just fic

Title: Letting Go and Holding On
Author: Katrina
Posted: 09-16-2003
Email: katrina_allitt@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Just ask.
Notes: This is the second half of Luckylyn's story. I hope it's up to her high standards.
Feedback: Feedback is always of the good.
Thanks/Dedication: To Luckylyn for inspiring me to finish her story, and to Kimmers for encouraging me to do so.

Part 7

“Where’s Dawnie?” Willow asked.

“Upstairs getting ready for dinner with Dad,” Buffy said.

“Your Dad’s not coming for another 2 hours,” Angel pointed out.

“I know but she’s going nuts with all the beauty products we bought today,” Buffy said. “We don’t see our Dad much. She tends to go overboard.”

“Here Angel,” Buffy said handing him a cup of blood from her tray. “Wes said you hadn’t eaten today.”

Everyone looked up surprised.

“Thank you,” Angel said and took a sip. Then he smiled and said, “How’d you know I like honey in my blood.”

“Fred told me,” Buffy said. “I didn’t know you added anything.”

“I didn’t used to but Cordy started experimenting,” Angel explained.

Xander edged his way closer to Cordelia under the guise of getting more coffee to go with his sandwiches. He hadn’t had a chance to talk with her alone all day and he noticed that she was looking pale under her tan.

“Hey Cor, how are you really feeling and don’t give me any of that I’m fine crap.” Xander asked quietly so that no one would overhear.

Cordelia looked quickly around to make sure no one was paying them any attention before turning back to Xander. She actually felt relieved that there was someone she could be candid with, trying to keep up a front whilst in pain all these months had been really exhausting for her.

“I feel like I have hot lava in my head and any second now it’s going to erupt. But it’s always like this until we solve the vision. I just pray that I don’t get another vision before this one is over.”

Cordelia took her plate of sandwiches over to sit on a couch and Xander followed. They continued to talk quietly together not noticing that both Anya and Willow were watching them. The two dark heads were bent in towards each other, soft voices and muted laughter all that could be heard from them. Willow looked towards Anya and noticed the pain on her face, she realised that Anya was thinking the worst, this was the very scenario Anya had been dreading.

Willow wasn’t sure what to do, and was glad when Dawn coming downstairs created a welcome diversion.

“How do I look?” Dawn asked twirling excitedly in the centre of the lobby.

Everyone hurried to assure her she looked terrific. Dawn basked in the admiration for a moment before looking over to Buffy.

“Buffy you aren’t dressed yet, come on hurry up. Dad will be here soon.”

Buffy rushed off to change and Willow turned back to Cordelia and Xander only to notice they were no longer present.

“Where did Xander go?” Willow asked the room in general.

“I believe he took Cordelia home. Why was there something you required?” Wesley asked politely.

“No thanks. I um, I think I will just go for a walk.” Willow said to Tara, refusing her girlfriends offer of accompaniment.

Marching out of the Hyperion towards Cordy’s place, Willow became annoyed then angry at Xander and his behaviour. Regardless of the fact that Anya was annoying and tactless and rude, she was Xander’s partner and she deserved better treatment.

When Cordelia answered the knock on her door, Willow barged past her into the living room, resolve face in place.

“Xander Harris, I expected better of you. I can’t believe you would treat Anya this way, she loves you and you take up with Cordelia again behind her back, well I just won’t stand it. You are going to march right back to that Hotel and apologise to that girl right now. And Cordelia Chase, how could you? And with Xander?”

“Hey.” Xander and Cordelia chorused.

“No, don’t you interrupt me, look resolve face.” Willow pointed at her face. “This is not real, whatever you think you are feeling, get over it.”

“Willow, wow. I’m impressed. I’ve never seen anyone jump to that many wrong conclusions so fast. Way to go.” Cordelia walked past Willow and sat down on her couch.

Cordelia’s calm response seemed to take the wind out of Willow’s sails a little.

“Um, ok, well I just.. it seemed… and there was Anya…how am I wrong?” Willow blurted out.

“Sit down Will. We aren’t taking up with each other again, we’re just friends.” Xander offered.

“I don’t know if I believe that. You two seemed pretty cosy for just friends.” Willow sat next to Cordy.

Xander looked over at Cordelia with a question in his eyes. Cordelia gave an exasperated sigh before storming into the bedroom and returning with a box or medical reports and x-rays.

“If you must know Willow. We were talking about the fact that I am dying. The visions are killing me. Xander found my medication and so I told him the truth but he’s the only one who knows and you are now sworn to secrecy. I don’t want the others treating me differently or trying to take my visions away. Xander and I have been talking about the research I have done to try and find a solution.”

Willow had tears pouring down her face as she looked through the box.

“I’m so sorry. There must be something we can do. What about magic?”

“If you can think of any magic that would help, go for it, but I’ve tried everything I can think of so far.”

“Why don’t you tell Wesley, I bet he could find a solution?”

“No. And you can’t tell either, you have to promise me ok?” Cordy said turning serious eyes on Willow.

“I promise.” Willow responded reluctantly.

Part 8

Cordelia was the only one in the lobby the next morning when Dawn came downstairs.

“Morning Dawnie. How was last night?” Cordy asked helping herself to some more coffee.

“It was great. I had the best time. Dad took us to a show after dinner. I don’t think Buffy liked it though.” Dawn looked downcast by the memory of Buffy last night.

“What makes you say that?” Cordelia asked concerned.

“I don’t know. It’s just that since she came back, she’s not happy anymore. I don’t think she wants to be here with me.” Dawn was near tears.

“Oh sweetie, that’s not it. I’m sure it’s just hard. But she seemed ok yesterday when she was talking with Angel. Maybe she would be happier if she were back together with Angel.” Cordelia offered although it killed her inside, she could hardly bear the thought of Angel with another person.

“Do you think? She did look happy when she first saw him didn’t she? Ok how can we make this happen?” Dawn looked expectantly at Cordelia.

“We? No way. We can’t interfere in their love life. We should just let it happen.”

“Get real. Buffy and Angel are too stupid to get things happening, they are so focused on being star crossed that nothing will ever happen. I figure you and me can give them a helping hand.”

“Fine, whatever. Just know that if we get caught I am denying everything.” Cordelia figured that if Angel was happy with Buffy he may not have as much time to notice her worsening visions and that if Buffy made him even a little happy, it would be worth the pain in her heart.

“This is so exciting, I’m going to go and get breakfast. I will see you later.” Dawn rushed off into the kitchen where she proceeded to make pancake shapes with Tara who was sitting quietly by herself having cereal.

Willow and Xander came downstairs together, discussing ways in which they might be able to help Cordelia. Willow felt certain that she should be able to do something magically to help.

“Morning guys, did you sleep….ahhhh” Cordelia suddenly screamed in pain and fell to the ground, writhing and gasping.

Xander and Willow rushed over and tried to get close enough to hold her head so that she wouldn’t hit it on anything but her twitching and convulsing prevented them getting close. Sharing looks of concern they waited, becoming alarmed when Willow noticed blood coming from Cordelia’s nose and ears.

When Cordelia was still, Xander picked her up and carried her over to a couch. Willow ran to get a cloth to clean her up, also some water for her medication.

“Mm blood, that’s new.” Cordelia muttered, smiling wanly at Willow in thanks for the help and the water.

By this time, everyone else was in the lobby, having heard the screaming of Cordelia. Cordy was grateful that it had only been Xander and Willow present to witness the bleeding; she didn’t want to have to answer the questions she knew the blood would have raised.

“Um, there is a squishy, smelly yellow demon about to leave the sewers and snack on some kids in a girls school; I think it’s that school whose uniform has the cute little hats. You know the one?” Cordy looked at Wesley.

“St Marys?” Wesley questioned.

“Yeah. Its happening now, so I think Buffy and Angel should go, kind of now, they can handle this one alone, it’s only the one demon.” Cordy shot a look at Dawn who was delighted by the turn of events.

“Don’t hurry back.” Dawn offered helpfully. “Have some post slayage breakfast and stuff, I’ll be fine here today. Tara is going to take me to the museum.”

Buffy and Angel exchanged glances before looking at Dawn, who was making shooing motions at them to get going.

“Cordy, are you going to be ok?” Angel asked, trying to get close to her but hindered by Xander and Willow.

“I’m fine, go now.” Cordy waved Angel off.

Angel and Buffy picked up some weapons and headed down to the basement together. Dawn shot a pleased look at Cordy, before grabbing Tara and dragging her upstairs to get ready for the museum.
Anya looked over at Xander who was seated by Cordelia on the sofa.

“Xander. Please come upstairs with me now and I will give you several orgasms.” Anya decided to take the offensive in the battle for her man.

Cordy shot an amused glance at Xander, who blushed.

“Ahn, honey, Willow and I are going to take Cordy home now. She needs to rest. Why don’t you go to the museum with Tara and Dawn?”

“Are you implying that I’m old? Museums are for old things. Why don’t you want orgasms? I will do that thing with my mouth that you like; you know when I swirl my tongue around...” Anya began to whine.

“Eew, too much information.” Willow interrupted, scrunching up her nose and backing away, accompanied by Wesley, Gunn and Fred.

Cordelia remained trapped on the couch and when she tried to rise, Xander pushed her back down.

“Anya, go with Tara and Dawn. I will talk to you later ok?” Xander dismissed Anya in his concern over Cordelia, who really did look peaked.

Gunn, Wesley and Fred decided to go out for breakfast before continuing their research, so Xander and Willow were able to take Cordelia home, without anyone noticing the way she had trouble walking and had to lean heavily on Xander for support.

Part 9

Angel and Buffy found the demon exactly where Cordelia had said it would be, beneath St Mary’s School for Girls. They quickly battled it and won, easily falling back into the routine they had established when fighting together in Sunnydale. Buffy was pleased at how easily they still fought together, mirroring each others moves. She liked fighting with someone she didn’t need to look out for.

“I feel great. I missed slaying with you Angel. Would you like to maybe get a coffee with me?” Buffy asked.

“Let me just check in with Cordy. If she’s feeling ok that would be great. It would finally give us a chance to talk.”

Buffy suddenly remembered that Angel had been trying to talk to her since she had kissed him. She also remembered that she was trying to avoid that talk. Damn, now she was trapped. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she was anticipating, maybe Angel wanted to tell her that he was afraid of the curse, not that he didn’t love her any more.

Angel talked to Wesley and found that Xander had taken Cordelia home. He was a little suspicious of those two, they seemed very close and even though Xander had a girlfriend, Angel found her very odd and knew that Xander hadn’t been opposed to cheating in the past. He wondered if he should step in and have a talk with Xander, but he thought, maybe it’s best to let it lie, if Cordy could be happy with Xander maybe he should let it happen. Xander could give her sunshine and happiness, things that Angel could never hope to provide.

“OK Buffy, I guess I’m all yours. Xander and Cordy have gone back to her apartment. Do you have anywhere in mind?”

Buffy and Angel made their way to a small café Angel knew of; it was close to sewer access and sheltered from the sun.

“So Angel. What did you want to talk to me about?” Buffy asked anxiously taking the bull by the horns.

“I want you to know that I understand how hard it is for you right now, coming back to this world from wherever you were. I’m going to be here for you as a friend in anyway you need.” Angel finally spoke after running through several different versions of ‘I don’t love you anymore’ in his head first.

“As a friend?” Buffy questioned.

“Yeah, as a friend. That’s all I can be anymore. The reason I left Sunnydale? It hasn’t changed, I still have the curse and I can’t give you a normal life.”

“OK. I will accept that for now. So tell me about your life here in LA? What’s it like working with Wesley and Cordelia?”

Buffy decided that she would start with Angel’s friendship and see where it went. Once he realised that the love they once shared was still alive and strong, they could move the relationship to the next level.

When Wesley, Gunn and Fred returned from their breakfast they found the hotel deserted except for an annoyed Anya.

“It’s about time you returned. I have been waiting and I don’t like it. I need you to help me buy some things.” Anya pointed at Fred.

“Oh, me? Um.. ok..what type of things?” Fred asked nervously, she still wasn’t sure about the ex-demon she seemed to share such private aspects of her life with anyone who would listen.

“I require many oysters, strawberries, champagne, asparagus, chocolate, sack cloth and sacred ashes. You can help me to buy them. They are very potent aphrodisiacs and I wish to have a lot of orgasms with my Xander tonight. It has been 27 hours since my last orgasm and this is not acceptable. Let’s go.” Anya grabbed Fred by the arm, and together they marched out of the hotel, Fred sending pleading looks back at Gunn and Wesley to no avail, they were only too happy that they hadn’t been targeted.

“So research?” Gunn said, heading over to the office area.

“Yes, we need to look into the amulet some more. Maybe if we research it we can find some information that may help us to find the demon.”

When Anya and Fred returned several hours later, laden with shopping bags, Gunn and Wesley had books scattered all over the counter and a white board with information had been put a top Cordelia’s desk. Poor Fred looked emotionally exhausted. She put down her shopping bags and when Anya wasn’t looking escaped under the counter, where she felt safe and somewhat invisible, it was no cave but any port in a storm.

“I am going upstairs to prepare myself for Xander’s return.” Anya announced, making her way upstairs.

Once Anya was out of sight, Wes and Gunn knelt down to look in at Fred.

“Fred, are you ok?” Wesley asked concern evident in his voice.

“I don’t know. I think I just need to stay down here for a couple of hours or maybe a year, I’m not sure yet.”

“Come on.” Gunn grabbed Fred by her hand and helped her out from under the desk. “I’ll take you up to your room and bring you some tacos. You’ll be fine.”


Willow, Xander and Cordelia had made it home, and Cordy had a hot bath assisted by Dennis. She put on her comfy sweat clothes and went out to watch mindless TV with Xander and Willow. Cordelia liked not having to be brave and strong for once, and soon fell asleep on the couch.

“I’m worried about her Will. There was blood coming out of her ears. I’ve never seen that before except on TV and those people were dead. This can’t be good.” Xander whispered to Willow.

“I know. I don’t think she has the strength for more visions. We need to find an answer; even a temporary block would be ok til we figure something out. I’ve got some spell books back at the hotel. I’m sure I can come up with a temporary blocking spell. I’ll do that tonight. I don’t think we should tell her though, she wouldn’t like it.”

“Deal. Do you need help, cos I can wave stinky herbs with the best of them?”

Just then the phone rang. Xander grabbed it from Dennis before it woke Cordelia.

“Hello, Cordelia’s phone.” He answered.

“Xander, it’s me, Anya, your girlfriend. I have prepared a surprise for you and require you to come back to the hotel right now.”

“Ok, Cordy’s asleep so I guess we can come back. I will see you soon.”

Covering Cordelia with a throw rug, Xander and Willow closed the curtains and locked the door behind them. Reaching the lobby of the Hotel, Xander looked around for Anya, Gunn pointed to the stairs with a look of pity on his face.

Xander made his way up to his room. He was quite looking forward to his surprise. Last time Anya had surprised him, he had come home to find her wearing nothing but sexy red lingerie. He remembered that night fondly as he opened the door to their hotel room.

Entering the room, Xander found it lit softly by candles placed all over the room. Anya was lying on the bed, clad in what looked like a Hessian bag and covered in dirt.

“Ahn, honey? What’s going on here?” Xander asked mystified.

“I am wooing you with sack cloth and ashes because I love you and wish to be humble before you. I have also prepared many find foods for you to eat. Come and sit down and I will serve you.”

Xander sat on the bed and Anya wheeled a trolley around to his side. Pushing him back against the pillows she shook out a napkin and covered his shirt. She smiled in what she believed was an alluring way, but it seemed to illicit concern rather than desire in Xander. Deciding to begin the meal with oysters, Anya scooped one up in her fingers and brought it to Xander’s lips. He opened his mouth to ask what she was feeding him and Anya took the opportunity to stuff the oyster in.

Xander swallowed quickly, so that he could ask Anya what was going on, but she was too quick and when he opened his mouth again, she fed him another morsel.

Before he knew it, Xander had eaten several bites of some slimy, icky mystery food. Suddenly he felt nauseous, and hot, so very very hot.

“Is it really hot in here?” Xander asked, taking his sweater off.

“It’s not hot, it’s my aphrodisiacs working. Now we can have sex.” Anya was delighted at the success of her plan.

Xander looked wildly around, he was so hot and now he was having trouble breathing. Suddenly what Anya had said, dawned on him.

“Did you feed me oysters?” He asked weakly fanning himself.

“Yes, many oysters. They were very potent weren’t they?”

“I’m allergic, call an ambulance.” Xander managed before passing out and turning a bright, alarming shade of red.

“Oh my god, I’ve killed Xander.” Anya rushed screaming from the room, bolting down the corridor into Angel’s suite.

“I’ve killed Xander. Help him.” She grabbed Angel’s arm and pulled him back to her room so that he could look at Xander, who was now twitching uncomfortably on the bed, gasping for air.

Angel took one look, picked Xander up and ran for his car. Angel delivered Xander to the emergency room and waited long enough to know that he would be fine, although he would need to remain in hospital over night.

Returning to his room at the Hotel, Angel found Anya sitting curled up in a chair in the corner. She had tear tracks on her face and looked completely miserable.

“Did I kill Xander?” She asked.

“No, he’s going to be fine. He just needs to stay over night.” Angel reassured the ex demon.

“This is so hard, I don’t understand humans anymore. I thought Xander would be honoured by my humbling myself to him and preparing him food. Before he passed out he just seemed confused. Did I do something wrong?”

“No you didn’t do anything wrong. Xander doesn’t have the frame of reference you have and so mostly you need to keep things simple for him to understand.”

“I try so hard to be the perfect girlfriend, but I am always saying the wrong thing or doing something stupid and Xander and Willow always laugh at me.”

“Xander’s an idiot, he doesn’t deserve you.”

“I know, but I want him and now I think he wants Cordelia.”

“You don’t know that. Why don’t you talk to him?”

“I’ll think about it. This is nice, talking to you, do you mind if I stay a bit longer?”

“That’s fine, stay as long as you need.” Angel took a seat in the other chair and continued to talk with Anya about the perplexities of humanity.

The next morning Xander phoned Cordelia and asked her to pick him up from the hospital which she was happy to do. She was feeling better than she had in a long while. Having unburdened herself to Willow and Xander must have done her the world of good she thought to herself.
Arriving at the hotel, Cordelia put the coffee on then went upstairs with Xander to drop some more things off in her new suite. They were at the top of the stairs when Angel’s door opened and Anya quickly rushed out of Angel’s room, looking rumpled and still wearing her sack cloth. She didn’t notice Xander and Cordelia, instead heading down the corridor to her own room.

“Xan, it’s probably not what it looks like.” Cordelia tried to reassure the stricken looking man.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just put these things in your room and then go downstairs for some coffee.”

When Cordelia and Xander came downstairs again, they found Angel and Buffy sitting on the couch together chatting whilst Dawn hopped excitedly about behind the counter. Dawn motioned Cordelia over and Xander went into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

“Look, it’s so perfect. They were together most of yesterday and Buffy looks so much happier, don’t you think?” Dawn asked.

“Well yeah, she does look a bit better. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up Dawnie, they’re just talking.” Cordelia didn’t think that Angel would have done anything with Anya but also didn’t want to set Dawn up for a disappointment.

Just then Wesley entered the lobby carrying a large box of donuts and everyone else came downstairs.

“Good morning everyone. Now I don’t know what you all have planned for today, but Gunn and I did quite a lot of research yesterday on the amulet and I believe that there is much more we can learn about it. I would appreciate the assistance of anyone who is available.” Wesley began.

“Well that wouldn’t be Angel or Buffy, cos they need to train, you know to keep in top fighting form so that when the time comes they can fight the demon.” Dawn piped up quickly.

“Dawn, I don’t mind helping with the research. Buffy and I can train later.” Angel was perplexed by Dawn’s trying to get him out of research.

“No Angel, she probably has a point. Why don’t the two of you train for a while this morning then if we need help this afternoon you can pitch in then.” Cordelia spoke up.

Angel stared at Cordelia, hurt in his eyes. She really mustn’t love him at all if she was trying so hard to pair him off with Buffy. He should just try and put all thoughts of her out of his head, he would respect that she obviously just cared for him as a friend.

“Sounds great. I’ll get changed and meet you in the basement.” Buffy sprang to her feet and rushed up stairs. Angel stood slowly and made his way to the basement.

“Xander and I must have some conversation this morning. There will be no research for us.” Anya said clearly.

“Cordy, Willow and I already made plans, we are going out. Sorry Anya.” Xander spoke without looking at Anya, still clearly upset at what he believed he had seen. “In fact we are leaving right now.”
Xander grabbed Cordy and Willow by the arms and they marched out of the lobby together.

“Fine. Tara, can you please come upstairs with me?” Anya asked.

Tara followed Anya upstairs. Dawn decided to go out with her Dad and left. Finally just Gunn, Fred and Wesley were left.

“Well I guess it’s down to us again. Damn shoulda come up with a plan.” Gunn said, opening a book, sitting at Cordy’s desk and putting his feet up.

“Tara, I need you to help me do a spell.” Anya demanded when they reached her room.

“What k k k kind of spell?” Tara asked nervously.

“I want to make Xander blind to the charms of all other women. I have written the spell myself, I just need you to help me form a circle.”

“I d d don’t know Anya. I don’t like to do spells on people.”

“Nonsense, nothing bad could possibly happen to anyone. Just sit down right there and clear your mind.” Anya refused to take no for an answer and before she knew it, Tara was sitting in a circle with Anya doing the spell.

“Xander, what was that all about?” Willow asked when Xander finally released her arm outside the hotel.

“Nothing, just thought we should do something together. Maybe go shopping. What do you say?”

“Shopping? I say a big yes to shopping. There is a sale on at the mall, come on let’s go.”

Cordelia excitedly led the way to her car and drove them to the mall. She loved unscheduled shopping trips; you found the best things and shopping would take her mind off Angel and Buffy and what they might be doing in the basement.

Arriving at the mall, Cordelia led the way to her favourite shop. She picked out an outfit for Willow to try on and then turned to find something for herself. Suddenly Xander bumped against her causing her to knock into the display shelf sending accessories everywhere.

“Xander, be more careful. What is wrong with you?” Cordelia asked embarrassed by the glares of the sales people.

“Oh my god, I can’t see. I’m blind.”

Xander started to turn in circles, hands outreached, eyes staring blankly at nothing.

“Cordy? Help me?”

“Willow!” Cordelia yelled, before grabbing Xander’s hands and leading him to a seat in the corner. “Sit here Xander, I’ll get Willow and we’ll fix this.”

When Cordelia returned with Willow in tow, Xander was waving his hands in front of his eyes in a vain effort to see anything.

“Xander, what happened?” Willow asked, laying her hand on his shoulder for a frame of reference for him.

“Nothing, I was just looking outside at this woman when all of a sudden I couldn’t see. I can’t see anything at all. Do I still have eyes? My eyes are there aren’t they?” Xander suddenly poked himself in the eye trying to see if his eyes were still there.

“Stop that. Yes you have eyes. I will take you to hospital. Maybe it’s a left over oyster thing.” Cordy offered helping Xander to his feet.

“Can you drop me back at the hotel, I will check if it’s anything mystical.” Willow said taking Xander’s other arm and leading him back to the car.


Back at the hotel, Willow found Wesley Gunn and Fred deep in amulet research. They had no idea what could have caused Xander’s blindness. Willow called Cordy to tell her that they didn’t think it was mystical only to find that the Doctors had told Xander there was no physical reason that he couldn’t see.

Cordy brought a still blind Xander back to the hotel. The hospital informed her there was nothing that they could do for him. Seating Xander in a safe place in the lobby, Cordy fetched him some coffee and donuts and went to find Anya to tell her of the lack of vision in her boyfriend. When Anya found out about Xander she rushed down to the lobby in tears.

“Oh Xander this is all my fault. I did a spell, but I never meant for this to happen. I’ll fix it I swear.”

“I can’t believe you Anya. First you poison me, then you blind me, what are you trying to do? Kill me. Then maybe you’d like me better, I know how you like dead things. Or maybe you’re considering going back into the vengeance business and you’re practising on me, is that it?” Xander accused loudly. “I don’t want you to fix this, Willow can do it. Just leave me alone.”

Anya ran upstairs in tears and Willow talked with Tara to find out the details of the spell so that she could undo it.

Hearing all the commotion; Angel and Buffy made their way back upstairs in time to see Willow restore Xander’s sight. Cordy looked over at them as they entered, both glowing from a hard workout, they looked so perfect for each other. Cordy felt her heart break as she went into convulsions, receiving a vision far worse than any she had had before.

Falling to the ground, Cordy jerked and seized and screamed, blood coming from her eyes, ears and nose. Everyone looked on in horror.

“I thought you did a block?” Xander whispered to Willow.

“I did, but I told you it was only temporary.”

When Cordelia was still again, Angel helped her on to the couch.

“Cor, talk to me, are you ok? When did the bleeding start? Why didn’t you tell me?” Angel began to try and wipe the blood from Cordy’s face, but she flinched away from him, his touch painful to her raw nerves.

“Cordy’s dying.” Willow suddenly blurted really loudly. Obviously distressed by the amount of blood on her friend, the pressure of keeping the secret too much. “Oops.” She then muttered, seeing Cordy’s glare.

“What?” Angel turned furious eyes on Cordelia. “Why does Willow know this and not anyone here. I thought you trusted us, that we had no secrets. You’ve been lying to us, how could you? We asked you constantly about this; you said you were fine and that you trusted us, would tell us if anything was wrong and all along you’ve been lying to us. I can’t believe you would do this.”

“God Angel, get over yourself. I’m the one dying here and I will tell or not tell whomever I want. Now you and Buffy should take your little star crossed selves off to the train station and kill some vampires.” Cordelia was furious that Angel could talk to her that way when she was in such pain.

Angel realised that Cordy was still in pain and went to touch her hair “I’m sorry” he whispered, regretting his harsh words so soon after a vision, but she moved out of his way with a glare.

“Go. Now.” Cordy said not wanting any tenderness, it broke her heart to see the love in his eyes and know that it was only friendship; it was easier when he was angry at her.

Angel stood and strode out of the lobby, followed quickly by Buffy. Cordelia collapsed back against the arm of the chair, tears pouring down her face.

“Cordy, can we get you anything?” Wesley asked softly.

“No, there’s nothing that can fix this. Can you just help me up to my room please?” Cordy asked.

Wesley and Gunn moved quickly to comply, Fred following behind with a glass of water.

When Angel and Buffy returned after fighting and dusting the vampires, Cordelia was upstairs asleep. Angel approached Wesley.

“Wes. What can we do? We have to save Cordy.”

“Yes Angel I realise that. At first I thought maybe we should remove the visions, but then I realised that the Powers had sent us our answer. It’s all so perfect.” Wesley was very excited and making very little sense.

“And that answer would be?” Angel asked.

“The amulet. We need to find it. If we give it to Cordy she will take on some aspects of the demon but if she never kills all that will happen is that she grows stronger and the visions won’t be a problem. It’s a perfect solution; don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Now all we need to do is find it. I think we should split into teams and start physically searching some of the more popular demon hang outs since spells are of no use to us here.”

“Great. I’ll get everyone back down here and we can split up. You come up with some possible locations.”

Five minutes later, everyone but Cordelia was reassembled in the lobby. Xander was glaring at Anya who stayed close to Angel for moral support, further adding to Xander’s ire. Wesley explained the situation and gave out several possible locations. The group split into two, each group taking some of the locations. Tara was elected to stay with Cordy.

Several fruitless hours later, the group met back at the hotel.

“Did anyone find anything?” Wesley asked to be greeted by a chorus of negative answers.

“The Powers gave us a solution to our problem; they wouldn’t have sent us that vision if it didn’t have enough information in it to find the demon surely?” Fred pondered out loud.

“You might just have a point Fred. Maybe Cordelia knows something else but doesn’t realise it. We need to ask her. Tara how is she?” Wesley turned to Tara who had come downstairs when they returned.

“She is really bad. Blood keeps coming out of her ears. She slept for a little while but it was restless sleep and she cried the whole time. I n n never saw anyone cry in their sleep before.” Tara answered, feeling distinctly uncomfortable with all eyes turned in her direction.

“Wesley, maybe you should go up alone and talk with her. We’ll wait here.” Angel said. He wanted to see Cordy but didn’t want to crowd her especially when she had made her feelings towards him so clear. It was best if he back off and let her be.

Wesley reluctantly made his way upstairs. He hated having to ask Cordelia to go back into one of her visions. Knocking on her door, he waited until he received a soft answer before entering.

“Cordelia, how are you?” Wesley began, coming over and sitting by her side on the bed.

“I’m fine. What’s up?” Cordy asked, not wanting to be drawn into a discussion on her pain, there was nothing that could be done so why dwell?

“I need you to go back into your vision about the demon and the amulet. We think that the amulet could help to save you so we need to find it, but we are coming up empty handed. Can you please take another look?”

“Ok.” Cordelia closed her eyes and her body tensed. “The demon is waiting, it’s so angry and full of hate, I see the man and the boy, they are walking, walking away from something fun, baseball, they’ve been to the baseball, to see the dodgers, it’s the boys birthday, and ahh the demon is hurting them and that’s it. I’m sorry, it’s too hard, it hurts so much. Is that enough?” Cordelia asked tears running down her cheeks.

“Yes I believe that is very helpful. Thank you Cordelia. Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’ll be fine, maybe I’ll have a little sleep.”

“Do you want to see Angel.” Wesley asked, knowing that often Angel could soothe her when she was in pain.

“No. He should help Buffy.”

“Buffy doesn’t need Angel’s help. He is really worried about you. You know that right? We all love you and hate to see you in pain.” Wesley was more worried by the apathy in Cordelia’s voice than anything else.

“I know. But I want Angel to be happy and Buffy makes that happen, so he needs to worry about her not me. I’m fine. And I love you all too. Go on, go research now.” Cordy waved Wesley out of the room.

Back downstairs everyone looked up eagerly as Wesley returned.

“I believe that the demon frequents the area around the dodger’s baseball stadium. We shall split into pairs and working on a grid system, we will find the demon, tonight. As soon as a pair locates the demon, call the rest of us, we need to get the amulet from the demon before we can hurt it, and we must at all costs not damage the amulet. Ok, Tara you stay here, look after Cordy and Dawn when she returns. Gunn, you take Fred. Xander, you are with Anya….”

“No, I’ll go with Willow.” Xander quickly spoke up.

“And I want to be with Angel, someone who knows how to protect me.” Anya became angry with Xander.

“Fine, that leaves Buffy with me. Let’s go. And remember that we need to look at everyone, since the demon could be in human form, the only constant will be the amulet; find it and we find our demon.” Everyone filed out full of determination to find the demon.

It was 6.00 p.m. and the sun was just setting when the teams set out, each with their own grid to search. By 9.00 p.m. they were beginning to become discouraged, when Fred who had stopped for tacos saw the amulet walk by on a very attractive lady. Fred beckoned to Gunn who was waiting in the truck, and they followed on foot, trying to look inconspicuous.

The lady walked east for five blocks before turning into the driveway of a beautiful home. Using a key she let herself in and disappeared from view. Gunn and Fred kept walking until they were half a block down and out of sight of the house. Fred then used her cell phone to call everyone and give them the address.

When everyone had gathered they tried to come up with a plan for getting the amulet from the demon lady.

“I say we knock, punch, grab and run.” Buffy offered.

“Well, what that lacks in strategy, it makes up for in simplicity.” Wesley responded. “But what if someone else answers the door?”

“Mm, we need to lure her outside.” Angel declared.

“We could set her house on fire.” Anya suggested helpfully.

“Really going all out on the maiming and suffering there aren’t ya Anya, sure you aren’t still a demon?” Xander retorted.

“Let’s save that for plan B.” Angel suggested quickly, not wanting to hurt Anya by knocking back her suggestion, which she meant in a helpful way, and not wanting to give her and Xander a chance to begin arguing and waste time.

“Look I think simple is often best. Let’s try knocking first.” Buffy said taking the decision into her own hands and marching off.

Everyone else followed, waiting at the foot of the drive way whilst Buffy and Angel went up to the door. They all recognised that the slayer and the vampire were their best chance.

Buffy knocked loudly at the door and was pleased when a lady wearing the desired amulet opened the door. Buffy grabbed the lady by the arm and yanked her outside the house. Angel grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall. The woman morphed into the demon and backhanded Angel, sending him flying into the air. Buffy stepped up hitting the demon with a right, left, right combination of punches before launching a round house kick at her head. The demon shrugged it off and punched Buffy once, sending her flying 20 metres into the front yard.

Angel stepped back in as the rest of the group came running. Soon, everyone was attacking the demon with little success, she was incredibly strong and fast. Buffy was bleeding from a cut on her cheek, but still going strong, Angel was in game face on his knees from a kick; when Gunn stepped up and swung his hub cap axe at the demon in an effort to behead her. The demon saw the blade coming, threw up her hand, grabbed the shaft of the axe and pulled, Gunn was drawn forwards with the momentum of his swing, when suddenly the demon pushed her hand back, forcing the axe shaft to hit Gunn square in the face. Gunn fell to the ground bleeding from his nose, his axe handle broken.

Fred was enraged at the breaking of the axe; she knew how much it meant to Gunn. Stepping forward she kicked the demon in the shins. The demon swung towards her and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her into the air so that her feet were waving wildly for purchase. Fred clawed at the demons hand to no avail, and then she saw the amulet; so close. Reaching out she closed her hand around it, she wasn’t sure what she could do now, since she was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, but she wasn’t letting that amulet go.
Suddenly the demon released Fred, and roared in pain. Buffy had come up behind the demon and going with what she knew best, staked the demon in the heart. The demon felt the pain and turned to hit Buffy, but Fred still had the amulet in her hand, the combination of Fred falling to her knees as she gasped for air, and the demon turning rapidly away, caused the chain to break, and suddenly Fred was holding the amulet and the demon was no longer invincible. Gunn reached up from his spot on the ground next to Fred, and threw his axe head to Angel who threw it straight at the demons head, killing it on the spot.

Gunn lay down wearily next to Fred and was soon joined by the rest of the team, all looking the worse for wear.

“Damn Fred. Thanks for helping a brother out.” Gunn offered his special hand shake to Fred.

“We need to get back to Cordelia, let’s go.” Angel helped Fred up and rushed off to his car, eager to get back to make sure Cordelia was ok.

When they reached the Hotel, they found Cordelia down in the lobby with Tara and Dawn. She looked a little pale, but her welcoming smile was 1000 watts.

“Hey guys, you look all heroic and victorious. Do you need first aid?”

“No, we’re fine. We have the amulet, here put it on.” Fred rushed in and thrust the amulet at Cordelia.

Cordelia examined the amulet cautiously before turning to Wesley.

“So what? I just put this on and I’m better, I thought it blocked the PTB, I don’t want to not get my visions anymore, and I don’t want to look like a demon.”

“The amulet won’t block your visions since it won’t be at full strength unless you are killing people, and since I rarely see you viciously murdering innocent people, I assume we are safe on that front. You won’t become a demon or look like a demon; you will just become stronger and be able to bear the visions. And yes, you just put it on. If you wear it constantly at first, you will gradually recover from the damage the visions have incurred, then you will just need to wear it occasionally, always keeping is safe and nearby. Now will you please put it on?” Wesley alleviated Cordelia’s concerns.

Cordelia twisted the broken link back into place, and placed the amulet around her neck. It felt warm but that was it. She looked around the room at all the expectant faces gazing her way and laughed.

“What? You were maybe hoping for fireworks? Sorry to disappoint, just a stunningly beautiful almost actress and her million dollar jewellery.”

Angel was pleased to note that colour slowly seemed to be returning to Cordelia’s face. Of course I am just noticing that as a colleague, no inappropriate thoughts here he thought to himself. Out loud he said “pizza’s on me.”

Part 10

Cordelia was relaxing at home the next morning, telling Dennis about the amulet and how she was going to be fine, when a knock sounded at her door.

Opening the door, Cordelia was surprised to find a clearly distraught Anya standing there.

“Hi Anya, come in.” Cordelia offered, opening the door wider.

“I know I should be glad that aren’t going to die, but I’m not and that makes me feel bad and that is your fault. You’re stealing my Xander and I love him more than money.” Anya said tears running down her face.

“Xander loves you Anya, not me. We are just friends I promise, I think the two of you need to talk about this.”

“Really, you don’t want him?”

“No I don’t. Look, he was going to drop by later this morning, why don’t you wait here for him and talk to him when he gets here. I’ll go to the hotel and you guys can join us there when you have made up. Just don’t have sex in my bed ok?” Cordelia offered.

Anya threw her arms around Cordelia in gratitude then went to find the bathroom so that she could fix her face for Xander. Cordelia let herself out of the apartment and was about to leave the building when Buffy entered.

“Buffy hey. Coming to see me I assume?” Cordelia asked.

“Nah, I heard you had cute neighbours.” Buffy teased.

“Yeah, old Mr Perkins he’s a hottie all right, no stopping him since he got that new hip.”

“Where you going?” Buffy asked.

“Work, want to walk with me?” Cordelia responded.

The two girls set off, enjoying the brilliant sunny day, the barest hint of warm ocean breeze ruffling their hair.

“I did what you said. Out stubborned Angel and really got to know him.” Buffy finally offered what was on her mind.

“Good for you. He’s a great guy and I think the two of you would be so happy together.” Even though she was no longer dying, Cordelia still wanted Angel to be happy.

“That’s just it. I thought that we would be too, but I never really knew him and now that I do… well… he’s kind of a dork.”

“You just worked that out?”

“Yep, before he was all mysterious and dark stranger-y, and I think that’s what I fell in love with and I don’t know how to tell him, not that I think he loves me anymore. What should I do?”

“Don’t be rash about this. It’s only been a couple of days. And he’s been distracted. Give him a chance. When you really get to know him you will see how warm he is, he really, really cares about people, and he is sensitive too, he does little things that most people don’t notice and take for granted. Like um oh ok, when Gunn was living in the hood with his gang, Angel persuaded some restaurant owners he saved to give left over food to Gunn’s gang and he never told Gunn. And when Wesley was still finding his way, Angel let him do the final killing in fights to help with his confidence and he never let Wesley notice, and he has put white boards underneath all the desks at the hotel in case Fred is hiding and needs to write things down. And he never says anything; he just looks out for people. And he has a sense of humour, even though it still needs work. I think you should just give it time Buffy.” Cordelia could talk for hours about Angel and his wonderful qualities, but she didn’t want to give Buffy the wrong idea about her feelings.

Buffy looked over at Cordelia as it began to dawn on her that maybe there was more between Angel and Cordelia than either of them realised.

“Sounds to me like maybe you have feelings for Angel?”

“Me? No, don’t be silly. We are just friends.” Cordelia was pleased to see that they had arrived at the hotel.

Walking in, Buffy and Cordelia found everyone but Xander and Anya gathered in the lobby.

“Good morning.” Cordelia called out sunnily to all present, receiving a chorus of greetings in reply.

“How are you feeling Cordelia?” Wesley asked, noting that she was still wearing the amulet.

“For the first time in months, I had a great night’s sleep and woke up headache free. Thank you guys for saving me.”

Wesley was so pleased to see Cordelia looking healthy and happy that he was overcome by allergies and needed to retire to his office to rest.

“Buffy, are you going to train with Angel this morning?” Dawn asked eagerly.

Angel, who hadn’t intended on training at all that morning, looked up in confusion as Buffy agreed to train with him and headed off to the basement. Throwing a quick glance at Cordelia to ascertain that she really was looking better, Angel followed Buffy to the basement.

“So Angel, I was talking with Cordy on the way over here, and she has really changed since Sunnydale don’t you think?” Buffy asked casually as they went through some Tai Chi moves together.

“Yeah, she really has become such a wonderful person. She holds this team together with her warmth and her love. She’s helped Fred to come out of her shell and open up, and she looks out for Gunn when he is feeling reckless. And Wesley needs her teasing to help him lighten up when he gets too bogged down with the weight of the world. We wouldn’t be able to survive without her.”

“Mm, so you love her?”

“Yes. I mean no, I mean as a friend, yeah.” Angel quickly back pedalled once he realised what he had said.

“Relax. She loves you too. You two are completely clueless; I don’t know how everyone here puts up with you. Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”

“I still have the curse Buffy, it’s better for Cordelia to find someone like Xander who can give her sunshine and happiness.”

When they finished training, Angel retreated to his room to brood and Buffy gathered the Scooby gang (minus Anya and Xander who had returned and rushed up to their room with no explanation, not that one was needed), the AI team (minus Angel and Cordelia) and Dawn together. Buffy wanted to get back to Sunnydale but not before doing something to help Angel and Cordelia admit their feelings to one another. Dawn was at first disappointed by her own plans being ruined, but was soon excited to be a part of a new plan.


Later that afternoon, Cordelia was sitting at her desk, answering the business e-mails when Buffy approached her once again.

“Cor, you know what we were talking about this morning?”

“Um, Mr Perkins and his fine lovin?” Cordy asked teasingly.

“No, Angel.” Buffy laughed.

“Yes I remember, it was only about 3 hours ago. Why?”

“I’ve been thinking about what you said and I just don’t see it. Can you, you know, tell me again? I just want to be sure, it’s a big decision I’m trying to make here and I don’t want to involve Dawn in something that could cause her pain later on.”

“Angel would never hurt Dawn. He would never intentionally hurt anyone; he is the best person I know. He has this huge capacity to give to others and make them feel good about themselves.” As Cordy talked about Angel her face lit up and she was filled with a soft glow. “When I first moved to LA, Angel gave me a job and put up with me when I totally sucked; he looked out for me when he could have just walked away. He helped me to become a better person. He does that for everyone he meets; just knowing him enables people to become more than what they thought they could be. He is sensitive and thoughtful and kind and ok tight with a buck, but you can’t have everything. He is everything a girl could want in a life partner, and Buffy if you pass this opportunity up, you will regret it. Angel is a once in a lifetime person.”

“Thanks Cor, I will think about what you said.” Buffy wandered off and Cordy returned to the computer.

Angel was sitting in the dark, brooding over his life when there was a knock at the door, he got up to open it to find Wesley standing there, slightly to the side so that Angel had to step out of his room to see Wesley.

“Wesley? What’s wrong? Is Cordy ok?” Angel asked.

“She seems to be fine. I am just concerned about her and Xander, they seem to have grown very close don’t you think?”

“They’re friends, but if she wanted more than he would be stupid to pass her up, although I have often pondered his intelligence.” Angel answered.

“Well, he is involved with Anya.” Wesley responded.

“I think you underestimate Anya Wes she’s really in love with Xander, but she can’t compare to Cordy. Cordelia is warm, caring, sensitive and thoughtful. She has a beautiful heart and soul and that isn’t something you see every day. Just by laughing she can brighten a room, she holds our family together and makes each day worthwhile. She deserves normal, she deserves to be happy and if she thinks Xander can give that to her then I wish her luck.”

“OK well that has given me some food for thought.” Wesley wandered off and Angel returned to his room to brood.


Buffy announced later that afternoon that the Sunnydale people were all returning home the next day. She instructed everyone to dress up because she had made a booking at a new restaurant in a hotel down the street.

When it was time to go, Buffy sent Angel to pick Cordelia up informing him that they would meet him at the restaurant. When Angel arrived at Cordelia’s house, he was stunned by her beauty in her classic simple red gown. She wore no jewellery and her hair was upswept with a few tendrils teasing her cheeks. For her part, Cordelia was struck once again by how handsome her best friend looked in his tuxedo.

Arm in arm, the two of them walked into the restaurant to find that they were the first to arrive. Angel asked for their table and was asked to wait for just a moment.

“Excuse me Mr Angel, Ms Chase, please come this way.” A waiter approached the couple and directed them away from the restaurant.

“Um, where are we going?” Cordelia asked.

“Your friends requested that we escort you this way.” The waiter refused to answer any more questions.

When he reached his destination he opened the door, ushered Cordelia and Angel inside and left.

Cordelia looked around for everyone else. The room was empty except for two chairs, a TV and video and a note.

Dear Cordy and Angel,
Sorry couldn’t make it to dinner. We have prepared a special tape for your viewing pleasure though. Hope you enjoy it. BTW you can’t leave the room until you have watched the tape from start to finish, Willow did a spell. We will see you when we see you.
The Guys.

Cordelia handed the note to Angel to read before walking over and trying the door. Sure enough it would not open. There were two other doors in the room, Cordelia tried them both, one led to a bedroom and one to a small kitchenette, which had a trolley laid out with food. Cordelia wheeled the trolley into the main room and took a seat, picking at the salad.

“I guess we should watch the tape. Do you know what they are up to?” Cordelia asked Angel.

“No idea.” Angel grabbed the remote and sat next to Cordelia.

Turning the TV on, he pressed play.

The video started with an image of someone’s feet, possibly Gunn’s and the sounds of a scuffle.

“Give it to me, I know what I’m doing.” Xander’s voice.

“You’ve got no idea what you’re doing man. Are you recording now? Look you’re recording my feet, give it to me.” Gunn’s voice.

“I’ll have you know that Xander is very good with videos, once he made a video of us having sex. We started off wearing little outfits. Xander was a fire man and”

“Ok you take it. Ahn come on let’s go. Remember I told you not to tell people about the things we do in our own home…” Xander’s voice faded out.

The scene shifted to show Cordelia sitting at her desk. Buffy approached.

“Cor, you know what we were talking about this morning?”

“Um, Mr Perkins and his fine lovin?” Cordy asked teasingly.

“No, Angel.” Buffy laughed.

“Yes I remember, it was only about 3 hours ago. Why?”

“I’ve been thinking about what you said and I just don’t see it. Can you, you know, tell me again? I just want to be sure, it’s a big decision I’m trying to make here and I don’t want to involve Dawn in something that could cause her pain later on.”

“Angel would never hurt Dawn. He would never intentionally hurt anyone; he is the best person I know. He has this huge capacity to give to others and make them feel good about themselves.” As Cordy talked about Angel her face lit up and she was filled with a soft glow. “When I first moved to LA, Angel gave me a job and put up with me when I totally sucked; he looked out for me when he could have just walked away. He helped me to become a better person. He does that for everyone he meets; just knowing him enables people to become more than what they thought they could be. He is sensitive and thoughtful and kind and ok tight with a buck, but you can’t have everything. He is everything a girl could want in a life partner, and Buffy if you pass this opportunity up, you will regret it. Angel is a once in a lifetime person.”

“Thanks Cor, I will think about what you said.” Buffy wandered off and Cordy returned to the computer.

Cordelia stared straight at the screen, she wasn’t sorry about what she said, she was just worried about what Angel would think of her now, she hated feeling so vulnerable, her emotions laid bare. Suddenly the scene changed again. It was a shot of Angel’s door with a hand knocking at it.

“Wesley? What’s wrong? Is Cordy ok?” Angel asked.

“She seems to be fine. I am just concerned about her and Xander, they seem to have grown very close don’t you think?”

“They’re friends, but if she wanted more than he would be stupid to pass her up, although I have often pondered his intelligence.” Angel answered.

“Well, he is involved with Anya.” Wesley responded.

“I think you underestimate Anya Wes she’s really in love with Xander, but she can’t compare to Cordy. Cordelia is warm, caring, sensitive and thoughtful. She has a beautiful heart and soul and that isn’t something you see every day. Just by laughing she can brighten a room, she holds our family together and makes each day worthwhile. She deserves normal, she deserves to be happy and if she thinks Xander can give that to her then I wish her luck.”

“OK well that has given me some food for thought.” Wesley wandered off and Angel returned to his room to brood.

Now it was Angel’s turn to stare at the screen. The video changed scene again to Willow.

“Hi guys. Hope you liked our video. You can leave the room at 10.00 p.m. Until then have fun.” And the video cut off.

Cordelia took a deep breath and turned to Angel. He was now looking at the floor.

“Angel, thank you for saying those nice things about me.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you too. Who is Mr Perkins?”

“My neighbour, he’s like 400 years old. Buffy isn’t really interested in him.”

“Cor, I don’t love Buffy anymore. Not like that.” Angel wanted Cordelia to be clear about that.

“What do you feel for me?” Cordelia asked, she had to know, even if Angel didn’t love her, she had to know. She could begin to heal if she had some closure.

Angel didn’t look up from the floor. He was trying to work out what to say, Cordelia deserved better than he could ever give her, yet she deserved the truth as well. If he told her though and she also had feelings for him he knew her well enough to know that she would stand by him, denying herself all the things he couldn’t give her.

“Angel, stop trying to think of what to say and say whatever comes to mind.” Cordelia demanded.

“I love you.” Angel looked into her eyes for the first time that night.

“I love you too.” Cordelia leant over and kissed him softly. A sweet tender touching of lips, a getting to know you caress.

“But you deserve better than me. I’m still cursed; I can’t give you the things that you should have.” Angel pulled back.

“Angel, up until yesterday, I thought I was going to die. Today, not so much anytime soon. I think that if we can work together to perform one miracle, we can work together to perform another one. When we get home, we will ask Wesley to find a cure to the curse. Until then you need to get it through your thick head that you are what I want. I love you. I could be all noble and say that you deserve better than me, that after a slayer I am not enough for you, but I’m not going to say that because I’m selfish and I love you and I want us to be together. So come over here and kiss me properly.”

Angel stood and walked over to Cordelia’s chair. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her up and kissed her thoroughly. They began to dance slowly, moving together in a rhythm that only they could hear. Maybe they couldn’t have it all today, but tomorrow was another day.
