just fic

Title: Every Breath She Takes
Author: Helen
Posted: 11-26-2003
Email: helen_taft@msn.com
Rating: NC-17
Content: C/A
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: AO, Go Team and ST
Notes: This is in response to Impress’s Challenge, see below for details. I’ve made this set in S3 AU - No Pregnant Darla hence no baby, No Holtz, No Groo, WITW happened but Angel chickened out of telling her rather than Groo turning up. Birthday didn’t become part demon, still having vision headaches.


Part 3


Angel entered the nightclub and waited to pay his way in. The bored teller busy popping gum hardly spared him a glance, too bored and jaded now to care who was paying the money- so long as they paid. The bouncers gave him a hard glance courtesy of his size and dark clothing. A look meant to intimidate him into not giving them, the girls or the patrons a hard time.

He gave them a smiling nod in return that clearly said quid pro qou. You leave me alone- I’ll leave you alone. Brushing past them without waiting to see how they took it. He walked down the metallic stairs down to the polished wooden floor.

It was busy despite being fairly early in the evening but then places like this always seemed busy. Round caged platforms were carefully placed in a triangle surrounded by chairs and tables for the gawking patrons to watch the antics of the girls as they performed to the loud beat with a heated raunchiness designed to inflame male lust.

“Can I get your drink, Sir”? The waitress was wearing nothing more than a tiny corset and stockings and staying a good three-foot away from him, likely policy for the club. He shook his head and after giving him a once over and a raised brow went on her way.

The strobe lights were a nuisance but once he learned the pattern he was able to check out the club without getting constantly irritated by the bright intrusive flashing. Nothing, no sign of Daniel, frowning he checked again but fared no better.

He spotted some stairs leading up to another level and a quick glance up conformed there was much less action going on up there. Anticipation made his spine tingle as he headed up them, moving swifter than the human eye could see. He’d been right he thought when he got to the top and lay eyes on the other vampire; dark satisfaction filled him, swiftly followed by an aggression that rocked him to the depths of his soul and beyond.

“Put the boy down, Daniel,” he instructed in soft quiet tone; a total contrast to the tight anger on his face. It was much darker up here. A place for illicit dealings later on no doubt, and all carried out under cover of relative darkness- a haven for a vampire.

Daniel looked up with his vampire face in full view, blood and strips of gore dripped from his fangs and open mouth. Almost hungrily his yellow eyes latched onto Angel’s face. Transfixed by the sight of his once time comrade. Aaah, Angelus as beautiful as ever and yet so much colder too.

Angelus had known how much he’d intrigued Daniel and openly laughed at his adoring gaze all the while taunting him with his male beauty. Always keeping him at arms length, and constantly throwing his disgusting liaisons with females in his face. Of course back then he’d been just as delighted when Daniel had killed the female afterwards - if Angelus hadn’t already done so.

“Don’t be so touchy, my friend- he’s already dead” he dropped the lifeless form to the floor by his polished and tasselled shoes. “There’s plenty more where that came from” he waved a negligent hand at the young life snuffed out so early, simply because the unfortunate had caught the eye of a vampire.

“Not for you and not for me” replied Angel still in a dangerously quiet voice as he approached.

His face flirted with the shadows that played lovingly over his sculpted face with each step forward. He stopped about five foot away and then sat down slowly and crossing his booted feet leaned negligently back, stretching his long powerful frame within the confines of the padded seat.

“As if you could stop me” scoffed the other vampire equally as carefully, eyes gleaming with anticipation, unable to help appreciating the view so temptingly offered.

Angel’s skin crawled as that assessing look passed up and down his length but kept the revulsion off his face. “So what - you wanna throw down in here”? He asked as if he truly didn’t care. This was just a part of the game. A chess match between them as they battled for dominance, constantly reforming strategies in a fluid motion of discreet underhand warfare.

“Angelus- really such coarse language, tut tut” Daniel melted his features back to the human guise of his dead host. Harsh heavy features, hooked nose and dark eyes under bushy brows. His full thick lips were still covered in blood giving them an artificial look of bring flushed.

Not much improvement really, thought Angel with a smirk. Daniel noticed the smile and the resulting raised brow and felt a bubble of frustrated rage form deep inside. So typical of the vampire he’d known and loved every bit as much as he’d envied and hated him.

“Tick tock Dee, gotta make your mind up or I’m outta here”. Angel informed him with mock sorrow, sliding further down in the chair he checked his watch as if to suggest that he had better things to do with his time than wait on old ‘friends’. “Things to do, people to see, women to fuck”. He pursed his lips to hide another smile when he heard the hiss of rage that Daniel couldn’t suppress. Some things never change.

“Do-Not-Tease me Angelus; remember what happened the last time that happened and considering your new ‘soul’ I would think that would be a problem for you”. Black eyes watched with beady interest for a reaction to his knowledge of that not so secret information.

Angel just returned his stare with a blank one of his own, not dropping his gaze just maintaining a look of mild interest. Inside the demon howled and writhed. Allowing it closer to the surface was necessary but meant that his control over its more violent impulses was strained. So be it, he decided and let the darkness flood him.

“What happened to you my friend” asked Daniel sadly. The deep rich and slightly foreign timbre of his voice would have been hypnotic to anyone who didn’t know him better.

“Follow me and find out,” said Angel flatly, and then getting back to his feet, he walked towards the stairs without a backward glance.


The cold grey stone of the church was as welcoming as a hellmouth, meaning – not at all. “How typical of you to pick a place such as this, Angelus” Daniel smiled ruefully and shook his head behind an admonishingly waggling finger.

“I’d be insulted if it wasn’t for the obvious thought you must have put into it, which is really quite flattering- don’t you think”?

“You don’t wanna know what I think, Daniel so lets cut the crap”. Angel walked over to a large metal trashcan and casually lighting a match- flicked it inside. A mini inferno was set off as the flammables crammed inside were instantly set alight. He tossed the matches to Daniel who did likewise with another can set beside the alter steps.

Tongues of flame flickered on the ceiling and walls of the church and black smoke billowed for a while but affected neither and gradually cleared away, settling down to a sullen drift of acrid smoke.

“On the contrary, Angelus, let’s hear what you think. Call me interested” said the other vampire coldly walking down the crumbled aisle; his shoes ringing on the old stone. His gaze swept over the empty cavernous building, taking in the broken glass arched windows and empty alter space.

His voice echoed around the peaked ceiling with its dirty frescoes of Angels and devils. “Why did you not meet me as we agreed in Venice? I was…disappointed”. He turned to face Angel still standing beside the marble font by the door.

“I didn’t meet you because I got a better offer. In fact let’s be honest. Do you wanna know why I kept you around, Daniel? Well I’ll tell you - you were so bored and jaded and pathetically lonely; and yet you thought you were such hot shit”. Angel shook his head and sauntered forward to meet Daniel in the middle of the dusty wreck of the floor.

“It was too funny before it got boring as fuck. Ya know- I was so bored I couldn’t even be bothered dusting you”. Angel sneered the last as his eyes flicked up and down the other vampire with dismissive contempt clearly written on his hard handsome face.

They stood within touching distance of one another. Both of them tall and heavily muscled. Daniel dressed in all grey gentlemanly elegance while Angel wore scuffed boots, old black jeans that moulded to his thighs, teamed with a plain black shirt and topped with his black leather duster. To an observer Daniel would seem by far the less dangerous. Appearances would be deceiving.

Daniels hands were clenched so tightly the knuckles were white- but his face remained impassive even as the rage bubbled harder and hotter, making his vision go red with the potent fire. His eyes locked on the face of Angelus, taking in the sideways smirk and knowing raised brows. Black eyes searched dark brown for some sign of playful teasing and found only scorn.

“You would have died before me, Angelus. You always underestimated what I was capable of” he snarled. His swarthy face twisting as the words pushed out through gritted teeth; slammed opened the door he’d locked over his roiling emotions.

“Underestimate you- you’re kidding right? I mean I was sick but...” Angel started to walk off to the side; circling Daniel who kept him in his line of sight, both predators keeping their gazes locked on target. Angel pursed his lips and continued, “You were so much sicker - in fact you were out there” he flicked a hand towards the stars through the high windows.

“You flatter me now” Daniel allowed a wide appreciative smile to crack his face, showing large flat teeth. “Since we’re being so honest- do you know why I craved your company Angelus? Because I couldn’t beat you; even at my own games, so no throwing stones now”.

“Mind you, as much as I adored you. I always hated the fact that no matter how many vampires I fought and destroyed you were always the one they feared more”.

It was true and something Angelus had already known. Other vampires shunned Daniel and almost always had. He was sick and evil but - and this was the crunch; he hunted and killed his own kind every bit as much as he’d done with humans; just for the pleasure of being the big bad dominant one. Angelus had dusted other vamps because they’d annoyed him which as an older vampire was much more acceptable. Plus - well he’d been a creatively evil vampire.

“It’s the name, Daniel - kinda pussyish and momma’s boy dontcha think”? Twin lines appeared in a thoughtful frown on Angel’s face as if he were truly considering the problem. Angel tilted his head to one side with one eye narrowed, waiting patiently for a response.

“And Angel - what is that”? Daniel rose to the bait as he always had. Angelus had always been able to do that to him and yet he couldn’t prevent the inevitable rise of anger.

“Ever heard the song about a man named Sue”? Angel shot back without missing a beat. God, he’d been dying to use that ever since he’d first heard it. He grinned helplessly and then gave in to the urge to give a shout of laughter.

“Such mirth while the woman you care for…” Daniel gave a moue of distaste “Lies in her hospital bed. Come now Angelus, don’t you want to know why I felt the need to sate my hunger on her

“Let me take a guess. You didn’t bite her cos you were hungry; but to get my attention. Are you lonely Daniel, is that what this is”? Angel kept his voice light by using every ounce of willpower not to let the image of Cordelia lying deathly still in hospital while a team of LA’s finest worked to save her life - disturb the smooth expression of indifference on his face.

“What would you know about loneliness”? Asked Daniel in a hard edgy voice; the emotions thickening his accent and roughing the smooth cultured tones he liked to cultivate. He stalked away needing some space to haul back on the reins of his rage. This was the game and he always played to win.

“I know a sick bastard like you deserves to be lonely and die that way too” said Angel in a low, intent and dangerous tone. Anticipation tightened the muscles of both face and body when he saw Daniel stiffen in understanding.

“So it comes to this. It’s such a sad day when I must destroy an old comrade-in-arms”. Daniel turned back and found Angel had taken some time to back up too. They faced one another with smoke and flickering orange flames dancing directly behind their still figures.

“Don’t count your chickens,” advised Angel and then bending his waist and knees flew towards the other vampire in a burst of horrific speed, equally matched by Daniel. Their pounding footsteps beat a rapid tattoo, drowned out by twin roars from drawn back, snarling lips.

They met in the middle with a slam of their chests and then started to grapple viciously. Twisting and turning in circles they pushed and heaved at one another, neither one giving way in this first test of strength and endurance. Finally they broke apart and circled again, searching for weakness with all of their supernatural senses.

They came together again in a flurry of punches, some blocked, some not. Each vampire recovering instantly from a blow that landed would block another and then let fly with one of their own. Left and right, fists flew, smacking away and following through with inhuman speed.

They moved up and down the aisle while hardly straying of the narrow strip, neither gained ground as the fight was too even. Angel reared back from one of Daniels punches with his back straight and perfectly balanced on his feet, only curving his back at the last moment so that Daniel would think the punch would land and when it didn’t overbalance, exposing himself.

Daniel stumbled with no hard face to break the swing. In a smooth move, Angel dropped down in a crouch and then brought his hand slamming up into Daniels midriff, driving him off his feet with the force of the blow. Then while the other vampire was still recovering he lashed out with a foot and knocked one of Daniels out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor- face down.

Stepping back once Angel slammed his booted foot on the neck of Daniel; smashing him harder into the hard gritty floor of the broken tiles. Tendons and ligaments screaming in agony Daniel sprung up and before he could be knocked down again rammed a fist into Angel’s groin, doubling him over instantly.

Pain exploded in Angel’s balls- so harsh that red flashing lights blazed across his eyelids. He panted and then groaned as the agony continued with fresh surging waves tearing at his insides. Falling to his knees he didn’t even notice Daniel’s grinning face loom closer until it was followed by fresh pain from the savage head butt to the nose.

Daniel roughly dragged Angel up to his feet by the upper arms and then grasping him round the neck lifted him of the ground at least a foot from the floor. Daniel leered into Angel’s face and leaned forward to sniff delicately at the blood oozing from numerous cuts.

The choking hold wouldn’t kill him but it was damned uncomfortable and pissed Angel off - big time. Recovering enough to feel the anger Angel raised his hands and pushing them between Daniels thrust them away and broke the crushing hold.

Taking advantage of Angel still reeling from the previous blows; Daniel wound back his fist and punched Angel in the face, snapping the head back and to the side. Then followed through with a flurry of punches all aimed at ‘that’ face. Daniel could almost taste victory now and his nostrils flared at the smell of blood coming from Angel while his eyes bugged out of his skull with gleaming satisfaction as each blow landed.

Dazed and bleeding Angel let the punches come. Feeling the pain feed the demon with intermingled pleasure and rage. He’d refused to vamp out not wanting to dilute its lust for freedom but now… it was time. He came up from the last punch in full vamp face and caught Daniels fist in his palm, twisting and crushing with powerful fingers now careless of any pain.

Seeing it Daniel changed too, and the fight lost all semblance of humanity as they squared off again with renewed vigour. Daniel punched again but this time Angel simply smacked it away and lashed out with one of his own. Then taking a step back and pulling back his shoulders Angel jumped up and jack-knifed a knee straight into Daniels face.

Landing back on his feet with precision timing he followed up with an elbow to the same spot and watched as the blood flowed freely over the fierce visage of his one time running buddy. Daniel staggered back and using the back of his hand staunched the flow of blood from his nose and mouth.

Both of them were bleeding from almost every spot on their faces, split lips, noses and deep splits in the skin all sullenly oozed blood making them look even more monstrous in the hellish flickering light of the ruined church.

Enraged by the change of fortune, Daniel came at Angel. His snarling face a picture of savagery with the skin pulled up over flaring nostrils, lips drawn back to expose his fangs under blazing yellow eyes under heavy brows. Angel met his charge and wrapped an arm around his neck in a choking headlock before dragging him forward and pushing down - kneed him in the face three times in rapid succession.

Releasing the now struggling vampire Angel flattened him to the floor with an elbow to the middle of his back. Spitting more blood onto the floor, Daniel could hardly believe it when Angel started to walk away as if he’d become bored with their fight. Forgetting caution he rose up to follow. Angel whipped back round and raising a leg- snap kicked him in the abdomen; lifting him of his feet and sending him crashing back to the floor several feet away.

Daniel was coughing up gore when Angel approached, his arms held protectively over his middle as he watched his would be destroyer amble nearer. “Finish this, Angelus” he got out between coughs.

“Are you so anxious to die”?

Daniel struggled upright and Angel let him get to his feet, his own topaz eyes gleaming with pleasure at the sight of the pain filled face weaving unsteadily in front of him. Daniel staggered towards his nemesis with one hand outstretched as if to stop himself from falling. Angel looked at him from a slightly sideways position and he mentally counted the amount of times he’d let himself get duped by that one- uh huh that would be none.

Once near enough Daniel whirled in a circle that made his grey coat swirl around him, revealing the luxurious silver lining over the arcing leg and foot aimed at Angel’s head. When it missed Daniel simply fell on top of Angel and grabbing his face with outstretched fingers dug onto his cheeks and eyes with cruel relish.

Disgusted and skin crawling at the too close contact Angel heaved him off and they both rolled to their feet again. This time Daniels kick landed square on Angel’s chest, sending him crashing into a column high above the floor. The sandstone behind his back crumbled under the pressure and sprayed the floor around him as he landed on his feet with one palm on the floor before finally falling to one knee.

Daniel ran full pelt to finish off what he’d started. Just as he got close, Angel dived to the floor and twisted on his back to bring his feet towards the oncoming vampire. Slamming them into his gut and driving him away again. Stopping himself with only a small skid, Daniel rushed him again but this time Angel got to his feet and using the column, climbed it with one foot to swing round and bring his other back around in another vicious kick to the face.

Stunned Daniel fell back and hit the floor hard enough to raise clouds of dust. Angel dived after him but hit nothing but dirty floor as the other vampire scrabbled backwards on hands on knees to gain some recovery time. He didn’t get far; Angel caught him up by his coat and threw him face down onto the alter steps.

While Daniel was still groaning from the impact, Angel pounced and placing a knee on his back to keep him down; grasped the shoulders underneath him. Then lifting himself off and using all of his considerable power, he raised Daniel up in the air only to slam him down again- harder this time.

Stepping back Angel looked up at the rafters above and then bending his knees launched himself into the air to latch onto one of them. Swinging over twenty feet in the air he used his free hand to punch at the other end. The rotten timber gave way with only a single punch as cracking sharply it splintered under his weight. Still holding onto it, he fell back to the floor to land on his feet with catlike grace.

Daniel was now half sitting on the steps and looking at the twirling wooden bar in Angels deft hands. “Would you really kill me, Angelus? When I can offer you so much”.

“You put your mark on my girl- which is bad enough. But then you threaten me with hurting her? I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more”. Angel raised the stake high in both hands and keeping his eyes trained on his old friend’s tearful and bloody face, drove it home and then watched him disintegrate.


“What the hell happened to you”? Asked Wesley incredulously, coming around the counter to stand with hands on hips and glare at the vampire walking with care down the stairs and down into the lobby.

“I told you last night on the phone” replied Angel wearily, wincing when he had to take the last step onto the tiled floor. Typical, this is so much worse than last night. He darted a quick look at Wesley’s face and then grimaced realising it obviously looked as bad as it felt.

Surreptitiously he looked around for Cordelia and didn’t know whether to be relieved or not that she wasn’t around to see the results of his ‘temporary psycho vamp’ gig. He reluctantly yanked his gaze back to Wesley when the man stepped in front of him, annoyed at being brushed off.

“Yes - but for god sake, Angel, you never said anything about being run over by a truck”.

“It was rough but it’s done so let’s just forget it Okay? Where’s Cordy”? What had started out as brusque ended on a hesitant note and the question seemed to hang in the air.

He hadn’t meant to ask just yet but it’d just popped out. Maybe he should try for the sympathy vote to cool her temper but somehow he doubted it work on her. She’d likely tell him it was his own entire fault and to stop acting like the walking wounded. That and a bunch of other stuff after the way he’d spoken to her in the basement.

Like always, the moment the big bad was defeated his thoughts turned back to her, only this time he had some serious apologising to do - if she’d let him that is. Every time he’d tried to close his eyes and let sleep claim him her face would come back to haunt him. At least the expression on her face did- just before she’d turned and walked away from him. Hurt had chased anger before finally all emotion was shut down, leaving a blank beautiful mask in place of her usual liveliness.

He came back to awareness when Wesley cleared his throat and looked away towards where the brunette usually sat. “Erm Cordelia has taken a sabbatical”. Said Wesley awkwardly then straightening his shoulders and after darting a searching look at a dumbstruck Angel, walked away to his office. Angel caught him after only a few steps. Halted by the hand on his arm, Wesley sighed and turned around.

Why me? Cordelia, you are going to owe me such a huge favour. He should never have agreed to this - but at the time he’d seen no other way to bring peace back to the workplace, plus she’d pulled the guilt card on him.

“What the hell do you mean- a sabbatical”? Angel growled, all injuries forgotten as panic overrode every sense. He waited tensely for Wesley to elaborate and wasn’t letting up until he had the answers he wanted.

“A sabbatical means a leave of absence” Wesley replied, choosing his words with care. Seeing the look on the vampires face made him feel some sympathy but still, he’d agreed to go the whole hog- so he would and then he was washing his hands of the whole messy business; let them sort it out between them.

“I’ve agreed to keep the job open until she decides if she wants to come back or not”.

Wesley knew very well that Cordelia hadn’t gone very far and would still be able to contact them about the visions, and as for the job; it was hers for as long as she wanted it - he’d told her so. Not that he understood what was going on since she’d refused to enlighten him with the details, but as always it was something to do with Angel.

Panic gave way to horror as Wesley’s words sank in. Feeling light-headed with disbelief he managed to restrain himself from shaking the Englishman until his teeth rattled inside his dumb head. “You agreed to this”? He asked and now it was his turn to be incredulous.

Wesley stiffened at the slur to his managing abilities and glared at Angel. Vampire or not, he would not be spoken to like that. He’d had a hard enough time keeping the vampire in line before this and there was no way he was letting what progress he’d made be ruined now.

“I had no choice, it was either agree or she’d resign. So what would you have done, Angel”?

Angel didn’t answer but simply grabbed his coat of the rack and headed for the basement exit.

“Where are you going”? Asked Wesley infuriated and not a little concerned by the dangerous glint in his eyes.

Angel didn’t answer that one either.


Lorne sighed happily into his seabreeze while taking a moment to relax, leaning against the bar by the door. Patrons filled his club, happily engrossed in listening to ‘mostly’ good music, indulging in animated conversation and drinking his bar dry. What club-owner wouldn’t be in heaven he thought to himself just before a familiar silence dropped the temperature and atmosphere like a neutron bomb.

“Evening, Angel” he said without turning around.

Merle sitting at the bar at the other end, took the opportunity to slide off his chair and go hide in the john until the exit was clear. “Lorne” was the only greeting he got back so he took a quick peek, and saw his favourite brooding vamp with the ‘killer’ charm toss a frowning look at the even more than usual frozen crowd.

“What’s going on”? Angel finally asked and jerked his head towards the interior. Settling himself next to Lorne with his back to the crowd he waited for an answer.

“You’ve been a busy bee this week aintcha handsome? Lots of customers roughed up, even killed and all cos you’re in a stinking rotten and utterly crappy mood again. If you’re not careful we’re gonna think there’s some wolfy juice in your blood, and it’s the full moon making you crazy every twenty eight days- either that or...” Lorne decided to quit while he was ahead and signalled for the barman to serve Angel a drink.

The barman leaned over to hear the ‘order’, which resulted in an alarmed look at the vampire and a quick nervous nod at the green demon who employed him. Angel missed the byplay- too busy trying to figure out why his entire body was tingling.

He recognised the sensation; it was the one he got when he’d gotten close to someone he’d been stalking. An early warning if you, like to tell him he was ‘hot’. His dark eyes narrowed with sudden suspicion on Lorne who was busy inspecting his fingernails.

“I’ve been here twice, spoken to everyone I can find, and they all tell me they don’t know where she is - including you. Tell me you didn’t lie to me, Lorne” He leaned in closer to whisper the last in a voice that throbbed with repressed violence.

Lorne wished he could. Angel’s earlier visits had all been preceded by warning calls off Wes, or Gunn - but not this time. He only hoped that Roger got to Cordelia in time and warned her to stay out of the way. Mind you by the look on Angel’s face it may already be too late. Damn vampire senses, he thought unreasonably.

“Hi I’m Cordy, what can I get you folks to drink”? Her voice already musical was loud over the crushing silence that still held the room in thrall.

Lorne prided himself on being mostly immune to Angel’s brand of intimidation, but even he couldn’t stop a gulp of fear. Angel stiffened but kept his narrowed eyes on the green demon. A low rumbling growl worked its way up from his chest; before it could fully erupt Lorne slammed his drink down and grabbed Angel’s arm - it was taut as rock and twitched restlessly under his palm.

“Now don’t go off half-cocked Angel-face. Remember the sanctuary spell”. Angel shook of his restraining hand.

“No-one keeps me from her, Lorne. Not you and not her”.

At first all he’d wanted was to find her, make things right and persuade her to come back to work. He’d been so sure she wouldn’t give up her apartment but wherever she was living it wasn’t there anymore, and after two days of fruitless searching and interrogating, his intentions had changed. Then he’d sworn that when he found her she’d find out what he thought of her ‘sabbatical’ and forget persuading, abduction would do.

With a last glare he spun on his heel and aimed right for her. Lorne watched him go and found himself transfixed by the sight of Cordelia so unaware of impending danger chatting away with careless abandon to two dumbstruck patrons, whose dearest wish at that moment was that she would go and pour her version of sunshine at someone else’s table.

Suddenly becoming aware of the tension, not to mention the terror of the demons she was trying to be friendly with; she looked up just in time to see Angel, looking like a dark dangerous thundercloud; headed right for her.

Oh CRAP Cordelia’s eyes widened and she froze in place, the little notepad still held in her hand with the pencil poised as if to take an order. Her little black waitressing dress was short and ended just above the knee and while the neckline while decent it was low enough to partially expose the tops of warm creamy breasts. In fact she’d brought such a buzz to the place that Lorne had mentioned hiring more waitresses. Angel didn’t even seem to notice the dress. He was too busy devouring who was wearing it.

One second she was standing beside a table- the next she was leaning against the bar; trapped between the hard wooden barrier and the equally hard body of a dangerously intent vampire with a soul, whose arms caged her on either side. She’d travelled six feet in a microsecond- so fast she’d blinked and arrived.

Before she could recover from the shock of it and hypnotised by the fiery glitter in his usually aloof dark eyes, his hands speared into her hair and cupped the back of her head. She opened her mouth to speak and then found it filled with the heavy slide of his invading tongue.

Cordelia’s head swam, as he possessed her mouth completely again and again. Retreating only to plunge deep again in a surging rhythm that rocked her to her toes. Her hands came up to grip his shoulders and feeling them there he growled low in his throat- a warning not try and push him away. He crushed her closer and ground his body into hers as if trying to imprint himself on her.

He broke the kiss to let her breath and then captured them again, swallowing her moans as greedily as he devoured her mouth. One leg pushed between hers and then the other did likewise; opening her up to settle his bulging erection in the cradle of her thighs in an explicit statement of intent.

She felt his hands grasp her hips to lift her up while he pushed his lower body closer. She moaned helplessly at the pressure of his erection against the soft folds he’d forced into contact with it as she was left literally straddling his groin.

He didn’t release her lips the whole time, and she was dizzy with the resulting tidal wave of sensation and lack of breath. He lifted his head and she sucked in a deep breath, finally able to hear a familiar voice over the roaring of the heated blood in her ears.

“Angel-cakes please; this isn’t the usual kinda show I put on here ya know”. The voice was unusually subdued, despite the hearty edge forcefully injected into it.

“Stay out of this, Lorne” he growled, and his lips where still so close she could feel the vibration of his deep voice against her cheek. His hands flexed on her hips, testing the softness of her body and in mute denial of the interruption.

“She’s coming home with me” she looked up into his stormy face and felt the incredible pull of willpower he was exerting. She swallowed hard and was amazed how difficult it was to force the words out of her mouth.

“No, Angel. I’m not”

Continue on...