just fic

Title: Every Breath She Takes
Author: Helen
Posted: 11-26-2003
Email: helen_taft@msn.com
Rating: NC-17
Content: C/A
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: AO, Go Team and ST
Notes: This is in response to Impress’s Challenge, see below for details. I’ve made this set in S3 AU - No Pregnant Darla hence no baby, No Holtz, No Groo, WITW happened but Angel chickened out of telling her rather than Groo turning up. Birthday didn’t become part demon, still having vision headaches.


Part 4


Lorne kept his warmly sympathetic red eyes on the brunette currently trying to pace off her agitation and wearing a hole in the rug on his floor.

“Cordelia-sweetness, if you want to be able to influence Angel then you need to reach his demon. It’s as simple and as complicated as that”. Emphasis on the complicated he thought wryly but kept that between his teeth.

“Who said anything about influence? - Just gimme a stake” she snapped back over one slim shoulder accompanied by a thunderous scowl.

Lorne stayed diplomatically silent, just raised a brow and levelled a knowing look at her face on her return trip. Cordelia saw it and sighed gustily before admitting with great reluctance. “Okay- geeze I’m exaggerating – but my God he is so damned aggravating at times it drives me …nuts- urggh”.

Flopping down on the easy chair opposite the gowned and slippered demon she tossed him a confused look. “So what was that about reaching his demon? Presuming I want to, that is,” she added with only a fraction of her previous bite.

“Well… and this is the thing, you need to get him to reveal it first and I’m not just talking about that deliciously growley face he lets out occasionally”…


“No, Angel. I’m not”. The whole club went heart-poundingly quiet, waiting in tense expectation of something…

The words were hardly out of her mouth before she felt his hands tighten reflexively on her. Then he shifted slightly causing a dart of heat to shot out from her loins at the friction when his swollen sex brushed against her pelvis, hard and strangely hot even through the not so thin material of the black dress.

Cordelia felt a shiver run through her body as the heat of unwilling sexual arousal grew in her belly and between her thighs, incited by the insistently throbbing length being pressed into her. Oh no you don’t- he gets a hard on and you melt around him like some kinda desperate vamp groupie, I don’t think so

Unnerved by the strength of her reaction and frightened by the melting need to give into it she pushed against his chest in a silent demand for release. He didn’t take the hint other than to lean even closer- so close she braced herself to be devoured all over again. Then blushed when he didn’t and realised she’d all but hung her tongue out ready for him.

“Don’t tell me no” he growled low, his lips hovering over hers again. “You are coming home, back where you belong” he waited a beat and then lowered his voice to little more than a threatening undertone “even if I have to carry you there”. Topaz striations mingled with the dark brown, and then expanded to cover the whole iris when the brunette stubbornly shook her head.

“The hotel is your home, not mine” she shot back and then added for good measure, “and you can stick your job up your ass- I have a new one now”. She pulled her head back and raised her chin and their eyes clashed with furious intensity.

She knew it was harsh but the heat of her blush was still tingeing her cheeks and egging her on. Anyway she refused to let him think she was such a pushover that all he had to do was snap his fingers or any other part of his body to have her come running back. No matter how much she might want to. Shut up Cor, homesickness is for wusses. She missed the guys, her apartment and Dennis so much she shocked herself- something else to blame Angel for.

There were a few groans tossed around the room at her answer and the forgotten microphone gave off a constant low hum having been abandoned in mid flow. Over the disquiet, Cordelia could almost hear his teeth grinding under that locked rock-hard jaw. Good she thought and felt a spurt of satisfaction, it was his turn to feel helpless about something and it was about damn time too in her opinion.

Cordelia knew he had feelings for her and in an ‘up’ mood, she believed he loved her. But believing isn’t knowing and she was damn well determined to get him to admit it; especially after that confrontation in the basement when he’d treated her like she was nothing to him. She was going to make sure he never did that ever again; or her name wasn’t Cordelia Chase.

“Let me go” she insisted in a hard voice, pushing against his chest with one firmly planted palm. “Angel, I mean it… don’t make me hate you”. She warned darkly and refused to relent or soften her expression even when the topaz momentarily subsided back to hurt chocolate brown pools of male confusion.

Angel wanted to ignore her threat and even started to lift her up, then stopped and his arms trembled under the strain of the mixed signals coming from his brain. One side demanding he just toss her over his shoulder and take her somewhere private and do whatever he had to do to get her to drop this ridiculous idea; while the other side was terrified of going too far and losing her completely.

The darker, possessive side of his nature won. Lose her? Not gonna happen, narrowed dark eyes blackened with emotion bored intently into hers. “Wrong answer, Sweetheart”.

Cordelia choked on a gasp just as she found herself literally tossed over one wide shoulder. She opened her mouth to scream and turned her head to find Lorne. Only he wasn’t there- no one was. Oh crap- they were already on the stairs leading out from the club. Damn Vampire speed.

Uh huh and what the hell happened to the tables and people in between. Still struggling to adjust, Cordelia blinked and found her face next to a car door- a black one. For chrissake was he on drugs or something?

“Put me down” came Cordelia’s muffled voice from somewhere behind his large frame. Stylish black shoes with killer heels kicked in the hair and led the eyes up long sheer black covered legs. She lifted her head, “dammit, Angel my ass is showing” she growled, filled with outrage and acute embarrassment.

Angel dropped her back down to her feet but kept a tight hold of her waist, then without even looking at her face, shackled her hands with one of his and opening the car door- went to push her into the seat. Cordelia seeing her choices narrowing down to nothing grabbed onto his shirtfront with both hands in a death grip.

“Hey, will you just stop and think for a minute” she sucked in a breath and glared at him.

“I don’t need to think. Just get in the damn car” he growled back and started to herd her inside the car simply by moving in closer.

Meanwhile Cordelia, not realising she was giving away the direction of her thoughts looked down at his groin. “Don’t even think about it Cor, you won’t like what happens if you try it”. He was deadly serious; he was about one baby step away from vamping out as it was.

“Don’t threaten me,” she snapped at him, annoyed at being found out so easily.

“Then don’t push me” he replied warningly still standing far too close for comfort.

They faced off for several more tense seconds while Cordelia’s mind whirled but short of the National Guard she couldn’t see she had any other choice. So with a last fulminating glare she reluctantly sat down and once he’d freed her hands, swung her legs into the car.

Expecting him to go around the car to get in himself; she gaped when he placed one boot on the now closed car door and simply vaulted over her to the drivers side. “Are you crazy”? She yelped sliding down in the seat and ducking her head.

Angel didn’t answer her. If she’d have seen him two days ago she wouldn’t have to ask and that was before he’d found out about her ‘career change’. The demon should have retreated back into its little hole inside him by now. But after the trick she’d pulled, it might as well have taken up a ringside seat the way he felt.

It was riding him hard even now and he knew he had a problem on his hands, mostly to do with getting her to co-operate without setting it off again. As things stood he was too unstable for this but there was no way he was waiting until he was calmer- calmer would only happen when she was back where she belonged and this whole stupid business was behind them.

“Where are you staying”? He asked abruptly turning to face her with one hand on the wheel and the other draped over the car seat; a deceptively relaxed pose to anyone who didn’t know him better.

He waited tensely for her answer. One way or another she was going to tell him where she’d spent the last few days. Not knowing where she was or who with had been driving him insane. If she had a bolthole he didn’t know about- he was damn well going to know about it for the future. If he ever let her out of his sight again that is.

Cordelia looked at him quizzically, trying to make sense of the aloof expression on his handsome face, compared to the wrathful vibes coming off him in simmering waves. He was faking the calm, he had to be; no one and least of all him with his notorious tendency to over-react, got rid of all that pent-up emotion so quickly.

“Why”? She asked him suspiciously then watched in fascination as the knuckles of the hand on the steering wheel turned white. Oh yeah- so much for calm!

“Just answer the damn question, Cordelia,” he rasped out while his whole body stiffened, the already deep timbre of his voice made harsher with struggle to keep it remotely human sounding.

Uh oh, time for some co-operation before he blows a gasket, thought Cordelia and sat up from the slouch she’d gotten into when ducking. Puffing out a breath in vexation she gave him the name of a nearby motel. Angel knew it and immediately started the engine with a roar. They took off so fast that Cordelia had to grab onto the dashboard to steady herself as the car shot away from the kerb.

“What the hell are you doing paying for a motel when you have an apartment already”? He demanded to know, shooting her a dark look full of frustrated rage, an echo from the last few days of fruitless waiting and searching.

Dumb question, “I knew you would find me there” she answered simply and felt him stiffen beside her. She did too and covered the nervous reaction by brushing the blowing strands of her hair off her face. That’s gotta sting, she winced internally, but stuck to her guns. If he wanted her back then he had to be pushed into giving her what she wanted and forget just being ‘friends’. Wesley and Gunn were her friends; Angel was just…hers. An asshole at times, yes - but still hers.

Not that she was hiding so much as making herself less accessible, according to Lorne. She frowned with that thought, she was going to have to have a talk with her green friend about that useless frickin’ sanctuary spell. Who knew tossing her over his shoulder and carting her off wasn’t ‘violence’; it certainly felt like abuse to her and now the plan she and Lorne had cooked up was shot to hell, unless…

Cordelia went silent while she mentally sorted through the maze of consequences. Typical Angel always reacting and doing stuff that no one could plan for. Of course, maybe they could go from the whole, ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder part’ or in their case- demon angrier, straight to the… .

Her heart started to beat a rapid tattoo in her chest as her thoughts followed that path to the logical conclusion. Lorne had warned what would happen and had then gone into great detail, for him, on the reason why it had to happen and while a part of her wanted it- another big part was major scared.

For Angel, that flat matter of fact statement brought a vicious stab of pain into his gut and set off a mini explosion of rage in his head, tearing at reason and making the effort of remaining civilised that much more difficult. So she’d been hiding from him, refusing to let him even talk to her.

“And that would have been so bad? I’m not even allowed to talk to you now”? The pain was hidden but the anger wasn’t as he shot out the questions along with a quick snarling look thrown in her direction while negotiating the suddenly heavy traffic.

Cordelia’s jaw dropped, was he for real? “That’s rich coming from you- double standards much! Tell me, why should I listen to you after you chased me out of the basement the other night”? She crossed her arms and waited for his reply. Not that she expected him to get it. Unless it was in big neon lights in front of his face he never did- big dork!

“That was totally different”, he refuted quick to defend himself.

“How- how was it different”? She asked incredulously. Okay so she’d been expecting him to deny it but still it rankled like crazy and her blood pressure shot up along with her temper.

“I had something I had to do. I’m sorry you didn’t approve of my methods but I had no choice- it was the only way”. Angel tried a more reasonable tone. At least they were talking and maybe- if he could stay calm enough, he could get her to see his point of view.

“Daniel wasn’t just any ordinary vamp and it was just to dangerous for me to risk you guys”. Especially as he was a part of Angel’s past; that made it personal he thought, but had more sense than to say it to her.

“Says you- who knows? We may have been able to think up something that… oh I don’t know- involved the whole team”. Sarcasm dripped from her full lips in a tone that could give vinegar a run for its money for tartness.

So much for his point of view, Angel knew her well enough to know she wasn’t going to give him an inch. “It was my business,” he muttered using the excuse of watching the road to not look at her.

“Come again” said Cordelia carefully, playing dumb while seething inside. Did he just say...?

“I said it was my business; mine and no-one else’s”. Angel repeated forcefully and gave her a piercing look out of glittering midnight dark eyes before turning his attention back to the junction he was in the middle of navigating to turn into the motel parking lot.

“Yeah well- this is my business so just back off”. Cordelia finally got out after a stunned minute. Anger flared hot and strong and that combined with the awful wretched sinking feeling in her belly made for an uncomfortable mix that brought the sting of tears to her eyes. Damn him.

In frigid silence she watched him turn off the engine. Then unable to hold it in any longer, gave in to the burning anger and boiling frustration, not caring if she was giving herself away.

“Do you really expect me to just accept that you…. Big dumb A-hole urghhh” She stopped; momentarily speechless, unable to think of an insult bad enough to suit her mood right then.

Trying for calm and reason, Cordelia pressed a hand palm to her forehead and closed her eyes before settling narrowed hazel eyes on his face. “Listen to me carefully Angel- Okay?”

She let the hard edge of determination creep into her voice, refusing to believe she was wrong about them, because dammit- she didn’t have time left for doubts. But if she was wrong, then she was no worse off being away from him. In fact she’d be much better off alone because she’d seen enough of his pathetic pining to know it wasn’t for her.

“I want- and believe me this is non-negotiable; more than you’re willing to give and until you change your mind. We are finished, through and kaput- comprende”? She meant every word and the plan could go to hell, it was more at Lorne’s insistence anyway. She preferred a more direct approach and right now that involved a heavy blunt object landing on a certain thick head.

Rant over; the angry brunette slammed the car door shut, and stalked over to the motel door; not looking back even once. As soon as she was inside the door she slammed that shut behind her too with a forceful finality that could’ve frozen a desert.

Angel sat silent and still in the car as anger and pain hardened and cooled into a bitter resolve. He closed his eyes and let it in welcoming the chill that drove away the pain. Unknowingly his hands tightened on the steering wheel, almost ripping the tough leather with the squeezing, crushing pressure of his powerful fingers.

So- she thinks all she has to do to kick me out of her life is just walk out? He opened his eyes again to reveal the gold ring circling the dark brown, then, as if finally noticing the strength of his grip he carefully released the wheel and looked at his palms with utter detachment.

She was seriously miscalculating him if she believed there was anything he wouldn’t do to stop her leaving- anything! He deliberately sucked in a deep breath to let it out on a long, low snarl while a pressure built inside his head- rising along with the fierce sound. His face rippled with ridges forming and fading as he willingly let his self-control crumble.

Daniel might be dust now but he’d still managed to drive a wedge between them. He should have expected it he thought dispassionately, staring at the door she’d barricaded herself behind- filled to the brim with self-righteous anger. The gold ring widened to full topaz and his fangs lengthened. He’d been a fool for thinking it could be otherwise.

It would have happened sooner or later anyway, it was inevitable and all because he could still smell the other vampire on her skin. Angel breathed deeply again, tasting the fragrance of downtown LA on his tongue but it still couldn’t mask that smell. It maddened him every time he got close to her, seeping into his senses, pushing and prodding until he was almost wild with the need to replace it with his own.

In the hospital, the club and even now in the car he could smell Daniel’s brand. Just knowing that he’d marked her was like a red-hot poker twisting inside his skull, making the demon inside him writhe in a red-hot possessive rage. No one knew better than him that vampires were a dominant breed of demon, particularly with each other and Daniels marking of Cordelia had been a deliberate attempt to provoke him- which it had and still was.

Because she was his best friend and he loved her, he’d tried his best to ignore it. Hoping it would go away and that he’d learn to accept it- but not anymore. So far she’d only ever had the soul to deal with as he’d always carefully kept his more demonic instincts from her; even sending them all away when the darkness threatened to engulf him.

“Not anymore, I think its time for a more personal face to face”. The cold chill of his hard voice carried on the breeze but remained unheard by anyone but some stray cats, who immediately arched their backs and hissed at the unnatural menace coming from the large metallic shape.

She’s mine!. The howl reverberated through his head splintering the leering face of Daniel in his minds eye into bitter darkness as the soul melted back into the shadows. He got out of the car and carefully shut the door before walking with measured steps towards the unit Cordelia had stormed into.

His face continued to ripple with the change and annoyed by the distraction the demon forced its way to the surface with a deep-throated growl, all the while never taking feral demonic eyes off the door steadily getting nearer.

As soon as Cordelia had shut the door behind her she’d calmed down. Well calm wasn’t right- down might be better. She slumped on the door and rubbed a hand over her face. “Now I’ve gone and done it- dammit, why do I always let my temper get the better of me”?

Blank Hazel eyes stared despondently at the floor before she gave in and turned to the tiny curtained window. Outside it had started to rain and tiny drops of water dribbled down the pane on the outside, while the streetlights reflected off the black car and highlighted the man sitting unmoving in the driver seat.

Cordelia shut her eyes in relief that he hadn’t just driven off like she’d half expected him to. “C’mon Angel, do something will you- geeze enough with the weeping willow bending with the wind attitude” she whispered in a fierce undertone, as if willing him to react. "Geeze, I'm standing right here, every jumpable inch of me- so get with the jumping already"

She hadn’t meant too but now all her hopes where pinned on Lorne being right and that it wouldn’t take much to tap into his- what did he call it?

Oh sure- like you’d forgotten that one. NOT. Okay gimme a break- intense sexuality and possessiveness and hadn’t that sounded weird coming from the green demon! Cordelia felt the flush rise up from her toes just from the memory of her reaction to that statement.

She’d become so preoccupied with her own thoughts he was already out of the car before she noticed and her heart jumped into her throat when she finally did. She jerked back from the window before she could be seen but didn’t go far- needing to see what he was going to do. Maybe he was just gonna post a note or something. Yeah right- cos he’s just like that pfft

Cordelia was practically hopping from foot to foot impatiently waiting for a knock and nearly tore off the nail of she was nervously biting when the door came crashing open. Jumping about a foot in the air in fright she stumbled back, bumping into the bed just behind her knees.

The flimsy door gave after a single kick just below the locking mechanism, making the frame splinter around the catch and give without resistance. Angel stood in the doorway and searched the darkened room with narrowed eyes. Finding Cordelia by the bed he focused on her with a predatory light in his dark gaze.

Cordelia had left the bathroom light on when leaving for work and now the harsh light filtered through the half closed door, leaving splashes of yellow on the floor, some of the far wall and Angel. The light touched and retreated over a harshly ridged face, and reflected off razor sharp fangs. Gold eyes filled with cruel lights latched onto her still figure the moment the door was removed from his path. To her horrified eyes his face looked taut and in the harsh glare of the bare bulb- almost… cruel.

“Wha…why..couldn’t you have just knocked”? She got out through a tight knot in her throat. “After that, don’t be expecting an invite,” she warned him, not really meaning it but using it as a delaying tactic while she tried to settle her rattled nerves. She’d known Grr-face would make an appearance- just not yet.

His face didn’t change as he walked over the threshold “Public accommodation- no invite necessary” he replied in rusty sounding voice and shut the door behind him, it didn’t lock but stayed closed.

“Right- so just come in why don’t - Angel.. Stop don’t- wait” she finished on a yelp as his hard hands grasped her waist and lifted her off her feet. She felt rather than saw his muscle bunch and flex under her clutching hands and realising what he intended, Cordelia braced herself for a fall.

That was all the warning she got before the room went blurred, followed by the strangest sensation of being weightless and then she landed with a whoosh of out spelled breath on the soft mattress and bounced on her back.

Disoriented and still in a state of shock she watched wide eyed as he shrugged out of his leather coat and tossed it onto the chair beside the bed. “What are you doing”? She asked him in a high voice. It was rhetorical question. She knew exactly what he was doing- just felt the need to ask for some reason.

For a moment it seemed like he wouldn’t answer and the silence stretched, broken only by the rustle of harsh rustle of clothing being forcefully removed. She opened her mouth to speak again, feeling intimidated and wanting to fill the silence with something- but he finally spoke up.

“I don’t give a rats ass that Wes thinks he’s in charge- he can knock himself out for all I care. But I do care that you think you can just walk out on me and get away with it”. Right then his voice rivalled broken glass for pure splintering rage and that coupled with the dark purpose in his feral eyes made her heart pound with trepidation.

Cordelia leant up on her elbows to stare at him; both aggravated by the implied threat and yet delighted by the extreme possessiveness he was showing. He jerked his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. “You’re mine, Cordelia and after tonight you’ll never deny it again”.

His smooth chest was heavily muscled under impossibly wide shoulders; helplessly staring she kept her gaze under his chin, avoiding the fierce glare of the vampire by concentrating on his humanity. Wide palmed hands with long fingers reached down and sought out the fastening of his pants and soon enough the harsh sound of a zipper gliding down rasped over her, forcing a shiver to snake down her spine.

God- how could something so everyday suddenly seem so threatening, she wondered in a daze while her eyes flickered up the intimidating breadth of his torso, torn between wanting to see his expression, hoping for reassurance and being afraid of not getting any.

Angel dropped his pants and stepped out of them to reveal a body corded with sculpted muscle and taut with need. Her fear was potent in the air and the rapid pulse in her neck was echoed by the one between her thighs so that a spicy musk interwove with the sweet fear- making his already hard sex swell to a painful degree.

She was refusing to look at his vampiric face, holding both shoulders and neck rigid so that she wouldn’t even get an inadvertent peek. He smiled grimly and stepped up on the bed so that he literally towered over her still clothed and sprawled form.

Cordelia gasped when the bed dipped under his heavy weight and she gripped the counterpane so as not to give into the urge to scoot back and run like hell. This is what you want so just suck it up. Once this was over everything could get back to normal- she hoped. It didn’t help much- Lorne dammit, why didn’t I ask more questions.

Let’s be positive thought Cordelia, grasping onto straws, at least she didn’t have to worry about the curse. Well duh- he’s almost totally soulless now so yeah- lets worry about it. Oh shut up she told herself fiercely; no curse means the soul comes back- doesn’t it?

She screamed when he just dropped on her and would have curled into a ball except he now covered her from head to foot with only his arms braced up by her shoulders to keep his chest from crushing hers. Totally caged by him the room dropped back until it was only them in a tiny universe made up of their bodies and the bed.

Cordelia tried to move but couldn’t as her legs were trapped by his much heavier and longer ones. Then went still as the hard length pushing at the apex of her thighs registered on her befuddled mind. Purely female panic unfurled inside her and there was a dull roaring in her ears that had nothing to do with the short shallow panting breaths that were all she could manage at the moment.

Angel sensed her panic but it only aroused him more and he pressed down harder into her, aligning them so that his sex, every throbbing inch of it, thrust with deliberate intent between the cradle of her hips. Cordelia gasped and would have arched up if she could as unwilling heat gathered and spread at the spot where he was pressed so intimately against her, while the tiny nub of nerves that was the centre of her sexual pleasure swelled with the onrush of heated blood.

Satisfied he now held her wandering attention he cupped her chin with one not so gentle hand and forced her eyes to his. Hazel pools tinged with alarm and apprehension were caught and held by glittering topaz. Transfixed she stared into the familiar face, while the swirling depths of those eyes pulled her in and unconsciously her hands grasped his shoulders as if to anchor herself to this world.

Panic spurted inside Cordelia and doubts about what she'd pushed him towards started to creep up. God she loved him so much- was it so bad of her to want to know that he loved her back before she died?

His already still body went even more silent and unmoving as something gripped him from the inside out, just from having her underneath him- fnally. Then he shook his head with a rough growl and sat up to straddle her thighs, and grasping the neckline of the black dress with one hand- ripped it down the middle. Both halves fell back to expose her heaving chest to his now avid gaze.

He leaned down to inhale the sweetness of the soft warm skin between her lace covered breasts, then travelled up and buried his face against the curve of her neck. Short dark hair mingled with glossy brunette and she gasped and bowed her neck at the feel of those ridges against the sensitive skin of her tingling throat.

Cordelia clung to him harder, half expecting to feel the sharp sting of his fangs sink or scrape against her flesh but all he did was nuzzle against her, and his cool breath washed over the sensitive lobe of her ear. The trembles became quivers and almost shamefully she felt another hot rush of liquid drip between her thighs, soaking her panties.

The hot fragrance travelled up and around him, heightening his own arousal as it teased and pulled at already strained control. Reeling from the strength of his need he growled and without thinking drew his fangs along the skin of her shoulder to draw out some of that racing blood.

Cordelia hissed a breath between white lips and then moaned when he lapped at the oozing blood, his cool tongue flicked along the sting and then he latched onto the skin around it and began to suck insistently at the shallow wound; the moan changed pitch and hummed in throat at the tugging drawing sensation and her thighs clenched tightly together as the pulse between them rose higher as if begging for attention.

Dark pleasure and greed swirled inside Angel as her blood bathed his tongue with its sweetness making him purr at the piercing pleasure that was almost pain. His back arched a little and mindlessly he pumped his aching erection between her closed thighs to rub against the roughness of lace panties- making him stiffen with unreasonable rage at the barrier.

A hand reached down between them and tore with impatient fingers at the fragile fabric tearing it easily and pulling from her body. His lips stayed fastened to her the whole time and with a groan he settled back down with his thighs embracing hers and pressing them together. Then he squeezed his thick length between the firm toned muscles of her inner thighs now lightly sheened with sweat, to part the soft folds of her labia with the broad head.

The feel of him there so close to her vulnerable sex sent hot streaks to pierce her core and set up a dragging ache in her womb. Powerless to resist the temptation to succumb to she writhed under him and ran her hands over his back, dragging her nails to score the smooth firm skin and egg him on.

All of her previous fear evaporated under the heat of carnal need, escalated by the sheer eroticism of his painless feeding. Insanely it wasn’t enough; she wanted him to bite her properly needed to feel him inside- devouring her.

Unnoticed by her, the bra joined the panties on the floor and a large cool hand cupped one soft mound. His fingers plucked at her nipple, which immediately tightened into a pebble hard bud that stabbed into his hard palm when he covered it again. He kneaded her with rough massaging strokes of a circling hand, and then tugged at her nipple by capturing it between two tightened fingers, not stopping until she begged him to stop...no go back...more, oh God.

Picking up the pace he started to rock into her so that the tip of his shaft nudged continuously against the dripping entrance, sliding along her length and rubbing with slick friction against her clitoris. Cries of dazed passion spilled from her open lips and her nails dug into the muscle of his biceps as desperate need scraped her nerves raw.

Angel finally gave into the need to taste her succulent breasts and bent his dark head to take a turgid peak deep inside his voracious mouth. Cordelia didn’t care about pain or the pleas that tore themselves out of her as she clasped the back of his head to press him closer, inciting him to take what he wanted.

She felt him latch onto the hard begging little nub before sucking it into the wet cavern of his mouth to lick, lathe and torment it with his flicking, swirling tongue. Cordelia’s fingers dug into his scalp and rather than making her want to pull him away the touch of his cool fangs on her flesh made her beg for more.

Refusing to release her breast, Angel carefully drew his legs up so that he straddled her hips, deepening the angle of his thrusts but still drawing short of the penetration she desperately wanted. Free to move now Cordelia’s hips rose and fell, bucking against him so that their lower bodies clashed and her mound rubbed against the hard flesh above his pulsing erection.

“Angel, fuck me- do it now” the words were torn harshly out of her mouth. The blunt purely sexual words were alien to her but in this storm of dark carnality they were exactly right and seemed to make the needy pain worse as she undulated jerkily under his hard powerful frame.

Angel pulled away as rough snarls came panting out from his taut lips. He closed his eyes to try and blot out the urges her words woke in him, each one stroking the fires inside him to hotter heights. It didn’t work- his sex throbbed and ached against the pulse of her hot wet centre, and he was gripped by a powerful need to simply penetrate, pound and possess in every sense both human and vampire.

Whipped up with reckless passion Cordelia pushed a hand down between them, brushing though her curls to grip the base of his shaft with her fingers. He jerked and groaned when she squeezed him tightly and then pumped shallowly, rubbing him harder against her slick sex.

Drugged, slitted hazel eyes bored into his while she continued to rub the broad head around her entrance, daring him to just plunge inside and fill her. Tension spiralled between them and she watched fascinated as his throat worked with the growls that seemed to be ripped from deep inside the chest crushing her into the mattress.

His fangs glistened with a brutal sheen as his tongue came out to moisten his full lips. Cordelia, still driven by rash desire lunged up to fasten her lips to his, plunging inside his mouth to chase that darting tongue; before deliberately running her own across the razor sharp tip of a fang, releasing her heated blood back into his greedy mouth.

Undone, Angel feasted on her willingly and sucked her tongue into his mouth to massage it with his lips in a deliberate imitation of sex. Fierce joy bloomed and expanded to fill him as the blood dripped down his throat. Still with lips locked in their mating dance he wrapped an arm around her bottom and curled the fingers of one hand around the curve of a firm globe.

Molten heat shot arrows of flaming lust through the pair of them as they writhed against each other, caught in a sensual web that was neither human nor demon but both at once. While Cordelia’s blood raced through her veins in a blissful rush, the demon went wild with love and wanton greed.

Her hand still held him tightly, too far gone to marvel at the smooth marble of his rock hard sex but instinct had her silently begging for him to hurry. Her fingers ran the length of him until her thumb brushed against her own drenched core and frantic she pierced herself and then bucked against him in mute demand.

Angel rolled onto his side and pulled her up to lie flush against him then following the luscious curve of her bottom delved inside the cleft to pierce her from behind. One long finger plunged inside the tight welcoming passage, making it clamp down in ecstasy at finally having a part of him inside her.

This time it was Cordelia who closed her eyes as she felt an instant explosion of molten heat spear out from her sex, spreading out to her quaking thighs- making them weak and drop open wider to the rough invasion.

Their mouths were still fused together only now her blood coated their lips as they thrust and retreated. She raised her free hand and wrapping around his thick neck pulled him closer and then slanted her lips to literally devour his mouth; tasting him and her own blood while swallowing as much as she gave.

His fingers left her dripping centre to explore the soft dewy folds, searching out the hard nub of nerves and making her squirm with rapid circling motions, spreading the liquid of her arousal all along the swollen crevice.

“I don’t want your fingers- I want your cock,” she whispered fiercely against his mouth.

“You’ll take both” he replied and speared three fingers straight into her.

She yelled at the intensity of being so stretched and then the tension snapped inside her and she surrendered willingly to the dark blissful release that sucked her into a whirlpool of drowning passion. Angel released her lips to let her breath and licked the blood off her mouth then watched her face as she lost it and came apart.

His lips drew back in a snarl when with gritted teeth he pushed back the need to come himself just from watching her. His fingers thrust hard into her one last time before he pushed her onto her back and raising her legs to wrap around his hips- mounted her.

She screamed at the hot scrape of his cool shaft inside her, as he forced his way past the muscles guarding the entrance to her womb, surging and filling her even as she milked him with each powerful contraction. Her head whipped from side-to-side in frenzied denial that was also a plea for him to continue.

Rising up on his arms he lunged into her repeatedly, his hips rising and falling in a relentless rhythm between her smooth thighs. His back arched as the need to complete the mating became unbearable and his fangs ached to feel the heated ecstasy of fully sinking into her living flesh for the final act that would seal her fate to his.

As if sensing it Cordelia turned her head to bare her neck and wrapping both hands over his ears and thick neck brought his face to the curve of her neck, unerringly leading him straight to her jugular over the marks left by another vampire. His fangs sank into her, bringing with it a terrible pain and twisted pleasure that tore another scream out of her.

Every semblance of civilisation that had survived so far fled as he invaded her body to fuck her with a mindless intensity where only the sweet coppery taste of her blood and the feel of her hot clenching passage on his shaft registered on his hazy mind. Cordelia clung to him with every scrap of strength left in her arms and legs while he surged with heavy power over and into her.

The hungry suckling at her throat and the hard stretching inside her sex brought every primal instinct inside Cordelia up to rise in a towering crescendo as she came apart in a second splintering orgasm. Her harsh cries and pleading rang in his ears as he continued to thrust, hard and pounding now as his body tightened with the approach of his own shattering release.

Just before he came Angel stared down into her flushed sensual face and then deliberately bit into his bottom lip until his own blood seeped out, then firmly slanting his mouth over hers he let it come. It poured through him in a burst of blinding pleasure and wracked with it he reared back up and roared helplessly as his seed shot out to bathe her womb.

After a few minutes, exhausted and shaking in the aftermath he finally managed to drag himself on his side and pulled an unresisting Cordelia into a tight possessive embrace. It’s done now.


The phone on the bed rang insistently and it was an irate vampire that twisted on his back to snag the offending thing up and bark a very unwelcoming hello into the receiver. Cordelia woke up blinking her eyes to clear the fog of sleep - which rapidly cleared when the events of the night came crashing back into her consciousness.

Angel held the phone out to her and still blushing she took it off him and pressed it to her ear.


“Well, well, so you took the dark horse for a ride did you”? Asked an amused voice. She winced at the crude image and tried to edge away in case the ‘dark horse’ overheard.

“Lorrrrnnnnee” she replied in a warning tone and trying to distract him sent the watchful vampire a megawatt smile.

“Never mind the blushes Princess- congratulations. Just wanted to tell ya no need to worry about dying now. Angel’s taken care of that without even knowing about it”. This dumbfounding statement was followed by a wry chuckle.

“What”? She asked dazedly while her mind worked overtime. “How does erm… doing that...?”

“His blood, sugar- ya know the whole healing thing vamps have? Well, you got some of that in your system now- not enough to vamp out or anything like that - just enough to repair the damage and keep it that way”.

She’d have asked for more but the phone was suddenly snatched out of her nerveless hands. She came out of stupor though when she heard the gratingly angry voice of her lover as he snarled a question into the phone.

“What the hell are you talking about, Lorne- dying”? Dark eyes bored into uncomfortable hazel while he waited for an answer.
