nothing fancy - just fic

Title: Home
Author: loz4321
Posted: 04-26-2003
Content: C/A
Summary: They lived but most of all they loved once again(gunna be more like a script than a story )
Spoilers: Not really just my weird thoughts
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Do what you like with it, was just abit of fun
Notes: My view on the ending of series 4
Feedback: Please email me or leave a reply so i know what you thought.

Everyone was standing not believing what had just taken place and that they had all survived the long battle against the evil jasmine. They were all pleased but also sad becuse they knew that Cordy was still lying upstairs asleep and alone, not knowing what had happened and that everything was going to be all right.
Angel of course was the most worried he wanted Cordy back he didnt care what had happened when she was evil and being controlled, he just wanted the old, bubbly, slightly wacky girl back that he had known for years and had grown to love and adore completely without hesitation.
The whole group sat in the hotel lobby talking about their next move:

WES:"I think she will be all right in time angel, but it is just a matter of waiting to see if she comes out...ok".

Fred:"He's right Angel, she will wake up wanting to know wear her gucci high heals have gone and demand you search all over the hotel for them because..."

Gunn:"..Thats are Cordy for you, troubles about and she...."

Lorne:"..Stay's fashion concious through out it all"

Angel:"Thanks for trying to cheer me up guys but i wont feel better until i have her back..She makes everything seem normal..she makes me seem normal"

Angel went upstairs to check on Cordy, while the others stayed downstairs quite and mornful as though Cordy was dead and no longer around to cheer them up or make anything all right again.
Angel sat on a chair next to cordy with a sad look on his face, suddenly a tear began to fall down his cheek:

Angel:"Cordy i cant lose you again..not again, you hear me. I have lived to long and survived to many have you lay there and never wake up..Do you hear me...Cordy i want you to wake up..I need you to..You have to..because..because..I love more than my life..please cordy please"
(Crying heavyier now)
"PLEASE..I never got the chance to tell the real you how i feel and now i cant hear me..feel me..understand me..I just need a sign Cordy..that everything will be ok and you will be ok.

While Angel continued to cry cordy'd eyes started to twitch and then they opened but as soon as Angel looked uo they were closed. He layed next to her holding her hand when he felt a twitch..She moved..he then saw her eyes open slowly..She was alive..she was going to be all right..he had her back and this time he was going to make sure nothing ever happened to her again.

Angel:"Cordy..cordy..You're awake..i can't..I don't..are you ok..what happend..where were you..cordy.."

Cordy suddenly began to rise in her bed and stretched abit befor facing angel and looking at him:

Cordy:"Who are you?"

Angel:"Not again...I'm Angel..your friend..the man that loves you.."

Cordy:"Got ya..just checking.."(huge grin appeared on cordys face)

Angel:"Well i suppose its nice that you got your sense of humour back first..I really missed you..I needed you..but you werent here to talk to"

Cordy:"I know..sorry..was a bit tied up what with the sleepyness and everything..but i'm back now and i can finally do this.."

Cordy leaned in Angel one of the most romantic kisses ever. Almost the second after their lips touched a bright, glowing light appeared around them both. It was there for about a minute then vanished. Just has it did the sun rose outside..but the curtains were open in cordys their utter astonishment the sun hit angel but nothing happened.

Angel:"What the hell..why?..huh!.."

cordy:"Angel..i think you better look in the mirror..I..I..what did i do.."

Angel looked in the mirror..he couldnt believe what he was was him all of him..he tried to get into game face but nothing happened then he felt it..his was beating..cordy had somehow turned him into a human again.



Angel:"But how?..why?"

Cordy:"The powers that be must have decided that you had saved the world enough and should be rewarded..i love my powers..i love me..all powerful corsy..Go cordy!..Angel..are you..are you ok with it?"

Angel:"Yes..becuase i have you!"

Cordy:"Well buddy..if you dont get your butt over here now i might jsut go and find myself another nice leather wearing, brooding, tough, evil fighting guy to love.."

Angel:"i'm coming..Cordy now that i'm human and well i'm other than dead and can grow old and have babies..well i seemed to have already being able to do that..having conner amd all..point being..Cordelia Chase will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my Wife?"

Cordy was stunned..she suddenly burst out crying

Angel:"What..Whats wrong?"

Cordy:"OO nothing just the best day of my whole life thats all.. Of course i will marry you angel..I love you"

Angel:"I love you too"

They became to kiss and became so emotional that they began to role around and you know..when the one and only Cordy said:

Cordy:"Wait you dont have a last name..i cant be like Cher..i need a last name"

Angel:"Madonna hasnt got a last name and shes still cool.."

Cordy:"True..cordy it is then"

They kiss again
