just fic

Title: Without You
Author: Helen
Posted: 12-16-2003
Email: helen_taft@msn.com
Rating: NC-17
Content: C/A
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Notes: This is for Scorchy and thanks for such a lovely challenge Hun. Here’s the details for ya: Demons have totally taken over Sunnydale, there's no Slayer or Watcher and there's only Cordy and Willow of the main SG around. The humans that are left alive are hiding out in caves, tunnels and whatnot.
Angel still has his soul but he's very Beigy as in dominent, overbearing, growly and snarly. He's with Spike at the mansion in Sunnydale and though he has a soul, he's not really all that bothered about the state of things!
One night when it's Cordy's turn to go get food for her and Willow, she runs into Angel and Spike who force her to take them to hers and Willow's little hideout. The vampires take both girls as slaves and things happen!!!
In my version I planned to have Angelus not Angel but to be honest, this would be more fun if it was Beige Angel!
Scenes to include if you choose to take this...
1) On a particularly rioty night, Cordy gets scared (bless her) and climbs into bed with Angel (sweet!).
2) Angel getting her to do proper slave things like wash his clothes, run his bath etc etc!
Whatever you do with Spike and Willow is entirely up to you, pair em up if ya like!
Feedback: Yeah feed me!

Part 8 Continued...


The ride back to wherever they were taking him was to the Doctor totally surreal. The blonde maniac drove while the dark haired one who introduced himself as ‘Angel’, funny name for such a large man, thought the Doctor; accompanied him in the back seat.

“So is anyone going to tell me about my patient”. Talk about a dam bursting he thought afterwards when the obviously frantically worried vampire finally wound down from a detailed description of every single detail of ‘Cordelia’s’ condition.

“You can help her- right”? Asked Angel with a pleading look in his eyes. The Doctor felt like the world had turned on its axis, not so different from when it had gone to hell actually only this was the opposite.

“I can try”

“Don’t try do” the vampire snarled and then sat back to stare broodingly out of the window. It didn’t last long. “Can holding a girl by the throat make her ill”?

“Well, I guess it would depend” replied Parker cautiously and shrank back a little in the seat. In the front Spike snorted with laughter. “Put ‘im outta ‘is misery for chrissake”.

“Well manhandling certainly isn’t good for human health” the doctor advised archly and then firmly shut his lips.

An hour later, Dr Parker snapped his bag shut and folded his hands on his lap before looking up at the anxiously hovering entourage, headed by the vampire. “She has influenza. A bad case of it too”

“Influenza” repeated Angel, aghast as images of his home and village back over the centuries came to the fore and the deaths from that illness. Before panic could really get hold of him the Doctor continued.

“Treatable of course; medicine will keep the temperature within acceptable limits and enable you to get fluids down her. Which I might add is the most important”.

Dr Parker spoke directly to Willow assuming it would be this girl doing the nursing. “What else”? Interrupted Angel and he gave Willow a piercing look that brooked no argument. “I’ll be looking after her”.

The doctor only just managed not to stare. His eyes darted back to the throat he’d surreptitiously checked on and reassured by the lack of bruising, shrugged his thin shoulders.

“It depends really on how strong she is to how quick she’ll recover. Assuming no blood loss” he gave a piercing look of his own. “Three days of fever and illness followed five to ten days recovery before she’s back to normal”.

Angel’s brows had snapped down as soon as the word blood crossed the doctors lips. “There’ll be no blood loss”. He growled the assurance through gritted teeth.


There was a light tap on the pipes. Knock, knock, tap tap followed by the flush of a toilet. The tired and pale looking man snapped his head up and his mouth hung open in shock. Terror filled him for an instant before steeling himself he went over to the sink.

He couldn’t resist a glance at the door, locked tight for just an instant; listening with straining ears for any indication that this might be a trap. Finally as satisfied as he could be, the man kneeled on the floor and unscrewed the attachment to the wall.

“Here” He hissed as clear as he could and still low enough to escape detection.

“I have a report to make” came a disembodied voice from Dr Parkers cell.

“Do it then” his eyes darted back to the door.

“There’s been an ‘unusual’ development. I need to see Grogan”.

“That’s not possible. You know how dangerous that is”. He hissed.

“Grogan needs to arrange a visit with ‘Her’”. The man’s eyes widened to an impossible degree.

“Are you insane” he hissed. His mind reeled from even the thought of it. They never said her name, ever. Only Grogan was able to contact her as the pharmacist.

“I’d do it but you know how carefully they watch me!”

The man nodded even though he couldn’t be seen. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was the last Doctor in Sunnydale he would have surely died after the last rebellion attempt.

“It’s too risky” the man demurred.

“I think she’ll find what I have to tell her interesting enough to take a risk”. The Doctors voice paused as he carefully contemplated his choice of words. “I think I may have stumbled across an answer to the question”.

Part 9

“Being sick sucks- big time! Gimme a week with a head stuffed full of wood chips and rusty nails and I’d still be better off”.

Still grumbling ominously under her breath, Cordelia cursed when the cup jammed on the tap when she tried to fill it with water again. Not exactly easy, when your heads stuck under it too. She puffed out a breath, and not caring about dripping water on the floor, pulled her head away to try again.

“This is such a pain in the ass. Why can’t I just take a shower, or have a bath like normal people do? But no- not allowed, cos I’m sick. Gimme a break”.

Ducking back down, she contorted her arm to pour the water over her head and then yelped on finding it had run cold. “Dammit … Urghhh”. Her head came up like a shot and managed to crack against the tap on the way up. "“Owwwe"! Howling loudly, and spitting mad she forgot for a moment that she was supposed to be being quiet. Realising, she instantly clapped a hand over her mouth and rubbed the other one over her throbbing crown.

Frustration bubbled past the red line into the danger zone and with narrowed eyes Cordelia abruptly changed her mind. She was dripping wet; fed-up and so pissed off with everything she could just… scream the whole place down! Sucking in a calming deep breath she expelled it sharply.

“That’s it- no more stealth girl. I am having a bath and he can just go stick his bossy, overbearing, arrogant head up his ass for all I care.” Her face one ferocious scowl, Cordelia whipped up a towel and wrapped it round her dripping and sudsy hair. “Jackass, can’t get his thick head around the fact that I’m over it. Geeze- overprotective much?” Unfortunately admitting she loved him didn’t blind her to his faults. How could it when they were so frickin’ obvious.

Covered head to foot in a towelling robe that was too big for her and with the towel on her head, all you could see of her was pink toes and a flushed, sulky face with sullen hazel eyes spitting fire. Still muttering, she sat on the edge of the bath and twisted the hot tap on, feeling the flow of water with her fingers to test the temperature this time.

“You’d think I was terminal or something. Well Okay I am, but with boredom”. The complaint was pushed out with an added groan that did nothing to get rid of the feeling of being hemmed in and useless.

The one time she’d snuck out of bed she’d ended up scurrying back, face flaming and eyes still almost bugging out of her head. Grimacing she tried to stop the image that memory called up but it popped into her head anyway. Willow doing that to a grinning Spike. In the living room for chrissake. Not that she had a problem with it so much as...well

“I’m still a frickin’ virgin and Wimpy Willow has turned into Wanton Willow. Like- Hello! When did that happen”? Bafflement made her voice high-pitched and forgetting the bath she just sat there in moody contemplation of the falling water.

Then Cordelia’s head tilted and eyes turned inwards. What was it Willow had said between mouthfuls; something about being worried that she, Cordelia would find them and then...what would Angel think? That was it. Hmm, weird. Spike’s reply had been even weirder. “Angel’s used to it by now”. Oh yeah, used to what? Those two, going at each other all over the place? Great, I think I’ll just stay in bed.

Willow’s attitude with Angel wasn’t helping either and just thinking about that had Cordelia finally ramming the plug into its hole with more force than necessary. It wasn’t Willow’s fault really it was just the way she was- fiercely loyal. Which was great most of the time but right now it was a royal pain in the butt.

“What’s with the constant bickering with Angel? Urggghh, you’d think it was her he’d been chucking around. If I can forgive him...” Cordelia shook her head and heaved a frustrated sigh.

“I don’t need to be playing peacemaker anytime. I mean, Hello! Not exactly my style at the best of times and *especially* not when I’m sick”.

If there was a certain amount of resentment in the tone, as far as Cordelia was concerned, she was damn well entitled to it. “It’s almost like she feels guilty or something. Hah - guilty about what? Taking the razor without asking”? She asked the rising steam sarcastically, impatiently waiting for the water level to rise.

What do you think your doing”? The door thumped ominously back into it’s frame.

Cordelia had been too engrossed in venting some week long pent up feelings to notice him opening the bathroom door, and nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of that sharp query coming in his deep, incredulously edged voice.

“Urggh, will you not do that. You nearly gave me a heart-attack”. She griped, still with a hand dramatically pressed to her chest she levelled an annoyed look at his handsome and thunderous face.

Stop with the creeping around. I hate it when you do that”. Her sharp tone had his brows lowering to match hers, and his dark eyes raked her from towel-covered head to bare feet.

“Yeah, I’m getting that. Is that why your sneaking around having a bath, when I’m not around”? Angel asked dangerously soft, leaning against the closed door with his arms crossed over his chest and an arrogant brow raised as if to say ‘boy are you in trouble’. He noticed the healthy flush on her cheeks and some of his anger melted. Not that he’d let her see that- after all it could be guilt.

Caught out, Cordelia’s temper disappeared like so much mist. “I’m not sneaking around...so much as – erm taking advantage of ..” she racked her brain for a good excuse to wriggle out of trouble. “Opportunities” she finished lamely with a wide sheepish smile that packed enough punch to melt an ice-block.

“Cordelia” He huffed out a frustrated sigh and pushed away from the door, dropping his arms and resisting the urge to give her a shake or maybe something a good deal less civilised. Did she really have no idea how much she’d scared him? He still broke out in cold sweats from just thinking about how close he might have come to losing her- or thought he might.

“You’ve been sick, really sick with flu and you’re having a bath! The way he said it you’d think she was planning to highjack a store or something.

Angel’s taut face and furrowed brow mirrored his frustration. Cordelia rolled her eyes at the stubbornness that was this vampire and stood up to stalk over and poke him hard in the centre of his chest with a single stiff finger. “Get real, Angel. Bathing isn’t a crime. In fact it’s a necessity of life. Ask any woman. So…. Just- get over it already”.

They stared at one another in a heated battle of wills. Cordelia filled with righteous resolve, Angel with uncertain irritation. “You’re a terrible patient, do you know that”? He finally growled out letting some of the irritation come out in his voice. He wanted her safely back in bed, tucked up warm with him, where she should be in his opinion.

“It’s only been five days, and the Doctor said ten. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just toss your sneaky little butt back into bed”. Angel towered over her even more than usual due to her bare feet. Her chin only came up to the upper middle of his broad chest.

He didn’t move a muscle to but stayed in the same position, glaring down at her upturned face, and looking all mean and snarly. It was completely fake and she knew it. Plus- and this was a big plus in her opinion. He was sexy as hell when he was bad tempered. Heat sparked to life inside her.

That spurt of warmth knock some of the aggravation out of her and a smile kicked up the corners of her lips. He was an irascible, brooding and complex creature this vampire of hers. But since she wasn’t exactly the easiest person to get along with at times, it was no biggie.

Anyway she knew how to get around him. “Look I appreciate all the tender care you’ve given me over the last week and you’re sweet to worry, but…” She turned away to twist the hot tap off and then turning back again, eyeballed him with her best, no nonsense- ‘at the end of my tether’ look.

“I need a bath, Angel. If I don’t get rid of this yucky dirty feeling I’m gonna sit in that bed and mope, stress out and knock back my recovery way more than you letting me do what I want. So who’s got my best interest at heart”?. Now it was her turn to cross her arms and pin him with an arch look.

To Angel she looked gorgeous, determined and healthy as ever, and he was powerless to stop his body responding to the sweetly feminine challenge she was unknowingly giving, simply by standing there, hands firmly planted on hips and almost nose to nose with him.

Her eyes were uncompromisingly direct, and met his less than friendly gaze unflinchingly. The towelling robe dwarfed her small frame and the shampoo she’d used on her hair teased his sensitive nostrils but couldn’t mask the scent coming off her body - warm, healthy female and that unique fragrance that was pure Cordelia Chase. Unable not to, he drank it in and then had to clench his hands into fists before he gave into the urge to pull her closer and take more.

He stood transfixed, held immobile by a wave of lust that nearly had him just picking her up to go find the nearest horizontal position to drop her on and then pounce. She’s ill, you moron. It’s sick and perverted to even think about taking advantage of her weakened state. Yeah right! Weak my ass. Just looking at her had his conscience giving up the ghost on that one.

“Well”? When he didn’t respond but just continued to stare down at her, she started to fidget under the intensity of that dark, fathomless gaze. Then it clicked and Cordelia’s eyes narrowed consideringly.

If she didn’t know better she’d swear he was going to kiss her, and that annoyed the hell out of her. He hadn’t come near her for any kind of kissage since she’d gotten ill. Like she was contagious to him or something. Her annoyance level shot back up and she lifted a foot and without thinking, kicked his shin.

“Hey” He snapped out. Moving back and looking down at his leg before pinning her with a disgruntled look. “What was that for”?

“For looking like you have kissing on your mind. Forget it, Buddy. Since you haven’t bothered all week- you can go without now too”. She raised her chin and ignored the throb in her abused toes. She’d probably hurt herself more than him- but it was the principle of it that counted, so she was satisfied.

“Is that right”? Angel, almost purred, one eye narrowing to match the ever so slightly mocking tilt to his full lips. Dressed in all black and looking like he was just waiting for an excuse to wrap his clenched hands around some part of her. The devil rather than cherubs came to mind. Cordelia took a wary step back and lowered her chin defensively.

“Been counting the days have you”? The tilt became a fully-fledged smirk. Angel’s leg still throbbed enough to piss him off. Deciding some kind of retribution was in order, he closed the distance between them. “You should have said. I might have obliged, with enough incentive anyway”. That mobile brow quirked again and he had a wolfish gleam in his sinfully dark brown eyes.

“Incentive…why you”. Words failed her. “I’ll have you know I was voted the most kissable girl in Sunnydale High. So you can just… kiss my ass”! Cordelia flipped her head and the edges of the towel slipped away and then fell off completely, leaving a tumble of glossy wet locks.

“Now there’s a thought. Are you asking or inviting”? It wasn’t the most provocative thing he could come up with, but it wasn’t bad, he decided wickedly, pleased to see temper flood her face and shoot out of her eyes with hazel fire. C’mon, Baby- slap me and get it over with.

Before she knew it Cordelia’s wildly swinging hand was caught in her a firm grip at the wrist. Her fingers curled into her palm and she tugged hard to get free. Then gasped to feel herself swept up and plonked on the wide shelf on the opposite side of the bathroom.

“Temper, temper” Angel admonished and before she could stop him, opened a leg to make a space for himself between her thighs. Doing so had the robe separating to reveal her creamy thighs, and Angel didn’t even try and hide his appreciation of that. He let his eyes wander upwards while his hands flexed on her waist, itching to follow the path his eyes had taken.

Reeling from the abrupt speed of how she’d ended up in this position, Cordelia slapped a hand on his chest and stared at his now predatory face with wide eyes. “What the hell do you think your doing”? She squeaked, and gulped at the glittering look he shot her. Her chest rose and fell as subconsciously her breathing deepened in reaction to the evident erection he was pressing into her.

“Making your feel appreciated” Angel replied easily with a dark edge to the deep tone. “Don’t you want to feel appreciated? Isn’t that what this is really all about- huh”? His lips hovered over hers, while heated brown eyes bored into startled hazel, until unnerved by it, her lashes dropped and tongue came out to moisten her lips. I’d settle for feeling loved, she thought but kept that to herself, wary of being rejected or even worse- pitied.

They were almost locked together and this close he could feel the heat from her body radiating from her to him. It seemed to wrap around and caress him with asilken warmth that was utterly seductive and impossible to resist. His mercurial temper melted away, leaving him adrift on another explosive emotion. His head swam and body trembled with tension trying to subdue an overwhelming urge to simply possess and then sink into her.

Ignoring her hand still pressed to his chest, Angel slanted his lips firmly over hers, opening them to the smooth invasion of his tongue, as it dipped in to sweep the hot cavern of her mouth, tasting her and drawing her into a heated tangle of dancing tongues.

Cordelia groaned into his mouth and sank back into him. Oh god at last was all she could think as her hands crept up to twine her fingers into his dark spiky hair, pulling him closer and urging him on. Her legs clutched his hips as arousal burst into life inside her, instantly flooding her sex with the heated onrush of blood to set the nerves alight.

Angel kissed and nipped the skin over her taut jaw, making his way to her ear to take the lobe between his teeth. The rougher skin on his jaw teased the sensitive skin, making her squirm and press her face to his, cheekbone to cheekbone.

“So you think your all better now”? Angel rasped the question out of tight vocal cords, and the vibration of that rough voiced query made her shiver. “Yeah” she got out breathlessly and ran her hands over his nape, exploring the hard muscle of neck and shoulders with searching, caressing hands. It wasn’t much of a sop to his rapidly disappearing conscience- but it was enough.

Cordelia was enthralled by both the kiss and the feel of his powerful body between her thighs; so much so, everything else disappeared and the world narrowed to just the two of them. Then he was gone, stepping back to lift her down, only holding her upper arms to help steady her until she could feel her legs again. Disoriented, Cordelia blinked and ran her tongue over her lips, tasting him still and wanting more. “What...” She didn’t get given the chance to frame the question.

“You can have a bath. On one condition”. The words were out before he’d fully thought it through. But the hard, throbbing length of his aching shaft resisted all efforts to even consider calling them back.

“Okay” Cordelia said distantly, bemused by his rapid changes of mood. She should be used to them by now, she thought dazedly, he’d been acting weird all week. “What’s the condition?” Her seesawing emotions still hadn’t caught up with the fact that he’d so easily gotten over what to her, had been a mind-blowing kiss of epic proportions.

“Well, we don’t want you straining yourself”. Angel gravely told her, an unholy gleam in his eyes. His lips twitched at the bald-faced lie but he was past caring about that.

Then deciding keeping her off balance was a good idea. He caught one of her hands in his and tugged her closer. Then raising the hand to his lips, he kissed the palm before draping it over his shoulder, pulling her close so that she was pressed all along the length of him.

“So, you just… lie back and I’ll do the work”. He carried on smoothly, tracing the bones of her face with feather light touches of his lips. If she refused she could forget the bath and they were going straight to bed. Seduction could take place anywhere but he preferred a bed if given a choice.

“Erm, okay” she sighed. Then it hit her. Her eyes went as wide as saucers and jaw dropped open. “You want to bathe me”? She asked in shocked disbelief while hundreds of butterflies exploded to life in her belly.

Her pulse kicked into a higher gear and spread a tingling warmth throughout her body, right down to her toes. She didn’t miss the hard length of his shaft, pressing insistently into her belly, either. Oh god There was that flash of heat again, lower now though and followed by an intense tingle directly between her legs. Needing to see his face, she stepped back so she didn’t have crane her neck. “Are trying to seduce me”? She asked baldly.

“Maybe. You got a problem with that”? He said it lightly as if they were talking about a walk in the park. Cordelia searched his face trying to find what…? An indication of his feelings maybe- did it really matter? Hadn’t life already shown her, you have to grab what you can?

Angel shot out a hand and latching onto the belt of her robe with strong fingers, pulled her back to him. No way was she getting away that easily- in fact; forget getting away. Instinctively his nostrils flared and he let the air trickle down, delicately tuning out the smell of toiletries to focus on her, and caught the intoxicating hint of spicy arousal.

“No, no problem”. How the hell do you answer that? She asked herself flummoxed. “I mean it’s about damn time”. Then Cordelia was hit by a horrible thought, as if the synapses in her brain where working overtime to make up for the funk of a few minutes ago. “This better not be because Spike’s getting some and you aren’t”. She warned darkly, almost growling the words out. Her hands, trapped between their bodies were splayed on his chest and she pushed at him.

This time he didn’t let her back off, but wrapped his other arm around the small of her back. “Cordelia” Angel growled back warningly. Instant annoyance adding fuel to his already inflamed senses. “If that was all I cared about. I wouldn’t have held back from you, and believe me”. His eyes caught and held hers. “You’d have been flat on your back a long time ago”. He finished curtly, deliberately being crude.

His fingers had twisted tighter around the belt, obviously ready to halt any move by her to push away. Cordelia didn’t even try, realising she really didn’t mind him being crude; in fact it was incredibly reassuring. He wouldn’t be like that if he felt nothing for her- right? But still, “Oh really. I might have had something to say about that”. She challenged him softly.

“I never said you wouldn’t. But I can be very persuasive”. There was a definite edge of certainty in that wry reply that made her smile.

“I bet”. In fact she could image there wouldn’t need to be much persuading. Just having his erection pressed into her was doing wonders for melting any resistance. Not that she’d had any to begin with she defended herself.

What would it be like to have him make love to her? Would he be long and slow, taking his time to nibble on every spot? Or maybe a little rough, a hard and fast mating that was a tiny bit mean? She’d fantasised about both and every single connotation in between.

“So now what? I mean, how do you want to do this”? Okay, what’s this, nerves now! C’mon two seconds ago you were raring to go, get a grip will you. If you spoil this, you just know I’m never going to forgive you. Still illogically arguing with herself, she felt his hands drop away and wanted to kick herself.

“Erm never mind that...I’ll just get in the bath then shall I”? She shot him a nervous smile and couldn’t meet his strangely intense gaze as she started to pull the belt of the robe open.

It didn’t take a seer to see the exact second reality crashed through the remnants of the hazy passion their kiss had left her in. Suddenly she was as nervous as a colt and it made him want to kick his own ass. He’d let temper and desire blind him to the fact that she was a novice at this, and he’d been treating her like she was experienced at love play. Asshole, fix it now.

Large hands settled soothingly on her shoulders. “Trust me. I just want to look after you. Can you do that...trust me I mean”? Cordelia looked back up into meltingly warm dark chocolate orbs and melted herself. Her heart squeezed and belly quivered at the onrush of mingled love and tight, tingling anticipation.

“Sure. What’s not to trust” it came out choppy as her chest was still tight but that just made it more potent. She saw his pupils dilate, as they both understood what she was agreeing to.

Angel ran his hands down her arms and without breaking eye contact took over the job of pulling open the belt and slowly so as not to scare her, tugged the robe off her shoulders. Even without needing to breath he sucked in a breath when she was slowly revealed to him.

The delicate bones of her shoulders underneath that graceful neck were burnished gold by the sun, while the slopes of her firm breast were pert and full, tipped by rosy buds already puckered into tight turgid tips. “You’re beautiful, do you know that”?

He couldn’t say more, couldn’t get anything else passed the need gripping his hungry body, closing his throat and making speech- difficult. He almost didn’t hear her nervously joking reply; too entranced by the sight of her taut belly and the utterly feminine curve of her hips.

“So I’ve heard but a girl can never get told that enough, ya know” he heard the hitch in her breath though and inhaled the sweet smell of mixed excitement and arousal with the hint of fear.

He didn’t mind the fear now and tasted it and the arousal on his tongue, making lust crawl in his belly along with the hunger that only fed it. He was holding himself stiffly though and forced his shoulders to relax. His dark eyes strayed lower past her smooth abdomen to become trapped again by the damp nest of curls at the juncture of her thighs. With nerveless hands he tossed the robe and stepped away, dragging his gaze back up to her flushed face.

The silence with thick with tension and he had to force his vocal cords back into action. “Get in before you get cold” he told her huskily and licked suddenly parched lips. He watched intently as Cordelia stepped into the water and then lowered herself to lie back in the hot steamy fluid. Each lap of the water against her skin had his hands itching with the need to follow its example. Soon.

“Won’t you get wet”? Cordy asked him, her voice every bit as husky as his.

Distractedly he looked down at his clothing and then took care of the problem by simply hooking his hands on the hem of his sweater and whisking it over his head. Oh wow, and yes there is a God and he lurves women. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Nerves were forgotten as heated caramel eyes devoured the broad shoulders and muscular chest so effortlessly revealed.

He is ripped. “If I’d have know what you were hiding under all that black. I’d have let you invade my bath ages ago”. She joked while her eyes wandered down his ridged abdomen, stopping to admire thick arms and supple forearms before settling just under the waistband of his pants. “You definitely score high on the Chase ‘salty goodness’ scale of hotness”.

They both froze for an instant at the shared memory of their first meeting. Back before the Master emerged. Angel had known she’d been attracted to him back then and it had effected him strongly before. Now it nearly shattered his self-control having her practically eat him with her eyes.

“Thanks. I think”. Cordy grinned at him, relaxing now she was safely under the dubious cover of the water. Plus eye candy never hurt.

Desperately reaching for his slippery control, Angel started at her feet. Massaging them in his large soapy hands, making her arch as he pressed knowing fingers into the sensitive arch and rubbing gently between each perfect toe. Breathlessly, Cordelia watched his face. Loving the intense concentration furrowing his brow and making his lips curve with the bone deep sensuality that always lurked just beneath the surface of that gruff exterior.

Then those clever fingers slid along her leg, following the muscles of her calf and encompassing almost the entire leg with his wide palm and long fingers. He lingered on the backs of her knees, making her shiver and squirm with each teasing run of the soft slippery soap. Smoothly he followed the length of her inner thigh, the soap leaving wet trails of white bubbles in his wake until his hand dipped under the water to brush her curls with the tips of his blunt fingers.

Heated chills raced along her skin with a tingling awareness, the closer he got to the apex of her thighs, getting hotter and more insistent when he repeated the slow, torturously sensitising process on her other leg. She gasped again at the sizzling streaks of pleasure from her toes, squirming as the tingles transformed into currents of charged heat, turning her molten with need, as he got closer to her core again. Her nipples already pebble hard, budded tighter and underneath the creamy skin her blood raced with building desire.

Unknowingly she held her breath, watching that powerful hand get closer and closer until her eyes were flickering and heavy lidded with anticipation. Finally his fingers touched her, whisper light and fleeting as they brushed her clitoris, making her gasp at the molten heat he found and the resulting hot lick of flame. Oh my…do that again, she could get the words out.

Greedily Angel drank in the sight of her and nearly groaned at the rush of lust washing through his system. Every inch of her gloriously naked body was a hedonistic display just for him. Despite the heat of the water and the rising steam her rosy nipples were turgid and mutely begging, but he resisted the urge to go there yet. He wanted to take his time. No- needed to take his time and prepare her properly.

He wanted to speak, to reassure; to say all of the usual smoothly practised words that would seduce her mind as well as her body, but he was mute, and couldn’t even if he tried, speak past the blind possessiveness that gripped him. Speak, dammit. Open your lips, talk!

“Lift up” his voice sounded scratchy to his own ears but for his own sanity he needed to move thing along or give into the demon’s urge to just take without mercy. Angel pulled her unresisting out of the water until she was sitting up and lathered up more soap. The silence was thick and around them and yet somehow enervating too, racking up the tension between them.

Carefully he draped her glossy, wet dark hair over the opposite shoulder to rest against one firm breast. Then settled his hands on the curve of her shoulders to massage them with soothing squeezes of his fingers, while his thumbs rotated on the nape of her neck.

Cordelia closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart and reduce the hyper sensitivity she felt having his hands on her, exploring her with an impossible thoroughness that she knew was just the beginning.

“Relax, Baby” his voice was deeper and raspier than normal but gentle too. Cordy hadn’t even realised she tensed up and after shooting him a shy, apologetic smile, relaxed her tense shoulders.

“Sorry” she whispered and lifted her head to meet his heated gaze for a moment. Seeing her own fire being reflected back from those almost black orbs caused her breathing to become choppy and heart race with hope.

After a short time the magic of that wonderfully rhythmic massaging had an insidious weakness invading every muscle, making her head drop forward as she slid into a boneless state of relaxation and soft pleasure-filled moans fall from her parted lips.

The damp wet heat of the steam worked with each firm brush of his fingers, soothing and exciting her at the same time. Seducing her into giving herself over to him without any qualms.

“Does that feel good”? Angel asked, his voice a deep-throated purr next to her ear. “Hmm- nice” was all she could manage in reply with the fog fuzzing her brain. Then added, “you’re really good at this”.

“So I should be”, he admitted with a chuckle that tickled her shoulder. “Been a while though”. Cordy was simply enjoying what he was doing too much to pick up on that, but filed it away for later- much later.

Beneath his heavy hands, her neck felt so delicate, the bones fragile and filled with vibrant and precious life. He marvelled at that throbbing life, even while the delicate tracery of veins called to the deepest part of him like a lodestone. Bloodlust rose up to gloss passion with a dark edge, making him tremble with want. It didn’t matter; he couldn’t hurt her.

His thumbs left her nape to trace the muscles alongside her spine, seeking and separating each sleek muscle to stroke firmly with just the right amount of firm control. The rest of his fingers followed too, the long fingers and wide palms almost swallowing the whole width of her back, following in the trail of the soap bubbles sliding down her silky skin.

To Cordy, the touch of Angel’s hands on her body was both soothing and thrilling. The muted strength in them and obvious skill, seductively compelling as conflicting sensations kept her aroused and yet distracted from what this was all leading to. Powerless to resist she relaxed deeper into the waters embrace with every sliding stroke; letting him do as he wanted with nothing more than murmurs of blissful approval.

Warm water washed over her back, chasing away the soap before his hands smoothed over the curve of her waist, and she knew even before her breasts tingled in frantic anticipation of pleasure; that he was leaving the relative innocence of her back for her almost innocent front.

She didn’t have long to consider it before the silky slide of his hands travelled up her ribcage with an excruciating slowness that nevertheless had her arching back on her hands to thrust up her breasts, as if trying to speed him up by enticing him with their full weight. Finally his fingers rested under both breasts with one strong arm supporting her back. She felt his lips brush her ear. Then he stopped moving and she bit back a moan of disappointment.

“What do you want”? His voice rumbled next to her ear, thick with promise and a hint of amusement. Rattled with lust she forced open her eyes and fixed him with a heated look out of passion-glazed eyes. “Touch me,” she whispered, daring to demand.

“Here”? He rubbed the soft undersides, then cupped their full weight. Cordelia did moan this time. His hands were warm after the water and the friction, and impossibly evocative. She’d been fondled before on dates and all it’d felt like was grabbing hands. Not like this, God, he was so gentle and knew exactly what pleasure points to manipulate. “oh God- don’t stop. That feels...gooood”.

His thumbs came up to run over the turgid velvety tip, circling and massaging them while he continued to cup her. She watched his hands as they stroked and caressed her, increasing the potent effect as arrows of pleasure streaked down to her loins.

Cordelia lifted her head and her hands came up to cover his, stroking his fingers as they moved over her flesh. Her heated gaze wandered over his handsome face, down his straight nose to his full, sensually curved lips. They beckoned to her and helpless to resist her own urge to just grab him and kiss him, she closed the small distance and slanted her greedy lips over his. Catching him in a stormy kiss.

Even as she got lost in the kiss she drowned in his eyes. The dark pools of a fallen Angel with eyes like windows to his unique and ancient soul. Love me, the words tripped to the edge of her tongue. Only at the last minute did she pull them back. To distract herself and numb the tiny dart of pain she deepened the kiss.

One of his hands left to cup the back of her neck under the weight of her hair. She felt the flex and bunch of muscle behind her back and then nothing but the kiss as he took over. Angel languidly invaded her mouth with a firm mastery that stole the breath from her body. His tongue sliding into her like thick honey, plumbing her depths and effortlessly swallowing her whimpers and moans of pleasure.

The whole time he was drugging her mind with kisses, his free hand kneaded and moulded her breasts. The sensitive fingers plucking and stroking her nipples, making them harder as blood rushed giddily toward them. Caught by her own passion, Cordelia moaned and writhed on the smooth floor of the bath as she willingly tumbled deeper into desire.

He fisted his hand in her hair and gently tipped her back to latch onto one of those blood red nipples, with the breast firmly grasped by one large hand. Suckling it deep into his mouth he swirled his tongue around the puckered tip. Then lathing and nipping with a reckless abandon he deliberately drove her wild with carnal need. Her hands let go of their frantic grip of the baths edge to mangle into his hair, thrusting through the thick strands to roughly caress his scalp.

Hardly aware of it, Cordelia slid further down the bath, an invitation Angel speedily accepted. His hand travelled back down to her belly, stopping to massage her there before dipping under the water and finding her silky smooth centre.

Cordelia gasped and squirmed heatedly under his hand, causing waves of water to rise up to lap against them both, while her hands clenched tighter in his hair. His fingers slid between her soft folds to explore the length, smoothly rubbing the delicate skin, skimming the edges and then circling the slick entrance of her sex.

Angel dipped his finger gently inside her tight entrance, making her buck hard and close her thighs around his wrist as a new piercing sensation shot from her loins. Gasping and eyes wide with tension she found him watching her with an intensity that made her tremble. Still holding her gaze he slid back up and found the tiny bud of nerves he’d caressed so briefly before.

He circled her clitoris with tender care, playing her body like a master musician and raising her passion degree by torturous degree. Soon her thighs dropped open and hips undulated against his hand, seeking more as pleasure swept her up.

Cordelia shivered as her body heated in contrast to the cooling water. Angel felt it and reluctantly lifted his dark head from her succulent breasts. His hand gently caressed her labia, rasping between the fold for one last time before he withdrew his hand and rested it back on her belly, rubbing soothing circles on the skin as he waited for her to come back from the edge.

“It’s time to move on, baby”. She barely heard him, too caught up in the storm of arousal he’d evoked. Angel smiled a strained smile and ignoring his own raging need, lifted her out of the water onto her feet. Holding her hips tight as she swayed from the effects of the passionate haze.

Still unsteady, Cordelia whimpered at the loss of those tormenting touches, then gave a startled gasp when she felt the smooth intrusion between her legs. Needing something to grab onto she latched back onto his hair as he kneeled beside the bath. He didn’t even notice, too busy watching intently as the soap furrowed between the damp dripping curls to coat her sex with more of those white bubbles.

“Open your legs”. He demanded hoarsely and mindlessly she did and whimpered as the cool soap slid along her cleft to nudge the tight entrance of her bottom. She whimpered again and opened her mouth to speak- to demand he stop, but they got lost in a wail of pleasure as his finger speared experimentally into her virginal channel.

Angel had already dropped the soap but was intent on new torment. Water, cupped in his large hands washed away all of the suds, before smoothing round the cheeks of her bottom, exploring the luscious curves and dipping inside the cleft to pull them slightly apart while his fingers delved deeper in her wet heat.

“No” she managed to gasp out, then her knees almost buckled at the sensation of one finger piercing her from behind, pushing her hips forward to his waiting mouth. “Yes” he argued in deep growl and then set his mouth to her. His tongue darted out to lathe her clitoris with the flat of his tongue, while his finger carried on thrusting shallowly in and out of her slick, drenched core.

"Put a knee on the bath edge" Angel demanded, grasping one and pulling it up- opening her wider for that intimate intrusion.

Undone by the sheer eroticism of it, Cordelia’s head tipped back while tight little moans of pleasure fell from her parted lips. “I can’t stand it” she gasped and held onto him tighter as her legs trembled under the lash of sparking currents of pleasure. Her skin felt like it was on fire. She felt as if she were on fire.

“Oh god, oh god, help me” pleas mingled with the whimpers when another finger joined the first, kneading the virgin territory and drawing out the seeping juice of her helpless arousal. Then as if he was trying to overload her with sensation, she felt a tiny sting of pain as a finger pushed inside her other entrance, only a little, but enough to make her feel as if she’d totally invaded- cored from every angle. Fiery licks of dark edged pleasure threatened to shatter her apart and her cries became incoherent as the tension reached its peak and started to unravel inside her.

Angel felt the quivering in her passage as the delicate inner walls started to clamp down with increasing, clutching power on his invading fingers while her liquid arousal drenched his fingers, seeping out to slick his hand and her inner thighs. Knowing she was close, his tongue whipped along the tight bundle of nerves that was flushed bright red as the blood pumped in ecstasy, going faster and faster as her hips writhed and undulated in a frenzied rhythm within the tight bands of his arms.

Her hands clutched at him with desperate strength and if he hadn’t holding her so tightly she would have collapsed as the orgasm flooded her body, ripping away every sense of self except for those spiralling contractions. She screamed and finally her knees buckled as a myriad of coloured lights exploded behind her tightly closed eyelids.

She felt a falling sensation then the movement of air as she was lifted up and out of the bath. Instinct alone had her wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips, clinging dazedly, still struggling to overcome the aftermath of an orgasm like none she’d ever given herself.

Angel dropped her on the bed, immediately following her down to kiss her senseless all over again. His mouth was devouring this time, as if now she’d come, a switch inside him had been flicked. Gentleness was gone, replaced with a barely restrained ferocity that she could sense, like some could tell when a storm is coming, Cordelia could feel the vibrant hunger humming in the powerful body braced over her naked one.

She ran her hands over his wide shoulders and down the steely muscles of his biceps, trying to sooth him by touch, not knowing she was out of time. Within seconds he was gone and hard hands gripped her hips to drag her down the bed until her legs dangled completely over the side. Before Cordelia could guess what he planned, her knees where spread wide and she felt Angel’s voracious mouth on her still swollen centre; nipping dangerously at the soft flesh and making her gasp in mingled arousal and swift alarm.

Dimly she heard the sound of a zipper; then forgot everything but the devouring lips and darting tongue at her centre. Free of his clothes Angel fisted his sex, holding the aching shaft in a hard clasp he squeezed, trying to subdue the savage need tearing at his guts and feeding the hell-beast that rode him hard now.

Outside: Darla watched from the shadows, her beautiful face pinched and waxy in the moonlight. She saw her childe carry the human bitch, attached to him like a limpet to the bed; dropping them both on it to crawl over her like she was a feast and he starving.

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