just fic

Title: Out of Whack
Author: anne
Posted: 04-19-2003
Rating: NC17
Category: Time Travel
Summary: Sequel to ‘A Little Ways Back’ which was a sequel to 'Into the Past' and 'Now Onto to the Present’.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: NF for sure, and anyone else that has my stuff
Feedback: Always welcomed- and needed for this story

Part 34

“Wesley,” Fred yelled louder than was needed. Wesley poked his head out of his office staring where the young woman pointed.

Gunn practically jumped the stairs, taking the steps three at a time to get to Fred’s yell.

“Is that what I think it is.” Gunn stopped in front of the cackling air and expanding tear in the hotel’s atmosphere.

“The Portal is opening,” Wesley confirmed.

“Angel and Cordy are coming home.” Fred wrung her hands.

“I hope. Charles, the weapons as a precaution.”

Gunn got the tranquilizer guns handing one to Wesley.

The trio stood anxious waiting for the portal to fully form. Wesley and Gunn raised their guns as a figure in a leather duster jumped through.

Angel stared at the weapons and then at the faces of his friends. “Not quite the welcome we expected.” He held up the glowing globe.

“Angel,” Wesley asked tentatively.

“Expecting someone else?” He moved past his friends towards the stairs.

“Hell, it ain’t like there wasn’t two evil ass Angel wanna-bes on the other side of that thing.” Gunn snorted lowering his weapon.

Angel nodded as he kept walking. “It’s me. Actually, there were two souled Angel wanna-bes, also. Angel B and ‘little a’”, the vampire shot over his shoulder.

“Who?” Wesley quickly followed.

“Hey, do I still need to be carryin’ this,” Gunn bounded up the stairs his weapon dragging at his side.

“There was an Angelus 1, Angelus 2, Angel B, Angel ‘little a’ and you?” Fred blinked. “Oh gosh, that would be…oh gosh… five Angels that must have been…. confusing.” She ran to catch up with her friends. “What letter are you?”

“A. You made a chart.” Angel said from his seated position on the bed next to Cordelia’s body.

“I did?” Fred squeezed in between Wesley and Gunn. She nodded. That sounded like something she would do. “Um, when did I do that?”

“Later,” Angel’s attention was focused on the young unconscious woman and the glowing container he held protectively. “Just break it?” He asked Wesley.


Angel took a deep breath and tightened his grip shattering the fragile orb. The light escaped in a bright stream floating and then dropping to encase Cordelia.

“Whoa,” Cordelia shot up causing the standing occupants of the room to step back.

“Cordy,” Wesley, Fred and Gunn said at once.

“Hey,” she smiled at her friends and then looking to Angel. “Hey,” she said more softly.

“Hey,” Angel answered just as softly, brushing a feather light kiss along her lips. “Welcome home.” His hand drifted from her cheek down to hold her hand firmly.

“No place like it right?” Cordelia beamed at the relieved and happy faces of her friends. “Hi, Dennis.” She said to the blanket that wrapped itself around her in cocoon.

Wesley cleared his throat trying to get what had to be a goofy grin off his face and be serious. “Angel,” he had to clear his throat again. It was just that Wesley was very happy. Cordelia was smiling. Obviously, Angel had gotten to her before any of the Angeluses could hurt her. “Angel B, ‘little a’?”

“Versions of me sent back to fix the changes that we made the first time.” Angel said his eyes still fixed on Cordelia.

“Changes?” Wesley blinked. “Really? Interesting,” Wesley pondered.

Cordelia scrunched up her face. “Interesting, my butt. YOUR DEAD butt rather.”

“Excuse me.” Wesley nudged at his glasses.

“Angel ‘little a’ said we screwed up three times. You died on the last one that’s why ‘little a’ was sent back but it worked because here you are.” She smiled.

“Oh.” Wesley coughed uneasily.

“Wow.” Fred gasped. “Wesley was dead, wow.” She shot a glance to her friend making sure he was still there.

Gunn rubbed his head. “This time shit freaks me out,” Gunn grumbled. “So, this ‘little a’,” Gunn raised an amused brow,” ‘little a’ ain’t that too much information about your vamp self.”

Angel scowled. “Fred did it. Don’t ask.”

“Did what?”

“Labeled beige Angel, that's who came.” Cordelia giggled. “Angel,” she pointed to the vampire sitting next her. “Was A, so beige…”

“Being before A, ‘little a’,” Fred finished accepting at once the logic.

“That asshole, he helped?”

“Gunn, he was nice.” Cordelia defended the past Angel.

“Don’t believe it,” Gunn shook his head, stopping suddenly at Angel’s glare.

“He did, he came and killed Angel B.” Cordelia nodded.

“Killed? Angel B was an Angelus,” Wesley frowned.

“No. A future Angel that killed Angel and you,” Cordelia said quickly. “Weird, uh. He had a soul and killed you and Angel.”

Wesley coughed. “Could you not keep saying that- hearing that I’m dead isn’t…well…comfortable.”

“But, you’re not.” Cordelia smiled again. “I’m really glad about that.” Cordy moved swiftly away from Angel’s hold and hugged her startled friend. “It sucked hearing that you were dead.” She squeezed.

Wesley’s initial pat on the young woman’s back was awkward, then became more confident as his mind wrapped around all that he heard and what he knew. Cordelia was safe, Angel was alive, and he was alive. Things were good. Wesley hugged back.

Angel narrowed his eyes. Okay, unreasonable irrational jealously starting up again. He had to remind himself that he was also glad Wesley was alive. Angel relaxed his expression but he couldn’t stop his hand from reaching up and bringing Cordelia back beside him on the bed.

“Whoa, a souled you killed a souled you and Wesley. That’s just fucked up.” Gunn returned to rubbing his head. “Hey, what about me and Fred?”

Fred nodded. "Why would a souled you kill you and Wesley?” Fred asked. “Were we killed too?” She wrinkled her brow. “I made a chart?”

Angel groaned the questions would go on all night if he didn’t try to put a stop to it.

“From what I remember Cordelia, Fred and Gunn came to me at the Hyperion in the past, the ‘beige’ past. Told me about the time spells, Fred showed me a chart. Fred and Gunn remembered that Wesley had been sent back to stop Angel B from killing me. It didn’t work. I seems Angel B wanted this future so…”

Cordelia tugged on his sleeve. “What went wrong with his?”

Angel turned quickly, caressing her face. “Nobody knew for sure. There was some speculation. You didn’t know because you never experienced it because it kept changing.”

“That’s…really weird,” Cordelia sighed.

“But, it makes perfect sense.”

“Huh?” Cordy turned to Wesley.

“Yes, well, the those time lines changed before they affected ‘YOU’” he nodded.” you wouldn’t remember, therefore not ever experiencing the changes in the time line. Me, Fred and Gunn took the potion. We were able to remember enough to know that obviously some very detrimental changes occurred.” Wesley explained.

“Duh, you and Angel died.”

“Yes that would be detrimental, but I was talking about the need to get Angel B in the first place.” Wesley acknowledged dryly. “Fred and Gunn must have taken the potion and realized that time changed again hence the need to go back to Angel,” Wesley cleared his throat,”little a.”

“Uh huh,” Cordelia grunted. She scrunched up her brows speculatively. “How come Angel remembers some stuff. He didn’t take any potion and he was with me in Sunnydale so wouldn’t he be effected like me?”

Wesley studied the vampire. “Angel? Of course, it’s Angel’s past. We remember that a future Gunn and me came to warn us of Angelus. Angel remembers because in his new past- you, Gunn and Fred went to him just like he remembered about you in 1898.”

Cordy turned to the vampire. “You remember when me, Fred and Gunn came to you at the Hyperion.”

Angel nodded.

“What about when ‘little a’ came to Sunnydale.”

“I remember just as you do.”

Cordelia leaned back scrunching her nose. “Oh,” she questioned. “You still slept with Darla after knowing that I loved you. I told you that I loved you even when you were ‘beige’, sure I didn’t like you much, but I did tell you that I loved you.”

“You DID cheat on Cordy,” Fred’s wide eyes narrowed into a glare at the vampire.

“I…Damn’t, Dennis,” Angel ducked as a pillow raced towards his head.

“Oh shit,” Gunn wondered why his hand ever left his baldhead. He couldn’t seem to stop rubbing it furiously. “We already heard this argument. A lot, loudly,” he begged. “I hate this time crap.”

“Angel? Did you sleep with Darla? Or was that or anything else changed because of your memory.” Wesley asked more concerned with the possible effects on the future rather than the tension creeping into the room or the possibility of more flying bed linen. “Do you know if you’re soul is still bound?”

Angel glanced suspiciously around the room at the empty air, then back at Wesley. “Yes and as for the rest you tell me. I only remember what I remember,” Angel grabbed at Cordelia’s hand holding it close. “Beige, Darla, epiphany, soul permanent, shopping, prophecy, 1898…”

Cordelia tugged on his sleeve again. “What about loving me?”

Angel stared at the young woman. “That’s not something I could ever forget.”

“Oh, good for that at least.” Cordelia slumped on the bed.

“Cordy,” Angel reached for her.

She waved her hand. “Knowing that I loved you wasn’t enough to keep you from boinking Darla.”

“Eww.” Fred’s hands went straight to her ears.

“Girl,” Gunn resisted the urge to make any other comment.

Angel caught the pillow as it took flight slamming it back to the bed. “Tell him to stop, please.”

“Dennis.” Cordelia sighed reluctantly. “Let the dork explain.”

“Thank you.” Angel held Cordelia’s hand. “Cordy, I remember coming back to the Hyperion, I remember going up to our bedroom and burning the bed coverings trying to get rid of your scent.”


“Cordy, when you came to get me in the past, you made your self at home. In my dresser drawers, in my closet, and on my bed, you acted as if you belonged here. Your scent was embedded in everything as it is in the present. A wonderful and a needed thing now, but dangerous to both of us then, you weren’t ready. You told me that. You weren’t ready to know my love or my need. I had to wait. I had to forget. After the first night it wasn’t that hard.”

Cordelia cocked her head in question as the others quietly stepped back in respectful silence.

“I went to your apartment. I watched you. You were still so angry, so hurt. It became easy to believe that it couldn’t be true. The reality became the dream. Rock bottom happened, I imagine the slam a bit more violent, but luckily for our future and us the same. I guess. I had my epiphany. My soul was bound, our friendship restored, and our love acknowledged. If that is a change than it’s a good one or at least the outcome is.”

Cordelia raised her eyes, considering his words and expression. She gave a soft smile, her hand going lovingly to his strong face. “It was acknowledged wasn’t it in all sorts of fun ways.” She lightly teased.

The respectful silence gave way to uncomfortable coughs and shifting of feet as the other occupants in the room looked to the couple then at each other.

Wesley gave an embarrassed resigned sigh and urged the rest to the door.

The others nodded, Fred’s accompanied by a big wistful smile, Gunn’s with a grunt.

Wesley shot over his shoulder. “You too, Dennis.”

The door closed signaling the ghost’s exit.

Part 35

Angel waited until all the footsteps disappeared downstairs. “Cordy?” He asked puzzled by her tentative expression.

“You said talking could wait.” She lifted her hand to his broad jaw.

“I…” His words choked as her hand on his face was joined by soft kisses.

She peered up at his hesitation. “Angel, are you still mad at me?”

Angel leaned back. The out of the blue and incomprehensible question caused any logical answer to flee from his already over taxed brain.

He settled on an ‘uh?’.

“I kissed Angel ‘little a’. You weren’t happy, in fact you got vamp jealous.”

Should he deny or acknowledge? Angel sighed. He and Cordelia had gone through too much to let any lie or misunderstanding stand between them. He moved leaning his body against the headboard of the bed, gently beckoning her to follow.

He sighed again grateful that Cordelia had adjusted her body in between his lap, her back resting against his chest.

“That particular fact is now coated in the surreal memory of having the dual experiencing of you kissing me and me seeing that it wasn’t me that you were kissing. But, now I remember the why of it. My past self was at least smart enough to realize that leaving you doubting would get him killed. I can’t be mad that I showed some sense or that you loved me, even beige.” Angel urged softly into her hair. “I just couldn’t, at the time, stand to see another vampire, whoever, touch you.”

Cordelia rested her hands on his strong thighs and turned to face him. “It was you.”

“It was another vampire. Instinct and rationality aren’t always the same.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face. “I asked you if I was wrong to get you to mark me. Is your answer the same?”

Angel’s fingers graced the small marks. Images came to the surface as he stared at the marks. Memories of Angelus that had been vague dreams now rooted in reality as he recalled his most recent past Angelus’ first encounter with Cordelia, then his second and then his third with the added bonus of Angelus 1's appearance. Good God, why in the hell had Cordy been out fighting vampires alone. He cringed, knowing without hearing the reason. Damn visions. One way or another they would get Cordelia killed.


Angel looked at the young woman who was waiting for an answer. This was not the time for scolding or a recounting of the fear and anger that those images invoked. He took a deep breath. “Yes. No. But. Cordy, I wish…no…I…I never with a soul would’ve discussed or chanced discussing ‘marking’ with you. I’m not even sure I would’ve ever considered it except as a hated dream. But, once it happened by Angelus, then yes, I’m truly amazed and grateful that you trusted me enough to allow the marks to become mine in love and not just as an instinct of possession.”

Cordelia glanced up and smiled. “Have we talked enough,” she whispered leaning into his lips.

“I have and you did insist,” wrapping his fingers through the thick silk gracing her neck bringing their lips together.

The kiss was not gentle, the hunger and need too great. Angel’s hand combed up through Cordy’s dark strands urging her lips for greater access.

Cordelia complied eagerly as she shifted and scooted closer. She sighed deeply into the kiss, her hands gliding over the material of the shirt, reaching the under the labels of the leather coat pushing it away.

Angel reluctantly removed his hands from the silk of the dark hair, shrugging his coat off as his body leaned in pushing Cordelia back on to the bed. Once the confining garment hit the floor, Angel’s hands instinctively reached back for Cordelia.

Angel stretched his body out along side Cordy’s, resting on an elbow as his other palm flattened wide on Cordelia’s belly.

“Angel?” Cordelia asked at his stillness.

“Just want too look for a minute.”

The hazel eyes twinkled. “Deciding if you still like what you see?”

“It’s been awhile,” Angel drummed his fingers on the tautness of Cordelia’s stomach. “What if?” Angel’s eyes widened. “What if I’ve been effected by some sort of time change or you have? What if I can’t make you ‘gooey’ anymore.” Angel opened his mouth wide. “What if….”

Cordelia reached up wrapping both of her arms around his neck and jerked. “Nothing’s changed, dumb ass, you still are hopelessly NOT FUNNY, and I’m definitely ‘gooey’.” She manufactured an exaggerated scowled.

“Oh, if that’s the case.” Angel swooped in seizing her lips. His hands moved, his fingers teased at the hemline of Cordelia’s cotton shirt, blunt well-shaped nails drew circular patterns along the delicate skin. Angel breathed in the scent of the woman he loved as it became thicker with each swirl of his tongue and pressure of his hands. A low rumbled vibrated within in his chest, the sensory awareness of his heightened five senses delighted a thousand fold at the rise of her chest, the gasping small breaths, and the tingling and twitching of the delicate flesh under his fingers. “Cordy,” his voice heavy with emotion and desire. “I can’t wait.”

Cordelia lifted her head, her soft laugh coated with her arousal. “Who asked you too? I thought we established that I was the insistent one.” She dragged her tongue over her bottom lip inviting more attention to its fullness.

Angel’s hands acted on pure instinct. Rips, snaps, and thuds sounded through the room as in a blur the barrier of clothes landed in a messy pile on the floor.

Mirth took over Cordelia’s desire drenching her soft laugher with happy giggles.

Angel caged her naked body under his and raised his brow in question.

“Perfect example of the advantages and disadvantages of a love-lust-driven vampire,” Cordelia tried to stifle her laugh.

“Excuse me?”

“Well, the quickness definite advantage,” she waved at their naked bodies. “The need for a new wardrobe at the drop of lusty growl- a disadvantage. I’m thinking you are going to need to go shopping again.” Cordelia smirked, her hands palming over the wide pale strong chest, tracing the chiseled cool fleshed.

Angel dipped in gracing her smirk with a kiss. “Shopping isn’t so bad as long as the dressing room is large enough, you’re there…oh and a mirror.”

Cordelia’s nails scratched up to his shoulders. “A mirror?” she cocked an amused brow.

“I like to see you from every angle. I always want to see you.” Angel leaned back down, brushing his lips against her forehead trailing down to capture her lips again. Love, hope, sweetness, and warmth wrapped up in fire, lust, and sin. This woman was everything. Angel groaned attacking her lips with a hunger encompassing a century of desire and years of friendship, trust, and love.

Angel’s hands scooped down the indentation of her waist, expanding fingers wide as they covered the belly, his lips moving from Cordelia’s giving her a chance to breath, tasting the salty sweet skin as he moved.

Cordelia gulped several breaths. Breathing was becoming very difficult. Every time she tried, Angel would touch her kiss her and her body would tweak and forget that breathing was necessary for her survival.

Her tongue worked double time giving moisture to her lips as the pleasure gasps sounded. Cordelia tensed as Angel found her nipple. She wanted to cry at the sensations created by his hands and lips. “Angel,” she moaned, the wetness pooling in the v of her legs.

Angel looked up, gently releasing the taunt pink nipple.

“You said you couldn’t wait.” Cordelia breathlessly whined rubbing her thighs and calves over his hips and down his legs.

“I’m not.” He smiled with a slight quirk. “I’m tasting and touching.”

Cordelia pushed up focusing on Angel’s teasing expression. “Screw the tasting and touching. I need you now.”

“But, Cordy,” Angel tiptoed his fingers over her body. “I definitely remembered that you like me touching and tasting you.” He leaned up. “Did that change?” He asked in put on concern.

“Screw you.” Cordelia’s brows complemented her glare.

“Better yet, screw you,” Angel chuckled, adjusting his hips over Cordelia’s.

“Please.” Cordelia gasped as the tip of his penis scraped against her heat. “Stop teasing, why are you teasing?”

“Just wanted to make sure I still could,” Angel plunged driving into her center. He winced as a loud purr vibrated in his chest. “Oh god, Cordy.” He groaned sinking into her. Any pretense of teasing dissolved as the warmth and heat surrounded him. Cordelia’s rapid beating heart, the mewing gasps of breath on his neck, the tight legs that wrapped around his hips driving him further into the velvety depths were too much, the pleasure as overwhelming as the love and acceptance that allowed it.

“I love you,” Cordy mumbled kisses into his chest as her hips matched his irregular frantic thrust.

Angel growled his response, strong hands cupping at Cordy's ass bringing their joining tighter escalating the sweet friction between the bodies.

Cordelia closed her eyes allowing the feelings to encompass her raising her closer to the edge as each movement of love proved that Angel knew every inch of her body.

"Cordy," Angel urged the hazel's eyes open. Cordelia stared into the demon's eyes. "Mine.” His growl vibrated against her hot flesh.

She smiled her acknowledgement and clutched harder at the broad shoulders as Angel buried his face into her neck reaffirming that her body and life were his wiping any and all memories vague and clear about Angelus. Cordelia gasped as the sharp fangs pierced her skin causing a twitch of pain dulled by the intensity of the pleasure.

Angel’s hips jerked as the sweet tangy blood flowed down his throat reaching his dead heart making it do a false dance. Thoughts of ownership drifted and changed to the truth. Without, with a soul, he had marked Cordelia Chase but it meant nothing not really. Angel didn’t own her, she owned him with every sacrifice, with every soft touch, with her love. Angel needed her love more than he needed blood. Vampires couldn’t starve, but he would cease to exist without her. The truth caused his balls to squeeze and spasms to shoot his dead life into her welcoming one.

Cordelia gasped, colors and sparks flew as she rolled upwards to a sparkling plateau, choking and limping as the pleasure peaked bursting and cascading down into a trembling flow that melted her nerves and muscles.


Gunn and Fred sat around Wesley’s desk.

“All I’m saying is three days.” Gunn insisted.

Wesley shook his head. “They are perfectly aware that we have more questions.”

“And, I’m saying that we’ll be waiting three days for those answers. Last trip through a swirly portal kept them locked up in the bedroom for that long. What do you think, Fred?”

Fred blushed and squirmed a bit, shrugging. “They love each other a lot.”

“Every damn minute.” Gunn scoffed.

Part 36

Cordelia kept her eyes closed, clutching the arms that embraced her. It was Angel, her Angel, holding her making her feel safe. She didn’t have to be brave anymore. The strong body wrapped around her gave her the time to finally deal with the fact that she had been scared to death in Sunnydale without him. Cordelia hugged the arms closer. Just a while longer and the last remnants of the fear would fade and she could regain her strength.

“Angel?” Cordelia whispered as the body and the arms she needed moved leaving her bereft of her save haven.

“Shush, go back to sleep,” Angel called softly as he got up.

Cordelia crawled to the foot of the bed, settling on her stomach. “You’re getting dressed?” The young woman kept the whine out of her voice. Maybe he was hungry and he’d be right back to take her in his arms again.

Angel pulled his sweater down and taking his shoes to the bed. He sat next to Cordelia, running his hand through her hair and down the smoothness of her back not wanting to leave but knowing that he had to.

Angel had awoken with an intense need to make sure that Wolfram & Hart never gave Angelus another opportunity to threaten or touch Cordelia. Making love to Cordelia, marking her, holding her while she slept had done nothing to alleviate the threat of Wolfram & Hart and the past Angeluses. “I’ve a promise to myself to keep.”

“Promise? What promise?” Cordelia didn’t like that sound of that. Some how, she doubted he promised himself that he would leave her to eat.

“Stopping Wolfram & Hart.”

Cordelia sat up studying the vampire. She definitely didn’t like that or his tone. “You’re sounding a lot like ‘little a’.”

"That's who the promise was too."

"Figures,” She shook her head. Angel was going to leave her to go after Wolfram & Hart. That was not right.

“Cordy,” he reached out cupping her chin. “Wolfram & Hart need to realize once and for all that they can’t keep going after you.”

“I don't want you to go.” Cordelia shook her head again.

“Cordelia, I have to.”

"No, you don't.” She insisted getting upset that he was about to deprive her of her save haven to go fight Wolfram & Hart.

"Yes. I do."

“Like you had to go after Darla, like you had to get revenge against Wolfram & Hart.” She wrapped her arms around her knees.

“It’s not the same.” Angel said purposely. “You understood that.”

“And when did I become so enlightened.” She narrowed her gaze.

“Cordelia,” Angel shook his head. He didn’t want to argue with her. “When you came to me in the past. You told me that Wolfram & Hart would be dealt with when we got home. Well, I’m home.”

“I told you this why?”

“What do you mean?”

“My purpose of going to you in the past was for you to go to 1998. Revenge against Wolfram & Hart has NEVER been my priority. Family and the mission, Angel, so why would I talk about revenge.”

Angel got off the bed. “They have to be stopped. You understood.”

Cordelia shook her head. “If you are going to use words that I never said as justification then use them right.”

Angel turned. “I…”

“No, Angel. You can’t convince me that I became revenge girl. “

“Cordelia, they can’t keep…”

“I get that but you aren’t going off on some sort of solo search and destroy on the law firm. We are a family. If you have to do this now, then we will go downstairs to that family and decide what we are going to do - together, Angel,” resigning herself to the situation, she would have to be strong for a bit a longer.


The young woman got off the bed reaching for her jeans. “Together.”

Angel grunted in frustration at Cordelia’s unyielding tone. Arguing with her would be useless. Angel promised his past self that he would cause real damage to the law firm. It seemed he forgot Cordelia’s inevitable reaction to his plans. Together she said. “Fine, let’s go discuss this with the others.”

Cordelia narrowed her gaze as she pulled her shirt down, suspicious at Angel’s sudden acquiesce. “That was uncharacteristically quick.”

Angel met her gaze unwaveringly, keeping his thoughts out of his expression. He would get what he wanted. She incorrectly assumed that the others would be against his desire to destroy the law firm. Cordelia had been in coma. She hadn’t seen Wesley, Gunn, and even Fred’s acceptance of his more violent questioning of the Wolfram & Hart lawyers. “You’re right.”

Cordelia’s gaze followed the vampire out of the room. If she was right why was she beginning to think she was wrong.

Part 37

Gunn, Wesley, and Fred all looked at each other in surprise then at Angel.

“Um, Angel, is something wrong?” Wesley got up. Regardless of what he said to Gunn, Wesley hadn’t expected to see Angel and Cordelia for a while, certainly not only after a couple of hours.


“Yes.” Cordelia said loudly as she scooted past Angel.

“Oh that explains it.” Gunn nodded in understanding.

“Explains what?” Cordelia pushed the black man’s feet out of an empty chair and took their place.

“Why you ain’t still locked up there- you two have decided to share your argument.” Gunn grunted.

“We aren’t arguing.” Cordelia said. “Angel was just about to go on a crash destructor course with Wolfram & Hart. I suggested that we all talk about it.”

Angel stood at the doorway with his arms crossed.

“What’s to talk about,” Gunn huffed. “I’m all for kicking some lawyer’s assess. What’s the plan? How do we cause the damage?”

Fred wrinkled her brow. “Killing the spell caster wasn’t enough the last time and putting Lilah in the hospital didn’t seem to discourage her. Killing her would be a discouragement. But, then again, we don’t know where she is.”

“The vamp will just have to bang up some more lawyers, they’re some left- we’ll find the evil bitch.”

Cordelia’s eyes widened going quickly back and forth from Gunn and Fred. Gunn, okay, maybe. But sweet Fred was sitting their seriously talking about killing Lilah, a human, well sort of but she did count as one. Cordelia’s gaze went to Wesley. Why hadn’t he said anything?

“Wesley, don’t just sit there like a British bump on a log. They’re talking about killing Wolfram & Hart lawyers.”

“No, we are talking about preventing Wolfram & Hart from continuing to place you in peril. I agree wholeheartedly that their attempts to fulfill the prophecy must be stopped.”

“By killing lawyers?” Cordelia retorted.

“If that is what it takes, Cordelia,” Wesley answered calmly.

“Okay, what screwy time change happened now?” She looked around at her friends.

“There has been no change.” Wesley assured.

“Oh, right, because we’ve always condone Angel letting lawyers die in his pursuit of his ego-centric vengeance.”

“Condoning vengeance? No, Cordelia. The situation we are talking about is entirely different than what happened before. This is not a matter of revenge but one of priorities.”

“Priorities- our priority is the mission not…”

“Our priority,” Wesley interrupted. “Is you.”

“I’m not…” Cordelia looked again around the room every occupant had the same determined expression as Wesley, except for Angel. The vampire’s appearance remained impassive his dark eye’s unreadable.

She shot up from her chair going straight for Angel. “I won’t let you put me before the mission.”

“Cordelia,” Wesley stood, knowing that Angel’s response would not be one that the young woman would like or accept. “You are the priority because Wolfram & Hart have made you one. If the prophecy succeeds not only would you be lost to us but also Angel would be damned. Where would the mission be then? No seer, no warrior.”

Cordy turned and stared at her friend.

“Yes, there is a bigger picture out there. This is not just about you. Angel isn’t being the egocentric one here.”

“Wha…” Cordelia gapped at Wesley.

Angel moved from the wall. He had wanted the others to tell Cordelia make her understand that Wolfram & Hart had to be dealt with but Wesley had gone to far. “Wesley, that’s…”

“Had to be said,” Wesley commented, maintaining his calm composure. He knew as well as everyone in the room that to Angel it was all about Cordelia. The young woman would fight against any plan to attack Wolfram & Hart based on that reason. Cordy had to be given a scenario that she would understand and his rendition would be acceptable because it was also true.

Cordelia fidgeted, chewing on her lip, her brow screwed up in thought. She slowly nodded. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to Angel.

All impassivity left the vampire’s face. “Cordy, you don’t have anything to apologize for.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the prophecy. I just jumped down your throat.”

“Cordy,” Angel started.

“Angel, Cordy, possibly we should start on discussing our plans. I do believe that what we will need is something with more thought rather than you,” Wesley held Angel’s glare firmly,” threatening more lawyers.”

“I..” Cordelia sighed. “I’m…” she haphazardly jerked her hand in the air. ”Going up stairs for a little bit, I think….all this,” she kept moving her hand, "soul hoping, time traveling thing has made me more tired than I thought.”

Part 38

“Wesley, there was no need…” Angel turned on the man once Cordelia left the room.

“Angel, Cordelia needed to accept any future focus on the law firm. Isn’t that why you agreed to ‘discuss’ a course of action that you had already decided on?” Wesley shook his head. “You wanted to avoid an argument with her and used us to do it. However, I will not be irritated because I do agree that we have to take preventive measures and that will be accomplished with more ease if Cordelia’s not dwelling on the misguided belief that she is responsible for any harm that will come to the members of Wolfram and Hart that ARE the responsible parties.”

“Egocentric, Wesley, that was wrong and it hurt her. I didn’t want that.”

“I am sorry about that, but it was necessary. Cordelia will now be behind any plan against Wolfram & Hart. You and the mission are her first priorities. The reminder of the prophecy and its danger to you and the mission will assure it.”

Angel shook his head turning to leave.

“Angel,” Wesley called.

The vampire paused.

“Cordy was right. Revenge, while understandably tempting, isn’t what needs to happen. We do need to discuss this.”

“Not now.” He shot over his shoulder as he left.

Gunn walked to the door. “That’s a quick change. Five minutes ago, I could’ve sworn that the vamp was biting at the bit for a full frontal assault, now he’s heading back upstairs.”

Fred pursed her lips. “That’s because Wesley hurt Cordy's feelings.”

Wesley sighed at the young woman’s disapproving tone. “It had to be done.” There were times that being the boss was extremely discouraging.


Cordelia stared at the patterns of the comforter silently berating herself. She hadn’t been thinking about the prophecy just about her own needs but Angel and the others were right Wolfram & Hart had to be dealt with before the law firm tried a time spell again. They had been lucky so far, but they couldn’t take the chance that the next time Angel would be damned. She would be okay. Preventing the prophecy was more important than her self-indulgence in Angel’s arms. But, god, she was so tired of hiding behind manufactured bravery. All Cordelia wanted was to hide away with Angel. She shook her head. No. What she really wanted was for the prophecy to cease to be a threat to Angel and her family. Cordelia would deal with her residual fear later.

Angel leaned up against the door watching as Cordelia sat crossed legged on the bed plucking at sheets a forlorn expression on her lovely face.

“Cordy, don’t.” He moved to the bed kneeling at her feet.

“Don’t what, Angel,” she looked up. “Don’t feel stupid for railing on you for being right, for assuming you were going beige, for forgetting about the prophecy, for being EGOCENTRIC,” she rolled her eyes in self-disdain.

“Cordelia, don’t do this.” Angel couldn’t let her feel guilty. What had he thought earlier about not letting any lies or misunderstanding stand as obstacles? “You weren’t wrong to question my motives.” Angel lifted his hand to her face. “You are MY priority, the prophecy only important in that it puts you in danger, the mission is important but not as important as you.” He said sincerely.


“Cordelia, you don’t want to hear it so I don’t say it. But it is true and as much as you want to deny it, you know that every time I say I love you or,” his fingers brushed at the scars on her neck, “ mark you that’s what I’m saying- that whatever the danger to you I will do anything to destroy it regardless of the cost. You don’t want that and I don’t want you to feel responsible for my feelings, instinct, or actions. Cordelia, you AREN’T. I am a vampire with the same instincts as every vampire we kill. I just have a soul. The soul gives me a conscious and is the reason I don’t act on those instincts. But there are some that are so ingrained that to struggle against them would be almost impossible, blood drinking for one and protecting you another and honestly, I don't want to struggle against my need to protect you. But, for you, I won't act blindly on that need just like I won’t feed on human. You're right, you didn't become revenge girl," he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "But, you did know that this particular plot of Wolfram & Hart had to stop."

Cordelia brought her knees up to her chest, slowly getting angry, as she comprehended Angel’s words. He hadn’t left her to prevent the law firm from trying to use the prophecy but to satisfy his need to be all vamp protective, willing to leave her alone and scared, to do it.

"The blood analogy really fills that lack of warm and fuzzies I seem to be having right now. Any reason that you didn’t just come right out with that ‘sweet’ spanky hallmark sentiment before."

"I didn't want to argue with you.” Angel responded cautiously. Warning bells were ringing in his head. He didn’t understand her tone and that was not a good thing. Angel gulped a little and continued. “I knew that the others would agree that going after Wolfram & Hart was the right thing. I didn't know however that Wesley would take it so far," he scowled. "Egocentric isn't you. He knows it. He shouldn't have said it."

Cordelia peered up at the vampire, her tone cold. "I don't believe you. You set them up to avoid dealing with it yourself and now you're mad because it didn't go according to some asinine script you had in mind."

"Are we going to argue?" Angel slightly cringed as he asked hesitantly.

"I should rip you a new asshole for this duck and avoid AND for making me get dressed for your over anxious need to go out and appease your inner demon. Hmmph, glad to know that particular instinct is greater than any so-called instinct to ravish and plunder. You do realize don't you, that I expected to be in this bed WITH you and that particular 'instinct' for a bit longer. But nooooo, you had to get not only vamp protective but sneaky. Like any plan against Wolfram & Hart couldn’t have waited for a couple of days. Yeah, I'm pissed."

Angel raised his brows. "Um. So. Cordy, is there anyway that I could, I don't know make you not pissed."

“This isn’t a come on, so put it back in your pants.” Cordelia narrowed her eyes at Angel’s attempt to lighten the mood. “You know what you can do, you can get the time spell and go back a couple of hours and get a freakin clue. Did it ever occur to you that for the last two days that I’ve been…” Cordelia took a deep breath attempt to keep her voice from trembling. “Alone and SCARED too death. Can you even COMPREHEND what it was like sitting in that stupid library, not knowing how I got there, not being able to ask Giles or Buffy for help, but still maintaining hope because if it was another evil lawyer’s scheme I had at least you…” she waved her hand in the air in frustration. “I mean the Sunnydale version of you to go to if Angelus did show up before you and Wesley figured it out. That version even if he was madly in love with Buffy would’ve had to believe me, would’ve had to have helped me because of the these damn things.” Cordelia slapped her neck “he couldn’t go hide in the shadows with his mark on me. But no, I had to hear from a whiny teary Buffy moaning that she couldn’t kill her evil ass boyfriend. Do you have any idea how scared I was? And guess what, Angelus 1 showed up. I was ALONE and SCARED with TWO Angelus. But you can’t think about that because all you can think or feel is your own fear, your own anger, your need to protect, your fuckin’ INSTICTS.”

Angel resisted the urge to protest or move to the young woman. The vampire didn’t need a clue to know that he would have to wait or get slapped in real anger. God, what had happened? He forced his feet and mouth to stay immobile but it was killing him underneath the anger, he saw the tears struggling against the young woman’s will.

Cordelia blinked and looked away, closing her eyes. “When I say I love you, when I let you mark me- I’m not only saying that I love you but that I NEED you to feel safe that you MAKE me feel safe. But you can’t be bothered. Oh wait, that’s not fair, you don’t even see it because it’s not a need generated by ‘Oooh vamp instincts’. Maybe you should turn me, then you wouldn’t even have to pretend to understand.”

Angel was now truly frightened. Whatever clue he thought he had wasn’t even close to what was happening in front of him. Cordelia was right he needed to go back and change that last hour. This wasn’t the ranting and raving of a pissed Cordelia. It was a seriously hurt young woman. Angel was at a loss and he hated himself for it.

“Cordy?” Angel tried the guilt apparent on his handsome face.

“Oh get over the flip switch to the guilt mode. I’ll be fine.” Cordelia stood straighter the tears gone. “Go plan your ‘strategy’ against Wolfram & Hart. I don’t need you.” She turned away.

Angel stared at the rigid back. Now he was getting angry. Cordelia was shutting him out. That was unacceptable she was his. Angel closed his eyes. That had to stop.

Angel took a tentative step closer, slowly approaching the young woman, reaching out.

Cordelia flinched and jerk away at the touch. “Don’t.”

Angel choked on his growl and jabbed his fists in his pockets. “Please turn around and look at me.”

“Why so you can apologize do you even know what you would be apologizing for?” Her stance remained fixed. “Or would it just be your standard knee jerk brood mode kicking in.”

Angel took a deep breath. “I can’t apologize for my need to protect you, but I can apologize for not understanding for not thinking beyond myself.”

Cordelia slowly turned around. “Is this where I’m supposed to run into your arms and tell you that it’s okay, everything will be alright? Where I boost the emotionally deficient vampire with a soul up.”

Angel flinched as if he had been hit, his anger creeping out against his will. “If I’m so limited why are you here in my bed. Sex? Is that is what it’s about. Fine, let’s have sex. I think I could get you to scream in pleasure.”

“Ooh, shades of Angelus coming out. Hit where the victim is vulnerable, pick a weakness and go for the kill. Was that good for you? I found it especially enlightening. Hey, maybe I’m having my own epiphany.”

“God Damn’t Cordelia, stop this. This is getting out of control.” Angel swung her around to face him, his anger fleeing at the sound of her coldness.

“Then maybe you should just figure out how to fix it. After all, isn’t that what you ‘have do for me’ fix it?”

“Yes.” Angel’s eyes closed. “Yes.” He pulled the young woman into his arms, holding tight. He wasn’t sure why Cordelia wasn’t struggling. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. But he couldn’t let her move any further from him. He had to fix this.

“Cordy,” Angel said softly into the hair that coated her neck. “I. Love. You. You have given so much to me over the years. Your blunt honesty, your limitless friendship, your trust, your heart, your love…and with your love you went even further and gave me your body and your blood. Cordy, you gave me you, all of you. I have to protect you. You are too precious to ever lose. But in the wonder of what you have given me and in how much I need you, I never believed, understood, that you would need me except for the obvious physical protection. I accepted that you loved me for some lucky reason but NOT need. Cordy, I’m stronger physically, but you are stronger in every other area. You know yourself, you trust yourself, you believe in your self. I do apologize because I do know you and I do know you feel greatly. I just…” Angel rubbed his lips along the unmarked skin of her neck. “You are always so strong even with Angelus. My greatest fear for you, you kept at bay every time. You beat Angelus. I’m sorry, because while I was amazed when I was Angelus that you snapped retorts and escaped each time, I did know you were scared. I just didn’t realize how much because the courage and strength were always so effective.”

“So this is my fault because I don’t whimper and whine enough.” She said softly peering up at him.

Angel studied the young woman in his arms. The tension had relaxed in her muscles. “If I say yes will you hit me.” Angel tested the waters, hoping that their love was stronger than the stressed demeanor of the both of them.

“Yes,” she held his eyes.

“Then I won’t. I’ll just say that I’ve been relying too much on your strengths. It’s time that I got my own, not just saying it, or nodding it, or grunting it but saying it and accepting them. You DO need me. And if my choice is holding you until you feel safe or protecting you, I will hold you…Well, unless the threat is immediate and then the holding will have to be later.”

Cordelia narrowed her eyes. “Who gets to judge if it’s ‘immediate’?”

Angel took a deep breath. “Wesley?”

Cordelia pursed her lips and scrunched her brow. “You do learn. Okay, go ask Wesley if the Wolfram & Hart threat is ‘immediate’.”

Angel gulped. “You will let me hold you.”

“Maybe, if Wesley says it’s okay.”

“Oh.” Angel blinked. “Oh, be right back.”

Cordelia slumped on the bed as the vampire darted out of the room. She probably had over reacted. But, she had been scared and Angel had just been willing to leave her. Sure, he would’ve come back if he wasn’t killed. Cordelia rubbed her palms in her eyes. Had she been unfair? She didn’t know anymore. Cordelia had just wanted Angel to stay with her, make her forget her fear and make her stronger. She hadn’t wanted to be the reason for a full assault on Wolfram & Hart. It would be useless and have a painful outcome. Or had she been wrong? Had she been-was she egocentric? She knew she used to be. Oh god. Cordelia didn’t know anymore and she was still scared.

Part 39

The occupants of the room jumped as Angel rushed in. “Wes.”

Wesley cleared his throat and stood. “Yes.”

“Is the threat of Wolfram & Hart immediate.”

“Well, yes.”

“IMMEDIATE or just,” Angel fidgeted and shrugged his shoulders. “Immediate.”

Wesley puzzled at the distinction. “The threat is real. They will continue their objective until we disabuse them of it efficacy.”

Angel nodded. “And that has to be done now?”

Wesley had no idea if the vampire wanted a yes or no. From prior experience he would say that Angel wanted a yes. Hell. It was Wesley’s prior experience that made him amazed that Angel even asked and not just acted.

“We are discussing some options. It would be helpful of course if we all contributed.” Wesley answered the best way he knew how.

“Oh, so you don’t have a plan.”

“Uh, no.”

“And you’re okay with not having a plan ‘right now’. Or do you think I should go to Wolfram & Hart now.”

“No, I don’t think that would be wise…Angel, what is this about.”

Angel waved away Wesley’s question. “So you do think it would be wise if we waited until you had a plan to act even though the threat is immediate.”

“I know that may be difficult for you but yes.” Wesley tried to gauge the vampire’s reaction and was totally out of the ballpark in Angel’s response.

Angel nodded. “Okay, just come and get me when you get a plan. Knock.” Angel ran out of the room.

“Okay, did anyone understand that?”

Gunn shook his head as he rubbed it.

Fred shrugged.


Angel calmed his racing feet, walking to the closed door. Please. He opened it.

He wanted to run back down the stairs at the sight. Killing lawyers was so much easier to understand. “Cordy?” he went to the slumped woman on the bed.

He had the impossible urge to faint in relief when she raised her eyes with a slight smile.

“I’m sorry.”

“Cordy, I thought we covered that.”

“I…was unfair.”

Angel figured a quick no was safer than trying to figure what the hell the young woman was talking about. Okay, he would figure it but not until she was in his arms.

“Cordy,” he added. “Wesley hasn’t figured out a plan yet, it’s immediate but NOT IMMEDIATE.”

Cordelia cocked her head. “Oh.”

Angel moved to the bed.

Cordelia shifted a little. “Angel, I don’t…”

“Just let me hold you, that’s all, please. You tell me when you feel safe.”

She scrunched up her brows again. “Until Wesley ups the immediate to IMMEDIATE.”

“It’s his call.” Angel shrugged.

Cordelia let out a gentle laugh. “Okay, hold me.”

Angel reached for the young woman urging her to the bed curling his body around hers clutching her tightly. “Okay.”

“The quickness was nice and the arms are nice.” Cordelia breathed in scrunching her body closer to his nuzzling into the arm that cuddled around her.


Cordelia squirmed as she woke. She had no idea how long she slept but it felt like a lifetime, but no matter how long she felt safe. Silly. Cordelia had no idea why she thought she wouldn’t. Right, because the strong arms had left her before she was ready to roll all of her fear into the strength that Angel so much admired.

Still, she had been unfair. She had expected Angel to read her mind and needs. Cordelia should have just told him that she wasn’t ready for him to leave her.

Cordelia rolled on top of the sleeping vampire. “Angel,” she whispered nudging at the solid form. Great. The dead really do sleep dead. She was about to get up, when a strong hand refused to let her move.

“If you are about to bounce on the bed or claim charity for morning dumb birds, I will kill you.”

Cordelia scrunched her brows. “Hmmph.”

“Damn’t Cordelia, you have to pretend to believe at least some of my threats some of the time.” He groaned. “I’ll start wearing pastels.” He tried again.

“Angel, you don’t even no what pastels are.”

“I do too.” He grumbled.

Cordelia leaned up stretching her body along his. “Angel, I’m not that strong.” She said quietly. “And sometimes I get so tired of pretending. But, here with you, I don’t have to. I should’ve told you. I’m sorry.”

Angel opened his eyes at her suddenly serious tone. “You are strong, stronger than you realize,” he emphasized,” but when you doubt I won’t leave you alone.”

“You promise.” She licked her lips.

“Oh god, Cordy, you safe, feeling safe is really what I want. IT is as simple as that.”

“You make me feel safe.” She whispered.

“You settle for too little, but I’ll deal, because I will keep you safe.” Angel pushed back the dark strain of hair that caressed her cheek.

“Love me,” Cordelia asked softly.

“With great pleasure.” He brought her lips to him.

Part 40

Angel drank into Cordy’s lips trying desperately to give as much as he took. Angel’s mind kept repeating ‘Cordy needs me’ and ‘I make her feel safe’ as his lips, hands and body tried to reaffirm the new founded realizations. Cordelia needed him as much as he needed her. It was like when he realized that she loved him only better. Angel finally got it. He didn’t just take what she offered. Angel gave her something she not only wanted but also needed in return. They were more than friends, more than lovers. They were a necessary part of each other. They were soul mates.

Cordelia gasped as Angel nudged her over releasing her lips trailing blunt bites and flicks of his tongue down her jaw line.

Cordelia reached up her nails scratching a trail along the broad planes of his back. She whimpered in pleasure at each tingle and twitches that shivered along the broad back at her touch.

Angel nuzzled his lips down the path his hands created pausing to swirl and nip at the extended nipple begging for his attention. He palmed the soft weight of the other neglected globe, his fingers worshiping the nipple. Angel left the lovely breasts over the soft breathy protests of the young woman. His lips continued their journey.

Angel sounded a low combination of a growl and moan as his lips and hands teased at the softness of Cordelia’s belly and crept closer to the source of her woman’s scent.

He tongued along the dark curls that protecting the source licking and kissing in the crease of her firm thighs and womanhood, touching everywhere except at the center of the heat.

Cordelia whined as her body tensed in anticipation. Her hips moved trying to direct Angel to her need. The vampire acknowledged by cupping her ass lifting her to create better access.

Cordelia’s sharp intake of breath and lower body’s jerk signaled Angel’s success. Angel kissed at Cordelia’s pink intimate lips, tonguing them as if they were a mouth to taste and plunder. The darting and penetrating actions changed into broad strokes. Cordelia’s hands floundered from the strong shoulders to the bed, twisting into the sheets as the pleasure built causing her body to tense. The young woman’s writhing stalled, Cordelia scared that any movement would interrupt the steady pleasure.

“Angel,” she choked out in a whisper as the vampire’s hand left the cheek of her buttocks and wrapped a caress around her thigh targeting the blood entrenched small bud between the delicate folds.

Angel’s thumb worked the bud as his tongue delved deeper duplicating the rhythm of the other. Angel concentrated on the pleasure he was giving, using each touch to assure the young woman that his love and care was a surety. That she was home and that she was safe. He drank her scent’s promise to him of the same. The wonder of the woman underneath him would always amaze him but he was learning that he needed to accept it or he could lose it.

Cordelia squeezed her eyes closed as her breath stopped in her chest. The pleasure building up, tightening her muscles, pushing her nerves to their breaking point. She was going to implode.

She begged as Angel kept up the steady pressure, teasing, tasting, and taking the evidence of her life and love into him. With a slight quick flick he gave her release. He stayed harbored in the sweetness of her thighs soothing the trembling of her contracting muscles soaking the scent and moisture.

Cordelia fell limp against the bed, her fingers flitting over the broad shoulders. She gulped and sighed, tugging at the vampire. “Kiss me.” She licked her lips.

“With definite pleasure,” Angel responded with a low thick voice.

The kiss was gentle, loving, and all encompassing. Cordelia sighed, pushing Angel away as she took a deep breath.


“Angel.” She smiled urging him off her and on to his back. She scooted making room for her kneeling body in between his legs. “You are beautiful,” she whispered dropping long, slow, quick kisses along his jaw and chest. Her tongue stalled to twirl around the short hard nipples, leaving as soon as Angel’s growl and hands urged her back to his mouth.

“No.” Cordy giggled. “I’ve my own plans.” She looked up from his stomach.

Angel groaned or rather purred as her lips and hands descended further.


“And isn’t it lovely,” Cordy said as she swallowed Angel’s solid shaft. She roamed moist lips and blunt teeth in a pattern along the hard flesh. Her hands stroked at the tense balls below as she wrapped a delicate fist around the base. Cordelia squeezed as her mouth sucked and manipulated the shaft in her possession.

“Damn’t Cordy,” Angel groaned.

“Oh,” she licked her lips as she left Angel’s aching organ, her hand still there. “You are the only that can tease unmercifully.”

“I…just…” Angel gripped her hair pushing her back to her original action.

Cordy giggled as she worked Angel’s penis using her mouth and fingers. Angel’s low growls, purrs, and jerking hips spurred her on.

Cordelia smiled as her last action caused a salty cool liquid to coat her tongue and a shout to echo throughout the room. She lapped it up gently releasing the spent organ, kissing it as she lifted her head and body.

She wiggled and crept in the manner of a cat, licking her lips, rubbing her body up Angel’s prone one. “I love you,” she murmured into Angel’s neck.

Angel reminded him self that his repeated need to breath was a figment of his imagination but the warm body that coated him, the taste that was still on his tongue, the scent that swirled in the air counter acted the reality of his physiology. He needed to breath.

The pleasure and love that encompassed him and the warmth that seeped into his body caused his penis to firm into a hard aching organ.

Cordelia smiled as she felt the change. “Another advantage of love-lust vampire,” she adjusted her hips to swallow the evidence.

“I love you, Cordy,” Angel groaned flipping their enjoined bodies. He thrust into the snug velvet channel frantically bringing their mutual pleasure to an intense satisfying conclusion.

Part 41

“Where are you going?” Angel reached out as Cordelia swung her legs off the bed.

The young woman shrugged. “Operation ‘Teach Evil Toadies a Lesson’.

Angel leaned up on his elbows a frown gracing his handsome face. “Are you sure?” Angel scooted closer encircling Cordelia’s waist, his head settled on her lap. “I can hold you for longer, I don’t mind. Really.”

Cordelia cocked an elegant brow. “Really? You don’t mind.”

Angel blinked his dark eyes’ innocently. “No, not at all. I mean if I have to I have to.”

“Oh. Well. I don’t want to burden you.”

“It’s the life of a vampire with a soul. Burdens, sacrifices,” Angel breathed a loud drawn out sigh. “But, I don’t mind.”

“Oh, you jerk,” she laughed smacking him lightly on the head.

Angel leaned up hugging her from behind. “Are you sure, Cordy? Wesley hasn’t raised the immediate to ‘IMMEDIATE’ and I really really don’t mind,” he nuzzled into her neck. “Not at all,” he nicked at the skin.

Cordy squirmed. “Hey that tickles.”

Angel chuckled as he continued to nick at the sensitive spot on the underside of her chin.

“Hey. Stop that,” she giggled and twisted in his maddening embrace.

“No, it’s fun.” He laid her on the bed, his fingers working lightly and rapidly on her waist.

Cordelia squealed with laughter. “Angel, please.” She batted at his shoulders. “You’re being mean.”

“Mean? I’m a nice vampire.” He rolled over taking Cordelia with him reaching up to brush hair behind her ears. “Cordy, we don’t have to go downstairs just yet.”

The young woman rested her head and arms on Angel’s chest. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stay up here for ever, just us.” She sighed wistfully.

Angel gave a slight smile. “Give up food and shopping?”

“Catalogs, pizza. Dennis could bring you your blood.”

“Like I’d trust that ghost he’d probably spike it with holy water.”

“Angel, Dennis wouldn’t do that.”

“Sure, he wouldn’t.” Angel rolled his eyes.

“Pfft.” She got up.


“Angel, we might as get this over with. I’m okay. Really.” She leaned down to give the vampire a kiss. “Once, Wolfram & Hart is dealt with we can stay up here for a really long time. I’ll probably be scared again. In fact, I pretty sure that I’m scared of taking a shower. How about you protect me from the soap.”

“Showers are pretty dangerous.” Angel jumped off the bed. “But don’t worry I’ll save you from that evil body wash.”

“My hero.” Cordelia laughed.

Part 42

Wesley rubbed his eyes before glancing back at the small archaic print of the text. He was hopeful with the proper adjustments the spell he was researching could very well work.

Gunn turned to Fred grumbling. “He ain’t even looked up from that damn book.”

“He’s busy.” Fred frowned. Wesley hadn’t asked her to look anything up in the computer in over an hour. She wanted to help.

“Yeah,” Gunn rolled his eyes. “How about some chow?”

“Okay,” Fred got up from the chair. “Wesley,” she called.

“He ain’t listening.”

Fred sighed and followed her friend out the office. Both stopped at the sight of Angel and Cordelia strolling down the stairs, their fingers intertwined tightly.

“Where were you two going?” Cordelia asked.


“Ooh, pizza.” Cordelia nodded encouragingly. “Then we can decide what to do about Wolfram & Hart.”

Gunn jerked his head to the door of the office. “Research mode, not talking.”

Cordelia peeked over Gunn’s shoulder. “What’s he researching?”

Gunn shrugged. “Time shit.”

Fred frowned at the black man, "tracking of temporal anomalies.”

Angel narrowed his eyes. “There hasn’t been a time change.”

“Yes, but Wesley wants to find a spell that will warn us if Wolfram & Hart uses the time portal.”

Angel glowered and spun on his heel stomping as much as his inherent grace allowed into Wesley’s office.

“What’d I say?” Gunn moved along to follow with the two women.

The humans entered the office in time to see Wesley jump as Angel growled his name loudly.

Wesley removed his glasses using the action to calm his racing heart. “You wanted something, Angel?” He stood calmly.

“I WANT Wolfram & Hart stopped, not a spell that let’s me know that they put Cordelia in danger again.”

“Angel, the spell…” Wesley’s began defensively at the vampire’s tone.

“Wait,” Cordelia called in between the two men. “Gunn, Fred, you were going to get Pizza?”

“Uh, actually Mexican.”

“Like I said, you were going to go get Pizza, go. Wesley, finish your research if you can. You,” she pulled at Angel,” come with me and I’ll get you some blood. Then we all will gather like the happy loving family that we are and Wesley will explain his plan.”


“NOW, Angel,” Cordelia smiled through clenched teeth.

Angel took a deep breath. “I am hungry.” He glared at Wesley and hurried to follow Cordy.


Angel leaned up against the counter with his arms crossed frowning as he watched Cordelia get a carton of blood out of the refrigerator. She turned to the vampire. “You didn’t eat hardly at all when I was in a coma, did you?” she scolded.

“I ate enough.” He grumbled.

“Hmmph.” She scrutinized the scowl of the vampire’s face for a moment, reached into the high cupboard, and pulled out a large container of cinnamon.

Angel’s scowl changed to a resigned small smile as the young woman doused his blood with the spice and placed in the microwave.

He caught her waist pulling the young woman’s back up against his chest. “You know I hate that.”

“You need it. It will calm you down. You were getting grumpy at the thought that Wesley’s plan might deprive you of beating up more lawyers.”

Angel nuzzled into her neck. “I do hate it and it doesn’t calm me. What calms me is the love behind the stupid spice.”

Cordelia titled her head up her hazel eyes twinkling into his dark eyes. “Then it does work. Now, eat.” She grabbed for the mug as the ding of the microwave sounded.

Angel wrinkled his nose at the mug shoved in his hand. He sighed and drank it.

“Better.” Cordelia nodded in confidence.

“Much better if I got a kiss.” Angel’s gaze was the perfect imitation of a little boy begging for dessert after eating his required loathed vegetables.

“Hmmph. If I have to, I have to.” Cordelia rolled her eyes, tiptoeing up to grace Angel’s slight pout with a kiss.

The little boy pout disappeared as the softness touched it. Angel reached up entangling in the lushness of the brown silk, fisting it to angle Cordelia’s lips making the innocent kiss deeper.

The couple stayed up against the counter lost in the kiss, lips and tongues exploring the each other as if they were discovering a brand new phenomenon.

Angel pushed with his hips, his hands now at the small of Cordelia’s back, taking their bodies away from the counter.

Cordelia’s back thudded against the refrigerator. She took a deep breath before Angel’s mouth devoured hers once again. Cordelia secured herself against the vampire’s onslaught with her arms and legs tight around his body.

Angel groaned releasing her lips, continuing his fervent attack on the length of the delicate skin of her cheek and neck. The taste of the young woman, so uniquely hers, given to him freely, would always overwhelm him. Angel could never get enough of it. It proved that what he did mattered that he somehow he was worthy of her gifts. Angel knew he would never have the flowery words to express his appreciation and love so he did what he did best and showed her.

Angel jerked her from the refrigerator placing her on the table settling in between her thighs, blunt teeth tugging at the neck line of Cordy’s T-shirt as his hands traveled under the hem, bunching the material.

Cordelia’s breath chocked as the onslaught of hands and lips touched her with love, her head flung back as her nails clutched into the broad shoulders. It was times like this that Cordy didn’t need the words from the vampire. Angel was showing her how much he loved and needed her. She felt exceptionally beautiful, sexy, special and wonderfully safe. The unabashed delight and desire Angel took in her body stirred a mutual reaction in Cordelia. Wanton lust inspired by love drove any or all thoughts of modesty or restraint from her mind each and every time.

Cordelia’s fingers brushed at the edge of Angel’s sweater trying to reach at marbled chest that the material hid from her touch.

Angel leaned up bringing her hands back around his neck over the young woman’s disappointed whine. He smiled at her pout as he pushed her cotton shirt up to expose the lace that bound the fullness of her breast. Angel’s lips wetted the lace, using a moist tongue and firm touch to create a friction against the material and the extended covered nipples.

Cordelia’s moan choked in her throat as a squeaky yelp and rough loud ‘shit’ echoed from the doorway of the kitchen.

Angel growled lifting his head at the sound of scrambling feet left the kitchen.

Cordelia hid her bright red face in his sweater mumbling about the vampire’s super senses going on the fritz.

Angel smiled as he made out her words. “My super senses were preoccupied.” He pulled down her shirt and lifted her face to his laughing eyes.

“Hmmph.” Cordelia jumped off the table, only to stumble on her wobbly legs. She steadied her feet and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water taking a long gulp. “I guess we have to face them, uh.”

“Give me a minute.” Angel responded in a pained voice.

“Do you need more blood?”

“It’s not the lack of blood, Cordelia, it’s too much in one place.”

“Oh.” Cordelia blushed again.


“In the kitchen,” Gunn grumbled tossing the carry out pizza on the lobby counter.

“We should’ve knocked.” Fred gulped.

“You don’t knock to go into a kitchen.” Gunn protested. “The table? I eat on that table, Damn’t. This is got to stop.”

“It is Angel’s hotel.” Fred shrugged.

“We work here, hell girl, you live here too. We have the right NOT to be exposed to that…that…them. They have a bedroom.”

“The kitchen is new and they were dressed, mostly.”

“New, my ass. This is just the first time we caught them, I bet. Aww, man. I eat in there.” He rubbed at his head furiously. “Rules have got to be made.”

“What kind of pizza did you get?” Cordelia decided the best approach was one of nonchalance. She put down plates and napkins next to the box.

Angel followed leaning casually on the counter ignoring Fred’s blush and Gunn’s glare. He didn’t have to decide anything. He didn’t care what the others thought.

“You two,” Gunn started but stopped when Fred hit him.

“We got one with everything and one with just pineapple.” She finished for the black man.

Cordelia smiled gratefully at the other woman. “Yum.” Cordy grabbed a plate and a piece of the pineapple pizza. “I’m starving.”

“I’ll bet,” Gunn grumbled, reaching for a slice topped with everything.

Part 43

The group leaned around the counter eating their pizza quietly. Cordelia gave up on the small talk. Every time she tried, Fred would have to hit Gunn to stop him from responding.

Angel nestled his shoulder close to Cordelia’s watching her pop bits of pineapple of her pizza before picking the cheese off, he was totally oblivious to the uncomfortable silence. “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” Cordelia glanced at the vampire.

“Take the pizza apart before eating it.”

“It’s better that way.” Cordy sucked in a strand of melted cheese.

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Sure it does.” Cordy munched next on the sauce drenched crust.

“No it doesn’t.”

“It does.”

Angel’s next comment was cut off by a shout of ‘Eureka’ and Wesley’s appearance in the doorway. “Pizza, wonderful, I‘m starving.” He went to the boxes.


“Let him eat.” Cordelia slapped at the vampire’s sudden straightening.

Angel growled but let the man have a couple of bites for he spoke again. “Wesley, we don’t need a spell to let us know when Wolfram & Hart uses the time portal but to stop them from ever using it again,” Angel rushed out.

Wesley grabbed for a napkin. “We won’t be able to ensure that they will ever use it again. They have the knowledge obviously.”

“Take them all out.” Gunn said as he took another slice of pizza.

Angel nodded.

“Kill a lawyer more pop up and we can’t make the knowledge go away. Our only practical option is to make the use of the time spell ineffective. I had considered redoing the spell for 1898 and having Angel and I go back before Angelus sees Cordelia or marks her, thereby preventing Angelus from being willing to cooperate with Wolfram & Hart.”

Angel shook his head. “Too risky and that wouldn’t stop them from just sending her to another time period where Angelus would notice her. The marks were the result of his noticing her the first time, not the reason.”

“I agree that’s why I continued to do research.” Wesley nodded.

Cordelia let out the breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding. She couldn’t explain it but now that Angel had taken over Angelus’ marks, she didn’t want to give them up and under Wesley’s plan, Angel would never consider marking her with a soul and she wouldn’t even know to ask him to.

“I believe I have found a way to create a warning system that would tell us that the time portal has been used and allow us to track Cordelia. For example had we had it prior we wouldn’t have had to waste time figuring out what happened or where Cordelia had been sent. We could’ve had immediately created our own time spell and retrieved her before any harm to her or any change in the time line occurred.”

Fred put down her pizza. “What about if the time portal is used to bring Angelus 1 to the future again?”

“The spell calls for both Cordelia and Angel to be effused with an element that is perfectly harmless to them but will react to the magic necessary to create a time portal…”

“React, how?” Cordelia scrunched up her nose. “We won’t turn blue or glow or something bizarre.”

“No, Cordelia,” Wesley shook his head. “The only things that will be effected are two orbs that will be infused with the same elements. The globes will give off a glow that will indicate that you or Angel, or rather Angelus, are being affected by a portal. If it’s your globe and you are gone, or your soul, we can devise a simple locator spell to find you, if it’s Angelus we will just be prepared.”

Angel looked up. “Can it work for any portal?”

“Angel?” Wesley questioned.

“With Cordy, it’s not just time portal’s we have to worry about. Knowing her inability to stay out of danger, she could very well get sucked into another dimensional portal.”

“Hey,” Cordelia complained. “Plyea was SO not my fault. And what do you mean, ‘inability’ to stay out of danger. How’s it my fault that I get kidnapped.”

“If you stayed in the hotel you wouldn’t be.”

“No way am I going to be a prisoner in this stupid place.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted, forever you said- catalogs and pizza.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, overprotective dumb ass.”

“Cordelia, don’t think that I don’t remember you going out alone to face Jack the Ripper…”

“That was a vision.” Cordelia defended.

“Or you going out to fight vampires in Sunnydale.”

“Visions,” she shouted.

“You acted recklessly and could’ve been killed. You put yourself in danger from not only Angelus but from The Ripper and vampires. You single handily have caused me to get migraines and ulcers.”

“Don’t you dare blame your mammy bamby imaginary IMPOSSIBLE aliments on me, you old woman. I had to save the victims in my visions and I did. Or would’ve except for Angelus 1.”

“That’s what I mean. You went into that alley and ended up facing Angelus 1 and 2, how stupid was that.”

“STUPID? Like that was my fault they were lurking around.”

“Wes, be the boss and make them shut up.” Gunn grunted. “I’m catching Angel’s migraine. I can’t believe those are the same two we just saw getting down and dirty on the kitchen table.”

“They were what? In the kitchen? Oh lord,” Wesley groaned.

“Yeah, going to have disinfect the whole place,” Gunn whined. “I eat there.”

“Oh, stop complaining.” Fred smacked him. “They were dressed.”

“Angel, Cordelia, STOP.” The couples continued bickering diverted him from the unsettling picture of them making love on the kitchen table.

The couple turned and glared at the man. “What?”

“You aren’t helping. We were in the middle of a discussion.”

“No, you were in the middle of a lecture, so there,” Cordelia stuck out her tongue.

“Cordelia,” Wesley stood straight. “Be quiet. Angel, you too,” he said firmly. “And before we continue with our ‘discussion’ as the boss of Angel Investigations I beg, no I order you, to keep your amorous activities out of the common areas of this office.”

Angel narrowed his eyes. “Order? Are you sure about that? This is my hotel.”

“Don’t try to intimidate me. This is our office. If you must engage in intimacies then have some respect for us and KEEP it out of our sight.”

“And where we eat,” Gunn added.

“We were just kissing,” Cordelia defended.

“For how long, uh.” Gunn shot back. “Double back beast on the table, that’s what you were about to do.”

“Shut up, everyone.” Fred whistled. “We have gotten way off the subject, here.”

“Yeah, you pervy busy bodies.” Cordelia glared at Gunn and Wesley.

Fred whistled again as Wesley and Gunn started to shout out in self-righteous indignation.

“Can we please focus on anything other than Angel and Cordy’s…um…. romantic encounters.” She blushed.

“I think that would be wise,” Angel growled at the two men.

Gunn huffed and jumped on the counter. Wesley took off his glasses and rubbed at them furiously. “Where were we?”

Cordelia kicked at the floor. “You were explaining your mystic sci-fi tracking glowly orbs.”

“Right,” Wesley took a deep breath. “I believe it would neutralize any attempt by Wolfram & Hart to utilize the spell.”

“That’s all well and good, but we need to stop them before that. There is still too much of a risk, no matter how quickly we discover that they have used it again.” Angel grunted.

“Angel, we can’t make the knowledge or them disappear. All we can do is be prepared.”

Cordelia cleared her throat. “We can warn them.”

“Excuse me.” Wesley glanced at the young woman.

Angel perked up. He liked the sound of that.

“Well, they failed three times already. If we tell them that we can now always win on this one maybe they will stop. Even, they have to realize it’s a bad plan.”

“Just tell them?” Wesley pondered.

“I believe she said warn them,” Angel smiled grabbing for his coat.

“Angel, we don’t even know where Lilah is.” Wesley called after the retreating vampire.

“I’ll find her and whoever else is responsible.”

Cordelia bit her lips and ran after the vampire. “Angel,” she called from the steps of the basement.

Angel turned. “It was your idea, Cordelia.”

She hurried down the stairs. “I….”

He cradled her worried expression. “Priorities, Cordelia, not revenge. I know the difference, but don’t stop me from having just a little bit of it, please.”

Cordelia considered. “Hurry back,” she kissed him soundly giving him all the permission he needed.

“I will.”

Cordelia let out a deep breath as Angel faded into the sewer. She shrugged. Oh well. It wasn’t like she didn’t know he was a vampire with issues before she fell in love with him and it wasn't like she didn't have her own.

Part 44

Lilah paced around the hotel room. “It screwed up again.”

“We don’t know that,” Lindsey said from the couch.

“Well, it’s been three days and I still remember the vampire with a soul and the word from the firm is that Angel hasn’t put anymore lawyers in the hospital in the 24 hours, which tells me he’s preoccupied with saving Cordelia.”

“He could still fail.”

Lilah’s response was halted as the door was kicked open and the body of guard in the hall came flying through. “But, I didn’t.” Angel followed the unconscious body into the room. “And I found you. Well, well, Lindsey, welcome back.” He smirked to the male lawyer.

Lindsey jumped up, "nice to see you too, Angel.”

Lilah scrambled to the other side of the room.

“I wouldn’t say nice,” Angel commented utilizing his inhuman speed grabbing Lilah and the other lawyer by their throats.

“You both HAVE to realize that going after Cordelia, is a big no no,” He scolded them as a parent would naughty children. “But, unfortunately, you just don’t seem to believe that I mean it,” Angel said with exaggerated sadness. “What am I supposed to do to get you to understand,” squeezing the fragile flesh in each of his tight fists. “I’m beginning to believe that killing you is the only way,” he threw them both against the wall, squatting down in between their choking bodies. “Is that what I have to do? But, if I do that will the slime that takes your place understand my message.”

“We get it,” Lilah struggled to speak and sit up.

Angel pushed her harshly down. “I don’t thinks so. But, listen to me, really listen,” Angel’s voice cold and deadly. “Cordelia is off limits, time portals are off limits. We will know if you use it again and the first thing I do after preventing the prophecy is to come back and kill you both regardless if it wasn't your decision to implement it. So, be convincing when you explain to your bosses that this plan is no longer viable.”

Angel leaned back up. “I still don’t know though.” He grabbed the closets knee of each lawyer. “Maybe this will help you in your sincerity.” Angel tightened his fist crushing the bones. He waited until the screams turned into whimpers and stood. “Remember, otherwise walking will be the least of your worries.”

Lilah brushed at her tears as the vampire exited. “I told you.” Her retort to Lindsey ended with a cry of pain at the movement.

“Shut up,” Lindsey winced crawling to the phone on the table.


Angel entered into the darkness of the lobby. He searched the hotel for the heartbeat he would always need to hear. Satisfied at the soft thumping that indicated her presence and slumber. He went into the kitchen.

A mug of blood came towards him. Angel studied it suspiciously. “Cordy wouldn’t like it if you poisoned me.” He commented in the seemingly empty space.

The air vibrated around the vampire, nudging the blood closer. “Okay, okay.” Angel accepted the mug. “So, if you aren’t trying to kill me what are you up to?”

The marker on the refrigerator began to write on the message board attached to the surface.

Angel nodded as the ghost wrote out thank you. “I will always keep her safe, Dennis.”

The words disappeared, the air vibrated again then stillness descended, leaving the room devoid of the ghostly presence.

Angel put the empty mug in the sink. Finally, maybe the ghost had accepted him as a worthy enough for Cordelia.


Angel got out of the shower, his thoughts about Dennis’ change in attitude was reaffirmed by the bounty of fluffy clean towels in the bathroom.

Angel slipped between the sheets of the bed.

Cordelia turned into his body as soon as he was settled. “You okay?” she mumbled into his chest.

“Perfect,” he pulled her in close.

“Good.” She nuzzled in further.


Angel leaned up in the bed, watching the young woman going through his sketchpads. “What are you doing?”

Cordelia jumped. “You were sleeping.”

“Now I’m not. What are you looking for?”

“More of these,” she held up a piece of paper.

Angel got off the bed and went to her taking the drawing. “Why?”

“Why? Because I’ve never seen it before and it was dated last year.” She narrowed her eyes at the vampire. “Why did you leave it out?”

“Did I?”

“It wasn’t there when I went to bed.”

“Oh. Dennis must have done it.”

“Doubtful,” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Where did all these come from?” She pulled out two sketchbooks.

“Cordy, you’ve been through this drawer before.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never seen these.”

“Of course you have.”

“No, I haven’t. You never had this many of me, not from a year ago.”

Angel took the books from her a bit disappointed that his plan wasn’t working like it was supposed too. He flipped through the books, knowing already what was in them but puzzled why Cordelia didn’t. They were all sketches of her he did before they acknowledged their love. Angel had drawn them during the beige period. He could have sworn that she had gone through all the books. “Oh,” he said as the whys became clearer. “I took my advice.”


“Back in Sunnydale, before we came back, I told my past self to keep drawing the dreams. So, I remember drawing them, I must have more, but you never saw them when you ransacked my sketches before because I hadn’t done them then or something like that. Wesley could explain better.”

“Hmmph, ransacked my butt and let’s just keep Wesley out of this particular discussion, shall we.” Cordelia looked at the pages again. “And why exactly did you tell yourself to draw the dreams.”

Angel shrugged. “It may have something to do with you liking the fact that there was now more pictures of you than of anything or anyone else and that you get ‘gooey’ and quite competitive when confronted with my fantasies of you.”

Cordelia narrowed her eyes. “You big jerk, you do it on purpose.” She exclaimed.

“Do what?” he said innocently.

“Leave the drawings out for me too ‘find’,” she quoted with her fingers. “Just to get some.”

“I’m sure that wasn’t my reason.” Angel smirked.

She snatched the drawing she had found when she had awoken. It was one of her in only what could be described in the throes of erotic passion surrounded by strewn clothes and mirrors. “So, you want to go shopping?” she raised her brows.

Angel nuzzled into her neck, ”depends on where.”

Cordelia leaned into his arms. “I take it you have a store in mind.”

“Yep,” he leaned up and frowned. “But, I can never remember the name.”

“Don’t worry, I do.” Cordelia turned pushing Angel to the floor as her lips attacked his.


Wesley, Fred, and Gunn looked up as Angel and Cordelia came down the stairs.

Wesley stood. “Angel, how did it go last night?”

“Fine, I found Lilah and Lindsey, convinced them the futility of the time spells. I think they learned this time.”

“Good, good. Where are you going?”

“Shopping,” Both Angel and Cordelia said at the same time, heading for the door, a blanket firmly grasped in the vampire’s hand.

“It’s the middle of the day,” Wesley questioned an empty doorway. “It’s the middle of the day,” he repeated to his friends.

“Since when has the vamp liked shopping?”

Fred shrugged. “He’s gone with Cordy a couple of times before. I think he’s beginning to like it.”
