just fic

Title: I Saved Yo Evil Ass
Author: Lilyana_Vamp & Sunscorched
Posted: 05-17-2003
Rating: >PG-13
Email: Lilyana_vamp@yahoo.com Aurora_plym_uk@yahoo.com
Content: C/Aus
Category: Humour
Summary: Some vampires are just ungrateful
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: NF, if you want it please feel free to ask either of us.
Notes: Set during BTVS S2

Part 11: Home Sweet Home

Cordelia opened her eyes and groaned again as the pain meds began to wear off. She reached for that wonderful little button that pumped her body full of morphine, but it was gone. "What the hell?"

"Princess is wide-awake, like the owls at night. Daddy shall be ever so pleased"

Cordelia's eyes opened wide at the sound of the voice and she screamed. She tried to get out of the bed but ended up causing her shoulder to burn with pain. "Ow...ow ow ow!"

Drusilla rushed to her side and held her down, "You mustn't scream Princess, Daddy won't like it and he shall be very cross at me"

"Get your hands off me," Cordelia screamed and tried to pry the vampire's hands off of her. "Where is he? I'm so gonna kick his ass!

"Oooh, Princess says such naughty words" Drusilla giggled, "That's not right for a lady"

"Do I really look like I give a shit?" she told Drusilla angrily. "Where is he?"

"I like Princess; she has such pretty eyes and says naughty words. Shit, see I can say them too" Drusilla told her as she blinked owlishly at her.

Cordelia screamed in frustration. "Angelus!! Get this crazy, psycho thing away from me!! Angelus!!"

Angelus and Spike ran in, both looking around for the danger Cordelia was screaming about. "What?" Angelus panted as he frantically looked round for whatever had the balls to be in his place.

"Her!" She pointed at Drusilla.

"What's wrong with 'er?" Spike demanded with a frown.

"Nothing's wrong with me except I'm not in my nice hospital bed with my nice button to make the pain go away!"

Angelus felt another headache coming on, "Spike, Dru go downstairs while I talk to Cordelia" he ordered.

"Ever heard the word please, you ponce?" Spike growled in annoyance at being ordered around again.

"Go!" Cordelia yelled in a tone none of them had heard before.

Spike stepped back, "She possessed?" he asked as he blinked.

"Possibly" Angelus replied with a shrug, "It would explain a lot"

"Oh shut up! You're in enough trouble as it is," she growled.

"Oooh, has he been a bad Daddy?" Drusilla asked as she looked at Cordelia with an adoring gaze. "I can 'elp you punish 'im"

"Agh!! Angelus, get them out of here now!"

"Alright, alright" Spike spoke up, "What is with you and crazy brunettes Peaches?" he asked as he walked out the room shaking his head.

"Better than his blonde obsession," she muttered and then glared at Angelus. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"You want me to go, don't you?" Angelus asked as he turned from the door to her.

"No, I want you to explain why the hell I'm here with Looney Tunes and The Bleached Bandit!"

Angelus looked at Cordelia as if she was stupid, "You live here now" he told her like she should already know that.

"No, I live at my house. Why aren't I still in the hospital?"

"I brought you here so I could take care of you, what does it look like? I didn't like you there; men kept on coming in and demanding to see you naked. What else was I supposed to do?"

"They were trying to make me better! That's their job!"

"They were giving you stuff to make you better. Where does it say in the medical rule book you have to see a girl naked when the wound is on her shoulder?"

"I don't want to live here," she told him angrily. "I want to go home, in my own bed."

"This is your bed now, well our bed" Angelus replied just as angrily. "So you better get used to it"

Cordelia stared, he was insane. Angelus was officially insane, off the wall, a complete lunatic, a few screws loose. "I've figured it out. You're insane, absolutely completely, die-hard insane"

"Eh, I've been told" Angelus shrugged as he sat on their bed. "I got you painkillers and some decent food, not like that crap you kept at your old place"

Cordelia looked at him sceptically. "And what would you consider decent food? I'm not drinking blood, I'll have you know."

"Did I say that?"

"Well, if you don't think that the best food that money can buy is decent, what do you think is, besides blood of course, because that's your food of choice," she shot back.

Angelus smirked smugly, she didn't know he could cook he'd show her. "I'll show you good food and nice wine if that's what will make you happy"

"I tell you what, you wine and dine me and I'll tell you what makes me happy. Deal?"

Angelus raised his own eyebrow to match hers, "Deal"

"Oh, there's a stipulation," she added casually.

"Huh?" he asked with a blank look as he didn't quite follow her.

"There's a catch dumbass," she clarified herself.

"I'm not a dumbass, just you talk so fast it's hard to keep up" Angelus defended himself with a frown.

"Yeah, okay, whatever," she rolled her eyes. "Do you wanna know the catch or call the whole thing off or what?"

Angelus looked at her warily, "Go on" he encouraged in a low voice.

"I need to go shopping, and I want Sid and Nancy out of here for the evening. I can only deal with one crazy vamp at a time."

"Ok, but you don't need to go shopping, I can get somebody to go for you"

"No, I shop for myself," she told him firmly. "I don't want to end up looking like a fugitive from the fashion police."

"But you're still not well enough; you need to rest some more. I'll go with you later tonight" Angelus told her firmly.

"No, you can't go." She didn't want to have to explain herself to him. "Trust me, okay?"

"Why? Last time you said that you almost got both of us killed" Angelus replied a little harshly.

Cordelia winced and then held her head high. "Fine, send one of your goons with me. Will that satisfy you? If you want this deal to happen, you can't go. That's final." She stood up to prove a point and tried to ignore the pain in her shoulder. She managed to stand straight and steady to her own surprise.

"Dru can go with you, she likes shopping, the sales girls actually,” Angelus offered as he watched her stretch her body carefully. "Come here"

She shuddered at his implied comment and walked over to him. "See, good as new. Well, almost," she winced when she tried to raise her arm.

Angelus eased his hands up, taking the hospital gown up with his movements but Cordelia stopped him before he got to far. "What did you do that for? It was going to get good"

"I already told you, it'll be on my terms." She stepped out of his reach and looked around the room. "Tell me I have something to wear besides this thing."

Angelus shifted his eyes for a second, giving his answer. "Dru has some clothes you can borrow"

"Ok, off the ew-ness meter! There's no way I'm gonna wear her fashion victim of the undead disasters! You'd better tell me she's got some decent clothes hiding somewhere. I'd even opt for something she stole off someone you killed over one of her outfits!" She couldn't even believe she had just said that. She must have completely lost her mind.

Angelus couldn't help the amused grin off his face, "If the thought of wearing another female's clothes has you so flexing your claws, you can wear something of mine. I have some sweats or something. Actually, I like the idea of you wearing my stuff, makes me feel like I totally possess you"

"Are you calling yourself another female?" she asked with a grin as amused as his.

"Do I detect some girl-on-girl fantasies Cordelia?" Angelus purred as he leaned back on his elbows to get a better look at her.

"Ugh, and I thought that was just a teenage boy's obsession. I guess it doesn't discriminate." She walked carefully across the room, looking for anything to wear.

"Closet, bottom shelf and don't disturb the order in there" Angelus told her seriously as he watched to make sure she didn't.

"Anal much?" she shot over her shoulder as she grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt. "Jeez, I'm surprised your sweats aren't made of leather."

"Surprised or disappointed?"

"Neither," she answered and looked at him, expecting him to leave while she changed.

"What?" Angelus asked when Cordelia looked at him expectantly. "I can definitely say I have seen your all before Cordelia, and I've already told you. You have nothing to be shy about"

"Fine." She turned her back from him and struggled with the hospital gown, trying to undo the snaps with her one good hand.

Angelus was instantly behind her, "Let me help you with that" he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. He smoothed his hands up her back and lifted the material; this time she didn't stop him. He untied the bow at the top and the few snaps at the back, then stepped away from her.

"Thanks," she whispered and pulled on the sweats with difficulty. She fought with the shirt, finally crumpling it into a ball, throwing it back in the closet and reaching for a button-up one.

Angelus watched, and enjoyed, as Cordelia got more and more frustrated with one of his shirts. "You doing ok there?" he asked casually, not making any attempt to help her.

"I'm fine," she answered coldly, finally managing to get a couple of the buttons fastened. "Tell me you have a mirror kicking around here somewhere."

"Uh, no?"

She turned and looked at him expectantly again. "Find me a mirror”

"What did I tell you about ordering me around?"

"What did I tell you about the stipulation to this deal? I'm not going out looking like a bag lady."

"Hello" Angelus said to her, "House of Vamps here, no reflection hence no mirrors"

"Do I look like I care? Seriously, do you see care on my face. I want a mirror, now!"

"Did you not just here me say no mirrors? Because if you didn't, I'll repeat it. NO MIRRORS!" Angelus barked back.

"FINE!! Then the deal is off!" she screamed just as loud and stormed out of the room as best she could. Angelus heard her scream.

Angelus vamped out and took off after her, "What the hell?" he growled as he came to a sudden halt.

She stood in front of him with a silver platter in her hand. "I can't go out like this! Do you know what this would do to my reputation?! Look at my hair! I mean look at it!! And my face!! I need make-up! And I need...look at my hair!!!! I'm all gross looking!!!" she screamed in horror.

"Will you stop screaming?" Angelus yelled at her, "I have sensitive ears, for God's sake, shut up"

"If any of them saw me like this, I'd never live it down!"

"If you don't stop screaming, I'll take you outside, I don't give damn if it's daylight, and dump you in the middle of school" Angelus threatened as he blocked his ears to the awful sound of her shrill screams.

"You wouldn't." She looked at him in horror.

"Wanna bet on that? I don't have a soul Kitten, I would gladly suffer a sun tan just for the sheer satisfaction of watching your face"

"I hate you," she answered only half truthfully, and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.

"Even better" Angelus grinned evilly, "Spike" he bellowed, "Bring the camera, I wanna get this on film"

"No!!" she yelled at him and grabbed his arm. "No! If you have any mercy in you at all, don't!" She pouted a little more and trailed her finger along his arm.

"Are you going to stop that horrid noise?"

"Are you gonna help me look pretty again?" she asked, motioning toward her wounded shoulder.

Angelus took in her pouting, lower lip and her finger trailing up and down his arm. Angelus smirked, "I might, what's it worth?"

"I told you, I'll tell you what makes me happy," she told him with a quirked eyebrow.

Angelus raised both his eyebrows, "Why don't you tell me now?"

"Because, that's not part of the deal. First, you wine and dine me. Actually, first you help me look good again, I go shopping, THEN you wine and dine me. Then I tell you."

Angelus pursed his lips in thought before nodding, "Alright, I know Dru has some nice clothes. Don't go flexing your claws little Kitten, she likes you and won't harm you. Neither will Spike, he'll torment you but won't hurt you. If you want to look nice, then trust me"

"Said the snake." She stuck out her tongue and smiled at him.

Angelus felt the weird desire to smile back at her, "Come on, let’s go raid her closet"


When Cordelia felt she was suitable for public she turned to Angelus with a serious look. "What colour?"

"Red" he replied easily as he looked at her with an appreciative eye. "You need something to match your insanity,” he added quickly.

"Have I mentioned that I hate you?" she asked casually and walked toward the door.

"Yes, but say it again it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside"

"Okay, I hate you." She couldn't help but smile as she left with her insane escort.

Part 12: Try a Little Tenderness

"Is dinner ready yet?" she called from behind the closed door. There was no way he was gonna see her before she wanted him too.

Angelus dumped the eggs on the plate that was set on the table. "Yeah, be prepared to tell me your desires Cordelia Chase"

Cordelia opened the door and stepped out. She was dressed in a blood red halter dress and the sexiest heels she could find. Her dress sparkled with every step and her hair was swept off her neck, leaving a few tendrils to brush against her skin. She looked at him shyly. "Well?"

Angelus raked his eyes over her roguishly, not even trying to deny the instant attraction to her. She was stunning, absolutely stunning. "You look amazing, is there a purpose to this?" Angelus asked as he sauntered over to her, meaning in his eyes.

"You're suppose to be wining and dining me. I demand style," she answered and flashed her killer smile at him. "Are you gonna deny me that?"

Eyebrow raised in intrigue and amusement, Angelus offered her his elbow, "Right this way" he purred as he led her to the table where the plate of eggs sat.

She raised her eyebrows at him. "I got all dressed up for eggs? I coulda had eggs in my PJs."

"Just eat" Angelus exasperated as he sat opposite her. "If you don't like my eggs, then, well, I'm sure I can think of something else you could eat"

She sat down and picked up her fork, tapping the silver with her newly manicured nails, painted to match her dress. She took a bite and smiled at him again. "It may be because I've been living off of an IV and close to nothing else for the past few days, but these are great!"

Angelus watched her eat the eggs he had made her and felt oddly at ease. "Time to hold up your end of the deal. Tell me your inner most desires. Unless that includes more shoes, you can keep that to yourself"

She smiled at him slyly. "I can't tell you."

"We made a deal Cordelia, you can't back out now. I won't let you" Angelus growled in annoyance.

She smiled wider at his annoyance. "Don't have a coronary Angelus, not that you could." She stood up and walked over to him. She made her movements obvious to accentuate the slit that travelled up the side of her dress, revealing more and more of her leg. "I can't tell you. You'll just have to follow me and trust me."

Angelus sat still for a moment so he could watch the way her dress shifted against her backside. He got up slowly and followed her cautiously; you never knew what stunt she was going to pull next. He saw her wink at him over her shoulder and he cocked his head in confusion. What is this?" he asked as she pushed the door open as slowly and as teasingly as possible.

"You got rid of them, right?" she whispered, referring to Spike and Dru.

"Yeah, what is going on?"

She opened the door wider and walked in. The room was dimly lit with candles. "Come in Angelus," she invited him needlessly.

Angelus stood still as he looked around their room lit with white candles which had their room coated in a soft, glowing light. The flames danced off Cordelia's hazel eyes as she turned to face him with a shy but mischievous smile that once again raised his eyebrow.

She traced the contours of his face and looked into his dark eyes. "Your life is all about pain. I want to show you how good it can also be without pain. That would make me happy; to give you something that no one else has given you," she whispered, her lips close to his.

Angelus frowned at her words, unsure of what to say. "Are you doing this because you feel sorry for me or something?" he hissed as he backed away, he wasn't used to this at all.

She smiled, expecting him to be resistant. "No. I'm doing this because you were able to give me something no one else had ever had. I want to do the same for you."

Angelus blinked, he was completely unable to move any part of his body at all. What had he given her that nobody else had? "What exactly have I given you Cordelia?" he had wanted his voice to come out harsher than the low, husky whisper that came out instead.

"You gave me my womanhood, as corny as that sounds." She touched his shoulder, her hand following the broad slope gently.

"Your womanhood?"

"You're really killing the mood here," she sighed and looked at him. "You gave me my first sexual experience," she told him in frustration.

"Ah" Angelus caught on, "This is your way of thanking me I take it?" he asked as replaced her hand back on his chest, moving his thumb in slow circles over the back of her soft skin.

She smiled again. "Sort of." She turned away from him and walked toward the far side of the room. "Do you trust me?"

Angelus watched her every graceful, regal move with predatory eyes and decided he would let her have her way. This time. "Show me how to make you happy" he whispered as he walked to the opposite side of the bed.

She turned and pulled him to her, being careful not to let him come in contact with her injured shoulder. She pulled him into a soft, sweet kiss before pulling away. "When was the last time anyone showed you tenderness?" she whispered as she carefully unbuttoned his shirt.

Angelus let out an involuntary moan of frustration when she pulled her lips from his. Growling when she wouldn't let him pull her back. "I'm a vampire Cordelia, tenderness doesn't come into it" he replied, his voice thick with arousal and need. The want to take her hard and fast almost overwhelming but he held back for a change.

"Then I'm going to show you that it can." She placed his hands behind her neck so he could unhook her dress. She let it fall into a sparkling puddle of material at her feet and looked at him softly as she stood before him in her black strapless teddy. She led him to the bed and laid him down, caressing his face. "Do you want me to show you?"

"You're killin me here" Angelus replied as he felt her soft, feather-light caresses and touches over his chest and stomach. He started to pant slightly when her hands moved lower towards his belt and buttons of his leather pants.

She kissed him, giving him the needed contact with her skin and then pulled his pants off of him. She trailed her fingers up his hard chest and traced his lips. She lifted his hands so he could unhook her lingerie, looking at him in full trust that he wouldn't betray her.

Angelus saw the plea in her eyes and granted her full access to any part of him she wanted. He could taste the thick heady scent of her arousal surrounding him and making his head spin; he unhooked the silky, black lingerie from her body. Moving his hands slowly, smoothly and firmly down her arms until her breasts were heating his own pale chest. Angelus sucked in a breath as he stared into her eyes, seeing every part her that she allowed him to see. What she didn't he knew anyway. He ran his hands up her naked back, the heat from her skin scorching his palms until he reached her hair. The vampire never took his eyes away from Cordelia's as he removed the clips holding her chestnut hair in place and felt it as the waves fell and covered his hands.

She lowered her lips to his as she guided him into her. She moaned into his mouth, her tongue gliding over his. She rocked him slowly, caressing his body as she moved.

He could feel her heat against his erection as she moved her body slowly. Angelus abided her wishes of tenderness as he gently fisted her hair, running his fingers through it as he massaged her tongue with his. Her lips were so soft, just like everything from her skin to her hair was soft. Tonight, for him and him only, Angelus knew Cordelia had made herself into a Goddess and took pleasure that nobody else had seen the passionate woman making love to him like this. "Cordelia, please" he whispered against her flushed cheek.

She quickened her pace slightly but retaining the tenderness that she was determined to give him. She kissed her way down his jaw and his neck, taking care to spend extra time at his jugular. She let her tongue slide down where he pulse should beat and to his chest. She felt his hands grip her a little tighter, but not painfully and she smiled. She rocked her hips, grinding against him, running her hands over his arms and chest.

Angelus gripped her hips a little tighter as he raised his hips to hers, demanding to be where he wanted to be. Her hands were trailing fire everywhere she touched, but it wasn't enough. He needed to love her back, show her she was his and what that truly meant. "Let me love you back Cordelia, I can make it so good for you, for us both" Angelus told her in a half moan.

She didn't hesitate as she took his mouth in hers again. She let her kisses move across his cheek and next to his ear. "I trust you," she whispered with a kiss.

Angelus flipped her easily onto her back, starting at her neck where his mark lay. "I'm going to touch, taste and lick every part of you, I'm going to make it so you will never find happiness in the arms of any other man Cordelia. I'm going to make you scream in ecstasy before this night is through" he whispered to her. He flicked his tongue out quickly tasting her skin, vanilla; she tasted like vanilla tonight. He moved lower, kissing and licking his way down her décolleté and moving his hands to ease her breasts together. Angelus inhaled her aroused scent in satisfaction that he was the one doing this to her. He was the one who had the ice queen falling apart and it was his arms she was doing it in. His tongue toyed with one darkened nipple while he played with the other.

She arched her back, giving him more of herself as his cool hands touched her tenderly. "I never want to be with anyone else." Her words came out in a gasp, needing to feel every part of him against her. She moaned when his hands splayed across her stomach, feeling the warm tingle forming deep inside her.

"You won't" Angelus growled as his eyes flashed at the momentary thought of somebody else touching what belonged to him. He felt her body tremble beneath his as he moved lower, keeping his hands on her stomach to hold her still. He nuzzled the lower part of her abdomen, tasting her there, "Your taste sweeter here" he murmured as he ran his hands to the sides of her thighs. The vampire couldn't stop from vamping out when he reached the V of her tanned, muscular thighs. Angelus flicked his tongue out at first, teasing himself with her taste. Cordelia moaned as she arched up into him again, silently demanding more.

She cried out as his cool tongue touched her. She had never felt so hot before. She let her arms slide down her body, momentarily entwining themselves with his before tangling them in his hair. She writhed as she felt his tongue flick against her. "Angelus..." she moaned, needing more.

Angelus eased his tongue, slowly, inside as he held her down with his hands. His eyes snapped shut as he withdrew, licking his lips of her taste. He moved back inside, just as slowly at first and he growled as he heard her almost scream his name. He replaced his tongue with one, single finger as he circled her nerves with his tongue fast.

Her fingers brushed the ridges on his face and she began to shudder. He was so cool against her fiery skin. She couldn't get enough. She thrust her hips up into him, trying to get more from him. She gasped, her legs shaking uncontrollably. "Angelus," she moaned again, this time louder. She needed him more than ever.

Angelus grinned at the effect he was having on her and upped his torture. If Cordelia wanted slow and tender, who was he to deny her? He worked a second finger inside, hissing as she seared his flesh, moving so slowly as he continued to tease her with his tongue. Cordelia was moaning his name constantly as she tried to get him to go faster, give her what she needed.

She began to buck against him. She had lost total control over her body. Her only thought now was to release the building pressure inside of her. Her fingers were drawn to his face, touching the bumps wildly. "Please," she managed as she caressed his ridges.

"Please what?"

"Please," she repeated breathlessly. "Make me happier than I've ever been, the way only you can."

Angelus smirked, knowing she wanted harder, so he gave it to her. He increased his pace as he slid his fingers in and out of her heat, the sound of her rich, throaty moans giving him pleasure as he started to drive her over the edge. Using 240 years worth of experience, Angelus began to hit the spot deep inside that he knew would shatter Cordelia into a million pieces, with him as her only connection to reality. He moved harder within her, teasing her still, it was the last touch of his tongue that did it.

Cordelia screamed as she held to him. She threw her head back and arched her back as she shuddered vigorously. She gasped, trying to find her breath again but it just would seem to catch. Her eyes rolled back and she screamed again. "Angelus," she panted as she began to return to reality. "Oh god..." Her chest heaved, her body trying to regain the oxygen it had been deprived.

Angelus brought her down, gradually decreasing the pace and pressure of his hand and tongue before fully moving away from her. "Cordelia, I want to be inside, I want to feel you do that when I'm inside" he told her in a low, barely controlled voice.

Cordelia brought his face to hers, studying his demon face intently. She invited him with her mouth and as his tongue passed her lips, she tasted herself on him. She felt him slide into her slowly and she moaned again. Her arm held him to her, shifting his pressure away from her wounded shoulder before she began to move with him.

It took what was left of his control for Angelus to continue to go by Cordelia's wishes. He entered her in a long, slow smooth stroke, "Cordelia" he mumbled almost incoherently. It felt to him as if restraint was making his pleasure rapidly increase by ten fold. He withdrew fast and entered her a little harder, earning Cordelia to gently scrape her nails up his back.

"Angelus," she answered with what breath she had left. She let him increase the pressure slightly. She wanted him to be satisfied yet retain the sense of tenderness and gentleness. She pulled him against her, moving her hips to match his motions. She felt his tongue flicking over his mark on her neck and it made her arousal jump. She began to instantly shudder again, feeling the heat of her core increase rapidly. "I want to feel you," she gasped as he buried his face into her neck.

Angelus gave in and lost it but tried to keep their momentum. He bit her, re-opening his mark. As soon as her blood hit his tongue, Angelus lost what was left of his control and snapped. He moved faster, harder and deeper inside Cordelia, feeling her as she coated him with her second orgasm of the night. Hearing her scream his name in the ecstasy he promised and feeling her ecstasy pouring over him was a catalyst for his own peak. He stilled momentarily before pulling her hips up to his, until he was fully inside her. Angelus shuddered in an almost painful, powerful climax just as Cordelia came down from hers.

Cordelia lay beneath him, her eyes looking down at the top of his head as he drank a bit of her blood. She smiled weakly and ran her finger over his cheek. "Angelus," she called him back to reality.

Angelus vaguely heard her calling his name but he couldn't find the strength to answer. Instead, he shifted so his fangs were out of her jugular and began to permeate her mark. He grunted in reply and nudged his shoulders weakly as he lay, heavily breathing and collapsed on her.

She winced as one of his shoulders pressed against her stitches. She shifted underneath him so he was no longer on that shoulder and smiled as she closed her eyes. "I love you," she told him without realizing it.

Part 13: Finale

That brought Angelus back to reality immediately, "What did you just say?"

Cordelia opened her eyes, unsure if she had actually said it or if she had been dreaming it. "I-I'm not sure."

Angelus pushed himself so he was resting on his hands, "You know you're sure Cordelia, what did you say?"

She was almost afraid to repeat her words, unsure of what his reaction would be. "I love you," she whispered again in a voice barely audible.

Angelus looked down at her, speechless. Those were three words he had never heard directed toward him. He didn't think anyone could ever love him, not that he had actually wanted someone too. He quickly recovered from his infliction and grinned at her. "Of course you do Kitten. What isn't there to love?"

Cordelia looked at him in rage. She had just told him something that she had never intended on telling him while she was alive and warm and he was turning it into a joke. "Get off me." When he didn't move, she pushed him over. "I said get off me." She crawled out of the bed, nursing her throbbing shoulder and gripped the corner of the sheet. She pulled it out from underneath him, causing him to fall off the side of the bed and crash to the floor. "Get out of my room."

"This is our room," he growled as he picked himself off the floor.

"Fine." She wrapped the sheet around her naked body and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Cordelia walked determinedly down the stairs and ignored as Spike and Dru walked through the front door. "Fucking egotistical, big-headed, asshole!" she yelled out in anger as she picked up the nearest object and threw it. The crystal wine glass she had drunk from earlier shattered against the fireplace.

Spike raised his eyebrows at her language, "Princess is saying naughty words again my Spike" Drusilla purred, "Fuck, I can say them too see I'm just like Princess"

"What's Peaches gone and done to get your panties in a bunch?" Spike asked with a big grin at both Cordelia and Drusilla.

"Don't you even start with me," she warned him, clutching the sheet around her tightly. "I'll find you when you sleep, but I won't stake you. No, I'll find the nearest knife and go Lorena Bobbit on you. Right after I do it to him."

"I think my Dru would have something to say about that pet" Spike replied as he lit up a cigarette. "Come on, tell Uncle Spikey alllll about it"

"Go to hell," she answered him. "And take Angelus with you."

"No thank you, I have enough of the bloody ponce here, don't want to spend my entire next life listenin to his prattle" Spike declined, growing more and more amused and intrigued by the second. "Don't keep me in suspense luv, what did he do?"

She picked up the other wine glass and threatened the vampire with it. "Do you have any idea how arrogant that son of a bitch is? Why did I bother to save him in the first place? I hate him!!" she screamed and threw the fragile glass past Spikes head, watching as it crashed against the wall behind him.

Spike watched in admiration of her utter rage, it wasn't something he wanted to feel directed at him. "We all hate the soddin twit luv, might help if you tell me what he's done?"

"He made me his fucking mate, that's what he did! He did this to me!" She pointed at the newly opened mark and felt the sheet fall slightly, unable to grip it with her throbbing arm. She gathered the material again, not caring what Spike may or may not have seen. "He turned me into a frigging lunatic, held me hostage, tortured me, and made me fall in love with him! I hate him!"

"That all? I would've thought he made you sit through an hours worth of songs to get you in this state luv"

"Screw you," she fumed at him and clutched to the sheets.

"Don't have a death wish Cheerleader, but thanks for offering,” Spike replied with a cheeky grin that showed off his fangs.

"Agh!" she screamed out in anger. She stalked toward the blonde vampire, rage in her eyes.

Spike held up his hands in submission as he stepped away from Cordelia. Luckily he was saved by Angelus who, with his own sheet around his waist, grabbed her arms and held them at her sides.

"Let go of me you-you evil, egotistical moron. I hate you!" Cordelia struggled to get out of his grasp as much as she could without hurting her shoulder anymore.

"Mate, sure the chit's not possessed?" Spike asked as he watched Cordelia struggle and curse every part of Angelus.

"I'm not possessed by anything but him because he's an insecure, bigheaded, jerk! Let go of me right now or I swear, I'll kill you myself!" She kicked at him with her legs, and flailed her good arm causing her sheet to slip again, though she didn't care.

"Easy tiger" Angelus growled as he grabbed her falling sheet. "Will you just calm down and stop screaming?"

"Why should I?!"

"Because if you don't, I'll shave your hair, and eyebrows, off while you sleep,” Angelus replied seriously. "You're giving me another headache"

She kicked him as hard as she could manage. "I hate you," she told him, her voice cold and hard.

"Good, because I hate you too" Angelus seethed in return as he shifted from his injured shin.

"As long as we're both agreed," she shook him off of her and stalked toward the front door.

"I thought he was a poofter when he was shaggin the Slayer" Spike shuddered, "A bloody Slayer Angelus, what the friggin hell were you thinkin?"

Angelus vamped out and grabbed Cordelia by her waist, "Will you just stop with the little girl act? It's driving me insane"

"Well get used to it Angelus! That's what I am! I'm 17 years old! I'm allowed to act immature!"

Angelus lost it, having had enough of her yelling and overreacting; he easily picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. "Cordelia, shut up" he whacked her across her backside before giving a good squeeze. "Firm" he said to Spike before walking up the stairs with a mortified Cordelia squirming.

"Put me down!!" she screamed in his ear, kicking her legs against his chest.


"Yes!" She pounded against his back with her one useable hand.

Angelus pushed their door shut once he got them inside and set Cordelia down on her feet. He stood firmly between her and the door, "Cordelia, you are not an immature little girl. You are the woman who has quite literally shocked me beyond all possible reason"

Cordelia opened her mouth to yell at him again but shut it when she heard his words. "What?"

Angelus glared at her with impatience written all over his frustrated face. "I said, you have shocked me beyond all possible reason. How the hell did you expect me to react?"

"How about by not acting like an asshole for once. Are you capable of that?" She meant for her words to come out harsh but her voice was shaky.

"Are you capable of not acting like a spoilt child?" Angelus shot right back at her. His own voice hitching as he turned down the need for her warmth.

"Habits die hard," she answered.

"I don't... I'm not able to... How could you..."

"How could I what?" she asked him. She knew very well what he was asking, but she was going to make him ask it.

"Love me?"

"Is it so hard to believe?"

Angelus ruffled his hair as he exhaled an unneeded breath. "I really don't know what to say Cordelia, you've honestly left me speechless"

"I can't answer your question Angelus. Not the way you want because I don't know the answer myself. All I know is that I do." She looked away from him. "I don't expect you to feel the same way because I know you can't, but please don't make me feel like a fool again. That's all I'm asking."

"You shocked me, I didn't know how to react" Angelus told her honestly. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm obsessed with you" he offered with an impish smile.

"Great. Does that mean me and Buffy have to sit down and compare war stories now?" She walked to the bed and sat down. "So much for my special night." She picked up the candle closest to her and blew it out. "Can you just kill me now and put me out of my humiliation?"

Angelus frowned again, "What the hell has the Slayer got to do with this?" he asked as he walked over to stop her slightly angry movements.

"You were all obsessed with her. Why didn't you mark her? Why me?" She looked up at him, her eyes showing genuine curiosity and a glimmer of what innocence she might have left.

"She slays what I am, we're natural enemies. I was only wanting to destroy her because she made me feel weak, powerless" Angelus tried to explain. "Why do you torment Willow?" he asked in return.

"Because she's a geek," she told him matter of fact. "But I don't do that anymore. Willow's okay, for a nerd." She lowered her eyes and picked up another candle. "She was right wasn't she?"

"Who was right about what?"

"Buffy. She said you were only with me because you knew she wouldn't accept you without a soul. It was never about me." She held the candle in front of her, looking intently at the flame and how it danced.

Angelus stared at her for a second, "She was and is wrong about that Cordelia. If I wanted her, I could have had her anytime I wanted. Granted, I never expected to see you like this, but I'm enjoying it" he told her. "I don’t know how to love, love is a human emotion I’ve never had a need for so I don’t know how to. All I know Cordelia, is that you are mine because I want you to be mine. I would kill anybody who tries to hurt you, I wanna spend all my time pleasuring you and I want you to spend all your time on me. That is what I want”

She held her hand over the flickering light, feeling the heat against her palm. She let the flames lick at her fingertips and smiled. "Fire's a funny thing, isn't it?"

"Fire isn't so funny when you're a vampire" Angelus said warily as he eyed the flickering candle in her hand.

She ignored his comment and pinched at the yellow flame. "It's so beautiful. It's so destructive. One little candle like this can cause so much damage so easily. But at the same time," she pinched the flame it's base, causing the light to disappear, "it can be snuffed out without much effort." She dropped the candle and looked at her blackened fingers.

Angelus scrunched his brow up, not following her speech at all. "What does this have to do wi..."

She looked up at him, showing him that so much of the fire had left her eyes. "I'm tired. I think I should sleep." She stood up and walked around, ritually blowing out each candle until there was only one left. "I'll let you burn," she told it with a sad smile.

Angelus shook his head and took hold of her wrist tightly, "Cordelia, tell me what's going through your head. Where's the woman who put some spell on me in bed? Where's the woman who stood up me while I was giving her concussion? Where's the woman who made me chase her down her laundry chute?" he demanded, fire coming to his own eyes
“I don’t know Angelus” Cordelia replied sadly as she stared at him, “She just seems to be getting dimmer and dimmer”

Having had enough of her mood swings, Angelus pushed her face forwards onto the bed and proceeded to give her a sound spanking on her naked backside. “Feel better now?” he asked as he stepped away from her.

Cordelia managed to pull her face out of the mattress, gasping for air. She looked up at Angelus, her face pink with rage and lack of oxygen. "You couldn't do it, could you? You couldn't let me have my teen drama queen moment!" She managed to get a hand to his arm and gripped the skin tightly between two of her fingers. She pinched as hard as she could and twisted. "If you think I'm deserving of a spanking, then I'll give you a real reason to!"

Cordelia grasped a few hairs on the vampire's arm and pulled hard. "OWW" Angelus yelped at the sudden sting in his skin as he jerked his arm away.

"You think you can spank me like a child, then I'll act like one! You like to bite me so much, see how you like it!" She grabbed his hand again and bit down on his finger, pinching it hard between her teeth.

"Hey!" Angelus pushed her away from and shook his hands up and down, "That just wasn't right. I do the biting around here"

"How come only you? Huh?" She looked at him with her perfect eyebrow raised. Her eyes were full of rage.

"Because I'm the vampire, see" Angelus vamped out and pointed to his fangs. "I have the fangs and I wear the pants in this"

"Yeah, you're the vampire, but I'm the bitch," she told him evenly. "You may have the fangs, but I have the ability to keep you on your toes." Her voice was smug and so was the smile that crept across her face.

"And I have the ability to bring out the bitch" Angelus replied just as smugly, seeing her eyes flash and her posture straighten defiantly.

"Bite me," she seethed and crossed her arms over her chest, causing her stitches to pull, but she didn't care.

"Really?" Angelus asked as his eyes fell to her neck then to her shoulder. He reached over and uncrossed her arms, trailing his finger around her wound carefully. "I really can't believe you did that"

"Did what?" she asked him, her lingering rage clouding her mind.

"That" he waved his hand in the general direction of the wound. "Can we get back to biting now?"

She looked at him with an exasperated look. "What, was that some kind of vampire foreplay, your 'mate' biting you?"

"Yeah" Angelus stepped closer, letting his sheet drop to the floor. "Wanna make something of it?"

"Agh, you're impossible! I'm supposed to be mad at you! I hate you, remember!" she yelled, trying to keep her wandering eyes off of what he had just left exposed to her.

"If I remember certain pillow talk, you don't hate me,” Angelus purred as he reached out to tug her sheet away. "If you like what you see, then look. I like what I see very, very much"

"Bite me," she repeated, trying her hardest to sound angry with him. She tried to pull her sheet closer but instead brushed her hand against his.

"If you say so" Angelus yanked her closer and softly bit at his mark, inhaling his scent all over her.

Her hand flew to the back of his neck, her fingers kneading the cool flesh there. She fell into his arms, unable to support herself at his touch. "What are you doing to me?" she whispered.

"Biting you" he replied in a hushed whisper as he ran a hand down her back, "What are you doing to me?"

She ran her hand up into his hair. She couldn't believe she was actually enjoying this. She was enjoying having the evil, soulless Angelus sinking his teeth into her neck. "I don't know."

"Ffumffing affout ffuffin me" his words were muffled as he bit her, holding her neck completely still as he marked her for the second time that night.

"Umm...sure...what you said," she managed. She noticed that the building pain in her neck had been released when he bit her again. Why hadn't she noticed it before? Why was she noticing it now? "You can't ever leave me." She wasn't sure if that was a demand or a plea.

"Don't intend to, you aren't leaving me" that was a statement. He let go of her neck and ran his thumb over her new wounds, "That will scar, you might wanna get a new wardrobe"

"Would you have it any other way?" she asked as rested her hand on his.

Angelus pushed her back on the bed and straddled her hips. "Not a chance, it shows you're mine. Would you?"

Cordelia shook her head. "You're paying for said new wardrobe though," she added with a mischievous smile

"I thought you were the rich one?" he asked pointedly as he held her uninjured arm above her head, linking their fingers. Angelus brushed his lips teasingly over hers.

"Daddy's rich. But he's not around. Now I have you," she answered. Normally she would be bitter about her parents leaving her behind again, but she had more important things on her mind. She tried to raise her head to meet his lips but it caused her shoulder to burn. "Come on, don't tease," she pouted.

Angelus looked at her for a moment, "Where were your parents?" he asked thoughtfully.

Cordelia couldn't remember for the life of her anymore. "I don't know. They were there, and then you were. Europe maybe? Does it matter?"

"No, you're not going back there, you're staying with me" Angelus replied as he shrugged off the conversation. He wrapped her legs around his waist and continued to tease her lips with his.

"I like that plan very much," she smiled and tried to touch his lips again. "Come on Angelus."

"Maybe I like teasing you, you teased me long enough I want a little pay back" Angelus moved his free hand between them and started teasing her there. "Or maybe I should show you how to make me happy"

Cordelia's eyes lit up. "Making you happy sounds promising. Sure the deranged duo out there can handle the noise?" she winked at him.

"I believe all the noise came from you, but if you think you can get me to make noise, go right ahead"

"Is that a challenge from the evil, soulless vampire?"

"More of a bet. If you can get me to make any noise, then you win and if you can't, well. Your ass is mine,” he growled with a smirk as he gave in and kissed her.

"Isn't it already?" she grinned. She pulled away from his lips and heard his growl. "What do I get if I win?"

"Anything your little heart desire's" Angelus replied with another smirk.

"New clothes? A million dollars? You wrapped up in a big red bow under the Christmas tree?" she asked, twisting her fingers around his as he held her hand hostage above her head.

"Did I say anything?"

She bit her lip. "And what would make you scream Angelus?" she asked herself as much as him. She narrowed her eyes at him in thought.

"You already make me scream Cordelia, every time you open you damn mouth" Angelus replied as he inched his finger into her slowly.

"That wasn't...what I...meant..." she gasped and gripped his other hand tightly.

"Oh?" Angelus moved his hand harder, hitting the right part of her constantly. "What did you mean?" he asked as he kept her eyes locked on his.

"You know..." she couldn't handle trying to argue with him anymore. He was driving every coherent thought out of her head.

"You mean scream like you're trying so hard not to do right now?" he removed his finger and added another, feeling her tighten around him and her warmth pierce his skin.


"Apart from drive me insane, what else can you do with that mouth?" Angelus purred into her ear as he held off from sending her over the edge, teasing as much as he could.

"I'm sure I could find something suitable," she muttered, squeezing his hand.

He mercifully let her go, moving harder and faster, watching as her eyes went from hazel to the colour of melted toffee as she moved against him.

She shuddered and cried out as she finally peaked and she looked at Angelus gratefully. As she came down, she gasped, staring into his eyes.

Angelus smirked at Cordelia as she gasped for breath, "I think you should show me what else you can do with that mouth,” he suggested in a crude voice giving her his exact meaning. He removed his hand quickly making her frown at the loss of contact.

"You wanna know?" she asked and ripped her good hand free of his. She pushed him off of her and quickly flipped over so she was straddling him. "Sure you can handle it?"

"Just bring it little girl"

She narrowed her eyes at him. She'd make him scream. She was determined to make him scream now, just to prove him wrong. She slowly, teasingly ran her tongue down his neck, giving his jugular a little nibble before she continued, leaving a scorching trail down his chest. "You're so gonna scream," she warned him.

Angelus watched her every move, taking in her wanton state, her excitement and determination. His eyes gleaming yellow, a smirk of enjoyment dancing on his lips as he eased himself more into a sitting position so he could watch her entirely as she devoured his body.

She narrowed her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows before dipping her tongue into his belly button, causing him to squirm suddenly. She continued her torture, causing her tongue to move as slow as possible down his stomach.

Angelus' smirk grew larger as he twined his fingers through the strands of her hair, tickling his skin as it fell across his stomach. The pink colour of her tongue drifted further and further down. The vampire let out a shaky breath as he gripped her hair tighter. He had never before endured a torture like Cordelia was putting him through.

She felt his fingers grip her hair and she smiled. Oh yes, he would scream, and it would be because of her. She reached her hand down between them and gripped him firmly, feeling him jump at the sudden heat from her hand.

"Cordelia" Angelus hissed when he felt her hot hand touch him and begin to stroke softly. He couldn't stop the half growl half moan spilling from his lips as she quickened her pace, teasing him just as he had teased her.

"What?" she asked innocently, stopping her movements instantly and resting her chin on his stomach. She looked up at him with big hazel eyes.

"You're a prick tease Cordelia" Angelus growled, annoyed she had stopped. He covered her still hand with his and made her resume her torture.

"You know you love it," she purred and moved his hand out of the way. She watched his face as she teased his tip with her tongue. She felt him shudder and took him into her mouth.

Angelus couldn't stop his hips from arching, moving more into her mouth and feeling her tongue taste him as she moved her mouth way too slowly down. Watching her eyes flutter shut with pleasure at the taste and feel of him. He watched everything she did, every expression on her face and heard every whimper she made at the back of her throat. He forced his eyes to remain open as she scraped her nails along the inside of his thigh.

She increased her intensity, feeling him swell inside of her mouth. She let her fingers tease the insides of his thighs mercilessly and she could hear the noises coming from him growing louder. She ran her hand over his hips and up his chest, letting her fingers tease his lips.

Angelus released her hair to hold her hand as he kissed her teasing fingers. "Cordelia" he began to pant and move his hips, craving more of what she was doing to him. He lightly bit her sensitive fingertips before soothing them with his cool tongue. "Take me in deeper"

Cordelia gave him what he wanted, taking him in as far as she could. She toyed with his fingers as she moved up and down him in a slow, steady motion. She heard him moan and she couldn't help but smile. She added pressure to her movements, waiting for the inevitable to happen, waiting for Angelus to snap.

His eyes closed as she increased her pressure, he let go of her hand to fist her hair and caress her cheek. He growled harshly as he bucked against her mouth, what the hell was she doing to him? She must be some kind of witch. He hand left her hair and cheek and moved restlessly along her neck, avoiding her wound and ran down her arm, squeezing. "Cordelia... God..." Angelus growled, the room was spinning and he was so close.

She could feel how close he was and decided to put her plan into action. She had picked up a few things from Angelus and she planned on using them to her advantage. She pulled her mouth away and before he could protest she had lowered herself onto him, moaning herself before she buried her face into his neck and bit down with her blunt teeth.

Angelus crushed her to him as he felt her bite him, pushing them into a sitting position he rocked fervently into her pulling her hips to meet his. The words "Tease" and "Wicked" came from his lips as he latched his lips onto her neck again. This time, only sucking not biting.

Cordelia let her teeth continue their assault on his neck, grinding into him roughly. She wrapped her legs around his waist, squeezing tightly. She ignored the pain in her shoulder as she gripped the back of his head and pulled his face closer to her neck.

Angelus tightened his hold on her and refused to bite her like she wanted and continued to suck on her skin. He could feel her tightening around him and instinctively knew she was close, he wondered if he dared say to her what she said to him. How would she react if he was deep inside her when he said it? Would it increase her pleasure? Was that even possible for him?

She tried to restrain herself, wait for him. Her body wouldn't cooperate and her fingers raked down his back. She let up her biting but continued to lick the bruised skin. His mark was aching for him; it throbbed with the blood that flowed just beneath it. She needed him to take that pain away and she needed to make him happy.

”You make me happy" Angelus whispered right before he sank his fangs into her neck, re-claiming her all over again. He held her completely still as he moved and jerked with another bordering on painful orgasm, taking Cordelia with him as he moved. Her blood, the scent of her right at the precious moment was too much for him to handle. Angelus growled and pulled at her skin with his lips as he shoved her onto her back, keeping her legs tightly around his waist. He moved deeper and harder within her as he rode out his orgasm desperately.

Cordelia cried out, his movements causing sensations to pulse through her body. She squeezed her legs tighter around his waist, trying to absorb as much of the pain as she could as she felt like she would break in two. She could feel every drop of blood he pulled from her and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Angelus let go of her neck, he collapsed totally sated as his hips twitched with the after effects of what he had just experienced with Cordelia. Her heart was pounding under her ribcage, her heavy breath was hitching and her eyes were wide as they locked gazes.

"Do I really?" she finally whispered.

"I think so, I mean I haven't suffered through that kind of torture before!" Angelus winked suggestively at her as he rolled them both to the side. He reached over to take hold of the discarded sheets and covered them, tucking Cordelia firmly into his chest.

"I'm glad," she responded and closed her eyes. "What will you do if I die?" she asked quietly. "Will you let me die?"

The answer came quickly and easily for Angelus, "No, I won't ever let you die. What would I do for torture?"

"Good. 'Cause I don't wanna die." She opened her eyes and looked at him seriously. "Not that I'm giving you permission to vamp me because I'm not. At least not right now. Not unless it was the only way."

"The only way I would turn you is if you asked me too or earlier. If the Slayer's stake had been any closer to your heart I wouldn't have hesitated"

"Did you think about it?"

"Yes, that was my second thought. The first one being to rip her head off her shoulders. She isn't getting away with hurting what's mine" Angelus replied as he stroked her back soothingly with his hand.

She smiled at his twisted form of concern for her. "Would I make a good one?"

"You're scary enough human Cordelia, I couldn't imagine you as a vampire" Angelus smirked then yelped when Cordelia pulled his arm hairs again. "Will you stop doing that?" he hissed.

"Sorry," she grinned and stuck out her tongue. "What's gonna happen? You know Buffy's not going to let this go. I don't want her to kill you." Her voice was quiet as she expressed her newest fears. She ran her fingers over his arm lightly.

Angelus shrugged, "I don't care one way or the other about the Slayer anymore Cordelia. You could say I found somebody else to occupy my obsessive urges. But I know she won't kill me, she'll never get that chance Cordelia. It would take somebody a lot stronger and taller than her to take me from you"

She smiled, happy with his answer. "Can we sleep now? I think you've taken enough of my blood for one night."

Angelus nuzzled his mark and kissed it, "Go to sleep if you're tired. I'm gonna stay up with Spike and Dru, I have to explain about you"

"Yeah..." She was already asleep before he moved to get up.

Angelus shook his head; she could have at least offered to stay up with him. He got out of bed and moved to put his clothes on. His eyes kept drifting to the exhausted girl asleep and walked stealthily over to her. He moved her hair from her face and kissed her forehead softly, "Mine" he whispered before leaving the room.


Buffy looked at Willow expectantly. "Come on Will, you know it has to be done. I don't care about some stupid link between them or not. I want my boyfriend back."

Willow looked unsure between Buffy and the spell printed out by Jenny before Angelus had killed her. "I-I don't think I can do this,” she told her best friend warily, not wanting to get into any trouble.

"I know you can. She did all the hard work. You just say the words."

Willow debated over it in her head, "W-we be safer if Angel had his soul back. Cordy wouldn't have to be with Angel because her link is with Angelus" the red head went over it. She nodded, "We need an orb of Thessulah a-and some herbs"

Buffy grinned and pulled the items out of her bag. "Got 'em. I took the liberty of checking out the recipe so I knew what ingredients to buy."

Willow merely nodded as she began to set things up to turn Angelus back to Angel. She hoped things would work out and no body would get hurt.


Cordelia was still peacefully sleeping, blissfully unaware of everything around her. In her dreams, she would always be with Angelus, her vampire and her world. In her dreams his essence was wrapped protectively around her, his scent, his touch everything about him would always keep her warm and safe.

Angel just stared, guilt written all over his face as he looked at Cordelia laying in the bed. Dried blood on her neck from a vampire bite. His bite messing up the flawless skin between her shoulder and neck. What had he done?
