nothing fancy - just fic

Title: Face Full of...
Author: LadyJubilee
Posted: 07-28-2002
Rating: NC17
Content: C/A
Summary: Was in response to Princess Twilight's Dripping challenge.
Spoilers: After "Birthday"
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Mutant Enemy. I derive no profit nor is copyright infringement intended. All lyrics belong to Marvin Gaye.
Distribution: I submitted to Princess Twilight, but, hey, do whatever you want with it.
Feedback: Praise accepted, criticism craved.

“Tryin to hold back these feelings for so long
And if you feel, like I feel baby…”

Angel paused on the staircase of the Hyperion Hotel to shift the infant nestled against his shoulder. The baby rewarded him with a small sigh and warm trail of dribble. The lobby appeared to be empty, despite the off key stylings of one Cordelia Chase echoing through the chamber. Unobserved, the vampire allowed himself a grin. Cordy was a hottie, without a doubt, but her singing was as bad as her acting. “If anything could be that bad,” he whispered to the baby.

The main doors across the room opened. Wesley, Gunn and Fred trouped in, bearing bags. Based on the odor coming from the bags, Angel guessed they’d made another burrito run. The “food” smelled very unlike O-pos and very unappetizing as far as Angel was concerned. But then Fred seemed to eat just about anything, except O-pos. He’d watched his blood supply to be sure, because with his family you could never tell who might get a craving for the red stuff.

Just as they reached the bottom step the words, “Let’s get it on” rang out from behind the reception counter.

Years of battling demons, vampires and assorted creatures of the night had Wesley, Gunn and Angel sprinting silently towards the counter in almost precision formation. Fred followed more slowly and not quite as silently, but the refrain continued unabated. As one, they leaned over the counter.

Cordelia Chase, former May Queen and leader of Cordettes, looked up from the pile of files scatter on the floor to see five faces staring at her—four smiling in amusement and the other blowing a drool bubble.

“You guys could pretend you didn’t hear that…” of course not, she decided as they all shook their heads. “Argh, I can’t get that stupid song out of my head.” She dropped a file back onto the pile as she stood.

Angel passed Connor into her waiting arms.

“Still having roommate trouble?” asked Wesley.

“Never make a ghost mad,” she warned the baby, “especially if he has the entire Motown greatest hits collection.”

Gunn circled the counter, “I think you should let the dead guy watch the hotties. Not like he’s getting any other kind of action.” He bent to pick up a file.

“Don’t touch that,” Cordy ordered. “You’ll mess up my system.”

“You have a system?” Fred asked in shock. She enjoyed a good puzzle like everyone else, but the mystery of the files left her bewildered.

“Yes, I do. It’s a very good system. Right, Angel?”

Trusting hazel eyes prompted him to agree, fortunately the mouth attached to them took his agreement for granted and kept on talking. Relief flooded Angel. He figured with all the dark marks against his name, he didn’t need to add any extra lies to column. Of course some people were worth those extra ticks.

“…we have on time and space entities. You never know when that kind of stuff will come in handy, and since big brain here” she pointed as Wesley, “did the research I thought we should keep it.”

Cordy bounced Connor as she walked to her desk. Wesley, Gunn, and Fred took seats as Cordy paced around her desk. Angel leaned against the bookcase. “At $10.95 a show, he’ll have to find another hobby,” she continued, returning to the previous topic. “Angel!” She turned to the vampire. “You could talk to him.”

“Me? Why me?”

Cordy rolled her eyes. “He’s dead. You’re dead. He’s old. You’re old. He’s a eunuch. You’re a…”

“NOT a eunuch,” Angel interrupted, standing up to take the baby back.

Wesley opened a book, covering his grin.

Gunn smirked at the vampire.

Fred nibbled her third taco.

“Just an expression,” Cordy assured.

“Find anoth…”

“We have company,” Wesley announced.

Three women floated beyond the counter.

“We have,” began the black hair woman.

“come to” continued the blonde, while the brunette added, “hire Angel”

“Investigations”, finished the dark haired women. At his name, all three women paused, to stare at part of Angel’s anatomy.

“Ladies,” Angel nervously greeted.

“Hummmm, Angel”. If vampires could blush, Angel knew he’d be red…..The blonde licked her lips. In response he held Connor a little lower, blocking their view. Having lived 250 years, he’d learned to use any defense.

“Ah, how can we help you, ladies?” Wesley asked, taking charge of the situation.

Cordy snorted. “Are you sure Angel isn’t the only one ‘equipped’ to help you?”

The three women stilled mid-float, to star at Gunn and Wesley. The men bore the scrutiny with confidence. “He is…

“equipped. He…

“ not.”

Confidence fled.

“Hey…” protested Gun only to be interrupted by Wesley’s “I assure you…”

Fred took a peek. Yes, she decided. He was well equipped and he, well, a girl didn’t like to be too blunt…. Instead she smiled.

“Oh, you meant…” Gunn looked at Wesley.

“I think they were referring to…” began Wesley.

Cordy just rolled her eyes, and reached for Connor. Angel didn’t release the baby. He didn’t think the women would come through Connor to get to him, and he wasn’t taking any chances. Cordy gave him THE look.

“I think Connor needs some father-son bonding time,” Angel murmured.



Wesley cleared his throat. “So, um, how can we help you ladies?”


“has broken…

“our protection

“spell. Information

“was stolen

“from our

“client.” The blonde winked at Angel. Angel scooted closer to Cordelia.

“We must



The women continued. Cordy phased out of their conversation. The whole Greek chorus thing was boring, and if that blonde Jane-in-the-box winked at Angel one more time Cordy was going to forget the potential income and scratch her eyes out. What was it with Angel and blondes?

The sound of growling startled Angel. It seemed to be coming from Cordy. The side effect of her change, he decided. He sighed hoping the new improved Cordy would bite the blonde if the woman licked her lips one more time. What was it with him and blondes? He looked at the woman beside him. He definitely needed to go brunette.

“Angel and Cordy, go to the offices. See if you can find any clues as to who is behind this,” Wesley was saying.

“I’ll check the streets. See if any of information has come of the market,” declared Gunn. He was already striding towards the door.

“Yes, good. While you two are at the offices, I’ll try to find out which kind of demon threatened these,” Wesley paused, remembering the “equipped crack” “…ladies.” He offered the floating entities a brief smile.

Demon? Angel wondered. He would never admit it, but he’d missed that part. Super vampire hearing was nothing compared to the distraction of the warm body leaning against him. He looked down. A warm body with great cleavage.

Demon? Cordy wondered. She’d missed the part about a demon. To be honest, and she always tried to be honest—at least with herself, she’d been a bit distracted by the feel of the strong body beside her. What the dead guy lacked in warmth, he made up for in build. Though on second thought, she shouldn’t be quite that honest with herself, so she pushed the thought away. Back to work, she told herself. They could do this. It’d be OK. Angel would have heard what the women had said, especially if the blonde did the talking.

“I’ll…watch the baby,” announced Fred. Some day, she thought, they’d say, “Fred, you go check out your sources,” or “Fred, do some research”, or “Fred, go kick some demon booty.” But, until then at least she got baby snuggles. Which, she decided when Angel handed her the baby, wasn’t too bad.

“We don’t have much time. We’ll start at the top and work our way down,” Angel advised as they entered, after the ubiquitous “breaking”, the offices of Karvon Information Services. For over 20 years Karvon demons had used their unique skills to do reference checks for various LA employers. Detailed, accurate, and reliable, KIS specialized in revealing the secrets potential employees hoped to keep hidden. Now someone was stealing that potentially embarrassing information, though Angel still wasn’t certain where the demon Wesley mentioned came in. He doubted the Karvon demons would threaten their own employees and he doubted the Furies would worry too much about six inch high, lemon yellow demons with no heads. But if he played it right, he might be able to get Cordy to tell him—without admitting he didn’t know.

“Hey, you’re the one who wouldn’t stop for directions,” Cordy answered.

“Vampire, Cordelia. Only to stop eat, not for directions. We’ve been over this before: bite, avoid---not much middle ground.”

Cordy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. You weren’t all vamp; you were all male.”

Ok, but he wasn’t admitting it. Darla and Dru did stop for directions. They just waited to eat the person after they’d gotten directions.

“Whatever. If we’re going to get you home before you burst into flames and Connor’s next feeding, we need to hurry.” She looked around. “So, where do we start? You manly men usually leave us poor womenfolk at home when it comes to field work.”

Angel was going to deny it, but realized she had a point. “I don’t know. Just look for anything that might tell us who is taking the information.” Truth be known, AI wasn’t exactly known for its investigative skills to begin with, but he decided not to mention it.

The room was divided in small cubicles, rows upon rows of little cells. Even without a benefits package, he preferred his job to being confined in one of those cells. Rather battle the forces of darkness any day. But then some days he was the forces of darkness. Casually, he began rifling through the desks, looking for a “clue”, before he put his plan into action. Carefully he schooled his face. He could do this. He was the vampire with the face of an angel after-all, he’d learned deception at the feet of the Master…and Darla. “So, um, I’ll protect you…not that you need protection since you’ve been training” he hoped she didn’t notice that bit of exaggeration, “I mean if the…the demon, you know…”

Cordy stopped between a row of desks. “You weren’t paying attention!”

“No, no, I was,” Angel denied. This wasn’t going well.

“I knew it! It was the blonde wasn’t it. All that ‘hmmmm, Angel’.”

This really wasn’t going well.

“Put some blonde in the room and your brains drop into your pants. I mean, what is it with you and blondes? You either go all psycho vamp or dark at the sight of a peroxide bottle.”

Angel focused on searching for a clue. “Not just blondes,” he mumbled, though Cordelia was still going strong.

“Isn’t there a support group for that kind of thing? Blondes Anonymous or something.” Cordy dropped into an office chair, a chair she noticed was much more comfortable than the one at her own desk. Before they repaired and exited she was going to have check the label. Shifting back to her topic, she used her announcer voice, the one she’d perfected in her many, ok not many…but a few…commercial gigs. “BA—twelve pain filled steps to an angst filled life—we never recover.” She stopped spinning to glare at her co-worker. “Get over it already!”

Angel moved to another desk, “Cordy….bite me.”

Cordy’s heart skipped. That should have been a funny reference to an embarrassing moment…instead she found she’d really like to bite him. Suddenly she saw Angel and herself in her bed, with her sinking her teeth into his shoulder, while she….OK, not blonde, and that had better not be a vision, because curse-thingy and Dennis was already getting to watch way too much on the pay-per-view as it was. She definitely didn’t want to give him a live performance. Yet she couldn’t help noticing the way Angel’s pants molded his buns when he bent over the desk. Oh no, she really had the urge to lean over and, she hid behind her fingers, bite him in the ass. She cleared her throat. “Hah, you wish,” she retorted. Unfortunately that snappy comeback sounded just a little too breathless, even to her own ears.

Oh, I wish, alright, Angel thought. Vampires had a real thing for biting, both from the nipper and the nippee end of things. He nearly groaned at the thought of her biting him on the… he cleared his throat. He doubted Cordy would want to know that. Though he had noticed way Cordy’s heart skipped, which he figured was a sign. He just wasn’t sure what sign.

Un-noticed by part demon hearing and vampire sense, a figure moved through the halls of Karvon Information Services. Clad in bright yellow overalls and an orange baseball cap, it came armed, pushing a mop before it and trailing a wheeled bucket. Every so often, the creature swayed, using the mop as a microphone. The demon waltzed through the offices, secure in his disguise.

Angel spun, “Shhh.”

Cordy moved closer, trusting his vampire senses. “What is it?” she whispered. “Big demon scary?”

“Someone’s coming.” He guided her towards the closest door. It was locked.

“Hurry up, I don’t want to get arrested,” Cordy urged.

“I’m more concerned about a big demon scary.” He tried another door, then another.

“Have you seen a mug shot? That’s scary. You end up looking all washed out.” Ok, she thought, good one, just blurt out your most embarrassing secret—well, truthfully that was probably the whole dating Xander thing, but then it wasn’t much of a secret. Fortunately, Angel hadn’t noticed her slip.

Finally a door marked “Cleaning Supplies” opened. Angel pulled Cordelia through the door just as the demon turned the corner into the hall.

The pair leaned against the closed door. They could head the wheeled approached of the demon. Cleaning supplies, demon with a mop bucket. Angel groaned, so much for the nifty hiding place. Why didn’t these things happen to other vampires?

Angel scanned the dark room.

It was small, more a closet and, oddly enough, filled with cleaning supplies, and very few hiding places. They barely had room with all the racks of cleaning supplies.

The door suddenly flew in, as the janitor wheeled in the mop bucket. The door swung towards them, hiding them against the wall.

Enclosing them tightly against the wall, Angel realized. He felt Cordy stiffen as she reached the same conclusion. She’s not the only one, he thought. His back was against the wall, and his best friend was pushed up against him. Not for first time he noticed how firm and full her breasts were. He’d never forgotten how she looked in a bikini or her royal bikini for that matter. Yet for the first time, he got to feel them.

The janitor pushed the mop and bucket into the center of the small room, and began sorting through the cleaning supplies. All the while it sang, “Don't you know how sweet and wonderful, life can be. I'm askin’ you baby, to get it on with me. I ain’t gonna worry, I ain’t gonna’ push. So come on, come on, come on, come on baby. Stop beatin’ round the bush....”

“Cordy,” Angel whispered. “NOT a eunuch.”

It must be the new demon thing, Cordy decided, cause she knew she’d never have done it…..but her hand reached out to feel the evidence. “No kidding,” she whispered back, feeling his hard length through his pants. She stood on her tip toes, to lean into his ear. “Hmmmmm, Angel.” She grinned and unbuttoned, then unzipped his pants. “They said equipped, but wow!”

Angel shifted uncomfortably. “Could we…”

“Oh, yes...” Cordy answered, freeing him from his pants. “We could, can, would and should.” She ran her fingers along his cock, marveling in his length and breath. Then, she wrapped the fingers of her left hand around him, while her right hand lifted and squeezed his balls. Angel shuddered. His back arched against the wall.

Behind them, the janitor gathered towels and bottles in a cart.

Cordy leaned forward, stretching onto her toes again. Her lips touched Angel’s. He opened to allow her tongue entrance. She explored his mouth while her fingers continued stroking and squeezing. Angel remained passive under her onslaught….until the door closed behind the janitor.

With vampire reflexes, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back. He held them his grip with one hand. Cordy’s chest rose and fell as she panted. He watched her irises expand, even in the darkness of the room. He felt her body yield against him. “You’re a little to old to be playing games,” Angel warned. He zipped his pants despite his erection. The barrier helped him regain control.

Every nerve in her body seemed to be alive. She remembered the curse, but for once it just didn’t seem to matter. She remembered his thing for blondes, but couldn’t seem to care. She remembered all the reasons this was a bad idea, but after months with a ghost and a loofah for entertainment, she just didn’t care. “Who’s playing?”

That’s was all the consent Angel needed. Keeping her hand behind her back, he reached down to the hem of her skirt. The very small, very tight mini skirt he figured she wore just to drive him out of his mind. Slowly, he traced the edge, touching on the hem of the material and the flesh beneath. Cordy trembled. He slid his hand beneath the skirt, not towards her heat as she expected, as her eyes seemed to beg. Instead he caressed her thigh, reaching to the hip of her panties. A lacy little thong, his finger tips told him. He grinned. Only Cordelia Chase would go battle demons in a thong. Carefully, he pulled them down. One side crept out beneath the skirt. He reached behind her, switching her wrists into his right hand. His left hand inched beneath her skirt, he brushed against the wetness at the junction of her thighs, but continued on to caress up her left hip. He tugged the fragile fabric, but didn’t tear it. Then he nudged her legs apart by sliding his leg between them. His action caused her skirt to roll upwards, revealing the dark hairs of her mound. Within moments Cordelia Chase stood before her best friend, her skirt at her waist, her panties at her knees and her wrists bound behind her back. Angel had never seen her more beautiful. He turned her to face the wall, with her back to him.

Nothing in her experience had prepared her for this. She shivered, from the air touching her, from the tight coil of pleasure that seemed to wrap itself around her, from expectation….and from fear.

“Trust me,” Angel whispered, even as a shadow within him devoured her fear.

The room was to dark for her to see, yet she knew Angel could see clearly. She looked into his eyes. “I do,” she promised.

“Now we need to talk,” he announced. He hand his hand over her bottom, trailing his finger along its crease. She tried to pull away from the sensation his touch engendered, but he still held her wrists. “Ah-ah. Not so fast.” He dipped his finger between her checks, to find her opening. The small entrance twitched, seeming to beg for attention. Without preparation, entrance would be painful, so Angel continued on to find the source of her wetness. Already she fairly dripped with the most delicious smelling honey. She moaned as his slide two fingers into her warmth. “I believe you mentioned something about me being a eunuch,” he leaned forward to whisper.

“Just an expression,” she panted. “Nooo.”

Angel’s fingers withdrew despite her protest and the way her hips moved as she tried to capture his fingers between her thighs. Free, his fingers moved to the leather belt encircling her waist. He unfastened the buckle, and then slowly he pulled it from the belt hoops. “I don’t know, Cordy; I’m not hearing the sincerity.” He leaned forward touching his lips to hers, offering gentle reassurance and thanks for the trust.

She knew what he would do. Her knees nearly faltered as waves of anticipation and dread filled her, but he supported her weight.

The first lash was gentle, quickly followed by a second and third which merely warmed her bottom. “I think you can do better,” Angel instructed as he brought the belt down for a fourth strike, one that more than warmed.

Cordy was turned on. In vain she tried to rub herself against something, yet he held her facing the wall. She was too far for her breasts to touch the wall, and her hands remained in his grip. “Not a eunuch,” she tried.

The lash descended again.

“Angel, please….” She begged.

Angel shifted, and returned his hand to the place between her thighs. He molded her flesh, slipping the edge of the belt into her dripping crevice. “Please what, Cordy? That doesn’t sound like an apology.”

Her hips bucked forward and backward as she tried to work herself against both the belt and Angel’s hand. He allowed her to move, leaning forward to hear her words. “I’m so…orr..y.”

“How many times,” he wondered allowed. “Let’s see one, two, three---no, think it was twice at once then…..say five times. In front of others.” Her hips moved at an increasingly frantic rate as he slowly, almost imperceptivity withdraw.

“I’m really, sorry, Angel,” Cordy nearly shrieked when she realized she would be left unfulfilled.

To console her, help her regain control, Angel leaned forward to kiss her gently again. He nearly lost control himself when she sucked his tongue into her mouth hungrily. He used her distraction to reach around her front and begin unbuttoning her shirt. Finally, he was able to touch her breasts without barrier. He lifted first one then the other, flicking his nails over her nipples before squeezing. “I know,” he reassured. “And you want to make up for it, don’t you?”

For once in her life, Cordelia Chase just couldn’t talk. Instead, she nodded against Angel’s chest, shuddering as he squeezed her breast again. She tried to stand normally again, in an attempt to get some control back. But Angel prevented her move, keeping her legs spread. “Five?” she managed to get out.

“Yes. And you want to make amends, don’t you?” Knowing her response, Angel stepped back, and before she could prepare brought the belt across her buttocks again. Having warmed the area earlier, and worked to maintain that preparation, he now used a firmer stroke. He listened, enjoying the arousing sound of her shocked gasp. Even as she jumped and tried to avoid the belt, he brought it down again this time with a lighter touch that merely kissed her flesh. The third sought unmarked flesh, offering a luscious sting, before the fourth over-laid the first. From experience he knew it would feel mild now, but would produce a mark to remind Cordy of this moment for days. His cock nearly burst at the thought of her touching that mark through-out the coming days. The final strike was gentle, a comforting refrain.

Tears clouded Cordy’s eyes. Pain, pleasure; fear, safety; bondage, freedom….she wonder how it was possible to feel everything at once. Yet she felt everything. Except that she’d made amends for what was quite obviously a wrong judgment; and she desperately wanted to make amends. She tired to offer herself, stretching to rub herself against Angel’s body.

Angel laughed softly, allowing her to back up against him, allowing her to rub her ass against his hard cock. “I’m not sure you’re forgiven, Cordelia…do you think there’s something else you can do.” Again, he touched her breasts, this time releasing her wrists so that he could play with both before sliding one hand down over her belly to her wet mound. “Do you want to do more?” he asked.

“Yes…yes, you know...” she gulped much needed air “I do…I need to…I will.” She moved, thrusting her hips against the hard cock she could feel hidden his pants before pressing herself against his hands. She couldn’t decide which turned her on more.

“Good,” Angel declared as he let her go.

Cordy lost her balance and tipped towards the wall.

While she reached out to catch herself, Angel unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He started to speak but noticed Cordy’s disappointed look. Her hands were now free. Quickly he reached across to the supply shelf, to retrieve a towel. Super vampire strength came in handy when it came to improvised bondage gear, as he’d learned during the decades with Darla and Dru. After a token “struggle”, accompanied by a breathless “I can’t believe I’m so turned on” from the bondee, Cordy’s wrists were again secure, this time in front of her. Angel tripped her, forcing her to her knees while supporting her fall.

One look at the straining dick in front of her, and Cordy knew how she could make amends. She inhaled his scent as she nuzzled against its base. Her tongue traced its base before trailing over his balls. She drew one into her and sucked, even as she draped her hair over his penis. Then she turned her attention to the other. After a moment, she licked the sweet line on the underside of his penis. She followed the line to the tip where a drop of salty goodness awaited her.

Where did she learn this, Angel wondered. He growled through a moan. The woman was using both the soft underside and rough top of her tongue…that before she locked her lips around him and sucked for all she was worth while humming. “Oh hell” he thought when she literally sucked him into an early orgasm. So much for vampire stamina.

“I…” he panted. Vampires don’t breathe, you idiot, he reminded himself.

Her eyes twinkled as she licked at the crème dribbling down her chin.

Angel grinned. One woman in all the world could put him in the wrong every single time, and she looked good on her knees doing it. Next time, she had to wear the princess outfit.

Cordy spread her thighs a bit more. She caught Angel’s eye. With her wrists bound before her, she ran her fingers down her body. Then began to masturbate before the vampire. She spread her lower lips, so that the view of her fingers swirling in her wetness would be unobstructed. She stopped once she had his complete interest. She touched her face, running her fingers through the white cream on her face. She caught some before carrying down to her pussy. The vampire who didn’t need to breathe labored to catch his breath when she worked his cum into her dripping hole.

“You’re killing me, Cordy,” Angel warned. He stepped towards her, only to trip. The clatter echoed in the confines of the supply closet. Cans of cleaner and rolls of toilet paper seemed to fly off the walls. Yet neither Angel nor Cordy cared.

“You’re already dead, vamp-boy.” She rose up on her knees, and arched her back towards the floor. Cheerleading: preparing the way for sex and sword fighting. With one hand she opened her nether lips. Her other index and middle fingers dove inside. At the same time her thumb rubbed over clit. All that time with just her own fingers and a ghost paid off when Angel dropped to his knees before her.

He’d already tossed off his pants by the time he settled between her thighs. In one thrust, he’d filled her with his cock.

“Angel,” Cordy yelled.

The vampire stilled. “What?” he asked.

Cordy fidgeted beneath him. The feel of her wiggling around his cock made him want to pound into her, find release….but he got the feeling Cordy was a bit distraction.

“I’m wet,” she announced.

Well, duh, Angel thought. “Cor, believe me, I noticed,” he answered beginning to move.

He locked his lips over hers. They nipped and licked at each other. He wanted this to last, to be special. He increased his speed, and felt an orgasm approaching. His body locked, prepared to explode. He dropped his head over her shoulder…..

And got a face full of dirty mop water.

She couldn’t help it, even on the edge of the biggest explosion of her short life, and hopefully of his very long one, she giggled.

Two hundred and fifty years. A creature of the night. Champion for the powers that be. Cordy laughed louder.

Stunned, Angel froze with water dripping off his face. Then he caught Cordy’s laughter. He smiled with her then rolled onto this back, taking Cordy with him.

She stopped laughing and wore a surprised expression. He lifted her, sliding her almost off of him, then lowered her. Two more lifts, and she took over.

Cordy road him bouncing as she sought her own rhythm. Gradually, she learned to listen to her own body.

When you were “immortal” (well, beyond stakes, sunlight and the odd decapitation) you learned patience. Angel found his patience rewarded. As Cordy’s confidence grew, she began to experiment. Her hips fell into a figure eight pattern that accompanied the up and down motion generated by her bouncing. He thought he’d die---again---from the pleasure.

He reached for her breasts, again marveling in their splendor, but her bond wrists got in the way. He tried to untie the makeshift ropes, but Cordy baulked. To allow him access, she lifted her wrists high above her head. Her back arched.

Angel couldn’t resist. He gripped each of her nipples between his fingers, squeezing just enough to cut off some of the circulation. Cordy moaned. Then he released them at the same time. Blood and feeling returned to the dark pebbles, bringing a warm sting of painful pleasure. He sat up, he up and paid homage to those breasts. He tasted, licked, and then nibbled at the rose hued aureoles.

Cordy exploded. Angel smiled. Miss Cordelia Chase talked all the way through her climax. “…believe it. Why didn’t someone tell me?” she demanded.

“I think there’s a lot they didn’t tell you,” he answered. He rose up onto his own knees. Water dripped down his back, oddly adding its own sensual flow. He flipped Cordelia onto her knees. She automatically dropped her still bound hands to the wet floor. Angel tortured himself by rubbing against her entrance.

“Ahhh,” Cordy sighed.

Angel pushed forward. Control, he reminded himself. He allowed himself to enjoy the pure sensation. Her warm body gripped him. As he pulled out he circled his hips. The woman in his arms arched and cried out. He smiled against her shoulder. “Gotcha.” Again he slid forward, this time focusing on the hitting that spot again. Cordy started babbling again and her lips sought his. She talked even through the kiss.

Angel tried to continue his pace, but Cordy couldn’t take anymore. She raised herself against him, and tried to hurry his pace.

“Ah, hell.” Angel gave in. Gripping her waist, he supported her weight. He allowed himself free reign. With a growl that freed his game face he started to pound. Through it all Cordy talked. At one point, he thought she even balanced AI’s books before she screamed out her release.

Impulse took over; he sniffed at the hollow of her next. And he bit…..yet even in the blaze of what had to be the most powerful orgasm of his unnaturally long life he remembered who he was…more importantly who she was…and managed to merely nip at her skin as he flooded her passage.

They both collapsed in a splash.

“Angel?” came the hesitant inquiry.


“Oh.” Cordelia couldn’t decide if she was more relieved or more disappointed. Sure, she was relieved, what with the not being tortured for hours on end before having her throat ripped out….but that also meant no moment of “pure happiness”. And what did he mean still being Angel?? She was Cordelia Chase, how dare he not have perfect happiness after that! She punched his shoulder and sat up.

“Wait, Cordelia.” Panic. He was going to have talk—about “feelings”. “Let me explain.”

“Wait!? Look, you don’t have to explain.” She brandished a lock of hair. “See, not blonde…Explains everything. Oh my god, you tore my skirt!”

“No, I…”

“And my wrists are all tied up. Why are they still tied? Untie them. Now,” she demanded.

Angel stood up, to tower over his friend. “No.” He stopped her mid-swing. “Cordy, we’ve changed. You changed me. Connor changed me. Wes, Gunn, Fred and Doyle…you’ve all been a part of it. I…” He paused. Showing the maturity he’d watched develop, Cordy waited for him to continue. He stopped. How was he supposed to talk about feelings with her sitting on the floor, her panties clinging on to one knee, her skirt up to her waist? But then, she didn’t seem to have much patience, so he continued. “You’ve made me perfectly happy. No, wait.” He added before she could interrupt. “I think about how I feel with you and with Connor…and I know I took that away from so many others.”


“I’ll never be able to repay, but I won’t forget it either. To forget all the people I hurt would be to diminish what I feel for you and Connor,” He smiled. “I guess I’ve finally grown up, just like my best friend.”

Cordy stood and wrapped her arms around him.

Minutes later a dressed, but still wet Angel cracked open the door. Red eyes stared back at him from a green face.

“Bout time. We were ready to send in the cavalry.”

“Lorne?” Angel looked beyond the demon.

Gunn and Wesley stood ready, stakes in hand.

The Furies floated behind them. “Hmmmm, Angel” they greeted.

Fred stood off to the side, shifting her feet in obvious excitement. “See, kyrumption.”

“Oh, no,” Angel sighed, leaning his head against the door sill.

“Oh, no?” Cordy echoed. She peeked over his shoulder before she punched him.

“Owww. Why’d you do that?” he asked.

“A supply closet, mop water---dirty mop water!—and an audience. I thought vampires were supposed to have that sexy romantic thing going.”

“Obviously not,” offered Wesley with a smirk. “We found the thief, by the way.”

“Yeah, while you two were macking on the job, English here did some real work. Then I got on with the fighting,” Gunn boasted.

“Well, actually, I devised a spring loaded system, much like a catapult, to…”

“Ok, so Fred got on with the fighting,” corrected Gunn.

“Ok, let’s go home,” Angel decided as he reached for Connor. This just couldn’t get any more embarrassing.

“OH!” cried Cordy. “I almost forgot.” She walked in front of Angel and turned around to face him. “Hmmmmmm, Angel,” she said with a leer.

“I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

“You wish.”

Angel patted Connors back. He waited till Cordy reached the door before asking, “So, why’d you get arrested?”
