just fic

Title: Without You
Author: Helen
Posted: 12-16-2003
Email: helen_taft@msn.com
Rating: NC-17
Content: C/A
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Notes: This is for Scorchy and thanks for such a lovely challenge Hun. Here’s the details for ya: Demons have totally taken over Sunnydale, there's no Slayer or Watcher and there's only Cordy and Willow of the main SG around. The humans that are left alive are hiding out in caves, tunnels and whatnot.
Angel still has his soul but he's very Beigy as in dominent, overbearing, growly and snarly. He's with Spike at the mansion in Sunnydale and though he has a soul, he's not really all that bothered about the state of things!
One night when it's Cordy's turn to go get food for her and Willow, she runs into Angel and Spike who force her to take them to hers and Willow's little hideout. The vampires take both girls as slaves and things happen!!!
In my version I planned to have Angelus not Angel but to be honest, this would be more fun if it was Beige Angel!
Scenes to include if you choose to take this...
1) On a particularly rioty night, Cordy gets scared (bless her) and climbs into bed with Angel (sweet!).
2) Angel getting her to do proper slave things like wash his clothes, run his bath etc etc!
Whatever you do with Spike and Willow is entirely up to you, pair em up if ya like!
Feedback: Yeah feed me!

Part 13


“This is the most up-to-date copy available”? Asked Wesley, trying to hide his disappointment behind a blank mask as he gestured at the town plans, spread out on the long kitchen table.

Angel caught it anyway and threw him an irritated glance, “Yeah so? I brought them when I moved here to get a feel for the place- haven’t bothered to keep current since I already knew my way around where I needed to” he defended himself, scowling at the plans as if they were to blame.

“You moved here in 1967”? Asked Willow, surprised and as irrepressibly curious as always; much to the discomforted vampire’s chagrin when he realised he’d been caught out.

Angel might have flushed then if he could, “Er no, 1992” he muttered as low as he could, and then trying for a distraction hunkered over the plans with his palms planted firmly on the stained sheet of paper. Soon enough he was looking engrossed as he scoured the plans for some kind of inspiration of how to achieve the impossible- catch the Master when his guard was down.

Willow caught Wesley’s rolled eyes and shrugged sheepishly. “Where’s Spike”? The red-head asked loudly, trying for a distraction of her own, ever sensitive to atmospheres and not liking where this one was going. Spike had stormed out several hours earlier after a useless argument with an impassive and unmovable Angel. She winced, thinking that bringing up the blonde vampire might not be such a great idea.

“No idea” muttered Angel distractedly, not looking up from the plans, while one long finger traced a line detailing the sewers to the Bronze, one of many since it was a maze of tunnels under the town centre. The line went nowhere except to a well guarded entrance known to all.

“This is impossible” he sighed frustrated and scrubbed a hand over his spiky hair. Then straightening back up with a disgruntled look on his hard handsome face, swiped up the blood Willow had placed next to him earlier. Bad temper always made him hungry and recently it seemed he was feeding the five thousand.

“We need better Intel” he admitted roughly, refusing to look at the ex-watcher.

“Ask and you shall receive” crowed a voice from the back door, just as a jubilant Spike jauntily, if not quite steadily tumbled through it. “Doesn’t Uncle Spike always come bearing gifts”? He finished triumphantly and grabbing a startled, smiling Willow around the waist spun her with surprising dexterity in a twirl with him.

Unimpressed and inexplicably tense Angel simply looked past the grinning pair to stare at the door Spike had left open. “Who are you’re friends”? He asked slowly and darted a look of sharp warning to the blonde.

“Keep your ‘air on” snarked Spike with cocky self satisfaction oozing from every pore, his grin, visible over Willows shoulder widened as the dark thunderclouds on the older vampires face grew blacker. “I’ve been a busy vamp. Got us some fresh recruits; raring to murder, mutilate and whatever else is bleedin’ necessary to get us the hell out of Dodge”.

He’d barely got the last word before the doorway was visibly filled with a bunch of large, intimidating demons. Willow gasped and swung out of Spike’s arms to grab his waistband from behind and hide behind the lean back. “Dodge”? She queried tremulously.

“He means Sunnydale” replied Angel, staring at the new arrivals with an unwaveringly gaze. Then shooting the grinning face of his grandchilde a sardonic look, he added “I hope you were discreet and- selective”? The delicately phrased question was received and understood.

“As a virgin on ‘er wedding night” leered Spike with his hand over his dead heart. “Plus-“, he pulled a sheaf of rolled up paper out of his leather jacket with an exaggerated flourish, “paid a visit to the old town hall and pulled out some plans”.

“Thank god” exclaimed Wesley, snatching them eagerly out of the pale hand and spreading them on the table, on top of Angels own. “And they’re recent too” he declared excitedly within seconds.

“At least someone appreciates me”. Sighed Spike and fell into a nearby chair. Willow instantly took umbrage at that and pouted at him. “I appreciate you” she exclaimed and soon found herself pulled onto his lap. “I know you do, Love”. Spike crooned in her ear and started to nibble on the soft spot underneath the lobe.

Repressing the need to gag, Angel settled for a sideways look and heaving a sigh of his own, motioned the demons inside his home. “Close the door behind you” he admonished curtly when the fifth and last crowded inside the suddenly shrunken room.


The pace picked up so fast, Wesley was afraid they were moving along too swiftly, but his cautious counsel had fallen on deaf ears. The vampire wanted this over and done with; or more importantly, underway before leaks of the plan could reach Darla or the Master.

Grumbling about the lack of meticulous planning and how fools rush in, Wesley made his way confidently over the daytime landscape of green fields, pot-hole riddled tarmac and past burnt out shells of homes.

The sun beat down on him and not for the first time; Wesley wished it were possible to simply simultaneously rip the roof off every building in Sunnydale and burn the damn vamps to a cinder all at once.

“Such a fitting end, and so bloody simple” the Englishman muttered darkly.

Of course that would leave the other demons but they would soon melt back into the rest of California, seeking new playgrounds. However, the buildings used by the vampires remained distressingly sound and so they were left to depend on one very unstable, arrogant and reckless vampire and his even more insane childe for rescue.

“Marvellous”. The snide aside slipped out without him even noticing as he quickened his pace, seeing the rocky outcrop that hid the entrance to the human inhabited caves.


“He wants to meet here”? Asked Deidra, thinking she must have misunderstood. The very idea of bringing vampires and.. God forbid another group of mixed race demons into their sanctuary was to put it bluntly, abhorrent to her; as it would be to all of the humans here.

“That’s not possible” she stated firmly with a short shake of her grey head. “It would cause a riot”. Wesley nodded in some sympathy with her reaction but he had no choice but to press the matter.

“The vampire is insistent” he returned with a bland look, not wanting to push too hard. “And once they are here, they will be here to stay. No more coming and going”. He finished knowing it was best to get all of the bad news out at once.

The old woman stiffened and Wesley straightened from where he’d been leaning against the wall. He understood Deidra’s concerns, in fact when he’d first been told his initial reaction had been much the same but- it did make a weird if unpalatable, kind of sense.

“If you think about it; there is much less chance of being seen and discovered”. He pointed out, having seen her mouth open to refuse absolutely and wanting to forestall her.

That wasn’t the only reason according to Angel but it would suffice for now. Deidra didn’t need to know that the demons recruited by Spike were complete unknowns and so a risk. Such a risk that Angel had insisted none of them leave the mansion again; when it was time to move in here- they would all be tagging along or find their heads lopped off.

“You’re a Watcher. You’ve studied these creatures for years and are our best source of information. Tel me, do you think it’s wise to let them in here”? Deidra appealed to his vanity and his common sense at the same time, making Wesley squirm.

Finally he ducked his head before come up to meet her questioning gaze with direct blue eyes. “Wise no! Necessary? Yes I’m afraid it is, in my opinion” the ex-watcher admitted bluntly.

Deidra remained silent, as she did some pacing of her own, wondering with mild hysteria if it was contagious or something when she remembered Cordelia’s agitation of the previous night. Wesley simply watched her, sensing her resistance and patiently waiting for her unusual indecisiveness to disappear.

“I don’t need to remind you that time is running out” he reminded her nevertheless. “Some risks need to be taken if were to win out”. They both know what would happen when they were located by the horde’s roaming Sunnydale. Two vampires and a handful of discontent demons were nothing in comparison.

Deidra sighed and lowered her tired body into a rickety chair. Her hands seemed to have developed a weird fascination for the woman. She stared at her palms wishing suddenly that she hadn’t pushed herself to the forefront in leading and managing this rag tag group of humans. If she hadn’t she wouldn’t be facing decisions like this one.

“Are we right to trust him”? She whispered more to herself than a discomfited Wesley. He shifted his feet and sucked in a deep breath to dispel his own tension. From a distance it had seemed like the only thing to be done, but typical demon that he was- Angelus had turned it around on her and now she wasn’t so sure.

She’d whispered the name without knowing it, making Wesley wish that when he’d made his report on the deeds of Angelus prior to coming to the New World, he’d kept the gorier aspects of them to himself.

“His name is Angel. Not Angelus” he stated firmly, the tone crisp with assurance, as if the name made all the difference in the world.

Stiffening his spine, Wesley kept his eyes on a spot on the wall behind her then reached for every confident bone in his body. “Having never even heard of a souled vampire before. I can only relate to you my own impression. Which is that we can indeed trust him” he declared formally. Then hid his crossed his fingers and sent up a heartfelt prayer to anyone listening.

“Besides if we’re wrong were dead anyway”. It was cold comfort a dish familiar to all of them.

Deidra’s lips twitched in a smile and made her decision. “So be it. I’ll arrange for things this end. You go fetch our monstrous guests”.


Cordelia was so distracted it took Neala two attempts to get those large hazel eyes to focus on her dark smiling face. Cordelia blinked and heard a concerned and amused voice ask, “Are you okay”?

“Me? Yeah sure, peachy”. Cordy denied and then knowing it was lame added, “Sorry I was on another planet somewhere. Did you need something”? She asked feeling guilty for being so useless.

Neala caught the undertone of anxiety in Cordelia’s voice and dropped her voice to a whisper, casting a cautious eye of the silently playing children. “Are you afraid too”?

“Afraid of what”? Asked Cordy just as cautiously, though she was pretty sure she knew. The whole place was fairly screaming with tension and whispered hurried conversations could be overheard anywhere, voices high with anxiety.

“Of them coming” whispered back the other girl. Cordy eyed her with equal parts sympathy and cynicism, sympathy for the real fear and cynicism for the thread of excitement on her wide-eyed and avid face. She could see what was coming.

“No” She half lied, giving her the short answer to try and head off any more questions. She might have known it was a waste of time.

“Oh” Neala replied giving her a puzzled look, then licking her lips tried again. “There are rumours about where you used to live-” she probed with all of the delicacy of a bull elephant thought Cordy with a mental eye roll.

“I bet” She quipped, tossing back her long hair which had pulled from its bobble yet again by curious fingers wanting to play with it. “Look, Neala. Just spit it already. Whatever you wanna know ask and I’ll see if I want to answer- easier ya know”.

A red tide of embarrassment covered the other girl’s face at the bluntness, visible even on her coffee coloured skin. “Well er-” it was obvious she was struggling to put a leash on her curiosity,

“Is it true you lived with a vampire”? She finally hissed and flinched under Cordy’s narrow eyed stare.

“No” answered Cordy slowly, then shrugged with feigned nonchalance. “I lived with two of them”. She got a tiny surge of satisfaction when the other girl nearly choked. Not that she didn’t’ like her, it was just the whole situation that was getting on her nerves- big time.

“I get the big curiosity- I do. It’s just-” Cordy puffed out a sigh and levelled a rueful look at the discomforted girl. “I’m alive as you can plainly see. So whatever your deal is- get over it. He won’t hurt you”.

“Are you sure”? Asked Neala with a shiver, clearly still not reassured.

“Positive” stated Cordelia without hesitation, then crossed her fingers. Pretty sure since it’s not you he’s pissed with. Agony Aunt duties finished, she jammed her hands in the pockets of her worn dark blue pants.

Cordelia was nervous too but had so far managed to shove that to the back of her mind. Talking about it didn’t help in her experience, unless you were talking to someone who knew most of the answers. Head cocked to one side she thought about that for maybe two seconds, then made up her mind.

“Will you be okay on your own for a bit? I need to go see Deidra about something”.

“Sure you go ahead” Neala agreed eager to please. There was something about Cordelia Chase that made you want to give in to her. Whatever charisma was, this girl had it in spades, she thought a trifle enviously.

That settled and not wasting another second the brunette turned smartly on her heel and made good her escape. Carefully stepping over or around sprawled children, she only slowed to swipe up a toppling bottle of water before the precious fluid spilled out onto the floor and placed it on the shelf out of harms way.

After only a few days and several hours getting lost and finding her way back Cordy was learning the layout of this maze she now called home. She headed off sure-footed and confident down the dark tunnel, feeling rather then seeing where she was going.

Deidra’s room lay just a bit further down that the main assembly room- a grand name for the largest cave in the complex and man-made rather than natural, which was mildly reassuring for some obscure reason. Less Betty Rubble and more Lara Croft.

She heard voices coming from behind the curtain just as her hand reached for the cover to push it out of her way. Cordy hesitated and a frown crossed her face when she caught and identified one clipped voice as English. Then dismissing the fact as unimportant she thrust herself inside anyway.

Adjusting from the pitch black of outside to the well-lit interior took a few seconds and the first thing she focused on was a blushing red-head.

“Willow” exclaimed Cordelia and without thinking she dived for the girl to wrap her in a hug.

Surprised and grateful, Willow squeezed back every bit as enthusiastically with a sheen of tears filming her green eyes. “Hey Cordy”.

Later she’d blame her extreme denseness on surprise at seeing her friend, “What are you doing here”? The last word faded as it sank in and her head whipped round fast enough to make her dizzy. They were here.

She latched onto him like a homing beacon and her heart constricted in her chest.



Everyone was crowded inside the cavernous cave, some in avid excitable groups and others simply too scared to do more than find a space to sit and stare. Pockets of mumbling could be heard rising and falling with the occasional whispered exchange rising above the rest to be actually audible.

“Fight the Master…. Got to be kidding…. not possible vamps don’t have souls… How can we trust…shushhh… Will not- they kill us… we’ll be dead in our beds” .

Angel kept his face expressionless and let them look their fill while his restless gaze travelled over the motley crew Spike had gathered together. Spike himself was leaning on the other side of the tense demons, keeping his own watch and every now and then assessing the humans like the succulent meals they were and unknowingly licking his lips.

Shooting the blonde vampire a dark warning Angel stepped forward and motioned for Wesley to come over. “Let’s get this damn show on the road. What’s the hold up”? Ignoring the grinding impatience clear in that sour rumble, Wesley shrugged and looked about them, searching for the old woman.

“I have no idea” he hissed back over his shoulder. He wasn’t too happy with the delay either.

Angel snorted and a frown creased between his brows. What the hell am I doing here? He asked himself for the thousandth time. The answer lay just to his left, out of sight but close enough that he could smell her scent, driving him to distraction and making it impossible to walk away.

The ache she so effortlessly brought him had frustration mounting, cutting into his already strained façade of calmness. “Forget waiting. We start now” he snapped out, searing the Englishman with a look that brooked no argument and turning, faced the crowd.

“Listen up”. His deep voice rang out, filling the cave with electric tension. Silence fell like a blanket, smothering and expectant all at the same time.

“You want your town back, they want to leave” Angel motioned to the demons lined up behind him, and let his dark eyes wander at will over the distrustful humans. “The only way to achieve either is to kill the Master”.

He slid Wesley a look that just screamed, ‘you’d better be right about that’ and then carried on with only a tiny gap. “Killing him is my pleasure. But I can’t do it without some help from them” again his head jerked to the demons, “and you”.

“What can we do”? Called out a male voice. The speaker hadn’t come forward too afraid of standing out; Angel zeroed in on him anyway.

“Dust the vamps and spread the word about the barrier” he answered shortly, then raised his voice again.

“There’ll be many more demons and vamps out there who want nothing more than to get away from Sunnydale too. Tell them how to do and they’ll stop fighting you and start fighting each other”. As far as strategies go, it was almost improbably simple but it just might work.

“Why should we believe you”? Was another shout from the depths of the crowd; instantly there were numerous nods and rumbles of agreement, getting louder as the numbers increased confidence in opposing the intimidating and large figure in front of them.

“Why would they want to leave?”

“They’ve got it made, like shooting fish in a barrel”

Angel crossed his arms over his black leather duster and rocked back on his heels, keeping his face impassive and letting them get it out of their systems. Spike lost patience before he did.

“If you really want to know why vamps like me want out too, then shut up and listen” he roared. In full game face he faced them, pacing along the length separating them from him. “I don’t like me food ‘anded to me on a bleedin’ plate for a start. Vamps like to play, stalk, try out new and innovative little tortures. Not pick a meal from a litter like the farm- where’s the fun in that”?

Angel hid a wince and jumped into the stunned silence following those rather graphic revelations. “He’s right”. Too right actually and the hunger he constantly battled with dug a deeper into his gut. He fought it and was winning until he saw her out of the corner of his eye; then his darker impulses won out.

The crowd gasped and scrambled back, shocked and afraid at having the one they’d sworn to in repeat cajoling promises declaring he was different then the rest; suddenly morph into his demon before their eyes. Spike had been expected. Angel hadn’t been. Angel only heard the one startled expulsion of air and his dark head whipped round to pierce the shadows Cordelia was using to shroud herself.

Even with the half darkness of the poorly lit cave she could see the ridges covering his broad brow, leading to deep set and fiery topaz eyes all framed by the familiar dark hair that seemed to bristle with aggression. Those feral eyes seemed to pin her to the spot as they clashed silently. Then he slowly swivelled round to glare at the tempting array of frightened faces.

His shoulders, rigid and wide were the perfect foil for his thick neck and fierce visage, giving them a glimpse of the notorious demon he’d once revelled in being. Razor sharp fangs glistened, reflecting torch beams and flickering flames as he spoke; each word gravelly with the change.

“Vampires don’t just hunt you for food but for the sheer pleasure of it”. Remembering that pleasure brought a dark, raw edge to his already deep voice; paralysing the humans who were sharp enough to detect it.

“Fear is a potent drug, sweet and intoxicating but there’s none sweeter than the ignorant suddenly faced with their worst nightmare. You don’t have that anymore. Show them the way out and many will gladly take it. Those that don’t will die”.

The last word faded into total silence. There were no more catcalls or arguments, only the shifting of feet and the slow heavy beat of fear stricken hearts.

“If there’s no more arguments, training begins in half an hour. You’re useless to me until you learn how to kill me”.


Wesley and Spike did a slow dance in the circle left by the wary men and women who’d turned up for the training. Angel, appeased by the numbers who’d turned out stood to the side and broke the moves down for them. His voice carrying to the far reaches of the cave with ease.

To Cordelia he looked remote and coldly aloof. Why are you doing this? She wanted to ask him, well shake out of him actually. He’d actually dared to rebuff her in Deidra’s room, disappearing before she’d finished speaking his name, leaving her staring in dumb hurt at his broad back as he walked away from her.

Not to mention that silent and not exactly friendly exchange at the assembly. Cordelia was confused and she didn’t like the feeling one little bit.

“Time to turn the tables, big guy” she swore under her breath and eased her way closer to the front.

Cordelia deliberately approached from behind and without his coat there was nothing to hide his sudden rigidity and she guessed he’d caught her scent. Her heart picked up a pace and her palms went damp, not with fear but a weird kind of excitement. She was tired of being a pawn and was taking her own fate into her hands. Whether that included Angel would depend on him.

Cordy didn’t stop until she was standing not two steps behind him. She saw his shoulders twitch irritably and a rueful smile pulled at her full lips. I could always get to you couldn’t I? Well watch this space, she promised him silently and waited for an opening.

Free to look Cordelia let her eyes wander over him, tracing the impressive lines of his muscular body in the plain knit and clinging shirt, lingering with female appreciation on his ass, hating the nondescript pants, then travelling down his long legs. She was so busy looking she forgot to listen and nearly missed a prime opportunity.

Will you leave! He wanted to howl at her. She was driving him crazy, especially when he knew she was so close he could just turn around, stretch out and touch her. He heard the beat of her heart, the rapid tattoo of it, getting faster as she drew nearer. If possible he stiffened even more.

He’d lost count the number of times he’d changed his mind and decided to just take her back. He knew where and how, so why not? A few times he’d even gotten so far as to snatch up his coat and head out the door, his head filled with fantasies of what he was going to do with her when she was back under his control.

Then he’d stop as Deidra’s voice would come back to haunt him. “You never intended to let them have her did you.…A confrontation with the Master was inevitable”.

That was the crunch, the sting in the tail and the fly in his ointment. Bastard deserved to be dusted just for that, he thought viciously.

“Who’s next” he growled, shoving his hands in his pants pockets and shrugging to try and loosen his tight shoulders.

“Me” declared Cordy taking a single step forward so she stood directly behind him. If he turned as he was, his arm would brush her tee-shirt covered breasts.

Angel didn’t turn around. “Get out of here, Cordelia” he snarled over his shoulder.

“No way, I have as much right-”, all of a sudden she was facing over six foot of vibratingly angry male. Taking an instinctive step back Cordelia looked up into that hard face as it loomed over hers.

“I’ll decide that” Angel gritted out furiously. His fingers twitched and every muscle in his body locked to stop himself from picking her up. To do what he wasn’t sure and didn’t intend to find out, because once he started he knew he wouldn’t stop.

Cordelia folded her arms and raised a single brow into a perfect arch. “Not anymore you won’t” she countered sweetly and gave a tiny flutter of her lashes just to wind him up some more.

“Not slave girl anymore remember”? It was his own fault she was being this way, she rationalised to herself. If he’d been willing to be reasonable, this wouldn’t need doing.

Angel folded his arms too mimicking her stance and narrowed his eyes on hers. “I’m kinda busy here, little girl. Go back to your toys. Your not fighting and that’s final”. Even the thought of her fighting in the coming battle and maybe getting hurt was paralysing. He didn’t care what he had to do, she was staying here in relative safety.

The cave full of people faded until it was just the two of them locked in verbal combat. “We’ll see about that” replied Cordy unaffectedly. “No way you can stop me really is there? With everyone gone I can do as I like”.

“A tie and gag works wonders” shot back Angel, glaring down into her rebellious face. He meant it too; in fact, that was the least of it.

“I’ll keep that in mind. What’s up, Angel? Don’t tell me the big bad vamp is afraid one human girl is going to hurt him”? His eyes flickered at the pointed jab and his hard face got tighter with a jaw clenched hard enough to crack bone. They both knew she wasn’t talking about today.

“Indulge me” she whispered softly, her gaze unwavering. She saw the flare of awareness light his dark fathomless eyes for just a split second before he blinked, banishing it. Slumbering desire rekindled and punched in his gut. Was she daring or challenging him, or just trying to drive him insane? He didn’t know and suddenly he didn’t care either.

Off guard, Cordy caught the wolfish grin he gave then gasped when a hard hand snagged her wrist and yanked her forward into the ring. “I’m always willing to indulge you. You know that” Angel rasped, and a shiver slid down her spine at the sand-papery sound of it.

The next thing she knew a stake was slapped into her open palm and she was facing off with the smirking vampire, his whole expression a statement of intent. He wasn’t going to make this easy and in all likelihood wanted to humiliate her. Whatever- Her self-esteem was robust enough for this and who the hell cares about fighting anyway? Except for dumb males on hormone overload that is?

Spike and Wesley both having surrendered the field to the more obvious combatants posed by the dark vampire and one determined Cordelia Chase. Cordy meanwhile tilted her chin proudly and tried to see past the insolently amused mask he was wearing.

A memory tickled at the back of her mind and she seized it. That was it! He looked exactly like he had in the kitchen that time with Darla- like she was nothing more than a dumb animal to be trampled on. Instead of making her mad that realisation gave her hope. He’d been lying his ass of then and she’d bet her life he was doing the same now.

She’d hurt him and he wanted to punish her for that, understandable if not exactly on her top ten most admirable traits in a man list. Who cares, I’m no frickin’ saint either. If it was the other way around I’d be foaming at the mouth and wanting to skin him alive for running out on me.

Her breath caught, constricted by her closed throat as she was gripped by the need to just drop the damn stake, leap into his arms and put all that aggression to much better use. She blinked, and sucking in a steadying breath, banished the image to another part of her mind.

“Tell me what to do” she insisted and tucking her hair behind her ears, placed her feet apart to steady herself.

That flash of something warm and needy in her hazel depths staggered him, especially when she didn’t try and hide it. Even as pissed off with her as he was he couldn’t deny she didn’t have a coy bone in her body. Confusion overrode anger, and feeling bereft by the change, Angel forcefully squashed the urge to simply call this off, and took her through the moves with none of the taunting offensiveness he’d planned.

His hands were gentle on her hips as he guided her into bending her knees, explaining that since she was smaller than your average man she needed to use a different angle of attack. Unintentionally their bodies brushed as they moved together. Her breasts against his rock hard chest and abdomen; his hands and arms on the curves of her waist and hips.

Even absorbed in keeping her actions in harmony with his, Cordy blushed when she felt her nipple’s pucker into tight buds at the light stimulation just being near him seemed to give her. Resisting the urge to cover them she concentrated on following his low voiced instructions to the letter.

Their forgotten audience watched in intermingled horror and fascination as the scrappy pair melted before their wide eyes; hardly believing that the girl had not only survived the confrontation but seemed to have tamed this particularly ruthless looking vampire with little more than shared glances.

The impromptu show was brought to an end when catching the hand holding the stake; Angel brought it round and up to complete the manoeuvre, pressing the tip of it into his chest over his still heart. For a moment they stayed that way, locked together with his hand covering hers until Angel dropped his back to his side, leaving himself unprotected.

Seeing the stake poised as if to strike and realising how vulnerable he’d made himself. Cordy gasped and drew it sharply away, only just managing to check the impulse to press her palm protectively over the spot. Her eyes came up to catch his with their shimmering honeyed warmth and her soft mouth opened to tell him she was sorry. Though for what she wasn’t sure.

“That looked excellent Cordelia. But I think it’s someone else’s turn now- don’t you, Angel” asked Deidra with false calm from the entrance, bringing all eyes swinging towards her and distracting them from the mesmerising sight of the imposingly large vampire and the beautiful girl both obviously enthralled with one another.

Angel struggled to come up from the mental fog their touching had left him in. Half of him wanting to rip Deidra’s head off for interrupting, while the other half was relieved the moment of weakness had passed.

It wouldn’t happen again he swore to himself. Trust, love and gentleness, all that human crap- it was dead and gone. He didn’t want her for that.

Growling he shook his head to clear it, and backed away from temptation. “Yeah” he muttered the disgruntled answer and lifted a shaking hand, rubbed at the back of his neck.

“Spike, you and Wesley take over again”, he took the stake off a silent Cordelia and tossed it to the blonde vampire, then snatching up his coat off the floor shrugged it back on. Still reeling from the last few minutes Angel didn’t dare look at her so kept his gaze at floor level, doing his best to make sure no one could tell how unhinged he was feeling.

Cordelia waited as patiently as she could, fully expecting him to do his usual grab and drag. Hoping that they could finally talk out their differences and start afresh. Only he didn’t much to her consternation. He just walked out without giving her another look.

Hazel eyes narrowed to slits of pure dumbstruck rage. “What the hell is this? Am I living in an alternate reality where people just walk out on me? That’s twice in one day”. She exclaimed, raising her arms dramatically before slapping them on her hips. Cordy was positively vibrating with outrage. No one answered her, they didn’t dare.

Since audience participation wasn’t strictly necessary she carried on regardless. “If he thinks for one minute-“ Her rant was interrupted by Deidra again.

“Cordelia, can I talk to you”?

“Later” Cordy growled back and not even sparing her a look, pushed her way through the silent onlookers, intent on catching up with the most infuriating vampire in history. She’d deal with the interfering old woman after, but her first priority was Angel.

Thankfully she didn’t need to be any kind of a blood hound to follow him, all she had to do was follow the bodies cautiously flattened against walls with frightened faces looking down the direction he’d obviously taken. Satisfaction surged and after sending up quick thanks that the busier tunnels were lighted, a concession to relieve anxiety about the new arrivals, Cordelia chased after him, not slowing her pace.


Angel could hear her race after him and cursed luridly in his head. He had two choices he could either quicken his pace faster than she could possibly keep with and maybe get caught out later or they could get this over with now. He chose the latter and sensing an empty chamber on his left, pushed inside.

Cordelia lost sight of him when she rounded a corner and swearing under her breath, sped up, only to find herself swung into a chamber by a hand that seemed to materialise out of nowhere. Gasping and startled she pulled away at the first opportunity and stared at the shadowed figure with her chest heaving from exertion.

“Angel”? She asked unable to see him properly.

She heard the scratch of a match and then the flare as it caught and she relaxed when she saw it was indeed her quarry. Angel carefully lit the candle beside the pallet and then slowly turned back to face her.

“What do you want, Cordelia”? He didn’t look encouraging and Cordelia spared a moment to imagine strangling Deidra for ruining a perfectly good moment back at the training session. It seemed she was right back where she’d started- at square one.

“We need to talk” she told him firmly, “and stop-“ she nearly said running out on me, but quick wits saved her, “ignoring me” she substituted with a scowl.

Swallowing back a scathing comeback in the interest of keeping this short, Angel merely shrugged. “Talk away” he offered indifferently. Keeping his face free of expression was getting damn near impossible but after a century of practice he coped.

“I read the diary. I know I made a big mistake. I was nervous and had just realised-“ Cordy started to say, rushing to try and get it all out before the storm clouds gathering on his face let loose.

A century of practice was a drop in the ocean Angel realised, and nowhere near enough to deal with this one girl. Pain speared him quickly followed by panic and rage. He didn’t want to hear it- whatever stunning revelation had sent her running. He didn’t want to know.

A startled cry escaped just before a hard palm was flattened against her lips, sealing the rest of what she’d been about to say behind it. Wide-eyed she stared into the furious brown swirls of bitter darkness that were his eyes and froze.

“I don’t give a rat’s ass what maggoty idea you got in that fertile brain of yours” he shook her with his other hand on her bare upper arm, “Are we clear”? His fingers flexed on her warm skin and then he dropped her arm as if it burned.

“If this is some harebrained scheme to keep me sweet and interested cooked up between you and that old witch forget it. I don’t need or want stroking”, he sneered and not for the first time felt an overwhelming urge to wring her neck and that just for starters.

Stunned but unhurt, Cordy stared at him and licked her dry lips. “I don’t get you” she whispered while confusion warred with hurt. “Why have you even come here”?

“You mean to tell me Ms Curious never asked”? Angel scoffed and raised a disbelieving brow.

“Get real, of course I did” returned Cordy acidly, losing her temper a little at the disdainful way he’d put it. “Which is why I don’t understand what your deal is”.

“My deal? It’s simple. I don’t need you willing” He revealed silkily feeling a perverse satisfaction bloom inside him when her eyes widened even more in shock as understanding dawned.

Cordy stiffened as a wall of hurt came up to blind her with stinging tears. She opened her mouth to tell him if he wasn’t such an Asshole he could have got her back willing, but she shut her mouth again and blinked away the tears.

“I had no idea you were so hard up you have to resort to rape”? She lashed out her voice abrasive. Repugnance growing she stepped back only to have him follow with a soft measured tread.

“Who said anything about rape? I can be very persuasive” Angel demurred smoothly, trapping her against the wall with both arms on either side of head.

“Don’t split hairs with me- its all the same”. Cordy shot back, feeling as if her throat was raw. She couldn’t look at him so concentrated on the candle a few feet away.

“That’s were your wrong. There’s a huge difference when you add, taking away every iota of resistance slowly and surely until a girl’s literally begging for it. Just think of the humiliation”. The relish in that soft purr was too horrible to describe and an ugly feeling of loathing uncurled in her belly.

“That’s gross” She shoved with all of her might, needing to get away from the crawling sensation he was bringing out in her.

“Glad you think so” Angel stepped back and welcomed the chill her obvious disgust woke in him.

A part of him was howling to be free and for a change it wasn’t the demon in him but the man. I loved her, reverberated with painful anguish in his skull. He shoved it back down with merciless determination and watched her like the predator he was- and all he wanted to be, he told himself fiercely.

Revulsion surged queasily, making her feel light-headed until something occurred to her halting it and making hazel eyes narrow thoughtfully. Not giving herself time to change her mind she put it to the test and slapped him as hard as she could.

Having expected her to run screaming hysterically she caught him off guard and the slap landed with stinging force, driving his head to one side for an instant before he swung back to glare at her in dark molten fury.

Cordy waited, tense but almost certain and the silence lengthened punctuated only by her sharp panting breaths and the creak of his leather jacket. The air seemed to crackle with tension until finally she realised she’d been right. He wouldn’t hit her back.

Relief and red-hot temper had her nearly following it with a second blow but she held back and simply stood toe to toe with him. She was so mad she could feel charges of electricity shooting through her body and she was sure her hair must be standing on end with it.

“You lying jerk. What kind of an idiot do you take me for, huh? I mean please, do I look blonde to you”?

“What the hell are you talking about” Angel growled, glowering darkly at the sharp tongued and high indignant young woman confronting him with such impressively scornful fury.

“Did you seriously expect me to believe that the same guy who took in two strays, fed, bathed and lets not forget nursed me back to health is capable of doing that to me”? She felt like kicking his ass all over the place for scaring her like that.

“You have no idea what I’m capable of” He snarled back, resenting the fact that the chill was gone and he was back to feeling things he had no business feeling.

He backed away shaking his head at her, denying what she was saying. She couldn’t know that much, how could she? You ran out on me he didn’t yell it or even say it, just pulled it back into that dark place where pain lived.

“That’s bullshit and we both know it. Maybe in your bad vamp days you might have got a kick out of that but I know you, Angel” she advanced on him, one finger stiff and ready to poke with all she had. “If you thought I was really unwilling you’d let me go and that’s the truth”.

She was so busy attacking she didn’t even notice how fast he was giving ground. His back hit the far wall and she still hadn’t finished. “Geeze I don’t believe that I let you sucker me in even for a second with that crap” Cordy scoffed and rolled her eyes in self disgust.

“Oh, I don’t doubt you’ve thought about it a few times- maybe; and believe me you lose points for that. But that’s just you being a guy and wanting to get back at me for hurting you”. Cordy was running out of steam but not arguments. For a moment she’d let herself be convinced that she’d loved a monster, proving that wrong was the high point of her life and she was rolling with it.

Angel was too stunned to say anything, was actually powerless to do anything except let her words wash over him. She was right, he’d been fooling himself and apparently she knew him better than he did. Sweat popped out on his forehead and a bitter bile rose up as he fought to adjust to having his world go topsy turvy yet again.

He let her continue haranguing while he struggled to come to terms with the fact that he’d lost it all- what was the point in even pretending anymore. No matter what he’d fantasised in the first heat of outraged possessiveness, he couldn’t force her. They’d passed that point a long time ago and that left him with nothing because he knew she’d never be willing.

He’d fucked up; pain and bitter loneliness threatened to consume him and all he could think was that he had to get out of there now.

One second Cordy was riding an emotional high after the roller coaster of the last hour and the next she was landing on her back on the pallet with a startled cry. Scrambling to sit up she searched the chamber only to find he’d gone.

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