just fic

Title: Home Is...
Author: Argent and Love's Bitch
Posted: In the long-ago days of board crashes
Rating: NC17
Content: B/A, C/A & C/Aus & B/S.
Disclaimer: all characters are the property of Joss Whedon, they're just being borrowed for a little fun, no infringement of any kind is intended. Please don't sue.

[*] After learning of Buffy's resurrection, Angel returns to Sunnydale after Cordelia goes out of her way to convince him not to miss a second chance. I see a very moving scene here where she convinces him to go (but of course is crying as he leaves)

[*] Cordelia is the official owner of Angel Investigations (if you think about it, she has to be...), and continues with the help of Wesley and Gunn to respond to her visions.

[*] Back in Sunnydale with Buffy, Angel begins to have dreams...then full blown visions himself...of Cordelia's battles.

[*] Scenes establishing the distance between Buffy and Angel

[*] Angel checks up on Cordy without her knowing...but without telling Buffy

{*} Angel notices that Buffy seems to gravitate/get angry/lose control when she's around Spike...and she won't talk about him.

[*} Big blow-up fight between B&A about Cordy's role in his life...

Part 1
Written by Love's Bitch

“Thanks for the car….”

He stood and ran his fingertips over the hood. Looking up at her, hesitantly, he answered.

“Yeah…yeah….I mean you’re welcome. It’s not like I’m going to be needing it here.”

“Angel, that’s not the point. You love this car,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“Cordy, it’s just a car,” he said, glancing back at the Plymouth.

“Angel…it’s your car….I know what it means to you…”

“It’s just a car…” he said, his voice lowering to a reverent whisper. “A 1967 Plymouth G..”

“..TX 440 Convertible. I know. And it’s yours. You should keep it, I’ll get my own car.”

She smiled as he finally managed to stop stroking the interior.

“You shouldn’t have to…”

“Well, it’s not like I’m going to have the Angel Chauffeur Service anymore…”

“You should stay here.”

“Here?” she asked, motioning back to the house. “With you and Buffy?”

“Sunnydale. It was your home once, Cordy. It could be again.”

“Once, Angel. A long time ago. Home’s LA now. You know that. Coming back here would just…”

“I know…”

“Besides…I get the impression someone wouldn’t like it too much,” she said glancing back to the porch. Buffy sat there, acting like she wasn’t listening.

“What are you going to do about the visions?”

“What did I ever do about them? Wes and Gunn and I will take care of it, Angel. Don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t ask me not to worry,” he said, looking at the ground.

“Okay, that was stupid. You’re going to worry. You’ve got degrees in worrying. You’re the Michael Jordan of worrying. But Angel…really…there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Maybe not…but I do know that you only get so many chances, Angel.”

He leaned against the hood, and lovingly traced the fender. “I know…”

“She died, Angel. Now she’s back. You’ve got a second chance to be happy. And I want you to be happy. If you don’t take it, I’m going to …

He smiled…”You’re going to do what….”

“I don’t know, but you won’t like it. You deserve to be happy, Angel. If anybody does….”

He flinched. “Happy. I don’t do happy well.”

“You know what I mean, doofus.”

“Yeah, I do…and I guess you’re right…” he said, as he stood and grabbed her bag from her hand and threw it into the back seat.

“Of course I’m right…”

He put his hands against the car, and took a deep unnecessary breath….

She put a hand to his shoulder.

“I’ll be fine, Angel.”

“I know…I just…”

“This is hard.”

“Yeah…yeah, it is.”

“Then I’d better go…”


“Gimme a hug, you big dork…”

He took her gently in his arms and held her. He rocked her back and forth a couple of times, and she felt herself smiling, her eyes closed tight, trying to hold in the tears. As she opened them, the first thing she saw was the black leather of his jacket. The next thing was the puzzled expression on Buffy’s face as she stood staring at them from the porch.

She wiped her eyes, purposely avoiding his gaze. “I gotta go….,” she said, quickly walking around to the drivers side of the car. She slammed the door shut and sat there, looking at the steering wheel….

“Cordy?” he asked.

“What, Angel?”

“You want the keys?”

She broke, laughing. “Yeah…yeah, that would be nice….”

He tossed them to her, gently. “Take good care of her….”

She shook her head, still avoiding looking at him. “Vampires and their cars….”

He stood there, and watched as the Plymouth disappeared around the corner….

“Take good care of her,” he mumbled to himself…


He looked down at Buffy, who had somehow made her way from the porch and was clinging to his side. He hadn’t noticed.

“You sure you trust her with your car?”

“It’s her car now…….and yeah….I trust her.”

They smiled at each other, and she leaned into him as they walked back into the two-story on Revello Drive. He looked back at the corner where the Plymouth had disappeared, then back down at Buffy as they walked through the door.

Part 2
Written by Argent

"Spike, I totally had that vampire covered, there was no need for you to get involved."

"Oh yeah, could really see that. Think you could have pulled your tongue out of Peaches' throat long enough to dust him yourself? Not from what I saw."

Buffy wrinkled her nose in disgust, " You make it sound so - gross. It's not like that."

"Yes it bloody is," Spike snarled. " Way the pair of you carry on is enough to turn anybody's stomach."

"Then leave, " Angel suggested in a less than friendly tone, " I don't see why Buffy puts up with you anyway."

"Maybe 'cos I was with her when she needed someone while you were prancing around LA like a sodding wannabe superhero!"

As the two vampires faced each other in their third confrontation of the evening patrol Buffy placed herself between them, " Behave yourself, boys, or I'll have to get nasty." The two stared at her, assessing their chances. " I'm serious. Don't make me slap you."

Spike stepped back, " Oh the hell with it. Don't know why I even bother." He swung away and started to walk off.

"Spike, where are you going? You promised to watch that video with Dawn!"

The blond vampire looked over his shoulder at her, " Lot of fun that'll be. Me and Dawn tryin' to pretend we can't hear you and His Broodiness makin' out in the kitchen. Tell Niblet to call me for a ride and she can watch it at my place." Without further comment he strode away.

"We weren't that loud. Were we?" Buffy turned to Angel.

He gave an uncertain smile, " Maybe I should stay at the mansion tonight. Dawn already dislikes me enough because Spike is spending less time at your place now I'm visiting there. It's her home too."

Buffy pouted, " I barely saw you for two years, Angel. Dawn just needs to get to know you again - or - for the first time. It's confusing having a sister who didn't used to exist."

"Not just for Dawn, Buffy. You and Spike were having a good time training last night until I turned up."

"We weren't!"

Angel gave her a level look, " You were laughing together."

"He made a joke. Spike has a sense of humour. Doesn't mean I prefer spending time with him to you."

"I never said you did. It's just - I didn't come back here to disrupt your life, Buffy. There's no need to get defensive." As soon as he spoke he knew it was the wrong thing to say.

"Nobody's getting defensive. I don't like, Spike, but he has helped me. And he's good with Dawn. Plus he's turnng out to be useful at research, which I never expected. We're allies - that's all."

The tall vampire raised his hands in surrender, trying to avoid another arguement, " Fine. My mistake."


"I still don't believe Angel ran out on us. Again," Gunn muttered as they crouched behind a partially collapsed wall watching a band of vampires who had dragged a group of people off a bus and were trying to sort out who to eat first.

"He didn't run out, " Cordelia snapped as quietly as possible, " I drove him."

"Well, that makes it better!"

Irritated beyond measure Wesley burst out, " Could we please concentrate on what's important. In about thirty seconds one of those passengers at least is going to be dead. Do we have a plan?"

"Yeah," the seer replied, swallowing hard, " You two get ready to free the humans."

"What you plannin' on doin', Barbie?"

She smiled sickly, " Guess I get to play bait. Try not to take too long guys." Concealing a stake in the back of her waistband Cordelia stood up, stepped out of hiding and waved, calling aloud, " Hey, can anybody help me? I forgot where I left my car."

Hardly able to believe their luck, licking appreciative lips, seven vampires converged on the tasty morsel that had just presented itself to them.

While Wes and Gunn swung around to the side and started to free the human captives Cordy desperately tried to keep her hunters occupied with an unending string of inconsequences.

Laughing she threw her arms up, " I swear I've lost that car of mine twice this week already. If I have to call my boyfriend again to come pick me up he'll be really angry. Did you see it? Little red convertible? No?"

The tallest vampire commented, " Can you believe this airhead?"

"Who are you calling an airhead?"

He sneered, " You. Want to do something about it?"

"Yes," Cordy commented and suddenly produced her stake and plunged it into his heart, diving through his dust in an effort to escape the closing circle of hungry vampires. She almost made it out, succeeding in staking one and kicking the legs out from under another. Then a strong arm locked around her waist and a steely grip shook the stake from her hand.

"Time to die, little girl." She screamed as fangs fastened hard onto her neck and she felt skin give way, allowing blood to flow freely.


"Cordy!" Angel reared up in bed, eyes wide with terror. He had seen her, pinned in some vampires arms, its fangs sunk deep into tender flesh as it greedily sucked her life's blood. Glancing about he tried to calm himself, taking unnecessary but calming breaths. " Just a dream," he told himself. " Cordy's fine. It was just a dream." Unreassured he rose from the bed and went in search of his phone.

Part 3
Written by Love's Bitch

“You sure? It’s gonna hurt….”

“You said it doesn’t leave a scar?”


“Then do it…”

“Cordy, I ain’t lyin’. It hurts a LOT…”

“Do it, Gunn” said Wesley. He looked into the back seat where Gunn was cradling Cordelia in his arms, her blood flowing freely from the wound in her jugular. They had been extremely lucky. The arrival of the street gang could not have been better timed. They owed their lives to the local Crips. But Wesley worried that it may be too late for Cordelia. “If it will stop the bleeding, do it.”

“Here,” said Gunn, ripping a strip from his shirt and rolling it up, “put this in your mouth and bite down…”

She did as she was told, and he ripped the shoulder of her blouse, exposing the wound. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed the bottle of holy water and shook it up.

“Why are you shaking it?” asked Wesley.

“For good luck.”


“Okay, Cordy, you ready?”

She nodded that she was. He opened the bottle and poured over the wound. Wesley heard Cordelia’s muffled scream, then, as the scream died down, the hissing of the skin as the wound was mystically cauterized. The low sizzle had almost stopped, and he began to hear her low whimpers.

“Is she…”

His cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking back at her, he saw her nod that she was fine. He answered the phone……

“Angel Inve…”

“Wes, is Cordy all right?”


“IS SHE ALL RIGHT?” bellowed the vampire, loud enough for Gunn and Cordelia to hear him in the back seat…

“Give me the phone, Wes,” croaked Cordelia, taking the ripped shirt from her mouth….

“Cordy, are you…”

“Give it here.”

Taking the small black Nokia, she took a deep breath, and put on her best Miss America smile.

Gunn shook his head, and smiled in appreciation.

“Angel, I’m fine,” she said, as cheerily as possible.

“You sure? You sound like you’re in the car…”

“We are…we’re….going to Del Taco to get Fred something to eat…”

“At quarter til 4 in the morning?”

“Hey, we’re still on vampire time. Why are you calling?”

“I just…I had a…are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine, Angel. Really.”

“You’re sure…”

“I’m sure. Now go back to bed…”

“How did you know I was…”

“You’re always grumpy when you get up…”

“Cordy, I’m not gru..”

“Angel, go back to bed.”

“All right. Be careful.”

“Always. Good night, Angel.”

“Good night, Cordy.”

She clicked the phone off and lay back in the seat, breathing hard. Looking around, she saw the amazed looks on Gunn and Wesley’s faces. Then she looked down and frowned…

“What…you still hurting?” asked Gunn.

“Look at this….I got blood all over the seats….”


Angel slowly punched “end” on his phone, and looked at it for a few seconds, until there was a sudden sound of a door closing from downstairs. What was Dawn doing up at this time of the night….? He thought that he had better tell Buffy.

Going back into the bedroom, he suddenly noticed that she wasn’t there. Thinking back on it, he realized she hadn’t been there when he woke, either. Leaning out into the hall, he saw Buffy at the foot of the stairs slowly putting her coat into the hall closet. He slipped quietly back into the bedroom and back into the bed, pretending to be asleep.

He watched as she quietly entered the room, carefully removing her clothing. She sat at the foot of the bed for a few moments, then moved slowly to the window, where she very carefully parted the drapes, staring at something in the yard…she must’ve stood there, motionless, for over ten minutes. Finally, she closed the drapes, and he heard her walk behind him and turn on the faucet in the bathroom. Making sure the door was closed, he rose and walked to the window. Looking down, he thought he saw the low glimmer of a cigarette and the tail of a leather duster as it disappeared behind the tree.


The next night...

“What are we gonna do, English?”

“What do you mean?”

“We can’t do this, not like she wants to…”

Wesley slowly put his hands together, as though he were praying. “I know…”

“I mean, last summer was one thing. But last night shows me the three of us ain’t gonna cut it…”

“I agree…”

“She could’ve died …”

“I know…”

“We need that intimidation factor Angel gave us…otherwise …”

“Otherwise, we’ll all three die. I agree. I think….I think…”

“You think what?”

“This was Angel’s mission. Angel’s life. Now that’s he’s gone, perhaps we should…perhaps we find our own.”

“You’re wrong,” said Cordelia from the stairway. Fred stood meekly beside her.

“How am I wrong, Cordelia…please, tell me…”

“Yeah, Cordy,” said Gunn. “Look at last night…It could happen again tonight.”

“I survived…”

“This time…”

“You’re wrong,” she said sternly. “This is my mission, not Angel’s. I get the visions, not him. And it’s my business…”

Wes rose and gently approached her. “Cordy, I know you feel that the visions make this your responsibility, but…”

“No, Wes…It’s my business. As in Angel Investigations is mine.”


“Who do you think signed all the incorporation papers? Whose name do you think the lease is under? Angel’s? He doesn’t even have a last name, Wes…Haven’t you ever looked at who signs your paychecks? Me…”

“I thought Angel….”

“He did, until we had to make it legit. When we moved to the Hyperion, everything was put in my name. Wolfram and Hart would have had a field day with his fake ID. They would have kicked us out of our own house. And now that he’s gone, I’m the boss. So unless you want to quit, we keep going. You got that, buster?”

Wes and Gunn looked at each other. She was the boss. An unspoken truth that had always been true, this was just the acknowledgment.

“So….what do you suggest we do….”

“Well….we’ve got an open position, now don’t we?”

“Replace Angel?” asked Wesley.

“No,”said Cordelia, quietly. “We can’t replace him. We fill the position.”

Gunn sighed. “Oh, I can’t wait to see that newspaper ad. ‘Wanted: vampire to fight on the side of good. Soul preferred’. Cordy, ain’t no good vampires on the planet but Angel….”

“He’s right, Cordelia,” agreed Wesley, gravely.

“Why don’t you just get one where you got Angel,” said Fred.

“What did you say?” asked Cordelia.

“Well….where’d you meet Angel? Maybe they got more like him…..”

Cordelia smiled. “Fred, you’re a genius.”

Fred blushed. “I know….”

“What are you talking about?” asked Gunn.

“Easy,” said Cordelia. “We get another good vampire….”

“Cordelia,” said Wesley. “There are no more…..oh, lord, Cordelia, you can’t mean….”


“Who you talkin’ bout?”asked Gunn, as Cordelia moved to the phone.

“It’s not a soul, Cordelia…”

“It’s good enough,” she said, dialing.

“Angel won’t like it.”

“Angel’s not here.”

“Cordelia, please…please, no…”

“Shut up, Wes, it’s ringing.”

The movie was just ending as the phone rang. Dawn walked over and put her almost empty bowl of popcorn in the sink, then picked up the receiver.

“Summers’ Shack O’ Vamps. Dawn speaking.”

“You always answer the phone that way?”

“Hey, Cordelia. Yeah, usually. I mean, anyone who calls here already knows, except the Social Services lady, and she only calls during the day. You want to talk to Angel? I’ll get him.”

“No, Dawn, I need to talk to you. I need you to give a message to someone.”

Part 4
Written by Argent


"Bloody 'ell, Niblet, don't sneak up on a man when he's dressin'." Spike hurriedly searched around his crypt for the rest of his clothes, not really wanting to stand talking to Dawn in just his boxers. "And turn your back!"

"I've got my eyes covered," she protested losing none of her fiery blush.

The blond vampire snorted, " You're peekin' through your fingers."

"Am not!" She giggled slightly, " You look funny."

He scrambled into his favourite jeans, hurriedly fastening his fly," Any particular reason you popped by? Or did ya just feel like coppin' a quick eyeful before school?"

"Oh," recollecting her errand Dawn said, " You had a call at our house last night. I wanted to come tell you then but Buffy went all 'mom' and wouldn't let me out 'cos it was dark."

Spike lit a cigarette, carefully blowing the smoke away from Dawn," So, who called?"

"Cordelia. She left a number for you to call her." Dawn gave a conspiratorial grin, " And I stole Angel's mobile for you." She held it out.

He laughed, " Nice one, Li'l Bit." Abruptly Spike straightened his face, " Don't like him much do you?"

"He's - he and Buffy are - no. We were happy, you and Buffy, me. It was like family. And then he comes back. Suddenly it's all rules and Buffy - she doesn't smile anymore. Apart from at him. And they're always sucking face, who wants to see that? It doesn't feel like home anymore!"

Reluctantly Spike offered, " It'll get better. Things'll settle down again." He took the phone and the piece of paper she handed him, " Get along now. Buffy hears you're missin' school to visit me she'll kick my ass."

"Yeah," Dawn moved to the doorway and then paused, " Can I come over tonight? Watch a movie? I can't stand another evening with the two of them."

"Sure. But knock first."

Dawn giggled again, " Thanks. I'll eat and be over before dark." She rushed out the door, noticeably happier than when she arrived.

Spike stood looking after her, shaking his head then shrugged and punched the number. He listened until a voice said, " Hello?"

"It's Spike. Hear you want to talk to me. Sure it's not the Poof you want?"

Cordelia sighed, " He has a name, Spike, try using it. And no, I want to talk to you. I have a job offer." Spike choked and coughed cigarette smoke in shock, " and we're a no-smoking workplace."

"What sort of job?"

"Killing vampires and demons. I can offer accommodation, we have a regular blood supplier who's reliable and I'm prepared to be flexible over salary. Interested?"

Spike frowned, absently stubbing out his cigarette, " You're talkin' about me movin' to LA?"

"It'd be hard to commute don't you think? Yeah, live-in job. I thought you might be glad to get out of Sunnydale. As I recollect you and Angel don't get on too well."

He considered. Painful as leaving would be it might be a lot easier than watching Angel swan back into Buffy's life and sweep aside the tentative, cautious friendship Spike had succeeded in building with her. As he had told her, he never really expected her to love him, but at least they had been part of each other's lives. Now he was back on the outside looking in.

"Can I think it over?"

Cordelia sighed heavily, " Yes. Call me tonight."

"Pushy aren't you."

"I don't have time to mess around, Spike. We're up to our ass- we've got our hands full. If you're not interested I'll find somebody else. Ring me." She hung up.

"Nice talkin' to you too," Spike grumped and sat down to think things over.


Angel flipped pancakes and poured juice, listening as Buffy came down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Oh. You cooked." She sounded less than delighted.

"I - thought you might be - hungry," he offered awkwardly, suddenly uncomfortable. " Cor - the guys used to like a proper breakfast after a late night."

Buffy picked up the juice, sipping slowly, " We weren't out that late."

"But you went out again, didn't you?" he asked and waited for her reply.

"Out? Me? What gave you that idea?"

He filled a plate with pancakes and handed them, together with syrup, to her, " I saw you come in."

"You were spying on me?" Her voice was cranking toward anger.

"No. I woke up, you weren't there, I got worried. I saw you come in, and I noticed that Spike was hanging around outside. Was he bothering you?"

Buffy dropped her jacket and sat down at the counter, leaning her elbows on the surface and pushing aside her plate, " Spike doesn't 'bother' me. He helps. And you don't have the right to check up on me like that." She looked up, her eyes blazing , " Haven't we been through this stalker stuff before, Angel? Didn't you get it out of your system then?"

Irritated Angel flipped a half-cooked pancake, scattering batter over the skillet, " I was just concerned."

"I managed over two years whilst you were in LA. Were you 'concerned' then?"

"That isn't fair."

"Neither is expecting me to change my whole life to suit you now that you've decided to come back to me again! I've changed, you have to accept that."

Feeling his own anger rising in responce Angel turned off the cooker and threw away the rest of the food he had been cooking. Crossing to the fridge he pulled out a container of blood, poured a cupful and took a long swallow, refusing to look at her. After a long moment, feeling her eyes on him, he glanced up and saw the horrified disgust as she watched him drink.

"I was hungry," he explained simply.

"You never did that in front of me before."

"Maybe I've changed too. Perhaps I've become used to the people around me accepting what I am rather than trying to ignore it." Deliberately he took another swallow.

Buffy sneered, " Oh yeah, I bet Cordelia loved this." She scrunched up her face, " Eeew! Angel, that's so gross."

Angel slammed down his cup, ignoring the blood that splashed everywhere, " Don't make fun of her!"

"Why? What is she to you?"

"My friend!"

She rose, grabbing her jacket, " I have to talk to somebody at the bank. Apparently Dad's been missing his support payments for Dawn again. I'll be back later."

"Buffy, if it's a question of money I can-."

"No!" She tried for a more friendly tone, smiling shakily, " Angel, I'm not a little girl. I can handle stuff for myself. And I think we both need some space. See you later."

Angel watched her leave, wincing at the flash of sunlight from the open door. He sat down heavily and sighed, then reached into his pocket for his mobile. Failing to find it the vampire grumbled and went in search of Buffy's phone.


Cordelia, crouched down on hands and knees, pulled out another bundle of sketches. She had no idea Angel did so much of this stuff in his spare time. There was no way she was leaving his work in here for Spike to sneer at if he moved in. She smiled, a little mistily, at yet another study of their gang - Gunn and Wes talking over coffee, little Fred tapping away on the computer and herself, of all things, rolling bandages. He had a knack for catching a face and form with a few simple lines, bringing out some aspect of the subject that made them stand out as an individual.

"Cordy! Phone!" Fred was standing nervously in the doorway, still uneasy at the emptiness of Angel's former quarters.

She sat back on her heels, sweeping hair from her eyes, " Who is it?"


"Tell him I'll be down in a minute."

"K." Fred hurried away.

Wearily Cordelia climbed to her feet, studying the three cardboard boxes that held all that Angel had left behind him. Apart from his friends, and an empty space that she knew she had to fill in some way. They had to regroup, last night had been far too close. If Spike refused her offer she had to find somebody else, and quickly. It would not take long for word to spread that AI Investigations was lacking a vampire, and when that happened there would be plenty of demons, vampires and even people who would see them as a soft option.

She looked around the room once more, partly to check she had missed nothing , partly to remind herself of how it used to look. Tears rose in her eyes and Cordy resolutely brushed them away, impatient with the sentiment that was closing up her throat.

"He's happy. That's what you always wanted for him. Stop whining." Spinning on her heel she exited the room and moved briskly down the stairs to the office. Picking up the phone she forced cheer into her voice, " Hi, Angel. How are things?"

His voice was unexpectedly hoarse, " Er, hi. Just called to check things are OK. They are OK?"

"Fine. Moving along nicely. Everybody well there?"

"Yes." He sounded - hesitant - and paused for a moment, then hurried on, " You would tell me if there was anything wrong , wouldn't you?"

Cordy forced a laugh, " What is this? Twenty questions? We're doing great, Angel. Stop worrying about us. Buffy's your priority now."

"That doesn't mean I'll forget about you. All of you," he added hastily. " Maybe we could visit you sometime soon. Or - or - I'll pay a visit."

"You had a fight, didn't you? Buffy got mad and now you're thinking of running for cover."

"No!" Angel hesitated, " Yes. About nothing. I'm not sure this is going to work out."

Cordelia sighed and sat down, " You are such a doofus, Angel. Tell me what happened and I'll let you know the best way to apologise."

"I didn't say it was my fault."

"Angel, if anybody has an arguement with Buffy it's always them who has to apologise. Right or wrong , you're going to be saying sorry. We just have to figure out the best way for you to do so. Now, spill...."

Part 5
Written by Love's Bitch


Wesley slowly opened the door, and leaned in.

“Fred, are you here?”

“I’m right here!” said the young Texan, walking from the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. Wesley blanched, and turned his head. The towel was all she was wearing.

“Fred, please put some clothes on…”

“Oh…OH…..I’m sorry…I never…I forgot…” she said, blushing.

“Yes, of course…I know it’s a difficult adjustment…” said the Englishman as he turned his back. He could hear the girl behind him as she put on her clothes. He hated himself for how much he wanted to peek.

“Gunn said you wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah….Wesley, tell me about this Spike. Gunn doesn’t know him, and Cordy said I have to meet him to understand….”

“Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever met him per se…”

“But you know about him…”

“Yes…yes, our friends in Sunnydale have had extensive dealings with him…”

“Is he like Angel?”

“I wouldn’t say so, no…”

“But he’s good….”

“He’s restrained…”

“Restrained? Like how?”

“He has a chip in his brain that…”

“Oh…a socio-inhibitor….I know them…”

“You know about the chips?”

“I heard things before I left. My physics friends talk you know…they were awful gossips…like my Aunt Tillie was about the Bergson twins and their mom’s part-time job at the gentlemen’s club….”

“Ah….yes….” said Wesley, having no idea what she was talking about…

“But he can’t hurt anybody…”

“From what I’ve been told, no…”

“But he’s an okay guy?”


“You are such an ass!”

“Slayer, what is your problem this time?”

She had broken in the door to his crypt. Again.

“You….you were hanging around the house last night.”

“Well….Yeah….I walked you home….or did you have Will fix up the ‘bot to tease me?”

“I wasn’t teasing you….and that’s not the point….Angel saw you!”


“So ?!?!”

“Yeah…so? Angel knows I live here. He’s going to see me.”

“Not hanging round the house at 4 in the morning.”

“Well, sorry, next time you come over to talk I won’t walk you home…”

“I didn’t come over. I never come over…”

“Like right now?”

She breathed in angrily… “You know what I mean…”

He stood from his spot on the couch and walked toward her, swinging a bottle of Guiness in his hand….

“Yeah…I do…you never get a leg over is what you mean….”

“Speak English, Spike…”

“I am English, you twit…”

“What are you talking about….”

“What I’m talking about…is that you like coming over here…”

“I do not…”

“Even though you got Angelcakes at home warming…sorry, poor choice of words…taking up space in your bed…you keep showing up here….”


“You do, pet, and we both know why….”

“Why don’t you tell me, Spike, genius that you aren’t…”

“Because it hurts….”

“Because it hurts?”

“Yeah…you like the pain….”

“So now I’m S&M girl….and what hurts?…only time you ever hurt me is when you won’t shut up….”

“It hurts you because you want to…”

“I want to what?” she said, as he circled behind her, speaking over her shoulders. She could feel him at her back, the hairs at the nape of her neck jumping with static electricity…

“You want to touch….so it’ll hurt just a little bit more…”

“You’re sick…”

“Maybe…no…definitely…but so are you, pet…”

She turned and pushed him away. He slammed into the wall with a smile on his face. He walked slowly toward her and gently brushed her face with his hand, stroking her neck. Her eyes closed, and he heard her stop breathing…

“You hate it…you hate because you love it….because you feel alive…because you don’t know wat I’ll do…but what scares you more…is that you don’t know what you’ll do,” he said as he walked behind her, trailing a finger down her collarbone.

She took a deep breath. “Oh I know what I’m gonna do…” she said, and slammed her fist into his mouth….

Turning quickly, she headed for the dor of the crypt…

“You know something, Slayer?”, he said from the floor.

She stopped, er head on a swivel…”What?!!”

“The word passion comes from pain, pet…and you’re a passionate girl.….”

“Oooooh….,” she fumed, and headed out into the night.

He stood up, smiling, humming an old Joanie Mitchell song…

“…they paved paradise, and put up a parking lot….”

Oh yeah. He had made his decision…


He saw Cordelia. She was somewhere, Caritas, he thought. She was talking to Lorne, laughing. He watched as she walked outside into the alley. She was wearing the leather jacket he had bought her for last Christmas, the one she never wore because she said it made them look like the Bobbsey Twins on a bondage vacation to the Grand Canyon. She pulled the keys from her pocket, and put them into the ignition of his….her…car.. She adjusted the rear-view mirror, and fiddled with her hair. It looked fine, but of course she never believed anyone until she looked herself. He liked that about her. He’d be the same way, if he could look for himself.

Finally satisfied, she flipped on the headlights, and was about to put the car in gear when she saw them.

“Look Mummy….it’s Daddy’s little office whore…”

He bolted upright, the sheets wet with sweat. Not again. Quickly walking into the next room, he grabbed for the phone and dialed. When her voice sleepily answered, he quickly hung up.

She was fine. She was fine. They weren’t after her. If they are….they won’t be for long, he decided. He reached for his clothes and was just about to head out when Buffy burst through the door.

She pinned him to the wall, and began ripping the buttons off of his shirt.

Dawn cringed as she heard the action in the next room. Well, she thought, now’s as good a time as any. Slowly opening the door to Buffy’s room, she reached into her pocket and took out the pair of Spike’s boxers she had stolen from his crypt while he was out buying beer earlier that night. She looked at them and smiled. She found herself bringing them up to her nose, but she caught herself. “Okay, Dawn…not creepy much….do what you came to do…”. She slowly lifted the mattress on Angel’s side of the bed, and shoved the boxers in, with just enough sticking out so that Angel couldn’t avoid seeing it…


Cordelia couldn’t get back to sleep. Some idiot calling at three in the morning…Now she couldn’t get back asleep…Buck up, little trooper, she told herself. Count sheep. Sing a hundred bottles of Evian on the wall. Catalog her wardrobe in her head. That was too depressing. Oh, screw that. She had to get out.

“Dennis, I’m going out,” she said. “I’ll be back in a few hours…” Getting into the car, she headed out on the highway, heading nowhere. Or at least she thought she was heading nowhere until she found herself in front of Caritas….

Part 6
Written by Argent

"Buffy, what the hell are you-?" He broke off, it was pretty obvious what she was doing , her breath coming in half gasps and her eyes misty with tears.

She continued to rip at his clothing , " It's not true. I don't want him. I love you. You're the one I love." It would have been more reassuring if her kiss had not held more bite than tenderness.

"I - I have to go, Buffy. We can't do this. You know that." He tried to fend her off and found himself grabbed by the throat.

"I don't care anymore. I want you." Buffy fastened onto him with lips, tongue and teeth, roaming over his neck and chest. As Angel continued to struggle she half-growled and slammed him hard into the wall.

"Ow! Dammit, Buffy, this is important. I have to - stop doing that!" Angel winced as she tore at his trousers, We - we - ouch - Buffy, it's Cordy - I have to-."

Muttering under her breath, sounding horribly like a ranting Fred, Buffy threw him to the floor and straddled him, " Forget her, forget everything. We can be together. I don't care about anything else."

Angel, having struck his head on the floor, thought that was the source of the stabbing pain that was tearing through his brain. Feebly he continued to fight the slayer, knowing that if she was really determind there was little chance he could stop her. Even worse his own demon was responding to what amounted to vampire loveplay and was roaring encouragement, thoroughly aroused and more than happy to cooperate.

"I knew you wanted me really," Buffy muttered triumphantly as she took him inside her.

Fresh pain spiked through Angel, and then a spinning nausea that forced his eyes closed. He lost track of Buffy's desperate movements, of his own automatic responces, caught up in the terrifying vision that suddenly filled him. Cordelia, seated in her car in the alley outside Caritas, facing Darla and Dru. They split up and circled her, cutting her off from the entrance, Cordy fumbling for a stake and setting up a shriek for assistance from those inside the club. Her cries drowned out by somebody's dire attempt at a karaoke version of 'Heartbreak Hotel' Cordy fought briefly until Dru succeeded in grabbing her. Darla, her figure somehow distorted, twisted the stake from her fingers and twirled it laughing. After a second she nodded permission to Dru who hungrily lurched forward and bit deep, still Cordy struggled, tears running down her cheeks. She fought right up until the moment an impatient Darla slammed the stake home into her heart, her last breath bursting from her in a gout of blood and bile as her eyes rolled upward and she slumped limply in Drusilla's cold hands as they held her steady to drain her dry....Terrified he shrieked Cordy's name even as he felt Buffy arch upward in orgasm.

"Oh my god!" Buffy's horror-filled voice made him open his eyes, aware of an aching lassitude that was eerily reminiscent of waking up next to Darla. His dark eyes met Buffy's blue, dread filling him at the thought of what was to come. Except nothing was happening. He felt drained, sore and disgusted, but there was no sensation of Angelus taking control, his demon appeared smugly satisfied with itself and had subsided far into the background. The only thing motivating him now was an overwhelming drive to prevent what he had seen from happening. His head jerked to one side as Buffy slapped him.

"You bastard! How could you think of somebody else while we were making love?" She pulled away from him, scrabbling for her clothes and looking around the room wildly.

Angel, survival instinct telling him to move, struggled painfully to his knees and then feet, backing away from a girl he barely recognised anymore. " That was nothing to do with love!"

She turned a chilling glare on him, " Say what you like, Angelus. I know it's all lies." Abruptly there was a stake in her hand.

"Buffy, I'm still Angel."

"Like I'll believe that," she sneered. " Perfect happiness equals losing soul. I remember how this goes." Buffy moved forward in full slayer mode.

Still backing Angel stared at her, " You thought - THAT - involved perfect happiness? I've enjoyed being beaten with a sledgehammer more!" He jumped back as Buffy lunged forward, stake aimed for his heart. " I don't have time for this. Cordy's in danger, I have to get to LA."

"I don't believe a word you say, " she panted. " You're not Angel, it's all lies." As she moved forward again Angel lost patience and abruptly kicked her legs from under her and pinned her to the floor. Her lips were drawn back from her teeth as she panted with effort, straining to break free, " I'm going to kill you!"

"No you're not." Trusting instinct Angel released her and drew back, " If I were Angelus you'd be dead already." Looking down at himself he commented ruefully, " I'd better change. I was telling the truth, I had a vision of Cordy in trouble."

Buffy continued to lie there, her lips starting to tremble, " I don't understand. We - your soul -."

Gently he said, " I'm sorry." He had a flashback to Cordelia telling him he would end up apologising whether he was right or wrong. " I think we've both been fooling ourselves, Buffy. We've changed too much. This has been a mistake." Angel walked through into the other room and began to quickly change. Buffy followed him.

"You don't love me anymore?"

Trying to control his impatience he answered, " Buffy, what you did to me was about convincing yourself I'm the one you love. My feelings didn't seem to come into it all. Maybe you should be asking yourself who it is you really want." As he moved to sit on the bed to put on shoes he spotted the boxers Dawn had planted there earlier and pulled them loose, catching the familiar scent of his adopted childe. " Perhaps this is something you should be discussing with Spike."

Buffy's cheeks flamed as she snatched them from his hand, " I don't know how those got there!"

"Then go and ask him."

"I will." Buffy turned and left without another word, leaving Angel feeling almost sorry for the other vampire. Then he dismissed the matter from his mind to make a hurried phonecall to Lorne to check if Cordelia was at Caritas and to ask her to wait for him there, and then for a fast ride to LA that would get him there before his vision came true.


Buffy kicked open the broken door of Spike's crypt, irritated to have nothing to break. She was buzzing with rage and an odd, rising excitement at the thought of seeing him again. Somebody had planted those boxers in her room for Angel to find, she was betting on it as one of Spike's little pranks. Sometimes it was almost as if he enjoyed getting her angry enough to fight with him.

"Spike, you are so dead!" Recognising the absurdity of the comment she revised, " I mean deader. Even more undead?" Dismissing the question Buffy shouted, " I'm so going to kick your skinny ass!"

No reply. No bleached blond head rising from a corner, with a self-satisfied smirk and jibe to make her even more angry.

She looked about the room. It was tidy, empty ashtrays (unknown), TV turned off. No half-drunk beer on a sidetable in easy reach of a TV viewer. Silent.


Buffy wandered about, poking randomly, until she suddenly spotted a note stuck in the frame of the mirror Spike had salvaged from the dump a few weeks ago. She had laughed when she first saw it, until he pointed out that she and Dawn were always grousing about having nowhere to brush their hair when they visited him. So he had found them a mirror.

She felt a cold emptiness grip her, a sense of something missing. With shaking fingers she opened the slip of paper and read - ' Tell Niblet I'll miss watching movies with her. Take care, Spike'. Buffy read it over and over again, turning the paper to check she had missed nothing. That was it? All this time and he just - went?

Looking around the whole room Buffy tried to take it in. Spike was gone. She should be pleased. No more irritating comments, no more cigarette smoke smells to get out of her hair, no sarcastic quips when she was less than graceful making a kill. Spike was gone. That was good.

Sinking down into his easychair she began to cry.


Cordelia left Caritas after an hour or so because, frankly, as bad as Angel's singing was at least you had something to look at while wincing over his voice. This demon was ugly with a capital ugh, grey, warty and slimy. Plus he hit maybe one note in five and wobbled around in frantic search of the rest. She quite liked 'Heartbreak Hotel', although of course she would never admit it, and this was just too much. Casting a cheerful smile and blown kiss to Lorne she made her way outside, drawing a deep breath of what passed for fresh air in LA.

Unlocking Ang- her car she seated herself and checked her hair, making sure it was still nicely combed and had not picked up stray demon skin flakes, slime or (as on one memorable occasion) a small parasite that thought she looked tastier than its previous host. No, still gorgeous. Cordelia smiled, OK it was shallow but she was entitled to be shallow if she wanted. Lord knows it had been a long time since she received a compliment from somebody other than herself.

Satisfied she flipped on the headlights and was about to put the car in gear when she saw them.

"Oh look mummy....it's daddy's little office whore.."

Darla and Dru, bitchy and loony. They split up and went for either side of the car, barring her from a rush for the club's entrance or a quick scramble for the open road. Cursing herself for carelessness she fumbled for one of the stakes she kept tucked at the side of the seat, shrieking in the vain hope that someone in the club would hear and come to her aid. After a struggle she was grabbed by Dru and Darla twisted the stake from her fingers, almost snapping them in the process, and she saw the blonde vampire nod permission for Dru to take the first bite. Her teeth had broken the skin and were just settling in for a firm grip when Darla was wrenched backward and Dru kicked across the alley, scattering garbage cans that clattered insanely. A familiar figure landed in the seat next to her and he exclaimed, " Well drive, you silly bint, before they're after us again!"

Slamming into gear Cordy roared away with more regard for her skin than paintwork. She winced at scratching sounds that sounded horribly expensive.

After a few minutes, when she was sure she could talk she asked conversationally, " You thought over my offer?"

Spike smirked and pulled out a cigarette, " Seems like I already had my interview. Could have let 'em eat you."

Cordy snatched the offending object and threw it away, " No smoking around me. I'm not dead and I'd like to keep it that way." Catching his sulky expression she relented, giving a faint smile, " And thank you."

"Welcome. So, hope you've got a room set up. We've got maybe half an hour before I turn into vampire toasties."

She bit her lip, " We'll go to my place for now. I want to have things settled before we move you in."

"Fine by me."


Angel, after finding that Cordelia had indeed been to Caritas and left had made a frantic dash to LA, only to find her long gone. He rang the Hyperion but Fred had not seen anybody arrive yet, a call to her apartment got her phone picked up after several rings, then there was a piercing scream, another deeper one and the signal cut off.

After a dash through vile sewers and scuttling a few moments under a blanket Angel made it to her building , barrelling along the corridoor and kicking her door open prepared for anything.

Except for Spike, clad in a set of Cordy's T shirt and sweats, sitting on Cordy's couch drinking warm blood from one of her good cups, one of the cups Angel was never allowed to use. He raised a brow at Angel, " Mornin', Peaches, here to see Cordelia? She's in the shower. We had a bit of a night of it."

Angel strode forward, grabbed Spike and hauled him up, dragging the smaller vampire's face up to his own.....

Continue on...