just fic

Title: A Bolt from the Blue
Author: Katrina
Posted: 01-31-2004
Email: katrina_allitt@hotmail.com
Summary: Spike and Cordelia strike sparks off each other, opening the eyes of Angel to his true feelings.
Spoilers: It’s pretty AU, Buffy is still all ‘earth is hell’-despondent, Willow is in her magic addiction phase and Cordy and Angel are in their clueless pre Groo pre Connor phase.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: AO Califi’s place, ST JF
Notes: There is some slight Cordy/Spike – ness here but it leads to A/C goodness so fear not, although if it will bother you, don’t read it. Thoughts are in Italics.
Feedback: Feedback is my favourite fruit.
Thanks/Dedication: To Sach for her helpful suggestions in the first part. For Scorchy cos she didn’t get a Secret Santa Fic and cos she had appendicitis and cos she’s all over wonderful.

“Buffy, you know I’m trying to not use magic. I just don’t think I should go into such a powerful magical place, I’m not strong enough.” Willow pleaded with Buffy to understand her.

“Look, Buff, I know it won’t be pleasant; but Spike will drive you there and all you have to do is pick up the order and come back.” Xander backed Willow up.

Buffy looked at her friends and sighed. They needed a magical dagger picked up from a store in LA and it had to be done in person. Buffy really didn’t want to be trapped in a car with Spike for hours but it appeared she had no other option.

“Fine, I’ll go. Bye.” Arguing was too much effort and Buffy just didn’t have the energy tonight to pursue it. She turned abruptly and made her way outside the magic shop to where Spike’s car was parked.

Willow, Xander, Anya and Giles turned to look expectantly at Spike, who was seated on the counter.

“What?” Spike asked.

“Spike, do try and pay attention to the conversation will you?” Giles asked exasperatedly. “You are to drive Buffy to this address in LA and pick up a magical dagger.” Giles handed Spike a piece of paper.

“I never agreed to drive the slayer anywhere. I’m not going; I’ve got things to do.”

“We really don’t have time for this; here is two hundred dollars; now go.” Giles handed some cash from the register to Spike.

Spike pocketed the cash, jumped from the counter and swaggered outside. The last thing he heard as he left the shop was Anya berating Giles for giving away her money.


“All I’m saying Angel, is that it wouldn’t hurt for you to get out now and then. You know, a little company bonding type thing. And the perfect opportunity is the opening night of this new restaurant.” Cordelia was sitting on the counter in the lobby of the Hyperion, looking over at Angel as she admired his broad shoulders and strong handsome... Whoa Cor, where are these thoughts coming from? Bad thoughts, Angel is your best friend, keep your mind off his sinfully delicious looks, think un-sexy thoughts, think un-sexy thoughts, um Wesley in a bikini, eew.

“Cordy, you know what happened last time we ate out. Not that it wasn’t fun - because it wasn’t. I just don’t know that an opening is something appropriate for a ‘company bonding’ type thing; this company, anyway.” Angel muttered from his chair, where he was seated at Cordelia’s desk, feet up, reading a book.

Every now and again Angel would pop his head up and gaze at his beautiful best friend, beautiful on the inside he meant, no way was he muddying the waters of friendship with lustful thoughts towards his seer.

“Yeah, food poisoning and public humiliation. I’d almost forgotten what a fun celebration that was for me.” Cordelia reminisced, as she recalled how comforting Angel had been when she was sick.

“I’ll help you celebrate pet.” Drawled a British voice from the doorway.

Cordelia jumped down from the counter and ran towards the weapons cabinet, grabbing a crossbow and aiming it for Spike as soon as she realised who was at the door. Angel’s feet hit the floor and he was in motion before he realised that Buffy was with Spike. Angel came to a halt in front of the counter and Cordelia came to stand protectively at his side, crossbow at the ready.

“Buffy, Spike. What brings you to LA?” Angel asked, more than surprised to see them together; his arms crossed in an appearance of nonchalance, although Cordelia could feel the tension emanating from him.

“Not glad to see me, Poof? What, after the good time I showed you last time?” Spike mocked.

Cordelia remembered the torture Spike had inflicted on Angel and before she thought about it she released the trigger on the crossbow. Spike caught the bolt in mid air and went to smirk at Cordelia, when a second bolt hit him in his upper thigh.

“Oops.” Cordelia muttered unapologetically, smirking as he yelped in pain.

“Since when did you rig that to shoot two bolts?” Angel asked turning curiously towards his best friend, looking impressed. Not only was she incredibly gorgeous and kind and caring, she could fight and he would trust her with his back any day of the week.

“Fred did it for me, pretty cool huh? She said the probability of me missing on the first shot was 85 percent so she rigged it for a second shot immediately following the first, saying that this increases the element of surprise and thus I have greater chance of hitting the target, also mentioning a bunch of other stuff I didn’t understand. But look, it totally worked, she was right.” Cordelia beamed in triumph at Angel who smiled back at her warmly.

Cordy found herself getting lost in the warm depths of Angel’s beautiful eyes as she soaked up his admiration. She wasn’t sure when it began, but she knew that it was increasingly important to her to make Angel proud of her and to protect him from pain. He’d suffered so much in his long life and she only wanted him to be happy.

“A-hem, bleeding man here? I can’t believe you bloody shot me, you bimbo, I’m an innocent bystander, here to help and you bloody well shot me. I can’t believe it.” Spike glared at Cordelia as he hobbled over to the red couch.

Buffy watched as Spike limped dramatically to the couch, moaning all the way. A small smile touched her lips at his theatrics, before apathy once again claimed her features.

Angel glanced at Buffy curiously, he found that he no longer felt anything other than friendship when looking at her and wondered when that had happened.

“Oh don’t be such a baby.” Cordelia responded grabbing the first aid kit and walking over to Spike.

“It’s not like I tortured you for hours or anything, or hired someone else to do it because I’m too girly and wussy to do it myself.” She snarked, glaring at him as she gently pulled the bolt from his leg and staunched the bleeding with a gauze pad, surprising him by not yanking it out roughly –although Spike did flinch dramatically for effect. Cordy couldn’t believe how nauseated she became when remembering the pain Spike had inflicted on Angel, it almost made her wish she had shot Spike in the chest, Angel hadn’t deserved the torture Spike had inflicted on him.

“Haven’t you ever heard of delegating? Why do it when there is someone else to do it for you?” Spike responded to her remark, pouting pathetically and completing the picture of walking wounded.

“You big baby. Hold this tightly.” She instructed getting up to disappear behind the counter. She returned a few minutes later with a mug of warm blood.

“Here, drink this.” She instructed whilst removing the bloody pad and replacing it with a clean one which she bandaged in place over his tight jeans.

“There; look, good as new. Now you’d better apologise to Angel or I’ll shoot you again.” Cordelia threatened him, standing in front of Spike with her hands on her hips.

“Sod off. I’m not sorry, I’d bloody do it again, and next time I’d make sure you didn’t miss out.” Spike glared back at her, his leg aching as it started to heal.

“Oh I’d like to see you try, Xander has more hope of torturing me than you. You couldn’t even steal a ring properly.” She returned insultingly.

“So Buffy, how are you?” Angel gently asked the silent slayer as the two of them watched Spike and Cordy bicker.

“Alive. You?” Buffy responded listlessly.

“Dead. So what brings you to LA? Are you ok?” Angel asked, concern evident on his features at the lacklustre expression and apathetic attitude of one of the strongest people he had ever had the good fortune to know.

“I’m fine, sorry, I’m just tired, you know, hours in the car with Spike type thing. We need to pick up a dagger from Elden’s Magical Supplies and Spike got us lost.”

“Speaking of losers, why are you with him anyway?” Cordelia asked turning to Buffy.

“Hey, watch who you’re calling a loser you floozy.” Spike rejoined. Cordelia gave him a quelling look before turning back to Buffy.

Cordy wasn’t happy to see the slayer standing so near to Angel. In fact she wasn’t happy that the slayer was standing in the same room as Angel. It’s not like she was jealous or anything, it was just that no good ever came from the two of them being together and she didn’t want a broody Angel on her hands for the next week, that was the only reason her heart ached and her stomach was rolling nervously, she tried to tell herself.

“He’s good now, mostly, he helps us out; sometimes we pay him. He has a chip that means he can’t hurt humans. Um, Angel would you be able to drive us to the store?” Buffy asked.

“Sure, let’s go. Spike, you stay here and rest that leg. Cordy come with us.” Angel wasn’t particularly keen on spending time with Spike; nor did he want to leave Cordelia alone with him.

“OK you can drop me home afterwards.” Cordelia grabbed her jacket and bag.

“You can’t leave me here all alone, I might get blood poisoning, my leg might fall off.” Spike whined petulantly, standing up.

“We can only hope.” Cordelia taunted with a grin. Angel hid a smirk.

Cordy’s wit constantly amused Angel, she was so much more intelligent than people assumed, also kinder and more gentle, and so very much more caring and her beauty ran deep, not just on the surface, but of course Angel was only observing those things as a friend would, not in any meaningful way, he reassured himself.

“Oh yeah, well I think you protest too much cheerleader, I bet you’re hot for me aren’t ya? The thought of being in a car with me has you all hot and bothered. I felt you groping my leg when you were pretending to bandage it.” Spike looked Cordelia up and down assessingly.

Angel sent a glare Spikes way, as he helped Cordelia on with her jacket, his hands lingering protectively on her shoulders, he didn’t like the lustful gaze Spike was sending his seer.

“Spike, if you don’t shut up now, I really will shoot you again and this time it won’t be in the leg.” Cordelia glanced at his groin warningly. “If Buffy wants you alive I won’t kill you, but there are parts of you that don’t need to be functioning to fight well.”

Angel unconsciously crossed his legs for a second at Cordelia’s threat, before grabbing his coat and leading the way out to the car. Buffy shrugged casually before following Angel, her lack of response angering Spike.

Buffy hopped into the front seat beside Angel, leaving Cordelia and Spike to climb in the back. Cordelia shot a look of irritation at Buffy, but remained quiet for once as Spike sprawled out across the back seat.

“Spike. You’re in my half. Move over, you don’t need so much space.” Cordelia complained.

“I’ve been shot in the leg Cheerleader; man’s got to do what he can to ease the pain.”

“Well ease it over there; you are in my personal bubble.”

“Not like hundreds of others haven’t been here before me. I’ve heard Harris talk about you. Ow.” Spike cried out as Cordy punched him in the ribs.

“Spike, keep your mouth shut or you can walk.” Angel called out from the front seat.

Cordelia poked her tongue out in victory at Spike and turned to look out the window.

“She started it.” Spike called back, hiding a smile, the Cheerleader had passion; he liked that in a woman.

Spike stretched his arm along the back seat, trapping Cordelia’s hair so that when she moved it pulled.

“Spiiiike, you are really bugging me, now.” Cordelia yelled turning and pushing his arm off the back of the seat. “Why don’t you get out and walk, probably do your leg some good.”

“I didn’t know you were a Doctor pet.” Spike commented.

“I’m not.” Cordelia answered puzzled.

“Well then don’t bloody give me medical advice. I’m injured and it’s your fault, least you could do is show me a little compassion.”

“I know what I’d like to show you - and it isn’t compassion.” Cordelia glared at Spike.

“Ah pet, not now, maybe later.” Spike raised his eyebrows suggestively at Cordelia.

“Arrgh.” Cordelia turned away again as the car pulled up to Eldens.

Buffy looked around startled as the car stopped, she had been staring aimlessly out the window in silence the whole journey, her mind a million miles away.

Angel turned in his seat to look at Cordelia and Spike.

“Can’t you two cut it out, you’re like children? Just wait here and try not to kill one another. Buffy and I will be back in a minute. Spike, keep your hands to yourself, and make sure nothing happens to Cordy.” Angel gave a warning look towards Spike; this wasn’t the best neighbourhood.

Angel and Buffy walked into the store as Spike pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit up. Cordelia watched in resignation as Buffy and Angel walked off together, before the stench of Spike’s cigarette reached her.

“Do you mind, some of us are still using our lungs.” Cordelia grabbed the cigarette and threw it out of the car.

“Hey, cut that out, those aren’t free you know.”

“Witness me not caring. If you want to smoke, get out of the car.”

“Alright I will, come on.” Spike got up out of the car.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m fine right here.”

Spike reached into the car, grabbed Cordelia and lifted her from the car.

“Hey, less with the grabby hands.” Cordy smacked at Spike.

“Angel wants you safe and safe you will be, but I want to go for a walk, I’m bored and that means you are coming with me.” Spike started off down the street. “I’m not bloody waiting here just cos they told me to, who do they think they are? Who do they think I am?”

Spike was half way down the block before Cordy decided to follow him, she had to admit she hated being ordered around by Angel just cos Buffy was here. Normally Angel never left her in the car, but one look from those big dewy eyes and he was ignoring her.

“So, what’s the deal with Buffy?” Cordy asked when she caught up to Spike.

“What do you mean?” He eyed her carefully, wondering what she was going to say.

“She seems kind of, I don’t know, elsewhere. Like you look into her eyes and she isn’t there anymore.”

“It’s tough coming back from the dead.” Spike answered; relieved it wasn’t regarding their ‘relationship’.

“I guess you’d know. So did you get buried?” Cordelia was curious; she wanted to know more about vampires but didn’t feel like going through the yawnfest of a Wesley lecture and didn’t want to cause Angel to go into panic mode over why she wanted to know. He had a major mother hen vibe happening lately.

“Yeah, I did. I woke up in a coffin and had to dig my way out. Why?”

“I just wondered. What’s it like being dead?”

“It’s just like being alive, but with some restrictions. Never much liked the sun anyway. And there’s compensation, increased senses and strength, stuff like that.” Spike liked her curiosity, no one ever asked about him except Dawn and it was nice to talk to someone who wasn’t judging him like the rest of the Scoobies constantly did.

“Does your hair still grow?”

“Yep and finger nails.”

“Do you have some kind of link to Angel cos of the family line thing?” Spike glanced at her with raised eyebrows.
“Why don’t you ask Angel these questions?” he finally asked.

“He gets all wiggy, he hates what being a vampire has meant for him, and so doesn’t like to talk about it. You’re easy to talk to, I guess, when you aren’t pissing me off.” She added with a grin.

Spike grinned back, the cheerleader was alright, he liked her spirit and her openness. Slinging his arm over her shoulder, Spike answered.

“Yeah there’s a link. But let’s not talk about the poof. Let’s talk about you and me.”

“There is no you and me, doofus.” Cordelia grinned at Spike’s teasing, not shrugging his arm off her shoulders; it felt nice to be close to someone, even if it wasn’t quite the someone she would like to be close to.

Where did that thought come from? I don’t want to be close to Angel. Do I? Oh my god, I want to be close to Angel. This can’t be good, ok Cor, get a grip, Angel loves Buffy, not that he seemed that happy to see her. I wonder what they’re doing right now, I’d like to pull her hair out of her skanky little head, how dare she come here and upset the man I love and oh my god, I love Angel. Oh no, oh no, oh no. I can’t love Angel, because… because…. well because he doesn’t love me and oh this is bad. OK let’s just think about this later. No point being all obsessive and broody like someone who shall remain gorgeous. Dismissing her thoughts to be considered at a later date when she was alone, Cordy again focused her attention on Spike.

Spike and Cordelia continued to walk, enjoying the easy banter and camaraderie. After a few blocks, they turned back towards the direction they had come from.


Angel and Buffy managed to obtain the dagger with little difficulty. It was simply a matter of waiting for the sales assistant to be free to retrieve it from the vault. The store was surprisingly busy for that time of night, surprising to Buffy anyway, who was unused to the demon shops of LA and their night hours. Making their way back to the car they were surprised to find it empty. Fearing the worst, Angel checked the car for signs of a struggle whilst Buffy checked the surrounding areas.

“I’m not seeing signs of a fight here, what about you Buffy?” Angel turned to Buffy.

“Nothing. I can’t sense any vampires other than you in the area either. Can you, I don’t know, smell which way they might have gone?” Buffy asked, becoming a little concerned.

Angel allowed his face to change so that he could more easily pick up the scent of his best friend. Finding the scent combined with Spike’s and heading off to the right, Angel began to stalk down the street, not bothering to change back to his human guise. Angel couldn’t believe he had left Cordelia alone in the car with Spike, how could he be so careless, anything could have happened to her and if she was in any way injured, or hurt, or even upset, Angel would never forgive himself.

Buffy began to follow silently; this was a side of Angel she was unused to. Normally around her, he made an effort to remain human. Buffy shook off her disquiet over Angel’s unusual behaviour and focused her slayer senses on the surroundings. Halfway down the block, Angel morphed back into his human visage as he caught sight of Cordelia unharmed and walking safely by Spike’s side.

Looking up from laughing at something Spike was recounting, Cordelia caught sight of Angel and Buffy stalking towards her and Spike down the sidewalk; identical scowls upon their faces. Shooting a quizzical eyebrow at Spike, Cordelia came to a halt. Recognising the potential to cause trouble when he saw it, Spike kept his arm around Cordelia as Buffy and Angel strode up.

Buffy couldn’t believe Spike, he seemed so happy and at ease with Cordelia, his arm slung familiarly over the brunette’s shoulder. Spike never acted that way with her; he never told her stories or held her protectively. Buffy glared at Cordelia in anger, what was it with her; first Angel went all psycho vamp at her absence and now Spike was draped all over her.

Spike caught the glare Buffy sent Cordelia’s way and smirked to himself. Maybe the trip to LA would benefit him after all, a jealous Buffy was better than an apathetic one any day. And Angel was seemingly fuming at the way Spike was holding his seer. Things couldn’t get much better in Spike’s opinion, a jealous slayer and a fuming sire; his work here was done.

Angel glared at Spike, silently demanding that the other vampire remove his arm from Angel’s property. Just when it was exactly that he had become so possessive of Cordelia Angel didn’t know and didn’t really care. He wanted no one to touch her but him. He wanted her to smile at no one but him with that expression of warmth and trust and acceptance and suddenly it struck him. Angel realised that he needed Cordelia in his life more than he had ever needed anyone before. He needed her acceptance, her warmth, her smile, her love. Angel was stunned by the sudden burst of self awareness; he was in love with Cordelia. He loved Cordelia and right now Spike was touching her. Spike was touching his soul mate. Because that’s what Cordelia was to him, Angel realised. Her ability to accept all aspects of him, human and demon, her ability to see his heart and know how he was feeling, the ability to make him smile, in all his long life no other person had been as close to him or as essential and Angel wanted to shout it to the world, well as soon as he got her away from Spike that is.

Cordelia looked from the glaring Buffy to Angel who was shooting daggers at Spike with his eyes whilst emitting a low growl, before turning to Spike with a question in her eyes. Spike shrugged innocently in return.

“So mission accomplished then?” Cordelia asked turning back to Angel.

“Huh?” Angel answered, pulling Cordelia protectively to his side and therefore away from Spike.

“Yes. Now we’re leaving. Come on Spike.” Buffy answered Cordelia.

“I’m not ready to go yet.” Spike answered infuriatingly. “I want to take me new mate out for a drink; we’ve got loads to talk about.” Spike smiled warmly at Cordy, taking no heed of the growls emanating from Angel.

“That would be great. I know the best bar.” Cordelia responded.

“No.” Buffy and Angel yelled in unison.

Cordelia turned a chilling gaze on Angel. “What do you mean no?”

“I um I meant that well, you were tired before and um it’s late and I was going to take you home now, so maybe you know you could do it later and…” Angel began before Buffy interrupted.

“We have to get this dagger back to Sunnydale and it’s getting late. So we are going now.” Buffy grabbed Spike by the arm and began to march back to the car. As far as she was concerned the sooner she and Spike left the better it would be.

Reaching the car, Buffy pushed Spike into the front seat and she took his spot in the back. Cordelia gave a mental grimace before climbing into the back seat with Buffy; she’d much preferred to sit with Spike, even when he was being annoying he acknowledged her, and truth be told, she didn’t mind his annoying banter.

“So Buffy, how’re things with you?” Cordelia made an attempt to strike up a conversation once the car was under way and the tension had increased to uncomfortable levels.

“Fine.” Buffy was again staring aimlessly out the window. “Thing’s are fine.”

“So, how’s Dawn?” Cordelia made another attempt.

“Dawn is good.”

“And Willow?”

“Willow is good.”



“What’s the what with the dagger?” Cordelia tried a new tack. She felt almost certain she was irritating Buffy and this wasn’t displeasing to her.

“I don’t know. Giles needs it.”

“How is Giles? Still all tweedy?”

“Giles is good.”

“That’s an interesting mark on your neck. It’s almost like a love bite. Where did you get that?” Cordelia spied a mark on Buffy’s neck and tried yet another topic of conversation.

“It’s a bruise, I got it patrolling. Why all the questions?” Buffy suddenly turned to face Cordelia, she wanted to get the topic away from the marks on her body, most of which had been inflicted by Spike and not during a fight.

“It’s not everyday a girl gets to catch up with an old friend from home now is it? You should stay the night, I’m sure there’s lots of stuff for us to catch up on.”

“Mm fun, but sadly Giles really needs this dagger and oh look we’re at the Hotel. Sorry, got to go now. Nice talking to you.” Buffy was extremely grateful to be able to exit the car and she walked quickly over to say good bye to Angel before Cordelia could ask anymore annoying questions.

“Angel, it was good to see you again. Take care ok.” Buffy hugged Angel awkwardly and got into Spike’s car, calling out her farewell to Cordelia as she shut the door.

Spike turned to Cordy and gave her a warm hug that went on a little too long for Angel’s liking.

“Cheerleader, great to see you again. Next time, I’ll stay longer and we can get sloshed together.” Spike offered.

“Deal. Drive carefully okay? Bye Buffy.” Cordelia stood by Angel’s side as Spike gave them a jaunty wave and jumped into the car and took off.

“Are you going to drive me home now?” Cordelia turned to Angel.

“Yep, come on.” Angel climbed back into his car.

“So, you and Spike seemed to hit it off.” Angel said casually as he drove.

“Yeah, so?” Cordelia was looking through her purse for her house keys.

“Doesn’t it bother you that he’s a vampire?”

“No. Why should it?”

“Well, he’s evil.”

“No he’s not. Even without the chip Spike had a heart. Remember when Angelus tried to use alfalfa to end the world and Spike helped Buffy to stop it?”

“Acathla, not alfalfa, and yes I remember.” Angel said shortly. He hated memories of Angelus and the pain he had inflicted.

“Hey, I know it wasn’t you, so don’t get all broody ok? I was just making a point, an extremely valid and insightful point might I add. And what’s this all really about anyway? Are you annoyed cos Buffy and Spike are friends?”

“I don’t care about Buffy and Spike. You just seemed really close to him that’s all. I was concerned for your safety.” Angel replied pulling up out the front of Cordelia’s apartment.

“Come in and we can finish this conversation.” Cordelia responded getting out of the car and walking towards the door.

Cordelia needed to be sure that Angel was ok about seeing Buffy, there was no way she was letting him go home and brood if that’s what he was inclined to do. Thinking back to her realisation of love from earlier that night, Cordelia wanted to immediately share it with Angel, the way she shared the rest of her life, he was always the one she told her good news to first, who she went to with her problems, the one she shared her soul with. Having a secret from Angel felt wrong to Cordelia and she didn’t know how she was going to manage, or even if she wanted to keep that secret, maybe it was best out in the open. He hadn’t been overwhelmed with Buffy joy and so that had to mean something, didn’t it?

Once inside the apartment Cordelia gave Dennis her bag, took her shoes off and sat curled up on the couch. She patted the space beside her “Come and sit down.”

Angel sat next to Cordelia and for the first time in what felt like days, he relaxed, there was no ex-girlfriend tension, no annoying childe tension and he was with the one person who made him feel hope.

“Why did you growl at Spike when he had his arm around me?” Cordelia asked.

“He’s a vampire. I didn’t want you in danger.” Angel answered.

“You’re a vampire.” Cordelia responded, moving closer to Angel and pulling his arm around her while she leant tiredly against his chest.

“I would never hurt you.”

“I know that. And neither would Spike and you know that.”

“I don’t know that, and neither do you. He hasn’t got a soul, just a chip.”

“Hmm. You know what? I don’t think that this is about that. I think that you didn’t like Spike touching me for the same reason I didn’t like Buffy sitting in the front seat of your car. That’s my spot and it felt wrong, I felt angry at her and I didn’t like it. It made me think about things that maybe I shouldn’t think about.”

Angel’s body stiffened slightly under Cordelia as she spoke. “What kind of things?” Angel asked whilst trying to relax.

“You’re my best friend Angel, and I’m really tired. Maybe I should shut up and go to bed.” Cordelia suddenly realised she had been about to tell Angel she had developed deeper feelings for him, and she wasn’t sure what his response would be. She didn’t want to take the chance that he would leave her life if he didn’t feel the same way, it was better to have him there as a friend, than not to have him at all. Cordy damned her big mouth, why had she never learnt to filter her thoughts? She hadn’t yet had time to get a handle on her new emotions and here she was about to blurt them out to Angel. Damn him for being the one she always talked everything over with, it was too hard to keep anything from him.

“No, I want to talk about this now. What kind of things?” Angel began to gently rub his hand up and down Cordelia’s arm soothingly.

Cordelia relaxed even more into Angel’s arms. “Well, maybe boy girl type things, more than friend type things.” Cordelia muttered uncertainly.

“Maybe I was thinking the same things as you.” Angel responded.

Cordelia pulled away slightly so she could look up into Angel’s eyes. “You have feelings for me?” She asked.

“Yes I think maybe I do. It hit me tonight when I saw Spike touching you and if you don’t feel the same way we can forget all about it.”

“I think I might feel the same way.” Cordelia whispered as she looked up at Angel.

Angel breathed a sigh of relief at her admission before leaning down and gently pressing his lips to hers. Cordelia shut her eyes and felt her body tingle in excitement at the tender caress. She breathed in the scent that was uniquely Angel and poured her feelings into her kiss. Breaking off the kiss, Angel pulled back slightly.

“I love you, Cordelia.” He whispered softly.

“I love you too Angel.” She replied. “So about this curse?”

“Not a problem anymore. Lorne knew a guy who knew a guy who fixed it.”

Angel kissed his best friend again, tasting the softness of her lips and the essence that was purely her. Cordelia sighed into Angel’s mouth as she ran her hands over his muscled chest.

“I don’t want to rush this Angel. I think we should wait.” Cordelia eventually broke away.

“Oh, ok if that’s what you want.” Angel leant down and quickly stole one last kiss before standing and beginning to move towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Angel quickly left the apartment while his will power was still marginally intact and he could resist taking Cordelia right there on the couch, he could maker her want it just as much as he did, but he respected her decision.

Left alone in her apartment Cordelia smiled in joy, Angel loved her. Angel loved her and he was a fantastic kisser and he had no curse problems and she had just kicked him out, oh my god what had she done? Jumping from the couch, Cordelia ran to the door and threw it open, before running into Angel who was standing there, hand poised to knock.

“Waiting time is over.” Cordelia reached up and pulled Angel’s lips back down to her own.

Sweeping Cordelia into his arms, Angel strode into the bedroom leaving Dennis to shut the door.

“Are you sure?” Angel asked gently lowering her to the bed.

“I’m sure.” Cordelia smiled up at Angel, love shining from her eyes.

Angel needed no further invitation to show his soul mate the benefits of having an extremely long life and no need to breath.
