nothing fancy - just fic

Title: Finishing the Conversation
Author: LondnRain (Kristen)
Posted: 01-19-2002
Spoilers: Up to Birthday
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue...oh and Joss is a god!!!...hee hee
Authors Note: bored blowing off homework, homework on a Friday bites, so i just sat down and this is what came out...just harmless fluff

Cordelia sat at her desk absentmindedly chewed on the end of her pencil. She knew she'd have to face it sooner rather than later, but she'd avoided him all day thanks to the vision. She had managed to get her friends out of the hotel after her non-hurting levetating causing vision. They were shocked, but they left to fight the demon. Angel glared at her and before he left he'd told her that they would talk about it when he got back. That was hours ago and she was starting to get a little restless. She wanted it over with. She knew she shouldn't have to explain why she did what she did, but she also knew Angel wouldn't see it that way. The door opened and in walked Gunn and Wesley. Cordelia watched the door expecting Angel to follow. Her heart sunk when she saw he wasn't with them.
The two men stared at the seer and then looked down.

"Guys, where's Angel?"


"Where's Angel?!" She spit out angraly as tears started to form in her eyes fearing the worst.


"Dead?" she choked out?

"No, he's in the car, he's not ready to come in."

"But he's ok?"

"A little PO'd, but that's all." Gunn said as he put the weapons away in the cabinet.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." She walked over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Wes asked.

"To see Angel, where else?"

"Cordy, I don't think that is such a good idea, he's really angry."

"I don't care, we have to get this overwith, he needs to understand."

"Fine, but don't say we didn't warn you." Cordy was already out the door. She saw the Plymouth parked in the driveway with the top up.

"That's strange" Cordy thought to herself. She walked over and opened the door to the passenger side, suprisingly it was unlocked, and got in.

"Hey there." She smiled warily at him. He looked over at her and shook his head as he moved to get out of the car. Cordelia reached out her hand to stop him. "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to talk about this."

"I do, just not now, let me calm down first."

"There is nothing for you to calm down from, this was my decision."

"You had no right..."

"I had every right, unless you wanted me dead or you insane."


"Long story."

"No, i'm not talking about the floating, although we need to discuss that too, I'm talking about you lying to me."

"Oh." She looked down at her feet suddenly feeling guilty.

"Yeah, oh, how could you. I though after the Darla thing we decided to trust each other and keep nothing from each other. How could you not tell us, me about your visions and what they were doing to you. I could've helped."

"And how could you have helped? Angel, there was nothing you could do, no way to take it away."

"I could've been there for you at least, but you wouldn't let me. You pushed me away, I-I thought I meant more to you then that."

"You do, more than you know, I didn't want you to worry."

"So what one day your vision would kill you without us knowing what was happening, no warning..."

"I'm sorry, ok, but I did what I thought was the right thing at the time. You had a lot on your plate, I didn't want to add one more thing. And hold on, you lied about something way bigger, you risked your soul, and everyone's lives when you slept with Darla. I was trying to spare people pain not cause it."

"Touche, but I never thought you would lie to me, ya know. You are the one whose all big with the trust and the truth and everything."

"Yeah and I was wrong, god never thought I'd here that coming out of my mouth." She laughed lightly and she caught a small smile cross his lips. "Uh oh what's this, did you actually crack a smile, it must be the apocolypse coming, again." Angel chuckled and smiled at his seer.

"Just don't ever lie to me again."

"I won't if you won't."

"I won't, god I just don't want to lose you."

"You're not going to, I've made sure of that."


"The long story, the one I've been avoiding telling you and the gang."

"So tell me."

"Fine, but you're telling it to the gang, cuz I don't want to keep repeating this story."


"Alright the vision knocked me out of my body, a little birthday present from the powers. I was screaming at you to hear me, but of couse no one could. And remember when you thought I was there, I was, I kinda snuck into your body while you were sleeping, which by the way remind me to get you some of that antisnore spray, no wonder Connor never sleeps through the night."

"I do not snore."

"I beg to differ, anyway so not the point. Well Skip, you remember Skip right?"

"Yeah, good guy, although I doubt he has fond memories of me."

"Yeah, but anyway he took me to this construct of a mall."

"Like in the Matrix."

"You've seen the Matrix?"

"Only bits and pieces, go on."

"Well he told me about my visions and how I wasn't supposed to have them, something about them being passed to me through love, Doyle's love for me. Sweet, but I prefer roses, ya know. Well anyway he gave me a choice."


"No, Skip, stay with me here."

"Sorry, you tend to go off into tangents."

"I do not."

"Do so."

"Whatever, let me finish."


"Thank you, as I was saying, Skip gave me a choice, either I could go back into my body and die or I could give everything up and become a famous and wealthy actress. I didn't want to leave you, but then Skip showed me this conversation you were having with the conduit."

"I remember."

"Angel, did you really say I was a rich girl from sunnydale and weak?"

"Yeah, but I honestly don't know what I was saying I was just trying to get them to help you, I was scared, terrified really."


"Cordy, I didn't mean it like that, I promise."

"I believe you now, but then I thought that you really thought that so I made up my mind and I was an actress. I was adored by everyone and had my own hit TV series with a really catchy theme song." She started to hum it and Angel rolled his eyes.

"Cordy, the story."

"Oh yeah, I just love that song, anyway, the whole time I kept thinking that something was missing. I came up with the hyperion and went to the hotel, which was really swanky. I went to what is your room and peeled back the wall paper and found what I made you write when I was in your body. 171 Oak. I tracked the address to a place in Receda and Gunn and Wes, who only had one arm, disturbing showed up in the nick of time to defeat the monster the girl accidently summoned, poor kid. Well they took me to see you."

"Tha monster and the girl?"

"No, Wes and Gunn. Geez. Well it turned out Doyle gave you the visions."

"Umm, how, he didn't kiss me did he?"

"I don't know, i hope not. All i know is that you were well insane. You were locked in a room talking to yourself and you looked so pittiful, i just wanted to hold you. I felt my heart consrict seeing you like that. So I went over to you and tried to comfort you and something compelled me to..."

"To what." They're eyes locked.

"Kiss you."

"Kiss me?"

"Yeah, not that you responed, but I got the visions back and remembered everything."

"But you said that Doyle..."

"And Skip came and chastised me and told me the only way I could withstand the visions..."

"Cordy do you..."

"Is to become part demon, I looked back at you and knew what I had to do and I'm not sorry. I don't know what the consequences are and frankly I don't care, i just knew I had to do it because..."

"Cordy, you love me?"


"You said that the visions were passed to you from Doyle cuase he loved you is that what happened then too?"

"Angel, did you not hear a word about what I said about becoming part demon."

"Yeah, you did it for me." A smile spread on his face.

"For you and the mission. Being your seer is my purpose, I know that now."

"But you love me?"

"God, still on that aren't you?"

"Still avoiding the question aren't you?" Angel shot one eyebrow up at her daring her to tell the truth. "Remember no secrets."

"Fine, yes, ok, you happy now, I'm outta here." Cordy couldn't look at him afriad of his reaction and opened the door to get out and the door was quickly shut before she could leave. "Angel, don't."

"Don't what?"

"Spare me the it can never happen speech, I know it already, I can list 100 reasons why we wouldn't work starting with the B word."

"No, you have it all wrong."

"What are you saying."

"Buffy is no longer the love of my life, if she ever was, because my life didn't truly begin till I met up with you here in LA."

"What are you saying?"

"I love you Cordelia Chase."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Honestly, cuz we promised."


"Well, then, good, glad we got that overwith. It wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it was gonna be. You understand why I became part demon right?"

"Yeah, though I hate that it had to come to this, I'll take you anyway I can get you."

"You won't lose me, ok, so you can quit worrying."

"Quit worrying? About you? Never." He ran a tentive hand across her face placing a peice of stray hair behind her ear, she closed her eyes reveling in his touch. "You are so beautiful."

"I know." She smiled her famous 1000 watt Cordelia Smile and Angel felt time stand still. He moved closer to her and licked his lips while his eyes focused on hers. She closed her eyes again anticipating what was to come next. "Wait, Angel." She pulled back, Angel blinked his eyes stunned."

"What, I thought you wanted me to kiss you."

"I do, but I don't want to lose the visions."

"Oh, yeah, they don't transfer everytime do they?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Well there is only one way to find out."

"Right, then, proceed." He leaned back in and stopped again. "Now what?"

"The moods kinda ruined."

"God, do I have to do everything." She reached for the vampires face and pulled his lips to hers where they stayed for quite a long while.

"Wow." he whispered as they pulled apart.

"Pretty amazing huh?"

"Do you still have the visions."

"I don't know." She curled up in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and went to kiss her again, but she shot up out of his arms.

"Now what."

"I hate to do this, but..."


"You have to go."


"Yup, thank god, i mean that I have them still, not that you have to go. There's a demon down near the beach attacking some late swimmers, you better hurry."

"Fine, but we'll continue this discussion when I get back."

"You bet. Do you want me to go get Wes and Gunn, the quicker you defeat this thing the quicker we can continue discussing." She planted feather light kisses across his collarbone then gently nipped at his ear causing him to growl in pleasure. She removed herself from him and he growled again at the loss, she got out of the car

"Cordy, tell them to hurry." He told her before she shut the door and ran into the hotel. Angel knew this was gonna be the shortest battle in history.

****THE END***