just fic

Title: Home Is...
Author: Argent and Love's Bitch
Posted: In the long-ago days of board crashes
Rating: NC17
Content: B/A, C/A & C/Aus & B/S.
Disclaimer: all characters are the property of Joss Whedon, they're just being borrowed for a little fun, no infringement of any kind is intended. Please don't sue.
Challenge: See first page.

Part 13
Written by Love's Bitch

She felt his cool lips as they brushed the skin over her collarbone...he lingered over her, and traced a line up her neck....

"What...you having trouble?" she asked. "Here, maybe this’ll make it easier." She reached into a pocket and pulled forth a key, unlocking his chains....

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you," he said in a sing-songy voice...

"Well, if you were me you’d really have problems."

He snarled as he shrugged off the last of the chains, and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her to him.

She looked up at him, defiant.

"Ooh. I’m scared."

"I’m gonna kill you girl..."

"No you’re not. Even if you did...hey...already dying...so I got nothing to lose...so do what you’re going to do," she said. "Jeez, are you this slow?"

She peeled off her blouse, and stood in front of him in her jeans and bra.. "Pick a vein, any vein,,,"

He grabbed her again and pulled her off the ground.

She calmly stared into his cold yellow eyes, and waited. He blinked for a moment, the lowered his mouth to her neck.

She wrenched back in pain, screaming...


Gunn sat in the lobby, Fred asleep on his shoulder. He watched as Buffy sat sharpening an axe, and occasionally glancing at Spike, who was flipping playing cards, catching them as they flew end over end.

"I think it’s sharp enough," said Gunn.

"What....oh, sorry...", she said, laying it aside. "I just needed something to do. Where did you say Dawn went?"

"She and Xander...his name’s Xander, right.."


"She and Xander went on a run to FattBurger..."

"FattBurger?" asked Spike. "Sounds like a healthy meal in the makings..."

"Yeah, your basic four LA food groups," said Buffy...."Fat, Grease, Fat..."

"And more fat," said Gunn. "It’s good, isn’t it..."

"The best," laughed Buffy...

"Tell me something,," said Gunn. "This thing with Angel...it’s happened before, hasn’t it...?"

"Losing the soul? Yeah...a couple of years ago..."

"So...how’d that play out? How’d you get it back..."

"I sent him to hell."



"So he had the soul back when he came back...how’d he get back..."

"The Powers brought him back...and no...he had it back when I sent him," she said, picking the axe up again, and quickly starting to sharpen...

"Let it go, mate," said Spike. "She did it. It’s done...and it won’t work this time..."

"What, sending him to hell?"

"No...last time...his soul was free...it was out there...this time, Darla’s got it in her grubbly little paws..."

"And you know what?" said Buffy. "That bitch was in mucho bad need of a good manicure. You know Spike, Dru may be a wacko psycho-killer, but she’s got good nails..."

Gunn nodded, addled at their nonchalance...

"I thought we agreed not to talk about Dru..."

"I’m just sayin...."

"Well, don’t...where’d the watcher go?"

"Who, English?"


"He’s where he usually is during times like this..."

"In the bathroom calling his mommy?" asked Buffy.

Gunn cocked his head, annoyed. "You really don’t know English well, do you?"

"I’ve been telling her she needs to re-learn the language...She keeps telling me she hates me, but I think she don’t know what the word means anymore..."

"He means Wesley. And no, I guess I don’t..."

"He’s in with his books...trying to find a way to get his soul back..."

"Buffy, have you called Will? Isn’t she the one who did this last time?"

"No...I guess I should...Xander could go get her and take Dawn home..."

Then they heard the scream.

Buffy, Spike and Wesley all met in the anteroom to the office, Wesley limping noticeably from his wounds...

"What’s going on?" asked Wesley...

"That was Cordy," said Buffy.

"I know it was Cordy...you...you left her alone with him ?!?"

"She told us to..." said Spike...

"Lord man, do you always do what you’re told..."

Suddenly the door flew open, knocked off the hinges. Angelus stood there, an unconscious Cordelia in his arms.

"Help her!" he growled

Part 14
Written by Argent

"Shit!" Buffy raced forward, swinging the axe in a spirited attempt to take Angelus' head off, he side-stepped and kicked her legs from under her.

"I don't have time for you! Cordy's sick." His yellow eyes sought for and found Wesley, " She had a vision but it just went on and on until she passed out - something's gone wrong."

Fighting an urgent need to run Wesley edged closer, " Angel?" he asked warily. " Is that really you?"

Angelus sighed, " Am I likely to tell the truth? Hello! Badass vampire, no soul. Angelus. Let's move on and deal with her problem." As Buffy went for another swing he clipped her head with his elbow and snatched the axe, " Later, Slayer. I get my girl seen to and we'll go a few rounds, just not now."

Spike moved between the two of them," You're not touching Buffy."

The dark vampire ignored him, holding Cordelia out to Wesley, " I've never seen her like this before. What could be causing it?"

Putting aside the issue of his own safety Wesley reached out to touch Cordy's face and then check the pulse in her neck, discreetly looking for bite marks at the same time. He frowned in concern, " I've never seen this sort of reaction before. Did she hit her head?"

"No." Soulless or not Angelus was careful as he placed her down on a nearby couch, " We were talking - arguing - and she suddenly had a vision, that's why she screamed." He noticed their glances toward her barely covered chest, " I didn't take the blouse off, she did."

"I don't believe a word you say," Buffy exclaimed.

"Look, it doesn't matter. We have to do something." Crouching at Cordelia's side he held onto her hand and looked up at Wesley, " Did she tell you the visions are killing her?"

Wesley's jaw dropped, " What?"

"Yeah, me neither." The voice was rueful, " I mean - she never told Angel." Seeing Buffy apparently moving in for another attack he snapped to Spike, " Unless you want your pet damaged I suggest you keep her under control. I don't have time for her."

Hastily Spike grabbed Buffy, " Don't. He's not kidding , Buff."

"Neither am I."

Angelus looked at her, " I'm not in the mood for fighting right now. Or your idea of sex which, frankly, pretty much sucks. Although speaking of sucki-."

"Don't even think it, Angelus, or I'll smash your face," Spike snarled.

"Like to see you try, boy."

Wesley, who had been examaining Cordy's pupils suddenly commented, " She's coming round!"

Instantly Angelus dismissed them all from his attention, concentrating solely on Cordelia, his game-face in odd contrast to a softer tone, " What did you see?"

Her eyes opened, a shaky hand pressed to her forehead, " It was Darla." Brown eyes held a depth of wonder as she asked, " Why the hell would I have a vision of her? She's no innocent."

"Perhaps it's something to do with the baby," Wes speculated. He looked up to see Gunn stalking toward them with a loaded crossbow, " Gunn, it's - I think - it's OK." The englishman warily studied Angelus, " Is it?"

"I won't kill you if you help Cordy," Angelus stated coldly. " But anybody who attacks me is fair game. Put the bow down, Gunn."

The former gang leader halted and took aim, " Get away from him, Wes. You too, Cordy."

She sat up, noticing her semi-nudity, " Not a chance, Charles. Do as he says. And somebody pass me a shirt, please." Rolling his eyes Gunn lowered his bow.

Without thought Angelus stripped off his black shirt and handed it over, snarling slightly when he realised the other men in the room were looking at somebody he regarded as his exclusive property. Cordy smiled her thanks and slipped it on. " She needs a painkiller, Wesley," he reminded his employer.

Still boggling at the idea of a concerned Angelus he went to Cordelia's desk and opened a drawer, searching for the meds she kept there. Within a few seconds he handed two pills to Cordy who was about to dry-swallow them when Fred appeared with a cup of water.

"Bless you, Fred."

Angelus leant forward, watching her closely, " You're still hurting ," he accused.

"And will be until we fix whatever it is." She pursed her lips thoughtfully, " Darla was still at Caritas, I was there, so was Angel - I think she was giving birth. Would that be right for when you had sex, timing wise?"

He shrugged, " I don't know, I guess."

"Then what I saw is probably going to happen soon, and we have to be there. Can you get us back in?"

Buffy burst out, " Cordelia, this is Angelus, we can't trust him!"

The former cheerleader looked over at her, " You have a better idea? Darla wants Angelus, that's what this whole kidnap was about. So, we give him to her."

"And then we have three crazy vampires to go on a killing spree. Great idea, Cordy! Nice to see you've still got your cutting edge planning skills."

Angelus stood up and moved forward several steps, " If you speak to her like that again I'll show you what 'cutting edge' really means." As Spike once more stepped between them he tensed, " Don't imagine you can take me, Spike. You never could, that hasn't changed."

Spike smirked, " I don't need to, old man. I'll just soften you up so the Slayer can kick your over-gelled head in."

"I don't think so." Abruptly Gunn was aiming again, at Spike. " Maybe I don't trust Angel right now but I trust you even less. Back off or die."

There was a long , tense moment until Cordelia's voice said cynically, " What is this? A pissing contest? Grow up, guys, we have business and my head hurts too much for your little testosterone festival. If Angelus planned on killing us we'd be dead already."

"Yeah, " Fred commented would-be helpfully, " Rip you into shreds - seen him do it. Pretty messy." Off their repulsed looks, " Erm, but they were bad demons he did it to, really bad ones."

"Thanks, Fred, I think we get the picture. Now..... how do you plan on getting us in, Angel?"


Cordelia gave him a level look, " Haven't we had this discussion?"

Abruptly he laughed, harsh but genuinely amused, " You're relentless. I like that." Angelus looked around at them all and said, " Never thought I'd see the day I'd work with a bunch of humans, but it'll be worth it to get that bitch Darla out of my life."

"And your soul back, and with luck, your child safe.," Cordy reminded him

"I don't want the damn soul, and what use is a baby to me?"

"An hors d'hoeuvres," Spike suggested brightly. Catching unamused glances from everybody but his sire he shrugged, " Vampire humour's a bit different."

Buffy curled her lip, " And pretty disgusting , let's not hear any more samples." Blue eyes roamed the room, " So, how are we going to do this.....?"

Part 15
Written by Love's Bitch

"Have I mentioned how much I dislike this plan?" Xander asked.

"Yes," they all chorused apart from Angelus who concentrated on driving. He and Xander had already done their confrontation back at the Hyperion, the Scooby at first determind to stake Angelus no matter what anybody said. It had taken Cordy holding one and Buffy the other to keep them apart. Spike had roared with laughter and recommended letting them get it out of their systems. Now the older vampire was refusing to acknowledge his existence.

"What are you whining for?" Cordy asked. " I'm the one who's going in as a prisoner."

"That's what I dislike. We shouldn't trust him. Does anybody remember Miss Calender? And Giles' hands?"

Angelus growled and commented, "He's right. It should be the Slayer I take as a present. Cordelia could get hurt."

"I would agree with you except I don't trust you to take care of Buffy in the same way that, I hope, you will Cordelia. And she says her vision showed her present at the birth." Wesley checked his brace of stakes fastened inside his loose jacket, making sure they came free easily.

"I still don't like it," said Xander again. He glanced behind them at Spike's car that was following them with Spike, Buffy and Gunn aboard. " And how come I get to be 'B' team with Wes here?"

Angelus said coldly, " Because you're not that good a fighter. Your job is to guard the threshold once we're in. I don't want Darla bringing in reinforcements once we're trapped inside. And Wesley will use his spell to locate the Orb of Thessulah."

"And once we have that you get 'souled' again. Talking to you like this is too freaky."

"Feel free not to bother." Aside to Cordelia he added, " Darla will kill you if she gets the chance."

Cordy half-smiled, " Because I'm so much better looking?"

"Because you have what she wants. Me." He pulled over at the kerb, around the corner from the club and climbed out of his car, taking hold of Cordelia's hand as she stepped out. They all gathered into an uncomfortable huddle. " Give me fifteen minutes to convince Darla. Then come in. Don't be longer."

Buffy looked him in the eyes, " We'll be there. And watch Cordy. If she dies, so do you."

He nodded briskly, " Agreed. Fifteen minutes."

Together he and Cordy walked around the corner, pausing briefly to scan out the robed guards standing either side of the door, without being seen themselves. Angelus blinked in surprise as Cordy tugged at her clothing disarranging it, tugging her hair into an unkempt tangle.

"I need to look as if I put up a little struggle or she'll be suspicious."

His lips twitched," Good thought. Let's give it a little authenticity." Before she could move to stop him she was seized and held in an unbreakable grip, body pressed against his throughout its length. He leant into her neck, taking a deep sniff and licking along her jugular. Despite herself Cordelia gave a slight shudder and felt him chuckle. " Not as brave as you thought, little girl?"

"Gimme a break. I don't have a good record on neck-biting recently." She screwed her eyes shut, anticipating his bite and hoping he would not get carried away.

Cool, firm lips touched her own, an astonishing light pressure that was there and gone before Cordy could even react and she was released, blinking and trying to gather her scattered thoughts. " We'll get back into this later. Time for work." He dragged her out of hiding and toward the club entrance.

"Work is good," Cordy muttered to herself fighting a vague disappointment. Seeing the size of the guards she was about to face she swallowed and whispered, " Remind me I have to talk to Wes about a payrise."

Halting at the door, wrenching her carelessly to him, Angelus stated, " I'm here to see Darla. She's expecting me. Tell her I have a present...."


Wesley nervously paced up and down the alley outside Caritas. It had barely been three minutes since Angelus had dragged Cordelia in, kicking and screaming. They had put on a very convincing show. He hoped it continued to be convincing.

"You’re going to wear a hole in the concrete, Watcher," said Spike.

"It’s ex-watcher, thank you...."

Buffy cocked her head and smiled at Wesley. "You’re proud of that ‘ex’, aren’t you?"

Wesley stopped and put his hands in his pockets, thinking. "Yes, I guess I am...".

Buffy noticed as his expression changed...

"Wes, what is it?"

He pulled a small sheet of paper from his pocket...he slowly unfolded it, and they all watched as he quickly scanned the words...

"Of course, why didn’t I think of it sooner?" he exclaimed.

"What?" asked Xander.

"Gunn, you and Xander come with me...Spike and Buffy, you stay here and proceed as planned..."

"Who put you in charge?" asked Buffy.

"Cordy did."

"You just going to bale...?"

"We’ll be back, trust me." He turned to Gunn. "Call the hotel, and tell Fred to get ready. We’ll need her for what we’re going to do..."

"What are you going to do?" asked Buffy.

"No time to explain..."

"At least tell me where you’re going...."

Xander, Gunn, and Wesley piled into the Plymouth, and Wesley gunned the engine loudly.

Putting the car into gear, he looked sternly at Buffy.

"Paramount Studios..." he said, and that’s all Buffy heard, as the Plymouth lurched out into the oncoming traffic, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Paramount Studios?" asked Buffy, looking at Spike quizzically.

"Hey, don’t look at me...maybe it’s the Mystery Science Theatre method of killing vampires. He’ll come back with armloads of bad movies to throw at them...I can see it now... ‘oh no, not Hudson Hawk, no! Anything but that’," he laughed. He stopped when he saw the grave expression on her face.

"I don’t like this," she said.

"I don’t blame you, pet. It’s two on two now..."

"You’re not counting Angelus...or Cordy..."

"I figure...Cordy’s fighting that battle already....hey, what’s this..." he said, picking a piece of paper up from the ground... "Huh...."

"That’s the piece of paper Wesley had. What’s it say?"

"The princess wants her army. Go get it. It’s signed ‘C’."

"Princess, huh. Guess Cordy demoted herself. In high school, it was Queen C..."

"Guess we all get humble in our old age..."

"You didn’t..."

"Modesty’s not my strong suit, luv..."

"No kidding..." she stood and looked at him, a minute longer than he was comfortable with...

"Pet, something wrong?"

"Spike?" she said, leaning against the wall next to him...

"Yes, pet?"

"Why is everything so hard with you? With...us?"

"Most women say I’m at my best when I’m hard..." he grinned...

She closed her eyes and sighed..."You know what I mean..."

"Because, luv," he said, turning and pinning her to the wall. "Because, it’s not hard at all. It’s easy. The most natural thing in the world. You. Me. The night...doesn’t get any better than that..."

"You think?" she said, her breath skittish..

"Oh, I don’t think. I know..."

He leaned in and slowly, thoroughly kissed her. He felt her hands grab his duster, and dive into his shirt as the sound of falling weapons rattled through the alleyway....How long they kissed she didn’t know. Finally, he let her up to catch a breath. He brushed a stray hair from her face. She found herself staring into the stark cerulean depths of his eyes.



"Are you all right?"

She nodded slyly and quietly said, "Better than all right..."

"That’s good. I hate to interrupt a moment...but..."

"But what?"

"Cordelia....Angelus...we were supposed to be in there three minutes ago..."




"Where the hell are they?" growled Angelus under his breath....

"They’ll be here," whispered Cordelia. "Trust me..."

He whipped his face around, the ridges sliding underneath his skin as they altered his features back into his ‘human’ face.

She watched as his eyes slowly changed from that crazed, jaundiced yellow to his more natural color.

"I do....but I’m not going to trust anyone else to keep you safe. I don’t like it..."

"You think you can’t take both of them?"


"So what are you worried about, Fraidy Cat? Some big bad vampire you are..."

"I’m just..."


"Worried about you," he said, turning away growling. She could tell he had shifted back into ‘game-face.’ Huh, who would have thought? Angelus was shy.

"Ooooh, Angelus, " cooed Darla. "Do come here....and bring your little bitch with you..."

He reached back and yanked her by the arm, quickly dragging her in front of where Darla sat on the stage, Drusilla standing by her side.

"She’s not for food, Darla..." growled Angelus.

"Oh, no..."

"No....I want to.....keep her," he smiled, looking at Drusilla. "It turned out so well the first time, don’t you thinkI alwa...ys have fun with my children..."

Darla looked at Dru... Dru smiled, licking her lips.

"Yes, well...she’s no Dru..."

"Lord, Woman!" yelled Angelus. "You have got no vision at all. We turn her, we turn the Slayer...think about it...Dru...think about Spike...loving the Slayer... ...he’s already seen her die...and that didn’t stop him loving her...but make her a monster...lower her to his level...and she’ll come right down off that pedestal...and into the gutter..."

"With us....where he belongs..." said Darla...

Drusilla clapped her hands together, and jumped up and down excitedly. "Thank you, Daddy, thank you...."

"I still don’t see why we need to turn her..."

Angelus reached out and grabbed her by the throat.... "We don’t...I just want to...."

Darla smiled. "I guess we will need a baby-sitter for the little brat..."

"Is he going to be a baby always...your tyke?" asked Drusilla...

"Of course not...at least I don’t think so...."

Angelus stepped around behind Darla’s makeshift throne, and looked into Cordelia’s eyes as she lay on the floor...

"Rub her feet."

"What?!" asked Cordelia

"Rub your mistress’s feet," growled Angelus, as he leaned down and dragged her over in front of Darla. His back to the two vampires, he leaned down and whispered. "Trust me..."

Cordy nodded, and turned to see Darla slowly slipping her shoes off.

Cordy’s face scrunched up in disgust... "God...what a ....lovely pedicure you have, Darla..."

Darla held up her hammer-toed feet in front of her.

"I’m waiting..."

"Uh...huh,"moaned Cordy, as she looked up at Angelus malevolently. He was almost laughing. He was so gonna get it. God, where was Buffy when you needed her....

Angelus began to rub Darla’s back....

"Darla...Darling," he said, twisting his hands around her shoulders hard enough even for a vampire to bruise..."Where is it...."

"Our baby’s right here,"

"Who cares about the damn baby...?"

"Oh...you mean ...."


"Dru....give it to him..."

Drusilla walked over to a small box on a nearby table and opened the lid. Looking down, she screamed.

"Where is it ?!"

"It’s gone?!" yelled Darla...

"Looking for this, luv?" Spike sat on the bar, tossing the glowing Orb of Thessulah in his hand...picking up a salt shaker and a martini mixer from counter, he began to juggle...

"Nice little bauble, isn’t it?"

"William, this is no time to play games," said Darla, her face reddening...

Suddenly Darla was knocked to the floor. Buffy stood over her. "Whoops...guess I shouldn’t have tagged her then. And I was so tired of being IT..."

"Boys!" screamed Darla, and vampires began to flood into the bar from every possible corner. Buffy dove into the action, whirling a stake in her hand as she somersaulted from the stage, knocking over three vampires. Drusilla slowly got up, only to find a stake held to her chest by a very serious looking Spike...

"You won’t kill me."

"I won’t...?"

"You still love me, too."

"I still love the Bay City Rollers, too, pet, but you know what? That’s yesterday," he said, knocking her out with the blunt end of the stake.

Darla reached down and grabbed Cordelia, who was attempting the make her way off of the stage. She was felt Darla’s teeth as they began to sink into her neck only to feel them leave just as quickly. She looked up to see Angelus holding Darla off the floor by her neck.Cordy had to turn as Darla’s feet almost brushed her face.

"Don’t touch what’s mine, Darla..."

"You’re mine, my boy...you always have been...."

"Maybe once, but not now..."

Darla’s face contorted in confusion, and Angelus paused, wondering what it meant.

"Ewww...Ewww.....this is so GROSS!" yelled Cordelia. Angelus looked down, to see Cordelia and the entire floor underneath Darla covered in some kind of liquid.

"Guess what, Daddy....that baby’s coming..." smirked Darla.

Angelus screamed.

Spike turned at the sound. He looked over at the other side of the stage, and saw that Angelus had Darla well in hand. "Buffy!" he yelled. "Where are you?"

The lights had been knocked out in the main part of the bar, and he knew she was still alive out there, because he could hear the fighting. They were very outnumbered, but he couldn’t see her. Suddenly he realized his vision was being affected by the glow of the Orb. Holding it loosely at his side, he tried to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. For some reason, it didn’t seem to get any better. What was going on? He held his hand up to look at the Orb again when he saw the space bend around his hand.

He turned his head just in time to see the portal open.

"Oh, Bloody Hell..."

Part 16
Written by Argent

"Aaah!" Spike shrieked and dived out of the way as the Plymouth burst through the dimensional portal bowling aside everyone in its path. Angelus threw Darla away, snatched Cordelia from the floor and leapt to safety. The car smashed into the bar, tossing its occupants free to scatter about the room. Aside from those he recognised Spike saw some bronzed Conan wannabe, a green demon that looked like the Host and two purple demons who looked remarkably human. They must have been packed in the car like sardines. Now, however, all of them were picking opponents and rapidly reducing the number of Darla supporters.

"Buffy!" Spike frantically searched for her familiar form, dread rising in him. Another vampire grabbed at his duster and he almost absently knocked him aside and dusted without emotion, none of the usual fierce pleasure he found in violence.

"Here!" She rose from dusting a prone vampire and waved to him, then snapped back into slay-mode as three more went for her. " Guys, this is getting boring. And I broke a nail. You really don't want to annoy me any more."

Cordelia wriggled in Angelus' arms, frightened by the terrible noises he was making , " What is it?"

He turned to look at her and she jerked back, heart hammering in shock at the sight of his gasping for breath and shaking , his face flickering between human and vampire appearence. Fangs flashed in a fierce snarl as she struggled to break free from his grip.

"Princess!" Suddenly Groo was there, hauling her free and about to lash out with his sword.

"No! Don't kill him!" She threw herself in front of Angelus to shield him, only realising how stupid that was when she found herself grabbed from behind. Clawlike fingers dug into her drawing blood and then seemed to twist and she was being held by human-seeming hands again.

"Cordy?" His voice was harsh, croaky but recogniseable, she went limp with relief.

Groo touched her cheek, his eyes wondering as he looked at her, " You are even more beautiful than I remember, majesty." A low, menacing growl reverberated from Angelus, making Cordelia's skin prickle with fear.

"Get your hands off her!" Then more of that terrible, wrenching breathing. Which made no sense, Angelus had no need to breathe. What was going on?

Cordy tried to wipe some of the amniotic fluid from her face and hair, grimacing in revulsion at the sensation of soaked fabric sticking to her. She smiled reassuringly at Groo and turned back to Angelus, trusting the half-demon to guard them both. " What's going on with you?"

He leant forward, almost choking , " I don't know. Suddenly I - I have to breathe - and I can't. It's like I'm being crushed or something."

Cordelia held his arms, rubbing them in a pathetic attempt at reassurance, " Try to relax. Do vampires get panic attacks? Sounds like one to me." She glanced around as, even over the noise of battle, she heard Drusilla speak.

"I think now is when you have to push, mummy. Push hard."

She squinted between whirling fighters and spotted Drusilla bent over another form, presumably Darla. There were grunts and odd squeals coming from their direction. Cordy suddenly realised that Angelus' gasps seemed in time with those Darla was making. " Wesley, " she yelled.

It took a moment but then the englishman loomed out of the darkness, brushing dust and blood from the stake he held. He had a big , relieved grin on his face, " I'm so glad we're in time. Fred had to add a time adjustment to the dimensional vectors. At least I think that's what she said she was doing. It gave us long enough in Pylea to gather our forces."

"Yeah, details later, Wes. We have a situation here. Darla's in labour and it's having some weird effect on Angelus." She reached out to hold the vampire and then fiercely told Groo, " You take care of him for me. I don't want anybody hurting him."

"I shall guard him with my life, majesty." Good as his word Groo veered to guard the vampire, barring him from the battles that still raged back and forth around the bar.

Together Wes and Cordy made their way over to where Drusilla was still trying to encourage an apparently semi-conscious Darla. When Dru looked up they were both shocked to see tears on her cheeks, " Something's wrong. Mummy can't make the baby come out."

Moved despite herself Cordelia crouched down beside her, " OK, Drusilla, we're going to try to help."

The blue eyes were blank with shock, " There's a lot of blood. It makes me hungry."

Sickened but trying to hold her gentle tone Cordy urged her back, " It'll be alright."

Wesley, also looking nauseous was staring helplessly at Darla, " Cordelia I don't think this is something I can deal with. I did the basic slayer first-aid in watcher training. I'm afraid they didn't cover vampire obstetrics."

"We have to do something , Wes. Angelus is part of this, I won't have him die." Gritting her teeth she said, " I helped deliver a calf with my nanny once, would that help?"

"I don't have the faintest idea. I don't even know what to check for."

"You think I do?"

He gestured helplessly, " At least you have the same - equipment - so to speak. Could you at least take a look?"

She groaned, " And I thought having to rub her feet was bad!" After a distasteful but busy few momentss Cordy drew away, biting her lip and glancing over towards Angelus, " I think the baby is coming but it seems to be stuck. I - I think you may have to - cut her a little."

"Oh dear lord!"

"C'mon, Wes, you'd be happy enough to stake her, how bad can this be?" Darla, after lying almost motionless for so long , began to writhe and shriek. " Wesley, we can't let her suffer like this!"

"Right, right." Flinching he set to work, making a single deep cut to widen the birth canal, muttering apologies as Darla made a moaning sound. Almost at once there was perceptible motion, a head crowning and starting to emerge. Dropping his knife Wesley cupped the head and then a shoulder as it emerged, coaxing slightly so that the other shoulder came through and, with a final convulsive effort, the rest of the baby in a rush of blood and matter. Inexpertly he brushed at the small face, clearing mess from the nostrils and mouth. Indignant eyes opened to glare at him and the mouth opened to emit a small wail that quickly erupted into a full-throated bellow of rage.

Cordelia was pressed up against him, " You did it!"

"I did. It's," he checked instinctively, " it's a little girl. Quite human from what I can see."

Drusilla was holding Darla's head and babbling , " Clever mummy, you gave me a new sister. Look how pretty she is!" Abruptly her face twisted and a hand rose to her mouth, " What's wrong?"

Cordy rushed to reassure her " There's nothing wrong , Drusilla. She's fine, a healthy human little girl."

"I meant what's wrong with my mummy. She's gone away." As Dru finished speaking Darla's body twitched once more and exploded into dust. Drusilla fell forward into the mess, wailing incoherently.

Wesley tore off two strips of shirt to tie off and then cut the umbilical cord, fighting to keep the new arrival free from the ashes of her mother. Cordy pulled off her jacket and wrapped up the ittle girl, fighting to control her own reaction to Darla's sudden death. OK, she was a bitch, and they would probably have ended up having to stake her but - not a death you wished on anybody. Holding the baby close, Wesley watching to keep others from her, they moved back to see how Angelus was.

Groo was still on guard, but Angelus was sitting down and no longer gasping , even starting to look a little more his usual self. Cordy knelt down beside him, " Angel, you have a daughter."

His dark eyes were unreadable, " A daughter?"

"A human daughter." She tried to gauge his reaction, " Darla died."

"Saved me the trouble." When Cordy flinched he said, " Sorry, just being honest."

Biting back an acid retort she said, " Would you like to hold her?" At his uncomprehending look she elaborated, " Your daughter."

"That thing's nothing to do with me. What would I want with it?"

Cordelia turned to Wes, holding out the baby, " Will you hold her please?" Once Wesley took the tiny form away she turned back and slapped Angelus across the face as hard as she could, smearing Darla's blood over his cheek. When he instinctively lunged at her she shoved him back hard enough to send him on his ass. Folding her arms she stood glaring down at him, " You heartless bastard! That baby is a miracle and you can't even be bothered to show an interest. Hell, Drusilla cares more than you."

"Drusilla's crazy."

She shook her head, turning away from him, " And so am I." Glancing about she saw that the fighting was almost over, Darla's former supporters either dead or fled. Gunn, Buffy and Spike were having a fine time mopping up a few persistant ones but any real danger was over.

Wesley took hold of Groo's arm and drew him away, " I think we should move away now. The princess needs to talk to her warrior." They moved off to a discreet distance.

"What do you mean 'you're crazy'?"

She raised her brows at him, " I need to explain? That I was crazy to imagine I could......."

"Could what?"

"Make this work. Accept you like this." She sighed and looked down, " I can't do this, Angel. I won't pretend that this is OK."

Climbing to his feet he said heavily, " It's the way I am, Cordy."

"No, this is the way you choose to be. And it makes me sick. That's a baby, helpless and innocent. The kind of person we're supposed to help. Not to mention she's your daughter. You and Darla were the ones who did the deed, she had no choice in the matter. So don't treat her like she doesn't matter."

Earnestly, despite his irritation, Angelus told her, " Cordy, I'm not human, you can't expect me to act like I am. Joking apart, the only use I have for a baby is as a snack between meals."

"Fine!" Turning away she walked over to Wesley, spoke to him briefly and took the baby. Then she walked towards the exit, carefully skirting the fighting , not looking back. Pausing by Spike, who had barely finished staking his last opponent, she asked, " Can you and Buffy drive me home?"

The blond vampire glanced at his livid sire and then over to Buffy, " I guess we could."

"Thanks. We'll need to drop by a store as well, I don't have baby supplies."

Spike took a peek at the small bundle, interested despite himself, " That's it? Expected something bigger the size the old cow was. Did you stake her?"

"No. She died." Cordelia paused. putting her cheek to the baby and Spike suddenly realised she was fighting tears, " Can we go?"

"Yeah, sure. C'mon, slayer. Looks like we've got babysitting duty!"

Part 17
Written by Love's Bitch

"You really think so?"

"Yes, puddin’, I do."

"I don’t believe it..."

"Believe it already!"

Lorne lowered his copy of Mademoiselle magazine and looked at the girl next to him.

"Honey, there’s no contest. By the time you’re through growing,your legs are going to be as fine as your sister’s. Maybe better."


"I said so, didn’t I?" said the green-skinned Pylean, adjusting his cap and going back to his article on the new dating scene.

"Better? Really?"

He dropped the magazine and looked at her, sternly. "Child, Tina Turner will be envious."

"Ya think?"

"Trust me, hon. I know things...."


"Okay," he said, and turned back to his magazine. He didn’t know what was more depressing, the article or her lack of self-confidence.

"So why are you all incognito?" she asked.

He turned to her, pulling off his sunglasses.

She rolled her eyes. "I mean it’s night. And you’re wearing sunglasses. And a hat. Outside your own club."

"It’s not incognito...I just..."


"I don’t want to be seen in this truck, all right?"

She glanced around at the truck they were sitting in. "What’s wrong with it? I think it’s pretty cool."

"Pretty cool? It’s a rolling weapon!..."

He hated having to drive Gunn’s truck to Caritas. But Wesley had insisted that it be there in exactly an hour. It had been an hour and a half.

"Yeah...pretty cool."

"Oh, I forgot....Slayer’s sis..."

"Yup.....hey, look!"she said, pointing behind him at the front door of the club.

Lorne turned, and groaned. "Oh no....OH, no!"

"Oh no, what?"

Dawn saw a large green demon emerge from the club, dragging Xander along under one arm. The demon smiled when he saw Lorne...


"Hey, Landok...."


"Yes, Landok, I have. Don’t tell me...Wes parked the Plymouth in my bar again, right...."


"Great, I might as well put a garage door in one wall..."

Dawn quickly got out and hugged Xander.

"Is everybody all right," she asked.


"It wears off, believe me," said Lorne...

"I HOPE SO...I MEAN I CAN’T...I can’t....can’t talk like that all the time..."

"I don’t think Anya would mind...

Xander smiled. "No...probably not."

"So....how’d it go..."

"It...It’s gonna be different..."


She slowly opened the door and was about to step through when the door was slammed in front of her.

"Going somewhere?"

She turned. The Slayer.

"Drusilla, you’re not going anywhere...did you think I’d forgotten about you?."

"Are you going to kill me..."

"Maybe...maybe not....depends...."

"Depends on what?"

"Just depends...."

"You’re going to let him decide aren’t you? Spike..."


"You care that much....?"

"BUFFY!" yelled Cordelia. "Get over here!"

The Slayer turned. Dru made for the door again, only the find the Slayer pinning her to the wall.

"I said you’re not going anywhere." Looking around, she saw one of the men Wesley had brought with him through the portal.


The man turned and walked over to where the lithe blonde had the vampire pinned to the wall.

"Yes, how may I be of service...."

"Can you watch her...make sure she doesn’t get away?"

"I am the Groosalugg...."

"Yeah, so....that mean you can do it?"

"I can..."

"BUFFY!" yelled Cordelia...

"Okay, she’s yours. If she gets away, your ass is mine...."

"I’m afraid I left my beast of burden on other side of yon portal..."

"Whatever, Grody. Bring her with us..."

"As you say..."

Drusilla looked the Groosalugg over. Smiling, she licked her lips. She’s had worse captors...

Buffy bound quickly up to the stage, where Cordelia was holding the baby, and Spike was frantically searching through the curtains.


"He’s gone..."


"Angel...yeah...he’s gone....here, hold the baby," she said, shoving the infant into Buffy’s grasp.

"What?!? Where are you going..."

"I’m going to find him...."she said, running out through a side door.

"Cordelia!" yelled Spike... "I thought we were...supposed to give you a ride home....what are you going to do...stake him?" he said, his voice dwindling as he turned to face Buffy, her face full of fear at having the baby in her

arms..."But....but...." she stammered...

The baby began a long, mewling cry....and so did Buffy.


Spike watched as Buffy rocked the baby to sleep. It had been a hard hour after they’d gotten back to the Hyperion, and there had been no sign of Angel or Cordelia. Spike had laughed at that looks they had gotten at the various stoplights, what with the menagerie of demons in back. Spike had simply looked at them and said, "Tele-tubbies." He was pleased with himself until he heard the crying from where Buffy was sitting next to him in the cab. Looking at the baby, he remembered things weren’t as funny as they might appear to be.

Looking at her now, sitting on the window seat over looking the city, he still didn’t think things were funny. Not funny. But definitely beautiful.

He stood in the doorway and just watched her. Watched her do something she probably thought she’d never do. He smiled to himself.

"Better watch that tear, it’s about to actually fall..."

He looked over to see Cordelia standing next to him, drying her hair with a towel.

"Did you find him?"


"He’ll be around..."

"I know...I finally had to stop looking. My hair was starting to get all crunchy, and...."

"It’s all right. He’ll be back..."

"I know," she said, leaning against the other side of the doorframe.

"How’s she doing...?"


"I meant the baby, not Buffy..."

Spike smiled, and glanced over at Cordelia.

"They’re both doing fine..."

"You know this changes things, doesn’t it....?"

"I’d say. Looks like you got a pooper to take care of..."

"Not just that...Did I say ‘just that’ ? God, I’m not ready for this...."

"No mother ever is..."

"Mother....yeah, I guess she needs a mom, now...unless...."

"Buffy’s still the Slayer, pet," staring at the small blonde and thinking to himself how lovely the light reflected off of her hair.

"I know...but you know...she might not always be...."

"What are you talking about?" asked Spike, turning away from his reverie and facing the seer.

"I mean, Spike....it’s possible now..."

"What’s possible..."

"You can give it to her...."


"The life...the kids playing...everything....if Darla can get pregnant by Angel, then there’s no reason..."

"No," he said seriously, turning away, "No, I can’t....and we both know it....she knows it....I...."

"You want it."

Spike quickly walked back out into the hall.

"Bloody hell yes, I want it, but I can’t have it, now can I?"

"Why not?"

"Because I’m damned, you silly bint! Hasn’t living with Angelus for the last two years taught you anything?!"

Cordelia took the towel from around her neck, and started flipping it around by it ends.... "Yeah, it taught me a lot....it taught me to see through a vampire line of crap before it even starts...."

"What do you want me to do, woman? Go in there and declare my undying love? Hello....already done that...doesn’t change a thing....she’s the Slayer....I’m a vampire...Hell, even if she wasn’t the Slayer, she’s still human....and I’m not..."


"So?! Are you daft, woman?"

"Maybe. I don’t know. But if I had your attitude, I would have given up on Angel the second he turned to Angelus. And I’m not about to do that....Now, if you are through thinking of reasons you and Buffy can’t be together.....I’m going to get my daughter....whoa....my daughter....and Buffy can deal with your Mr. Pitiful routine...."

He watched, as she turned and headed into the room, smiling as Buffy handed the baby to her. Buffy approached him, and before he knew it, she had slid into his arms and was resting against his chest, watching Cordelia play with the baby’s tiny little hands...

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," said Spike to himself....

Buffy looked up at him, and turned his face to hers with a finger...

"Did you say something?"

Spike tried to quickly wipe away the tear forming at the corner of his eye, and smiled down at her. "No, luv. I didn’t say a word...."

Part 18
Written by Argent

He came in staggering , smelling of whisky and cigarettes, his face battered and knuckles skinned from fighting. Cordelia, sitting motionless in the dim lighting of the lobby, eyed him with disfavour.

"Not to get all 'couply' but what sort of time is this to come in? Half an hour more and you'd have been vampire toasties!"

Angelus, in human guise, blinked at her owlishly, " You waited up for me?"

She yawned and rose, " Actually no. A certain young lady was pretty restless and wouldn't settle despite being stuffed full of formula and nursed for hours. I only just got her asleep and if you wake her it'll be your turn to watch her."

"I don't want to."

"Tough." Coming forward Cordy sniffed and wrinkled her nose, " God, you stink! Shower and a change of clothes, right now." Noticing him watching her she asked, " What?"

"You...." he gestured, " You walked away, I thought...."

A slight smile dimpled her cheeks," I got mad, K? You know my temper. But I'm not the sort to leave, remember? You had to fire me to drive me away before and you can't do that now. Not going anywhere."

She was grabbed and dragged into a powerful embrace, lips mashed in a kiss that held equal parts of desperation and desire. Repulsed by the taste of booze and tobacco Cordelia tried to concentrate on the positive aspects, guy certainly knew how to kiss even if he was a little over-enthusiastic. When it appeared Angelus had forgotten her need for oxygen she fought her lips free gasping. Dark eyes stared into her own, trying to read her thoughts.

"I thought I lost you." His voice was hoarse and shaky, " I can't lose you. I need you. Nothing else matters. If you want to keep the damn baby then do it, if you want a dog buy one, redecorate the whole bloody hotel - just don't leave me." He kissed her again. cupping her cheek and stroking it with one finger.

Cordy kissed him back and then rested her forehead against his, " I'll stay, no more panic. Although I'm going to make your life truly miserable if you don't use mouthwash before kissing me again."

Laughter shook him, " It's a promise!"

"For a Big Bad you're kind of a wuss, Angel."

"Blame it on the soul."

She shook her head, " Uhuh, can't use that one. Spike still has the Orb."

Angelus pulled back in startlement, " But - I - I wanted to bite some homeless guy and - I let him go. I thought you-."

"Stuck a soul back in you without permission? Afraid not, you want back whatever is in that Orb then make arrangements with Wesley, I'm going to be too busy. If you can cope without it then that's fine by me too. No biting the people though, and stay away from blondes."

He frowned in bafflement, " I can't love without a soul."

"Who says? And thank you for finally using the word, a girl does like to be told you know."

"It's not possible."

"Spike seems to manage it just fine. If Buffy would get over her 'I'm the Slayer' stuff the two of them might actually have a chance at making each other happy. What's with the romance has to hurt thing with her?"

Angelus shrugged, " Never figured that one out." He glanced about, " Where is everybody?"

Cordelia smiled, " Kind of a full house here, Angel. Fred's in her room, and I've got everyone else stuck in any spare rooms that seemed semi-habitable." Her smile broadened, " I put Dawn the other end of the building from Buffy, didn't want her holding anybody back." Off his look she went on, " If they want to, that is. I won't push anyone into something they don't want, but - it'd be nice to know Buffy isn't going to rip my head off if we - y'know."

A grin tugged at his lips, " Any chance of that happening?"

"You tell me. I come as a package deal now, Angel. You don't get me without the baby, she's not going to some stranger. And are you ever going to come up with a name for her?"

"I said I'll do what you want, didn't I? But don't ask me to get involved, I've no interest in anything to do with Darla. Pick a name yourself."

Cordelia looked down, sighing , " Angel, you can't be like that. I'm taking on a child, your child, but I don't know how long I have left. I need to know that you'll care for her once I'm .... gone."

"I don't accept that has to happen, Cordy. I won't! We'll find a way to stop it."

She placed her hands against his chest, " Maybe. Maybe not. But she deserves a father, Angel. One who loves and cares about her. Either you provide that or we don't stand a chance." Her eyes held determination and a little worry, " I want this, I want you. But I'm not going to settle - either you do this properly or not at all."

Angelus studied her, " That's quite an ultimatum. You really do think I'm on a leash."

"Nope." Cordelia tapped his head, " I know what you are, at least some of what you're capable of but I hope we can get past that and make things work. I get the vampire thing , I don't believe that it makes you an animal or a monster. You can choose to be those things, but so can a human. "

"It's not that simple."

"I know. It'll be difficult, but I'm willing to try. How about you?"

He drew her to him again, resting his chin on her hair and gave a deep sigh, " If that's what you want, I'll try. But I can't promise it'll work. I - I don't feel anything. There's no connection to her."

"Yes there is. She's a miracle, Angel, maybe even a sign from the PTB that you're on your way to turning human. You mustn't hold who her mother was against her. We can be a family if you give us a chance."

"I've said I'll try." He looked down at himself and grimaced, " I'd better get cleaned up."

"Yes, please!"

Suddenly he gave a wicked grin, " Want to help?"

She chuckled, " Well, I suppose we don't have to worry about you losing your soul. On the other hand there are other concerns." Seeing his puzzlement she explained, " Apparently, unless we want to provide little Nameless with a brother or sister we better think about using precautions."

His eyes went wide, " Oh!"

"Yeah, and you better hope your little fling with Buffy didn't take or Spike will kick your dead ass. And Buffy will probably stake it."

He grumbled, " Not like she gave me any choice about it. She was all over me, I couldn't stop her. I was having a vision of you at the time."

"And it wasn't enjoyable at all?"

Angelus tilted his head, " Well, sex is sex I suppose," he saw her face change and added hastily, " but I'm not interested in her at all! It was terrible! Painful."

"Don't let it happen again or I'll show you what painful really means."


She rolled her eyes, taking his hand to lead his to his rooms, " You're a sick, sick man, Angel....."



"Yes, lady?" The half-demon had been drowsing where he sat on guard beside Drusilla's chained form

"That's a strange name. And you're - different. There's sadness in you, your heart belongs to the pretty human girl, but she loves my daddy instead."

He looked away, " My princess is free to choose as she pleases. I live for her happiness."

"Even when it hurts you?"

Groo sighed, " I live to serve her. She is - my dream. There will never be another."

Dru studied him in something like fascination, " You remind me of my Spike, all that passion, all that pain. It's beautiful."

He flushed, " You have strange ideas of beauty, lady."

She stretched, still watching him, " Sometimes. But your heart IS beautiful."

"You see my - heart?"

Her eyes were dreamy as she listened to the voices in her head, " I see many things. That you have done, that you will do."

"You have visions? Like the princess?"

Dru whispered, " I see - much."

He turned to look at her, suddenly intriegued, " I did not realise you too were Chosen, lady. It is a heavy burden."

"It can be. But it can be useful. It helps me see - possibilities....."


Spike had been deeply asleep, dreaming another one of his seemingly endless, taunting dreams about Buffy. They had been walking on a beach, bathed in moonlight. Her hair gleamed silvery as she moved beside him, chatting away in one of her bemusing monologues about nothing in particular. And then she moved into his arms and was kissing him. His mouth was full of her taste, her scent filled his head and the muffled roar of her heartbeat drowned out even the sound of waves breaking on the shore. He felt almost dizzy, clinging to her desperately.


A soft voice whispered, " Nice to be noticed."

He opened his eyes, spotting her sitting in the chair just across from his bed, he sat up staring at her, " What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing." In the half-light of the coming dawn gleaming through even the heaviest curtains Buffy was a picture of serenity, her eyes smiling at him gently, " I wanted to watch you when you were asleep."


"Because that's when I really get to see who you are. You're not trying to impress me, or teasing me into an arguement. Your face doesn't lie when you sleep."

He swallowed dryly, " I don't lie to you, pet."

"No, I know. But you're always on edge around me, even when we're laughing. I like to see you peaceful sometimes. I wanted to know....."

"Know what?"

She flushed a little, " I wanted to know what it would be like to wake up next to you. How you'd look."

Spike watched her carefully, " I don't want to play this game, Buffy. It's not fair, luv. You know how I feel, don't tease."

"I'm not." Buffy stood up and walked over to stand beside the bed, her Tshirt barely reaching the top of her legs in a way that tantalised and drew his eyes. She reached for the covers and Spike held onto them, preventing her from moving them.

"Not wearing anything under here."

Buffy smiled at him with a hint of mischief, abruptly stripping off the shirt and standing before him, " Neither am I. May I join you?"

He moved sideways slightly, pushing the covers aside in mute invitation, unsure if he was actually still dreaming......

Continue on...