B/S, A/S(implied)
Disclaimer: All is owned by Fox, ME, and the great Joss-god. I am but a humble worshipper at their altar. A player in their cosmic sandbox, who get's no gain other than pleasure from playing with their characters.
Notes: Look at the title. I have no plot, just some ideas and scenes that are in my head. I shall try and string them along in a coherent fashion but I cannot make promises that I do not know if I can keep. C/A and B/S are my fave pairings. I want to shake them up and shuffle them around, all for the express purpose of entertaining myself and hopefully you...the reader. This is and should remain a pretty lighthearted story. Some may have read part of it under the title "Teaser".

Part 1

Buffy swung wide landing a solid blow. The demon only seemed to get angry. It lashed out with it's razory talons. She ducked, and Spike went for a spinning Kick that knocked the demon back against the side of the warehouse. He grabbed her hand, pulling her up, as the squared off again against the demon. "Pet, I know we've been chasing this thing all the way from Sunnydale, but couldn't we have called Peaches?"

"No!" She yelled pushing him out of the way as the demon struck again. "He has a hard enough time accepting that I'm back from the dead, I don't want to have to explain why I am slaying with his grandson."

Spike got in a good uppercut. "I thought you just liked to keep it in the family, luv." He spun and backhanded the demon. "Besides slaying isn't all you'd have to explain."

"God, your a beast, Spike! Where did we loose our weapons?" She grunted, as she kicked the thing in the back.

"In the parking lot, I think?"

"Great!" She grumbled. "I guess we just have to beat the thing into a bloody pulp."

Suddenly an axe spun right by Buffy's head and struck the beast in the chest.

"That ought to teach it some manners!" A cheerful, familiar voice said.

Buffy and Spike spun around to see a short haired brunette framed in the moonlight. Another person in a long black coat emerged from the shadows behind her.

"Nice throw Cordy, next time we'll see how much closer to taking Buffy's head off you can come." he flashed her a sarcastic smile and turned towards Buffy. "Hey," he said softly.

"Hey." She replied.

"Nice to see you too" Spike interrupted. Buffy laid her hand on his arm, then roughly jerked him down as the wounded demon almost took his head off. Cordelia and Angel rushed into action. Angel hacked at it with his broadsword, while Cordelia used a lighter Japanese styled sword. Buffy and Spike stared, open mouthed as Cordelia expertly weaved in and out of the demons reach slashing, and swinging in carefully controlled arcs. She worked in perfect counterpoint to Angel's more aggressive style.

Buffy looked dubiously at Spike. "Did we leave Sunnydale and enter the twilight zone?"

He smiled, relishing her discomfort. "I think they work well together...say, shouldn't we be helping?"

She shrugged, and together they jumped into the fray...

"So," Buffy inquired, while tring to get greenish goo out of her hair. "How did you guys know where to find us?" She looked nervously at Angel, hating the fact that she looked, and smelled so disgusting right now.

Cordelia shrugged. "Had a vision, but we didn't know you guys would be here. Just disgusting green goo guy...ugh, why can't these guys ever smell like freesia or something?" She presented her back to Angel. "It's all in my hair isn't it? Ack, I can feel it running down my back."

Angel just smiled, his brown eyes soft. "If it's any consolation I got some in my hair too, see..."

"Yeah, well I'm not to fond of having demon guts all over me, You got somewhere we can clean up?" Spike impatiently cut in.

Angel glared at his grandchilde, uneasy with his presence but not wanting to cause any trouble. "The hotel isn't far we can clean up there, you guys are...um you're welcome to stay the night."

"Great!" said Spike.

"No!" said Buffy. "Er, I mean it's not necessary, and we should probably get back to Dawn..." Buffy looked at Angel...did he seem relieved? What was that? "Well, I guess I could call Tara, I know Dawnie misses her...and I really don't want to make the drive tonight."

Spike eyed her suspiciously. "Yeah, OK." He said dubiously.

"It's settled then," Cordelia said cheerily, "let's get back before this stuff sets."

Angel gave her a pained look, but followed her to the car.

Buffy marveled at the changes in Cordelia's appearance. The shorter more casual hairstyle suited her. Her clothes were also a more toned down version of the Cordy she remembered, A cute fluttery top, faded low rise jeans, killer boots, and a rather unusual belt. She also noted the casual closeness between her and the older vampire. The way their shoulders sometimes brushed, and the way they leaned into one another when they spoke. She could feel Spike behind her, his dark suspicion of her motives were evident, but she had to know what was brewing here in LA. Her and Angel's last meeting after her resurrection had been both joyous and painful. They had both realized they weren't the same people that they had been, but they hadn't exactly called it quits on the love that still existed between them either...

As soon as they were in the car Angel let out a deep frustrated sigh. Cordelia's hazel eyes searched out his dark ones.

"Angel, you knew this day was going to happen eventually...she ought to know." She hesitated. "And maybe so should Spike."

Angel shook his head, "I know Spike has been helping her, and can't kill, but that hardly makes him noble."

"No," Cordy agreed, "I don't think you'll ever hear the words noble and Spike coming from my mouth, but he's still important."


"He's family..."

Angel laughed. "Yeah right, 'Uncle Spike' that will go over real well."

She simply arched her brow at him.

'Well at least your tail didn't get in the way this time." He said, changing the subject.


Their arrival at the hotel lacked any fanfare, the rest of Angel Investigations was out on cases of their own. Cordelia ran strait up the stairs and disappeared. Angel ushered Spike and Buffy upstairs as well and showed them to adjoining rooms. Buffy's room was basic but the bed had been made and there was a comfy couch and a little table with a radio. Spike's room save for the bed was absolutely bare. He took in the bare room with a raised eyebrow. Angel just shrugged.

"I haven't had time to fix up all the rooms, we just sort of decorate as needed, but the water still works and I'll make sure you have some towels and clothes if I can find some."

"Taken care of," Cordelia chimed in from behind Angel. She strolled in and set down a pile of towels and clothes. Buffy's mouth dropped. Cordelia turned and eyed Spike critically. "Umm, I know their not your style but their clean, and they should fit pretty well. She handed him Wesley's "emergency" change of clothes. Spike took the green shirt and jeans with a small nod. His eyes grew wide and he looked quickly at Buffy who only shrugged. Cordy handed Buffy some sweats and a baby tee.

"There, now time to de-goo and get comfy, then we can catch up!"

"I'd say we have a lot of that to do..." Buffy began.

"Um...Cordy, hey, HEY!" Angel yelped.

"What!" Cordy turned. "Oops!" She said sheepishly her cheeks dimpling. Her long lionine tail was casually wrapped around Angels leg, the tip flicking playfully along his inner thigh. She blushed deeply as Angel glared at her. She disengaged her tail and backed slowly out of the room. "Sorry, er, you know it just has a mind of it's own, and, well, anyway..." She disappeared into the hallway.

Angel turned to the two very shocked people behind him as he too began to back nervously out the door. "Ah, um...I can explain, but well it's...we'll talk...after." he finished lamely and all but ran down the hallway to his room.

Spike shut the door behind him. Buffy opened the door that lead to her room, and began to peel off her shirt. Spike chuckled softly, "And to think, you didn't want to visit." Buffy just rolled her eyes. "Admit it love, now that you're here. You wouldn't miss *this* for the world."

Angel stormed into his room only to stop as he heard a soft humming sound coming from his bathroom. He frowned, she wouldn't be in there would she? Her clothes were lying on the bed.The bathroom door was tightly shut, he tried the handle...locked. He quietly leaned against the door listening to the sounds of her moving. he tried to pick up the thread of her heartbeat from under the staccato patter of running water. The vamp sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, only to groan as he ran them through fast drying goo. He looked down at his ruined jacket and shirt and sighed. Why wasn't Cordy using Fred's room? Now he was going to have to wait and the stuff would probably dry...a low growl rumbled in his throat. He heard Connor gurgling in his crib. He wanted to pick him up, but not cover him in goo...he grinned a wicked glint flashing momentarily in his eyes. He began to peel off his dirty clothes.

Cordelia worked quickly, but she was thorough. She scrubbed herself clean of all the grime and goo, paying close attention to her newest feature. She rather liked her tail, it was shapely and smooth, with freckles that had a tendency to change their color and pattern depending on her mood. It was also very handy, like a third hand, if only she had a little better control over it. When she wasn't concentrating it tended to do some of the weirdest things, like grabbing Angel's leg, or playing with Fred's hair. She grimaced, it also liked to wrap around Gunns smooth head, and most disturbing of all, it tended to goose Wesley whenever he walked by. Her friends were playing it cool, but she was awfully nervous about how the Sunnydale transplants would react. Cordelia quickly pushed her insecurities out of her mind.

Fred's room had been locked so she had been forced to use Angel's. He was probably out there fuming at this very moment. Nervously she wrapped herself in a thick fluffy towel, she had accidentally left her clothes out there. She would just change while Angel showered. They were adults, they could handle a little forced intimacy. There was no reason to feel so fluttery. She took a deep breath and stepped out the door. Her breath caught in her throat. Angel was there, by the crib. His back was to her, his smooth muscular, bare back. His tattoo stood out brilliantly against his white skin. he had stripped out of his soiled clothes and was wearing only an old loose pair of black sweats that rode low on his hips. "Hey," she breathed.

Angel turned, cradling his son to his chest. His eyes caught hers and then dropped. he let out a small explosive breath as he saw her there...in a towel...dripping on his floor, her tail swishing slowly from side to side. His mouth opened then snapped shut. "I, uh...your done." he put Connor back in the crib. he heard her sharp intake of breath as he straitened, his chest muscles contracted, Did he just flex for her? God, he was pathetic. He frowned. "Why didn't you use Fred's room?"

She looked at her toes and blushed. "It was locked, and I thought if I was quick you wouldn't mind..." She quickly crossed the room and sat on the bed. She pulled the towel a little tighter around her. Her eyes flicked up to Angel, he was just standing there rooted, a strange expression on his face. Her eyes dropped to his chest, and stomach, his marble skin stretched tight over it's perfectly muscled expanse. She licked her lips...

Madness, Angel, bad thoughts! Don't look at her, oh she just licked her lips..." I have to get clean." he said abruptly and walked into the bathroom. He leaned heavily against the door grinding his fist into his hand. It's never going to happen, stupid. You've got to stop thinking about Cordelia like that...

A short while later, Angel and Cordelia emerged from his room only to almost run into Buffy and Spike emerging from hers. There was awkward silence and raised eyebrows all around, but no one could quite bring themselves to speak.

Finally Cordelia nudged Angel in the ribs, causing him to jump. She cleared her throat. "Spike, those clothes look fabulous, love the whole new look, why don't I give you the grand tour..." She linked his arm through hers, and with a flick of her tail sauntered off. Spike looked back helplessly at Buffy, but it was clear he had been out maneuvered.

Buffy was steamed. It was bad enough that they came from the same room, but then she just took off with her...Woah, Spike isn't your ANYTHING! Not anymore...


Angel gingerly touched her shoulder. "It's Ok, she just realizes that we need a few minutes to talk." He opened the door to his room and stepped aside to let her pass.

Buffy looked uncertain, but then squared her shoulders and walked confidently into the room. "So, Cordelia's changed..."her voice trailed off as she took in the muted colors and the big crib in the adjoining room. She heard the soft gurgle and a burp. "What, is that...huh?" She whirled to face Angel. "Is that a baby?"

Angel nodded, and went to pick up his son. He carried him to where Buffy seemed to be frozen. "His name is Connor." He smiled and cooed nonsense into the infants ear.

Buffy's mind was close to shutting down. One Angel was incredibly sexy standing there holding the infant. It was a mental picture that she had rarely allowed herself to imagine and to see it was just...wow. The impossibility of what she was seeing whirled through her thoughts like a gale, and then it hit her. Of course! It was so obvious. "Angel, he's beautiful! Where did you find him?" She reached out and stroked the tiny head. Angel made an almost strangled sound, and seemed to have trouble meeting her eyes.

"Funny thing, I uh, didn't *find* him, he's ah, my son." He finally looked at her, his brown eyes searching her troubled ones. She stepped away, face reddening as if she had been slapped.

"Yours? But, that's impossible! Yours and whose!?!" There weren't many possibilities... "Cordelia's?" Her face contorted with anger. "Is *she* the mother?"

"No" Angel replied. Buffy didn't seem to hear.

"Is this some demon thing?" Buffy began to pace. "That Bitch! I *knew* she couldn't be trusted..."

"NO!" Angel yelled, wincing when the baby cried. He shushed him and laid him back in the crib. "Cordelia isn't the mother." He said through clenched teeth, he grabbed her roughly by the elbow and drug her away from the crib. "And don't you EVER call her a name like that again."

She jerked her arm free, "Hey, I just call 'em like I see 'em, and she was never anything but a bitch to me and mine..." She was stopped by the cold hard fury on his face. "Why does it matter so much to you anyway?"

He took a deep breath, "Cordelia is important to me." He saw the doubt in her stony features. "I know what she acted like in high school, I *was* there, remember, but that was a long time ago. She's grown into one of the most warm and giving women on the face of the earth. She wasn't like us, she wasn't a super hero, or a champion, and she didn't ask for what happened to her any more than you did." He turned away afraid his face might give away more than he was willing to admit. "For over two years she endured the visions, each one got worse until they all but killed her, and she never complained. Hell, she never even told us how bad they had gotten until it was too late." His voice caught. "She was dying and none of us could help her." He turned finally and the look on his face made Buffy's heart skip a beat. "The powers gave her a choice," his voice full of guilt, pride, and something she couldn't put a name too. "Death, or become part demon, so she chose...and even that has been painful for her, and now she will never be able to be normal, and she accepts that...I accept that. What I don't accept is *YOU* coming into my home and insulting my best friend, who has given up her human life to help me...been a mother to my son..."

Buffy reached out but he stiffened under her touch. "I had no idea," she said. "I am so sorry, I know she helps you and I was, rude. This has just all been a lot to digest. And when I thought of you and her...It just, I didn't, couldn't accept that. Not with her." She felt him relax a little.

"We're not like that, but believe me I could do a lot worse." he chuckled. Wait, he'd just called Cordy the mother to his son...how long had he thought of her as that? Wow, Cordelia and Angel...parents, together...it sounded right somehow."

"I guess." She shrugged and sat on his bed. "So, who *is* the mother?"

Angel stuffed his hands in his pockets, and began to shuffle, he looked at his toes, and scratched his head. "Well it's a little complicated, and there is this whole prophecy thing, and..."

"ANGEL!" An exasperated sigh escaped the slayers lips. She gave him a ghost of a smile. "Just spit it out already!"


Buffy's face froze, "WHAT!"


"You mean Angel has a son, and Darla is the mother???" Spike stared at Cordelia, "That's just rich!" He laughed.

Cordelia wasn't oblivious to the sadness that laced the edges of his tone. She had lived with a Vampire in her life for to long. The blonde vamp looked vulnerable without his usual dark, leathery, punk get up. He wore the soft green sweater and faded jeans that Wesley usually kept here as a spare. They were a good fit, even though Spike's body was much harder, and more cut than Wes' they were about the same size. Except for the paler than normal skin and platinum hair, Spike almost looked normal. She turned back to the pot slowly heating over the stove.

"Buffy's going to have a hard time with this."

Cordelia nodded, "I know she said softly, but she needed to know." She hesitated. Frowning at the heating fluid. Spike took a hard look at her, he had never known Cordelia well, but this was not the same girl that had come from Sunnydale.

"There's more." He said softly, his blue eyes also weren't oblivious to the longing that tinged the chit's every action.

"There are a lot of prophecy's surrounding Connor's arrival, none of them the warm fuzzy types. There may come a time when we need Buffy's help. She may need to hide the baby or protect it. It might bring her and Angel back together, and that's never good, well maybe for them, but certainly not for the rest of the world..."

Spike frowned, "What makes you think they would even want to get back together?"

Cordelia laughed. "Come on! it's Buffy and Angel! They had the big soul-matey thing, though I am not sure how, since for all the big love and passion, they never really took a lot of time to get to know each other. Still..." She mumbled. "It's like no one else is in the room when they're together."

Spike shifted uncomfortably, "Well I didn't exactly see them running into each others arms when they saw each other. Anyway I'm not sure Angel would be able to handle the woman that she has become," He said cryptically. "Besides why would you care?"

"I don't!" Spike just looked at her with a pretty good approximation of her own bull shit detecting look. "Ok! I do. Connor has become like a son to me, and Angel, well he's my best friend, he's like family."

"Oh, like a brother." Spike chimed in. Cordelia grimaced.

"No, not like a brother, oh I don't know!' Her tail swished distractedly behind her. "He's Angel!"

"Oh, and that just explains everything." Spike deadpanned. He smiled at her scowl, and laid a hand on her shoulder. He decided that he liked the changes in the girl. Maybe because of she didn't show the same guarded uneasiness that he was used to receiving. "It's ok, I understand...I think."

Cordelia turned and picked up a bright red container. "It's just that Angel is not the same person that he was when he left Sunnydale, and I have to wonder that if he and Buffy did get back together if it wouldn't be a step back for him..."

Spike watched with interest as she transferred the bubbling red liquid, into the bowl. "Buffy's not exactly the same girl she used to be either, luv. She's doing just fine on her own...That's not for you...is it?"

She smiled at his scrunched features and continued to pour the blood. "Nooo, so far my taste buds haven't changed...that much. This is for you and Angel."

Spike hopped up onto the counter. "So you cook for Angelus then? It doesn't gross you out? Do you clean for him too...and wear one of those little 'French Maid' numbers, so he can get his jollies?" He grinned wickedly.

Cordy just rolled her eyes. "NO, no, and no. What's heating up a pint of O neg. when you're up to your ass in demon goo on a daily basis?"

He watched as she began to put chips and salsa on the table. She felt his stare, and raised an eyebrow. "It's taco night." She said it like he should know what it meant. She shook her head, and with a sigh dipped a chip into the bowl and held it to his lips. He sniffed it curiously.

"Oh, come on!" She urged impatiently. "Don't be a wuss!" She cupped her hand under the chip, catching a few errant drips before they fell. He took a hesitant bite, then smiled in genuine surprise.

"Hey now! This is good." On impulse he grabbed her hand, and licked the tiny drops of blood, from her skin. His sapphire eyes met her hazel ones, and for a moment he felt something electric flow between them.

She hastily pulled her fingers from his grasp, smiling too brightly in an effort to hide her discomfort. "Wes Gunn and Fred should be back soon, and then we can eat."

This is new. He thought. "We, as in Angel, us and them?" She had turned her back on him again, rummaging through the cabinets, she bent over digging something out. Her tail snuggled itself into his lap. He didn't say anything.

"Well, yeah...don't tell me you are uncomfortable eating in front of humans, or some sort of crap like that?" Her muffled voice challenged.

"Her tail was beginning to flick agitatedly, back and forth over his crotch. She was completely oblivious, but he was beginning to find it difficult to think clearly. He could have told her to move it, but he was having too much fun. "I don't make a habit...ah, never really...um, thought about it..much." He croaked.


Jealous eyes watched Cordelia and Spike from the shadows...

Buffy had wanted a few minutes to herself, and frankly he had been more than happy to let her have them. He probed his jaw, gingerly. Buffy's initial shock had turned to anger, and to his amazement; She had knocked him across the room with one solid punch. Had she ever been that Strong? He had regained his feet ready for a fight, only to see her crumpled on his bed sobbing. Women.

He hadn't a clue what to say to her, so he sat beside her, and awkwardly patted her back. She automatically leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. He knew she needed to talk, but there was so much that had been left unsaid between them that the words were choked up at the source. And what could he say to her that would make it any better, really? She did not need a comforting lie. His arm slipped around her waist and squeezed. She was still so very dear to him, but she had ceased to be the center of his existence a long time ago.

They had sat in silence for a while, then she had excused herself, and fled to the bathroom.

Angel just hoped his jaw wouldn't bruise. Cordelia had become way too protective of him and Connor to allow something like that to slide...Spike! he just...oh no he DIDN'T! His own indignant eyes confirmed it. Spike had just licked the blood off of Cordelia's palm! Even worse was the blushing smile, and her sudden shy turn. Damn it Spike! She was bending over and, yes, he was. Spike was checking her out. Then he saw it...the tail. Spike was grinning like the village idiot, and not saying a damn thing...

A low growl escaped Angel's throat. It barely disturbed the air around him, but Spike heard it. His head snapped around but Angel melted even deeper into the shadows. Spike slid off of the counter, and pretended to be interested in the heavy, industrial kitchen equipment. He smirked and moved a little further away from Cordelia. Damn arrogant, observant, bastard.

Angel made a little noise and pretended to enter the kitchen. Cordelia turned, and with her famous (to him anyway) 1000 watt smile, threw the napkins at his head.

Life was good again.

Part 2

This was why she hadn't wanted to come here... Buffy thought as she angrily wiped at the tears reflected back at her in the mirror. She had expected seeing him again would be painful, after all he was living his life here without her, but this...it was beyond comprehension.

A baby? How could two vampires have a baby? Darla? What little she had seen of Darla had been enough. As immature as it sounded, the bitch had been a skanky ho...She almost wished he *had* said the baby was Cordelia's. What was the deal with her, anyway? She twisted the faucet and splashed cold water on her face. She had been the curious one. If she had stuck with her original plan, she and Spike would have been almost to Sunnydale by now.

But...but...A baby!!

How? When did Angel's life started to move forward when hers seemed stuck in neutral? Didn't she matter anymore? Had she been stubbornly holding on to a dream from her past, and if so what did that mean for her future? Her head began to throb. She tried to call up the face of the man she had loved for so long, but his warm brown eyes had been replaced with laughing blue ones. Her dreams of late had been filled with blonde hair and a thin hard body...but that was just because he was convenient! She and Spike hadn't "been together" in over three months, but she still remembered the taste of his lips, and the way his hands made her feel. None of that mattered, it couldn't matter...

She and Angel still had to have a connection. She would just have to work at rekindling the bond that lay dormant between them. She wasn't being selfish, and she certainly wasn't running from a certain blonde pain in her ass. Things had been *less* scary with him when they had been having sex.

Truth was, she had come to value having Spike in her life...after they stopped trying to screw each other into an early grave. She found that she appreciated his vulgar honesty, the way he looked out for her and Dawn, all the while insisting that he was evil and would eat them if he could. She found him funny, and discovered he could be quite charming when he wanted to. He was well read, almost as knowledgeable as Giles...He knew her, better than herself probably. He certainly knew her body. Spike had seen her at her absolute worse and not run away, and she wasn't about to let herself ruin the foundation of their friendship by giving in to these growing...feelings. She would just have to make her heart remember who she was *supposed* to be in love with.

She shrugged at her reflection. It was a plan...but it was a *bad* plan...Shut up brain.

She quietly made her way downstairs, following the sounds of laughter to the kitchen. She paused in the doorway, staring transfixed at what had to be the weirdest example of domestic bliss she had ever seen.

Cordelia was bustling around the kitchen, her tail swishing distractedly from side to side. Angel was getting the baby settled into it's highchair while Spike was lounging at the far end of the table. She noticed his wide blue eyes glued to Angel and the baby, a look of awe and disbelief etched into his face. A green demon waltzed out of the industrial freezer. Singing Sinatra? Buffy tensed, but the group only laughed harder as Cordelia flitted gracefully into his arms and danced a turn around the kitchen. Buffy couldn't help but notice how Angel's eyes tracked Cordelia's every move. Buffy wasn't quite sure what to think about that, or the way her stomach seemed to drop to her toes when he smiled, just a tiny little quirk, but it stayed there the whole time Cordy danced...

"TACOS!!!!" Buffy jumped as the shrill voice rang through the lobby. She pivoted, arms up, ready for a fight. Three people faced her, carrying a veritable mountain of food.

"Easy tiger, were just bringing the eats." The tall black man's voice was easygoing, but he had moved between her and the brunette.

Another man with tousled brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a kind but cautious expression stepped between her and the other two people. "Hello Buffy. It's been a long time." He spoke quietly, with a cultured British accent. She knew this, think, like Giles...not Giles...Giles Jr..."Wesley?"

This certainly couldn't be the same Wesley Wyndom-Price. THAT Wesley was a bumbling idiot. This one was...when did he become so handsome? She relaxed, hands dropping loosely to her sides. She tentatively approached her ex-watcher. His face was guarded, defensive, but there was a glimmer of something...he'd changed. God, they'd all changed so much. On impulse she reached out and startled him with a hug. "It's good to see you Wesley."

After a moment she felt him return the hug. He squeezed her tight for a second then released her with a pat on the shoulder. The warm smile on his face highlighted how different he had become. "Yes, well...I'm delighted to see you are well." He replied smoothly, but sincerely. "And might I introduce Charles Gunn."

"Yo." He offered his hand.

"And Winifred Burkle."

"Hi!" she chirped brightly. "Call me Fred, everyone does. Cordy called us and said there would be extra people. I don't know about you, but fighting evil always makes me extra hungry, so we bought *lots* of tacos." She tittered nervously. "You *do* like tacos, don't you?" She looked worriedly at the two men. "Maybe we should have asked Cordy what to get...?"

Buffy looked helplessly at the two men, but the one Gunn, she reminded herself. was staring adoringly at the babbling girl. Wes just shrugged, blue eye's sparkling with amusement.

"...It's like this theory I have about Quantum mass and..." Fred's voice faded as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Wesley leaned close. "Don't fret. You get used to it. Just smile and nod whenever she pauses for a breath."

"You actually understand her?" She asked as they ambled into the kitchen.

"Only about a third of the time." Wes ruefully admitted. "She's an extraordinarily intelligent girl. We're lucky to have her with us."

"Cool." Winifred...Fred was right. Fighting *did* make her hungry. Spike usually stayed long enough to cook and share a post slayage meal when they were home. She and Dawn (if she was awake) lounging against the kitchen island, while Spike cooked omelets, or steaks, or whatever...and then the three of them would pig out, while he regaled them with stories of wild rock and roll parties or Whatever era's debauchery. (PG-13 of course for Dawnie's sake.).

Buffy sat down by Angel who was at the head of the table. Spike scooted in on her right and Cordelia set her glass directly across from her on the other side of Angel. Fred and Gunn began to pull the food out of the bags, as Cordelia set out the pico de gallo, hot sauce, cheese, and other condiments. Lorne grabbed the baby and sat on the other side of Spike.

"Arrgh! Cordelia!!!" Wesley yelped, jumped and almost spilled his drink. "I know that tail of yours is a new thing, but I'm starting to have some serious issues..."

"Well I'm having some serious issues with having "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" being a vampire." Gunn's ebony eyes were all business and he had once again put himself between Fred and perceived danger.

Buffy tensed, Spike flinched, Angel stood, laying a restraining hand on Gunn's arm. "It's ok Gunn. That's Spike...my grandchilde. He doesn't hurt people anymore."

"What is it with you and your family?" Gunn huffed. "Are any of you normal?"

"I wish." Spike chuckled, blowing a kiss at the girl peaking from around Gunn's broad back.

Buffy kicked him under the table, smiling sweetly at Gunn. "Thanks to the U.S. Government he has...performance issues."

"Hey!" Spike exclaimed. "You've never complained about my *performance* before!" He pointedly retorted.

Buffy gave him a hard look, her leg swung out but he was prepared and she missed, banging her shin on the chair. He smirked. She turned to Gunn. "You have my word that Spike won't hurt you or your friends."

Gunn gave her a dubious once over. "What's your word mean to me?"

"It's the word of a slayer", Angel said quietly as he sat back down.

Fred squealed, startling everybody. "THIS is the B-word!?!? Oh, my goodness, I didn't make the connection!" She ran around Gunn and threw her arms around Buffy's neck, almost knocking the slayer from her chair. Spike could barely contain his amusement as she shot him a helpless look, and cautiously patted the thin woman's back. "Oh, gosh! Wes and Cordy have told me so much about you."

"Great." Buffy said without much enthusiasm. With no help coming from Spike she caught Cordelia's eye, but Cordy only smiled and gave her a wink.

"Fred, honey...personal bubble."

"Oh!" Fred pulled away, slightly embarrassed. "I forget sometimes, but Wes didn't tell us that you were *that* Buffy. We aren't allowed to talk about you in front of Angel, and well..."

Angel slowly swiveled to stare at his seer, but she had her back to him, pretending to be busy. The colored freckles on her tail were flickering through the spectrum, giving away her nervousness. So she'd been running interference for him on the Buffy front. He was almost afraid to know what kind of things she had told Fred and Gunn, especially after her and Wes' infamous *reenactment* of his and Buffy's relationship. He and Cordy would have to have a little talk. Any opportunity to turn the tables and put Cordelia on the spot were golden.

"...and she is always talking about all the wonderful things you did, and how you always save the world, and how you're as big of a hero as Angel is, though frankly I'm not sure how that's possible, cause he's the best champion ever...rode up on a horse and saved me from being decapitated by demons...and..."

Cordy said all that? Angel was proud, and a little surprised. He caught her turning, peeking around slyly, hoping his attention had been diverted elsewhere...not a chance, Chase. She caught him staring and blushed, but didn't turn away. He beamed...his wide smile telling her without words that he wasn't upset.

Buffy stared mouth agape at the babbling brunette. Cordy had actually said all those nice things about her? It was incomprehensible, did this girl *ever* shut up. She silently began to fix herself a taco. She was starving and might as well eat. She piled on the lettuce, cheese, and a generous amount of hot sauce out of the big red bowl. She looked over the still talking girl and smiled at Angel, who for some reason looked absolutely horrified...She brought the taco to her lips, opening her mouth to take a bite. Angel lunged, plucking the taco from her fingers.

"Taco!" She tracked his thieving hands with predatory eyes. "TACO?" Did he *want* to start a fight or what?

"Luv," Spike nudged her gently, she tore her eyes from the stolen taco and blinked at Spike. "The red bowl is for vampires."


Cordy chuckled as she sat down. "It's blood sauce."

She was about to say, 'huh' again when the reality of what Cordelia had said caught up with her. Her nose curled in disgust. Her stomach lurched at the thought of how close she'd come to eating it. "Ok, that rates a 10 plus on the eeww scale."

"Vampires have to eat too." Cordy countered, slightly defensive. Fred, nodded her assent as she sat down between Gunn and Wesley. "Besides" Cordy continued. "I made it, so it *has* to be fabulous."

"Delicious." Angel agreed through a mouth full of bloody taco. "Blood's about the *only* thing she can cook."

"About?" Wes sniggered.

Gunn choked.

"*Is*." Lorne mumbled. "Eggo waffles don't count."

"Uh-oh," Fred mouthed silently.

Angel paused. Judging from the now pulsing patterns on her violently twitching tail. Angel was about to get his ass cooked. The amused look in Lorne's red eye's confirmed it. "Did I mention how *good* this is?"

"Yeah, Slayer...you should be taking notes from this one on the proper care and maintenance of your Vampire." That only garnered him strange looks from the entire table.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Dumbasses." She gave Buffy a sympathetic look. "Just avoid anything in a red bowl and you'll be ok."

Buffy fixed herself another taco. She glared at the table in general before taking a big bite. No one snatched it...ah, food. "So do you cook for Angel a lot?" She'd wanted to know what was the what. She figured she might as well start.

Cordelia nodded, leaning forward resting on her elbows. "Sort of. I don't really *cook* stuff except when we have dinner nights like this. But really, what's throwing a bag of o-pos in the microwave? She winked at Angel and Buffy noticed his face light up at the small acknowledgment. "He's an easy vamp to please."

Buffy began to wonder if, despite his denial there wasn't something going on between them. She glanced at Spike and noticed he was watching Angel with narrowed eyes. She felt like she should be angry at the way Angel was obviously wrapped up with his seer, but she just didn't feel...anything. She noticed the way Spike pursed his lips when he frowned, the way his eyes crinkled a bit...then turned to rest on her. Caught! Oh, crap. She fought not to blush as his lips quirked into that Billy Idol sneer. His eyes twinkled with amusement and something...else. His lips parted and he touched his tongue to his teeth, in a vaguely erotic gesture. She licked her lips before she thought to stop herself, a tinge of warmth spreading across her abdomen. She ripped her eyes away.

Cordelia watched the whole exchange, a light bulb flickering dimly to life in her head. She remembered Spike's defensiveness, and the veiled innuendo of his comments. A vampire and a slayer...never in a million years would I have guessed that one. She thought dryly. There was no curse in the way this time. She didn't know if it was mutual, but Spike seemed to know Buffy the way she knew Angel and unless she was imagining things she was definitely seeing some sparkage. She wondered if Angel had noticed. He didn't seem to be upset in any way, and he and Buffy weren't acting like they had any desire to jump into each others arms...yet, anyway.

She smiled to herself. Maybe Spike had been right. With the baby and the demonyness, the last six months had been beyond trying. They had drawn closer than ever, drawing on each other for support. If Angel had really moved on, maybe there was a chance...a someday. Maybe he would look at her and see more than a friend. Of course it hadn't happened in the six years they had known each other, so why should she expect things to change now? She couldn't stand this...The mission, Connor, Angel...these things had become the most important things in her life. As Angel's seer she had purpose and fulfillment. She was loved and needed by her family. How come that couldn't be enough?

"So," Buffy continued, fixing herself another taco. "What's the tale on the tail?"

Cordy couldn't help herself. She loved to tell this story, or the version of it that she had told Angel. She had left out the part where the Powers had given her an out, because after seeing her family it had never really been an option anyway, at least not in her mind. Angel, she knew wouldn't quite see it that way..."Well it all started on my birthday..."


Angel felt full, ready to burst actually, and it wasn't all from the food. He was happy, guardedly happy...because times like these...bliss was a dangerous possibility. Things for the moment were peaceful. His family was getting along, Cordelia was by his side, his baby was full and happy, Spike was, thankfully behaving himself, and Buffy and Fred were having a full-on stinkeyed staredown over the last taco. His attention wandered back to Spike as the two women squared off.

He could clearly see the other vamp had changed. He was as ever, cuttingly sarcastic, but no more so than Cordelia. He had lost that brash edge that used to annoy Angel so much, but he hadn't gone soft, if anything there was a strength and experience in the way he held himself that spoke of the same sort of breakdown and rebuilding of self that Angel had been forced on occasion to make. The effect of the chip he supposed, or possibly Buffy's influence? He also noticed the way he was ever attentive to Buffy's needs. He had gotten up and refilled her tea twice, even bringing her two packets of Equal and an extra couple of lemons...Since when did Spike care to learn exactly how Buffy liked her tea?

"Angel?" Cordelia held out her glass. He rose quietly and fixed her drink, no lemon...one and a half packets of splenda...she hated the way the other stuff tasted...

Angel had the distinct impression that Spike was used to being in close orbit around the slayer. He had been the recipient of several smoldering glares from the younger vamp during the course of tonight's conversation. He noticed the ease with which Buffy treated Spike, the small touches, the secret smiles, the little kicks under the table, the way they stole long looks at one while the other wasn't looking. He searched deep within himself, trying to nail down any stray jealousy, or anger and found nothing but simple worry. He trusted Buffy's judgment to a point, but he'd spent many a year in Spike's company. Changes or no, Spike was still...Spike. Of course he was love's admitted bitch, and if anyone was crazy enough to set themselves up for the worlds biggest of falls, Spike was that demon...He wondered if they were even aware of how obvious they were being. His attention shifted automatically to Cordelia.

She was playing with her now cold food, a small dreamy smile on her lips. He felt the overwhelming urge to kiss each corner of her mouth and watch that smile widen. These sudden urges were getting more and more frequent, and harder to resist...Christ, he wanted to take her on the table, and he didn't give a shit whether they had an audience or not...again with the thoughts. This had to stop before he lost his mind. As he watched her face slowly fell, and her eyes glazed over. She looked sad. She pushed her food angrily around her plate, then abruptly stood and took the plate to the sink. Instead of sitting back down she quickly slipped out the side door. Angel ached to know what had her upset, he was about to follow when a hand on his forearm made him jump.

He jerked around only to find his face being examined by Buffy's clear blue/green eyes. "Are you ok?" She asked, her voice low. Fred was finishing off the last taco. Slayer strength had lost to five years of privation, go figure.

"Uh...sure, I don't know...maybe." He scowled, wanting to go.

Buffy nodded. "I know tonight has to feel a little awkward, you know, seeing Spike...seeing me."

Angel swallowed. Her hand was still on his arm. Wes was looking British, Lorne smug, Spike openly hostile. Buffy was fishing for...something. He just wanted to find out what was bothering Cordy.

"I wouldn't say awkward." At least not until now. His voice was high pitched and a little on the squeaky side. He cleared his throat using the gesture to move his arm from under her hand. "I was worried about how you would react to Connor, but it's nice that you finally know. This is nice...to be able to hang out...talk, as frie-"

"I would like to talk to you some more in private...later maybe?" Buffy interrupted. "I think we have a *lot* of catching up left to do."

Angel's stomach rolled. Talking in private with Buffy...this could be bad...or not. It was time for them both to put their past behind them. They had left things sort of hanging after she had been resurrected. Maybe this time they could approach the situation with a minimum of the pain and angst they usually caused the other. He was living angst-free at the moment and wanted it to stay that way. Buffy was beginning to look a little apprehensive, but when he smiled at her it was genuine and relaxed. "I'd love to Buffy. We *do* have a lot to talk about." He thought for a moment. "Let me go talk to Cordy and then I'm yours." He stood and brushed a finger across her cheek. "I'll be back in a little while. If you want you can help with the clean up."

She favored him with a lopsided grin. She had expected him to be awkward and sad, like earlier. Happy Angel both confused and pleased her. "I'm a bitchin' kitchen cleaner. That's why the Double Meat pay's me the big bucks." He stared blankly and she shrugged apologetically. "Okaaay, so we have more catching up to do that I thought." She waved him away, and he almost ran in his haste to get out the door.

Much to Buffy's annoyance Spike was immediately by her side. "What's the game pet?"

She sighed. Of course, Spike *would* go all jealous. "There is no game Spike. Angel doesn't play games, and really what business is it of yours?" Lorne let out a low whistle, much to Buffy's annoyance. One look in Spike's eyes however confirmed that her words had cut.

"Right." He croaked. "I'm the one that fight's by your side, day in and day out, but as soon as you get around the big poof all us bit players aren't so important anymore."

Buffy rolled her eyes. Go away guilt. "I don't know what you're talking about. Of course you matter." She hesitated. "I thought we were, friends..."

He simply stared, eyes stormy, pale face pensive, drawn almost brutally sharp.

"Spiiike, we *agreed* just friends...nothing more."

His tone was bitter. "I did." His jaw clenched as he tried to reign in the emotion. His words came out a little shaky, and the hurt was still lurking..."I distinctly remember the only reason I let you talk me in to agreeing with you is because *someone* used the nibblet as blackmail."

Evil vampire...with bad hair. She refused to be ashamed about that. She *had* used the threat of Dawn to put some distance between her and Spike. It had been the only threat that had actually worked. It surprised and scared her sometimes how completely Spike loved her little sister. She wondered if it was because on some cosmic level Dawn *was* her, and to love one you *had* to love the other. She didn't know, but the important thing was that he had given her a little much needed space. Dawn had kept her unique brother figure, and strangely enough stopping the train wreck that had been their relationship had allowed Spike to become a more permanent fixture in their lives.

They were just friends, like Angel and Cordelia...whom her gut instincts were telling her were falling for each other. She had an overwhelming urge to bang her head against something, then to bang Spike's head against something as well. Of course that was the real kicker...Spike's one stipulation to the terms of their little *agreement*.

She didn't know what it cost him to ask it...his pride certainly, but he had looked her strait in the eye when he said it. No more violence between them, though most of the hitting had been done by her. He had swore not long after her party, still wearing the ghosts of the bruises she had put there, and he'd made her swear the same. It had been hard at first learning to walk away...To talk instead of fight, or fuck, which for them had been indistinguishable. They still argued, a lot, but she had kept her promise.

Funny it had taken falling apart to make her realize they actually made a good team. It had taken Xander and Willow a while to come round, but eventually Spike had become a full fledged member of the Scoobies, or as he liked to put it...A bleedin' White-Hat, almost as much of a nancy-boy as his pillock of a grandsire.

She most certainly was not more than friends with Spike. Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god. Her brain was frozen, and her heart began to race in panic. Spike was giving her a peculiar look. But what about...


Angel found Cordelia in the front courtyard. A light fog had descended as the moon had rose, wrapping the small space in a fairytale atmosphere. His eyes adjusted quickly, and in his enhanced vision the garden shimmered in sylvan light. Each plant held it's own energy, a unique glow...and there in the middle of it all was Cordelia. The mist clung to her like a second skin, and the dark wrapped around her like a lover's embrace. She gave off her own light...a ray of sunshine held captive in the night.

She was sad.

Angel studied her face with an artist's eye, gaze flickering over her features, lingering on the details...The tired lines around her eyes, the way her lips were tugged uncharacteristically down, the fine crease between her brows, and the soft shine of her thick sleek hair as it fell over one side of her face. She tossed it back, catching sight of him in the shadows. She smiled but it didn't reach the rich golden hazel of her eyes.

"Hey." She leaned back onto her hands, head cocked, waiting.

"You disappeared." He nudged her and she gave him space to sit down beside her. "Is everything ok?"

"Sure." Her eyes darted out over the garden. A sure sign that she was lying.

"Cor..." He scooted, turning to face her slightly, running a finger down her arm. He felt the shiver, wanted to wrap her up in his larger frame and just hold her. "What's wrong?"

She frowned, opened her mouth, then shook her head. The lines in her face deepened. "Nothing, really...just having Buffy here...it brings up memories, you know?"

Angel remembered Buffy's harsh words from earlier. "She hasn't said anything to you...has she?"

Cordy's head snapped around. "What? No, but she doesn't have to...besides this has got to be hardest on you...having her so close. Are *you* ok?"

"Me?" Angel's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He hadn't really given much thought to what Cordy's take on Buffy being here might be. She's been so busy playing support-o girl. Did she think he still pined after the slayer? It was one of the few subjects that they never really discussed...was *that* what had her so upset now?

Cordelia watched the flicker of emotions as they played over Angel's face. Her night vision was excellent, post demonization, and in the murky light Angel practically glowed. He went from surprised, confused, troubled to...amused? He was grinning at her, looking oddly smug.

"Nooo," he drawled. "I'm perfectly fine. I would like to ask a favor though."

Okaaay, color her intrigued, but if he asked her to get a sex potion, well let's just say she always kept a dustbuster handy... He was looking unaccountably shy all of a sudden, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, his right eyebrow arching a little.

"Would you...could you...ah..." He scratched his ear, a nervous habit. Cordy wondered why he was acting so nervous. "I really would appreciate it if you could..."

Ok, getting seriously annoyed now. "Geeze, Angel. Spill already!"

"Take Angel home with you tonight."

The words hung in the air for a moment. Cordelia was trying not to laugh, failing miserably to control her smile. "Since when did you start speaking in the third person..."

Talk about a Freudian slip. "No!" Angel just knew he had to be turning a deep shade of crimson. He took a shaky breath, focused intently on his shoes and tried again. "I *meant* could you take Connor home with you tonight."

Cordelia's good humor evaporated. Of course he'd want Connor out of the way. "Sure," her words were brittle. "While I'm at it, I'll take Spike too...that way you can have the hotel all...to.." She stopped, noticing the appalled look on Angel's face.

Ok, now why was she angry? Angel couldn't believe the complete turn around in Cordy's mood. It was bad enough he'd just embarrassed himself, but now she was getting angry over a simple request. Maybe she knew, maybe she figured his hidden motive...Ok, *he* hadn't even figured out his hidden motives, but he was sure they were there. Maybe he was just screwing it up, trying to be subtle, or maybe the woman he loved was about the densest person on the face of the planet...Had he just thought...no, no, no, and NO!

"No!" That's not what I meant. I don't want Connor here *with* Spike!" He gave her a moment to let his words sink in. "I trust Spike to a point, but he doesn't have a soul. He could still find way's to hurt my son if he really wanted to, and I just don't think I could relax knowing he was so vulnerable."

Cordy immediately softened. She grabbed Angel's hand and gave it a squeeze. He trapped her fingers, holding her hand, thumb stroking along it's length.

"Please Cor, for me?"

Cordelia was aware of one thing. The pad of Angel's thumb tracing a languid line up and down the side of her hand. At that moment he could have asked her to go to the moon and she'd have said 'Sure, no problem.' His shadowed eyes were almost black in the mercurial light, and he was staring intently at her face. Her eyes dropped to his lips, then his neck as she saw his Adam's apple bob. She blinked rapidly shaking herself from his spell...

"Sure, but Angel, what makes you think he'd be any safer with me?"

He let go of her and looked away for a moment. "Well, there's Dennis." His hand rose and gently cupped her shoulder. "You have your new demony powers." His fingers tightened reflexively, squeezing her muscles almost painfully. "And..I. I thought after I was done talking to Buffy I could come over. You know, to check up on you."

He ducked his head and then looked up at her through his lashes. If she didn't know better, she could have sworn he was trying to look seductive. He wouldn't. Not with the B-word *here*...yet, he didn't sound eager to spend the entire evening with her. Of course, he only said to check up on them, not to stay... There was only one way to find out. "That would be nice."

Angel's hand never left her shoulder, instead he drew her into a one armed hug. He kissed the top of her head. "Thanks Cor." She smiled into his shirt expecting him to let her go, but he didn't. As the moment spun out into something more, she suddenly felt the need to take a ragged breath, and only then realized that she'd been holding it. She took a deep draught of the cool night air savoring the smell of the garden florals mixed with Angel's more manly smell. She rubbed her cheek across the crook of his shoulder, enjoying the feel of crisp cotton sliding over hard muscles.

By slow, hesitant degrees, they relaxed into each other, each afraid to say or do something more for fear of loosing the small intimacy they shared. Cordelia didn't even notice as her tail moulded itself along Angels body and wrapped possesively around his calf...His only reaction to the gesture was a small contented sigh.

A slamming door separated them, and in a moment two blonde heads bobbed into view.

Part 3

The first thing Spike noticed when they rounded the corner was Angel sitting...no, sprawling to be exact. Angelus sprawled. The souled poofter however was renowned for his tense pensive posturing. Apparently not anymore. Angel sat, legs spread comfortably in front of him, torso leaned back, propped on his hands. One of which was suspiciously close to the foxy demon sitting next to him. He looked comfortable, relaxed even, and oddly enough...guilty.

"Sorry mate's, didn't mean to interrupt your hallmark moment..." Spike jibed.

Cordelia looked overly interested in the concrete under her feet as she sullenly refused to look at them. Spike eyed the slayer. By the tense set of her shoulders, and the bone cracking clench of her jaw, he could tell that despite the pleasant tone of earlier there was still plenty of animosity left between the two women. Spike was fine with it to a point. A bitchfest between the two would be thoroughly entertaining, but he thought he might gag if a fight ended up breaking out over Angel. What was it about bad hair and dark soulful eyes? He just didn't see it...well, ok maybe he did, but it had been a long, long time since he had indulged in that particular attraction.

Buffy wasn't oblivious to the fact that she and Spike had interrupted *something*. Cordelia didn't look very happy and Angel was radiating guilt and annoyance in equal measures. Had Cordy pissed him off somehow? She had been nothing but nice since they had arrived, but still...it was Cordelia. If anyone could annoy the stoic vampire it had to be her. "The kitchen was clean, and I thought that maybe we could, you know." She rocked back and forth, toe digging into the concrete, her liquid blue eyes focused exclusively on Angel.

With a sigh, Cordelia stood, her tail loosening it's claim on Angel's leg. She ran her hand nervously down the front of her jeans and plastered a huge smile on her face. "Allrighty then. I'll just get some things together...Hey Peroxide, wanna come say goodnight to Fang Jr.?"

Angel glared, not liking the turn of events. He wanted Cordy and the baby *away* from Spike. Hadn't she been listening?

"Uh," Spike threw his hands up shaking his head, and backpedaled out of reach. "Unless he's for desert then I'd have to say pass."

Cordy's tail flicked in anticipation, swiping Angel squarely in the nose. He batted it away, but she was already prowling after the retreating vampire. Spike didn't have much space to maneuver and before he could protest, Cordy hooked her arm around his and drug the sputtering vamp towards the lobby. "Don't tell me your intimidated by a little baby! He won't bite, you know, 'cause hey, no teeth...!"

As soon as they rounded the corner, Spike jerked her to a stop. "Are you daft? Earlier you were waxing poetic over the fact that those two shouldn't be together and now...?"

"Oh, don't be a ninny!" Cordelia huffed. "Angel wants me to take Connor to my apartment." Off Spike's blank look, "...Which means, He's probably *not* planning an all night groin session with the slayer."

Spike felt relieved, which he expressed by teasing the dark beauty beside him. He pursed his lips and gave her a lascivious once over. "Sooo, you're going to lure Peaches to your place and shag some sense into him then? Not a bad plan luv...you want me to help choose the right lingerie? You could model it for me...test drive some moves." He wiggled his eyebrows, laughing at her flustered, blushing face. "Of course doing it in front of the baby is a little kinky...even for my tastes...ow, HEY!"

"Has anybody ever told you that you talk too much?"

"Every bloody day of my life pet, every day. 'Course nobody's been able to shut me up yet." He chuckled, a glint of wicked good humor in his eyes.

"God you're a pig." She grinned mischievously. "But I wouldn't change a thing...just keep it clean around the kiddo, ok?"

He bowed sweeping his arm dramatically forward as she started up the stairs. "You have my word..." He caught up with her, slipping his arm around her waist. "For whatever it's worth."

She laughed, a pure rich sound that tugged at that little piece of humanity that, for some reason, still resided in him. "I'm thinking...not much..."


Buffy watched as Cordelia, once again, maneuvered Spike into accompanying her. She harumphed, turning to Angel. " I see Queen C hasn't lost her touch."

Angel hadn't quit scowling, his gaze worrying over the easy camaraderie between Cordelia and Spike. He just couldn't understand how they had hit it off so quickly. It had taken him months to work up the courage to touch her with such casual ease. Months of working his way through her personal bubble zone to pat her shoulder, or give her knee a little squeeze. He'd *never* slipped his arm around her waist like that. She would have moved away or slapped *his* arm. Hello...Buffy's talking. Don't make yourself look like a complete idiot. What about Queen C?


Buffy cocked her head, looking coy. "Oh, I just remember how a certain girl used to find every excuse in the book to drag you off by yourself..."

"Who...Cordy?" He remembered a few times when she had been a little on the clingy side, but "She never did anything like that."

Buffy laughed, clasping her hands in front of her and fluttering her eyelashes. In a dramatic voice, she mocked. "Oh, it was *awful*...Angel rescued me from a *hand*! Oh, I'm so fragile, take me home!"

Angel laughed despite himself. "Ok, you win. She could be a little manipulative." He shrugged. "She's not like that anymore, she just knew we needed some privacy."

Buffy sighed. "See, that's what I don't get. I can deal with a bitchy, shallow Cordelia. This newer, nicer, not quite human model, not so much...It just throws me." She approached Angel slowly, laying a hand over his heart. "You throw me."

Angel stepped back, breaking the contact. He wasn't so sure he liked the determined set of the slayers features as she stepped forward, crowding into his space. "Actually, I ah...thought we should talk about that." He took another step back, but caught her eyes with his. "Things have changed so much, in so many ways I never expected..." He said, softly stroking Buffy's cheek. "You've been through so much, and I...wasn't there for you."

She leaned into his touch. "It's ok Angel. Don't feel guilty...we're both still standing. We're both *here* now."

Angel dropped his hand. "That's the thing...I don't" A thin line appeared over the bridge of her nose. He could almost see the cogs turning in her head, trying to figure him out.

"Don't what?" She asked, finally.

"I don't feel guilty." He swallowed hard, shaking his head. "I can't...You've grown into such an extraordinary woman, and I've grown..." And it was true, he thought. She was beautiful, strong, courageous and fierce. Though her brain might not have caught up with the fact her body told him that she had finally, truly accepted her calling. He could see it in the predatory spark in her eyes, and the coiled ease with which she held herself. She was a hunter, operating on battle tested instincts and a quick, if not overly intelligent mind. He still felt a kinship, a bond so deep and true that he'd never be able to put a name to it. Something ached deep in his chest as he struggled to find the words that would set them free. He thought of Cordelia and the constriction eased. He wasn't *loosing* anything. He was simply embracing what his heart had known for a while now.

"Us being apart...has made us stronger, better...than we ever could have been together."

The lines in Buffy's face deepened into a frown. She was hearing the words, but they just weren't connecting. Was he trying to say that their forced separation had been a good thing? The last three years had been like a refiners fire to her life. She had been left worn down, bereft, broken, dead. Then she had been brought back, given a second chance...One that had taken her a long time to appreciate. Then there was Spike...

He was neither a Saint nor a Savior. He was self serving, unabashedly sexual and still struggling with his own evil nature. One thing he had been...unfailingly honest. She sometimes had hated him for his brutal brand of truth telling. It more often than not left her raw and abraded, but she needed it, had come to depend on it...She wasn't sure why she was thinking of him when she should be concentrating on Angel. His face resolved in her minds eye, smirking at the irony of his words. "Because luv, if I were there...I'd be telling you what you're about to do is bloody stupid." But she had to know...didn't she?

Buffy lunged, catching Angel off guard. Her lips caught his and her strong slim hands held his face to hers as she pressed the advantage of surprise and stormed past his defenses, invading the cool cavern of his mouth with her tongue.

Neither heard the small hurt gasp from the stairs behind them. Spike wanted to rip both their throats out for the hurt he saw in Cordelia's eyes when she turned and hurried back inside. She had been nothing but kind to him, treating him with a respect he understood he shouldn't deserve, which had to explain his sudden protectiveness, and the anger that suddenly lit his veins. He looked back just in time to see Angel push Buffy away, a horrified grimace on his face. It didn't do anything to diminish his anger though. Buffy had unknowingly royally screwed her ex. Also, whatever hopes he had built up in the last few months faded, as he realized the slayer would never let herself love him the way that he loved her. Disgusted with Buffy, and even more disgusted with himself he turned on his heel and followed Cordelia back into the lobby.

The movement caught Angel's eye, he turned, catching the tail end of a flapping duster. His heart sank to his toes. He had *not* wanted that...not that Buffy kissage was a bad thing...but getting jumped like that really pissed him off. Spike had seen, and...oh god...He gulped. He'd probably tell Cordelia and not telling *what* conclusions she'd jump to. He'd felt so close...Buffy was giving him that pouty doe-eyed expression, and...he didn't have *time* for this shit, because the front door just slammed. It had to have been Cordelia because that's just how his luck ran...shitty.

A shrill scream pierced the air, and he quit thinking and just ran, Buffy hot on his heels. Spike was valiantly trying to hold her, but Cordy had gotten a lot stronger....

"She started to float!?!?" Spike sounded close to panicked. "What the hell Peaches?"

"Vision...just let her go." Angel commanded.

Spike let go and jumped back, Buffy looked at him quizzically. "I thought she said those don't hurt her anymore?"

Angel's face remained grim. "They don't, but sometimes...she gets lost." There was a soft pain in his tone that neither Buffy nor Spike recognized. They watched in amazement as Angel slipped behind her, grasped her flailing limbs and pulled her close. His head dipped and they could see his mouth moving against her ear, as his strong hands smoothed her arms down and then held them gently to her sides.

After a few moments, the dull glazed look in her eyes disappeared. She sucked in a deep breath, eyes darting around the room until she realized the object of her search was holding her. She jerked free of his grasp. Buffy and Spike both noticed Angel wince and the hurt in his eyes. Spike was imagining and end to his and Buffy's 'no violence' truce, while somewhere inside her mind Buffy began to beat her head against an imaginary wall. Stupid,stupid, stupid, stupid...stupid...

Cordelia had wanted nothing more than to leave, just get the hell out of Dodge...all those hopes...The looks, the touches, the times he had let her fall asleep in his bed. She had begun to believe that she was actually doing more than just playing stand in. She had fooled herself into thinking that Angel was getting over the slayer, moving on...maybe not on to *her* particularly...but the way he had acted this evening, so caring of her, so unaffected about Buffy...of course she had been right earlier in the kitchen, and they had fallen right into the gravitational pull of their groins.

The Bastard! She'd had the baby bag in the car, but she just *had* to say goodbye! She had been fully prepared to run, to take the baby and just flee to her apartment...She'd grabbed a chair instead...

Okaay. She looked around. She was standing in the middle of a restaurant...ok, something was defiantly not right...unless teleportation could be added to her growing list of demony attributes. She heard a low rumble, and turned around. Scaley things, a whole *pack* of big blue scaley things...make that stinky scaley things, and gross...add a side of lethal, as they began to methodically rip open and devour the people in the dining room. A particularly *big* nasty was blocking the door, and any hope for escape. She tried to hit it, but her hands went right through him. She tried to grab the chair again and realized either she, or the scene in front of her was insubstantial...She tried to dodge the flying blood and guts anyway.

After a few moments of watching the mayhem unfold, she noticed a voice. It was soft, strong, soothing, and it was calling her back. She followed the sound, not listening to the words, simply the power of that voice, then...Hands, cool and unyielding, but oh so gentle...Angel...Reality snapped back into focus.

She was mad at Angel...Why?...Oh yeah, rat-fink! She jerked away. Everyone was staring at her and she could hear the sharp unnecessary gasp for air from behind her as she walked away. What did he have to act hurt about? It was *her* heart he'd just unknowingly ripped out and nailed to the floor.

"Demons! Big, blue, scaley, stinky, ripping people open and...eewww, eating them." Buffy was staring at her like she'd just sprouted horns. She reached up and felt her forehead. Whew! "WHAT?" She snapped.

Buffy looked less than intimidated. "Did you happen to get, like I don't know...WHERE?!?"

With a sigh, Cordelia told them, then headed towards the office where she was sure Wes would have half a dozen rapid fire questions at the ready.

Angel watched her go, body ridged, hands shoved into his pockets, face closed. His gaze never wavered from Cordelia, at least until Buffy started snapping her fingers in his face.

"HELLO! Big bad...eating tasty folks. Let's go."

It was clear that Angel was getting highly annoyed with the slayer, but Spike, on principle, had to agree. "Angel," he began, as he came up behind Buffy.

Angel tore his hooded eyes from the office door to them. "We don't go until Wesley gives the go ahead."

"Wesley?" Buffy exclaimed incredulously, causing Gunn to turn from the weapons cabinet and glare.

"Wes is the boss." Angel said. "We go when he says." His expression softened a little. "Things are a little different from the last time you were here...What?"

"I was just wondering how badly you had to have screwed up for them to have made Wesley the boss." Gunn opened the cabinet and pulled out his favorite weapon, looking like he wanted to bash her over the head with it. Buffy ambled over and began to browse through the weapons, unaware of the two angry pair of eyes boring into her back.

Spike shook his head and mumbled a few obscenities. His eyes flicked to his Grandsire. "I'm going for a smoke, call me when the wanker says it's time." He swept through the lobby and out the front door.

Angel stood in a shell-shocked daze. Hadn't he been as close to blissful as he could allow just an hour ago? He wanted nothing more than to sweep Cordy up to his room and pound into her until there was no doubt that she was his and that he wanted no other...Damn Buffy...She just couldn't let things go. Now she had swooped in and fucked up his life again...Maybe that wasn't exactly fair, but he wouldn't be able to fix the situation until after the vision was taken care of. One thing he knew, there was no way in hell that he was going to let Cordelia pull away...

He didn't care if his timing sucked. Before tonight he'd been safe on his comfy boat on the river of denial...Ok, maybe it had been more like a cramped, leaky, dingy, but dammit! At least he'd been holding it together! Now he couldn't wait one more minute, hour, day...because it would mean one more day without Cordy knowing what had been growing in his heart...the very idea made his chest ache with yearning.

First he had to know what Spike had told her...

Angel found Spike leaning against a lamppost, watching the traffic as it whizzed by the hotel. The younger vampire held himself with an air of melancholy that was completely foreign to the fun loving troublemaker that Angel remembered. It didn't matter, if he had screwed up his chances with Cordy, he would soon find himself dust.

Angel let him take a long drag on his cigarette before seemingly materializing directly behind him and snagging the half smoked cigarette for himself. Spikes body tensed, but he didn't move as Angel pressed his larger frame against Spike's back and blew a stream of musty smoke into his ear.

Spike simply turned his head, his cheek brushing lightly against Angel's collarbone. It was an old game between them. It had started out as a way to intimidate, and continued just for fun...Angelus had always been an excellent stalker. He had taken to rushing up behind the younger vampire, almost always eliciting a yelp or a panicked jump. Enormously pleased with himself, Angelus would then drag Spike away to some dark alley, usually to hunt, but sometimes...to hole up in some dark corner and do things...deliciously nasty things.

Their women either never knew, or just didn't care. He wondered if Angel was thinking about old times. He may have a leash on his demon, but surely that didn't stop him from wanting...

"What's up 'Gelus?" He nicked the cigarette back and took a drag. He felt Angel's hard body press more firmly against him, as if looming over him made him more intimidating...He suppressed a chuckle, maybe it was his age, or experience, but right now he found Fred scarier. "You know Angel, unless you're wanting a quick shag, you can drop the 'big bad' act."

"What did you say to her?" Angel growled.

Spike laughed as he blew smoke into Angel's face. "That's the beauty of it mate, I didn't have to say a thing...She caught the first act herself."

"She saw us?"

"Ding, ding! Give the poof the prize! Of course, she missed the part where you looked like you'd just kissed a 100lb mackerel." Spike sensed Angel's lunge...months of fighting alongside, and with the slayer had honed his skills beyond a point even he had thought was possible.

He ducked, staying low as he turned , pushing up and using his body's momentum as he knocked the bigger man back with a solid blow across the jaw. Angel slammed into the brick wall behind him, dropping to the ground. He smirked, relishing the thought of getting the drop on his grandsire.

"Not so fast Angel. I know kissing Buffy's not so bad, been there, done that...got the bruises to prove it...I *also* know that is wasn't you that put the hurt in that sweet chit of your's eyes, but I damn well know you'd better fix it...or I will." He kicked the prone vampire in the ribs. "And *my* way involves copious amounts of alcohol and drunk sweaty sex. Get the picture?" Satisfied, he flicked the stub of his cigarette in Angel's face and turned away, but Angel's softly spoken words stopped him.

"So how long have you been in love with the slayer?"

"Sod off, nancy-boy!"

"She'll never love you..." Yes, it was official, Angel could be a complete bastard...

Spike whirled, his duster flying out behind him as he stalked towards Angel, who made no attempt to get up. They glared angrily at each other for a long moment. Spike cocked his head, and pursed his lips, finally taking a long slow, tension easing breath. He tapped his lips with a long pale finger. "See now, *there* is where you are wrong mate." His sharp features twisted in anger and raw hurt. "But don't you worry your perfectly coifed head about it." He chuckled and shook his head as he began to pace. "If tonight has made anything clear, it's that *I* never had a chance." He pointed an accusing finger at Angel. "Oh, she loves me...she'll just never allow herself to act on it...that ship apparently, has already set sail." With that he turned on his heel and headed back into the hotel.

Angel lay there for a moment contemplating Spikes words. He picked the still smoking stub of his cigarette and finished it off. He was surprised and oddly pleased at how easily Spike had taken him down, of course he hadn't really been looking for a fight...his ribs hurt. His heart hurt more. There was no way in hell that he was starting to feel sorry for Spike. Nuh, uh...no way!

He stood and dusted himself off, heading towards the doors. Just then the entire gang headed out. Cordelia tossed him his broadsword, putting a deadly bit of spin on it. Only his vampire reflexes saved his head. She brushed past him and headed towards his car, until she saw Buffy slip in on the passenger side. She stopped.

Angel watched, noticing the slight slump in her shoulders and the momentary look of defeat before she pulled her glacial exterior together. One thing gave him hope, in that he *knew* Cordelia. She was covering a boatload of hurt, which meant Spike was right...Which could *only* mean that she must have some sort of feeling too!

He growled. There wasn't a whole lot that he could do about it now, but he sure as hell wasn't going to leave her to Spike. Dammit! Buffy came with Spike, why the hell couldn't she stick with her own? Angel quickly closed the distance between him and his seer.

"Where the hell are you going?" He managed through clenched teeth.

She turned on him in an obvious huff. "To another car, yours is *obviously* full." Both pair of eyes cut to the lone occupant swallowed up by the big, comfy, leather seat.

"Oh, no you don't!" He grabbed her elbow. "You...You'll, uh...It's bad luck...Think about the mission!"

"What!?!?" She looked at him incredulously, while his brain raced.

"That's right...it's tradition...You *always* ride in front...with me." Angel faltered. Cordy was looking far from convinced. "Look it up when we get back! I'm sure there's a handbook...or something." He glared into her stubborn eyes. "I'm not going to let you jinx us Cor."

"You're making that up!" She hissed as she tried to jerk out of his grip.

"Am not!"

"Angel! That's lame, you *so* are!"

It was. Angel frankly, didn't give a tinker's damn as he shoved the struggling demoness into the middle of the seat next to a very surprised slayer. Angel slid in immediately after, anticipating Cordy's wriggling attempts at escape.

"Ow! The tail!"

Angel lifted his ass and Cordelia's tail whipped out from under him, catching in Buffy's mouth.

"Hey!" She spit the tail out. "Yuck!"

"It's clean." Cordy huffed.

'It's a *TAIL*!" Buffy barked, looking thoroughly disgusted.

Cordy tried to launch herself into the backseat, but Angel's hand clamped down like a steel band across her thigh.

"SIT STILL!" He ordered. Cordy quit wriggling. Angel smirked in triumph, but it faded a bit when she shot him the finger. Fred and Gunn jumped into the backseat. He scowled at the unexpected addition. "Fred? Where the hell do you think you're going?"

She gulped, intimidated by his ferocious tone. "With y'all?" Before he could tell her to get out she continued. "I was going to stay, really. I was singing Conner a lullaby when Lorne shoved an ax into my hands and said you guy's were gonna need me." Angel scrutinized her face in the rearview mirror. Her expression was timid, but determined. Sensing his eyes on her she raised her chin..."Lorne said y'all needed me, so unless you're planning to drag me out of here yerself, I suggest you get going."

"Fine" He groused, as he gunned the engine, slammed the car into drive, and resumed his hold on Cordy before she had a chance to move.

Buffy watched the entire exchange with a frown, the lines on her face deepening when she realized just how far up Cordy's thigh Angel's hand was resting...

Part 4

The ride to the restaurant was, in a word...hellacious. Angel drove with little regard for the laws of God and man. Buffy's knuckles were white, and her fingers numb from bracing herself with the armrest. Both Fred and Gunn looked a little green as Angel took corners at breakneck speed, and ran more than a few red lights. Wes and Spike were hard pressed to keep up.

Cordelia finally gave up trying to pry herself loose from Angel's clutches. He was holding her so tight, she was sure she'd bruise and his hand was so far up her leg, she was also pretty sure he could feel the heat his touch was generating. Stupid, perverted, old, undead bastard!

After his third self satisfied smirk at her failure to remove herself from his death grip, she'd simply crossed her arms and sat in stony silence. She'd let *him* be the immature one...she was actually quite proud of her self restraint. She'd only smacked him in the head with her tail twice...which Angel had ignored, he'd also tuned out her death glare, and her exasperated sighs. Nothing in her considerable arsenal had worked. Why in the hell was he acting this way?

She was pretty sure there was no way to have misunderstood that kiss, but yet again...Angel seemed completely unconcerned about Buffy. She was sure steam began to shoot out her ears at the very thought of the slayer. Buffy had a perfectly delicious blonde vampire already at her beck and call, why did she have to be all greedy? Why did she keep looking at her like that...the whole situation sucked...Angel was being a complete ass...so why was the slayer smiling?

Angel's fingers began to move, tapping against her inner thigh, flexing and releasing, stroking in little circles. Cordy stared at him with narrowed, lethal eyes, the mother of all death glares, but Angel's attention remained focused on the road. She wasn't even sure he was aware of what he was doing, both betraying his nervousness and his instinctual need to sooth her. She found the gesture oddly comforting, but it wasn't enough to counterbalance the hurt and betrayal that she had felt after witnessing his and Buffy's face suckage...

Angel's perceptive fingers sensed Cordelia calm down by slow degrees. The sensation of all eyes in the car boring in to different parts of his head was a tangible one...he didn't care. These demons were toast, then the rest of the gang could hitch a ride back with Spike, Buffy included. He didn't want to be rude...his anger at the slayer had quickly faded to annoyance at the situation she had inadvertently thrust him into, but he and Cor were going to have it out tonight...Whether *she* wanted to or not.

Buffy took the time the drive afforded to work a few issues out in her head. First one being that she was...an idiot. The second was that Angel wasn't the only one who had moved past their big, apparently not-so-forever love. She had been really slow on the uptake when it came to what her heart already knew...hence her first epiphany. The most surprising thing of all...she was ok, better than ok in fact...Being *not* in love with Angel made her happy...not giddy, Julie Andrews, spinning on a mountaintop happy...but the feeling was definitely of the good.

Now she just had to figure out what that meant, and how Spike fit in the picture, if at all. She glanced over to the smoldering woman beside her and the grim but determined vampire at the wheel. Buffy almost felt sorry for Angel. Despite his protests, she could clearly see there was enough of the old 'Queen C' left in this new and improved version of Cordelia Chase to keep his hands full for a long time to come.

Cordy's shoulder bumped hers as she tried to scoot further away from Angel...She stifled a giggle. No, there was no need for anger or bitchiness on her part...A relationship with Cordelia would be far and away better than any revenge she could have imagined. If by some miracle Cordelia actually made Angel happy? Well...

She could live with that.


They arrived at the restaurant with little time to spare. They paired up, Buffy and Spike taking the front, while a now businesslike Cordelia and Angel took the back...Gunn Fred and Wes hung back, waiting for the action to begin, curious to see how Spike and Buffy handled themselves.

Two sets of doors broke inwards at the same moment as Angel and Buffy kicked their way inside. Four angry chalk white pairs of eyes fixed themselves on the intruding warriors, a low rumbling growl from behind Buffy signaling the presence of the fifth demon. The employee's and patrons were huddled in a fearful mass in a far corner, at least none had been ripped apart so far.

The restaurant was gaudily decorated in a nautical theme. Heavy nets covered the walls, with neon colored shells and badly stuffed fish "artistically" caught in the nets. Long, heavy, wooden plank, picnic tables filled the dining room, a bar ran along the right side. Looking around the shabby interior, Angel was glad, for once, that he didn't eat people food.

Four champions squared off, weapons drawn, signaling their intentions. As one, the demons let out a mighty roar, and the battle began. Spike and Buffy took the two on the left, while Angel and Cordy took the two on the right. Wes and Gunn distracted the one covering the exit. Fred, clutching Wes' demon reference book in one hand and her ax in the other, ushered the panicked civilians out the now unguarded exit...

Buffy and Spike fought with practiced style. The larger, and asummingly male, demon had thrust the smaller, vaguely female demon behind him in a protective manner. Spike ducked under a long clawed, blue scaled hand while Buffy landed a spin-kick to the ribs. Spike dropped low and kicked out, connecting with the side of it's knee. He felt a satisfying crunch and the thing bellowed in pain, swinging wildly and catching Buffy with a solid slap to the face.

She moved with the hit, lessening the impact and flipping into a one-handed somersault kick. Spike used the distraction to shove his sword through the thick skinned demons torso. It's scream cut short when Buffy regained her footing and rammed her stake through it's throat. The female loosed an enraged shriek as the big blue demon began to glow then disappeared in a flash of light. Buffy and Spike looked at each other, shrugged and simply moved on to the second one.

Angel and Cordelia were not having as easy of a time. Their two demons had split up. Angel had taken the larger one, and Cordy the one that looked to be female. Of the five demons, the male Angel fought was the largest, and though Angel fought with ferocious intensity, he couldn't make the kill. Sword against claw, blow for blow they thrust,parried, spun and kicked their way around the room. Neither demon was able to get the advantage.

Cordelia, on the other hand was at a distinct disadvantage...and that spelled trouble. Since becoming part demon she had become stronger and quicker. She could move with a boneless grace that had nothing to do with having been a cheerleader, and surprised even her sometimes. However, as much as she had changed with the painless visions, the floating and glowing...she was still only a little stronger than an athletic male. Her strength and speed were nowhere hear a vampire's, or a slayer, and especially not a full-blooded demon's.

Cordy was becoming absurdly grateful for all Angel's lessons on staving, because that was about the only thing keeping her alive at the moment. She hoped Angel had realized she had only been kidding when she had made all those grand statements about taking care of herself...he was welcome to come to her rescue anytime...*now* would be a really good example...

The demon lunged, trying to get inside her defenses but Cordy parried. Angry, the blue demon resorted to brute strength, raining solid blows across her line, hitting her sword with enough force to drive Cordy to her knees. The demon swiped her claws down, scraping nails against metal. Cordy's arms shook with the effort of keeping her sword between those claws and her tender unscarred skin.

The female pounced. Cordy screamed, but there was no one near enough to help. She darted back, twisting and crawling out of the way only to find her escape blocked by the restaurants bar. With a quick prayer to the powers she turned her back to the solid wood, sword in hand, ready to face her fate...

The she-demon stood frozen, eyes wide in terror. It's lethal hands raised in the universal symbol of surrender. Cordy didn't want to seem ungrateful, but color her confused...the demon was slowly backing away. Cordelia used her legs to push herself up the side of the bar into a standing position. She could see three separate fights raging behind her. With a slight twinge she wondered where Fred had disappeared to...her heart was hammering hard in her chest just from the horrified look in the demon's milky eyes. Something was scaring the bee-jesus out of the she-bitch, and it sure as hell wasn't her.

Slowly, she turned. Her eyes widened when she say the source of the demon's fear...Cordelia laughed.

The female demon started to chatter wildly as she backed across the room. The other three demons turned. Buffy and the human members of the AI gang used the momentary distraction to their advantage. Two more flashes of light signaled the demise of two of the three demons. Angel hadn't been so lucky. His demon had landed an underhanded punch that had sent him flying halfway across the room.

As the other two demons died the last male roared in pain and anger. He then began chattering to the female in his strange language. With the fight momentarily stalled, Angel took the time to see if his team was all right. One of these day's he knew that he would turn from a battle, only to find one or more of his team injured, or worse...He absolutely hated leaving Cordelia to fight on her own, but he had to trust that she could take care of herself and that the rest of the gang would back each other up.

Over time Angel had come to realize that if he worried about protecting his people all the time, he'd never get anything done...It just went against every instinct he possessed...which explained how relived he felt when he heard her laugh. His own lips quirked up at the sound, then he saw it...and the Scourge of Europe whimpered like a baby-man...his heart if it beat would have been racing...If there is a God, please no...His eyes darted around the room. Where there was one, there were always more...

The first thing Cordy had seen was large flat feet with hairy little toes. Her eyes journeyed up past emaciated legs and knobby knee's. The things thin waist was Thankfully! covered by a dirty loincloth. It's ribs stuck out, but it's chest was muscular over his birdlike sternum. It was bald, save for a shock of long black hair that hung like a brushy horsetail down his back.

Cordelia's laughter and the little, gray skinned man had grabbed the entire room's attention. The she-demon quit backing up when she bumped into a table. She jumped up on it as did Angel. They stood back to back, fight forgotten, united by a common fear.

Cordelia continued to laugh until she was doubled over hands splayed on the bar for support. The short things...mans...she wasn't sure what to call it. Beady gray eyes turned from the she-demon to focus on her. It cocked it's head and regarded her curiously. He grinned, revealing a row of small, but very sharp, pointed teeth. Cordy's laughter died at the pure menace that radiated from the tiny beings gaze. He leaned forward, resting on a sharpened stick with feathers attached to the end...His smile got wider as he suddenly raised the spear and smashed the blunt end down on her hand.


Cordelia screamed, jerking her hand back and swinging at the little hellbeast with her sword. It ducked the blow and jumped onto a stool, then scampered to the floor. She whirled, cussing as it disappeared into the shadows.

Angel tried to track it, twisting and twirling to see where it went.

If Cordy's eyes could have glowed they' d have been lava red..."What in the HELL is that!?!?!"

"Shhh" Angel admonished. The she-demon beside him tittered, apparently in agreement. "Hurry, get up...as high as you can!"

"SHHH?" Cordy's eyes flashed fire. Oh, no he didn't just *shh* me! "THAT *THING* BROKE MY NAIL!!"

"Cooordeee!" Angel tried to keep the nervous whine out of his voice. Just then Spike yelped and jumped onto a table, pulling the slayer with him.

"Bloody HELL!" He yelled, clutching his backside. "That thing just stuck me in the arse!"

The emptied restaurant erupted into pandemonium as the rest of the crew scrambled onto the empty tables as fast as they could. Gunn screamed as a tiny gray hand shot up and caught his pantleg. "Ra..ra,ra!" He kicked wildly sending the creature flying back towards Angel.

"Ra *that* motherfucker!" Gunn screeched. It would have been embarrassing except he was interrupted by a VERY high pitched scream as the little man sailed by Angel's head.

Wes held his Sumerian battle-adze at the ready, his eyes darting to the shadows under the bar. "Where is Fred?" he demanded.

"I saw her go outside with the others." Buffy answered.

Wes nodded then looked at Angel. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked.

The she-demon answered in a raspy voice. "Pygmy."

"Pygmy." Angel echoed in a terrified whisper. His eyes briefly met with the blue demoness. they both quickly looked away knowing their own fear was mirrored in the others eyes.

"Angel!" Cordelia was still on the floor, the male demon behind her, his back to the wall. She was royally pissed, and was having a really hard time with L.A.'s champion acting in such an unmanly fashion. Pygmy-smygmy...the damn thing was only about three feet high, and it was *scrawny* She stamped her foot and pointed to the spot directly in front of her. "Get your pansy ass down here and help me kill this thing!"

Angel shuddered. He could hear it, skittering around...hiding in the shadows. He took a step forward, then backed to the center of the table, shaking his head. His grip on his broadsword tightened. "N-n-no, no way Cor." His back connected once again with the she-demon. Her solid presence assuring him that for now they had each others backs. Now if only his insane secretary would listen to him for once..."Come on Cordy...get off the floor. Now!" He hissed.

"Like hell!" She huffed. "I *just* had these done!" She waved her now ruined French manicure at him..."That little pig-man is *so* gonna get it!"

"Pygmy." Wes corrected with a cough. "Cordelia, I think Angel may be right in suggesting..."

Buffy watched on in amazement as Cordelia, who seemed to be the only one brave...or stupid...enough, stalked through the shadows. All this over a manicure? She leaned over to Spike and whispered. "Is she insane?"

Spike shrugged. "Apparently."

He grabbed her arm when she attempted to get down and help. She raised a questioning eyebrow, but he just shook his head.

"Don't luv, pygmies are nasty little buggers." He jerked his head in the other vampire's direction. "Angel..or rather Angelus, can attest to that...usually they hunt in packs though."

"Cordy, please!" Angel interrupted. "Just do as I say, for once and get up here!" He scooted to the edge of the table and held out his hand. Cordy took a few steps towards him. A chair against the wall fell over, and Angel yelped in fear, hurrying back to the relative safety of the center of the table.

Cordy couldn't believe her eyes, as Angel spun, eyes darting fearfully, trying to take in the whole room at once. "Angel." He ignored her. "Angel!" He held his sword ready, and though the black clothes did a lot to give the illusion of a cool exterior, Cordy could see that he was trembling. "ANGELUS!" His face changed and yellow eyes snapped to hers. The man in Angel wasn't the problem, it was the demon that was afraid..."It's a hairless muppet, for Pete's sake!" Her tone softened. "Angel...you can take it."

Angel scrubbed his face with his hand, pushing his features back into their human mask. "That's easy for you to say, Cor...sure, the *one* doesn't seem that scary, but trust me where there is one, there is *always* more." He shuddered, gesturing wildly. "With their little beady eyes and the teeth, and the 'Ra'ing'! Why ra, huh? Over and over, and over...hundreds of them with their little hands grabbing, and poking..."

She harumphed and ignored them. With a dismissive flick of her hand, and tail, she began to hunt down the little being that had dared to ruin her nails. "Here piggy, piggy..." She bent low, tail twitching in anticipation. It's freckles changing into red-hued tiger stripes.

With a battle cry worthy of Xena, Cordy pounced. She dropped and lunged, struggling with her diminutive opponent. They rolled to a stop at the feet of the big male demon, who was still plastered to the wall, face contorted in a rictus of fear.

With a whoop from her, and a strangled "Ra", Cordy regained her feet her tail wrapped tightly around the pygmies neck. "Gotcha you little punk!" She snarled. The fearless little pygmy kicked and flailed, but Cordelia held it tight...It quit struggling as she bent to retrieve her sword. A low growl rumbled from Angel's table as he got the distinct impression that the little prick was checking out Cordy's ass...

"You are so dead little man!" Cordy hissed. She whipped her tail out in front of her and shook it back and forth until it's teeth rattled. "What did I ever do to you, huh?"

The pygmy just smiled...Cordelia's eyes narrowed, her opponent's gleamed with malice. She felt tiny fingers wrap around a section of her tail.

"RAAA!!" It screamed, and bit down...hard.

"WHY YOU LITTLE...!!!!" Cordelia swung her sword back, only to slice the throat of the demon behind her. She heard the sickening sound of metal slicing through skin and bone, then the hard thud of her sword sinking into plaster as she pinned the demon to the wall.

The pygmy, momentarily forgotten, unwrapped her tail and scampered away. Slowly, Cordelia swiveled to stare up at the scaly blue demon, dimly aware of the unearthly wail from the female behind her. As it's inky blood began to flow, a dim glow outlined his body...

The she-demon leapt, Angel yelled a warning, Cordy dropped and rolled, letting her instincts and the fear in Angel's voice lead her. The she-demon's claws swiped dangerously close to her scull, but the only thing she lost was a few strands of hair.

The demon roared in frustration as Angel, his pygmy fear forgotten in the face of Cordelia's imminent death, jumped between them, his yellow eyes flashing as he assumed a crouched defensive stance.

The demoness took a second to reassess her odds. She looked down at the strands of mahogany hair caught in her nails, and smiled. "Say goodbye to your mate, vampire..." She rasped. "As she has destroyed my future, I will destroy her past!"

She turned and jumped into the swirl of light generated as the male demon died. A bright flash momentarily blinded them all, then she was gone.

Cordelia tried to stand on wobbly legs. "Mate?" She scowled, her eyes cutting to Angel's. "That didn't sound too good, did it?"

Angel wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her. He searched her face, his expression that of a kicked puppy's. "What's so bad about being my mate?" He groused, so releived she was ok, he forgot there was still a pygmy on the loose.

Cordelia smacked him in the gut. "Not *that* dumbass! The whole, 'destroy her past' part!" She mimicked the demon, complete with clawed fingers.

"Oh." He mouthed, not really listening. His eyebrows shot up and he couldn't quite hide his loopy grin. She's my mate... Cordelia scrunched her nose in one of her patented 'Angel's being a dork, and I'm not quite sure why I put up with him' looks. Angel gave her waist a squeeze, deciding he'd just give in to the temptation to kiss those luscious lips of hers. He leaned in just slightly then heard a throat clear behind him.

"Um, guy's...I think we have a problem."

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