just fic

Title: The Visit
Author: domino84
Posted: 07-22-2002
Rating: PG
Email: zahfat@yahoo.com
Content: C/A obviously, crossover
Summary: The Scoobies come to visit.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Whoever
Notes: This takes place before birthday...so Cordy is not a demon yet, and Connor is still a baby...some of the time lines are a bit messed up though, by a few months.

Part 1

It was a bedraggled group that stood outside, rain dripping miserably of them. They banged on the doors, but the place was silent, silent except for the uncharacteristic storm whose loud sounds drowned out any shouts.

“This is ridiculous. I am breaking in,” an English accent sounded out, sounding irritated.

“I wonder where they are,” a young red-head said, sounding calm despite the circumstances.

“Well, if someone had bothered to phone and let them know we were coming…” a voice trailed of, and a brunette glared at a blonde girl.

“I thought we could surprise them. Besides we all could use a vacation,” the girl replied, defensively.

“Surprise them, please you just wanted to…”

“Everyone calm down,” a man’s voice interrupted. He sounded tired, and resigned, like he had done this many times before. “Spike!” he sounded, as he watched the vampire pull out something from his duster and focus on the lock.

“What exactly do you think you are doing?” another voice cut in. They all turned in unison, to see a crossbow aimed directly at them. A black man and a young woman stood there. The man held the crossbow, his face resolute while the woman stood slightly behind him, peaking anxiously over his shoulder at the group in front of the hotel. Suddenly she started jumping up and down, and her arm pushed the weapon down.

“Look, Charles. Its her. The girl who came last time,” the girl said, excitedly running towards the red-head. And to the surprise of the group hugged her. She hugged back awkwardly.

“Fred?” the man was slower to react, but he did put the crossbow away.

Fred ran back towards him. She pointed to the people around, talking in almost one breathe, “That’s Willow, remember Charles. She’s Cordy’s friend, Cordy says I’m like her, and that’s the B-word,” her voice lowered slightly, “You know the one that died, and that’s Dawnie…Cordy says she’s cool and she’s the key and that she’s really great to go shopping with,” the girl pointed to the others and continued, “And that’s Xander…he’s the one Angel gets mad at, cos he cheated on Cordy, and she cried that once, and that’s Giles, Angel says he’s like Wes and Cordy says he only wears tweed – she’s right, that is tweed, and that’s…” she stopped for a second, when she realized the weird stares she was getting from the bemused faces watching her in shock.

“Maybe we could take this inside, chit,” the blonde vampire standing at the door said quickly before the girl could start again, “where it isn’t raining,” he added pointedly.
“Oh, of course, Charles why didn’t you tell me? Look at all of us, soaking wet. Although I do like the rain…” the girl added. Luckily for all of them, ‘Charles’ moved forward and giving a glare at Spike, causing the blonde vampire to move back, used his keys to open the front doors of the hotel.

“So, what - it didn’t occur to you’ll to ring the bell,” the man called Charles aimed over his shoulder as the group hurried inside to get out the rain. He didn’t seem overly friendly, as eyed them all with distrust.

“Of course, we did. There’s no one home,” Xander replied scornfully.

“Don’t be silly, Angel and Cordy are home,” Fred replied quickly, and then added, “Oh!”

“Oh what?” Buffy asked, curious despite herself.

Fred exchanged a look with Gunn and then to surprise of the group, the man broke out laughing.

“Oh is right, Fred,” he said, and then at the pointed curiosity of the others began to explain.

“Well, Angel won the bet so…” he trailed of, seeing the confusion on their faces.

“Well, that was real helpful,” Spike said sarcastically and turned to the willowy girl. At least when she talked, even if it made no sense, she gave information, he thought.

Fred picked up the story, “Last time Cordy won, and she made Angel watch the Matrix and so when he won he insisted on Charleton Heston. That’s his favourite, and Cordy hates it. He always picked it for movie nights and Cordy always tries to avoid watching them. I don’t know why, I kind of like them, but Wes and Charles don’t either. Tonight, Angel insisted Cordy sit and watch, and Wes made some excuse and me and Charles had a date, so we left, and that’s why.”

Xander looked at each person in the room pointedly before saying, “So am I like the only person in the room that didn’t get that?”

“Maybe you start again,” Dawn suggested, ignoring the panicked looks on their faces.

“Its simple, really,” Fred said, taking no offense, “Cordy probably fell of to sleep to avoid watching, and Angel got bored since he didn’t have Cordy to bug so he’s sleeping as well.”

They group still wore disbelieving looks.

“Angel likes Charleton Heston?” Willow asked finally.

“Movie night?” Buffy questioned.

“So they’re sleeping together,” Anya put in.

“He always was a boring poof,” Spike added.

“No way,” was Xander’s contribution, although if it was in reply to Anya, Willow or Fred, no one was quite sure.

“Come with us, if you don’t believe me,” Fred said, and led the way into another room. They all followed slowly, unable to think of a reason not to.

There on the sofa, curled up together lay Angel and Cordelia. Their legs were a tangled mass and her head rested on his chest, with his arms wrapped tightly around her. In the corner of the room the TV was softly playing, unnoticed by the sleeping forms.

They all stared. It wasn’t merely the position that held them, but the expressions on their faces. Cordelia had a slight smile, mysterious, secretive and happy on her face and none of them had seen Angel look so calm, so at peace before.

And then simultaneously all turned to look at Buffy to see her reaction. She had a surprised look on her face, and something unreadable. Their attention was distracted again when Fred walked up to the two of them, and reached into what looked like a bassinet.

Expertly the young girl picked up a baby and walked quietly out the room up the stairs, Charles following her, after leaning over his two sleeping friends and covering them up with a blanket lying on the edge of the sofa.

The group backed out of the room, almost tripping over each other in their haste to leave and once in the lobby again, they all avoided each other’s eyes until Xander who couldn’t take the silence anymore, blurted out, “I saw a baby, right. A real live baby.” When no one answered he added, “That wasn’t rhetorical question."

Part 2

“Yes that’s a baby. A real live one,” Gunn answered his question sarcastically.
“His name is Connor,” Fred added, coming down the stairs, a baby monitor in her hand. “He’s one month old yesterday.”

She walked past them through the open door where Angel and Cordelia slept and they saw her place the monitor on a small coffee table next to the entwined pair.

Willow shook her head to clear it, and then shook it again in denial. “No that’s not possible,” she said, almost if talking to herself.

“What’s not possible, Will?” Buffy asked, glad to turn away from staring at Angel and Cordelia.

“I saw her a few months ago. And there's NO way she was pregnant. Not in that outfit. No way.”

“What outfit?” Xander asked.

“The princess one,” Gunn replied absently.

“Princess?” Spike spoke, looking curiously at Gunn.

“Hello!” the shout interrupted them all. They all turned to look at Buffy, “That was a baby,” she finished slightly softer.

“Oh, Connor’s not Cordy’s,” Fred said in the ensuing silence, replying to the unspoken assumption, “Well, he is, but not really,” she tried to clarify.

“Oh, that was helpful,” Buffy said. Her tone said otherwise.

Gunn decided he didn’t really like her. He glared at Buffy as Fred said proudly, “He’s Angel’s son.”

There was silence before all their voices rose in protest.

“He can't be!” It was a flat statement. Buffy.

“Deadboy has a son?” Xander.

“I didn’t know vampires could have children,” Willow’s voice has a questioning tone.

“It isn’t possible,” Giles said.

“The prophecy,” it came from Anya.

And through it all came laughter. Spike. He laughed and laughed. Tears started running down his face. And all of them quieted till the only sound in the huge lobby was the echoing sound of his laughter. They all turned to stare at him, but he didn’t stop.

“Figures,” he chocked out between chuckles, “The poof would have a baby. What could be more unnatural.”

Gunn decided he didn’t like the blonde man either.

“Connor’s a perfectly normal human child,” Fred said defensively. She didn’t take insults to her family very well.

“Of course he is,” Spike said, “Didn’t say otherwise, did I?” He stopped laughing, “So the cheerleader’s the mum, is she?”

“No, Darla’s Connor’s mother.”

They all took in that statement, before the voices rose again.

“Darla’s dead.” Xander.

“The same Darla….” Willow.

“Never would just die, that bitch,” the heartfelt comment came from Spike. He was the only one of them that didn’t looked shocked.

Gunn raised his hand to silence them. When that didn’t work he yelled, “Shut up!” There was instant quiet.

“Maybe you should talk to Angel and Cordy,” he said, “They’ll explain.”

“Yeah,” Fred agreed, “But don’t bring up the D-word to Cordy. She gets upset. Then Angel gets upset, ‘cos she’s upset. And then…”

“Okay, we won't.” Giles got out before she could continue. Gunn immediately glared at the offending party who dared interrupt his girl.

It was at this point, before any more questions could be asked that an unusual sound was heard. Unusual, at least to the Scoobies. A baby’s cry.

It garnered immediate attention. Gunn and Fred both turned to the steps and from the open doorway, two figures jumped. There was a loud crash, and amidst a tangle of limbs and a blanket, now laying on the floor, they separated and both headed for the door.

The Scoobies gaped as the two went by, their presence unnoticed in the light of the baby’s cries and watched as Angel ran towards the staircase and met Fred and Gunn about halfway, a howling baby in Fred’s arms, while Cordelia ran through another door at the end of the lobby, into the kitchen.

With an ease unexpected to them, the baby was transferred into his father’s arms, where he instantly settled down. The peace was short-lived, however, and less than a minute later, the baby was tearing up again.

The Scoobies continued watching, unnoticed. They didn’t announce their presence and neither did Fred and Gunn, all their attention focused solely on the child.

“Cor, hurry up,” Angel yelled over the sound of the baby’s cries.

“Since when does he call her Cor?” Xander whispered to the Scoobies.

“I’m coming. I’m coming,” Cordelia yelled back.

“Don’t worry, Connor. Mummy’s bringing you food right now,” Angel said to his son reassuringly.

“Since when is Cordelia a mother,” Buffy whispered.

“I thought she wasn’t the mummy,” Willow said back.

“I thought she was,” Dawnie replied.

Cordelia walked back into the room with a bottle in her hand, and headed towards Angel and Connor.

“Come here, sweetheart, come to Aunt Cordy,” she said in a baby voice to the baby and with an even more practiced ease the baby was transferred to Cordelia and without delay began sucking on the bottle, the room silencing once more.

“Maybe she doesn’t know she’s the mummy,” Xander added.

“Maybe he doesn’t know she isn’t the mummy,” Buffy whispered back.

They all turned to stare at her.

“What? I’m confused.” The Scoobies all nodded in agreement.

Angel and Cordelia began to pace, their steps in unison, the length of the room, Cordelia rocking the baby in her arms, Angel’s eyes focused only on Cordelia and the precious bundle she had in her arms. It was why he didn’t see the Scoobies until they were directly in front of them.

He did however notice, the sudden stop they made, and the fistful of his shirt that was abruptly grabbed.

“Angel, tell me I am having a vision,” Cordelia’s desperate voice made him look up directly into Buffy’s eyes.

“We wish,” Gunn muttered from behind them.

“No…Cor, I don’t think so,” Angel said slowly, as he took in the rest of the Scoobies. He reached a hand around Cordelia fist and tried to loosen her grip on his shirt.

“Cordy, my shirt,” he hinted.

“Oh,” Cordelia let go, and then watched as Angel tried to smooth out the creases in the navy shirt he wore.

“I have to go an iron this,” Angel said, slightly annoyed.

Cordelia turned away from the sight of the Sunnydale crowd to look at him. “You know you are a freak, right,” she said to him, “Did you not notice the visitors we have.”

Part 3

“Anyone feel like we stepped into the Twilight Zone?” Xander asked the room in general, while everyone was looking at Angel’s rather indignant face at Cordy’s comment.

“I have to go with yes,” Willow answered Xander’s question.

“Hi, Buffy,” Angel said, and then glanced around to include the others in his greeting, “Guys.”

“Angel,” Buffy said, looking into his eyes.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. ‘And so it begins. Another chapter in the saga of the never-ending make-me-gag lives that is Buffy and Angel. I need to get out of here.’ Across from her, Spike did the same.

“So that’s Connor, Angelus?” Spike said, to break the stare.

Angel turned away from Buffy, and glared at his grand-childe, “It’s Angel,” he said. And then the rest dawned on him. He turned back to Buffy, “You’ll know,” he said.

“They mentioned some things,” she gestured to Fred and Gunn standing behind them.

Awkward greetings over , silence descended upon the room once more.

“Okay, then… I’m going to go now,” Cordelia broke the silence, and before Angel could say anything, Connor was back in his arms. It took him a couple of seconds to figure out that she was actually leaving him, by which point she was already at the door, completely in flight mode. Dealing with Sunnydale wasn’t something she was ready to do unexpectedly. She needed time to prepare, so she was getting some, at home with Dennis. If she was lucky, they would be gone by morning. Of course the way her luck was going, that would so never happen.

Her hand was on the doorknob, when there was a sudden flash of movement that stopped her. It was panic, sheer panic that made Angel move so fast, sheer panic and having the advantage of vampire reflexes, panic that she was going to leave him alone to deal with the Scoobies and Buffy, he wasn’t about to let that happen. Connor seemed to enjoy it though, the baby was smiling happily and waving his arms in the air.

“You can't go,” he said flatly, leaving no room for argument. Of course that really wasn’t the way to deal with Cordy, she didn’t really take well to orders, irrespective of who was giving them.

The door opened before Cordelia could answer him and Wesley and Lorne stepped inside. “Go where, princess?” Lorne asked, looking around. There was strange vibes going on here.

The next few seconds were strange to say the least. A gasp was heard from one of the Scoobies. Another fast movement, and a stake was held against Lorne’s chest by the Slayer. An instant later, that same hand was thrown off by Cordelia and the slayer flew back, flipping to land on her feet. Everyone stared at Cordy in shock.

“Lorne is our friend,” Cordelia said to the room, “You don’t get to touch him,” and she looked directly at Buffy.

“But he’s a demon,” Buffy protested, a little weakly. She was still in shock from being thrown of by Cordelia, who last she checked didn’t quite know how to fight.

“Not all demons are bad, luv,” Spike told the slayer. Buffy looked at him for a minute, and then at Angel who had this weird expression on his face, it looked strangely like pride, before she nodded. An agreement. She wouldn’t hurt Lorne.

Buffy turned to look at the rest of the Scoobies to see what they were thinking. Xander was staring at Cordelia in awe, Anya was looking at her nails, a bored expression on her face, while Giles was inching his way closer to the green demon, his I-want-to-study-it look in full display. Buffy frowned when she saw Willow and Dawn’s faces. Something akin to hero-worship was developing, a similar expression on the weird girl, Fred’s face. The frown grew when she noticed Spike interest in her former nemesis. What the hell was going on here?

Cordelia began to head towards the door again, trying to sneak out before Angel figured out she was leaving. There would be more questions now, and she really didn’t want to explain Connor, the visions and the training to them. Damn. Blocked again.

Angel had a pleading expression on his face, as he stood in front of her. “You can't leave me, Cor,” he whined, “I need you.”

“Since when does Angel whine?” Willow asked.

“Is that Wesley? Wow…he doesn’t look like how I remember him,” Anya said, ignoring the glare Xander sent her way. Buffy and Dawn looked at Wesley and agreed.

Cordelia didn’t budge, she was leaving. Time to pull out the big guns. Angel put his puppy-dog look in his eyes. He knew she always fell for it. When he saw her weakening he whispered, “Please.”

Cordelia wavered slightly, and then glanced behind her at the Scoobies who were all watching the scene with avid interest. No – there was no way she was staying. Puppy dog expressions or not. She looked back at Angel and shook her head, and started to walk by.

“Cordy, come on,” he said desperately and glanced down for a second at his son, “Connor needs you.” She stopped, and looked at the little boy in his arms. Connor was waving his arms around happily making little baby noises. When he saw her he reached out with his little arms towards her, “See, he wants you to stay.” Angel didn’t even feel guilty using his son to make her stay.

“He looks fine to me.” Cordelia looked back up at her best friend. Angel glared at his son. Connor cried all the time, and when he need him to the kid was happy. For a second he contemplated whether pinching his son would make him cry and her stay. No – he couldn’t do that. Cordy would be mad.

“I’m not letting you leave,” he said finally. He groaned inwardly when he saw her expression to his statement. Oh he was going to have to pay for that, he knew. He wondered if he bought her that new dress she wanted, she would forgive him.

“You can't make me stay, right Wes?” Cordelia looked at Wes.

Wesley swallowed noisily and looked at Angel before glancing at Cordelia again. Who was scarier? No question about it. He sent an apologetic look to his friend before nodding in agreement with her, “Of course not, Cordy.”

Angel looked around desperately for help. Gunn and Fred both shook their heads. They were not getting involved. Making Cordy mad was not a good way to go. Angel looked at Lorne, and the demon smirked at him, before smiling, “Princess, maybe you should stay. You might be needed here. Never know what’s going to happen.”

Cordelia looked at Lorne for a second and then back at Angel and Wesley. Angel looked hopeful and Wesley had a slightly edgy expression in his face. He didn’t look any more happy to be dealing with ghosts from the past then she did. She took a look at Fred, who was nervously chewing on her fingers. Fred didn’t like new people. They all needed her. Damn. She couldn’t leave.

She reached for Connor and put her bag back on her desk. Angel smiled happily at her, freaking out all the Scoobies who had rarely, if ever seen him smile, not counting Angelus smirks.

Dawnie immediately rushed towards her and enveloped her in a hug. “I missed you Cordy,” she said excitedly. “Can you show me how you that? Isn’t Connor gorgeous. I wish we had a baby,” she bubbled, not noticing Buffy’s horrified expression to her last statement.

“You’ve grown, Dawnie-girl. Woah. And I love your hair,” Cordy smiled at her. Not everyone is Sunnydale hated her, she remembered a little belatedly.

Willow took her cue from Dawn and reached to hug Cordelia as well, to Buffy and Xander’s surprise. When did they become friends.

“Hey, Cordelia.”

“Willow.” To the surprise of the rest of the room, Cordelia hugged her back. “It’s been a while, huh. How’s Tara?”

“Willow and Cordelia speak. I didn’t know that. Why didn’t I know that? Does anyone tell me anything?” Xander said to Anya and Buffy.

“Hey, I didn’t know either. I apparently don’t know lots of stuff,” Buffy said, a little annoyed by the warm greetings exchanged by her sister and best friend and Cordelia.

“What’s with princess thing – that’s what I want to know. I thought she was Queen C?” Spike asked, and was promptly ignored by all.

“Tara’s good. She’s visiting a cousin, and we thought we would all take a vacation,” Willow answered.

“That’s too bad. I wanted to meet her.”

“Next time, maybe.”

“I want warning next time, Will” Cordelia joked, half serious.

“I know. You have a lot of explaining to do,” Willow looked at the baby in her arms.

Cordelia smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, I know. Not my secret to give though. Plus I figured I owe you for Harmony,” she said, exchanging grins with Willow.

“Never gonna let that go, huh?” Willow said, running her fingers down Connor’s face, while Dawn played with his hands. Connor looked entranced by the new people.

“Nah,” Cordy replied, “Wanna hold him?” she said to Dawn.

“Can I? Can I really? Dawn said excitedly, jumping up and down.

“Yeah, of course you can. If you want to ask his daddy?”

Dawn ran from Cordy to Angel and bounced in front of him, “Can I? Can I, please, pleeeeeeeeeease,” she said, exitedly.

“You don’t have to ask, Dawn,” Angel replied, smiling at her excitement. Before he finished talking, Dawn was already reaching for Connor from Cordy.

Anya who had never had much experience with babies headed towards Connor as well and nervously held out a hand to touch his face.

“He won't bite, Anya,” Cordelia’s tone was amused.

Angel looked around and smiled to himself. The lobby was fuller than normal and since Cordy decided to stay, things were definitely less tense and awkward. Giles stood at the one end of the room, introducing himself to Lorne, with Wesley as they discussed Connor and Pylea, while Gunn and Fred spoke to Willow and Xander. Anya and Dawn were playing with Connor while his mother watched carefully. The term he called Cordelia slipped in unconsciously, and he didn’t notice it.

Angel looked further and spotted Buffy, still slightly in shock, she stood separately, watching the room, like him. Angel observed Spike from his position, he appeared to standing guard over Buffy, while his glance wavered between her and Dawn. Things had changed, Angel thought to himself, and contemplated whether or not he should go and talk to Buffy. He would wait and ask Cordy what she thought.

He jumped when the object of his thoughts called his name. He headed towards her.

“You, Spike and Gunn go and fetch the bags from the car, while Wes, Fred and I get some rooms ready,” Cordelia said to him.

“They’re all staying here?” Angel asked. That hadn’t occurred to him.

“Of course they are. This is a hotel, Angel,” Cordy replied, and smirked at his panic.


“No, buts, go,” she shooed him out the door and sent Spike and Gunn after him. They followed. It didn’t occur to anyone to question her orders.

“Okay, we will use rooms 11, 16, the green room, the blue one – Xander, are you and Anya sharing?”

“Of course we are. We want to have sex,” Anya replied to her question.

“Okay, way too much information,” Cordy said.

“You get used to it,” Willow put in.

“Yeah? And room 18 for Anya and Xander, and 28 for Spike. Dawnie, I gave you your own room,” Cordelia finished off.

“Thanks, Cordy. Hey can we go shopping tomorrow?” Dawn called back.

Cordelia turned around and smiled – a huge smile – the one the AI team referred to as her 100watt smile, “Shopping. Oh yeah. Never turn down shopping. Can't wait.”

“I wanna come too,” Willow said.

“I could go as well. You can help with the honeymoon stuff.” Anya added.

“Perfect. We can make a day of it, right Fred?” Cordy looked at Fred for agreement, and then smiled sunnily at Buffy, “You’re coming, Buffy?” she said. There. Angel can be proud of me. I am being nice.

Buffy looked at Cordelia. At the sincere invitation, and the smile that had the room bowled over, “Sure, why not. I could shop.”

“Great,” Dawn said, “I love shopping with Cordy. She has the coolest taste. We are going to have so much fun.”

“Fun with what, Nibblet?” Spike caught the end, as he staggered back into the room, his hands filled with various bags.

“Me and Cordy and us girls are going shopping,” Dawnie replied, twirling with Connor.

Spike smiled at her happiness.

“Damn, girl. You move fast. They just got here,” Gunn said, as he dumped the suitcases he carried on the floor of the lobby.

“I’ll have you know, I didn't even suggest it,” Cordy said, defensively.

“Of course you didn’t,” Angel answered her, sarcastically, “You really don’t want to go shopping.”

“Hey, stop picking on Cordy,” Dawnie called.

“How does she do that?” Wes said to Angel.

“What? Get everyone in the room to take her side,” Angel asked, and Gunn nodded.

Angel looked at her, an unreadable look on his face, and said quietly, “She smiles!”

Across the room from them, Buffy and Xander looked at each, and back at Angel looking at Cordelia.

“He’s in love with her,” Buffy said, in a tone so soft he could barely hear her, “And she doesn’t even know.”

“Yeah, he is,” Xander replied, “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice concerned.

“I don’t know. I thought…I thought….” Buffy’s voice faded.

“What?” Xander asked.

“I thought that what we had, Angel and I - it was forever. Nothing could touch it,” she said sadly.

“Maybe it was, Buffy. Time just passes,” Xander replied softly.

“No, it wasn’t. What we had was bright, and fast, but it burned out. First loves do that.” This time her voice sounded more sure. She didn’t take her eyes of Angel. “Look at him – that’s forever. The light that burns eternally. It might not be as bright, but its never gone burn out.”

Xander took his worried eyes of her and looked at Angel. And then at Cordelia. She was talking to Dawn, her hands gesturing excitedly, while Angel stared from across the room, his eyes taking in her every movement. Even when he turned to comment to Wesley who was standing next to him, his eyes always went back to her.

“Buffy?” There was a question in his voice. Of concern. Of worry.

She smiled at him, a sad smile, “I guess that’s why I came here. Why I made us all come here.”


“To say goodbye. For real this time. I didn’t even admit it to myself, until I saw them. On that couch. He looked peaceful. I’ve never seen him at peace before. Or so happy. She did that. Even if she doesn’t know.”

“You gonna be okay?” Xander asked when she stopped.

“I think so. I really do. Maybe I just needed to say it our aloud.”

“It’ll happen to you, Buffy. I know.”

“How do you know?” She turned to face him, “How are you always so sure, huh Xander?”

“’Cos I love you, and I know how easy it is to do that, Buffy,” he smiled at her.

“Thank you.”


Buffy turned around and faced the room again, “We are going to have to do something about that though. Can't have Queen C remaining oblivious.”

“You picked it up fast,” a voice said from behind them, “It’s the kyerumption.”

Buffy and Xander turned around and looked at green man standing slightly back, a cautious distance to respect the slayer. He smiled at them, “At least he finally figured it out, the princess is still clueless.”

“Kyerumption?” Buffy asked.

“Princess? What is with this princess thing?” Xander questioned.

“Long story.”

“We’re here all week,” Buffy said, and to her own surprise, despite the new discoveries and realizations she had just experienced she felt happy about it.

“Guys,” Cordelia interrupted, and everyone headed towards her, “How about we get some food, and do some catch-up,” she suggested when she had everyone’s attention.

“Plan. I like that plan. Can we have tacos, huh, Cordy, please,” Fred asked, enthusiasm bubbling over.

“Yeah, Fred. We can have taco’s,” Angel replied for Cordy and the two of them exchanged an amused look.

“I figure we have lots of stories to tell,” Buffy said, and looked at Angel for a second. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Cordelia turning away, her face emotionless. So she is jealous.

“How about you explain the Princess story, Cordelia…Cordy,” Buffy caught her eye, and smiled, her own olive branch extended.

“Woah, looks like the B-word is making nice with Barbie,” Gunn whispered to Fred, Lorne and Wesley who were all standing on one side of Angel and Cordelia with the Scoobies on the other side. Despite the backgrounds, and friendly overtures, it would be a while before the lines that were drawn could be crossed.

“She knows about the kyerumption,” Lorne stage-whispered back, a tad too loud. It was heard by both vampires in the room, leaving one confused while the other sent a glare their way. It darkened when Fred began to jump up and down excitedly. Wesley laid a restraining arm on her.

“Shhh, I want to hear,” he admonished them.

“It comes complete with props,” Cordelia replied to Buffy, her smile widening, taking in everything in its path, “Wanna see my princess outfit?” she asked. And because she was looking at Buffy she didn’t notice the enthusiastic agreement from all the men in the room. Enthusiastic, that is, until Angel figured out those looks on their faces were aimed at his Cordy and he shot them all a warning glare. It worked for all, except Spike who just smirked back at him.

Despite the late hour, and the earlier ups and downs, the rest of the night passed relatively painlessly. Gunn, Wesley, Spike, Fred and Dawn went to get take-out from various places, and the rest prepared the rooms for occupation.

It was a night of food, talk, catch-up and revelations for both groups. Anya spent most of her time with Connor, even after he was sleeping, looking totally fascinated, and scaring the hell out of Xander, after he noticed her enthrallment in the baby.

The Scoobies watched in horror and amazement when Cordelia ever so calmly pulled out several packets of blood, and poured it into mugs, while conversing with Dawn over the pros and cons of blonde highlights, and put them into the microwave, before handing it to Angel and a shocked Spike.

Angel smiled his thanks and promptly started drinking, while Spike stared at his.

“He’s drinking in front of us,” Xander said in horror to Willow.

Willow looked around, “They don’t seem to care,” she commented, taking in their expressions. It was like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

“She warmed up his blood,” Buffy said, she didn’t take her eyes of the microwave, “In the microwave,” she added, almost if stating the obvious would make it real.

Xander poked Anya in the arm, “Look, An…he’s drinking. Blood,”

“So,” Anya glanced at Angel before going back to Connor.

“So…its BLOOD,” Xander repeated, “Blood!”

“I’m a ex-demon, Xander. Blood isn’t a big deal,” Anya replied in a bored voice.

Cordelia moved around in the kitchen grabbing some stuff, and handing it to Dawn, who didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong at all, not noticing Buffy, Xander and Willow’s faces. She spotted Spike still staring at his mug.

“I didn’t spike it with holy water, if that’s what you are worried about,” she smiled at him. He looked up at her.

“No one’s ever given me blood before,” he said to her, “Well, Dru did, but she didn’t put it in a mug,” he continued. Cordelia’s face blanched at the mention of Druscilla.

“You’re welcome,” Cordy replied.

Spike looked at the mug in wonder before looking around at the rest of the crowd. He saw Angel drinking his while talking to Wesley, and then he turned and spotted Buffy, her eyes filled with horror, and his face fell. Not for the first time, he felt envy for his grandsire.

“So you gonna drink it, or just stare at it all day. I know my cooking skills suck, but really…” Cordelia teased, from beside him. She didn’t say anything but Spike had the distinct feeling she knew exactly how he felt, and was trying to make him feel better. When he felt, Angel’s gaze on the two of them, he smirked at him, raised his mug in toast, took one last look at Buffy and made a decision. He drank.

And promptly choked.

“What the hell is in here?” he asked.

“Chili!” Angel replied, appearing suddenly next to him. He grinned at Spike, “She puts cinnamon for breakfast, and chili for supper,” he continued, “I just drink it.”

“She puts cinnamon in your blood?” Spike looked at Angel incredulously, “Why?”

“She says, and I quote, my diet is too bland, she can't possible be expected to do the same all the time, so she varies it. Sometimes she puts other stuff in,” he shuddered in horror.

Spike smiled at him, a sincere smile, this time, “You’re a lucky bastard, Angelus.”

“I know, William,” Angel replied, turning to look at his Cordy again, “I know.”

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