just fic

Title: The End of the World . . . Again?
Author: Dock
Posted: 09-21-2002
Rating: R
Content: C/A, F/G, Everything else is a surprise (be afraid . . kidding), crossover
Summary: The Scoobies come to LA to stop the latest apocalypse.
Spoilers: Everything up to S3, including a few spoilers for S4 (nothing major)
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Nothing Fancy and anyone who asks
Notes: I decided to get off my lurking butt and post my very first story. Oh in case you're wondering Anya is off being a vengence demon somewhere and Dawn is visiting her Dad. I can only handle so many characters at once. Be forewarned, I have taken minor liberties with the past.
Feedback: I'd love some but please be gentle. This is my very first try.

Part 1

Cordelia was sitting on the red couch pretending to read a magazine. Actually she was watching Fred and Gunn cuddle on the couch by Angel's office. They looked so happy. She couldn't hold in her sigh. She glanced over at her brooding vampire. Angel was sharpening his favorite broadsword. She knew he was missing Connor. She couldn't help but feel guilty. After all, it was because of her disappearance that they fought. Every time she thought about what happened during her absense, she wanted to cry. Angel trapped at the bottom of the ocean, Fred and Gunn desparately searching for them, Connor, her poor confused boy, alone. Then Angel finally manages to escape his watery tomb only to discover her missing. She could hardly blame him for thinking Connor was involved, but he was innocent. Angel didn't believe him and they fought. She was so grateful they didn't kill each other. So not only did she let her family down again, she made the rift between father and son worse. Of course when she finally returned, she still managed to hurt Angel a little more. Ascending was easy but descending had side effects. Amnesia is so not fun. If only she could erase the memory of the hurt in his eyes when her clueless self had been afraid of him. How was she going to tell him she is in love with him? Every time she looked at him she was overwhelmed with guilt. Well atleast it can't get any worse. *Oh God, please tell me I didn't just think that! Maybe it won't count since I didn't say it aloud.*

"Hey Deadboy! Do you have any vancancies?"

*It counts. Dammit.*

"Xander, what are you doing here? Oh and I see you brought the whole Scooby gang." Xander's entrance was followed by Willow, Buffy and Giles.

"Well Cordy I'm glad you asked. The world is ending . . . again. So about those vancancies."

Cordelia smiled, Giles had been in the Hyperion less than a minute and he was already polishing his glasses.

"Thank you Xander. I was unsure how to break the news. I am so glad you are here."

"Come on G-Man. I didn't steal your thunder. I didn't even mention the prophesy."

Gunn approached the weapons cabinet, while keeping an eye on the strange group of visitors. He relaxed a bit once he had his favorite axe in his hands. "So when, where and what are we killin'?"

"The ritual won't begin until the next full moon. So we have a few days to prepare and research."

"Great. I'd rather just kill something." Gunn grumbled while putting his axe away.

"Well I guess introductions are in order. Gunn, Fred, these are the Scoobies. That is Xander, Willow, Giles and Buffy. Guys, these are our associates Gunn and Fred."

Fred cheerily crossed the room to shake hands with the group. She was so excited to finally meet them. "Wow. You're the B-word."

Buffy straightened her shoulders and glared at Cordy. "What B-word would that be exactly?"

A confused Fred moved to stand by Gunn. "Buffy. It starts with a B."


Angel finally found his voice. "Fred is just excited to meet all of you. She's heard so much about you guys." Angel shifted to stand by Cordelia. He couldn't help being nervous. Something about these people made Angel want to disappear into the nearest dark corner he could find. Being near Cordelia made him feel better. "So there is an apocalypse coming up in LA. I guess we didn't get the memo. It was nice of you to let us know . . . in person."

Buffy was confused. If she didn't know better, she would swear Angel didn't want her there. *And why the hell is he standing so close to Cordelia? Hello, personal bubble!* "Giles found a prophesy. So here we are, ready to stop the forces of evil. Apparently the hellmouth gets to sit this one out."

Cordy suddenly became aware that the AI group were lined up and facing off against the Scoobies. *time to take control* "Well guys welcome to the Hyperion. We have plenty of rooms. They may be a little dusty. We don't get many guests. First things first." She crossed over to Willow and pulled her into a giant hug. "It is so good to see you again. You look really good and I love your hair."

The red head blushed. "I love yours too. Short hair really suits you."

"Thanks." She next went up to Giles and to the surprise of everyone in the room (aside from Gile) kissed him gently on the lips and pulled him into a hug. "I've missed you."

Giles returned the hug and seemed oblivious to the growls coming from Angel. "And I you. You look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you." The growls only seemed to get louder. Cordelia's face lit up into one of her 100 watt smiles.

Buffy wasn't sure what she was more shocked about the kiss, Gile's comment, the brightness of Cordy's smile, Angel's growls or the fact that Giles now appeared to be blushing.

Xander's breath caught in his throat when he saw her smile. She really was even more beautiful than he remembered. *And why the hell was it directed at GILES* "So Cordy, where's my hug?"

Cordy could stop the snort at Xander. "Well I see you haven't changed. Still the Zeppo, huh?"

"Hey" Xander pouted.

"I'm only kidding Xander. Come here." She enveloped her ex in a hug. "It's actually good to see you."

"Thanks. You look amazing. Um . . why does Angel keep growling. He's not evil, is he?"

"No. He's just being his dorky self."

"Hey. I am not a dork!"

"Well then stop growling and greet our guests." She finally approached Buffy. "It's good to see you, Buff. I'm glad you're not dead anymore. I totally want to hear about heaven."

"How did you know about that?" Buffy shot a look at Willow. She knew the two occasionally spoke but she couldn't believe Will would talk to Cordy about her like that.

"Come on Buffy. I mean duh much. You died saving the world. Who would be stupid enough to think you went to hell. I may be no Fred but I'm not stupid. You only beat me by 20 points on the SATs." She noticed the Sunnydale group went rather still. She glanced over at Angel and gave him a look.

He finally stepped forward. "Hello everyone. It's good to see you all again."

Cordelia rolled her eyes at him and muttered dork under her breath knowing his vampiric hearing would pick it up. "OK. I think that concludes the awkward portion of the evening. If you wanna follow me, I'll show you to your rooms. Fred, could you please order some pizzas I'm sure everyone is hungary." She was about to start up the stairs when the vision struck.

Giles was the closest to her as she began to float off the floor. "Oh dear lord" was heard before he clasped her around her waist to prevent her from floating away. Angel was across the room in an instant. He shoved Giles away with a growl. The entire Scooby gang began talking at once but Angel ignored them. He concentrated on Cordy's face. He could smell her fear.

She finally came back to earth. She did her best to blink back the tears. "Change of plans. Everyone grab some weapons. We have a vampire nest to clean out."

Buffy switched to slayer mode. "It might be best to wait until morning."

"No. We go now!" Cordy looked into Angel's eyes. "Connor is going to try to take all 25 on himself. We have thirty minutes to get there." She glanced around the room. "Gunn, load everyone up with weapons. I need you to ride with them. The nest is in the old toy factory on 6th. Fred, if you have any new inventions bring them along." She turned back to Angel and grabbed his face with both hands. "We are going to save him." She gave him a small smile and then turned back to the others. "Move! Now!"

Everyone snapped out of their fog. Questions later. Rescue now. They were preparing to leave when Spike walked thru the hotel doors.

"Hey Peaches. Miss me? Cordelia, luv, still looking fabulous."

Angel was about to pounce when to his utter shock Buffy spoke up. "Shut up Spike. We have a nest to clean out and a person to save. Let's go."

Cordelia did a double take. Spike was different somehow but that would have to wait. Connor was in danger. "OK, Backstory later. Spike you ride with us."

"I think . . "

"Don't think Spike, just listen." Cordelia handed him a stake and pushed him out the doors and toward the plymouth.

Part 2

"Spike, get in the back."

"I don't want to ride in Peaches' batmobile!"

"Too bad. I need to fill you in on the mission." Cordelia shoved Spike into the plymouth and followed him into the backseat. She didn't want Fred to get too close. Something was off with Spike, aside from the whole vampire with a chip thing.

Angel sped off with the scooby gang and Gunn following in their rented van. He needed to get to Connor as fast as possible and he wanted to get Cordy away from Spike. *Why the hell is she sitting with him!*

Spike turned his annoyed glare to Cordelia. She had been staring at him for awhile and it was beginning to really bug him. "You got somethin' to say Pet?"

When their eyes connected, she finally figured out what was different. *Wow, Spike with a soul. Who'd have thought?* "How long have you had it?"

Spike started. How could she possibly know? "Don't know what you're talkin' about, luv. Tell me about the nest. How many vamps? How many people need rescuein'?"

"How long have you had . . "

"The nest, luv. We're talkin' about the nest."

"Fine" He didn't want to talk about it and now wasn't the time to force it. "I saw about 25 vamps. Connor was gonna take them all on himself."

"What is he crazy?"

"No. He's . . . he's more than meets the eye, but he's not invincible. We stake as many vamps as we can and rescue him. He will NOT be hurt."

"Why so tense? What's so special about this bloke?"

"He's family." Cordelia fidgeted in her seat for a minute before she quietly added. "Spike, if you go into game face during the fight don't turn your back on Connor."

Spike was about to comment when he saw her sad expression.

Angel and Fred remained quiet in the front seat. Neither could argue with Cordy's warning. The rest of car ride was spent in silence.

They arrived at the abandoned factory in record time. Everyone gathered in the alley behind the building.

Angel warily inspected the building's size. It was rather large with three floors. He didn't like the idea of spreading out to search. He wanted to protect Connor but he didn't want anyone to get hurt. *Well maybe Spike*

As if she was reading his mind, Cordelia gently touched Angel's shoulder. "I know where it happens. He was in the main room on the second floor. We stick together. Hey, we can totally handle 25 vamps. Noone is gonna get hurt. If there are more, then we get him and get out. OK?"

Angel smiled at her. *I love this woman* "Guys, we're going in. Stay close together. Spike and I will lead. Buffy, you pull up the rear. And try to move quietly." The last remark was directed at Xander.

"Hey Deadboy. You seem to forget that I was key guy at graduation," Xander huffed.

Willow nudged him. "Not now. Shh!"

Buffy was pouting. *Who put Angel and Cordelia in charge. I should be upfront with Angel. I can't believe the way he's ignoring me. He said he really missed me when I was dead. He's probably just focused. As soon as we rescue this guy, he'll want to spend time with me alone. I'm still his girl. I don't need Spike - why the hell is Cordy whispering something into Spike's ear? We don't need to be that quiet!*

Giles gently prompted Buffy out of her reverie. He needed her to be in full slayer mode. Angel, Spike and Cordelia had already disappeared into the factory. His mind was swirling with questions but someone needed recueing. Everyone needed to focus on the here and now, Buffy included. They were outnumbered. He shot a worried glance at Willow. She was stronger now but when her emotions were out of control, her magic becomes unpredictable. Fear is a hard emotion to control. She looked okay. She faces vampires often enough on the hellmouth but fear for her friends' saftey would overwhelm once in awhile. His eyes connected with hers for a moment.

"I'm fine Giles. We have two vampires and a slayer with us. The vamps are as good as staked. I promise I'm in control. OK?"


The group managed to make it to the second floor with few complications. Only two vamps had to be quietly dusted along the way. Angel could hear voices and then he saw him. Connor was creeping along the far wall. He was moving toward the room full of vampires. Before he could reach him, Connor burst into the room and began staking. *What the hell is he thinking!* Angel launched himself into the cloud of dust Connor was creating.

Spike quickly followed. He watched Connor for a moment. He remembered the cheerleader's warning. The way this kid moved was familiar.

Cordelia watched Angel and Connor fight the vamps. Connor had yet to acknowledge his father's presence. She couldn't help being afraid about what he might do when he did. She turned and easily dusted the vampire who charged her. *focus*

By the time Buffy and Gunn made it, half of the vamps were already dust. Gunn charged in right away. Buffy stopped to tell Giles, Willow, Xander and Fred to watch their backs in case more vamps were in the building. She observed the room for a second. Angel, Cordy and Gunn fought like they choreographed it. Spike seemed to fit right in and the boy, he . . . he was really good. *Who is this kid? What is this kid?* She pushed her thoughts aside and starting fighting. Within moments Angel and Spike were the only vamps not dust.

Connor finally looked at his father. "What are you doing here?"

"Cordy had a vision. What were you thinking taking on all these vamps by yourself?" Angel moved closer. He longed to pull his son into his arms.

"I can take care of myself. I don't need you!" He pushed Angel aside and walked toward the exit only to be cut off by Cordelia.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He tried to move around her but she refused to be avoided. She grabbed his face with both hands and force him to look at her. Blue eyes connected with hazel.

"We were worried about you. Please come home with us."

He looked into her warm hazel eyes and couldn't help but relax a bit. What was it about this woman? She made him feel less . . alone. He really hated this world. It was so confusing and so loud. He was tired and lonely. *Please, make it stop*

"Please come home." She repeated.

He saw the love in her eyes. Noone ever looked at him with such a gentle yet fierce love before. "Will you stay this time?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You'll stay...at the hotel or I could stay with you at your apartment." He looked over at Angel. He still didn't trust the vampire. Maybe he didn't kill Holtz, maybe, but he was still a killer.

"We'll all stay at the hotel. There are a whole bunch of people I want you to meet." She gave him a smile before pulling him into a hug. Her smile got brighter as his grip tightened.

Angel watched the woman he loved holding his son. He wished he could wrap his arms around them both, but he didn't want to scare Connor off. The important thing now is he was coming home. He smiled to himself. Cordy had promised Connor to stay at the hotel as well. *That's my boy!*

Fred watched Cordy and Connor from the safety of Gunn's arms. She knew Cordy would bring their family back together. If only they could let Wesley come home too. Maybe once Connor accepts Angel into his heart, Angel might be able to give Wesley another chance. *I want my family whole again!*

The questions in Giles' mind had now doubled. He looked at Buffy who was looking at Angel who was looking at Cordy. He was beginning to get a headache. "I suggest we all return to the hotel. We still have an apocalypse to research."

Cordelia blew out a breath. "You're right. Let's go. I'm covered in vampire dust and you, young man, need some dinner followed by a good night's rest." She grabbed his hand and began walking to the door. Everyone silently followed the pair.

When they reached the cars, she glanced around the group. "Spike why don't you ride in the van. Gunn will come with us. You guys can follow Angel."

"Sure thing Pet." He joined the Sunnydale group beside the van. She heard him mutter "bossy little chit, isn't she?"

She ushered Fred and Gunn into the backseat and then slid into the front seat between Angel and Connor. They pulled away from the curb. "They're gonna have a lot of questions when we get back to the hotel."

Angel grunted his assent. He noticed his son was still holding Cordy's hand. He couldn't think of a better mother figure for his son. Atleast he and his son agreed on something. Now if only he would be allowed to play the role of father...and husband. He took an unnecessary breath when Cordy rested her head on his shoulder. "You'll think of something to tell them, Cor."

"Me?! No way are you pushing this off on me mister-it-was-a-dark-time. You are gonna explain everything to Buffy and the others."

"But you're so much better at these things." He chose to ignore the snickering coming from the backseat. "I'll be with you the whole time. Well, I'll be nearby anyway."

"Nice try. I'll tell you what. I'll handle the I'm part demon now thing. The floating thing has got to be giving them the wiggins." She gave him a smirk.

"Thanks a lot. Maybe they won't ask tonight. It's late and I'm kinda tired. It's been a long day."

"This from a creature of the night. Trust me they're gonna ask. Rupert is probably alphabetizing his questions as we speak."

"Speaking of Giles, Cor.."

"We're here!" She interrupted. Some questions were better left unasked. She hurried Connor out of the car. She hooked her arm thru his and rushed into the hotel.

Angel watched them go. He was determined to know why she kissed him hello. *And since WHEN does she call him Rupert?* She was hiding something and he was going to find out what. He was devising a stategy while he followed his family into the hotel.

The Sunnydale group walked into a rather surreal scene. Queen C was talking to this boy, Connor, like she was his mother. *What the hell?*

"Connor go up to your room. Get showered and changed. Angel will have your dinner ready when you come back down."

"These are the only clothes I have."

"Don't worry I went shopping. Your closet and dresser are full. Put on what you like and come eat dinner. Then you, mister, are going to get some sleep." She gave him a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek.

Connor glanced at Angel and back to Cordy. "He will cook?"

"Yes. Angel makes an amazing omlet. Now go." She gave him a gentle push.

He looked like he was going to whine but thought better of it. He turned on his heel and went upstairs. He didn't even look at the unfamiliar faces.

"Angel make him a cheese omlet and toast, please." Angel started to leave when she called out to him. "Wait. You aren't hurt or anything are you? I'm sorry I didn't even ask." She turned to room. "Is anyone injured?"

Angel gave her a smile. "I'm fine and you were concentrating on Connor. I don't have a problem with that."

Cordelia returned his smile and watched him leave. She knew he was excited to be making his son dinner. She turned back to the others. They hadn't answered her yet. Everyone seemed to be in shock or something. She heard 'fine' all around except for Spike. He seemed to be trying to disappear into a dark corner. "Spike, you're hurt. Come let me take a look." Fred handed her the first aid kit from behind the counter and she opened it up on the red couch.

"It's just a scratch, Pet."

"Whatever. Get your undead butt over here and let me be the judge of that."

Spike was taken aback. He usually nursed his own wounds. He sat down on the couch and lifted the front of his shirt. "Scratch my ass." Cordelia began clearing the wound of debris. Once it was clean she bandaged it. "Anywhere else?"

"My back."

She lifted the back of his shirt. "Ohh, a matching pair." She muttered as she continued her gentle ministrations.

Spike didn't know what to think. It had been a really long time since someone took care of him. He looked up to see everyone staring at them. Buffy had a guarded look on her face. Cordelia noticed the looks they were receiving as she finished. She ignored them and put the kit back together. "Stay right here." She put the kit away and popped some blood in the microwave. At the beep she took the mug to Spike. "Here. This should speed up the healing process."

Spike looked at the mug and then at Cordy. "Can I keep you?"


Both turned at Gunn's response. She laughed. She knew Gunn didn't really like having a strange vamp in the hotel. She gave Fred and Gunn a reassuring smile. "Gunn can you please order some pizzas while Fred and I show our guests to their rooms?" She turned to their guests. "I suggest we hold all questions until after you're settled." She silently added 'or atleast until Angel is in the room'. She started up the stairs without checking to see if she was being followed. *OK. Maybe I am a little bossy*

Part 3

"Hold our questions! Are you crazy? No scratch that. Who the hell are you and what have you done with the bitch we went to school with?" Cordelia turned to glare at a red faced Buffy.

"Excuse Me?"

"You are obviously a pod person or something." She glanced around at her friends for support. "Is it just me or has anyone else noticed she hasn't made a single bitchy insult. She hasn't even made any complaints. She got to be a demon. She was floating for goodness sake! And take a look at all the men. She says jump and Angel, Gunn and that kid ask how high. Now she's got Spike looking at her like she's the second coming! Angel has barely even looked at me since we arrived. Plus who is that kid? I saw the way he fought. He can't be human." She finally stopped her frantic pacing and looked directly at Cordelia. "He looks at you like your his mother and we all know you're hardly a fit mother figure. I want to know what the fuck is going on here and I want to know now!." She was panting by the time she finished.

Cordelia felt her inner-bitch rising to the surface. She was about to respond to Buffy's attack when she heard a growl. The room as a whole turned to look at a very angry vampire.

"First of all, the kid's name is Connor, well sometimes it is, and he's my son." He raised a hand at those who looked like they might interrupt. "My son. Yes I know vampires can't have children, well I did..do. Prophesy or whatever, the only thing that I care about is I have a son. Despite his age, he was only born a year ago. Darla is..was..is his mother. Yes that Darla. I know you saw me stake her years ago. Well she was brought back. It's a long story. Things happened. It was a dark and confusing time for me." He shot Cordy an apologetic look. He hated to remind her of what he put her..them through. "Darla turned up pregnant almost nine months later. Yes I am sure he's mine. She sacrificed her unlife for our child and for that I will be forever grateful. My son and I have a shakey relationship right now. It's a really long, painful story. And for the record, Cordy is a wonderful, kind and caring woman. Personally I can't think of a better role model and mother figure for my son. It's the only thing he and I seem to agree on." His anger deflated a bit when he saw the tears forming in Buffy's eyes. He did still care about her. He hated to cause her pain, but attacking any member of his family, especially Cordy, is unacceptable. "Buffy, we have all changed. None of us are the same people we were when you guys were in high school together. We've grown up. It may have taken me almost 250 years, but I've finally grown as a person. Like it or not, a lot of that is due to Cordelia. If you would like to get to know who we've become, then you are all welcome to stay but I will not allow you to attack any member of my family."

Willow and Xander went to support their friend. Giles' mind was in danger of overload. *Vampires that reproduce* He decided now was definitely not the time. It could wait until he had a moment alone with Cordelia. "I'd like to remind everyone that we are still facing an apocalypse. Maybe we should turn in for the evening. Emotions are running high right now. After we get some rest, I'm sure we'll all feel a lot better. We are all friends here." He gave Buffy a pleading look.

Buffy gave Giles a slight nod and steeled herself. Angel was right. They are grown ups now. She shouldn't act like a jealous school girl. She'd changed. It's unfair to assume Angel and Cordelia couldn't. She looked up at Cordy, who hadn't moved from the stairs. "I'm sorry, Cordy. I guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

Cordelia was so touched by Angel's words in her defence, she was feeling downright giddy. "That's OK. I'm sure you guys have a few surprises in store for us. Besides you were right about one thing. I am part demon now." She shot everyone a huge smile.

"Oh dear. I think I need to sit down." Giles collapsed on the bottom step.

Xander was staring at Cordy. "Is there something about me that makes my ex's happy about becoming demons?" He looked over at Willow. "I mean you'd tell me, right?"

"Well I did tell you were a demon magnet once."

Cordy looked down at the Sunnydale group minus Spike who were sitting on the steps together in stunned silence. *Maybe I should have broken it to them a little more gently*

Xander was the first to break the silence. "It seemed so simple when Giles called. There was an apocalypse scheduled in LA. We come. We kill the bad guys. We save the world again. It was gonna be like old times."

"Yeah" Buffy mumbled. "This has got to be my least favorite apocalypse and that includes both times I died."

"At least I'm not the one trying to end the world this time." All four looked at one another and began laughing. The AI gang were watching them like they all sprouted horns and a tail. They looked over at the blond vampire sitting comfortably on one of the couches.

He shrugged at their questioning glance. "It's a long story."

When their laughter finally died, Buffy felt inexplicably better. She grabbed Willow and Xander's hands. "Did someone mention pizza? I'm suddenly starving."

"Yeah. Come on Fred. We'll pick it up." Gunn didn't really like these people and wanted to leave before he said something he wouldn't regret. "We'll be back."

"Thanks Gunn. So are you guys ready to settle in?"


"Angel everything is fine. Is Connor's dinner ready?"


"Perfect timing Connor. Angel will show you the way to the kitchen." Connor blue eyes held an unspoken plea. "OK baby, I'll come too. Guys, rooms 250 - 256 should all be clean and earthquake damage free. I'll let you choose who gets which room. The linen closet is next to room 240 which happens to be Fred's room." She watched as Giles, Buffy, Xander, Willow and Spike went off to choose their rooms. She noticed Angel smirking at her. *So I put them on the opposite wing as Angel and I. If I'm gonna stay here too, I want some space.* She walked down to the hotel kitchen with Angel and Connor in tow.

* * *

Angel and Cordelia sat watching Connor eat his very first omlet. Angel could see the child in him so clearly right now. He had missed so many firsts in his son's life. Now thanks to Cordy, he was watching his baby boy eat a dinner he prepared for him. Connor wasn't even being hostile.

"This is very good. Are you not eating Cordelia?"

"No. I'll have pizza with our guests later. You can meet them in the morning."

"I like pizza. Why am I not eating pizza with you?"

"Because I would like to get a reasonably healthy meal into you. Be glad I plan to ease you into vegetables. Now drink your juice and then off to bed. Oh and I'll probably check in on you later so no sleeping with weapons. OK?"

"Not even my dagger?"

"No. You can keep it in your night stand like your father." She gave Angel an amused look.

"Good night Cordy."

"Good night baby." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and a hug. She whispered in his ear, "please thank your father for dinner and tell him good night."

He took a deep breath. "Thank you for dinner. Good night." He managed a small but sincere smile for both of them.

"Good Night Connor." Angel walked over to Cordelia once Connor left. "Thank you." He wrapped his arms around her. He felt her rub her cheek against his chest. He took a deep breath and savored her unique scent. He wanted to stay like this forever. His son was upstairs in his room and he was holding the woman he loved.

"Pizzas here." Fred blushed when she saw what she was interrupting.

Cordelia stepped out of Angel's arms and gave the Texan a smile. "Thanks Fred. I'm so hungary."

"Charles went to get your...friends. I calmed him down a bit. He was really mad at the girl with the goofy name. She practically called you a bitch."

"I used to be one, Fred. I've said my share of mean things to her in the past. She hasn't been here to see me change."

"Well that's the past. She saw you tonight and she still had the nerve to suggest you wouldn't be a very good mother. I'm sorry but I don't like her very much."

"Fred I know Buffy was out of line earlier but . . . OK I can't thing of a but. Angel do you have anything?"

Angel was having a hard time coming up with a but too. He was still angry about some of the things Buffy had said. "Just give her a chance. She doesn't handle surprises very well, but we need to work together. We still have an apocalypse to avert."

"I still remember when the word apocalypse seemed so scary." Xander's voice startled them. "Now I can't seem to muster the same level of fear. Do you think it's a sign of my age?"

"No. I think it's a sign of your stupidity."

"Now there's the girl I remember. Is the bitch back?"

"I'd watch what you say if I was you. Ignore the whelp, luv. I know I do."

"If I want your advice Spike, I'll beat it out of you. Cordy knows I'm only teasing."

"She's not the one you need to be afraid of moron." Xander finally noticed the hostile glares he was receiving from Angel and Gunn. Even Fred was looking pretty pissed. "Cordy, you do know I'm only teasing?"

"Yeah I know. Guys, it's OK. Xander come and join me at the table." Xander maneuvered around the angry people, grateful for Cordy's olive branch. *mental note - no teasing Cordy*

Everyone was soon gathered around the kitchen eating pizza except for the two vampires. They were off in a corner drinking Cordy's latest concoction.

"Peaches, this is really good. What did she put in it?"

"Some spice she bought at the magic store. She won't tell me what it's called. She says I can only have it on special occasions."


"'Cause it tastes a lot like adrenalin. She doesn't want it to increase my hunger."

"Didn't you tell her that it's always there? The cravings never go away."

"Yeah. I'm gonna tell her I always hunger for human blood. Not just human blood, but blood flavored with fear. And people call me dense. I don't know why she gave you some anyway. Stay away from her, Spike. If you hurt her in any way, I will make you beg me to stake you."

Spike could see the hint of yellow in his eyes and the repressed growl in his voice. "Calm yourself, Peaches. Where's the love for your favorite grandchilde." He took an unnecessay breath. "I'm not gonna hurt your girl." Spike studied his mug of flavored pig's blood for a minute. "How did you get so bloody lucky?" Spike realized he was about to get mushy and decided on a subject change. "Tell me about your kid. Should I keep watching my back?"

"It's complicated." Angel rubbed his tired eyes. "Do you remember Holtz?"

"The vampire hunter you and Darla used to torment."

"That's the one. He made a deal with a time shifting demon. He brought Holtz into the future. For reason I don't really want to discuss, Holtz ended up taking my son to a hell dimension and raised him as his own. He even gave him a new name. He taught Connor to hate me. Not just me, but all demons. Everything was black and white to Holtz. Connor found a way home. He punched his way out of Quortoth. Of course it was mainly because he wanted to kill me. He even tried to kill Cordy when she told him she was part demon."

"What happened? He seems pretty fond of her now."

"She cleansed him. Don't ask. It's one of her demon powers. That's all I know. Ever since then, he seems to genuinely care about her. He's never known the love of a mother. She's the only one he seems to trust right now. I'm not that surprised. She's an amazing woman."

"She really is at that."

"Don't make me kill you Spike."

"Just makin' an observation, Peaches. You should see someone about your anger control issues. It's not healthy."

"You're funny. I forgot how funny you can be. Oh wait, I really didn't."

"Geez, now you're talking like her. You just keeping redefining the word poof, don't you?"

"Spike, no tormenting Angel. That's my job."

"Cheerleader, you make a mean mug of pig's blood. What's your secret?"

"It wouldn't be a secret if I told you. Listen, we need a couple of things from the corner market. Keep me company?"


"Not you Angel. I was talking to Spike. You get to join in on the research party that's started in the lobby. Apocalypse remember?"

"What about you?"

"Like I said we need a couple of things."

"Spike can research and I'll go with you."

"Angel, we'll be fine. Besides you can't give me any good gossip about Sunnydale."

"Well I'll come along too. I don't trust him and neither should you."

"You do realize I'm standing right here?"

"Look brood boy, it's your turn to face the firing squad. I answered a lot of questions while we were eating."

"So did I."

"Whatever. Come on Spike. You stay and try to be friendly. They're only going to be here a few days. Let's try to make them pleasant ones. Alright? Bye." She grabbed Spike's arm and made a run for it.

Once they were safely outside, Spike spoke. "Is there any reason we snuck out the back door, Pet."

"I didn't want to fight with Buffy too." She gave him a sly smile. "Do you think you could call me Cordy?"

"Sure thing, Luv..I mean Cordy. So you got me alone, now what? Are you trying to get me staked?"

"How long have you had your soul?"

Spike began walking faster. "It's been about six months. How did you know? The only one I've told is Niblet."

"Who or what is a niblet?"


"Oh, how is she?"

"She's good. Great actually, since the slayer decided to cut the cord. She flew over to Spain to visit her dad."

"So how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Denial workin' for you, is it?"

"I'm not in denial."

"That's funny 'cuz that's what it looks like to me. You need to deal with what's going on inside. Tell your friends. They care about you."

"No. Niblet cares about me. The rest of them keep me around because I'm useful. I'm a monster and they all know it. Believe me I ain't in denial. I know exactly what I am."

"I think your wrong. Angel could help you. He's been through this. At least talk to him."

"Like the Poof would keep it a secret for me. I really don't feel like being compared to the almighty Angel, vamp detective."

"So that's why you don't want them to know. You are afraid of the comparison." She forced him to face her. "You don't need to be afraid. Actually the way I see it, you totally come out on top."

"How do you figure?"

"Well let's see." She began walking again. "You know Angelus pretty well. If those government people had put a chip in his head, do you think he would have helped the scooby gang? OK I know you kind of flip flopped a bit in the beginning but you eventually came through. Would Angelus fought to protect the world? He did try to have it sucked into hell once. Would he have risked his unlife for Dawn or Buffy?"

"Please, Angelus would have found the nearest minion and had it torture everyone until he found someone to remove the chip. Angelus is irrelevant. We're talkin' about Angel."

"OK let's take a look at Angel shall we. Do you remember the Boxer Rebellion?"

"Of course. That's when I killed my first slayer." Spike looked up at the night's sky and blew out a breath that somehow got trapped in his dead lungs. "That memory used to fill me with such pride. Now it makes me feel sick to my stomach. She was so young."

"Did you know that Angel already had his soul then?"

"No. You got your facts messed up. I saw him hunt and kill there. So he started hunting criminals, they were still technically human. He didn't have his soul yet."

"Yes he did. When he was first cursed, he was in so much pain and he was terrified of being alone. He tried to be Angelus so he wouldn't have to. Only Darla didn't trust him, she gave him a baby as a test. His soul wouldn't let him kill something so innocent."

"I had no idea. He seemed a little off. I always thought the curse happened right after. He and Darla suddenly disappeared and Dru and I were alone. I guess I shouldn't be that shocked. The hunger and the instinct are still in me. They fuel the guilt, as if my memories aren't fuel enough."

"Well he ran and ended up in the sewers. He fed on rats for a long time. He basically spent the next hundred years wallowing in despair and self-pity. It took him decades to start helping. You on the other hand started helping before you even had a soul. Truth-be-told you helped before you even had the chip. You are a good man William."

"So I'm Mr. Perfect? I don't think so. Maybe I'm a little better than Angel and a lot better than Angelus, but a good man, no."

"You are a good man but no you're not perfect. And I did not say you're better than the man Angel is now. He just took a lot longer to get where you are. You weren't..aren't alone. You still have a ways to go to reach where he is now."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Let's just say that Angel has his mission and I have mine."

"I'm your mission?"

"Not exactly. My mission is...complicated. My life has taken many unexpected turns. I'm just doing my best with what life throws at me. It's time for your first lesson."

"My what?"

"Lesson. You've been helping for many reasons. It's time to choose a new one."

"And what exact should my new reason be?"

"I can't give you one. It's something you need to choose for yourself. There is no one answer. It's..."


"Yes" She gave him a smile and hooked her arm with his. "Let's take a look at your previous reasons. The first was to save Dru and beat Angelus. Later it was for survival and protection. Then you did it for love. Next came a promise to a lady and finally to be worthy of love. Did I miss anything?"

"How do you know all this?"

"What can I say? I have magical powers. Plus I have some powerful friends in pretty high places."

"Powerful friends? Why do they care about me?"

"Because they can see your potential and so can I. I think you're gonna make a great champion."

"A champion. Me?"

"Yes. You." She pulled him to stand in front of a store window. "I almost forgot about the reason that's been there since you were first turned."

"And that would be?"

"To kill." She said matter of factly. "Do you see that man inside the store?"

"Yes. What about him?"

"Angel saved him from a couple of vamps about three weeks ago."


"Keep watching." A woman carrying a baby came out of a back room. "That's his wife and their daughter. That sweet little baby is going to get the chance to know her father. Not from pictures or stories but because he'll be a part of her life. All because Angel staked two vampires. Did Angel enjoy killing those vamps? Probably. Does that make him evil? Not really. Is killing really the big picture? Absolutely not. The mission isn't about staking two vamps. It was about saving that family. Angel had to make a lot of mistakes to figure out that the mission isn't about killing. It's about saving souls. You'd think that would mean saving souls is the right reason, right? Well it's not."

"I'm confused."

"That's where it becomes complicated. Savings souls is the mission but if you make it your reason, it will drive you crazy. The souls you save will still die someday. That man could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Some will choose to do evil. They have free will. Some will be completely ungrateful. After he saved him, that man in there called Angel a monster and ran away. It can break your spirit if you make saving souls your reason. Like I said, there are many good reasons to help. They change as we change. You're still a vampire and there will always be a part of you that enjoys the kill. It may seem hard to believe but that's OK as long as you don't let it be your reason. Your not a hunter anymore but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use your hunting skills. Love, love is a powerful motivator, but it's also volatile. It isn't fair to put that kind of pressure on a person. Pedestals can be a very dangerous thing. The person you love can't be perfect. They'll make mistakes. They'll occasionally hurt you and eventually they will die. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't love Buffy. Just don't make her your reason anymore. Just love her."

"She doesn't think I'm capable of love. The soul may make her believe me but she deserves better."

"First of all despite popular opinion, demons are capable of love, but they love like demons. It's possessive, violent and often destructive. Second of all, respect Buffy enough to let her decide what she deserves. Just provide her with all of the facts."

"You don't understand. I hurt her. I tried to..."

"I know. Believe me I'm not telling you it will be easy. You aren't the same person that you were and neither is she for that matter. I'm not suggesting you pick up where you left off. Far from it. I'm saying that maybe you should try to start over. Give friendship a chance and go from there. A piece of advice though, this time don't try to keep her in a world of darkness just so you can have her to yourself. It's time to try and find a place for you within her life."

"Do I have to be nice to the whelp?"

"Xander can be trying at times but he has a good heart. He is fiercely protective of his family."

"He really hurt Anya."

"Yes he did. He isn't perfect, believe me I have the scar to prove it. He let his fears control him. He still has his own personal demons to face. We all have them."

"Tell me about it. I'm sorry, Cordy."


"The part I played in your scar."

"It wasn't the first time they kissed. It was just when they got caught. I know you were in pain at the time too. Actually you look like you could use a hug right now." She pulled him into her arms and held him until he finally hugged her back.

He whispered in her ear, "Angel was right about you. You are an amazing woman."

One moment she was enjoying a warm fuzzy moment and the next she was flying through the air. She landed hard on the pavement. She look up to see what happened and saw Angel in gameface holding Spike by the throat against the alley wall. *What the hell?*

* * *

Angel was trying to read the musty book in front of him but he couldn't concentrate. The hotel clock seemed to be mocking him. They had been gone for a half hour and he was ready to go into full panic mode. Spike was too quick to agree to his Cordy's virtues. *Dammit. Where is she? It takes 5 minutes to walk to the market. I can't believe I let her leave with Spike. Why is she being so nice to him anyway. So he has a chip and has been kind of helping Buffy. He is still the same vampire who had me tortured* Angel didn't realize he was growling until Gunn hit him with a ball of wadded paper.

"I can't believe you let Barbie leave with that vampire. I would have gone to the store with her. I don't do the research thing anyway."

"I didn't let her do anything. This is Cordelia we're talking about."

"Charles, don't worry. He's got that chip. Y'all are worrin' over nothin'"

Gunn turned to his girlfriend. "A chip doesn't mean I gotta trust him."

Willow was absently following the conversation. "Actually the chip wouldn't work with Cordy."

"What do you mean?"

"Xander you heard Cordy earlier. She's part demon now. The chip doesn't apply to her remember."

"Oh right. It's hard to think of Cordy as being not completely human. Funny I would have easily believed it before we were dating."

Buffy was about to comment when Angel jumped to his feet and grabbed his coat. "Angel he wouldn't hurt her."

"Look Buff, I've known Spike a long time. I think I know him a little bit better that you. He'll hurt her if he can."

"Hey I thought you were the one talking about everyone changing before. Spike's changed too. And you're wrong. I know a lot about Spike. Shut up Xander! Angel don't do anything stupid. He's changed."

Angel didn't bother to think about what she said. He was to busy thinking of painful ways of killing Spike.

Buffy started pacing. "Giles, maybe I should go after him."

"I really don't think that's necessary. I'm sure Cordelia won't let Angel hurt Spike unless he's done something to deserve it."

"He wouldn't hurt her. I know he wouldn't."

"Then there is nothing to worry about. Buffy, if I really thought Spike might hurt her I would have gone after them the moment I knew they'd gone. Now I really wish everyone would muster up some concern for the impending apocalypse."

"How many does this make again? I lost count."

"Buffy, please. Sacred duty..."

"Yeah Yeah. I'm reading. I'm reading. Geez can't take a joke just 'cause the world's about to end."

* * *

Angel turned the corner when he spotted them. Spike was holding her near the entrance of an alley. He had his face buried in her neck. *Oh God! He's biting her!* He felt his demon roar to life. He was there in an instant and pushed them apart. He grabbed Spike by the throat and slammed him against the alley wall. "I warned you I would make you beg for death if you hurt her." He turned to see if Cordelia was alright. What he saw made him freeze. Her eyes were ablaze with anger and it seemed to be directed solely at him.

"Angel, what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Cordy. He...he was going to bite you. I'm saving your life." She only seemed to get angrier. He was beginning to get worried. He didn't realize he'd released Spike until he was shoved aside.

Spike went to Cordy who was still sitting on the pavement. "Cordy, are you alright?

"Don't call her Cordy!"

They both ignored his comment. "My butt is probably going to be covered in bruises in the morning, but that's nothing compared to what I'm about to do to Angel for ruining my pants."

"Let me help you up, Luv."

"Not until one of you gives me your coat."


"My pants...they split up the seam when I fell." Her face turned red from embarrassment. It quickly turned purple with rage when both vampires began laughing. "This is funny to you?" She looked directly at Angel. "Where is my champion? Damsel in distress here. Groo wouldn't leave me down here. Of course he wouldn't have knocked me down in the first place." She knew this was a low blow but she wanted to knock that smirk off his adorable face. This was all his fault. Her ass is hanging out and he's laughing. Stupid vampire.

Angel stopped laughing as soon as she mentioned that stupid Slug guy. Spike had no idea who she was talking about but he was enjoying watching Angel squirm. Since Angel didn't seem to be offering, Spike shrugged off his duster and handed it to Cordy.

"Thank you Spike. At least one of you has manners."

Angel watch Cordelia slip into Spike's coat and stand up. He hated it when she was mad at him. *It's not fair. I saved her, well I thought I was saving her.* "He was trying to bite you."

"Yeah Angel that's why he offered me his coat just now. He's polite to everyone he tries to bite. I find it endearing."


"He wasn't trying to bite me, dumbass. I was giving him a hug."

"Oh...since when did you become so touchy feely? You seem to be hugging a lot lately!" Angel was beginning to feel scared. Cordy was standing so close to Spike. She kissed Giles before. *She's mine dammit*

Cordelia saw the fear in his eyes and her anger deflated instantly. She hated to see him in pain. "Angel, I'm sorry I yelled at you. You thought you were saving me, but next time make sure I actually need it. Spike wasn't hurting me. Now apologize."

"I'm sorry, Cor. I'll buy you a new pair of pants."

"Not to me, though you will buy me new pants. I meant apolgize to Spike."


"You attacked him and you were wrong. So apologize."

Angel felt like kicking the ground and stamping his feet. He finally mumbled, "Sorry Spike." He couldn't stop himself from adding, "in the future, keep your hands off my seer."

"Angel I can hug any member of my family any time I want."

"Family! Since when is Spike family?"

"For you, over a hundred years ago. For me, a couple of hours ago." She hooked her arm with Spike's and began walking back to the hotel. After a few feet, she stopped. "Are you coming?" When he looked like he was about to argue, she held out her free hand to him. His face broke out into a huge grin as grabbed her hand and threaded his fingers with hers.

Spike felt his dead heart swell. *Family* He didn't even notice the goofy smile his face displayed but Cordelia did. Spike decided now was the time. "Angel, I've had my soul for the last six months."

It took a minute for Angel's brain to catch up with his ears, when it did everything started to make sense. He squeezed Cordy's hand. "I'm glad you told me, Spike. We're gonna help you."

"Thanks mate"

"That's what families are for."

"OK. You guys are gonna make me cry. I've already ruined my pants, don't make me ruin my makeup too. I so do not want to face the scoobies with puffy eyes." The three started laughing and suddenly all the tension was gone. "Dammit Angel!"


"You made me forget to stop at the store. Geez we were right there when you attacked."


"Sorry, smorry. You get to run back there. We need cereal and fresh fruit for Connor's breakfast tomorrow. Don't get anything too sugary." Angel nodded before heading off.

Cordelia could have sworn Buffy actually growled at her when they entered the hotel. *Possessive much. I guess she doesn't like the way I look in Spike's coat. Too bad. I guess she brings out the bitch in me.*

Fred brought her out of her reverie. "Where's Angel?"

"I sent him to the store."

"Um..I thought that's where you two were going?"

"We were until Angel decided I needed recueing. I got distracted what with him knocking me to the ground and ruining my pants. Once I got up I forgot all about the store. We were outside the hotel when I remembered. He'll be back in a little while."

"The former Scourge of Europe is so whipped." Spike found the whole thing amusing even though a small part of him was jealous.

"Oh Spike. I forgot to tell Angel to get milk. Can you run and catch him. Skim milk, please." Spike rolled his eyes but didn't argue. He simply turned around and left. "So what have we learned about the apocalypse?"

Part 4

Buffy narrowed her eyes at Cordelia. "What did you do to Spike?"

"What are talking about?"

"One minute he's making fun of Angel being whipped and the next he's jumping at your command. When I asked him to help save the world and I got 'I don't want to see the Poof', 'I hate LA', and 'Send me a postcard'. Is this part of your new demoness? What?"

"Relax Buffy. I haven't bewitched him. We're friends. He's family."

"Woah wait a minute." Gunn had been enjoying the slayer's tirade until Cordy used the word family. "Since when is that vampire a member of this family?"

"Charles calm down. He seems like a perfectly nice vampire. Besides I worked it out on the chart. Technically he is family. I think it's nice as long as he doesn't bite her like Darla did."

Several gasps were heard. "Gunn, please give Spike a chance. I think you'll like him if you get to know him and he won't bite me. I need you guys to trust me."

"It's not you I don't trust. Vampires cannot be trusted. Do you remember Harmony? She lasted all of 5 minutes before she turned on you. And Darla? You stood up to Angel for her and how did she repay you? She tried to drain you. Vampires CANNOT be trusted."

Cordelia wanted to explain about Spike's soul but she wouldn't betray his confidence. "Gunn. I understand your concerns. I really do but like you said, Darla and Harmony turned on me the first chance they got. Spike and I have been alone for almost an hour and he never made a single threatening move against me. Let's not forget that his chip is useless with me."

"You knew that?"


"And you still trust him?"

"Yes. He is different."

Gunn was quietly digesting this. "Alright. I will give him a chance but I don't want him to be alone with Fred."

"Thanks. I know this is hard for you."

"Life was definitely less complicated before I met y'all. I see a vamp. I stake a vamp. It seemed so simple. Now I work for one and you want me to befriend another. I need a vacation."

"Charles, you're a good man."

"Thanks baby."

Buffy was torn. There was a part of her that enjoyed hearing someone defend Spike but mainly she was suspicious of Cordelia's motives. Not jealous though, because she was so not interested in him like that.

"Now that we've settled that. Tell me about the apocalypse."

"Ooh ooh, can I?"

Giles began cleaning his glasses again. "Go ahead Xander."

"Thanks G-man. Apparently a group of Ketchup demons are going to make it so the night never ends."


"What Xander means is a group of Kaat Suup demons are going to perform the ritual of darkness during the next full moon. The ritual is quite fascinating really. It will plunge the world into a hundred years of darkness. The sun will appear no brighter than the moon."

"So basically we can expect a population explosion of the undead variety. Demons that like to stick to the shadows will roam freely. Plus the ecological ramifications will be great."

"Exactly Willow. Although according to my research, while the sun will look like a full moon, we will still feel its warmth. So we won't freeze to death. It doesn't mention how it will affect vegetation though."

"So basically we need to stop the Ketchup demons before they perform the ritual."

"Kaat Suup demons and yes."

"Hand me a moldy book and I'll help research."

"Actually we appear to be finished."


"I know. I'm havin' a wiggins too." Everyone looked up at Xander's statement. "Normally we're rushing around trying to figure out what's going on at the last minute, but we somehow manage to save the world. This time we know who. We know where. We know when and we know how to kill them! Plus we have three nights to spare. Hence the wiggins. Do you think that it means the world is actually going to end this time?"

"Pfft. It never ends. We will stop it. This is a panic free zone. So the research is done and I missed it. Damn!"

Giles flashed Cordelia a smile. "I'm sure you're terribly disappointed, but you'll survive."

Buffy noticed the warmth of the smile Giles was directing at Cordy. "Stop it! This is how it started with Spike. Soon she'll be ordering you around and you won't be able to stop yourself from obeying!"

"Buff, I think your crackin' up."

"No Xander. Look at her. She is wearing SPIKE's coat. She had to use mind control or something to get him to give it to her."

"Actually all I had to do was get knocked down by Angel and split my pants along the back seam. Spike was nice enough to let me wear his coat so I was exposing my assets."


"Buffy, I have an idea. Since there's no more research to be done, how about we have a girls' night out tomorrow..well technically tonight. What do you say?"

"I'm in."

Buffy turned to her friend like she just stabbed her in the back. "Willow!"

"What? I want to have some fun while we're in LA. What do you have in mind, Cordy?"

"I'm gonna take you guys to a club that will make the Bronze seem like the dump that it is."

"Cool! Come on Buff. It'll be great."

"Fine. I could be fun Buffy for a night. No stick-in-the-mud Buffy for me."

"Hey wait. I wanna go too."

"Sorry Xander. It's a girls' night out. You can bond with the guys."

"No fair Will. I want to go dancing with the girls."

"Well Xander, I have a pair of scissors in my desk. We could snip off your man parts and then you'd practically be one of the girls."

"That's OK Cordy. So bonding with the guys, huh? Sounds like a blast. Deadboy and Deadboy Jr. Now there's a party!"

"I'm sure Gunn will let you play on his new playstation. I think beating Angel has lost its appeal."

"Deadboy plays video games?"

"Yes, ANGEL does. Not well but he tries. You guys can teach Connor to play."

"So while the ladies go dancing, the menfolk get to play games. Yeah us!"

"Xander, we can all do something together tomorrow night. The girls are in need of a bonding session. Fred, are you in?"



"Charles, I want to go dancing with Cordy."

"I'll take you dancing. She's not the boss of me." Gunn stood tall even against Cordy's raised eyebrow.

"Well Charles, I AM the boss of me and I'm goin' dancing with Cordy. If you want to be a big meanie and not teach Connor how to play your video games, then that's your decision. I'll just be over here being very disappointed in you."

"Fine" He huffed. "You've been spendin' way too much time with Barbie! You go have fun without me."

"Who's having fun?"

Everyone turned to the two vampires that had suddenly appeared.

"Who's having fun?"

"Barbie has decided the girls need to bond, so they're going dancing. We get to teach Connor to play video games, while they go to a club. You know, the kind men go to pick up women!"

"Melodramtic much. We're gonna bond to blaring music. We aren't going there to get laid!"

"Cor, maybe it's not such a good idea. If you want to go dancing, then we'll all go."

"Connor is too young to go clubbing and there is no way we're leaving him alone on his second night back. Besides I think a girls' night out will do us some good. I want to spend some time with just Willow, Fred and Buffy. It'll give you a chance to bond with Connor."

"What if something happens?"

"You're right. We'll be defenseless. How could a part demon seer, a mega powerful witch, a brilliant physicist and a vampire slayer possibly defend themselves? We'll need men to defend us! Look, the women have decided to go dancing and that's final. If you guys want to plan something yourselves that's fine. It just has to be suitable for Connor. Now it's extremely late or really early depending on how you look at it. I suggest we all turn in."

Buffy, Willow and Fred were giggling at the men's pouting faces as they went up the stairs. Xander, Gunn and Spike followed grumbling to themselves. Giles up too. He was amused by the whole thing. He had no desire to go dancing. Angel went to the kitchen to put the groceries away, while Cordelia went to check on Connor.

Cordy carefully opened Connor's door. She watched him sleep for a minute before moving to fix his covers. She placed a kiss on his brow before she headed off to Angel's room. She knocked on his door and entered without waiting for a response. He was dressed for bed already. "I checked on Connor. He's sleeping peacefully. No weapons in sight."


"I just came to get something to wear."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"I was thinking about Lorne's room. He won't be back for a few more days."

"Why don't you just stay here?"


"Stay with me." He gulped. "I'd like to talk...about Spike."

"Um...I need a shower."

"You can use mine."

"OK I guess." She grabbed one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom.

* * *

He was in bed when she came out. He knew if he had a pulse it would be racing right now. *This woman could make a garbage bag look sexy*

She hesitated. She wasn't sure if she could trust herself to share a bed with Angel. *There's no Connor in between us this time. Run! Run now!* She felt her breath quicken when he pulled the covers back in invitation. She quickly jumped in and pulled the covers up to her chin. "Good night, Angel."

"I thought we were gonna talk."

"Oh right. So talk."

"How did you know about Spike's soul?"

"I could see it in his eyes."


"I just could. Magical powers, remember?"

"I guess. That's why you're being so nice to him right? You just want to help him, nothing more?"

She giggled and rolled over to see his face. "Angel. I said he is family and I meant it. If you're asking whether I suddenly have the hots for him, the answer is no." She debated how much she should tell him about Spike's situation. "Angel, there's some things I think you should hear. I probably shouldn't say anything but I think it would be best if I'm the only one who hears your intial reaction."

"What is it?"

"Spike is in love with Buffy."


"He's been in love with her for a while. It's a long story which really isn't any of our business but if we're gonna help him.."

"Does Buffy know?"

"Oh yeah, but she doesn't really believe a soulless demon is capable of love. Angel, he sought a soul so he could be worthy of her love. Of course now that he has one, he doesn't think he deserves her. He doesn't want her to know."

"He's definitely unlike any vampire that has ever existed. He actually sought a soul."

"There's more. Before he got it, they...they were..lovers."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I know this must hurt you to hear."

He rolled over to face her. "Cor, I'm not hurt. I'm surprised and well shocked, but Buffy's love life is none of my business. I just want her to be happy. She'll always be special to me but what we had is in the past. I've accepted that." He thought for a moment. "I'm surprised Spike would give up the possibilty of intimacy for a soul."

"Um..Angel. Spike wasn't cursed with a soul. It was given to him."


"He doesn't have a happiness clause. His soul is his to keep."

"Oh!" Angel looked over at the beautiful woman in his bed. He imagined what it would be like to kiss her and roll her underneath him. He wanted to spend the entire night making love to her but he knew it would cost him his soul. "Lucky bastard. I guess we should get some sleep."

Cordelia heard the hint of bitterness is his voice. She wondered if he was jealous that Spike was free to be with the woman he loved or was he jealous that Spike could be with Buffy. She turned her back on him and sighed. *I'm never gonna be able to sleep now*

Angel layed there staring a Cordy's back. *It's not fair. I want my soul for keeps too. I want to be able to be with the woman I love* He knew he had to touch her. He needed to hold her. *Please don't pull away from me* He reached out and gently touched her back. When she didn't flinch, he slid his hand around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled. He whispered in her ear, "Good night, Cor."

She felt her face break into a giant smile. Being in his arms, in his bed, felt so right. She lightly stroked the arm around her waist. "Good night, Angel." She felt herself relax as sleep overtook her.

Angel let her steady heartbeat lull him to sleep.

* * *

The first thing Angel noticed as he awoke was the warm body in his arms. *Cordy* He realized they hadn't moved an inch since falling asleep. He couldn't resist burying his face in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her wonderful scent as her heat seeped into his face. *I'm never gonna let you go*

"Stop smelling me."

He smiled against her neck. "I can't help it. You smell so good." He decided to take a chance. She hadn't pushed him away so far. He began placing small kisses on her neck. "You taste really good too."

"mmmm Angel." She started giggling. "Oh god, you're making me sound like one of your chippies!"

"You're not a chippie." He tightened his grip around her waist. He allowed his hand to slip under her shirt and began stroking her stomach. He whispered, "Good morning" in her ear, when there was a knock on the door.

"Stop growling and answer the door." She heard him grumbling as he got out of bed.

He slipped on his robe and pulled the door open. "What?!"

Connor started at the tone of his voice. "Um..I cannot find Cordelia. She promised she would stay at the hotel."

Cordelia jumped out of bed and hurried to the door. "I'm right here, Connor."

Connor took in her disheveled appearance. He couldn't understand how she could feel safe sleeping near the vampire. "I..um..I was going to go get something to eat. I did not want to leave without telling you."

She glanced at the clock. "I'm sorry honey. I didn't realize how late it was. You must be starving. I had your dad go out and buy some cereal and fruit last night. Give us a few minutes and we'll join you in the kitchen."


She closed the door and rushed over to Angel's dresser. She was glad she kept a drawer of clothes here just in case. She pulled out of few things and went into the bathroom to get dressed. She didn't want to keep Connor waiting. She was afraid he might run into the scoobies. She hoped they didn't start peppering him with questions. When she came out, Angel was dressed and waiting. "Let's go make your son breakfast."

They entered the kitchen to find Connor sitting at the table with Fred and Gunn. "Morning."

"Good morning, Cordy, Angel."

"Did you guys eat breakfast yet?"

"Yeah. Charles took me to our favorite diner."

Cordelia went to the cabinet and pulled out the cereal. "Angel, when I said don't buy anything too sugary, I didn't mean no sugar." She held up the box of corn flakes.

"Sorry. Next time send someone who actually eats food."

"Well if someone hadn't.."

"Yeah, yeah. I apologized for that last night."

"Hmmph" She poured the cereal in a bowl and sprinkled a little sugar on it before adding milk. "Here Connor. Eat up."

"Barbie, no frozen waffles?"

"No. There are important vitamins and minerals in cereal and milk does a body good." She put a glass of milk and one of juice in front of him. Then she began peeling and slicing fruit. She filled two bowls, one for Connor and one for herself. Before sitting down she nudged Angel. "Are you hungry?" She knew he was but wasn't sure if he wanted to drink in front of Connor.

"No. I'll eat later." She gave him a small smile and a kiss on the forehead before eating her breakfast.

Connor watched the pair while he ate. He couldn't understand how someone so good and sweet could care for a killer. It made no sense. His father...the vampire seemed almost human when he was with her.

After breakfast, they sat around the lobby. They were soon joined by the entire Sunnydale group. Cordelia introduced Connor to everyone. She told him about Spike's chip. She whispered to him that Spike was family and he was not to be harmed. After introductions were done, Xander, Willow and Buffy announced they were going sightseeing. Angel and Spike disappeared into the basement to work out and talk. Giles decided to do some more reading. Cordelia gave Gunn and Fred the afternoon off. Everyone agreed to meet for dinner before the ladies went out.

Cordelia was relaxing in the lobby with Connor. "How are you?"

"Confused. How do you trust, not one but two vampires?"

"I know this must be hard for you, but things aren't always black and white. There are good demons, just like there are bad humans. You trust me now and I'm part demon."

"But you're so kind and loving."

"So is your father if you give him a chance." She glanced over at the office. Giles sat there reading. "Connor, why don't you join your father and Uncle Spike in the basement. You can train with them but be careful. I don't want any of you to get hurt."

"My uncle?"

"I'll let your father explain that."

"Will you join us?"

"No. Rupert and I are going for a walk. Umm..you don't need to mention that to your father."

"You wish me to lie to him?"

"No. I would never tell you to lie to him. Just avoid the question. OK?"


"C'mon." They walked down to the basement. "Connor is going join you. I'll be checking on you later and if I see any blood, heads will roll. Have fun!" With that she went back upstairs and headed to the office. She poked her head in. "Rupert, would you like to go for a walk?"

"That would be lovely." She grabbed her purse as they left.

* * *

Angel and Spike were sparring with swords while Connor watched. He was mesmorized at the speed of their attacks. They were so fast yet completely in control. Neither seemed to have the advantage over the other.

Angel glanced over at Connor. His expression was one of awe. He smiled to himself. He wished Cordelia was here with them. He knew his son would be impressed at how good she was with a sword. "Connor, do you know where Cordy is?"

"I am to avoid that question." Both vampires froze mid swing and turned to Connor.

"You're supposed to avoid that question?"


"And if you can't?"

"I am not to lie."

"The only reason I ask is because I care about Cordy. I don't want anything to happen to her. She is very special. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her, would you?"


"She could need our help and if I don't know where she is I won't be able to. She'll be all alone."

"Do not worry. She is not alone."

"That's good. So umm..who is she with?"

"She is with Rupert Giles."

"You mean upstairs, in the lobby?"

"No. They left together."

"Peaches, don't worry. She's not interested in the watcher."

"That's easy for you to say. You weren't here when they said hello and she keeps calling him Rupert!"

"That's his name."

"She used to call him Giles. They all call him Giles."

"So she calls him Rupert. She's an adult now. So what she gave him a hug hello?"

"Try a hug and a kiss."

"So a peck on the cheek. That's hardly.."

"No. It was on the lips."

"Wow. I'm impressed. Didn't think the old boy had it in him to catch the eye of a sweet young.." He stopped to duck a sweep at his head. "Hey! I'm not the one after your chit. Don't take it out on me."

"Sorry. Connor, why don't you spar with Spike for a while. My sword looks a little dull. I'm just gonna go over there and sharpen it."

"Very well." Connor picked a sword out of the cabinet and squared off against Spike.

Angel sat down on the stairs. He was growling as he sharpened his blade. His ears were listening for Cordy's return. *She's mine. I am NOT giving her up this time. No more Mr. Noble. 'RUPERT' better keep his hands off my seer!*

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