just fic

Title: This Time It’s Real
Author: Anne
Posted: 04-30-2002
Rating: NC17
Disclaimers: ATS, BTVS not mine never mine, I bow to Joss and Co. imagination and ownership.
Spoilers: up to Sleep Tight. (maybe some mention of Cordy’s new powers) Oh, Groo doesn’t exist in the story for now, and if he gets mentioned, I’ll warn you and any mention will be a passing reference only.
Couples: Read the challenge, but also know I’ve never written anything but C/A and happy endings and I don’t plan to start now.
Comments: none really except this is an answer to a challenge posted by Muff – April 2002 posted at Stranger Things. Oh, thanks to everyone that read VampSmack Down and gave feed back. And now it’s Muff’s turn to take the blame for one of my stories.
Challenge: Issued by Muff

Cordelia dies
Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy
Cordelia comes back from the dead
Buffy and Cordelia fight over Angel but have to work together to save the world
Scooby gang accepts Cordy back while the fang gang is hesitant on her return: reason for this must be revealed
Take place in either LA or Sunnydale
Big bad is your choice

Chapter 44

The entrance of the cave was cluttered by the quiet presence of the group. The determination and confidence that inundated everyone had slowly dwindled down to worry and concern. It hadn’t helped that Buffy and Angel, the considered leaders of this type of battle plan, seemed bogged down with their own inner thoughts. The only confidence that was being shown was by Spike and Cordelia.

Spike’s confidence didn’t count. The blonde vampire wasn't there by choice, his self-assurance was just that all about ‘self’. Buffy threatened and he came, there was some doubt that the vampire would act for the greater good.

No one knew where Cordelia’s confidence came from. Wherever it came from it was a sad place a place of resignation. It was her confidence that triggered Buffy and Angel’s pensive contemplation. No words had been spoken to confirm this universal thought. None were needed. Buffy and Angel’s eyes hadn’t left the young brunette their expressions and demeanor turning tense and inward the closer they got to the cave.

“Cordy,” Angel pulled the woman to face him. “It’s going to be okay.” The dark vampire was the first to break the silence.

Cordelia cocked her head. “I know.”

Angel narrowed his eyes suddenly suspicious. Cordelia’s earlier tears her confidence now all coming to a head in Angel’s thoughts. “What do you know? Cordy, did you have another vision. Do you know what’s going to happen? You will not die.”

Cordelia blinked once slowly, silently damning the vampire for making her lie this one last time. “I know that we will close the portal, I know that Buffy will do what she’s supposed to like I will. I know that you’ll, Spike included, will do what's necessary to make sure that everyone, everyone,” she repeated emphasizing, “will be safe. I know this because we’re damn good at this sort of thing, haven’t lost the world once.”

Angel’s scrutinizing glare remained on the young woman. It didn’t feel right. But, Cordelia was correct- they all would do what was necessary to stop the expansion of the portal and Angel would make damn sure that Cordelia was still alive when it was over.

A silent wave of relief went through the others. Angel was no longer pensive, just determined again, confident in his abilities and by extension theirs.

Buffy was the first to openly acknowledge the change in the vampire and with it blanketed herself in the confidence of her slayer abilities and her friends. “Cordy’s right. We’re damn good, so lets go be good.”

The group nodded quickly, except for Spike who just rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure what the big deal was, so the world was ending, as far as he could see it never worked. He just wanted to get the show on the road, beat up some demons and then get the hell out of there. There was a time that Spike would’ve been grateful for the opportunity to stand by the slayer’s side helping her but that had been a long time and several heated rejections ago. This had been the first time in an almost a year that Buffy came to him for help. Spike was disgusted; habit and the chip made him come. The slayer was using him again and he was letting her.

“I take it the ‘oh’ so bad things are patiently waiting to end the world that’s why were standing here like idiotic blokes with our thumbs up our asses?”

Buffy glared, Angel growled, Cordelia gave a sad look to the vampire. Skip had said that the blonde vampire was turning out surprisingly good; Cordelia just hoped that would be true when this was all over with. But, he was here, so maybe it would. Cordelia shook her head; she couldn’t concern herself with Buffy and Spike’s future.

“Crass but correct, we need to do this,” shrugging.

“Yes,” Wesley’s hand went up to his glasses, coming down immediately when he realized that he wasn’t wearing them. “Cordy, Buffy, you know where you need to be?”

“Near the biggest opening,” both young women repeated as they had done countless times since Wesley instructed and then questioned them. “Buffy…”

The slayer held up a thin sharp longish dagger and the disc. “Got ‘em.”

“The words…”

“I know what I have to say,” Buffy rolled her eyes. Wesley hadn’t changed completely that’s for sure. At least he didn’t stutter pompously when going over and over the information he was imparting anymore.

Wesley nodded. “We’ve two goals, to protect Buffy and Cordy and to stop any attempt by the Drakkus to do the ritual.”

“Wesley, we’ve done this,” Angel growled impatiently.

“Yes, we have, but nothing must go wrong,” Wesley stared intently at the vampire. Wesley was as determined as Angel that nothing other than a cut on Cordelia’s wrist would happen to the young woman.

Angel grunted his acknowledgment of Wesley’s purpose and need.

Wesley took Angel’s nod as permission to proceed with the final repetition of his instructions. “Crystal and Spike will stay close to Buffy and Cordy. Crystal as a last barrier to the Drakkus, Spike will be there to make sure that none get close to her, so we don’t need it.”

Angel grumbled shifting on his feet, his fists clenched to the side. The vampire didn’t like this part of the plan at all. He should be the one near Cordelia. He wasn’t sure that he could trust either of the demons to keep Cordelia safe. But, Angel had let Cordelia convince that him that he was needed to stop the Drakkus from doing the ritual. She had complained that she couldn’t trust anyone else to make sure that she didn’t end up impregnated by demon spawn. So, Angel had agreed. But once that danger was obliterated, Angel would be back at Cordelia’s side.

Buffy promised that she wouldn’t let anything happen to Cordelia. Angel would have to rely on the slayer and her abilities until he could get there.

“Now, everyone….”

“Wes, we got it okay,” Cordelia said. “Angel and Gunn will head to any Drakkus that looks like ‘daddy’ material’, everyone else will just be fighting in between. The human guys as far away from Crystal as possible- just in case they go with their first choice as mommy. We need to go.”

Wesley reluctantly nodded. He didn’t have anything else to say. It was time.



“Me, too,” tiptoeing up to kiss Angel. “Go, be a hero,” pushing the dark vampire into the cave.

Once Angel had disappeared, she snatched at Spike as he passed.

“Spike, no matter what keep Crystal close to me and safe, but as soon as I kiss her get her the hell of out of there.”

“Kiss her?” Spike stared at Cordelia. “You’re changing the plan, what are you playing at?”

“It’s necessary.”

“Necessary? Smooching during an Armageddon?

Cordelia narrowed her eyes. “You must of missed it. Just do it."

“Missed the part where two hotties are lip locking, don’t thinks so. I think Peaches and the English wanker need to know about your sudden attraction the tasty gold bit.”

Cordelia shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

“It ain’t nothing, but what is it?”

“Don’t worry about it, just make sure you do it.” Cordelia moved past the blonde vampire into the cave.

Spike looked after the young woman an uncharacteristic unease settled over him. He needed to talk to Buffy.

Chapter 45

Spike ran into the cave. Cordelia, Buffy and Crystal were already situated by the largest portal.

“Spike, get over there.” Angel growled.

“Peaches, the chit….”

“Go,” the vampire growled, Angel’s attention turned immediately to the sparks and swirls shooting from the portals. “It’s starting, GO.”

“Spike,” Buffy yelled from her position.

Damn’t. Spike ran to the women. “Buffy.”

“Shut up, they’re coming,” both Cordy and Buffy yelled. Spike didn’t miss the glare on the dark haired woman’s face. Damn her and whatever game she was playing. He wouldn’t let her get away with it, even though he wasn’t sure what it was but it gave him a bad feeling.

Spike started to speak again, when a swirling flash popped into a full-fledged demon swinging a sickle. “Bugger, it’s a lethal spirit of Christmas future, death shroud and black face hole and all.”

“It’s no spirit, it bleeds, so deal with it.” Buffy yelled, resisting the urge to attack.

Spike growled and swung the sword he had been given, slicing the demon in half, turning to face another that appeared in it’s place. His body and sword acting as a barrier between the approaching demons and the women.

“Buffy, calm down. Start the ritual,” Cordy said softly.

Buffy clinched her jaw, nodding, slowly mumbling words, the knife and disc in her hands. Crystal waited near by, wishing that she could do more. But Cordelia had insisted that she was needed there to be the last defensive against any Drakkus that broke through the others.


“Angel,” Wesley tugged at the vampire’s arm and pointed.

Angel tore his attention from Cordelia to where Wesley urged. Standing in the middle of a large circle of demons was a lone-cloaked figure, a disc in his hands.

“Our cue,” Gunn shouted running to keep up with the vampire.

Angel barreled through the deadly obstacle of demons and weapons, cutting down everything in his path. Gunn was left to fend off the replacement demons that materialized at Angel’s rampage.


“Xander,” Wesley yelled, swinging his sword.

“I see it.” Xander moved to position himself before a new swirling vortex that had formed depositing more Drakkus.

Willow and Fred ran up swinging their own weapons to help the young man, trying to keep the demons from getting close to where Spike was defending the three women.


Spike flinched as one of the demon’s sickles slashed into his side. He turned plunging his sword, pushing up with all of his strength.

The blonde vampire turned favoring his wound at the sound of a gasp. Spike stared as a black energy was surrounding Crystal’s hands and head. That couldn’t be good. The vampire ran trying to see where the threat was coming from. Spike reached out with a firm grip pulling at the young demon as he sighted the Drakkus manipulating the force encasing her. He kept Crystal close as he lunged with his sword and body. Spike growled as he felt and heard the satisfying sound of his blade hitting its target. The vampire and Crystal landed on the broken form of the Drakkus. Spike rolled them, keeping his body in a protective cover over the young demon’s.


Buffy kept her eyes on those of Cordelia’s trying to block out the sounds of the deadly battle around them. Her words got louder and clearer as she neared their conclusion. She paused raising her blade.

“It’s all right, Buffy.” Cordelia smiled at the Slayer’s hesitation at the necessary final act of the ritual. “Crystal,” the brunette beckoned. Cordelia jerked away from the blonde reaching for her wrist at the returning silence. “Crystal,” she called out. Cordelia’s eyes widened at the sight of Spike pulling her away and rolling on the ground. Cordelia automatically moved closer.

Buffy grasped at Cordelia’s arm. “She’ll be fine, Spike has her.”

“NO. She’s too far away, I’ve got to go her.” Cordelia tugged at the slayer’s grip.

“Cordy, she’ll be fine, we’ve got to do this. Look around the Portals are growing, the Drakkus are replacing themselves. We’ve got to finish the ritual.”

“I…” Cordelia glanced at the fighting. Her friends couldn’t keep fighting an endless supply of demons. So far it looked like their wounds weren’t fatal, but soon that wouldn’t be the case, if she didn’t end this. Cordelia closed her eyes, whispering. “I failed him, again.”

“What? Cordy…” Buffy pulled the woman back towards her.

“Tell him, I’m sorry,” Cordelia looked at the blonde. “And, I’m sorry to you, so sorry,” Cordelia grabbed at the wrist holding the dagger.

“Cordy, what are you doing? I’ve done the spell, we have to finish it.”

“I am, the right way,” tears starting to fall down her face. “This is the only way all of the Drakkus can be destroyed."

Buffy yanked her arm back in sudden horrified realization of what Cordelia was going to do. But with all of slayer strength, she couldn’t break the other woman’s grip.

“It has to be by your hand, you are the ‘protector’ of the hell mouth, Wes was right about that, I’m so sorry." A white glow formed gently over Cordelia’s body giving her the strength to withstand the slayer’s. Cordelia brought up Buffy’s wrist the knife still in the slayer’s hand.

Buffy tried to release the knife, but her fingers wouldn’t move as Cordelia’s fist enclosed over them in a vice grip. She winced as the light glowed brighter merging with the black of the swirling vortex that seemed to form directly behind Cordelia.

“I truly am sorry,” Cordelia plunged, thrusting Buffy’s hand still holding the knife into her own chest.

“NO,” Buffy screamed as the blade penetrated Cordelia’s breastbone to the hilt, jerking upwards ensuring the fatality of the strike.

A light emerged streaming upwards from the wound joining the surrounding brightness. The light expanded into the vortex opening it wide, tentacles of brightness seemed to be sucked into it, growing overwhelming the void and then in a flash, it was over.


The group of humans, Angel, Spike and Crystal struggled up from the ground, blinking attempting to rid themselves of the bright spots that blurred their vision.

It took them all a minute to realize that the cave was empty of all Drakkus and swirling voids. Except one, before them was a large vortex swirling and open. But it wasn't a black hole of nothingness, it’s interior shown brightly, giving them all the glimpse of life. It was a window into a peaceful plateau, a picture of colors, beauty and light. They all stared in amazement as they realized they were looking into another world one full of life.

The sounds of deep sobbing tore they’re eyes and attention away from the idyllic scene. Beauty turned immediately to horror.

Buffy was crying gulps of breath, low moans coming from her throat, staring at her bloody hands, rubbing at the stains that wouldn’t go away as she kneeled over Cordelia’s fallen body.

A primal wail vibrated throughout the cave, piercing everyone’s heart, bringing shivers down their spines as Angel stumbled crawling towards the scene.

Buffy resisted, crying louder as Spike instinctively pulled her away from the other vampire’s approach.

Angel ignored all as he cradled the lifeless body in his arms, hugging it tightly, whispering to it, yelling for Cordelia to open her eyes.

Buffy continued to fight against Spike’s hold. “She said she was sorry, she said it was the only way, the only way to destroy all of the Drakkus, she said I had…”

“So, you killed her,” Angel growled, his voice deadly and cold, his eyes never leaving Cordelia’s body.

Spike pushed Buffy further back away from the dark vampire. Buffy fought harder, her sobs engulfing her body. “NO….I couldn’t stop her, she was too strong…I couldn’t stop her,” Buffy gasped falling back into Spike’s arms. “I couldn’t stop her,” Buffy whimpered into Spike’s chest.

Chapter 46

Two days later

“Did Crystal go?” Willow asked.

Fred nodded. “She wanted to go home, now that Drakkus….or rather Glistera was evil free.”

“I thought her family was already dead.” Xander asked.

“She still had friends there and well…she told me that Cordy sacrificed herself to purge the dimensions of all of the Drakkus, she wanted everyone to know the story.” Fred paused. “How’s Buffy?” Fred tittered on the edge of the chair.

Willow sighed. “Not good, she won’t leave her room. Dawn’s with her and Spike of all people. She blames herself.”

Fred nodded. “She’s not the only one. Wesley’s disappeared again without saying a word.”

“I wish I could hate Cordelia for doing this.”

Fred jerked her head up at the red head’s words then slowly nodded, realizing that she felt the same way. “She should’ve told us.”

“She did, repeatedly, we just wouldn’t listen,” Lorne corrected gently.

“Has he gone?” Fred looked up at the green demon.

“Yeah, wouldn’t change his every loving stubborn mind or let anyone go with him.”

“Do you think that was a good idea?”

“He has Connor. He just said they were going home, but wanted to be alone for a while. We should leave soon though, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to leave him for too long.”

“As soon as the service is over.” Fred covered her face in her hands, her resolve finally breaking into sobs. “I don’t want to do this again.”

“Hey, girl,” Gunn placed a comforting arm around his crying girlfriend.

“He talked to Buffy.” Xander said from the couch. “Didn’t want him too after his reaction in the cave, but she wanted it.”

“And?” Gunn and Lorne said. Fred looked up questioningly, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Xander shrugged. “He just stood at the doorway and said he didn’t blame her and then left. Insensitive, if you ask me and too little. Didn’t even apologize. Buffy is hurting.”

“And, he’s not.” Fred argued in a harsh whisper.

“Of course he is,” Willow said. “Everyone is.” Willow sighed. “Xander, it was enough and actually more than expected considering only two days ago, he almost killed her. If it hadn’t been for Spike, he just might of. Buffy was in no condition to fight him. No. It was enough. His coming here was an apology and he gave Buffy something that she needed. Buffy couldn’t deal with this is if she thought that Angel blamed her. Now, she will be able to in time. Speaking of which….”

The somber group got up as one.

“Is Buffy coming?” Fred asked.

“I….” Willow started, not quite knowing the answer.

“Yes.” Buffy came down the stairs, Dawn and Spike close behind. The slayer’s beautiful face was worn and tired. “I killed her, I can bury her.”

“Buffy,” Willow started to go up to meet Buffy on the steps. “You didn't….she….”

“Did what she had to using me to do it. Talk about getting the last word in. God, she was such a bitch.”

Fred started to object and then fell silent as she recognized the sorrow and admiration in the slayer’s voice negating any bitterness of the words.

They left the house as one, substantially the same group that laid Cordelia to rest a year ago, but painfully absent those that loved her most.


Wesley stood at the front of the Hyperion hesitant to go in. But, if he learned nothing through all of this he learned that he needed his family. And that meant facing the vampire.

“Angel,” pausing at the doorway of the suite.

The vampire looked up from Connor’s crib. “He won’t believe it. I’ve told him, but he keeps asking for her. I can’t do this again.”

Wesley hurried in the room, standing close to the vampire. “Yes you can, we all can.”

Angel’s gaze darkened at the words.

“Angel, don’t do this to her. She loved all of us, she wanted us to remain a family.”

“A family,” Angel chuckled bitterly. “How do you have a family without its heart? I couldn’t figure it out before. I can’t do it now. You tell me how.”

“Cordy left it in all of us, we just have to remember, cherish and use it, like she would’ve wanted us to.”

Angel lifted his eyes back up to Wesley. “I don’t know.”


“Leave us.”

Wesley turned wondering how he was going to handle the loss of Cordy and all of his family again.

“Oh, Wes,”

The former watcher swung around quickly.

“There’s nothing here, can you go get some food and more formula for Connor. Gunn, Fred and Lorne will be home soon and you all will need some and I haven’t…," his words trailing off as he shrugged hopelessly.

“I’ll take care of it.” Wesley assured the vampire.

“Thanks.” Angel turned back to his son.

Wesley left the room, not happy, that was impossible right now, but a bit less sad.

Chapter 47

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” Skip scowled at the young woman.

“I tried.”

“You screwed up again. One little task as easy as a kiss and you screwed it up.”

“I saved the world….well with help.”

“I told you that you that you couldn’t use your self- sacrifice as an excuse. I told you that.” Skip waved his forefinger in Cordelia’s face. “Tsk, tsk, this time you knew the rules.”

“Crystal was pushed back before I had a chance too,” Cordelia said for the umpteenth time, pacing the small confines of the glass room. “Damn’t just give Angel another seer. Transferring MY visions can’t be the only way. I refuse to believe that EVERY seer in history had a convenient replacement close and waiting. That’s just stupid and way too much relying on the whole 'luck' thing. ”

“It’s the preferred method.”

“Well, it didn’t happen, so the Powers just need to find a non-preferred method if they want Angel to have another seer.” Cordelia glared.

Skip shrugged. “They have decided on one.”

“Great.” Cordelia’s shoulders slumped. “Good, does this mean that I can go to heaven now that I’ve been scolded or do I go to hell for my screw up.”

“Neither, you’re going back.”


“The warrior needs a seer.”

“Then give him one, but I AM not going back only to die again, I’m not. I will not put myself or my family through that again. I won’t.” Cordelia glared crossing her arms.

“You don’t really have a choice.”

“Of course I do. Send me back and I won’t step a foot near Angel or Connor, I won’t. Screw the visions, they can die with me again.”

“Do you really think the Powers, not even going with the fate card here, would let you get away with that? “

“Fate card?”

“Sure, it may have been your actions and choices that lead Doyle to be able to give you the visions, and it maybe have been your choice to become part demon to keep them, but it was FATE, honey, that put you in Angel’s path at that first party.”

“A screwed up of fate, you said.”

“No, it’s just that the whole outcome of it the Powers couldn’t understand. They labeled it a mistake at first because they couldn’t get a grasp on the whole emotion factor. You know the kind of denying of what you can’t understand thing. The Powers are pretty infallible, but not completely, you know.”

“No, I don’t know.” Cordelia slumped. “I’m not going back that’s my choice, deal with it.”

“Yes, you are, no choice there and really could you ignore the visions?”

Cordelia closed her eyes. “Fine, but under one condition you place me right in front of Crystal and a speeding bus, no where near Angel or my family. I’ll kiss her and jump in front of it, okay. That should work. She could go then and be Angel’s seer. They never need to know.”

“Crystal’s no longer a viable replacement, she went back home after the Drakkus were destroyed.”

“She did?” Cordelia gave a soft smile. “I’m glad, she seemed so sad when she talked about her friends and her home dying.”

“She did, so that leaves us without another replacement.”

“Then why do you want me to go back, - Wait- You want me to act as Angel’s seer, knowing that I’m going to die as soon as a ‘viable’ one shows up. I’m not doing it.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not. I won’t go back temporarily again, I won’t. It was too hard on everyone.”

“Everybody on earth is temporary, Cordelia, some just more temporary or more permanent than others.”

“I’ve done my temporary bit.”

“And your not done yet.”

“Skip, I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

Cordelia closed her eyes again. “For how long?”

Skip shrugged. “How would I know? That stuff isn’t written down somewhere, or usually it isn’t.”

“It was written down on the disc and you knew that it was coming.”

“That was a special circumstances. Unique.”

“World-ending prophecies aren’t unique there all over the place in every dusty scroll you pick up.”

Skip nodded. “I’ll give you that one, but this is different, individual death time tables aren’t usually calculated, too many unknown factors involved. So, don’t know.”

“What are you saying, exactly?”

“I’m saying exactly that you are being sent back and I don’t have a notion about when you’ll really die this time. Given your over eagerness of late for the martyr type behavior it could be sooner than later or maybe that speeding bus will pop up in your path, who knows.”

“I’m going back with out knowing, what am I going to tell Angel? I can’t do this. And I don't have a martyr complex, Geez."

“Tell him that you’re back, you don’t know when you’re going to die it could be tomorrow or the next day or the next or years from now, you don’t know, just like everyone else. “

Cordelia stared. “I’m just going back?”

“Yep, without strings.”

“Why? There’s got to be a catch, there always are with you people.”

“No catch. Well, except that it’s expected that you will continue being Angel’s seer, fighting for the powers as long as you can. Which could be a long time considering you’re part Glisterian now.”


“How old do you think Crystal was?”

“18, 19.”

“Not a bad guess in development years, horrible in real years. The Glisterians age differently than humans, takes a lot longer- you know for the toddler, pre- teen, teenage years, middle age, old age stuff than what you would consider normal. I don’t know her exact birth date but I’d guess she was about fifty human years. You, young lady, could very well stay a young lady for a while.”

“With Angel?”

“As his seer.” Skip clarified.

“Again, why? I screwed up.”

“True, but the warrior needs a seer and as of now you’re the only compatible one and besides the Powers were quite impressed how you put the mission and the visions before yourself when you chose to keep them and how you went through the ritual regardless of your feelings for Angel.”

“They’re impressed because I chose to save the world and not run away with Angel? That’s stupid. The world was going to end, not much of a choice of where to run to. And I kept the visions because..….”

“Shh,” Skip raised a large finger to his lips. “They’re still not real good with the ‘love’ thing. They think you sacrificed your humanity and then your life for the visions and the mission that your loyalty to Angel is spurred on by your sense of duty alone. Let them keep thinking that. Hey, it’s getting you a second real chance and hell, we both know that you’ll continue to fight for the Powers, let’s just hope that if a real choice is needed that you will do it, like we can only assume that the warrior will have the same consideration.”

“You’re serious? I can go back for good?”

“Do you want too?”

“No strings?”

Skip shook his head.

“How long as it been? Another year?”

“A month, this decision was quicker.”

“Fine, but I got two conditions.” Cordelia glared.


Cordelia sat on the side bed wondering how to do this without shocking the heebie jeebies out of the sleeping occupant. She wanted to this right.

The body stirred waking up.

“Hi, Buffy.”

Chapter 48

Cordelia stood outside the Hyperion. She waved and gave a soft smile to the blonde. Cordelia watched the car drive off. She thought maybe she did it right.

Buffy was understandably shocked, but she hadn’t been angry. In fact she seemed really happy to see her. Cordelia was just glad that she accepted her apology about the earlier deception. Cordelia knew she had to do it that way but Buffy could’ve been bitter about setting her up.

It was all kind of amazing, Buffy had hugged her and then shooed her out of the house, dragging her to the car and rushing her to LA, practically throwing her out on the street in front of the Hyperion.

Cordelia grumbled pulling at her flowing annoyingly white garment. At least the other woman could’ve found her something else to wear other than the idiotic white gown. Buffy had laughed at it, once her shock was gone. Jumping up and down on the bed calling Cordy a saint and pointing.

Cordelia narrowed her eyes; maybe she didn’t like the slayer. That was uncalled for, she would have to think about it, a smile came across her face again as Cordelia remembered between that laugher there were true tears, understanding and forgiveness. Okay, maybe, just maybe she could be a friend with the slayer. Maybe.


Cordelia frowned at the darkness of the empty lobby. Everybody could be on a case. Or maybe just asleep it was late.

She decided to float just in case.


Cordelia paused again outside the suite. Her courage was leaving her. She couldn’t just pop in and say ‘Hi honey, I’m home’. Buffy had warned her that while Angel Investigations had been operating, Angel, himself had been more than just broody, he had been angry at Cordelia when he wasn’t a despondent recluse. But, even so, the blonde thought it best that Cordelia go and see Angel immediately.

Sure, Buffy could say that, she was half way back to Sunnydale by now. Liking Buffy was getting harder and harder, the woman left her stranded in the middle of LA in an ugly white dress to face an angry vampire.

Cordelia took a deep breath, remembering Buffy’s final words ‘He needs you, you came back for him, go’.

The young woman stood still, her feet still inches from the floor. The sight broke her heart. Angel, her beautiful vampire was scrunched uncomfortably in the chair next to Connor’s crib, his body half leaning over the plastic bars, his arm dangling in the interior trying to keep contact. But the small boy wasn’t having any part of it, or he wasn’t when his large gorgeous eyes opened.

“Mama.” The boy squirmed from the hand keeping him down, moving to stand on wobbling legs.

“Shh, honey, I’m here, but let’s not wake daddy just yet, okay,” Cordelia floated closer.

Connor’s face lit up and soft giggles pursed from his lips as he watched his mother float closer.

“You like this, uh, I’ve gotten even better.” Cordelia gently lifted the young child from the crib. “Why don’t you ever sleep? Growing boys need their sleep.”

Connor happily tugged at her, sucking on her hair. “Hungry?” Cordelia looked around, picking up an empty juice bottle. “All out are you, sweetie?”

Cordelia glanced again at the sleeping vampire. “Has daddy been eating? He doesn’t look that good.”

Angel didn’t, even in sleep, his paleness seemed more pronounced, making his handsome face drawn and thin, and his hair didn’t have a lick of gel in it falling in limp thick tuffs around his forehead. Cordelia could swear that he was wearing the same outfit that he was a month ago when she died only now it was loose, too loose.

“Come on, honey, let’s go get you something to eat and while we’re there will get daddy a mug or a couple.” Cordelia repeated shooting a worried look back at the vampire.


Angel was dreaming again. She was here in the room. Her scent filling everything, coating him. How was he ever supposed to move on, if there was no peace from her? Everywhere, this room, this hotel, the whole damn city reminded him every second of ever minute of what he lost, even Connor. The boy wouldn’t give up, every day, every moment he would ask for his mama. It was even worse than before. Angel hated Cordelia at that moment. She knew what was going to happen but let Connor love her again. She let Angel love her, hold her, feel her heartbeat and breath warming his cold body, she told him that she loved him, then she left, not caring about those she left behind. Angel was trying very hard to blame her; otherwise the pain was too much.

Connor? His hand felt nothing, his eyes shot open. In an increasing panic, Angel realized that his son was not in his crib.


Angel ran then paused on the steps to the lobby, not caring as Fred, and then Gunn ran from their room.

“Angel, what is it?” Fred asked.

“Man, do we need weapons,” Gunn looked around trying to figure out how the best way to get to the weapon’s cabinet from there. They really should start keeping one on all the floors.

Wesley and Lorne came out of their respective rooms.

“What’s the Hubbub about?” Lorne questioned, tugging his silk bright robe closer.

“Angel? I heard a bang.” Wesley said softly, wondering what could’ve triggered the vampire’s renewal of destroying pieces of furniture. That had stopped in the last two weeks.

Angel ignored all his friends and continued down the stairs not at all sure what he sensed or what he felt about it’s meaning.


The group followed Angel down the staircase not sure what to do about the silent vampire. They stopped, when he stopped and stared when he did.

“ Ewwy, Honey, stop throwing the peas at Mommy, okay. “

Connor grabbed a handful of the little green vegetables and threw, giggling again.

“You, my little sweetheart, are doing this on purpose. I get you now. “

“Mama,” Connor shoved some peas in his mouth missing most of them.

“Just like your dad, pretending to drink my highly thought out deviations from his plain old blood. You don’t fool me, little man. Ah, I know you and your father. Tacitly appeasing me just so I won’t yell. It doesn’t work for him, and it doesn’t work for you.”


“Get that cute little puppy dog look off your face, did Daddy actually teach you that or is it inherited like the broody brow.” Cordelia lovingly moved to brush the little bit of hair off the laughing baby.

Fred was the first to speak actually squeak. “Cordy?”

The brunette looked up. “Eek, caught, with peas on my face. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake everyone,” she glanced up at the gapping figures in front of her all in obvious night attire. All but Angel and he wasn't gapping either. The vampire looked like he was about to yell and not in happy way.

“Cordy?” Fred said again, stepping closer her voice raised in a hopeful pitch.

Angel grabbed at the woman holding her back. “Get Connor and go upstairs- to your room do it,” He growled at the woman’s hesitation.

“Angel, it’s….”

“Do it.” Angel growled again.

Fred glanced nervously at the vampire, her boyfriend, then at Cordelia.

Cordy stood, unhooking Connor from his baby chair, gently taking him out of the confines.


“Go, with Aunt Fred. I’m here, I won’t leave….”

“Shut up.” Angel growled.

“Goodnight, honey, I’ll see you in the morning.” Cordelia kissed the small boy on his head.

Wesley moved. “Cordelia?”

“Go back to bed,” Angel yelled.

Fred tugged at Gunn, looking back at Cordelia, mouthing a question.

Cordelia winked at the young woman as she mouthed her answer. A great smile overcame Fred as more questions threatened to burst from her lips. She looked back at Angel. Fred tugged again at Gunn, “We’ll find out tomorrow.”

Gunn and Wesley looked at the young woman. “It’s okay, I told you it would be, sure a little late, but I was right.” Fred ran happily up the stairs Connor in her arms. “ Shh, Connor, you heard Mommy, she’ll be here in the morning and I’ve got in on good authority it’s for good.”

“Fred, what did you hear? Fred,” Gunn and Wesley called running behind the young woman.

“Angel,” Lorne started.


“All right, but this is a happy time, I know what I read.” Lorne sauntered up the staircase.


Cordelia turned from the vampire staring at her from way to far away. She pushed the buttons on the microwave and watched the numbers descend waiting.

Cordelia had to admire the vampire’s timing, he spoke right when the ringer rang. She opened the door getting out the blood.

“No, Angel I’m not dead. Here. You are and are going to get even more so if you don’t eat," she shoved the mug towards the vampire, answering his growl at the same time.


“To the blood or me?”

“Cordy, they just can’t keep throwing you back and taking you away again, they can’t.”

Cordelia leaned up against the counter, her hand still holding the mug of blood. “Will you please drink this, then I’ll explain.”


“Angel, don’t you even want to hear it.”

Angel growled and drunk the mug in one swallow.

“Thank you, you start, otherwise I’ll just be interrupted by growls and such.”



“How can you stand and ask that?”

“Ask what? Nevermind, I think I understand. First question, uh? Okay, first answer, hope.”


“Yes, hope. Hope that you will forgive me for lying to you. Hope that in the last month you haven’t forgotten that you loved me. Just hope, Angel.”

Angel stepped even further back. “Why are you back?”

“Because, I screwed up again. I didn’t give the visions to Crystal. I meant to but with all the fighting, Spike got her away to safety before I could do it.”

“You knew.”

“If you’re asking when I knew that Crystal was to be my replacement, you already know the answer to that, I told you. But, if you’re asking when I knew the outcome- it was in the cave the second time, I had a vision. It told me what the ritual really meant.”

“You didn’t ….”

“I’ll take that beginning of a rambling angry statement as the next question. I didn’t tell you or anyone because all of you were so gung ho that everything would be all right. You wouldn’t listen. You would’ve tried to prevent it. That’s why I told you it would be better for you to go to the Drakkus with the disc, that’s why I told Buffy to promise me to protect Crystal, because I knew you wouldn’t not if it came down to a choice, that’s why she got Spike once she learned that she would be a part of the ritual, she was trying to keep her promise to both of us.”

“You let me love you.”

Cordelia blinked, tears finally appearing. “I…” she took a deep breath and stared at the vampire. “I thought I was sorry for that but I’m not. Not even for the pain I caused you, I’m not sorry. I…I was going to die, I did. But, I knew when I did that you loved me, I felt you, without you I wouldn’t know what to expect. Buffy said that heaven was like when her mother held her when she was a child. The feeling of being safe loved and protected. I didn’t have that until we were together, I held on to it, knowing that it would be okay, because, yes, selfishly at that point, I want to find some solace in the fact that I was going to die again.”

“Buffy? What does she have to do with this?”

“Nothing, everything. She gave you home when you needed one, she gave me the knowledge that heaven wasn’t scary, she was the catalyst to the ritual, and she gave me her forgiveness for using her as that catalyst. She had no idea. I couldn’t imagine what she felt afterwards, so I made Skip take me there first. I wanted to explain to her, say I’m sorry again.”

“You went to Buffy first?”

Cordy shook her head. “I had to- a phone call wouldn’t do and I was hoping that once I came home that you wouldn’t want to leave anytime soon for a road trip. There’s that hope thing again rearing its hopeful head.”

“I can’t. I can’t let you lie to me and Connor, knowing that it’s only temporary, trying to hope for something that won’t happen. You here because, you said it, to be my seer until another ‘Crystal’s shows up, then you will be gone again. I can’t, I won’t do it again.”

“That’s what I told Skip. But this is what he told me, I quote…“Tell him that you’re back, you don’t know when you’re going to die it could be tomorrow or the next day or the next or years from now, you don’t know, just like everyone else." Cordelia shrugged. “I’m back. I don’t know whether you can believe me, but I am back, second chance and all of it. Stupid reasoning on the Powers part, but it works for me. But if you can’t believe me, okay. But, know this I AM your seer for as long as I’m alive and Skip says with the Glisterain stuff in me that could be longer than both of us ever imagined. They’re long life type of demons.”

“I…” Angel fought the hope burgeoning in his chest. He couldn’t deal with Cordelia being stolen away again.

“If it helps- I had two conditions, the first being seeing Buffy, the other was I wasn’t coming back or at least I wasn’t going to be your seer if your soul wasn’t fixed.”

“Fixed?” Angel stared.

“Fixed, I get why Angelus didn’t pop up with Buffy or me this last time. But if I’m going to be with you for a potentially long time I’m not risking it again. I love you and I want to make love with you, but with Angelus hovering within, it would’ve been a long frustrating time so I made a condition. Your soul’s secure. I couldn’t bind it to me or anything like that the Powers don’t even really get that I love you. But it’s secure; you can go do whatever, love whoever you want. I won’t leave I’m your seer and Connor’s mother, you will just have to deal with the bitter, jealous, ex- wife type from hell that gives you the visions if you bring anyone, even Buffy, though I think I like her now, maybe, I haven’t decided yet, she laughed at my gown, anyway, if you bring anyone here you’ll have to just deal, buster, I’m not leaving Connor.”

Angel stepped back further trying to think. “I can make love to you without fear of Angelus. You’re telling me that you love me, you aren’t destined to die on a certain date that I have to afraid for, I can just love you freely with only the every day worry of our lives, is that what you’re telling me.”

“Yes and Angel that every day stuff can be very scary. Give me that,” grabbing for the mug still clenched in the vampire’s hand. “You need more blood, you just got paler.”

Angel just stared.

“Drink.” Cordelia pushed the now filled mug back into the vampire’s hands. “Drink.” She said again.

Angel raised the mug to his lips, still trying to think. He dropped the mug on the floor. “You’re really here and I can love you?”

“Yes. If you want.”

“You’re not lying again?”

“Angel, I just told you that I would make love with you because Angelus is gone. I wouldn’t do that if I wasn’t telling the truth because I’m hoping that you love me enough to get some big old joy at the idea that I’m back for real this time, I wouldn’t say it just to get laid.”

“I can make love to you?” Angel was still trying to get a grasp on the concept. The anger had fled his brain, now it was just wonder.

“If you want.” Cordelia started to fidget. “You do, don’t you?”

Angel really stared at the young woman gowned in some angelic white dress. The clothes were not the norm, but the brows raised and the tightening of the beautiful lips were the same. Just as the smell was.

“You’re sure you’re not back for any apocalypse?”

“I don’t know of any but give it time one will come along.”

“You’re telling the truth.”

“Yes. Angel, do you still love me or not, I mean will you kiss me ever again or what? I need to know.”

“You do?”

Cordelia glared. “Yes, decide now, otherwise it’s the warrior/seer brother/sister relationship going into effect.”

“Brother/sister relationship what’s that? We never had that, god, I….you thought of me as your brother….that’s just weird.”

“No, actually, it was more of a father/daughter thing, you know the whole age thing.”

Angel didn’t just step back he jumped. “That’s sick.”

“This from the vampire formally known as Angelus.” Cordelia laughed. “Angel, don’t be dumb not now. This is when I want you to be smooth, you know.”

Angel studied the young woman, the choking gone. He moved closer. “Smooth, uh.”

“Screw it, just take me to bed.”

“What do I get out of it?”

“Me in your life and in your bed for what could be a really long time, Skip says Glisterian demons have a really, really long life span.”

“You really are back.”

“Yep. Now what?”

“Fred has Connor. So, I’ve the whole suite to be ‘smooth’ in.” Angel lunged grabbing a giggling Cordelia in his arms.

“I don’t think I like this dress.”

Cordelia lifted her head up from Angel’s shoulder. “I know, I don’t like it either, too white. It gives off too many weird connotations.”

“Naw, it isn’t the color but the coverage.” Angel was kept moving his hand trying to find a way to the skin underneath.

Chapter 49

Cordelia never felt so happy about being smothered to death. But, being alive and not be able to move had its disadvantages. “Angel.” She whispered into the dark head nuzzled in the crook of her neck.

“No, not again.” He shook his head on her chest in protest.

“Angel,” Cordelia said with some exasperation. “I haven't left this bed once since you threw me on it, but, I have to now. Let me up.”

“I didn’t throw you, you jumped and I was sleeping.”

“Well, gee, I was too, but I’m not now, let me up. A minute, okay, then you can have your pillow and pacifier back.”

Angel grumbled but moved his arms and legs off the warmth they had trapped to his body.

“Big baby,” Cordelia hopped off the bed and headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Angel frowned at the sight and sound of the closed door. He looked around. His room seemed empty without Cordelia’s presence. Logically, he knew where she was but he couldn’t help the wave of panic that overcame him at the emptiness.

He resisted the urge to barge after Cordelia to verify by sight that she was still with him remembering that she didn’t always like it when he followed her into the bathroom. This seemed to be one of those times. So, he leaned back in the bed, clutching the sheets, closing his eyes and used the senses he could to hear the live heart beat, scent the tantalizing fragrance that both plagued and teased his dreams when she was gone.

Cordelia padded softly back into the bedroom, staring at the closed eyed vampire. He was too skinny, but she could fatten him up. But at least the worn lines on his beautiful face seemed to have disappeared. That was good.

Angel opened his gaze on the young woman, roaming the full length of her body, to immediately start again when he reached the top. “Stay there.” He said softly, sitting up, stopping Cordy’s step in the direction of the bed.


“I want to see.”

“Angel, you’ve seen everything before,” a blush crept over her body as Angel’s gaze continued to caress her. Shoot, he wasn’t even touching her and she was getting goose bumps.

“I want to see always.” Angel slowly moved off the bed, his voice low.

Cordelia fidgeted. “You just might, all I have to my name is that stupid white thing,” pointing to the gown that Angel had quickly disregarded earlier. “I don’t even have my comfy clothes anymore.”

“I imagine you can steal some more from my closet. Later.” He was now only a hair breath a way, slowly circling the still young woman.

“Hmmph. I didn’t steal them, you gave them to me.” Cordelia’s spine tingled as she imagined Angel’s eyes canvassing her back.

“I don’t recall having a choice in the matter.” Angel chuckled lightly at the base of her neck.

Shivers ran delicately along Cordelia’s skin. Damn. The vampire didn’t need to breath, but he sure knew use the process to create tremors up and down her flesh, building the anticipation within.

“Umm. Angel?”

“Mmm,” blowing soft burst of air along the base of her spine down to the small of her back.

“Are you done looking yet?”

“I’ll never be done, Cor”

“Oh, well can you maybe stop for now and start touching, please.”

“Angel,” she complained at his soft chuckle.

She jumped as cool hands caressed her hips and cool lips brushed at the dip in her spine.

Cordelia felt her balance slip away as hands traced everywhere, down her legs, her sides, reaching around to her belly, up to her arms and down as lips, tongue and teeth nuzzled along her back up to her the skin at her neck.

Strong hands turned her body as the lips traveled to her jaw line up to her cheek. The hands held her face, deep brown eyes bore into Cordelia’s, wide thumbs stroked her jaw as the lips leaned in.

Cordelia couldn’t have moved to save herself, she felt hypnotized motionless by those dark eyes. She moaned as the lips gently pressed into hers, nudging and nipping opening hers. Okay, maybe she could move a little, her hands reached up to the broad shoulders as her legs buckled, her fingers reaching up around the neck pulling the kiss closer, deeper. Good lord the vampire sure could kiss.

She whimpered at the loss as the lips moved to join the hands at her breast. Her whimper became soft moans and gasps of breath as the lips and hands fondled bringing her nipples to harder peaks.

Cordelia closed her eyes losing herself in the sensations, giving over her balance to the strong hands that held her hips as the lips descended.

Fingernails clutched in strong shoulders as Angel used that non-breathing skill to blow on the soft curls of her center.

Angel kept the hips close as he nuzzled into the heat of Cordelia’s center. He kissed at the folds, his tongue reaching into ever crevice tasting everywhere hidden. A low growl emerged from his throat as the moisture coated his tongue and the scent overwhelmed him. It was the only sound the vampire had made since his last soft chuckle, it caused Cordelia’s knees to buckle.

Angel cupped her ass, bringing a long leg over his shoulder opening the access wider for his questing tongue, concentrating on the small nub that peaked and pulsated through the delicate folds.

“Oh God,” Cordelia gasped as her body trembled in a pleasurable burst, causing her to loose any pretense of balance or muscle control.

Angel moved upwards quickly, his hands taking over where Cordelia couldn’t, locking her around his hips and taking them towards the bed.

“Bed” Cordelia murmured into Angel’s neck, her hands clasped around his back.

“Bed,” Angel growled, tossing the young woman on the object in question when they were close enough.

Cordelia scooted up as the vampire crawled on the bed and over her body. “Don’t you dare say I jumped that time, you threw me.”

“Quickest way,” Angel explained with a smile, before his lips latched on Cordelia’s own smile. Cordelia stalled in the kiss holding Angel’s tongue deep in her mouth as she felt Angel fill her to the core. Her kisses became frantic as Angel thrust deep inside her.

“Angel, I can’t..” Cordelia whimpered and moaned into his neck as she felt her body tingle the beginning of her loosing all control again. Cordelia tried to stop it she wanted Angel to go with her.

“Then don’t, I’ll be with you,” the vampire growled as he thrust became quicker and deeper. Angel felt the edge of his own control weakening; it had started as soon as he felt the warmth encase him, closing around him in a tight burst of heat.

Angel’s cry echoed Cordelia’s as their pleasure cascaded through out their connected bodies simultaneously. Cordelia could feel Angel’s seed filling her as Angel felt Cordelia’s warm channel convulse around him, milking him dry.

Angel clutched at Cordelia, keeping their trembling spent bodies together.

Cordelia brushed her fingers through Angel’s thick hair bringing his face up to hers. The smile on her face was perfect and the light in her hazel eyes was blissful “I love you.”

Angel’s face lit up in an answering beautiful smile, finally letting the joy and happiness of those words from Cordelia descend over him, filling and completing him. He could’ve sworn he felt his heart beat in a joyful burst. He hugged Cordelia tighter to him. “I love you, so much” Burying his head into her chest.

“I’m very happy about that,” Cordelia whispered giggling as her hands caressed Angel’s back, keeping him close.

Chapter 50: Epilogue

Angel stood in the doorway of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his hips, quietly very grateful that Cordelia felt that showers were an okay time for him to follow her into the bathroom. Angel smiled as the towel clothed young woman scanned his closet and ruffled through his dresser for comfy clothes.

“What’s wrong?” noting the scowl on her face.

“It’s no fun if you watch and know, Geez.”

“Ha, I told you, you stole them.”

“Hmmph. I guess this will do,” she grabbed a silk maroon shirt. She studied it and changed her mind mumbling.

Angel smiled as he heard her words, complaining that she couldn’t take one of his few colored shirts. He raised his brows as she hmmphed and took a plain black sweater very similar to the one she had taken before.

Angel moved to the closet to get dressed once it seemed that Cordelia had made her decision. He turned as another Hmmph sounded from the dressed girl on his bed.

“Angel, I’m dead,” whining up at the vampire.

Angel stumbled back afraid. “What?”

Cordelia blinked at Angel’s expression, “Not dead- dead, just dead in the world’s eyes, I mean. I don’t have any clothes, no money, not that I had any anyway, but still, no ID, no apartment,” Cordelia scrunched up her face. “What about Dennis?” Cordelia looked down at her feet, swinging them in the air, “No nail polish, look at my toes, they're naked, NO shoes,” Cordelia hmmphed again. “The Powers could’ve at least sent be back with a wardrobe. I want a hair scrunchy,” she pulled at her wet hair,” pouting.

Angel smiled pulling on his pants, it had taken him more than one agonizing minute to hear Cordelia’s whines of explanation regarding the statement that had almost caused him to keel over. Now, he was just enjoying the sight and sounds of Cordy whining and pouting.

“It’s not funny,” glaring at the now chuckling vampire.

“Yes, it is and it’s wonderful.”

“Angel, you’ve got clothes.”

“And so do you. There up stairs. Fred and Gunn packed up all of your things. I think Fred’s plan was to take them to the woman’s shelter, but she never did it, I don’t know why,” Angel shrugged. He didn’t know, he hadn’t taken any part of the packing; it was too much for him to see and touch her things. Angel wasn’t even sure if Fred and Gunn knew that he was aware that the clothes were there.

But he did, just like Angel knew exactly where the boxes lay and what was in each one. It had been impossible to miss Cordelia’s scent that lingered within the boxes. Finally, one night he couldn’t resist anymore and went to the room on the third floor and for the next several nights, he remembered and dreamed amongst her things. Then Angel stopped and that’s when he decided he couldn’t stay in LA anymore, he had to get out or he would lock himself in that room forever to lose himself in the memories.

“I have clothes, my clothes,” Cordelia smiled. “Where? Oh nevermind, these are fine for breakfast.”

“I’ll bring them down later, okay.”

Cordelia nodded happily.

“But, your apartment has been rented, Dennis for some reason was unbound when you died, so no haunting.”

“Dennis was released. Hmmph, I bet he got to go to heaven.” She scrunched up her face. “I guess, I need to find another one, Geez, where am I going to find a ghost controlled great apartment,” glancing up at the vampire.

“You’re not. You’re staying here with me and Connor.”

Cordelia blinked at her own stupidity. Of course, she was staying at the hotel. That’s where Angel and Connor were. “Right, where else would I go?”

“No where,” Angel said completely serious.

Cordelia nodded. “Is everyone living here now? I mean sure there’s enough rooms- even Wesley? I saw him last night.”

Angel nodded.

Cordelia beamed.

“Speaking of everyone, they’re getting restless and anxious to see you.”

“You can vamp sense that?”

“I can hear them stomping around, the anxious part is a guess, but a pretty good one I think.”

“Well, I’ve had my…our shower,” she smiled. “Got on my comfy clothes, I can guess I’m ready to start the first day of the rest of our lives. Let’s so see our son and family.” Holding out her hand for the vampire.


Fred wandered around the kitchen, Connor in her arms. She studied the young boy then the plate of old peas. She turned quickly to the others. “Y’all saw her right? Right there, right?” Pointing to the chair by the plate. “She was there feeding Connor, right? In a long white gown, right?”

“More like getting pelted by the little green torpedoes.” Gunn nodded.

“You did see her then?”

“Fred, she was here.”

“Then where is she?”

“Honey lamb” Lorne raised his brows up the stairs towards the bedrooms.

“He can’t keep her up there all day, he needs to share. I want to see her.”

“Honey Lamb,” This time Lorne shook his head and he raised his brows.

“Oh,” Fred hugged Connor tighter. Fred looked again at the baby. “Connor, don’t you want to cry for your mommy. Come on.”

“Give me him, before you start sticking pins in him.” Lorne shook his head again.

“I wouldn’t do that, I thought…. Oh.” Fred blew out a deep breath.

“Fred, we all want to know what’s happened.” Wesley smiled. “You sure she said it was for good?”

Fred scrunched up her face. “I asked her if it was real this time, like this,” Fred mouthed her silent question of last night. “She winked and answered, like this,” Fred silently mouthed a ‘yes’. “It was a yes, she said yes, she said it was for real this time. I want to hear it, though,” Fred pouted.

Cordelia smiled brightly her hand still intertwined with Angel’s. She cleared her throat, giving Fred her wish. “This time it’s real.”


Author’s note: I know that the ending may be a bit saccharin even for me- but I just wanted to make it happy with a capital H after all the grief I put Cordy and Angel through as well as the other characters.

Also, I’m not sure if or when I will post another story. Obviously, I’m a little out of my own ideas, hence VampSmack Down and This Time It’s Real- both were response from challenges….also, I’m going to be bogged down with ugly work up until the end of the month. But, then again, always think I won’t start another story and then I do. But I just wanted to warn those that read my stuff, if this time it’s real****eek, I can’t believe I wrote that, it was so cringe worthy, but you get the point, right?

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, in case I haven’t said it enough.