just fic

Title: The Aftermath
Author: Illusion
Posted: 07-15-2003
Email: alliekat17@hotmail.com
Rating: PG-13
Category: Angst, AU (was a crossover with BtVS. still might be?)
Content: A/C
Summary: The End of Days has begun. Will those that are left be able to survive?
Spoilers: Mid Season 3 ‘Angel’, Season 6 ‘BtVS’. No terrible false prophecies about Connor, thus he’s still with his daddy, and Wesley’s still with the team. Had planed to make up my own version of demonized Cordy - no acsending to Higher planes. From here, over three years have passed.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Want. Take. Have. Just let me know please.
Notes: This was going to be a much longer story, but I haven't been able to write much more than this (originally the Prologue). So I thought I'd post this to see what you all think. This was written a very very long time ago, btw. hope you enjoy.
Feedback: But of course!

They ran.

The ground beneath their feet was littered with debris, and fires were beginning to rage all around them. Buildings had fallen, creating nothing more than massive piles of rubble, rupturing gas and plumbing lines, so that great gouts of water and fire spewed from the cracked asphalt. Screams and sobs were heard from all sides as their feet pelted heavily down the pavement, the pain of each cry somehow overwhelming the multitude of devastating sounds that filled the night - roaring fires, buildings collapsing, inhuman shrieks and growls… The cries of those in need tugged at their hearts and consciences, begging them to help…

Still, they ran, forcing their steps not to falter as voice after voice joined those already assembled in a desperate wail that was heard for miles.

The female kept pace with her male companion, her muscles aching with each desperate stride, sweat drenching her face and body despite the coolness of the night air. They’d been running for miles, ever since they’d had to abandon their car back on the now split and crumbling highway entering the ruins of the small town. Tears burned at her eyes, but she fought them back, knowing she didn’t have the luxury to shed them yet, and probably wouldn’t for a long time. Fatigue made her whole body feel like lead, and her bare feet were blistered and bleeding, but the man in front of her showed no signs of slowing down.

He ran on instinct, which was all the more terrifying because he had always been the predator, not the prey. Tears already fell down his own cheeks, and his knuckles were as bloodied as his shredded bare feet from the earlier fight, but he refused to let pain enter his mind. His dark dress shirt was torn to shreds, her dress marred with rips, dirt and blood, and both were bleeding from numerous cuts, but he cradled the small child wrapped up in his coat protectively in his arms, allowing no harm to come to it. The young boy, barely three-and-a-half-years-old, was snuggled deeply into his father’s warm, safe arms, remaining silent, as if he was unaware of the danger they were all in.

Their pace was set by the figure behind them, even now struggling to keep up with them, his human body frailer and slower than their inhuman abilities, only kept going by his sheer determination and will to live. His state was far worse than either of theirs, his fatigue and injuries beginning to create an exhaustion that would soon outweigh his desperation to continue. Though he slowed them down, the couple refused to leave him, and the female slowed to grab his hand, urging him on, letting him rely on her speed and strength to half guide, and half pull him with them.

It had been hours since they had left their car, out of gas, and they were finally nearing their destination. Only, they didn’t know if there would be anything left once they got there…

Here and there, buildings still stood in the town, more noticeably so as what was left of the town gave way to suburban streets. Fires still raged, and buildings were crumbling and burnt out, but many still stood. The attack had begun in broad daylight, with no warning, and no hope. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, had died within the first few seconds, and the screaming had begun.

Barely six hours later, the screaming continued.

It was weaker now, only because few were left to scream.

Beautifully well-kept streets normally lined with trees bore nothing but blackened stumps, scorched bare earth, fractured asphalt, overturned and burnt out cars, rubble…

And bodies.

There were bodies everywhere. Those that were still alive, wouldn’t be for long. There seemed to be no way to stop the onslaught, and no way to escape it. Right now, they were just trying to stay alive as long as possible, and hope that their friends were still alive, so that they might try to find someway to prevent Hell on Earth, and avenge the friends they had already lost to the plague of demons that ravaged the world.

The End of Days had begun.

And Angel, Cordelia and Wesley ran.
