just fic

Title: Possession is Nine Tenths
Author: Helen
Posted: 05-09-2004
Email: helen_taft@msn.com
Rating: NC17
Content: C/A
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Notes: Another old one. This is in response to Cali’s S2 challenge and is AU – I wanted to add a little change too in the fact that Angel goes back as Boss!! Recap of the details:
Set S2 after Epiphany [AU- no pylea!]
Don't want the clothes bribe working. There is major subtext and sexual tension through most of it, where Angel is slowly starting to question his reactions to anything to do with Cordy and how he becomes more aware of her as time goes by.
Cordy is still angry and wary of him. Angel alternates between trying to appease her and getting pissed off with her.
Gradually the possessiveness/jealousy cant be ignored when she starts dating a guy on a regular basis, and he finds himself stalking them on her dates- relieved to find out it hasnt gone beyond kissing.Though that pisses him off too! Cordy is also questioning her response to Angel. She too finds herself covering hot responses with anger. Tension spirals.
Feedback: Yeah feed me!

Part 4


She had seriously considered ignoring the 'instruction' to take a day off and the only thing that stopped her from going in was that it only would rile him up more if she did. Well that and the fact that – "Well duh! Day off' and under orders too. Not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth, she relaxed and reviewed strategies.

After some careful thought and several changes of mind; she'd decided to forgo the 'impeccably tailored and yet hot' look she normally went into work with; in favour of casual form fitting pants, matching vest top and training shoes. She left her hair loose and artlessly, but only slightly, dishevelled and her carefully applied make-up was natural and understated. Overall she was pleased with her appearance, not too intimidating or obvious – especially to the male of the species, dead or alive, who had no idea about these things except how they reacted to it.

Thinking about that she experienced a weird little jiggle of excitement in her belly and pressed a hand to the offending area. "Hey stop that - Geeze get a grip. It's not like he's going to be … ya know 'handling' or anything". Her belly jumped again and she slammed her apartment door shut and practically ran down the hall, before she changed her mind and called in sick.

She walked breezily in through the glass doors and down the steps into the lobby of the hotel. Startling poor Wesley who was used to the clickety clack of her high-heeled shoes to announce her arrival. So when she just appeared at the counter opposite him; he jumped a mile and nearly knocked the book he was reading onto the tiled floor.

Cordelia caught the book and smiled at him, "Jumpy much, Wes"? She asked him with an arched brow, before walking around and behind the counter to drop her oversized and overfilled bag underneath the desk.

Wesley glared at her and snapped the precious book shut, "Well I wouldn't be if you hadn't snuck in like that". He pursed his lips and looked her over carefully. "Mind you, at least you're dressed for a workout today and not a hot date".

Cordelia ignored the reference to her clothes and busied herself tidying the already neat as a pin desk. "So Angel told you about that did he"? She looked at him measuringly. "Did he happen to mention why it came up"?

"No and I didn't ask" replied Wesley, rummaging around under the counter for god knows what. After a few moments, he found it and came back up with a satisfied smile on his face. Holding the thermometer up in a victory salute he smiled benignly at her. "All I know is that I'm supposed to be training you in self-defence".

She gaped at him, her mouth dropping open in shock at that matter-of-fact statement. "You are"? Her voice was raised and she was helpless to hide her disappointment at the news.

"Yes, Cordelia – me, is that a problem"? He stood with his arms crossed over his shirt and tie, looking at her with piercing blue eyes in a face carefully devoid of expression.

I t took her a moment to reply. "No, no problem". She hadn't missed the flash of angry hurt that crossed his face before he wiped it clear. She turned on the laptop with a stiff finger and stared blankly at the screen, her mind buzzing with anger and disappointment. Luckily for her Wesley, satisfied with her reply had gone back to whatever he'd wanted the thermometer for. Missing the myriad expressions that crossed her face.

"So brood-guy is in avoid mode is he? HAH - If he thinks he can just ignore me..."

Angrily she tapped in her password, getting it wrong twice before she could log in. "Well boy is he in for a shock if he thinks Cordelia Chase gives up so easily. He's gonna be begging for my attention by the time I'm done"

She'd decided they were going patch things up and so patch things up they would – even if she had to hit him over the head with a baseball bat to get through that thick head of his. She briefly thought about asking Wesley to refuse to do it. But Cordelia balked at having to explain herself, and also knowing Wesley as she did - he would demand to know what had happened.

No she would manage Angel all on her lonesome like always.


Angel was asleep and as usual, disturbing dreams flitted through his vulnerable and open mind, the control he exerted over his waking hours gone. Past friends, enemies and victims chased one another through his sleep-clouded subconscious, bringing with them the usual painful pleasure and ever present guilt.

Sometimes certain memories would get stuck and loop round and it would be as if he was reliving it. He hated those the most because they were always the ones that stayed with him for days. Today was one of those days.

He dreamt of Darla and how he'd pushed her through the glass doors into his bedroom. Then after picking her up off the glass strewn floor; forced his kisses on her before dropping them both to the bed. In his dream he leant up to look down at her and then froze. Without him realising it the dream had taken on a will of it's own, warping the memory to suit its needs. The face that stared back at him was not that of the beautiful blonde vampire.

Darla was gone, replaced by Cordelia. Her normally radiant face was filled with fear and hazel eyes wide with panic. He wanted to stop, tried to move off and free her. But something wouldn't let him. The cold angry despair of that night had changed to a flash-fire heat and driven by a nameless need; he pulled off her clothes instead and not even knowing or caring if she was willing, drove himself into her soft female warmth.

The heat inside him intensified and almost frenziedly his hips plunged and retreated, slamming and recoiling in a rhythm that was both fast and hard, trying to get as deep as possible. He buried his face in the fragrant curve of her neck and jaw, kissing and sucking her skin with a hungry, open mouth. All too soon the hot wet clasp of her around him and the soft, writhing curves of her body under his nearly overwhelmed his senses, and helplessly his back arched and bracing arms trembled with the force of an approaching orgasm.

Angel awoke and bolted upright. Horror and something else had him twisting from side to side and using both hands to frantically check the bed. Realising he really was alone, and trembling with relief and reaction; he almost fell off the bed in his haste to stand, unsteadily, beside it. He was breathing heavily for no other reason than to feel the movement of air and help convince himself that this was real - this empty room and empty bed was real, and not the dream.

Normally Angel didn't even notice or care about his own nakedness, but today he couldn't bear it and so swiping up a pair of sweats, he hurriedly tugged them over his hips. Covered now; he stumbled over to the bathroom, desperately ignoring his aching erection.

Unknowingly mimicking Cordelia from the night before last, Angel stood with his dark head pressed to the plain white tiles as the water poured over his still shaking body. Afterwards he stood naked and dripping on the hard floor as puddles formed around his feet, staring unseeingly at the bathroom cabinet.

"I nearly kill a guy for trying to force himself on her; then I have a dream of raping her and get aroused". He muttered hoarsely to the empty mirror; something he usually managed to successfully ignore. Hating himself for being a sick bastard; he punched it clear of the wall and then not bothering to clear up the wreckage, roughly dried himself and got dressed.

"I can't go down there - can't risk seeing her", he had a sudden horrible image of Cordelia seeing right through him and running away, disgusted and hating him. He couldn't bear that ever happening. So he would do whatever he had to do to make sure he got control of himself and these new feelings that until recently, he would have labelled as

ludicrous.He stood at the end of the corridor leading to the stairs down to the lobby. Just out of the sight of the three people milling about, working and playing around, ignorant of the black clothed figure watching them with brooding dark eyes. There was only one way he could leave the hotel in daylight and that was through the sewers. To get to them, he would have to go down the stairs and cross a portion of the lobby to the basement door. He gathered himself and then ran.

Gunn had been standing with his back to the lobby leaning against the counter and laughing at Wesley and Cordelia arguing over the computer. Wesley was trying to get access to it for some research he wanted to do himself and the brunette bombshell was having none of it. Then feeling a weird movement of air like a breeze - only not. He whirled round; his street honed instincts on full alert. It only took seconds for him to check out the doors and the stairs and seeing nothing mentally shrug and switch his attention back to the entertainment.


Cordelia stood opposite Wesley, arms akimbo and trying to relax. This was their second 'session' and after yesterday she was wearing a looser, thicker T-shirt and a sturdy sports bra. Less jiggle, and less red cheeks for the both of them.

"Cordelia, please will you concentrate", pleaded Wesley for about the fourth time in as many minutes. She nodded her head and gave him an apologetic smile, even she couldn't deny her distraction.

So far her plan was going to hell and all because of a stubborn vampire who didn't even have the frickin' courtesy to be around for the plan to work. So much for gently and slowly getting back to the way things used to be with no more bitching and sniping at him – unless she had a good reason of course, then she reserved the right to bitch like

hell.Well right then, she felt she had plenty of reason, "Asshole", she muttered under her breath her full lips pouting. So distracted that she missed Wesley almost falling on his ass, trying not to connect with a blow she should have easily avoided, if she'd been paying attention.

"Cordelia", Wesley was shouting now – that got her attention.

"What? Dammit, Wesley there's no need to shout, I'm not deaf OK" frustration vibrated through both of their voices, although for totally different reasons.

"This is absolutely hopeless" whined, Wesley, throwing his hands in the air and whirling around to pace away and then back again, to face her narrow eyed stare with one of his own. Neither of them where aware of the large shadow at the top of the stairs, watching them.

"Well ya know, it's not exactly on my job description this Wes, so don't blame me if I'm not exactly great at it"

"You could be if you tried, you just need to apply yourself". Wesley told her, all male superiority with a trace of teacher induced smugness.

"You apply yourself – me I'm going back upstairs and forgetting this whole stupid idea" If there was one thing she hated it was being condescended too. She was leaving before she lopped his head off with Angel's throwing axe or something – by accident of course.

She had barely set foot on the first step when she caught sight of the figure lounging against the railing at the top and blocking her dignified and thoroughly justified exit. Hot, caustic words flew into her mouth, but she bit them back.

"Hi", she said simply and left it at that. He didn't reply at first but just walked down the stairs until both she and Wesley could see him. "Hi" he said back to her and she relaxed, his tone sounded utterly normal to her 'vamp moodometer' ears.

"Problem"? Angel asked Wesley, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning a hip on the rail of the last step.

"Cordelia doesn't really want to …" began Wesley only to be interrupted by Cordelia – "Yes I do, it's just …".

"Hey, one at a time" Angel held up a hand and then looked pointedly at Cordelia, as did Wesley. With the both of them making her feel like she was under a microscope or something, she started to bristle with annoyance.

How do I get myself in these situations "It's NOT that I don't want to be able to defend myself – I'm not stupid", she glared at Wesley when she said the last bit, "It's just …", she faltered again. Dammit how do I say I want you to do it. She was still trying to figure out WHY it had to be Angel – she just knew it did. But she just couldn't say it.

Both of them were looking at her, bemused and waiting for her to finish what she'd been about to say, "This is such CRAP!" she thought angrily to herself. "Look, let's just forget it OK. I'll go and find out about some classes or something". Her face was flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and anger with the both of them.

She started to walk up the stairs but got no more than a foot before having to stop as Angel hadn't budged an inch. She looked up to find him looking at her with weird expression on his handsome face – hard and piercing and his dark eyes glittered with some emotion she couldn't remember having seen in them before.

Angel felt weird, in fact he couldn't remember ever feeling as wound up as he was now, well OK – big exaggeration, but dammit this was all about Cordelia and he was still struggling to come to terms with that little gem.

He'd done nothing but brood over and avoid her for the last few days and nights, weeks if he was honest. She was his friend of that there was no doubt – he loved her true and she still drove him crazy with her chatter at times, but since he'd only been on the receiving end of the meaner side of her tongue recently, he'd even own up to missing the chatter.

That wasn't the problem. The problem was he'd been standing watching them for the last twenty minutes and apart from marvelling at the total lack of progress – had hated every minute of seeing Wesley touch her skin, hair, clothes or any part of her person for that matter.

This possessiveness of his was getting out of hand and while one part of his brain accepted that; the other didn't give a shit - and that part was winning hands down. But he'd been willing to give it a chance, with Wesley who he trusted to look after her and not get ideas. But a stranger and so someone out of his control – no way and over his dead body, literally.

"You're not having some stranger teach you how to fight, and anyway – all they know about is muggers and rapists, whose gonna teach you to fight the monsters?" He raised a brow to emphasise his point and then backed it up with a thumb pointed at his own muscular chest. "I'll teach you".

"I agree" chimed in Wesley and got ignored by both Angel and Cordelia – who seemed to be locked in some kind of mental communication, or maybe simply a battle of wills.

It was what she wanted but that funny tingling feeling was back in her belly and it was making her feel like she wanted to argue with him some more – whoa, apply mental brakes – reverse and REPEAT that she told her mental self. Since when did arguing with Angel rank No 1 in the Cordy 'fun things to do list'.

"I'll teach you" Angel repeated, his voice was quiet and it felt like there was only the two of them in the basement.

As if from a distance she heard herself agree, "OK", she dropped her eyes and moved back into the room, crossing her arms over her breasts because they suddenly felt full and tingly. She hoped to God the nipples weren't tight – how humiliating.

She heard Wesley tell Angel good luck in a humorous and resigned voice and then 'quit the field' by climbing the stairs. Back to his beloved books no doubt, she thought sourly. She turned to face him, having felt his approach and knew when he was close.

She felt so awkward standing in front of him, dressed as she was – which was more than the day before, so she burst out "Are we over that whole thing from the other night?" He just stared down into her face so she babbled some more.

"Ya know, the …"

"I know what you mean, Cordelia". He interrupted her this time, not wanting her to repeat it, especially now they were here, right where he'd been trying to avoid ever since. Not to mention the whole dream Don't go there, he ordered himself and winced.

"Look, lets just forget about that and concentrate on the here and now OK".

Cordelia nodded, more than happy to go along with him on that particular subject. "So, how do you want to do this"?

Good question Cor, how about we start with how to protect yourself from demons and then move onto - how do you protect yourself from me, "Lets just start from the beginning; getting and keeping your balance during a fight".

"Wesley and I covered that bit" she complained, pouting a little and frowning at him.

"So show me" Angel replied and snapping out an arm, pushed her shoulder and then caught her so that she ended up with only his hands on her shoulders and one knee underneath her ass, holding her off the floor – totally helpless. Oh yeah, this is going to be great fun, she thought sarcastically.

"It's a good thing you move fast buster – or I'd have some serious bruises on my ass". She was still almost vertical and had to look up into his face, which was over hers.

"Don't worry about bruises, you're gonna get loads of em. It's natural during training". Let her up, asshole, he told himself and reluctantly pulled them both upright again.

"That's easy for you to say, super healing vamp – me I'm a mere mortal remember". This time it was her turn to point at her chest.

Angel struggled not to follow that slender finger with his eyes, he hadn't failed to notice the tightness of her nipples earlier, which was why he hadn't been able to speak for a few moments while he got over that little image and his bodies reaction to it. Thankfully her babbling had helped.

"That's precisely why you have to train harder than anyone – you're the weakest and need to be able to fight those that are stronger than you".

She gaped at him, "You're kidding right, how long's that going to take – try forever". A thought occurred to her and her eyes narrowed into dangerous angry slits, "I'm not the slayer and don't want to be", she told him anger making the tone harsh.

He didn't take the bait, "I know you're not, Cordelia, if you were we wouldn't be here right now". He moved closer, crowding her, wanting the conversation ended. "Now stop stalling and get ready".

Cordelia really, really didn't trust that smile and did her best to ignore the things it did to her insides.

A few hours later, exhausted and yes, a little stiff and sore; Cordelia lay in the lobby, draped over the couch with her legs up trying to relax with her head leaning against the armrest. She heard feet approaching and cracked open an eye.

"So, how did the first training session go"? It was Gunn and he looked genuinely amused but sympathetic too, so she let him get away with the amusement.

"Don't ask – ever". She throbbed all over, she ached in muscles she hadn't even known existed and worse than all of that; she was jumpy and jittery and …. Oh my God, aroused? Horrified she sat up and looked frantically around, startling Gunn who reached out a hand to steady her.

"What's up, what's the matter Cor, c'mon you're scaring me here"? Gunn was passed being amused, she looked really scared. What the hell had happened was it Angel – had he done something to her?

Cordy looked at him blankly and then shocked the living hell out of him with her next statement. "I need to get laid – fast".

Part 5

"Look, Angel I got it OK". She gripped the sword in her hand tighter. They'd been going at it for over an hour now and she was tired, aching and- bored.

Circling, swinging, cutting and then twisting to block but nothing else, zilch, zip. "You're not ready, Cordelia – and I'm so much stronger and you're just a girly girl. argghhh, she mimicked him savagely in her head, OK maybe not the girly girl bit but she just knew that's what he was thinking.

"Chauvinist pig" she muttered angrily under her breath and pivoted again to block his next swing.

"What"? Angel asked her, standing back and lowering the sword.

Damn, he'd heard her, "Nothing, not a thing, no words passed my oh-so concentrating lips". She smiled sweetly at him, defying him to contradict her.

She lifted the sword in a mock salute and frowning he did the same. They carried on with him barking out instructions and Cordelia following them with a single minded determination that today she was going to get her own way.

"Can we move on? I want to attack this time". She hated to wheedle but after a week of spectacular 'lack of' success with hints, nudges and then outright demands, she needed a change of tactic. He might be stubborn but then so was

she.They'd paused for her to take a drink and get her breath back, so she took the opportunity to broach the 'hated' topic again. Angel was running a towel over his damp brow, an action that never failed to give her a spurt of satisfaction. At least she'd managed to make him sweat!

"No you're still not ready, Cordelia, you need to concentrate on defence and then maybe". NOT, like hell was he teaching her to attack. The minute she thought she could take someone on there'd be no stopping her. She'd get herself hurt in no time, hurtling into one dangerous situation after the next and then he'd have to wring her neck for driving him crazy with worry.

"Oh C'mon Angel, This isn't so different from cheerleading you know". Not that she expected him to get it, social retard that he was. "Only with a lot less applause" she finished with a pointed glare.

"Positive feedback on progress would be nice sometime" she told him sardonically and opening her eyes wide and shrugged as if to say– 'just a thought'.

"I will when you deserve it" he told her flatly, refusing to give into the urge to pamper her; no matter how many times she batted her eyelashes and when that didn't work, stomped off and ignored him for the rest of the

day.Could.he.get.any.more.arrogant, Hazel eyes spat fire at him. "I've got defence down pat, and you know it - so stop being an Asshole" she demanded with her hands on her short-clad hips and glaring at him.

Forget 'talking' him round. She knew him; he wasn't going to teach her what she wanted to know unless she gave him no other choice.

"No- and you haven't even got close to 'pat' on defence". He snapped back and shot her a filthy look for the 'asshole' part. Then sighed in frustration and turned away from her. He stalked stiffly back to the weapons rack and slammed the blade home. "That's enough for today, Cordelia".

She watched in disbelief when he just walked away, refusing to even discuss it. Her breath strangled in her throat. Right that was IT. I have had enough of this Crap, she was going to show him that she was damn well ready to get to the good stuff.

He'd walked away from her without a backward glance. So obviously unconcerned about how she would react to his point blank refusal. Just for that he was going pay – big time. A red mist of rage formed behind her eyes and sanity fled from the heat of her anger. She took a deep breath and gathered herself.

Angel had only taken two steps towards the wooden staircase when he heard the whooshing sound of air being displaced and looked up to find Cordelia flipping towards him. Literally flipping the whole distance with the sword clasped firmly in two hands.

He thought she was going to stop any moment, but she didn't – just carried on coming and he was so distracted by the flashes of warm creamy skin not normally seen, even with the shorts, that he failed to notice until almost too late that she was practically on top of him.

The next second he was pinned to the wall with a sword at his throat, "Go team" he acknowledged and then smiling into her triumphantly smug face. "But you really need to master the basics first, Sweetheart".

He grabbed the hand holding the sword and pulled her forward a little before pushing back – hard. Cordelia could feel herself start to fall back and tried to regain her balance with frantically cart-wheeling hands, but it was too late.

With eyes wide she waited for him to catch her and when he didn't- landed on her ass. Angel had swiped the sword from her hand in midair and then watched her land with a yelp on the hard cement floor, More bruises on her ass for her to complain about.

He stepped over to look down and raising a mocking brow, with pursed lips he framed his next words carefully. "Back to balance, then defence and then maybe in a few years- attack". He smirked at her outraged expression. That had hit a nerve.

Think of light years beyond infuriated and add a good dose of humiliation and you were just touching the emotions bubbling away within the brunette. Cordelia furiously blew thick strands of glossy dark hair out of her face and asked in a silky smooth voice, "You think that's funny"?

Angel recognised the signs heralding the coming storm but, after endless days of being tortured by her nearness and handling it well enough, he thought. She turned up in 'those' shorts. She was trying to kill him was all he could think- when he could think at all. So yeah, now he was getting a kick out of her embarrassment.

"Pretty funny, yeah", his grin got wider when her eyes narrowed into manic slits, all she need was steam coming out of her ears and he'd be in stitches.

She waited, still on the floor and watching every move he made. When he started to lean down to help her up. She thrust out a foot, hooked it behind his knee and pulled– HARD. He was bent too far over to stop himself and went sprawling face down next to her.

Before he could do more than turn on his back she dived on him, hands outstretched for the sword which had clattered to the floor on his other side.

"Oooff", she deliberately dug into his abdomen with her elbows and wriggled over him a bit more when her outstretched hand only just nudged the sword hilt.

"What are you doing"? Came Angel's confused and panicked voice from somewhere over her right shoulder.

"Getting the damn sword" she puffed out straining to reach it still.

Angel didn't move, couldn't actually. He lay frozen while she wriggled her way over him in her 'quest'. He flinched when her knee got too close to a part of him that was suddenly taking more interest in the proceedings than he wanted her to notice.

"Erm, Cordy why don't you just go around me"? He hissed an unwilling breath between his teeth when she jerked back, grasping the sword and knocked against there with her elbow.

Flushed with success she grinned down into his face and then pursed her own lips every bit as mockingly as he had, "You know, you're not getting up until I get what I want, Angel".

He raised both brows and tilted his head to get a better view of her face, "Gimme that thing"? He nodded to the sword, and when she shook her head, set his face into a scowl and reached up to take it.

She slapped his hand away and sat up, resting it along her crossed knees. "Oh no you don't, Angel". She placed a hand on the blade to prevent him from taking it. For about a second he entertained the notion of wrestling with her for it. Not a good idea, hmm hot fantasy though. He jerked his mind away from that thought before it got him into trouble.

He sighed heavily and sat up, folding his legs to face her in an identical pose, "All right, Cordy have you're say". Like he could stop her for longer than it took for her to drive him round the bend with her persistence, making it about five minutes- tops.

"Gee, thanks" she replied snappily and gave him a dark look out of sharp hazel eyes for suggesting she wouldn't have gone right ahead and done so anyway.

"Be honest, did you ever intend to train me to fight properly"? She saw his tiny give-away flinch and was flooded with disappointment, followed by annoyance.

"Then why bother, this is a total waste of time". Her voice rose with frustration and she threw her hands up in disbelief.

He didn't bother trying to protest that she'd read him wrong but just ducked his head so that he could no longer see the hurt and obvious disappointment on her face.

"Being able to defend yourself is never a waste of time" Angel replied and forced himself to look back at her. He knew what was coming next and hadn't the slightest clue how to avoid it.

"I want more than that" she said with absolute conviction ringing clear as a bell.

"I know and that's what scares me" He said quietly and plucking the sword off her lap, he twisted it in his hand and then handed it back. He eyed her with a stern expression and was met with her mulish one. They silently stared at one another in silent battle of wills.

"If you promise me not to go racing off into danger, then we can start with some hand to hand stuff and forget about weapons for now, deal"? It was a concession he hadn't wanted to make but there were times, like now, when saying no became impossible.

It was take it or leave it time, she didn't care as a huge smile broke over her face. "Deal" and held her hand out to him. He eyed it for a moment and then shook it, his palm tingling at the touch of her softer small one.

"Why not carry on with both"? Cordelia asked, leaning back on her hands and tossing him a grin, flicked back her hair and waited for his inevitable refusal.

"Don't push your luck". He warned sternly and then smirked at her. "And I like my hair on my head". He pulled her up with him and saw to the second when the penny dropped.

Cordelia took a moment to figure out what he was implying, "Hey, I can too…, that's so unfair I could have cut your head off- if I'd wanted". Flabbergasted she placed both hands on hips and squared off with him again.

"Yeah, yeah", the smirk got bigger, "Let's keep our feet on the ground this time- shall we"?


"It's Friday night" Said Cordy, not looking round. Absorbed in watching the swinging bag she was supposed to be beating the crap out of.

Punch, punch, swing punch. Sweat was pouring off her and she grimaced when her hair band slipped down over her eyes. Stepping back she tossed a look at the vampire sitting back on a chair, leg up on one knee, reading the paper like it was the holy grail or something.

"The Holy Grail is a cup or chalice" Angel told her without looking up.

"I didn't say anything"

"Yes you did"

"Oh", well either that or he'd added mind-reading to his list of supernatural accomplishments. Okay, so she'd forgotten to disengage her mouth from her though processes again.

She stood back up to the bag and went back to the jabbing punches she was supposed to be perfecting. This is sooo boring- how can guys do this for hours.

" What's it being Friday got to do with working tonight"? He asked her and did look up this time.

It was a struggle but he managed not to drop his eyes to the view offered and even highlighted by her soaked T-shirt, despite the almost irresistible tug of his libido to look his fill. The paper was a defence against gawking, not that he'd ever tell her that.

"I'm busy tonight with pesky human stuff, such as having fun and socialising" the sarcasm was mild for Cordelia, but then she was tired so he didn't let it worry him.

He looked back at his paper and then as if hit by lightening, bolted upright in the chair, "Socialising"?

She rolled her eyes at him, "Did that only just sink in – yes, socialising".

"What kind of socialising"? She looked at him in surprise when she heard the growled question. What's his

problem?Cordelia decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and said with a huge anticipatory smile, "I have a date tonight".

"Who with"? – No question this time, that was a very definite growl.


Cordelia answered the door to her apartment and smiled at her date. "Hi, you're right on time".

"Do I get points for that" answered the smartly dressed, handsome yet wholesome in a 'beer and commercials' way – man. A human man, you're normal, average everyday Joe. Who also happened to have a sweet smile and deep brown eyes.

"Sure do" She replied cheerfully and opened the door wide in a silent invitation. No having to say 'I invite you' here – well and good.

"In that case I'll always hang around for half an hour every time to make sure that I'm never late". Hmmm, that was either very sweet or just plain dumb, she'd decide later.

She collected her bag and switched off the lights, leaving just a single lamp lit, "Back later" she called out and earned herself a quizzical look from her date. "I thought you said you live alone".

"Oh, Erm- well yeah, but I have plants, so … I erm .. I talk to them", she cringed, why did she always do that?


" Thanks Dan, I had a really good time tonight" And she had, she thought dizzily. He was as fun and sweet as he'd seemed when she agreed to go out with him. Not bad for a pickup in a bar.

Dan wrapped his fingers around her elbows, lightly and smiled into her face, her eyes widened when she realised he was going to kiss her. "I'm really glad because I'd be devastated if you didn't agree to see me again soon".

"Oh there's no danger of that not happening" she told him warmly and breathlessly anticipated the kiss. When it happened she waited for a hum or something, anything to make it feel special.

It was sweet and soft and really quite nice, but no sparks yet dammit, and he was a good kisser too. They broke apart and she took out her key, which he promptly took off her to open the door for her like a gentleman.

She turned inside the doorway and feeling a little awkward said, "Call me"?

Dan nodded and with a shy smile, turned away and headed back down the hallway. Passing the alcove where for some reason, the light bulb had been broken. Not noticing the dark shape standing still, silent and glaring right at him with eyes like chips of obsidian, narrowed into slits.

Angel slipped out from the niche and followed behind the man dating Cordelia. He exited the building in time to see the car the guy was driving and memorise the license plate. Then vaulting into the Plymouth he started the engine with a dull roar and tailed him.

He followed him home, got the address and then went Caritas. It was business as usual and as per usual all the demons in the place gave him a look, went quiet then carried on with their conversations as if they hadn't noticed him arrive. He ignored them back.

Leaning on the bar he signalled to the barman, busy polishing glasses like they were crystal, "Where's Merle, is he in here tonight"?

"Yeah, he went to take a piss I think".

Angel gave him a pained, 'too much information' look but thanked him anyway, and went to wait by the door of the john. Merle came out from men's restroom and jerked when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. With his heart in his throat he looked up into the familiar hard face of the vampire, Angel.

"Got a minute, Merle"? The vamp was looming over him and despite the 'friendly' tone and smile, he shivered. There was something goin' on in that psycho head of his and Merle didn't want anything to do with it.

"Do I have a choice"? He asked resigned and tried to shrug that hand of his shoulder. It gripped hard and twisted, turning and then carting him to the bar. "No" was the implacable response.

"Figures", if they'd been headed anywhere but the bar he might have put up more of a fight – or maybe not.

A little later on. "So let me get this straight. You want me to check out this chick's new boyfriend". He wriggled his bony ass on the hard seat of his chair and took a sip of the drink Angel had brought him. "The same chick you couldn't even be bothered to go see not so long ago"?

"Go figure. I'm paying this time". They where sitting at a table ringed by others and conversation and music soared and dipped around them, interspersed with bursts of laughter and clapping.

"You said that last time" said Merle with a sorrowful shake of his head, and then watching the vamp careful like – took another swallow before he got fed the drink glass and all.

"Upfront, but I want it snappy" Angel needed co-operation and was keeping back coercion as a last ditch option. Knowing Merle seeing some greenbacks should ease the pain. He dropped a wad-full on the table between them.

"That'll do nicely" said Merle and the cash disappeared into his inside jacket pocket as he darted his red eyes nervously around to check if anyone had seen the transaction.

"Snappy, Merle". There was a definite threat in that smooth dark tone now the little demon had taken the money.

"I got it". Merle said in an exasperated voice, and got out while the going was good.


It was getting on for lunch-time and Cordy's stomach was starting to feel like her throat had been cut. So, stretching she ended her session and put the laptop on standby, just in case Wes wanted to use it.

"I'm going out" She called in the direction of the office, behind which Wesley was busy beavering away making notes on the latest demon related incident in the papers. Business was slow so they we're having to do the supernatural equivalent of ambulance chasing. Not exactly classy she thought, but necessary to keep the cash flow from drying up completely.

"How was your hot date"? Angel asked from the bottom step directly behind her. She yelped and spun around with a hand to her chest.

"Will you stop doing that" She yelped and tried to slow her racing heart. Then she shrugged and gave him a tentative and sweet smile, "Hot – or maybe warm would be a better description – but with potential".

Angel just jerked his head in acknowledgement and forced a smile to cross his tight face. "That's nice, I'm glad- so when are you seeing him again" The smile wobbled but stayed in place when she told him tomorrow. That soon - this was getting serious: two dates in three days.

"You can't" he blurted out and crossed his arms over his chest when she looked at him with a blank expression and said "Come again" in that, just building to an explosion tone she used when she was getting ready to be seriously pissed.

"You can't, we need a woman to act as decoy for the Simmersons case and that's tomorrow night" he was relieved to realise that he was actually making sense. Wesley would back him up; he'd make sure of it. "Wes" he shouted through the office door to get the ex-watchers attention. "Ask Wes" he said with an innocent look and shrugged heavy shoulders when she gasped fuming.

She followed, stalking him back round the counter, rigid with indignation. "And you came up with this plan when"? She demanded. Wesley winced when he caught the sharp, angry question just as he was coming through the sliding door.

Not again, he thought with a silent groan, they'd been getting on so much better recently, why the change? Wanting an answer to that question he looked at Angel and raised a questioning brow.

"Cordy here thinks her love-life is more important than solving the case" Angel informed him and ignoring her outraged hiss to continue. "I told her we need a female decoy for tomorrow and that's that". Trying to be casual, he walked to the refrigerator and pulled it open to pour himself breakfast.

Not even tasting the cold sticky fluid he took a deep draught and listened to Wesley's carefully phrased response. "He's right, Cordelia. It is necessary is there any way you can re-arrange"?

Cordelia threw Angel an angry glance, then looking back at Wesley she pouted and rolled her eyes, only slightly appeased by the delicate request, unlike his – God he can be such a clueless, insensitive …... "Fine" she said making her reluctance clear.

"I'll call and re-arrange it for another night, but this better be worth it" she finished with a dark warning and yet another glare, this time encompassing both of them. No longer hungry she pulled her chair out again and plonked herself back on it and glumly put her face in her cupped hands.

Satisfied if not exactly happy Angel went into his office, sat down in the leather chair and settled in for a good long brood.

His interference had been impulsive, but once started he hadn't been able to stop. If Wesley had sided with Cordelia he would have overruled them both and damn the consequences.

She deserves to be loved, his conscience prodded at him.

I'm still checking him out, when or if Merle gives him the all clear – then I'll stand aside he argued in his own defence.

He ignored the subsequent jeering of his conscience and shut it out with a determination honed over a century of being cursed with it.


Cordelia sat at the desk, facing her interviewer and smiled with determined cheerfulness and tried not to look as disgusted as she felt at being where she was. Me, Cordelia Chase; one of the most sought after girls in Sunnydale- at a dating agency.

Never mind the fact that girls ended up getting more than they bargained for when they signed on and some ended up in some seriously sick videos that hovered so far distant from the line of disgusting – it was almost out of

sight.Automatically she scanned the room and everything else she could while answering the inane questions put to her with a feigned denseness, My acting is beyond superb – c'mon what am I blonde.

Finally she was done and standing up she shook hands with the sweaty palmed guy and left, ducking into the washroom to scrub said hand with fervour before returning to Angel's car.

"Where the hell have you been, the other girls came out much sooner than you did". She didn't waste time or energy rolling her eyes, just pointed a stiff a finger at him "Don't even go there, Angel". She pulled the car door open and climbed into sit next to him, saying "You're idea remember, me I had other plans than spending the evening with you getting pimped".

He swivelled to face her and tamped down the harsh surge of hurt anger that accusation rose in him. "Well"? He demanded instead, searching her body and face with an intense scrutiny, looking for any signs of her having gotten into trouble. For the first time in over two hours his rigid tension left him and he relaxed.

She sighed lustily, not surprised he'd refused to respond to that one. She turned to look at Wesley and Gunn in the back seat of the GTX. "I'm special" she mimicked and then returned hazel eyes to narrowed dark brown.

"I should expect a call sometime tomorrow with the details of my very first date". She shivered at the coincidence and then pushed the damp chill away with a firm mental shove and rested her head back on the seat. "Let's go home, I need to take a bath". Several of them.

Angel had become so attuned to her over the last few weeks, years if he was honest, that he caught that convulsive shiver. Frowning he started the car and with only half his attention on the road, kept sneaking peaks at her strained face.

"What's the matter, Cordy. What aren't you telling me" He asked quietly so the other two in the back wouldn't

hear."Nothing, nothing at all" she denied there was a problem and ignored the tight feeling in her chest that soft voiced query caused. "Just drive, Angel, please".

He fell silent but determined that he'd drop them off and go hunt up Merle. He had a bad feeling about this and wanted to know what the little parasite had come up with. Large hands wrapped tighter around the steering wheel as a weird creepy feeling crawled up his spine.

Did Wesley check out if this was limited to the agency, or included more casual picks ups for dates too. He knew Cordy had met this guy at a bar, where she'd gone alone. He understood the need to find a significant other, but even in this day and age women alone where targets for all kinds of predators– he should know; he'd been one of them.


The door was knocked upon with a loud pounding, but before the demon could sidle over to the door and check the peephole, it was slammed open and the door caught him in smack in the face. Making him stagger back and clutch his throbbingly painful face with both hands.

"Oww, Jeezus, Angel, how the hell did you get in here, this building has security. In fact how the hell did you know where I live"? Merle asked querulously.

"I beat it out of a snitch". He didn't bother with lying, had much more important things to worry about to even consider it. Cordelia was a target for something and it wasn't from tonight, he could feel it.

"Well now that shocks me – NOT" Even muffled through ten fingers the pure undiluted sarcasm came through loud and clear.

"Forget the smart remarks OK, I need to know what you've found out"

"Nothing – nada, big N O for no" was the quick reply followed by an upraised hand to ward of the now pissed as hell Vampire. "Now Angel, that's good news isn't it"?

"You found nothing" repeated Angel, retreating back from the demon, uncertain about how he felt about that fact.

"Hey, Angel – Buddy. If you wanted me to do a dirt job on this prick you should have just said so". He smirked at the dumbstruck look on the vampires face. It wasn't often you wrong footed this one so he went in for the kill.

"She a hot piece of action isn't she, your Cordelia"? His smirk became a study of horrified disbelief when he was suddenly confronted with Angel in full fang face. Demonic Eyes glinting with feral yellow fire.

"Okaay- sorry just yankin' your tail. Chill OK"

"What.did.you.find.out"? Snarled the vampire from about two inches in front of his face.

"Well other than the fact that he's some kind of serial dater, nothing much really". Wheedled the much smaller demon, holding both hands out in surrender and submission.


"You know, dates lots and lots of women over a short period of time. Lucky guy". Merle was a nervous babbler and never more so than right then.

"Yeah, very lucky". The door banged shut before the last coldly furious syllable finished vibrating in the air. Merle slumped down onto the floor.

Continue on...