just fic

Title: Escape
Author: Illusion
Posted: 09-18-2003
Email: alliekat17@hotmail.com
Rating: R-ish for some violence
Category: AtS Season 3. Mid-ep for ‘Sleeptight’. Kinda AU.
Content: Cordy/Angel. Fred/Gunn.
Summary: When The Powers That Be uncover Jasmine’s plan, they plan to do something before it’s too late.
Spoilers: Angel ‘Sleeptight’. Seasons 3-4.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Want. Take. Have. Just let me know.
Notes: Just because I can, Cordelia never went on holidays with Groo – he never returned, but Angel and Cordy haven’t admitted their feelings yet. So Cordelia goes with Angel to confront Lilah about spiking Angel’s blood supply. This is hopefully a prelude to another story I plan to write. Let me know if I should continue. BTW, this is completely un-beta-ed. Let me know if it needs it, because it probably does.
Feedback: Yes please! I’ll be your best friend…? ^_^ Please let me know if I should continue and post the rest. this is bad, but it does get better, I swear!

Part 1: Prophecy

Something cool slid down the side of his clenched fist, and the coppery scent of blood washed over his senses at once, smothering him, drowning him…

His blood.

Connor’s blood.

Angel barely felt the sting of fingernails biting into flesh as he squeezed his hand tighter. He dropped his head back wearily against the cool leather of his seat as cold fury battled with self-loathing in the pit of his stomach. An icy nausea crept up his throat as the smell of his own son’s innocent young blood intensified around him, and made his mouth water against his will.

Wolfram & Hart. He’d known that they were responsible even before Lilah had told him. But it made no difference now. He’d--

He dug harder, nails scraping bluntly at raw burning skin, leaving broad crimson rivers in their wake. The offending liquid slowly seeped out; it had bloodied his palm, but Angel increased the pressure, willing it to leave his body faster. He wanted every trace of his baby boy’s blood gone from his veins.

A soft warmth covered the back of his fisted hand. Awash in a sea of disgust and horror, Angel pressed his eyes shut tightly to the point that bright flecks of color flashed behind his eyelids, staving off the tears that threatened to drag him under the surface. He clamped his jaw hard against the rising sobs that constricted his chest despite his lack of the need to breathe.

Cordelia didn’t let go of his hand. Blood trickled out from between his fingers, staining hers. She traced his knuckles, white from the force of his grip. He didn’t look at her. Couldn’t.

Finally, after seconds, minutes, seemingly hours of silence, she asked him. “Why?”

The vampire loosed an eerie bitter laugh, which quickly turned into a sob. “So I’d kill my own son,” he replied at length, voice low and terrifyingly devoid of emotion. He was beyond rage. Beyond anguish. He was so tired. “Want to kill myself in the process. Save them the trouble. And there was something about an ethereal time-traveling demon named Sahjhan somewhere in the middle there…”

Another sob choked his words, his emotions finally breaking. He swallowed it down, his normally still chest heaving an unneeded sigh, exhausted. “Does it matter?” Angel questioned her quietly in turn, defeated. Tears leaked from the corners of his clamped eyelids.

Cordelia bit her lip, unable to respond. She knew it didn’t matter, not really. In the end, nothing would change the fact that Angel now knew the tantalizing taste of his son’s blood. That he had thought of his own child as food.

“How do I tell him?”

His voice was so soft, she wasn’t sure he had even spoken. When Cordelia looked up into his face, she was startled to find his distressed gaze on her, looking to her for an answer that he didn’t think existed.

“Do you remember the day that Connor was born?” Cordelia began, then giggled humorlessly at herself, cutting off Angel’s protests. “Of course you do. Do you remember how he wouldn’t stop crying? I know you were scared. You didn’t know what was wrong. And then all those demons were after him. And the vampire cult. And Wolfram & Hart--”

Angel growled, averting his eyes from hers again. He had been seeking comfort from her, not more reminders of his guilt.

“Stay with me here,” Cordelia insisted, unusually calm. “You protected him then. I know you will always keep him safe. But you’re a vampire. And because of that, Connor doesn’t have a normal life. He never will have a normal life--”

“Dammit Cordelia--!” Angel shouted angrily to the empty night sky.

“Hey!” she interrupted, her patience vanishing. “If you’d let me finish, there is a point!” Angel snarled once more, but didn’t speak. “The point I was trying to make is that the fact that you’re a vampire hasn’t mattered to us in a long time, and it doesn’t matter to Connor! Angel, the vampire is a part of you, but it’s a part of us too.”

Angel remained silent, but turned his head to face forward again. He still wasn’t quite looking at her though.

Cordelia continued. “The vampire is a part of us, because you are a part of us. Because you’re a part of our family. It’s a part of Connor. That’s why it was your vamp-y face that calmed him. He accepted it when he was only a few hours old, Angel! And that’s why he will always accept it. You may be a vampire, but you’re also a good man. And his father. And you love him. That’s what matters. So when the time comes, tell Connor the truth, because it won’t make a difference. He loves you. Nothing will change that,” Cordelia finished quietly.

Tears slipped freely down the vampire’s cheeks, and he finally lifted his moist gaze back to hers. “Thank you, Cordy,” Angel whispered, squeezing her hand gratefully. The brunette smiled broadly – not quite her usual brilliancy – but the wattage of the grin was enough to warm him nonetheless.

“Great!” Cordelia exclaimed happily, swiping at the moisture burning her own eyes. “Now can we go home? It’s freezing out here!” she complained with an exaggerated shiver, wrapping her free arm around herself in an attempt to keep the chill evening air at bay. They were sitting in Angel’s car with the top down, still parked in front of the bar Lilah’s assistant had directed them to, once Angel had… ‘persuaded’ him to tell them.

Despite himself, Angel laughed. Cordelia had always been able to make him laugh. She had always been there for him; tactless, stubborn, and complaining the whole time, but there all the same. She had been there for him tonight, and he needed – wanted – her to be there by his side always.

Still smiling, he released her hand reluctantly, shrugging out of his jacket. “Come here,” he said softly, and draped the coat over her quivering shoulders. Then he drew her to his side, and she immediately curled up against him, laying her head against his chest. Almost as quickly she pulled away again and before Angel could object reached over her seat to the glove compartment, retrieving the first aid kit they always kept in the car. Cordelia retook her place beside him, tucking her legs up beneath her on the seat, even as she withdrew gauze and antiseptic from the box, then picked up Angel’s hand once more.

He tried to pull it away, but Cordelia wouldn’t let him. “Pfft. Don’t be silly,” she murmured, smiling. “Let me.”


“Hush. Dumbass,” she chided lovingly. She rested his hand, palm up, on her thigh and let go, hoping he wouldn’t move it away again. He didn’t. Cordy smiled and set about cleaning his self-inflicted wound, cradling his palm. Wiping away the blood from both his hand and hers, she saw that the deep cuts had started to heal already. Even so, once the area was clear, she began to tenderly bandage his hand.

Angel could only watch his best friend in awe. God, he loved her. He chuckled then, shaking his head, causing Cordelia to look up as she finished tending to his wounds. “What?” she demanded, her eyes flaming briefly with anger and warning him that he had better choose his next words very carefully.

“You. You’re amazing…” he whispered honestly.

An instant blush rose on her cheeks, her smile blossoming into a shy grin, taken aback by the sincerity of his admiration. She lowered her face so that he wouldn’t see just how much his simple praise had affected her. “W-well, duh!” she replied, her voice not sounding quite as casual as she would have liked. She had laughed off similar comments from him before, like when he’d told her that he’d never met anyone like her before, and when he’d said she was beautiful… but she was too surprised to muster up her usual defenses this time. Cordelia Chase was not used to being rendered speechless by a compliment.

Angel would have been blushing too if he could, and as it was he couldn’t help the warm lopsided smile that spread across his lips at her reaction. He was just as shocked as she was by his admission. But seeing her responsive, the nerve he’d been trying to work up for months was suddenly right there. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” he asked, grinning good-naturedly to let her know he wasn’t really annoyed, and relieving some of the tension in the air.

Despite the serious undertones of the conversation, Cordelia regained some of her carefree composure. “Of course not! After all we’ve been through in the past three years, it’s my obligation to make your un-life a living Hell!” she teased affectionately.

The vampire laughed gently with her, before the moment again threatened to get awkward. Angel looked out into the night, this time not for an escape but for courage, but it came instead from the exquisite young woman beside him. His courage had always come from her; his strength was hers.

Cordelia reached up and cradled his cheek in her hand, drawing his gaze back to hers. Her familiar soft smile offered him a reassurance that the darkness surrounding them never could have. Her inviting hazel eyes reflected a beautiful spirited light that couldn’t possibly be attributed to any kind of artificial illumination, let alone the gaudy neon of the bar signs or the dim lamps lining the street.

He brought up his bandaged hand to cover hers, turning his face into her palm and kissing it lightly. Cordelia trembled once more, but not from the cold. Facing her, still cupping her hand in his, he smiled briefly. “Cordy, I--” he began. He swallowed hard, choking back the myriad of emotions that had been overwhelming him throughout the night’s events. Angel opened his mouth…

Cordelia’s eyes lost focus, and she screamed.

Instantly Angel pulled her to him and held her tightly. She shook violently in his arms as the vision-tempest raged through her mind. Whimpers fell from her lips and tears cascaded in torrents from her glassy eyes. Reflex had driven him to take her in his arms as she had cried out, but concern and fear quickly took over. He knew the physical pain from the visions was gone – the pain she was now feeling cut deeply into her heart.

She clutched him to her, sobbing in grief at what she had seen, feeling horrified, angry, frightened, betrayed… She wanted to scream and cry and throw-up and hit something all at once, and more… But she didn’t. She couldn’t. She needed to tell Angel…

Angel continued to hold her, drawing her completely onto his lap and enfolding her in his strong safe embrace, trailing his hand soothingly down her back while tears of worry crept into his eyes. He pressed a loving kiss to her temple, brushed her hair tenderly out of her face, whispered comforting words to her – and she only cried harder. He didn’t know… She had to tell him…

Cordelia tried to calm herself enough to speak, her body shaking and her breath hitching in her throat, her eyes blurred from tears and her head aching far worse than any vision-hangover. Angel sensed her attempts and lifted her face with a gentle hand beneath her chin. His free hand rubbed her back and side, helping her to breathe.

She managed only one word, before Angel released her only enough to start the car and tear away from the curb, tires screeching and the gas pedal already touching the floor…


Part 2: Escape

Wesley stood for a moment in grim disbelief, breathing hard from the brief struggle. Blood trickled from the wound on Lorne’s head, and his chest rose and fell with even breaths, but other than that, the precognitive demon didn’t stir.

He dropped his makeshift weapon, the object landing with a dull clunk on the floor of the office, and he winced, remembering the slightly wetter crack the item had made when connecting with Lorne’s skull only seconds ago. If Wesley had held any doubts about what he was doing, it was too late now. After what he’d just done to his friend he couldn’t turn back.

Letting that thought cement his resolve he lifted the demon and dragged his unconscious body behind the desk. He worked quickly, now minus the possible advantage that he wouldn’t be missed until morning. This way, Lorne might not be found for a while, giving Wesley more time to escape before anyone found out something was wrong. Before Angel found out…

He hurried back out to the lobby and gently scooped up Connor from his bassinet, swinging the already packed baby carry-bag over his shoulder. Wesley swiftly turned to the door.

Angel stood silently at the top of the steps.

“Angel,” Wesley said dumbly, barely hiding his panic.

The vampire looked around the lobby. “Where is everybody?” he asked.

“Fred and Gunn went for food, and Lorne had to go out,” Wesley replied, hope burgeoning in his chest. It might still be possible to get Connor away, if he could talk his way past Angel. “I’m watching the baby.” He noticed Angel’s gaze fall to the packed bag. “In fact,” the ex-watcher continued hastily, “I packed up some overnight things. We talked about me taking him to the park, and the one across the street from my place is… It’s always full of kids. I thought he could spend the night with me.”

For a while, Angel was silent. Wesley could see the worry in his eyes, and with each passing second feared that the vampire would decline his ‘offer’. This was his only chance, as Wesley knew he wouldn’t be able to fight Angel.

“That’s probably a good idea,” Angel said at last.

Wesley almost cried out, but managed to keep his relief hidden. He looked down at the small child in his arms, then back to the boy’s father. “Do you want to say… goodbye?” he asked gently. Only Wesley knew how final this farewell would be.

He handed Angel his son.

A movement behind Angel caught Wesley’s attention, and he was surprised to see Cordelia enter the hotel’s lobby. Her eyes were red, her cheeks still wet from crying, and she was hugging herself as if she were cold, despite Angel’s over-large coat shrouding her slim shoulders. But most of all what alarmed him about her appearance was the sickened hollow look in her eyes.

Dread turned his blood to ice as Wesley slowly brought his gaze back to Angel. Angel’s eyes were anything but hollow. He had never seen such hatred, such rage, anguish, fear… Angel’s eyes were cold. Cruel.

He took an involuntary step away from the vampire; terror making his actions clumsy and he stumbled backwards ungracefully to the ground. The carry-bag sailed through the air and scattered its contents across the lobby floor as Wesley flung his arms behind him to catch his fall. He continued to scrabble back on his hands, all the while knowing he couldn’t escape.

Angel never moved. He held his son tightly in his arms, the boy oblivious to his father’s dangerous pitiless stare. “You were going to take my son,” Angel stated quietly. The deadly stillness of his voice made Wesley recoil as if he had been struck. “Leave.”

Wesley was too shocked by the command to comply.

Even Cordelia was stunned. Angel ignored the looks. “I said, leave!” he repeated.

Though he didn’t raise his voice, the vehemence of his tone told Wesley that he wouldn’t make the demand again. Wesley scrambled unsteadily to his feet, wiping sweaty palms against his slacks. The vampire didn’t attack, though all those present knew that he could kill the traitor before he could blink. He took a tentative step towards the door. When Angel still didn’t stir, Wesley took his chances and walked hurriedly but shakily past both him and Cordelia.

“Pryce,” Angel spoke. Wesley yelped as he came to an abrupt stop, eyes darting around expecting a fatal blow, but none came. He spun a deathly pale sweating face back to find that Angel hadn’t even turned. “If you ever come near my son, or my family again, I will kill you,” he promised, voice still mercilessly calm.

Wesley ran.


Gunn was almost bowled over as he and Fred walked down the front garden path. “Hey! English!” he called after the retreating figure, but Wesley didn’t seem to hear him. “Wes!” His friend never slowed, turning the corner and out of sight. Gunn exchanged a glance with his girlfriend. “What’s up with him?”

The petite Texan shrugged. “He’s been actin’ wiggy all week. Maybe he finally had a ‘Eureka’ moment?” she suggested, resuming their walk towards the front door of the Hyperion.

Gunn followed, grinning at her Cordy-like reference to Wesley’s behavior. “If he has we’ll be sure to hear all about it soon enough,” he agreed, reaching the doors. “Hey!” the young black man announced as he and Fred entered the Hyperion’s lobby, seeing Angel and Cordelia there. “What’s up with English? And where's Lorne? He doesn't show his green face pronto, Fred'll wolf down his hoagie.” He swung his take-out bags for emphasis as the couple stepped past the vampire and his seer.

Fred hit him playfully in the arm, smiling. “I will not,” she defended, “I already had two!” As she looked around the lobby for Lorne’s conspicuous person, she finally noticed the strewn baby items, and the look on Cordelia’s face. “Cordy! What happened?!” she cried. She looked to Angel, eyes widening as she took in his similar horrifying expression. The vampire cradled his son desperately close, cheek resting atop the small boy’s head as tears fell down his cheeks from clenched eyes. “Angel!”

“I had a vision,” Cordelia whispered hoarsely, her attention not on her two friends, but focused on Angel and Connor. “There was a prophecy… Wesley’s been translating it. It said… it said Angel would k-kill his son, but it wasn’t true… But he thought it was…” she stammered, barely making sense in her grief-stricken ramblings. But there was no mistaking what she said next. “Wesley was going to kidnap Connor!”

“He what?!” Gunn demanded angrily, dropping the take-out bags.

He turned to chase down the other man, but Fred caught him by the arm, restraining him. “Charles!” Gunn looked at her, following her gaze back to Angel and Cordelia. Fred offered Gunn no explanation, instead addressing Angel. “You let him go,” she said quietly, her words more a statement than a question.

Angel lifted his head, but didn’t face them, nor did he open his eyes. He only nodded.

“You let him go?!” Gunn spluttered, outraged. He didn’t care what Wesley’s reasons were for trying to take Connor. The man, the same man they had all trusted, the same man that had taken a bullet for him, had betrayed them, had betrayed Angel. He had tried to take Connor. Gunn couldn’t believe that Angel hadn’t killed him on the spot. “You let him live?!”

“It’s not my decision,” Angel replied evenly, stunning them.

Bullshit, it’s not your decision! The man tried to steal your son! He was your friend! You trusted him! And he tried to take your son!” Gunn ranted, revolted, gesticulating wildly with his free hand in disbelief. “How’s it not your decision?!”

Fred kept her grip on Gunn’s other arm, but didn’t interrupt his tirade. She, even Cordelia, wanted to hear Angel’s answer as well.

Angel opened his eyes and looked up at them, and Fred gasped, tears forming in her own. He looked so lost. The violent inferno of fury, betrayal and devastation had burnt itself out, consuming him, leaving him dead. She had only seen Angel so afraid once before – in the rain-deluged alleyway where Connor was born. He’d thought he’d lost his child then, too.

Finally, Cordelia understood. “It’s his…” she murmured.

The vampire nodded once more. “It’s Connor’s decision. Wesley betrayed me, he betrayed Cordy… He betrayed all of us. He didn’t trust us to protect Connor, and he owed us that, at least.” He looked down at his son, cupping the boy’s soft face tenderly in his bandaged hand and pressing a loving kiss to his downy head. The baby cooed peacefully in his father’s arms. “More than that though, he betrayed Connor. If I had killed Pryce now, Connor would never have the chance to confront him. Whether he lives, or dies, or he’s forgiven, or he’s made to pay… When Connor is old enough to make it, it’ll be his decision,” he finished quietly.

At his words, Fred’s tears fell, and even Gunn wiped at a suspicious moisture in his own eyes as he relaxed his tense stance. They may deserve retribution, but Connor deserved it more. Only the thought of his son had been able to curb an incensed Angel’s instinct to tear off the Englishman’s head, or torture him for hours, bleeding him slowly and excruciatingly, then transfusing him to do it over and over until he was driven insane from the agony. And no one present would have stopped him.


They all jumped as a pained cry was heard from Wesley’s office. Panicked, Lorne stumbled out groggily, a nasty gash at his forehead dripping blood onto his disheveled suit. As Fred rushed to support him his crimson eyes fell on the baby boy safely enveloped in his father’s embrace, and he allowed himself to sag with equal parts of relief and weakness into her arms.

“He’s safe,” Fred assured him unnecessarily, leading Lorne over to the circular sofa to sit. “What happened to you?”

“Wesley! He hit me!” the prescient demon exclaimed. “He was going to kidnap--!”

“We know,” Cordelia cut him off, biting her lip. She tapped her head in explanation at Lorne’s confused look. “Vision. But there’s more,” she added almost inaudibly. Gunn, Fred and Lorne looked to her to finish, but she didn’t take her eyes off Angel. It was a long time before she finally spoke again. “Connor’s still not safe. He never will be if he stays here. He has to leave.”

Gunn nodded in immediately agreement. “You’re right. We have to get him outta here. Demons know where to find him. Maybe we can move? Or get outta LA? Hide out in some out-of-the-way no-name town?” he suggested. He looked to Fred and Lorne who voiced their consensus.

Angel stopped him, though he was grateful for his determination to keep Connor safe. “That’s not what she meant, Gunn. Even if it was, you can’t spend the rest of your lives in hiding, protecting my son. I can’t ask that of any of you--”

“Don’t need to ask us, man. We’re there,” Gunn interjected. Fred nodded instantly while Lorne was a little more reluctant, but still eventually agreed.

A genuine smile briefly graced Angel’s lips, his heart buoyed by their devotion, their love. He was proud to call them his family. He wished things were different…

“It’s not that simple,” Cordelia informed them, her voice hitching on a small sob. “This isn’t… t-this isn’t just about leaving the hotel, or even LA. Angel and Connor have to… have to… leave this di-dimension.” The others stared at her in a stunned hush, trying to process her words, before gradually turning their gazes to Angel. His lack of surprise, only sadness, confirmed that he already knew; Cordelia had told him everything on the way to the hotel – Wesley’s betrayal, as well as what was to happen next. “The Powers That Be have already decided – Connor is too important to remain here. They have a… a protected dimension, a kind of safe haven, that they’re going to take Angel and Connor to. That’s what I was… ‘told’ in my vision.”

“H-how soon?” Fred stuttered, before the room could erupt in dismayed protests. “Before… before you… go?”

Angel glanced up at the clock on the wall, and then closed his eyes, sighing heavily. “Twelve minutes.”

Silence filled the lobby like suffocating smoke. Cordelia at last dropped her gaze, a trembling hand reaching up to wipe her eyes, smearing tears across her cheeks. Gunn rubbed his hands wearily over his face. He looked ready to break everything in the room, but even he knew that this was one thing that he couldn’t fight. Fred’s legs threatened to collapse but she caught herself with her hand on the back of the sofa, lowering herself heavily to the seat beside Lorne, who sat with his head in his hands muttering, “I definitely need a Seabreeze…!”.

Eleven minutes.

Cordelia sniffled, lifting her face back to Angel’s. “Did you want to take a few things? Connor’s favorite toys…? Some… photos…?” she suggested, forcing herself to speak since she knew there wasn’t much time left. She held her arms out to take Connor.

The vampire looked down fearfully at his son as fresh tears began to fall down his face. “I--! I can’t!” Angel exclaimed brokenly. He couldn’t let go of his son. Not so soon after coming so close to losing him.

Even though she was a little disappointed, Cordelia quickly stepped closer to him and laid a comforting hand against his cheek, her thumb smoothing away the cool salty droplets slipping from his eyes. “Shhh. It’s okay. Let me get them.” Her hand trailed down his chest, to the child in his arms, and caressed Connor’s tiny face as well. She brushed a soft lingering kiss to his forehead before she turned and began to return the upset baby items to the carry-bag Wesley had dropped.

“Thank you,” Angel managed to whisper. Uncertainly, he looked up, in time to see Fred launch herself up from the circular sofa and throw her arms tightly around his neck, being careful not to hurt Connor.

Fred hugged him fiercely as she wept against his shoulder, and a small smile touched the corners of her lips when she felt one of his hands shakily slip around her small waist to embrace her awkwardly in return. “Will we ever see you both again?” she asked hopefully.

Angel answered her without hesitation. “Yes. I promise. I won’t let Connor grow up without knowing his family. No matter what, we’ll find a way back. Our home will always be here, with all of you,” he swore to her. To them all. Angel held her closer, cradling his son carefully with his other hand. “I love you, Winifred. And I’m proud to know you. You’re brilliant, and beautiful, and incredible, and…” He paused, grinning despite everything. “…soothing - don’t ever change. You remind me so much of my little sister, Catherine, and I do think of you as my sister. Thank you for everything. Thank you for letting me be a part of your family. Thank you for loving my son.”

A sob of both happiness and sorrow burst from Fred’s throat. “Thank you for rescuing me,” she replied through more tears, though she too was smiling. “For protecting me. For giving me a home, and my life back. I love you too. And I love Connor.” Finally, reluctantly, Fred pulled back. She stood on her toes to press a light kiss to Angel’s lips, then one to Connor’s cheek, before she stepped away.

Lorne stood next. “I’m sure there’s some ring-dinger of a tune I could sing right now, but for the life of me I can’t remember any,” he said with a short forced laugh. Words escaping him, he moved forward and embraced Angel, kissing both of his cheeks. He broke away, running an emerald hand gently over Connor’s peach-fuzzed head, and kissed his cheeks also. “You take care of your old man, okay little buddy? You got a big bright future ahead of you now. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.”

As the usually flamboyant demon withdrew a loudly-colored handkerchief from his breast pocket and moved away sniffling to help Cordelia gathering Connor’s things, Gunn shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking on his heels. “Angel, man… I know we didn’t always see eye-to-eye--”

“I understand, Gunn,” Angel interposed, but Gunn didn’t stop.

“--what with you being a vamp and me human… Just wanted to say that… I don’t care anymore,” he informed Angel, startling him. “Yeah, it used to bother me, but… I am your friend, Angel. Fangs or no, I trust you, I respect you, and… you’re part of my family,” Gunn finished. He removed his hands from his pockets, folding them across his chest in a typical Gunn act of defiance, daring Angel – anyone – to mock what he’d just said.

Angel didn’t. “Thank you,” he whispered. “And you’re a part of my family. And I’m grateful that you always protected that family, even when it was me you were protecting them from. I believe in you, Gunn. You’re a good man. Take care of Fred,” he said, already knowing it wasn’t something he had to ask of Gunn. Charles would take care of her, no matter what.

Gunn nodded soberly, then stepped up and extended his hand. Angel clasped it in a firm handshake. He was surprised when Gunn drew him into a quick one-armed hug and clapped him on the back with his other hand, but the young man stepped away quickly, pretending nothing had happened. Angel just smiled as Gunn moved over to his girlfriend, slipping his arms around her in comfort.

Cordelia had stood by silently once she had gathered up Connor’s things, as their friends said goodbye, and though she was still crying, she too was smiling. “There’s photos in your temporary room,” she told Angel, glancing at the clock to see that they had less than eight minutes left.

Wiping at his tears with his free hand, Angel nodded. “Maybe it would be easier if I went to my room for when The Powers open the portal… you know, since we’ve… said our goodbyes,” he murmured, looking around the room at his family, memorizing every detail. He didn’t know how long it might be before he saw them again.

“I’m staying with you,” Cordelia said immediately, “until… you know…” Her voice was equally soft, and she hefted the carry-bag over her shoulder, holding it securely and fixing him with an unwavering stare to prevent him from protesting.

To her great relief, Angel smiled and nodded again without objection. It was clear in his eyes that he didn’t want to leave her. “I should… go…” he said weakly to the others.

Fred smiled genuinely, pointing to the stairs. “Then go!” she teased cheerfully, refusing to let her sadness get the better of her. “But make sure you come back, okay? Remember, you promised,” Fred concluded, now completely serious.

Angel grinned at her, grateful for her attempt to lighten the moment. “I promise,” he reaffirmed. Then, he took a deep unneeded breath, and with one last longing look towards his family, he and Cordelia turned to the stairs. He didn’t let himself look back.

When Angel had disappeared from view, Fred looked up at Gunn. “She’s not coming back down, is she?”

Part 3: Promise

The air was still heavy with the scent of charred wood. Large cracks separated walls from support beams and skirting boards. Plaster chips littered the scorched carpet. Books, papers, clothing, photographs, even the fresh laundry had been reduced to ash and tattered ruins by the small fire that had raged through the suite, engulfing belongings, then quickly burning itself out before it could spread. Most of the furniture had survived, singed and smoke-damaged, but still standing.

Connor’s crib sat in the middle of the nursery, blackened, empty.

Angel cradled his son protectively against his chest, shielding the small boy from the debris and tainted air. The room was stable despite the structural damage, but he still stood in the doorway, away from the fallen beams and peeling, sagging ceiling of Connor’s nursery.

This had been the first place Angel could truly call his home. Not because of the building itself, but because of the people that lived within. His family. Leaving now was so hard because he had to walk away from the only real family he’d had since his baby sister Cathy, not because he was abandoning the aged hotel for the unknown.

Even so, it was still difficult to walk away from the room he and his son had lived in. Connor would never remember this nursery. He wouldn’t remember the suite, or the lobby, or the offices, or the Hyperion itself. But most of all, he wouldn’t remember the incredible loving family that made the old building into a home. Angel vowed that he would make sure not a day went by when he didn’t tell his son about their real home, here with the family they were leaving behind. Connor would always know where his home was, no matter where The PTB took them.

With that thought, Angel turned his back on the ruined apartment and, holding his son close in his arms, returned to Cordelia who was waiting for them in the hallway.

“Hey. You okay?” she asked tenderly, even though she knew he couldn’t possibly be, after everything that had happened tonight, and what was still to come.

“Not really,” Angel murmured halfheartedly, looking back past the smoke-blackened door into his room. “I remember, just after the earthquake, Pryce and I were standing right here…”

Cordelia tried to cut him off, tried to spare him even more pain tonight, but he continued.

“We’d been inside, just talking. I thought we were, anyway. He must have known then about the false prophecy. I remember, he was acting funny, saying some pretty serious things. He laughed, I think out of relief more than any amusement, when I told him that I love my son, and that the love I feel is beautiful. After the quake though…” Angel trailed off. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Not even the memory of Wesley’s betrayal could stir anything in him now. He couldn’t bring himself to be angry, or distressed, or scared. He couldn’t even cry anymore.

Cordelia stepped closer to him and wound her arms up around his neck in a comforting hug. They had little time left, only about six minutes now, but she just held him.

After a while, he drew back slightly, resting his forehead lightly against hers, his eyes remaining closed. “I’m so tired…” he told her quietly.

“I know,” she replied, her voice equally gentle. “But none of it matters anymore. Connor will be safe soon. We only have one more thing to do, then we can rest. Just one more thing, and I promise, he’ll be safe.”

Angel sighed softly, lifting his face to press a light kiss to Cordelia’s forehead. “It wasn’t you, you know. It was me,” Angel said suddenly, still speaking in barely more than a whisper. He drew back slightly, enough to meet her confused gaze.

When he didn’t elaborate, she slid her arms back to cup his face in both hands, searching his eyes for some kind of explanation. “What are you talking about?”

Despite everything, Angel managed a small brief smile at her. “Before. Downstairs, when you offered to hold Connor. I just couldn’t let him go yet. I needed to feel him in my arms, safe, and still here. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust you, Cordy. I just needed to hold him,” he told her. “I just wanted you to know that. I trust you completely with my life, and his.”

Cordelia’s eyes misted over, but she was smiling at his earnest words. “I did know that,” she assured him, “but thank you for saying it. I’d be lying if I told you that I wasn’t a little bit hurt when I couldn’t hold him for you, but I do understand. He’s your son.”

“And I almost lost him tonight,” Angel added solemnly, glancing down at the child now falling asleep in his arms, before looking back to her. “But so did you,” he continued, surprising her. “Would you like to hold him now?”

“Really?” she squeaked, unable to conceal neither her longing nor her astonishment, and Angel couldn’t stop a shy grin from creeping across his lips. “Yes. Of course!” was her hasty needless answer. She too was grinning as the vampire carefully shifted, placing his son into her eager waiting arms and taking the carry-bag from her, slinging the strap over his head and shoulder. The moistness welling in her eyes spilled over and slipped down her cheeks as she gazed lovingly down at the small boy curled against her chest. Connor yawned sleepily, eliciting a genuine amazed laugh from Cordelia, and she leant down and pressed a sweet kiss to his soft cheek. Finally she raised her eyes back to Angel. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Angel placed a hand against her face, delicately brushing away her fresh tears with his thumb. “Seeing you both together, safe, smiling, it helps,” he told her.

Cordelia blushed. “Yeah, well…” she babbled, trying to compose herself, “his Aunty Cordy loves him bunches, doesn’t she little man?” she said, looking down at Connor again and nuzzling his face.

“You’re not his Aunt,” Angel replied, causing her to look up at him, stunned. He was completely serious now, his smile gone. “You are so much more than his Aunt, Cordy. You always have been,” he finished almost inaudibly. “And for that, I’m grateful. I’m so proud of you.”

She gasped, staring into his face. It was so open and honest it almost scared her, and the intensity of his eyes made her heart skip a beat. Masses of butteries swarmed in her stomach as she nervously tried to figure out just what it was he meant by those words. She loved Connor so much, and she had always treated him as if he were her own son, but she had never assumed herself to be anything more than his Aunt. Did Angel really think of her as more…?

She was too surprised to speak, and even if she could think of something to say her throat was choked with conflicting emotions of joy, fear, love, hope and disbelief. Cordy opened her mouth, but for the second time that evening she was lost for words.

Angel chuckled and looked away, a little embarrassed, preoccupying himself with checking his watch. He was alarmed to see that another few minutes had past. He kissed her cheek and gently grabbed one of her hands, drawing her down the hall. “C’mon. We’ve got a little under three minutes left.”

Still in a state of shock Cordelia allowed herself to be led into the room Angel had temporarily moved his things to. They had already collected everything salvageable, putting it in this room, which had originally been restored for Cordelia’s use when she stayed overnight. Some of her belongings and clothing still remained in the suite, but more and more she had found herself staying in Angel’s room, especially since the night Connor was born. However Angel usually slept on the sofa on those occasions, unlike the night they had fallen asleep in Angel’s bed, baby Connor lying peacefully between them… That all seemed a lifetime away now.

Releasing her hand Angel moved hurriedly over to the boxes that contained his and Connor’s belongings – books, clothes, photos and other items that had been spared by the flames. He picked up a box of photographs and placed it carefully in a duffel bag, making sure to leave some albums for his family. Next, he gathered up a couple of sketch pads, adding them to the bag, followed by Connor’s snow-globe, some clothing for both himself and his son, only a few books from his extensive collection, and some more of Connor’s toys. He didn’t have the time or room to take much, even though he didn’t know what to expect of The PTB’s ‘safe haven dimension’. All the while he kept glancing over at Cordelia holding his son, needing to see them, to reassure himself that they were still there and safe.

Cordelia could only watch him dumbly. Eventually pushed down her shock and glanced around the room, her eyes falling upon a packed duffel bag exactly where she had expected it to be. It contained some of her clothing and cosmetics, including her favorite fluffy slippers, and it had been on her mind ever since her vision earlier that night.

Slowly, silently, she moved over to it, scooping it up and swinging it over her shoulder quickly even as Angel stood and turned back to her.

“I’m going with you,” she told him firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. She had made her decision hours before.

“I know,” Angel said distractedly, moving past her to some other boxes.

Cordelia was shocked into speechlessness all over again. She tried several times to speak, opening her mouth only to stumble on her words again and quickly close it. Angel looked over at them briefly again as he gathered up one of Connor’s blankets, and Cordelia was irritated to see amusement flicker in his eyes at her dumbfounded expression. “How …w-wha-- …hu--?” she spluttered. “W-what do you mean you know?!” she finally demanded. Angel stood and faced her once more, but she didn’t give him a chance to respond. “Dammit, Angel, don’t humor me! I’m serious!” Cordelia insisted while Angel walked over to her. “I’m going with you and I don’t care what you sa--”

Angel silenced her with his lips on hers.

Cordelia was so surprised by the kiss that she couldn’t react. She would have dropped Connor had it not been for Angel’s hand moving over hers to support his son, while his other hand slipped behind her, resting lightly at the small of her back. As he drew her closer all thoughts flew from her mind. Her anger melted away at the sweetness of the kiss, and she lost herself in it, finally responding. His cool lips caressed hers with a gentle passion borne out of friendship, respect and love, a touch so soft she could have cried again.

She was breathless when he broke away. He pressed a loving kiss to her forehead, and then drew back enough to look into her eyes while still holding her tenderly. “I know you’re serious,” he assured her. “I was just expecting you to say that. I know you, Cordy.”

“B-but, Angel… I--”

He hushed her gently with his thumb over her lips. “The truth is I don’t think I can do this without you,” he continued. “I know I’m being selfish, but I can’t argue with you. I won’t. Maybe I should be telling you to stay here, live your life with the people you love, be with your family, but I can’t do that. It’s not my decision to make anyway. It’s yours. I don’t care if you’re not supposed to be there, so don’t tell me if you saw this in your vision or not. I want you with me. I need you with me, and with our son. You’re my best friend, Cordy, and I always have and always will only want you to be happy, and safe. And I will always love you. This is your choice to make,” he finished in a whisper.

Cordelia smiled at him, more happy and amazed than she had ever been in her young life. Before she could speak though the very air itself wavered behind Angel. Cordelia watched as the portal opened, shimmering into existence and bringing with it a warm calming breeze that flowed over the couple, making Cordelia’s skin tingle. She couldn’t see through to the other side, only a golden haze, but a deep feeling of peace washed over her.

Angel’s eyes stayed focused on her. “Time’s up,” he murmured.

“And here I was thinking I’d have to fight you all the way, you stubborn ass,” she teased lovingly, getting a beautiful grin from him in reply. “You’re not selfish, Angel. I want to be with you and Connor too. That’s why I decided to go. I once promised you that I would be with you to the end, and I meant it. I want to be there for you, to share every joy, every heartache, and love you and Connor and keep you both safe. Thank you for understanding, and for letting me do this. I love you. I love you both so much.”

If possible, Angel’s grin only widened, both with relief and happiness. He kissed her again, an intense passionate kiss that she returned without hesitation. She had no doubts about what she was doing. She couldn’t leave Angel. He was her best friend, the first person who had ever seen who she really was, the first person she had let see her. She trusted him, respected him, and loved him. Cordelia didn’t know what The Powers That Be would do, but she wouldn’t let them take her family away from her.

They parted reluctantly, and Cordelia took Angel’s hand in hers, smiling. “Are you certain about this?” he asked, giving her one final chance to stay. They didn’t know where they were going, or if there was a way to return sooner than they were supposed to.

“I’m sure,” she answered him immediately, and nodded her head towards the waiting portal. “We should go.”

Angel smiled. He wrapped the blanket in his hand around the now sleeping child in Cordelia’s arms, and then took her bag from her, swinging it and his over his shoulder. Then, he turned towards the dimensional gateway.

“Wait!” Cordelia cried.

Angel spun back to her, fear and concern plainly written across his features. Cordelia pulled her hand out of his, and without a word of explanation rushed over to one of the boxes filled with stationary, being careful not to disturb Connor. She snatched up the first sheet of paper she saw and fumbled around the bottom for a pen, scribbling a hasty note which she dropped on the bed as she hurried back to Angel’s side.

“Okay. Ready!” she announced simply, taking his hand again. He just stared at, incredulous. “What? I had to leave some kind of note for Fred and Gunn and Lorne!”

The vampire couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up inside of him. He chastised himself for getting so worried. “Don’t do that to me!” he hissed jokingly, capturing her lips in a quick hard kiss, mindful of their sleeping son between them.

“Sorry!” she said breathlessly when they separated, at least managing an apologetic look. Angel just shook his head.

And together, they stepped through the portal.

The air flickered again, and the doorway twinkled out of existence as if it had never been. A last stray waft of sweet scented air brushed at a small slip of paper left alone in an empty bedroom.

I love you. Goodbye. C.


The warriors were restless.

The loft was filled with a low drone of commotion and meaningless conversation. Excitement and apprehension were in equal evidence as final preparations were made; yet every soldier was committed to the true cause, ready to die for it. They were ready to exact a rare justice on the evil of an unjust world.

Holtz smiled. Then he grimaced, abandoning his ‘styro-foam’ cup and its awful tea, wishing Justine had gotten the chance to procure the china ones she had promised. It didn’t matter now anyway. It was time.

Weapons were shouldered and idle chatter ceased as Daniel Holtz rose slowly from his seat, moving to stand alone in the center of the room. His people took places around him in a haphazard circle, some seated on the few chairs in the building and others on crates and boxes, others still standing, bouncing clubs and bats or flexing fingers in eager anticipation.

Justine stood among them, looking more relaxed, arms folded across her chest, but her cold hard eyes betrayed her readiness. Her moral predicament set aside as insignificant to the cause, she was prepared now to do what needed to be done. To do the right thing and rid the earth of wicked creatures like Angelus, as well as the evil people that stood foolishly by him, protecting a monster.

At least Mr. Wyndham-Pryce knew when to set aside his misguided loyalties to protect the innocent. However, Holtz couldn’t allow the child to be raised by someone already corrupted by its demon father. He had vowed that he would not attack and endanger innocent lives, but the only innocent in the situation was Connor. The rest were hardly innocent. They defended the vampire, stood by him, all the while knowing what he was, and what he was capable of. Guilt by association.

Holtz surveyed his army proudly. So many knew the truth, and tonight, they would fight for it, for the sake of those that could not. “Tonight,” he began, raising his voice for all around him to hear, and they listened in rapt silence, “we take the war to our enemy. We will attack the vampire in his home, and stop him and his people from spreading their evil and violence to other innocent souls. Tonight, we save one innocent life, so that tomorrow, we might save more.”

The soldiers let loose a collection of cheers, whistles and calls, affirming their support and conviction. Justine caught Daniel’s eye and nodded.

“But tonight is just a message – a warning,” Holtz continued, and his warriors immediately fell silent again. “This is not revenge. This is justice. Even now, one of his people sees the evil in his allegiance to Angelus. Even now, he aid in our quest for justice, and takes the vampire’s son from him. We will go to the vampire, stall him, and our trusted colleague will rescue the boy,” he told them, extending his arm towards Justine. “We take the demon’s son, as others like him have taken our own loved ones from us. He shall suffer, as we have suffered! This is our justice!”

His words elicited a louder chorus of cheers, and he smiled once more. Finally, he would exact his justice on Angelus for taking from him his beloved wife and his children.

This time, he let the crowd quiet itself, then beckoned Justine forward. She stepped to him without hesitation. Her head held high – the better to accept his blows – she dropped her hands to her sides, keeping her eyes fixed on his. She would not defend herself when he hit her, knowing the injuries were necessary to deceive Pryce.

Holtz drew back his fist.

“Enough!” roared another voice. All around him Holtz’s army brought their weapons to bear as a swirling vortex materialized in the air with a whip-like crack, suddenly depositing an enraged ethereal demon in their midst. Sahjhan ignored them, his fury directed at Holtz even as a blinding light split the room like an event horizon, from which emerged a second entity – a young woman. She was petite, blonde, fair, hazel-eyed, full-lipped… features normally as threatening as a puppy, yet she radiated a dark lethal power, her smile malevolent and cold.

She only giggled, a sound that grated and chilled to the bone.

“I bring you back for one simple job and you can’t even get that right!” Sahjhan continued his tirade. “All you had to do was kill the vampire! You’ve had countless opportunities, and yet he still exists! You could have killed the child while it was still in its demon mother’s womb!”

“Killing an innocent child was not a part of our arrangement,” Holtz explained, trying valiantly to maintain a calm demeanor, but the presence of the… ‘woman’ disturbed him. He knew that it was no girl.

“Arrangement?! What arrangement?! The only reason you’re here is to do what I told you to do! Screw your ‘revenge’ and ‘justice’ issues! I don’t care what the vampire did to you! All you had to do was take care of the child and its father! Now it’s too late!” Sahjhan screamed. “All this, and for nothing! The child has been taken away to a place we’ll never reach him! We’ll never get another chance to kill him!”

Before Holtz could reply, the ‘girl’ laughed shrilly. “We will have another chance,” she assured him calmly, a sinister twinkle in her eyes as she turned her gaze upon Daniel. The man had gone pale, shaky, and he stumbled back involuntarily under her stare. “He, however, won’t,” she added.

Without warning doors burst open, banging in on hinges and shattering under forceful blows, raining the terrified group with splinters. From every entryway surged dozens of corpse-like robed figures, their faces disfigured with scars to blind them. Possessed of no mercy they set upon the warriors. Razor-sharp daggers that initially flashed in the dim light were quickly dulled by fresh dark blood. The army retaliated but was instantly cut down, barely more than a nuisance for the Harbingers.

Within seconds the floor was littered with the warm bodies of an entire army, blood running together and making the ground slick under foot for those with corporeal bodies. Holtz fell to his knees as he stared into Justine’s lifeless eyes. The top of her head stared up at him in betrayed accusation, the bloody gash below her upper lip all that remained of her gaped expression where a Bringer had sliced cleaning through her head, separating head from neck at her mouth.

He didn’t even blink as the same fatal blade sliced him open from hip to hip, spilling his steaming entrails out into the cool evening air. He lived long enough to hear it land with a sickening splash in the endless puddle of blood all around him. Holtz’s body sagged and tipped forward, coming to rest with a louder wet slap in his own pooling blood as it mixed with that of his followers.

The Harbingers slipped away silently and unnoticed into the darkness, their slaughter already forgotten while steam still rose from the carcasses.

The First turned Buffy Summers’ laughing countenance toward its awed minion. “You still have a lot of work to do, Sahjhan,” it reminded the wraithlike time-traveling demon warningly. It laughed at the surprised look on Sahjhan’s features. Perhaps corporeal beings couldn’t kill him, but The First wasn’t corporeal. It still had enough power to take care of one lowly ethereal demon. Sahjhan was clearly wondering why it hadn’t yet used that power. “Holtz was a waste of time from the beginning. If you’re going to thwart that pesky prophecy of yours, you’d do good to use someone without prior vendettas. We all have our share of prophecies to deal with. And while I still have a use for you, you still have time to deal with the boy,” The First promised.

Sahjhan could only nod mutely, before heeding his master’s warning and leaving to resume his work through another churning portal.

The First grinned, stepping carelessly over the cooling bodies. Even now its Harbingers went to take care of Wolfram & Hart’s military. The First wanted the vampire as well as his seer to escape to their sanctuary. It needed them and the son alive.

For now.

Part 4: Home

~3 months later…~

Fred stretched catlike in her bed, glorying in the warm early morning rays of sunshine spilling through the bedroom window. She kept her eyes closed, the golden light dancing behind her eyelids, and she smiled at the heat bathing her face. “Mmm. I love mornings!” she murmured.

The lump next to her grunted.

“Charles!” she giggled, opening her eyes and rolling over next to him, leaning over his curled body. She rested her chin on his shoulder and blew playfully on his ear. She grinned as he swatted weakly at the side of his head, groaning and burrowing his head deeper into his pillow.

Gunn was not a morning person.

Her agile fingers slipped beneath the covers, easily finding Gunn’s side, and began to tickle him mercilessly. He squirmed to get away from her moving hands, laughing hysterically as he begged her to stop. She only pressed her attack, bringing her free hand to tickle his other side. Gunn writhed beneath her, struggling, but every way he moved Fred lunged after him, giggling and continuing her assault. He threw himself to the side…

Gunn landed with a loud thud and a curse on the ground beside the bed, feet tangled in the covers he had dragged over the edge with him in his last desperate attempt to escape Fred’s fingers. Instantly his girlfriend’s concerned face appeared above him, peering over the side, and she could help but laugh at him.

“Charles…! Are you… okay?” she asked in between her laughter, gasping for breath.

“Ow!” he complained, rubbing the side of his head where he had hit the floor. He had banged his knee pretty good too. “Glad you think this is funny!” he muttered playfully. He grinned at his own clumsiness, and to let her know he wasn’t really mad at her.

Fred managed to control her giggling enough to offer him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be such a grump in the morning.” She cocked her head thoughtfully, and her grin widened. “You do look kinda cute down there, though!”

“Oh, do I?” he mocked, and before she could react he reach up and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her down off the bed onto his lap. She squealed in surprise and giddiness, but was cut off by Gunn’s lips on hers. When they finally broke away, both were breathless, and Gunn grinned down at her. “Ya know, you look kinda cute down here too,” he teased her. Winifred blushed at his words and her boyfriend chuckled, kissing her lightly again before standing, helping her back to her feet. “Now that I’m awake,” he said pointedly, getting another innocent giggle from her, “we got work to do. Still gotta exorcise that old ghoul from the Potters joint.”

Fred nodded, heading towards the bathroom of their shared suite. “Don’t forget the Cluvak demon nest we’ve been trying to track down!” she called out. “I think some of Lorne’s contacts might get back to him today with a bead on the location!”

“My hubcap axe is pleased to hear that!” Gunn joked, gathering some clothes from his drawers. Ever since Angel, Cordelia and Connor had left three months earlier, they’d been keeping Angel Investigations up and running as much as possible. They were short on manpower, with only Gunn, Fred and Lorne remaining to carry on the mission, but they did the best that they could, and continued to help the many helpless in LA. Gunn had moved into another room of the Hyperion, and then later into Fred’s room as their relationship grew more and more serious. Lorne still lived in the hotel too, and was thinking about reestablishing – rebuildingCaritas. He planned to procure new premises though, since the last seemed to be cursed with disaster.

After the couple had each showered and dressed, they headed downstairs together. They found Lorne waiting for them in the lobby, dressed as outrageously as ever in a pumpkin blazer and purple slacks, seated on the central round sofa.

“About time you kiddos got down here,” he said before they could greet him with a ‘good morning’, and they noticed his hand shaking as he lifted a Seabreeze to his lips. It was unusual for him to be drinking so early, even for Lorne, and they were at once worried.

“Lorne!” Fred exclaimed as she rushed to his side. He seemed physically okay, but a little dazed, and he didn’t look at her, his cherry-red eyes remaining steadfastly forward, focused on the lobby counter. She followed his gaze, and gasped.

“Tell me I’m not dreaming, Freddykins,” Lorne asked.

More concerned than ever, Gunn came around to see what they were looking at, and stopped abruptly as his eyes fell upon the item that was obviously the source of all the amazement. A plain white envelope rested on the counter, propped up against the service bell, with only their names adorning the front.

Even at a distance, he could recognize Angel’s old-fashioned looping handwriting.


To dearest Winifred, Charles, Lorne, and Faith,

You don’t know how hard it is to sit down and write this. The Powers That Be have given us the chance to talk to you only once through this letter, which they will somehow deliver to you. It’s so difficult to put down everything we want to say. It’s been so long, and there’s so much to tell you all. And a lot of what we want to say we just can’t put into words. We’re both here, Cordy and Angel, writing this, so hopefully it won’t get too confusing.

The most important thing we
have to tell you is that Connor is safe. We all are. Cordelia’s safe too – and she’s so sorry for leaving without a proper goodbye, but, well, if Fred and Lorne have shared with you their ideas on kye-rumption and moira, maybe you can understand why she did what she did. But Cordy’s safe – we all are.

Where we are isn’t all that different from home, except for one major thing – you’re not here. It’s an entire community, a whole town even, of people and beings that are under the protection of The Powers That Be for innumerous reasons. We have some friends here, a lovely home, a neighborhood, parks, stores, schools, beaches… It’s a lot like LA, but peaceful, and people and demons live here together. We’re not retired from the mission though – the reason this place is so safe is that there are lots of warriors devoted to protecting it, and protecting the beings that can’t protect themselves. We still fight a little, but we have many people fighting along side us, and keeping this place a safe haven. Sanctuary.

Time passes differently in this dimension - Connor is five years old now. We’ve been told that only about three months have past back home where you are. Maybe Fred can work out the mathematics of it all! Connor’s a happy, healthy five-year-old boy. To us, he seems to be growing up so fast, but we guess it must be even faster for you. He’s a beautiful little boy – you’d all be so proud of him. He’s so full of life, and so affectionate and warm-hearted. He’ll be an incredible young man one day.

Cordelia’s his mom, too. Guess you probably already knew that, though. She was his mother even before we left you all. Angel has told him about Darla. He knows that Darla is his biological mother, and that she died to save him, but he also knows that Cordelia is his real mother, in every way that matters. She’s been there for him ever since he was born – she raised and nurtured him, fed him, bathed him, tucked him in, taught him, and most importantly, loved him.

There’s so much we want to tell you about our lives, but we just can’t. There isn’t enough time, isn’t enough paper in the world to write it all on. There’s so much that you’ve missed that we want to tell you, but we can’t, and even if we could, we wouldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair. We’ve got lots of pictures and photos to show you, lots to tell you about, but we’ll save it all for when we’re back home, with you all, where we all belong.

One thing we have to tell you though is that, Fred, Lorne, you were right.
Kye-rumption, moira, it was all true. We’re in love. We have been for a long time, we just didn’t know it. We admitted it just before we came here. The Powers That Be made Angel’s soul permanent too, to protect Connor from Angelus. We’re happy, and in love, and free to be together. So, well, a year (our time) after we arrived here, we were married. It was an amazing day – we laughed, we danced, we vowed to love each other for the rest of our lives, Connor was adorable in a tiny little tux! – and we cried. We missed you so much, and we wished you could have been there – we wanted to be surrounded by our family when we made our promises to each other, but we all know that couldn’t be. We thought of all of you the entire day, we missed you, and we always hope to be able to come home to you all soon.

When we finally come home, we have to introduce you all to two very special people as well. When Connor was four, he became an older brother to our identical twin baby girls. We have daughters! Our gorgeous little girls are only ten months old, and we named them after you. We miss you all so much, and we talk about you every day to our children, and we have your photographs and pictures all around us, since you can’t be here. Our girls are named Winifred and Charlie, after their Aunt Fred and Uncle Charles. Uncle Lorne, we would have loved to name one of them after you, but ‘Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan’ would be a bit of a mouthful!

Instead, their full names are ‘Winifred Lorna Chase’ and ‘Charlie Faith Chase’, for their Aunt Faith as well. Though Connor’s surname is still ‘Angel’ (and Angel still doesn’t have one at all!), we thought ‘Charlie Angel’ was just asking for trouble. No
Charlie’s Angels jokes, Gunn! Yes, you! We hope you’re okay with their names – we just wanted so much for you to be here, and this way, at least you’ll always be with our children, and we’ll always have reminders of you all.

We already know that they are very special, and their futures will be very important, but we don’t want you to worry. We’ll do everything in our power to keep them safe, and we promise, you
will meet them someday. We hope it’s someday soon. Please don’t worry about them, even though they’re destinies are prophesized. They’re still only babies, but we feel in our hearts that they’ve already accepted their meaning and their destinies, and they’re happy and at peace. How can we be sad or worried, when they are not?

We can’t wait for you to meet them. It may be many years for us before we see you again, and there will be so much more for us to tell you when we see you again, but we promise, we will see you. We’ll all be together again someday. For now though, we just wanted you to know that we are all safe, and happy. We miss you all, and we love you all so much. We hope that you are all safe and happy too.

You might have noticed that we addressed this letter to Faith as well. She’s important to Angel, and he tried to visit her in prison at least once a week. We were hoping that one of you might be able to visit her, and tell her what has happened, since we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her. We understand if you can’t see her – none of you actually know her, and the only person she really trusts is Angel. He never gave up on her, and he’s worried that she might think he has, and he doesn’t want to fail her. He needs to be there for her (in thought at least), as much for his own redemption as for hers. We’d really appreciate it if you could send her a letter, explaining things as much as you can, and send this letter to her as well. Cordy too wants her to know we’re safe. Please make sure that one way or the other, she gets this message from Angel.


Faith, it’s Angel. I’m sorry that I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to you. I hope you’re still okay, and that you aren’t too worried. You know I tried to come and see you as often as I could after you turned yourself in. I don’t think I said it enough, but I’m proud of you. You’ve been through a lot, and you’ve made mistakes, as many of us have, but still you refuse to give up. I hope that I’ve been of some help to you, that I’ve been able to support you, but remember, the credit is all yours. It’s easy for people to make mistakes. It’s not so easy to own up to them, and deal with the consequences. You’re a strong woman, Faith. Never stop fighting. Because the moment you stop fighting, then you’ll lose everything that ever meant anything to you. Life is a fight, but it’s worth fighting for. At times, it may seem like you have nothing else to lose, but we both know that only means you’ve already lost everything, and the one thing left is yourself. Don’t let that happen. Don’t give up on yourself, because I never will. I do love you Faith. Stay strong, and always get up and keep on fighting.


It’s just Cordy here writing now. Angel’s checking on the girls, and giving me some time alone to talk to all of you. I needed to say a few things to you that I didn’t get the chance to say before we left. I think you all knew that I would go with Angel that night, and I hope you understood. I love you all, and I’m sorry for not saying a real goodbye.

Lorne – I hope you realize how important you are to us. You’re just as much a member of our family as anyone else, even though we forget to show you that sometimes. I’m sorry for that. You saved us in Pylea, you saved me when my visions were hijacked, and you’ve guided us with your wisdom and unwavering faith and courage. Yes, courage. No matter how much you gripe and drink, you’re always there with us fighting the good fight, and it takes a lot of courage to face ones past to save others, like you did in Pylea. Thank you for being there for us, supporting us, guiding us, and believing in us, and me. And I know Angel agrees with me, even if he didn’t have time to tell you before.

Gunn – You are always ready to stand and fight for any one of us, and I’m grateful for your devotion. I know it was painful for you when you drifted apart from your friends, but I hope that by accepting you into our family we made the hurt a little easier to bear. Just as you’re always there for us, we’ll always be here for you. I made you a promise to look out for you, to save you from yourself, but I think you already did that. Fred’s good for you, and I’m happy for you both. Hopefully Angel and I will be there for your wedding one day, even if you couldn’t be there for ours.

Fred – You’re a great friend, and a beautiful woman, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. I love that you are always cheerful, always ready to help those you love. You’re just as strong as any of us, just in your own special way. For a long time, it was just me and the boys. I’m glad I met you. You’re the first true female friend I ever had. Angel’s my best friend, and I can tell him anything, but sometimes, there are things only us girls really understand. I miss you, and I can’t wait to see you again.

I love you all. Cordy.


We’re all here again. Fred and Charlie are fed and changed, and sleeping in our arms. Connor is sitting on Angel’s knee. We don’t have much time left, again, before this letter will be sent. There’s so much left to say, and hopefully we’ll be able to tell you everything that’s happened, everything about our lives, when we finally see you again. When we’re finally back home.

We all love you so much. We miss you.

Love now and forever,

Cordelia, Angel, Connor, Charlie and Winifred.


~ 8 months later…~

The onset of night did nothing to intrude upon the unceasing hive of activity that was the City of Angels. Where the city was bustling by day, the darkness brought it roaring to life. An artificial glow lit the vast expanse of metal, concrete and glass until it was almost as bright as the day that had already passed, and the populace continued about their lives, apparently oblivious to the going down of the sun.

Streets teemed with people, all hurrying about in the endless rush that seemed to forever encapsulate the lives of LA’s inhabitants. Glittering skyscrapers twinkled with reflected light, creating an earthbound star-field to replace the heavenly one obscured by smog. Streams of traffic ferried passengers to homes, offices, clubs, hospitals, theatres and stores… While some slept, others were only just awakening.

So was the darkness.

The day brought only a temporary relief from LA’s dangerous underworld, but with the coming of night shadows began to stir as evil made its presence known. Demons walked by day, but ruled the night through the fear they instilled in the city’s humanity. The city itself never went to sleep. The streets were never tranquil.

One street was outwardly quiet though. An old brick building rose high into the night sky, not as high as the towering skyscrapers, nor as imposing. The ancient structure gave off a warmth and familiarity that was rare in this busy metropolis. The evening breeze gently played with the lush vegetation of the front garden, swaying braches in a peaceful delicate ballet, only adding to the invitation embedded in the brick edifice.

A family lived here. The immense night-darkened face of the building was punctuated by the yellow glow of indoor lights, signaling that someone was inside, but that wasn’t what told the world that this was a home. Though the night was silent, the walls sang of the years of laughter and life witnessed within, the shared pain and triumph, the love and loss and hope. Inside, was life.

Out on the unusually empty street, the air flickered.

The atmosphere grew pleasantly warm, and swirls of golden haze made the air sparkle, emitting a soft glow that was all but unnoticeable under the harsh light of the streetlamps. It expanded outwards until it was large enough for a fully-grown man to easily pass through.

There was there no one to notice as a young man did indeed traverse the inter-dimensional portal. He stepped out casually onto the quiet sidewalk, then turned back as another figure began to come through the shining doorway. He helped her to join him on the ground, and did the same for the next girl to emerge. Next, another man, who in turn helped through the last woman.

The three younger individuals surveyed the high gate before them and the welcoming building beyond, while unnoticed behind them the portal dimmed and shimmered out of life once more.

Connor was the first to turn back to his parents. He smiled widely, golden eyes flashing in delight, and when he spoke, his voice was an awed whisper.

“We’re home.”
