just fic

Title: The Portal
Author: louloucn
Rating: R
Email: louloucn@hotmail.com
Summary: (for this part at least) Cordy comes back from a date with Groo, and later talks to Angel
Spoilers: Post WITW, but knowledge of BtVS would be helpful too.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Anywhere, just drop me a note so I'll know where to look.
Notes: Note: This is my first fanfic ever so please be kind. As for the end of part 1 to the next part, I thank Dannyblue for inspiring me to actually start writing this fic in the first place and for Angelicgal82, starlet2367 and Love's Bitch for their always enjoyable fanfiction. They are the best.... also, please note that this is kind of like a prologue but I thought it was necessary just for the story. Also, I have no idea what I am doing here... Not used to writing fanfic at all...
Feedback: Yes, please.
Dedication: To schweet and AngelLuver21, who have remained avid followers of this series: your wish is my command.

Part 14

“It’s got to be here!” Cordy declared. “It just has to be!” Cordy and Wes were frantically looking through Cordy’s car, practically taking the car apart. Angel stayed behind in the hotel since it was still daylight.

“Cordy, it’s not here.” Wes said calmly.

“It has to be here! It just HAS to be!” Cordy exclaimed, not willing to stop searching.

“Cordy, Cordy, CORDY!” Wes insisted, trying to pull her away from the car. “It’s not here!”

“But Wes, Wes, “as Cordy’s eyes filled with tears. “How are we going to get home?” then Cordy put her arms around Wes for comfort.

“It’s gonna be okay.” Wes assured her. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”


As Angel saw Cordy and Wes come into the lobby, he knew that they weren’t able to find the chant.

“What’s wrong with Cordy?” Fred asked, as she ran towards Cordy.

“Oh I’ll be fine.” Cordy lied. “I’m just a little tired.”

“Are you sure?” Fred asked again.

“She’ll be fine.” Wes assured her. “She can go and rest in my office. Uh Angel? Could I talk to you for a moment?”

“Yeah sure.” Angel replied, as all three of them walked into the office and shut the door.

“We couldn’t find it.” Wes explained.

“I know.” Angel replied. “I guess it didn’t go through the portal like that time in Pylea…”

“…with the magic book.” Wes finished his sentence.

“Yeah.” Angel answered, remembering the incident.

“Wes,” Cordy began to speak, looking up at him. “How did I end up marrying Xander?”

“Well, from what I remember, when I first came to Sunnydale, you two had broken up. But you also remain friends. However, Xander asked you to prom and then you started seeing him again. You two were so inseparable that when you decided to go to LA to pursue your acting career, he went with you.” Wes explained. “ But when that didn’t pan out, you and Xander accidentally met up with Angel, I think at a party if I remember it correctly and then with Doyle, you started Angel investigations. However, things started to go a little sour when Doyle started having feelings for you. And when he kissed you before he died, and gave you the visions, Xander realized how much you meant to him and proposed. And now you’ve been married for about 2 years now.”

Cordy sat there as she listened to Wes’ retelling. It seemed so strange to her how much things were so different in this world, yet still remained the same. She kept thinking about her talk with Xander in the hospital and how that one single event changed the course of her life completely. She had only wanted to take pity on him. She had only wanted to make amends and make peace with him. She had remembered how bitter she had been after the breakup and how miserable she was. How could she have known that the bitterness and the hurt was supposed to happen. That all of the pain that had before leaving Sunnydale was a good thing since it led to better things. It led to Angel. It just didn’t seem fair.

“So Wes, what do you suggest we do now, since we don’t have the chant for the portal?” Cordy asked.

“Well, I think I will do some research for the chant while you two keep calm and pretend that nothing’s wrong. I mean, we wouldn’t want to alarm the others at this point.” Wes explained. He looked at Cordy and tried to manage a smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll figure something out.”

“Thanks Wes.” Cordy replied, as she offered a weak smile back.

“Thank you too Wes.” Angel replied as well.

Cordy then walked over to Angel, put her arms around him and gave him a kiss. Then she broke away without saying a word, glanced back at him and walked out of the room.

Wes looked at the whole scene and saw Angel’s face falling.

“You really love her don’t you?” Wes asked.

“I love her…”Angel answered simply. “Wes, can I ask you something?”

“What?” Wes asked.

“Did I… I mean, in this world, the Angel that you know… Did he love Cordy too?” Angel asked.

“Yes…he would do anything to protect her.” Wes responded.


The past few days had been so unusual. It was odd enough being in the past and replaying everything that had happened, but Cordy never suspected that living in the present would be even harder.
She wasn’t used to being a wife. She wasn’t used to doing all of those housewifey chores around the house, liking making the breakfast, taking care of the house and waiting up for Xander to come home from work. I mean, she was used to taking care of herself, but know being a ‘wife’, all of those things she had done before had a new burden. And she was used to living with someone because she had lived with Angel when they were stuck in the past. But this time, it was just different. All of those quirks that one was supposed to know about your husband were unknown to her so when he did anything out of the ordinary, it took her by surprise, while Xander just looked at her, wondering what was wrong. And the fact of the matter is, she didn’t love him.

She knew Xander was a great guy and she appreciated that he was so caring and affectionate, but she felt guilty every time he would kiss her, touch her, tried to intimate with her. It was so hard because every time Xander would do anything, Cordy would think about Angel. This made her feel even more guilty and sorry that she couldn’t feel anything for her husband except for friendship.

Cordy was sitting idly by the desk, staring into space when Fred appeared out of nowhere.

“What are you daydreaming about?” Fred asked with a smile.

“Oh nothing.” Cordy said as she snapped back to reality.

“Oh come on…you’ve got a look on your face.” Fred insisted. “It must have been a nice dream.”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything!” Cordy vowed.

“No, I know that look! I get the same look on my face whenever I think of Charles. How brave, sweet, charming he is * sigh *” Fred said dreamily. “You probably think the same way about Xander, don’t you?”

“Yeah…” Cordy lied, as she watched Angel holding Connor, as he walked down the stairs to the lobby.

“Isn’t it wonderful to be in love! I mean….”Fred babbled.

Cordy couldn’t listen to a word that Fred was saying because she was so busy looking at Angel. As they locked eyes on each other, they looked at each other with such sadness because of the love that they felt but could never reveal.

“Hey, is that a new necklace?” Fred asked.

“What?” Cordy asked back.

“Your locket silly! I’ve never seen it before.” Fred explained.

Cordy look down and there it was. The heart locket that Angel had given her. She smiled as she remembered.

“Oh, I just bought it.” Cordy said simply. As she looked at it again, it gave her a little hope that somehow they would get through this.

“Hey.” Angel said, as he approached them.

“Yeah, hey.” Fred replied. “How’s Connor?” as she looked at the baby.

“He’s fine.” Angel answered. “Do you want to hold him Fred?”

“Sure!” Fred exclaimed happily as she carefully took Connor out of Angel’s arms and started to pace around the room.

As she left Cordy and Angel alone, Angel then whispered to her. “Are you okay?”

“No. It’s been driving me crazy.” Cordy whispered back. “I mean, I really care for Xander, I really do, but I don’t know how long I can take it living like this, away from you. And the morning sickness. Not good at all. I never knew how hard it was being pregnant. My mood is all over the place.”

“Just hang on a little longer.” Angel urged as he reached out his hand to touch hers.

“But Angel, I don’t know if I can.” Cordy admitted.

“You have to!” Angel insisted.

“I will. Only for you.” Cordy assured him.

Angel then grasped her hand a little harder and gave it a squeeze. Then, he just looked in her eyes and stared at her. He smiled.

“Cordy?” Xander called out as he entered the hotel.

Angel then immediately dropped Cordy’s hand in a panic.

“I’m here.” Cordy cried out.

“Oh! Hi honey!” Xander said happily as he gathered Cordy in his arms and gave her a kiss. “Guess what I got?”

“What?” Cordy asked.

“Look! Isn’t it the cutest?” Xander then held up a little blue infant jammies. “I was going home from work, when I passed this baby store and I couldn’t help think of Xander Jr.”

“We don’t know if it’s a boy yet.” Cordy corrected him.

“Well, if it’s a girl, we can call it Cordy or even Alexandra! What do you think?”

“Uh I don’t know.” Cordy said as she shook her head.

“Oh it’s alright. We have tons of time to figure the baby’s name.” Xander replied. “So Angel, what do think is a good name for the baby?”

“I like Cordelia.” Angel replied, as he gazed at Cordy. “It’ll have a beautiful name just like her mother.”

“See?” Xander exclaimed, motioning to Cordy. “He likes the idea of Cordy Jr. too!”

He then rubbed Cordy’s arm affectionately as he continued to hold her.

As Angel watched this, it became increasingly hard to look at until he just had to get up and walk away.

Cordy just stood there helplessly as her beloved walked away and she was forced to continue to smile with Xander still holding her in his arms. All she wanted to do was to run out of Xander’s arms and run to Angel, but she just continued to stand there, frozen.

“Are you okay sweetie?” Xander asked as he looked at Cordy’s distraught expression.
“Is the morning sickness still getting to you?”

“I’m feeling a little sick right now. But I’ll be okay.” Cordy replied trying to keep a pleasant disposition. ~ I mean, I just want to die right now, but I’ll be fine. Oh Angel, is there any hope left? Do we even have a chance in hell to be toget…

“EUREKA!” Wes cried out of nowhere. “I’ve found it!”

Part 15

Angel and Cordy literally wanted to jump at the thought. They quickly glanced at each other.

“What are you talking about Wes?” Xander asked, perplexed by the sudden outburst.

“What?…Uh…Oh…”Wes stammered, realizing what he done. “I just… um… figured out today’s word jumble.”

“Wow…um hmm.” Xander answered, as he whispered in Cordy’s ear. “I guess some people get real excited over word jumbles.”

“Yeah.” Cordy replied, but had a huge smile on her face.

“What so funny?” Xander asked. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“Oh nothing, I’m just suddenly happy I guess.” Cordy replied simply, as she glanced over Xander’s shoulder to see Angel smiling back at her.


It wasn’t until nightfall that Angel or Cordy even tried to approach Wesley. Fred and Gunn had gone on a date and Xander, after much persistence from Cordy, decided to go home earlier. Throughout the hotel, it was completely silent and there was no one left except for Wes, Angel and Cordy.

“So Wes, have you really figured out how to get us home?” Cordy asked suddenly, unable to keep her silence any longer.

“Yes Cordy, I’ve figured out a way to get you to two home.” Wes replied, but then his face got all serious. “But, I must warn you two that this is somewhat risky and…”

“I don’t care Wes.” Cordy retorted. “I don’t think I can stay like this. If this is our only chance out of here, then I’ll take it.”

“Are you sure Cordy?” Angel asked. “Because if it’s risky and all, then we can…”

“What? Angel, what?” Cordy asked. “Live our whole lives just basically giving each other quick glances from opposite sides of the room, having a stolen moment when no one’s looking, basically trying to hide from what you and I both know in our hearts, that we love each other? I can’t, I refuse to live like that.” She then took Angel’s hands in hers.

“We have to take this chance Angel. It’s our only hope, okay?”

Angel just nodded, as he knew deep inside that she was right.

Angel then turned his attention to Wes. “So can you explain to your plan?”

“Well, first of all, I wasn’t able to find that chant that you guys used the first time.” Wes began. “I tried, I really did, but seems as if any trace of it had completely disappeared. Instead, I found an alternate spell. It is from a later time period, but it has the same capabilities as the other chant did, I believe.”

“How does it work Wes?” Cordy asked.

“With this.” Wes answered. He then held up a ring. It was an antique ring. The band was very detailed and intricate in design. Although at first glance you would think that the gem in the middle of it was a sapphire, at a closer inspection, one could see a whirlwind and a bright light to it, not unlike the portal that they had traveled in.

“Where did you get this?” Cordy gasped. She had never seen anything like it.

“I have my ways.” Wes replied mysteriously. “Unlike the previous chant, you will need this ring to travel back through time as well as the words to the spell. I suggest you memorize the lines, so that we can avoid the mishap we had before.”

“Do we need something to bind us together?” Angel asked.

“No, all you need is for one of you to wear the ring, then you hold hands, recite the spell and instantly you will be transported back through time.”Wes explained. “However, this ring will not be able to send you back to the exact time and place you were previously.”

“Then how are we able to undo the damage we had done?” Angel asked, a little confused.

“That’s the beauty of these spells.” Wes replied. “It doesn’t matter where it takes you, because all you have to do is to go back, let time run its course as it once was, and everything will back to the way you remembered. >From what I recall from your story, you had relived the fundamental events of the time until Cordy forgave Xander, right?”

Cordy nodded her head.

“Well, this is exactly what you do now. The spell will automatically send you back to a random moment in time where you two once again will experience past events. However, you must relive the most significant moment of that period with everything happening in exactly the same way as you remembered before you will be able to, not only rewrite time again, but also go back to the present.” Wes explains further. "Unfortunately, this new spell has its drawbacks. First, without reliving the moment, you will never be able to go back to the present. You will stay there, completely trapped in the past. Secondly, unlike the old spell where you can come and go as you please, once the ring emulates its light, that will be your only chance. There is no replays. You either leave when the light goes or get stuck in the past once again. So what I suggest is this time around, be even more careful with what you say or do and be precise with the things that you do. It has to be surgical this time. You only have one shot at this. Last but not least, even after you have done all of this, you still can’t be certain that everything will be fine until you’ve safety returned to the future. ” Wes said sadly. “ I know that there are so many restrictions this time, but…”

“No, it’s fine Wes. At least you have given us our chance. We have it now and we’ll succeed.” Cordy said firmly. She then went to hug Wes. “Thank you.”

Wes smiled.

Angel then took his turn to give Wes a hug. “Thank you too.”


Angel and Cordy stood silently at the crib beside them. They watched as Connor was sleeping soundly.

“Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as this?” Cordy asked as she lightly touched Connor’s cheek.

“Never.” Angel replied.

“Angel?” Cordy asked.

“Yes, Cordy?” Angel answered.

“You know, I would understand if you don’t want to go back.” Cordy exclaimed. “I mean, you have Connor and you’re his father. I don’t want you leaving all of this when you can be with your son.”

“Cordy, I want to go back.” Angel replied reassuringly. “ How can I not take the chance if I know that there is hope that somewhere, some time, we can live our life together with Connor as a family? Anyways, I’m never leaving you.”

Cordy smiled and gave him a kiss. She then turned back to the crib and whispered, “I’ll miss you so much sweetie, but mommy and daddy have to leave you again. We don’t want to but always remember that we love you so very much and we’ll always be proud of our little boy.” She then lightly kissed Connor on the cheek.

“I love you so much my little guy. I promise you that someday we’ll see each other again.” Angel then kissed Connor goodbye.

“Are you sure that we’ll see our son again?” Cordy asked.

“I promise.” Angel replied as he pulled her closer to him.


“Are you guys ready?” Wes replied as he saw Angel and Cordy walked down the stairs hand in hand.

“We’re ready.” Angel answered. He then hugged Wes.

“Please watch over Connor.” Angel said.

“I’ll protect him with all of my life.” Wes replied.

Cordy then took her turn to hug Wes. “I’ll never forget what you have done for us, Wes. I’ll miss you.” She then put on the ring. As it went on her finger, the ring shrunk so that it would fit perfectly around the contours of her finger.

“I’ll miss you too.” Wes agreed. “Now remember, please be cautious and wary of what you do there and remember your purpose. And when the ring lights up, that is your cue to leave. Be careful. Angel, do you remember the words?”

“Yes…”Angel replied, as he took Cordy’s hands in his. “Are you ready?”

“I’ve never been more ready in my life.” Cordy replied with so much assurance.

“And to think that we thought we would never time travel again.” Angel said with a smile. “It’s funny how life goes.”

“Yeah, isn’t it?” Cordy agreed. “Now recite the lines, big guy, and get it over with.”

“Okay…dheortek utao…”Angel recited. As he said the words, the ring started to beam out a bright light. Cordy gasped. “okel noewatun!

The bright light that shone from the ring burst and completely surrounded them and once more, the light blinded the both of them.



They finally opened their eyes. They were standing in the middle of the street as a car was about to approached them.

“Oh God Angel!” Cordy screamed.

Angel then grabbed Cordy, ran and jumped away from the oncoming traffic. They both landed with a thunk onto the grass beside the street.

“Are you okay Cordy?” Angel asked as he was on top of her.

“I’m fine. Nothing’s broken, I think.” Cordy answered.

“Your long hair is back.” Angel said happily as he touched the tendrils of her hair.

“And you’re even more paler than ever.” Cordy said back mockingly.

“Ha ha. That’s real funny Cordy.” Angel replied as he helped Cordy up. “So what day do you think it is?”

“I don’t know. It’s the middle of the night Angel.” Cordy answered. “There’s no one around.”

Angel then searched through his pockets out of habit. He could have sworn that there was something in pocket. And then he managed to fish out of his pocket a key.

“What’s that key for?” Cordy asked.

“Oh my gosh, this is the key to my apartment!” Angel answered. “I guess we went back a little further than the last time.”

“You know, I’ve never seen your apartment before.” Cordy admitted.

“It was okay.” Angel replied. “So… I guess I should take you home now.”

“Angel,” Cordy started as she put her arms around him again. “It’s late. There is no one around. Can’t I stay with you tonight?”

“Cordy, I want to so much,” Angel replied with a sigh. “But we have to be more careful this ti…”

“Shussh.” Cordy said as she put her finger to his lips. “I just want to stay over tonight. One night, Angel. And tomorrow, we’ll figure everything out and we’ll pretend again. But for tonight, can’t we just be ourselves and forget everything else? I.. just want to be with you.” She then looked up into his eyes with a pout.

“Okay.” Angel replied. “Just for tonight.”


“So what do you think?” Angel asked.

“It’s a lot whiter than I expected.” Cordy asked. “But it’s nice.”

They were both lying in bed, just staring at each other.

“You know how much I love just being here like this.” Cordy said. “It makes me feel like nothing is any different. Like we’re still in your room the night when you first told me you loved me and it felt like anything was possible. That tomorrow held so much promise.”

“It can still be that way Cordy.” Angel replied, touching lovingly her arm. “There’s always hope tomorrow.”

“I really hope so Angel. You know what I wish for?” Cordy asked.
“Jude Law?” Angel answered teasingly.

“No, besides that. Although that doesn’t mean I’m waiting for that present someday.”Cordy said, as sat up and now straddled Angel on the bed.

“I don’t know… maybe you should remind me.” Angel said coyly.

Cordy then dipped down to whisper in his ear. “I wish I had some Pop Rocks.”

Angel smiled.

“Yeah, I miss those Pop Rocks too.” Angel admitted. “I wish I had discovered them earlier… but you know, we can do other things.”

“What kind of things?” Cordy asked, very interested in what he had to say.

“These things.” Angel said, as he grabbed her face, reached himself up so that he could meet her lips and kissed her passionately.

“Angel…I’ve missed you.” Cordy said since she hadn’t kissed him in a long time.

“I’ve missed you too.” Angel replied he pulled her down to him.


Cordy felt a sense of relief and content as she still laid nestled in Angel’s arms. She had missed being like this. It just felt so good and so right. She just held on tighter as she wanted to savour this moment for a little while longer. ~If only this could last forever…

“Hi.” Angel said as he opened his eyes and kissed her forehead.

“Hi…”Cordy said. “I wish I could stay in bed forever.”

“Yeah, I know.” Angel agreed. “But you know, we’re gonna have to get up eventually.”

“No…” Cordy insisted. “I don’t want to.”

* knock, knock *

They both looked at each other in a panic.

“Cordy, go hide!” Angel said in a whisper. “Go and hide in the bathroom and I’ll answer the door, okay?”

Cordy gave Angel a quick kiss and then ran as quickly in the bathroom.

~Okay.. this is fine…we’ll be okay. Angel thought to himself.

“Hold on.” Angel called out.

He opened the door. There stood a worried Buffy.

“Hey. Is everything okay?” Angel asked.

“That's what I was gonna ask you. You're okay, right?” Buffy asked.

“Sure. I..I’m fine.” Angel answered, gesturing her to come in. “What’s up?” He was still confused with the way that Buffy was acting.

“Um... I-I had this... dream that Drusilla was alive.” Buffy replied.

With those words, the colour began to drain from Angel’s face.

Continue on...