just fic

Title: This Time It’s Real
Author: Anne
Posted: 04-30-2002
Rating: NC17
Disclaimers: ATS, BTVS not mine never mine, I bow to Joss and Co. imagination and ownership.
Spoilers: up to Sleep Tight. (maybe some mention of Cordy’s new powers) Oh, Groo doesn’t exist in the story for now, and if he gets mentioned, I’ll warn you and any mention will be a passing reference only.
Couples: Read the challenge, but also know I’ve never written anything but C/A and happy endings and I don’t plan to start now.
Comments: none really except this is an answer to a challenge posted by Muff – April 2002 posted at Stranger Things. Oh, thanks to everyone that read VampSmack Down and gave feed back. And now it’s Muff’s turn to take the blame for one of my stories.
Challenge: Issued by Muff

Cordelia dies
Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy
Cordelia comes back from the dead
Buffy and Cordelia fight over Angel but have to work together to save the world
Scooby gang accepts Cordy back while the fang gang is hesitant on her return: reason for this must be revealed
Take place in either LA or Sunnydale
Big bad is your choice

Chapter 32

Buffy dropped her fist mid swing. Oh god. She ran to the door opening it, a silent mantra replaying over and over on her lips. Thank god, her eyes going straight to Cordelia on the couch. With a whoosh, Buffy slid to the floor, her gaze never leaving the brunette. Slowly, Buffy's eyes shifted to the others in the room. She just stared. They hadn't noticed her return or maybe they never even knew she had left the room in a bitter huff. Whatever. Buffy was just grateful for the moment she could just look and try to think.

Wesley was saying something, but for the life of her, Buffy couldn't hear a word. Her mind was too busy processing all that had happened. How could everything have gone so horribly wrong? Buffy leaned her head back against the wall. She didn't know and this time she wasn't talking about her relationship with Angel. Buffy was just talking about her. Her wish could' ve destroyed the world, not something for a slayer to ever even contemplate.

Buffy's graze went back to the couch, now resting on Angel. Sure, maybe love was blind, but it wasn't supposed to be selfish. Buffy wished.hoped, Buffy wasn't about to give Anya a change to pop back,.. that her reactions over the past two days were the result of the shock of Cordelia returning and having Angel's love for the young woman smack up in Buffy's face, not some permanent flaw in her character.

But, as hard as she tried Buffy couldn't deny the selfishness she had exhibited every day before that, every day since Angel told her that Angelus was no longer a threat. That was the last time Buffy ever thought about Angel's soul. No more worries. They could be together, finally. Buffy hadn't once considered Angel's mission, his need for his soul to be redeemed.

Buffy had known why Angel was in LA, she had know about his mission to help the helpless, she had known that he wanted his soul to be redeemed and Buffy hadn't cared. Not even when Cordelia came back and claimed that being in Sunnydale was preventing the vampire's journey to that redemption. Buffy hadn't listened, all she heard was Cordelia saying that Angel had to leave her, but not the why. Buffy claimed to love Angel but was he really her priority? It sure and hell could be argued that his soul wasn't. Which considering that the fact that Angel had a soul was her justification for being able to love a vampire in the first place. that was saying what exactly about her? Angel's soul was only important when it got Buffy what she wanted?

All Buffy had cared about was a long ago fairytale dream from high school. Buffy let out a long sigh, her chin falling on her chest. Cordelia did care, though. Still does, came back from heaven to make sure that Angel's soul would eventually be redeemed. Was it that? Was it because Cordelia cared so much that Angel gave her his heart so completely and if the damn soul could be given, Cordelia probably had that too.

What was the saying.if you love them set them free.. stupid idiotic saying.Buffy liked the expanded version better..set them free, then hunt them down and shoot them. Buffy slumped further into herself. She couldn't even be mad anymore at Cordelia. How can you blame someone for loving Angel too much? Cordelia made him smile probably had made the vampire laugh, too.

'Set them free, uh'. Buffy got up; ignoring the glances shot her way. She stopped before Cordelia and Angel.

"Cordelia, can I talk to you?" Buffy didn't really have any idea what she would say to the other woman, but she needed to do it.

Cordelia blinked looking up, her hand shooting to the vampire urging him still.

"Sure, why not." Cordelia studied the tentative stance of the slayer. Cordelia gave Connor to Angel. Angel looked at his son then to Lorne. "Take Connor."

Cordelia turned back. "Angel, stay, play with your son, listen to Wesley."


"No." Cordelia looked to the blonde slayer. "Outside? I think it's still light enough."

Buffy licked her lips her glance going back to the vampire and Cordelia. "Sure."


"Angel, sit down."

Lorne nudged at Angel. "Angelcakes, I think it will be all right. The little slayer is still whirling but she's also seems to have experience a dose of an extraordinary enema, of the calming nature, odd, painful and eww..but it worked."

Angel just glared and went to the door that Buffy and Cordelia exited.

Chapter 33

"So?" Cordelia stood arms crossed, waiting for whatever Buffy had to say. She wondered if maybe she should've brought her sword. But, staring at the other woman, it didn't look like Cordelia had to worry about her death at least from Buffy, well at least right now.

"So." Buffy fidgeted this was harder than she imagined. She sighed. "I'm sorry."

Cordelia's eyes widened. Not what she expected, that's for sure. "Um, okay." Now Cordelia started to fidget. Cordelia wasn't exactly positive what Buffy was apologizing for.

Buffy gave a quirky smile at Cordy's nervousness and surprise. "What? You thought I was going to beat your ass for stealing my boyfriend?"

Cordelia narrowed her eyes then gave her own quirky smile in return. "It was a thought, but don't be so sure that I would've let you."

Buffy raised her brows, but the smile was still there. "I really do love him, you know," her tone turning almost defensive, the smile suddenly gone.

Cordelia cocked her head and waited to see if Buffy's defensiveness would erupt in renewed anger.

"I do. " Buffy reaffirmed.

Was Buffy asking her a question? Demanding a response from her.
Cordelia sighed. "I know."

"You don't believe it is enough though do you? You think I've just been selfish, worrying more about losing Angel than the fate of the world or his soul, don't you?"

Cordelia stared, stalling her first response, modifying it to avoid and all out battle of words and possibly fist and feet. "Honestly, Buffy, I've had other things to think about than your feelings on the subject. I'm sorry you're hurt, but Angel's soul is my priority, well, the world too. This isn't about you.or me."

Cordelia's words smacked at Buffy more effectively than a fist. The slayer closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "You're right. It isn't about me."

"Are we done?" Cordelia still had no clue what Buffy was hoping to accomplish by this girl chat, but she hoped Buffy's concession signaled a bit of peace ahead.

Buffy lifted her eyes to the brunette. " I do love him and he loves me."

Cordelia started to get annoyed. Were they going to have to dance this mulberry bush again? "Yes, Buffy, Angel loves you, you love him. But, that's not the point. The point is.."

"Once the Drakkus have been taken care of Angel will leave me and go back to LA, to return to his mission...."

"Bingo. Give the slayer the cupwie doll. Now, are we done?"

"..to honor you." Buffy finished.

Cordelia blinked. "No. Buffy, Angel will go to LA, because he needs to for his soul's redemption. That's what he wants that's why he will go."

Buffy gave a soft chuckle. "No. You're the reason he'll go. He loves you, really loves you. You're wrong this is about you. I couldn't accept that and it seems you won't, why not?"

"Why you can't accept it?" Cordelia asked hopefully.

Buffy frowned rolling her eyes. "That one's easy..jealousy and holding on to a thread of a dream that in reality ended years ago. The hard one is why can't you accept that like Angel's your priority, you're his-even dead, you will be."

"What happened in that room? When did you get so calm and nosy about other peoples' issues, especially mine, not that I have any."

"I'm not that self-centered..well, not always." Buffy added at Cordelia's raised brows. "When did you become Saint Cordy?"

"Saint.what? Are you insulting me? Because listen here."

"Oh, the bitch is back."

"The bitch never left, she just.."

"Got buried by sainthood."

"What's with this saint crap? I'm not a saint."

"Right, saving the helpless, suffering vision, martyring your humanity for Angel's mission, giving your life for Connor, saving the world."

"Eww, you make it sound so."


"Listen bitch, you died saving the world- so don't talk to me about any martyr complexes."

Buffy couldn't help but laugh. Cordelia stared at Buffy wondering when the slayer went insane. But as Buffy continued to laugh, Cordelia began to see the ludicrousness of the whole conversation. She started to laugh.

Cordelia rested against the wall, wiping the tears from her face, trying to catch her breath. "I'm SO not a saint, the clerk at Starbucks shook in fear at my pre-caffeine induced-tude."

Buffy leaned next to Cordelia against the wall, gasping at her own loss of breath. "Oh, okay, I don't know- how about Saint Bitch, would that be better?"

Cordelia eyed the blonde then grunted. "I did have a white flowing gown, you know. All very celestial and angelic" She looked down at her rumpled two-day-old comfy clothes. "I wouldn't mind it right now..clean clothes would be nice. Of course, white not a good choice for saving the world. Demon goo and all."

"Yeah." Buffy looked at her dark attire. "That stuff can be hard to get out. I can't even bother to dress up anymore."

"I know." Cordelia slid to the ground, her back still firmly against the wall. "It sucks. I used to have just great clothes." She said wistfully.

"Yeah, you did." Buffy slid down next to the other woman. "Now, you look like a homeless person. What would the Cordettes' say?"

"If I told them to- they all would be wearing dirty baggy comfy sweats..I was THE FASHION LEADER and don't you forget it." Cordelia glared and grinned at the same time.

Cordelia cocked her head again towards Buffy. This was decidedly weird, but Buffy didn't seem to be angry anymore and Cordy did have a question. "What was heaven like?"

The blonde glanced puzzled. "You were..you weren't in heaven?"

"Limbo, glass, clouds, boring.." Cordelia trailed off. "This time around I get to go heaven.I just.will I know that my family is okay?"

Buffy couldn't miss the tremble in Cordelia's voice. Shit. Buffy had used the rationalization that Cordelia was dead, been in heaven and was going back to make her wish, to not look at the young woman as a person, more like a ghost, even when Lorne said Cordelia was alive, Buffy still held on to the belief that Cordy was going back to heaven. But, now looking at Cordelia she didn't see a ghost, but rather a young live woman who knew she was going to die, would have to die again and accepted it- and was scared. Buffy leaned back trying to think of any words that could comfort Cordelia.

"It was nice.really nice. Peace. Like when I was little, when my mom could make everything better by holding me. It was that warm feeling of being loved of being safe..happy."

"Geez, if it's my mom's arms I feel than I'll know I'm in hell." Cordelia gave a choked chuckle.

Buffy closed her eyes, picturing the scene that had so angered her before. This time, though, Buffy could see the beauty of it. "How about Angel and Connor's then?"

Cordelia leaned up, scrunching her face at the blonde. "Wow, what did happen in that room?"

Buffy shook her head. "Let's just say careful for what you wish for.."

"..it may come true?"

"Yeah, something like that." Buffy sighed.

"Buffy, I am sorry. I do wish." She paused at Buffy's look. "I do..I wish that Angel could stay with you and be happy."

"Where did Cordelia Chase go- oh wait Saint Cordy's back."

"No.it's just that you're..alive." Cordelia got up brushing her pants.

Buffy got up with her. "Cordy, just because you were told by the Powers that you were supposed to die again, doesn't mean that you will.."

Cordelia gapped. "Powers, duh."

"Powers, fate, whatever..come on Cordy, this is Hell Mouth. How many times have things NOT gone like they're supposed too."

Cordelia shook her head. "No, Buffy, I can't even think that. I can't have that.."


Cordelia stood refusing to answer.

"Hope isn't a bad thing, Cordy."

"It is when it hurts and it's a waste of time."

Buffy shook her head at the other woman. Cordelia was resigned to dying. Cordelia Chase really had changed and it made Buffy sad. Talk about wasting a wish.

"Buffy," Cordelia paused.

The blonde waited expectantly.

"You have to make sure that Crystal stays a live in what ever happens. Promise. Angel.I can't ask him, he'll just get growly."


"She's going to be Angel's new seer. I'm supposed to transfer the visions before I die, so she CAN'T die. Angel's.."

"Not going to care, if it comes down between the two of you."

"Don't finish my sentences, people will think we like each other."

"No one will believe that." Buffy smiled. "I." Buffy started, stopped, and then took a deep breath, giving Cordelia the only hope she'd accept. "I'll make sure."

"Thank you."

"You're still a bitch." Buffy said over her shoulder walking in the door. She started as Angel growled at her and her statement. "Eavesdrop, much?"

Angel glared. He had tried to- but missed all but the last part.

"Hey, open the damn door " Cordy pounded on the wood, trying to push it open, but it was blocked by the angry vampire facing Buffy.

"It's Angel, I think he's going to kill me." Buffy called through the door.

"Can't it wait until after the apocalypse?" Pushing harder.

"I don't know, he looks pretty mad or stunned maybe, whichever, he's not moving. You want maybe I hit him or something?"

"Damn't Angel, move your fat ass, I can't get in."

Angel was stunned. He looked at Buffy who only moments ago looked like she wanted to kill Cordelia, now she was just smirking at him, while she joked with Cordelia through the door. The door that he was blocking. Shit, obliviously his eavesdropping skills needed some work. Something happened between the two women outside, something that took Buffy's anger away. He jumped as Cordelia yelled again. Damn, Angel wasn't going to have time to figure it out, if he ever could. Cordy was starting to sound mad.


Cordelia shoved, glaring as she pushed past the vampire. "Stupid vampire, I told you to stay on the couch with Connor."


"I.I.stammer much, dork."

Angel trailed behind the brunette. "Cor, I just wanted.."

"I know what you wanted." she shot over her shoulder. "Over protecting, jerk. Like Buffy was going to hurt me. Geez."


"Talk about ego," Buffy said from her position at the door. "What? Did you think I was going to challenge your girlfriend to a duel."

Angel shot a confused look to Buffy back to Cordelia.

"Dork," Cordelia explained to Buffy.

Buffy nodded.

Angel didn't like this Cordy and Buffy were making fun of him. He reached out and grabbed at Cordy. "I don't have a fat ass, do I?"

Buffy cracked up. She couldn't help it. There was just something hilarious about the dark broodying vampire that was supposed to be the love her life turning into a stuttering idiot before her eyes.

Cordelia raised a brow at the serious expression on Angel's face.

Angel looked around again. Everybody was staring at him, some with surprise and some with amusement. Screw 'em. "Cor?"

Cordelia sighed, grabbing at Angel's hand, leading him back to their son. "Of course, you don't," she whispered into his ear.

"Hmmph." Angel grunted, holding her hand tight, settling back beside her on the couch.

Willow went immediately up to Buffy after the amazing show seemed to be over for the moment. "Buffy, are you okay?"

Buffy nodded. "Did you ever think that you would see that," pointing to the couple on the couch. "I can't figure out which is more mind boggling, that Angel is whining about the size of his ass or that he's whining to Cordelia Chase of all people. Things really can get bizzaro around here." Buffy shook her head.


"What? Willow, like I would be in love with a dork, idiot, fat ass, vampire. No, Willow, the mystery and allure of the dark broodying vampire is gone. He's just goofy." Buffy smiled. "Cordy, can have him," still smiling but a deep sadness filled her eyes. "God, I hope she's wrong."


"I don't know how Angel could handle losing her again. Come on, there has got to be a way to save the world, save Cordy, and send them back to LA where they belong."

Willow resisted Buffy's pull, her eyes still questioning.

"No, really Willow, I'm fine, it hurts, but I'll be okay, promise." Buffy headed over to where Crystal was sitting, if she was going to be the demon's personal body guard, she might as well get to know her, leaving Willow staring after her. The red head's expression changed from confusion to speculation.

"What just happened, I thought there would be throw down out there," Xander came up.

"I think Buffy just told Angel goodbye."

"By talking to Cordelia?"


"Women, weird."

Chapter 34

"I would suggest that while the language program is still running, that a group goes back to the cavern to observe if they're are any changes in the vortex. We need to calculate the rate of growth." Wesley glanced at the room.

"Better than sitting around." Gunn put his game down and picked up his axe.


"Fred, it maybe advisable that you stay, in case the program needs to be adjusted."

"Oh, alright." Fred flopped down.

"I'll go."

"Me, too." Xander, Willow and Dawn said.

"NO, Dawn stay." Buffy pointed the teenager back to her chair.

"I can help."

"We're just looking, we don't need help with that." Buffy argued.

"I want to see the voids."

"No, you don't. You're not going that's final."

"Where do you think you're going," Angel growled as Cordelia got up from the couch to follow him to the door.


"You're not going."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am"





Gunn let out a loud whistle. "Yoa, comedy routine old and tired. Cordy, Wes said that we aren't all needed. We're just going to go look."

"I'm here to help."

"We'll call if we need back up, okay."

Cordelia glared back and forth from Gunn and Angel, both had their stubborn, no nonsense look. Pfft. Like either one could order her around.

Xander held up his hands, trying to ease the growing tension. "I've an idea why don't we all go."

"Except for Dawn." Buffy stated firmly.

"Aw, Buffy." The slayer just glared at her younger sister. Dawn flopped down further into the couch. "Sure, make me stay with the baby, I'm not a baby," crossing her arms in a huff.

"Except for Cordy." Angel growled.

"Am too, but Crystal's not."

"Why not? You may need my power." The young demon pouted.

"Because, you're not." Cordy glared.

"And either are you." Angel growled again.

"You may need my glowly power." She shot back.

"That's what I said." Crystal piped in. "And I can control it, you can't."

"You're staying." Cordelia said again.

"Okay, okay, I get it, the whole 'everybody' was a bad idea," Xander walked away shaking his head.

Wesley cleared his throat. "Crystal, until the disc is fully translated, I believe it would be wise for you to remain behind. Your presence and death was needed for the completion of the ritual. It is clear that the process was interrupted, but it is unclear how your close proximity to the vortexes will effect that remaining true. We can not take the change that your presence will accelerate the growth of the voids, not until we know exactly why it was necessary for you to be impregnated and sacrificed, along with the resulting child."

"It wasn't a child. I told you, it had no life or soul. A thing produced by evil for evil, that's all it was -that's why Cordy was able to purge it. Just like our power can purge the Drakkus by destroying it." Crystal said firmly. "Which is why I should go," she said in a lower but just as firm tone.

Cordelia jerked her head up. "You're not." Cordelia paused at the young woman's stubborn glare. Courage was a plus for a seer and Cordelia was grateful that Crystal exhibited it in spades. But the young demon would actually have to become one first and now wasn't the time. There was no way that Cordelia would let her be near any possible danger until it was necessary. "Crystal, you heard Wesley, it's just not a good idea." Cordelia reasoned in a compelling convincing tone.

Wesley rubbed his face thinking more about what Crystal had said. It was possible that he was concentrating his research in the wrong area. There were countless prophecies that required the emergence of a babe either has a second coming or an instrument of darkness as well as rituals that required the sacrifice of an innocent to produce a destructive chaotic force. But, if the child had no life.then there was no need to sacrifice it.unless.what had Crystal said in the cave, that the baby was a vessel. Wesley needed to stay and research his new thought, but he also wanted to judge for himself how quickly the vortexes were growing.

"Fred, please stay with Crystal, see if there is anyway to hurry the program. We need that translation. Willow, I would like for you to stay also, and search for any ritual or spells that require the spilling of blood to open a portal, possibly narrowing it to a combination of different types. Start here," Wesley pointed down to the large book on the table.

The red head sighed. Willow missed the days when she could use her magic to help with the action, but those days pretty much left with her inability to withstand the temptation of abusing her power. Willow nodded to Wesley. Her knowledge for researching was also a strength- one that she could use without fear to help her friends. "Dawn, you can help," calling to the dejected teenager on the couch.

"Sure, babysitting and research duty." Dawn looked at her sister. "That's if you'll even let me do that."

"Dawn." Buffy shook her head at the girl's sarcasm. "We don't even know what we're fighting or looking at, research is the best way for you to help right now."

"Sorry." Dawn sighed.

Buffy smiled, giving her sister a quick hug. "Thanks. Those that are going collect your weapons and lets go," heading for the door

"Cordy," Angel grabbed at the young woman stopping her movement towards the door.




Gunn tried the sharp whistle again but didn't try to reason with Cordy anymore. It was a lost cause. The vampire just wouldn't accept it yet. "The world could be ending now."

"Angel, I'm going that's final." Cordelia glared.

The vampire didn't bother to hide his growl or anger. "You will not leave my side."

"FINE." Cordelia grabbed up her sword.

"Annoying, argumentative, stubborn," Angel growled mumbling to himself.

Cordelia slid up, cocking her brow. "Love you, too."

"I'm still mad.don't." Angel pushed at the arm that slid under his.

"No, duh, BUT YOU Mr. Growly puss told me not to leave your side, but if you 've changed your mind.." Cordelia reasoned with a sweet smile withdrawing her hand.

Angel glared grabbing Cordy's hand, intertwining his fingers tightly in hers. "I mean it."

"Love you, too." She said again, rubbing her thumb against his tense grip.

Angel tried to maintain his glare, but darkness of his eyes couldn't quite hide the love or the tentacles of fear. "Cor, I mean it." This time Angel' s voice was shaking in a low whisper.

"I know, " whispering in return, rubbing her face against the leather of his jacket as they walked, letting the vampire believe that Cordelia would do as he said.

Angel closed his eyes. "I love you." he whispered, knowing that Cordelia wasn't going to let him protect her from dying and knowing that he had to find a way to.

Chapter 35

Gunn, Wesley and Buffy led the way into the cavern, Xander right behind. Angel followed more slowly, his pace and grip keeping Cordelia from moving ahead with the others.

Once in the main room, the group spread cautiously out, with the exception of Angel and Cordelia. The vampire would not release her hand from his side.

"It doesn't look much different than before." Cordelia pulled at Angel. "I think you can let me go now."

Angel ignored her, studying the staticy swirling holes, they looked bigger to him from when he came to search for Cordelia, more than just insects could get sucked through now.

Gunn shook his head. "They're growing."

"Yes, but still at a slow rate." Wesley nodded. He felt reasonably certain that they would be able to translate the disc before the vortex's opened to such an extent to be dangerous. "I see no point for all of us to remain. Possibly, just two should remain to observe..."

"Um, does anybody think that's wrong, true this is my first sighting, but..." Xander pointed to one of the vortexes. The swirling had intensified; the static of the air surrounding generated sparks which burst into small fireballs.

"Shit." Gunn raised his axe as Buffy raised her sword. Angel shoved Cordelia behind as Drakkus appeared from the mini explosions.

"I knew it," Xander tugged up his weapon. "Man, these are some gross demons. Where's their faces?" swinging at the nearest.

Wesley stilled trying to understand. Gunn, Fred hadn't reported seeing any Drakkus when they had previously come to the cave and Angel had said the same after his search for Cordelia. Wesley looked at Cordelia.

Angel had placed his body in front of hers; swing his sword at all approaching demons. The demons fought back viciously trying to pass the vampire. They were ignoring all the others in the cave, fighting only when attacked, otherwise their concentration was on the brunette woman.

Cordelia yelled as a flash energy twirled around her hands forcing her sword to the ground and her hands together. A dark tentacle of pulsating force bound her wrists, forming into black mittens- similar to those that had covered Crystal's hands.

That's when Wesley saw, heard and understood. He would've been pleased except that he had been stupid. "Get Cordy out of here, now. The chanting.they're starting the ritual again, using her, Get her out," rushing and pushing at the Drakkus that were before him.

Cordelia jerked at the force that incapacitated her hands and the energy that was beginning to form around her head. Cordelia winced as the black cloud descended over her eyes, blurring everything, making it impossible to even see the Drakkus much less touch them to use her power all she could see was the influx of imagines flashing through her head. Cordelia grimaced. The vision definitely wasn't timely but it was informative. She struggled, kicking out, yelling. "Angel."

Angel didn't pause in his attacks; his blows became even more vicious. Cordelia's plea and the sight of her being covered by the dark energy spurred on his actions, each deadly blow inching his weapon closer to the demons that threatened Cordy.

"Buffy," Wesley pointed to the demon he was trying to reach through a circle of armed cloaked Drakkus. The demon in the middle was unarmed and chanting, holding up an object similar to the one he and Buffy had rescued previously.

The slayer changed her direction from Cordelia to where Wesley indicated, trusting his urgings, running and flipping into the protecting demons, her sword striking as she moved, beheading the chanting demon as she landed.

Angel growled as the hands and weapon were sliced from the demon that was controlling the bindings on Cordelia.

"Gunn," yelling and grabbing at Cordelia's slumped form and throwing her towards the young man.

As soon as Angel heard Gunn's successful grunt at the catch, the vampire immediately resumed his fighting.

"Xan," Gunn called carrying Cordy to the exit. Xander executed a sharp turn, pressing and slicing a path for retreat with his borrowed axe.

"Buffy," Wesley ducked a blow. "Don't worry about retrieving the disc. Just everyone leave." Wesley backed up, still fighting.

"Leave?" Buffy swirled, her blade high at the group of Drakkus surrounding her.

"Yes. Angel." Wesley ordered.

"What?" Angel looked up from the broken body of a demon.

"They're not replacing themselves. In fact." Wesley pointed. Suddenly, the standing Drakkus and the fallen bodies of others disappeared into a swirl of dark mist, fleeing back to the black voids from which they emerged.

Chapter 36

"What happened? What do you know about this?" Angel growled grabbing at Wesley.

Cordelia ran up to the vampire. "This isn't Wesley's fault."

"He knows something. You could've been.." Angel growled again, unable to complete his sentence.


"Cordelia, it's okay. I should've realized sooner that your presence could act the same as Crystal's. Angel has every right to be mad, my failure could've triggered what we're trying to fight."

"Wes." Cordelia rolled her eyes. "How would you know that?" Cordelia only just found out and she had help.

"I should've realized," Wesley repeating, his tone self-rebuking. "You're both Glisterains. I need to check with Willow and Fred. Angel?" Wesley looked at the hand that still held his arm in vice grip.

"This time find out how to stop it before anyone has to die," the growl of the vampire coated the air.

Wesley nodded and entered into the Magic Shoppe.


Wesley read the passages that Willow had marked for him, rubbing his face in concentration. He had been wrong about almost everything, but everything would be okay now that he figured it out. "Fred?" glancing at the young woman behind the laptop.

"Almost." Fred said encouragingly.

"So, now will you explain what the hell happened."? Gunn said from his position on the counter he reclaimed.

"There are rituals which require the spilling of specific blood types and sacrifices for the opening of portals to other dimensions. For example..."

"Glory," Buffy interrupted. "She needed Dawn because she was the key."

Wesley took off his glasses. "Correct. In this case, it is obvious that the Drakkus need a combination of Glisterian, human and their own to open the dimension. The impregnation by both human and Drakkus of Crystal was the attempt to create a vessel that contained all three. The death of Crystal would've been a by-product of that acquisition and using of that receptacle. Cordelia's presence gave them two out of the three necessary ingredients for them to start the ritual again. She's part Glisterian and human."

"Oh, that's just great. Figures," Cordelia grumbled on the couch. "What? Do I have a big fat neon sign stamped on me- 'place your unwanted demon spawn here'? It's so not happening again, twice was enough." Cordelia shook her head.

"It won't." Angel clasped Cordelia closer to his side.

"It can't." Wesley agreed. "Neither Crystal nor Cordelia should return to the cave. It was only when they were there that the Drakkus came through the void. The vortexes are growing, it may be possible for them to enter when the holes get bigger, but the rate of the growth gives us time to find out how to close it completely."

"Wesley," Fred interrupted tugging on his arm. "It's done."

"Good," adjusting his glasses and pulling the laptop screen towards him. "This may take awhile, I suggest that everyone get some rest." Wesley studied the screen and the copy of the disc's inscription, comparing and translating each word and nuance.

"Rest? Now? Too wired with the concept of dying or saving the world. How about some food?" Xander looked around. "Pizza?"

"Sounds good, man." Gunn grunted.

Chapter 37

"That's just gross." Xander said eying the red thick liquid in the glass container of the coffee maker.

"Then don't look," Cordelia said.

"How are we supposed to have coffee in that ever again?"

"Soap and water."

"Why can't he just drink it cold?"

"Because it's better warm. Why isn't there a microwave here?"

"Because it's a store not a kitchen."

"Hmmph," Cordelia poured a cup of blood in a mug. "Angel needs to eat, too."

"That's the type of eating that should be done in the privacy of a coffin."

Cordelia eyed the cheese dripping from Xander's face. "So should your type, pizza face" shoving a napkin at the young man.


Buffy nibbled on her slice of pizza watching Xander and Cordelia's exchange. Her eyes followed the dark haired young woman as Cordy gave Angel the mug of blood. Buffy sighed. She never would've thought about warming the blood in the coffee maker, hell she wasn't even sure she would've thought about fixing Angel's blood in the first place.

The soft smile on both Cordy and the vampire's faces produced a twinge of pain in Buffy's gut. Acceptance didn't make the hurt go away. Buffy hoped that day came soon because it really did hurt. She had to focus on that Cordelia did love Angel and made him happy. The pain traveled from her belly to her heart. For how long would he be happy? She needed to go to Angel, tell him that she would be there for him.

Buffy closed her eyes resisting the urge. She couldn't not yet, it was too soon. Angel wouldn't believe that she was just offering only her friendship. Buffy sighed. Honestly, she couldn't even be sure that 'friendship' would be all she was offering. Part of her still wanted to deny the evidence before her and believe that she was the one Angel truly loved and that they would have a future some day.

Buffy looked up at Cordelia. But before that could happen, Cordy would have to die again. A soft accepting chuckle emerged from the blonde woman's throat, Cordy's death hadn't guaranteed anything- in Buffy's wish Angel was still going to leave her. Whatever. It didn't matter. Screw the Powers and whatever they have planned for the other woman. Buffy wasn't going to let Cordelia die. Cordy would live and the world would be saved, hell, Buffy was the slayer that had to count for something in this whole mess. Then Angel could be happy.

Chapter 38

Angel followed Cordelia as she took his mug and the coffee pot to the bathroom.

"It was making Xander squeamish, girly boy," swirling the remaining drop of blood against the glass.

Angel said nothing, plucking the pot from her grasp.

"Angel," Cordy's brows raised towards the door the vampire shut behind him.

Angel took a slow step closer, his gaze intent on the young woman before him. Angel had been waiting for what seemed to be forever for the opportunity to be alone with Cordelia.

The fight in the cave had frightened him. Angel could count the times that he had been truly scared on his one hand, and all were because of the woman before him or his son. She did that to him even before Connor was born. Her pain and death scared him; it still scared him, and scared him more than it scared Cordelia. Angel had asked the Conduits during Cordy's death coma what did that mean- had Angel just wanted it confirmed? Had he truly not known that his need and fear for Cordelia equated a love stronger than life itself or had that just scared him too? It seemed impossible now, him not knowing. Cordelia was a part of him. It was as if she always had been.

Angel needed the confirmation of her skin against his, proof that she was there before him within his reach. His to touch, feel and love.

"Angel," Cordy murmured against his lips. "It's the only bathroom. Not the best place." Cordelia said the words as her arms drew the vampire closer, her mind trying to ignore the last vision, her body burying itself in the comfort and pleasure of Angel's embrace.

"I need you." Angel's breath whispered against skin.

Cordelia wouldn't cry, she would just love and give herself this time and memory. Wesley would figure it out soon enough and if he didn't she could always tell but until then she would just love Angel. She had some time left.

Cordelia's arms cradled the vampire's face, trailing up to his hair, intertwining her fingers in the thickness, her lips responding as her tongue merged with Angel's.


Fred shrugged squinting towards Gunn. "I don't wanta," shaking her head in a furious motion.

"Girl, Wesley said to get them. " Gunn nodded to the door.

"But." Fred glanced up. "Remember how grumpy they got when their sparing was interrupted.this is way more," her head shaking back and forth, refusing to budge any closer to the bathroom.

"Girl, you don't know that.okay, I can't think of any other reason why the vamp disappeared in the bathroom with the dead alive again woman that he's been hot for.for how many years? But, Fred, the world's ending and how to stop it is kinda big news."

"Then you knock." Fred crossed her arms.

"Aw, woman."

Gunn jumped as the door flew open.

"What?!" The word was barely audible through the vampire's growl and glare.

"Aw, Wes, got it.the words done. Thought you would want to know." Gunn shrugged, looking at his feet and then in the room Angel and Cordelia just exited. "And gotta shake the snake and this is the only place I can, dawg, man, you got a hotel room, use it," pushing into the room and closing the door.

"Fred, he's an idiot," Cordelia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but I love 'em," she shrugged and then smiled. "Wes figured it out. It's pretty easy.well.not comfortable a little painful.but no dying. " Fred turned and hugged Cordelia. "You don't have to die at all."

Angel's scowl disappeared at the interruption. "Fred?"

Fred happily nodded. "Come on, Wesley will explain," pulling at both the vampire and young woman taking them towards Wesley.

Cordelia let Fred drag her away from her safe haven. Angel wouldn't go back now even if she begged him. Cordelia bit down her sigh. Angel wanted to believe and somehow Wesley found a way. Cordelia couldn't believe that she overestimated Wesley's research and thinking know how, the guy was a brain. But Cordelia went willingly from her own piece of heaven to see how her friends were going to deny the hell of her death.

In a way, Cordelia was very grateful for all this. It truly showed her that she had been really loved- and not just by Angel. It wasn't necessarily an easy concept for Cordelia to accept, but it was right in front of her. God, it was going to be even harder to leave.

"Good, good, everyone is here. The disc has been translated. I know now how to close the portal." Wesley looked very pleased and he was. It was easy and Cordy didn't have to die.

"The floor's yours o' brainy one," Cordelia brought up her teasing smile. She would wait and see before she said anything.

"Yes, yes, well," Wesley cleared his throat continuing, "The ritual that will close the Portal to Drakkus calls for the blood of Cordelia." He smiled and bobbed on his heels.

Fred, Gunn and the rest of the room shot looks of disbelief at the ex-watcher and then gulped towards Angel and Cordelia. They had already heard the more comprehensive version and it was definitely something that should be told unabridged and unedited. The short version sucked and was potentially dangerous as Angel growled louder.

Gunn moved in front of the very angry again vampire.

Fred swirled back to Cordy. "There's more, it's better..Wesley, hurry up explain all of it.Geez, " swirling back to Wesley.

Wesley widened his eyes. "Oh. Not Cordy's death, her blood, sorry that came out all wrong."

"No, shit." Gunn glared. "Angel, chill, English was a little over anxious and left out the important part- like no dying for the princess."

"Right. Right. " Wesley nodded encouragingly at the vampire and young woman. "Sorry. Cordy doesn't have to die; we just need to have some of her blood to do the closing ritual. Not a lot. A cup or so. Not fatal, not all."

"Why?" Angel half growled, he wasn't at all sure that he should be relieved at the ex-watcher's clarification.

"I would also like to hear the reasoning behind this particular bloody..albeit not fatal blood drawing," Cordelia cocked a brow.

"No, really Cordy, these spells only call for a little."

"A baby's worth?" Her brow raised even more.

"The baby was the vessel, the amount just because, but it was the combination of human, Glisterian and Drakkus which was important. Just like it's the combination of only human and Glisterian to close the portal. " Wesley tugged at his glasses. "Cordy, it has to be you. The power and spell needed for impregnation is dark in nature, it's too risky to try to impregnate Crystal with a human child."

Cordy blinked, "Thank god you figured that out at least," shaking her head.

"Cordy?" Angel questioned her tone.

"Nothing. Go on, Wesley stun us with your brillant deductions."

"That's it. We go to the Portal, do the recitation, spill.only a little bit of Cordy's blood and it closes. Oh.well.and Buffy has to do the spell and the drawing of blood."

"Eek" "Huh" "What?!", that last exclamation was shouted by Angel and Buffy together. Cordelia remained quiet.

"Yes, to open the Portal to our dimension the human dimension, the Drakkus required a human that was born on the place of opening...the hell mouth.though, we don't know for sure, I imagine that the young man in the cave was born in Sunnydale. Well, if that's true it's another reason that it has to be Cordy..she was born here. "

"I knew there had to be a reason that mom and dad choice this quaint little one stoplight hell pit to raise an only privileged but screwed-up kid," Cordy grimaced. Stupid, ex-watcher, supposed intellectual research extraordinaire with a so-so wardrobe. Cordelia couldn't tell if Wesley was being blind on purpose or out of a desire to avoid, or just plain dumb.

"That doesn't explain, me." Buffy asked.

"Well, for the Portal to close the inscription calls for the 'Protector' of the place of entry to spill the blood in defense of the home. You're the slayer..the protector of the Hellmouth if not more."

"NO." Angel growled.

Buffy winced. God, Angel didn't trust her. That pain was worse than any she had ever experienced during any of this. Buffy clenched her jaw. Their love wouldn't disappear into nothing. Their love had had trust..okay, maybe it wasn't enough..but he had to believe that she could do this. God, how bad had she been that he would question her.

"Angel, the inscription doesn't call for a death, just the blood with Buffy doing it, Cordelia will be safe."

Buffy had no indecision, doubts or pain at the moment of Wesley's assurance, just love for the vampire and determination. She walked over slowly to the tense vampire. She would convince him, because she meant it.

"Angel, I swear, I will not let anything bad happen to her, I swear. On the love that we ONCE shared and the friendship that I hope for, I swear," tears of absolute truth welled in the slayer's bright blue eyes. "I won't let anything take Cordy away from you and Connor. I won't."

Angel stared at the young woman, slowly he nodded, reaching for the trust that had always been there for his first love, but had been buried over the couple of days.

Cordelia stood silent watching. Wesley so pleased. Angel starting to trust and believe, Fred and Gunn were already there, even Willow, Xander and Dawn saw it as the way to go. And there was Buffy, the champion that would strike the fatal blow and she was so sure and determined that she wouldn't that she would be Cordelia's protector. Cordelia couldn't burst their bubble, she wouldn't and she didn't have to.

"So, the blood donation, does it have to happen now or can I get some sleep."

Wesley's lids blinked through the lens of his glasses. "I.we have time, the rate of growth is slow."

"Good, I saw a cot in the training room, anyone mind?" Cordelia gestured.

"Um, no." "Of course not." "Go." "Have a nice rest."

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?"

Cordelia smiled at the vampire. "No, too far away, more rest here, rest now. Oh, tomorrow, Crystal will be there."

"Um, Cordy, I don't think that's wise. The Drakkus will appear with your presence. We can protect you until the ritual is done, but Crystal's presence may change that dynamic."

"We'll need her. Just make sure she's protected." Cordelia shut the door behind her.

Angel shot a look to Wesley. "You're sure."


Angel turned to look at Crystal. "Why do we need her?"


"You said it wasn't wise, why would Cordy say we need her. Why?"

Buffy felt a twinge of unease at Angel's question remembering her promise to Cordelia. No. It wasn't going to happen. Buffy would be there. Wesley said they only needed a little bit of blood, she would make sure that both Cordelia and Crystal lived beyond tomorrow. She was the slayer. Buffy could control this.

"Because, Cordy needs to be protected and I've got my power, that's why." Crystal stood up, showing more courage against the tense vampire that she ever showed before more in fact that she even knew she had.

Angel growled and went to follow Cordelia.

Chapter 39

Cordelia cringed. She wished the vampire had given her just a few more minutes. She took a deep breath and concentrated back on Chapter 3 and 4 of the handbook that Skip had given her. Lorne was right blocking a being's soul and emotional reactions to events was a nifty gift, if she could do it and maintain it. Cordelia smiled as the vampire knelt down by the cot.


Cordelia raised her eyes. "Geez, Angel, I just heard I'm going to be bled.by Buffy of all people and still get to live.I think I can be a little overwhelmed, don't you?"

Angel cupped her face. "Cordy, you've a right to be mad at Buffy, I was..but..I..she won't hurt you.she won't let you die.she promised."

Cordelia wanted to laugh. Angel and the women who loved him and kept promising him things that they just couldn't keep. God, she wanted him. "I believe that Buffy will do what she can," Cordelia trailed a soft caress up the strong plains of Angel's face, questioning.


Cordelia shrugged, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm not sure that I've told you how much I love you. You know, though, right?" blinking, "Please, know. A bit slow on the whole uptake thing, but you've been my life for so long, by reason, my love, please know it. Please, tell me you felt it."

"God, yes." Angel buried his head onto her chest, hearing the life beat pounding through the skin. Angel almost felt joy. He knew he wouldn't be able to feel it completely until his family was safe back in LA where they belonged. Then Angel didn't even want to think about what the 'Curse' would do to him and Cordelia, but right now, he knew that it was okay, and Cordelia untouchable by a gypsy curse was so much better than by death. Angel would just hold on and hope for the day that he could really be free to live and love the amazing woman beneath him, it was getting closer he could feel it.

Angel felt something..a twinge that he wanted to ignore but it was the twinge that kept Angelus at bay.. questions, fears, thoughts and knowledge. Angel circled the compliant woman into a tighter embrace; his gentle thrust becoming harder and more demanding. This was his.

Cordelia danced with each push, her hips capturing every movement of Angel' s. God she wanted to stay like this. Every movement every touch singed Angel's love into her body. She moved quicker more frantically, knowing that this was the last pleasure that the Powers would give her.

Idiots. Like this was enough. How could heaven compare. This was her happiness being held being safe. Cordelia buried her head into the vampire 's chest as he growled and she gasped their pleasure at that moment.

Angel moved crawling up her body touching as much skin as he could, finally satisfied that he had touched every inch of the young woman, he asked the question that wouldn't go away.

"Crystal? Why do you want her there in the cave? You've been ."

Cordelia place a gentle hand over the vampire's mouth and proceeded to lie one more time to the vampire. "I'm bait girl, again, she's got the glowly power. She knows how to use it. I just want to make sure that Wesley's outcome is right. I want her right next to me. But, Angel, do me a favor, it seems that I'll be a bit preoccupied.. Crystal's young, keep her safe.okay, for me, okay," lowering her lips onto the vampire's, her hands reaching back around the firm musceles tugging his body back over her's, moving her hips again, starting the dance again.

Angel wanted to ask more, know more but..know or not know, Cordelia was beneath him, she was his and he would not waste any more time.

Chapter 40

Cordelia didn’t want to wake up, she didn’t. She closed her eyes tighter burrowing further into Angel’s body. The vampire moved instinctively pulling and fastening the warm body tightly against his. He refused to get up, he wouldn’t. Angel would stay like this until the end of time. Screw everything else.

But reality had a way of intruding on a dream. Connor’s cry echoed throughout the room, as did the bickering between Gunn and Xander over the chocolate doughnuts and their yell when they both realized that Fred had already eaten them.

“Angel,” Cordy whispered, her breath tickling his chest with its warmth. “I don’t want to wake up, make it last a little bit longer. Lorne has formula for Connor, right?”

“Yes,” strong hands traveled gently along delicate flesh, lips nudged against skin. “Mine, always,” Angel lifted his head capturing Cordelia’s smile, their tongues starting to move and taste.

Cordelia leaned into the thin mattress, the feel of the light straps underneath straining at their increased movement. How was it that a simple kiss, two lips, two tongues meeting could be so different each time but so amazingly wonderful all the time? It made each touching new and wonderful.

Angel could really kiss. Cordelia sighed as her body shivered as his hands moved down to her hips, clutching and guiding, bringing them together in pleasure then lifting to tease and then back together in pleasure.

Cordelia felt like she should help, but Angel was doing so extremely well moving and manipulating her body against his. His lips and hands stroked and caressed. She just hoped that he was getting at least half the pleasure that he was giving her. Cordelia wouldn’t have minded at all if this were how she was supposed to die. But it wasn’t, her hands started to move insistently touching and capturing as much of the vampire as she could. This would have to last her an eternity. Tears uncontrolled started to fall as she pulled him closer. Cordelia wanted him, safe, strong and over her, his weight holding her, real and loving, she could be in his arms until death and she would be happy.

“Cordy,” Angel cupped the moist face at Cordelia’s whimper. It wasn’t one of pleasure not anymore but one of heart wrenching sadness. Angel heard and felt it.

Cordelia kissed, bit and rubbed, hiding in his chest then looked up a smile back on her face. “Yes.” Her eyes sparkled with love and happiness and nothing more, the tears gone.

“You? What?” Angel didn’t want to leave the encasement of her body’s warmth, but Cordelia had been crying, real tears with real sorrow. Angel had to know why.

“Still a little overwhelmed,” lifting her hand tighter around the vampire’s naked back. “Gee, me over Buffy, who’d of thought, I figured all those really loud voices refraining over and over again screaming ‘Buffy and Angel forever’ would have nicked this love fest in the bud.”

“Cordy,” Angel lifted further up from her body but not withdrawing. “You know….”

“Sure, I know.” Cordelia laughed. “You’re not mad at her anymore are you? You shouldn’t be, she loves you and honestly, Angel, she has more of a reason to be mad than you, you used her and she knows it. Bad move- a man move.”

“Cordy,” Angel questioned the young woman’s attitude and the truth of her soft laughing words annoyed him, it was distracting him from the body beneath him, he didn’t want to talk or feel guilt. He started to move away.

“Sorry,” Cordelia wrapped her hand into Angel’s hair bringing the vampire’s scowling face closer. “Don’t be mad and don’t leave me, please,” her tone changing instantly to want.

Angel stared, the laugher gone leaving only an aching plea of need, one that he knew was reflected in his own eyes. Anger could never take that away. His need for Cordelia was as constant as his love. "Then don't talk," Angel’s voice rough, his thumb brushing at the beautiful offending mouth.

"Kiss, then," refusing to give up the last word, but conceding the point.

A slow smile drew Angel's terse lips upwards as his head leaned in reclaiming the beautiful mouth ending any more conversation.

Chapter 41

Cordelia sat up grabbing her sweats off the floor. She absent-mindly pulled the pants on, her concentration on the vampire getting dressed in front of her. Cordelia sighed. Angel really was beautiful.

“What?” Angel glanced up tugging down his shirt wishing that they hadn’t gotten up at all. But as wonderful as being with Cordelia was on that small bed, he was anxious to take her and Connor home. The sooner the ritual was done the sooner they could go. Now that they had a plan a solution, Angel felt more secure in the outcome. Cordelia would live. She had to. Angel frowned waiting for Cordelia to answer him.

He’d be even more secure, if Cordelia showed affirmatively that she believed it. Cordelia seemed to accept it, but she had cried her soft tears, it had only been for a second, but the moisture had scorched his skin. “What? What are you thinking? Cordy, it will…”

“ Be okay?” The young woman smiled. “That’s my line. And that wasn’t what I was thinking, smarty pants.”


“I was thinking how beautiful you are.” Cordelia sighed again. “Really, really beautiful,” sighing again, standing in front of the vampire, her hands placed lightly over his chest.

Angel squirmed at her intense admiration, taking in a gulp of air, feeling a long forgotten need to blush. Okay, sure, in Angel’s almost two hundred and fifty years - women, a lot of them, had been attracted to him, hell, Angelus had used the vampire’s looks mercilessly to charm, tempt then kill. But, there was something about the way Cordelia was looking at him that made him feel like the stuttering youth that he had once been before – before he realized the power of his looks could have over the female populace or knew how the charm of the demon with the face of an angel could devastate a being at his choice or accepted that neither did nothing to cure or alleviate the guilt of his soul.

It was a power that Angel knew he had and used when necessary but mainly he forgot. Until Cordelia, because with her - his looks had no power,expect briefly so long ago before she even knew what he was, once she knew then, his looks meant nothing to the young high school student, Angel hadn't cared then but he knew. And the charm that he spent centuries honing to a sharp pleasuring deadly skill, also meant nothing, since that charm was pretty much non-working when Cordelia was in his presence. Cordelia stripped him of all that- especially over that last year when Angel so desperately wanted Cordy to look at him like an attractive man.

Angel smiled wanting to suddenly break out in song or at least hum or whistle some happy ditty. Cordelia was looking at him like that, even more. She thought he was beautiful. God, he dreamt of her gazing at him with love, desire…adoration, even. And here she was doing it. Angel was one happy vampire. His dreams were coming true, Cordelia was here, she loved him, she made love with him….the rest had to come true.

“You’re blushing, my handsome heroic dork vampire is blushing,” Cordelia giggled. “I know you’ve been told that you were beautiful before.”

“No, not when it meant so much, not from you.” Angel tentatively traced Cordy's profile with a tender touch. “You are the beautiful, amazing one.”

Cordelia smiled very pleased. “Ah, now I know you love me, I look horrible, all dirty bed hair and baggie cloths.”

“I like MY baggie cloths on you.” Angel dropped a quick possessive kiss on her lips.

“Yours?” Raising a brow.

“Mine,” Angel said firmly, reaching again for her lips, not at all talking about the clothes that she had stolen along with his heart so long ago.

“We’re never going to leave here,” murmuring, moving in closer into the vampire’s embrace.

Angel pulled back up. “Yes. The quicker we do the ritual, the quicker this will all be over.” Turning to the door.

Cordelia stood, blinking at the back of the vampire, tears threatened to fall in torrents as her heart lurched breaking in half. She didn’t want it all to be over, because then it would really be over.

“Cordy,” Angel glanced back at Cordelia’s hesitation.

“Oh, sure, you're not the one that Buffy gets use as a pin cushion,” raising her brows in sarcasm, her pain once again hidden. Cordelia moved past the vampire to leave the room.

Angel pulled her back by the arm. “Buffy won’t…”

“Kidding, Angel, kidding…beautiful but still need to work on the sense of humor thing, Pfft.”

“I have a sense of humor, I can laugh. I do. Sometimes. Not often. Not recently. But, you’re back, you make me laugh.” Angel nodded trying to convince the young woman.

“That’s because I’m funny.”

“Would that be in the ‘ha ha’ way or the ‘ew- strange’ way, because I’m thinking….”

Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the vampire then broke out in a big smile. “That was almost funny, predictable, but unpredictable in that it sprang from your un-dead funny bone. That was good. Come on lets go see Connor, then save the world.”

Chapter 42

“All right, does every one know what they’re to do.”

Wesley was standing before the occupants of the room going over the plan again. “Cordy. Cordelia,” trying to get the young woman’s attention.

Cordelia glared up from the smiling chattering boy in her lap. “What?”

“Have you even been listening, this is important?”

“What Connor was saying was more important and a damn sight more insightful. I think he gave the solution to the whole peace in the Middle East question. He’s so smart.” She buried her head back into the child’s laughing arms.

“Cordelia, you have to know…..”

“Wesley, I got it. I stand there while Buffy does the spell cutting my wrist, while the rest of you protect us. Crystal will zap and purge any Drakkus that gets to close to me and Buffy. Not real difficult, in fact I got the easy part. I don’t have to listen to you to know how to stand still and let other’s save me, been trained way to many time in that scenario.”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “Now, Buffy….” Wesley looked around. “Where’s Buffy? Has she not been here, she needs to know what….”

“Ermeh,” Willow cleared her throat. “Buffy said she got it after the third time you told her, she wanted to go get something. She thought it would help.”

“Smart, girl, she left.” Cordelia rolled her eyes.

“Cordy, we…..”

“Damn’t Slayer stop pushing,” a smoking blanket came tumbling in through the front door.

“You’re about to go up in flames, idiot.”

“Didn’t think you cared.” Spike flung off the blanket, glaring at the blonde then at the others in the room.

“Spike, I thought we got rid of him.” Xander jumped up. “Why’s he here?”

“Good question, moron. I don’t want to be. Bleedin’ bitch woke me up and threatened to spread my ashes to the high winds if I didn’t come. Bugger, it was almost like old times. Which I fuckin don’t want.”

“Tough. You’re helping.” Buffy glared back then turning to the rest. “I just figured that if I’m doing the spell with Cordy. Spike could be useful in helping to protect her and well us,” looking at Cordelia than at Crystal, shrugging apologetically. “Another vampire couldn’t hurt.” Buffy hadn’t been able to think of any other way to keep her promises to both Angel and Cordelia. This way she could concentrate on the spell and Cordy- and Spike could make sure Crystal stayed alive.

“I ain’t helping.” Spike glared than stopped. “Hey, when did the cheerleader come back? Looking good, chit for a dead person.”

“A couple of days ago and thanks,” Cordelia said over Angel’s growl, placing a hand up to the vampire’s chest. “It’s a good idea, Buffy.” It looked like the Powers were giving Buffy the vampire she was supposed to be with after all. Good, Cordelia had forgotten all about trying to get Spike involved in the whole saving the world thing.

The blonde vampire studied Cordelia and his grandsire standing so close together.

He swung around to Buffy. “I told you, but you wouldn’t believe me. I told you, Peaches was in love with the cheerleader, dead or not. “

Buffy winced. Spike had told her over and over again, until she told if he came to her one more time spouting that junk she would really stake him.

“Shit, dumped you as soon as she came back, didn’t he or didn’t you know they’ve been shagging like damn bunnies. Didn’t even give you a second thought, did he? “

“Spike, shut up.” Cordelia stepped forward jerking the blond vampire away from the gulping, tearing slayer. “Leave her alone. Help or don’t but leave Buffy alone. Stop hurting her.”

“Oh, hurt her? Me? What about you and Peaches acting like rutting teenagers, right in front of her?”

Before Angel even had a chance to move or Cordelia to yell, Buffy swung hitting Spike square in the jaw, throwing Spike across the room. “Don’t mock what you don’t understand, got me. Angel and Cordy haven’t done anything wrong, they just love each other, and there is nothing WRONG with that. Cordy's Connor’s mother, they’re a family, it’s beautiful, so don’t pick at it with your bitterness. I was the one that was wrong and if you don’t shut up, I will stake you.”

“Oh, wow.”

“What girl,” Gunn whispered back to Fred.

“I didn’t know that she was that strong and wow, she just like defended Angel and Cordy from that annoying vampire, I think I could like her after all. Though, he is cute.”

“Uh,” Gunn stared, trying to understand the last part of Fred’s comment, looking back at the vampire pulling him self up the wall.

Cordelia stopped herself from going to Buffy. Angel was already there. She sighed. Angel needed to do this, he wouldn’t be happy without fixing things with the slayer himself. She turned her attention to the blonde vampire.


“Buffy.” Angel started gently.

“Angel, it’s okay.”

“Yeah, everyone wants it to be, don’t they? If we all say it enough, do you think it will happen?”

“Angel, I won’t let anything happen to Cordy.”

“I believe you. Buffy, I’m sorry that I hurt you. I do love you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t…”

Buffy held up her hand. “Don’t, Angel, don’t say what you don’t mean. You aren’t sorry that you love Cordy, you aren’t sorry she’s here, you weren’t sorry that you were going to leave me anyway.”

Angel raised a puzzled brow at the change in tenses. “I do love you, Buffy.”

“Not enough, not the same. I know that and you know that. And you know what, it really is okay. Sure, it hurts some. But I have your love.” Buffy shrugged. “Though, Cordy has so much more, doesn’t she, she has it all.”

“I…” Angel stopped. Buffy wanted the truth, expected it. “Yes.”

Buffy shrugged again. “I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine AND Cordy will be fine. Maybe, we could be friends, though, all of us. I’m not sure we ever were.” Buffy scrunched up her brow.

“I would like that.”

Buffy finally really smiled.


Cordy held out a hand to the blond vampire. “Hurry up, get up. ”

“What’s your rush?”

“What’s with your attitude? You were helping the Scoobies before I died.”

“She had her vampire hero, broody fucker, this model not needed.”

“You’re jealous.” Cordelia said in realization.

“Death make you smart or just loony?”

“Spike, one way or another, Angel is leaving for LA when this is over. Buffy will need your help again.”

“Right, Peaches’ sloppy seconds. No fuckin way.”

“I wasn’t suggesting that you sleep with her.” Cordelia shrugged. “Just help her. Geez. She loved him before you anyway. Nothing changed about that.”

“She chose him over me.”

“Did she even know that you were a viable choice? With your mouth, I could see her hesitation.”

Spike studied Cordelia again. “When did you become a demon?”

“Before I became dead. Look, Spike are you going to help us or not.”

“Fuck it. I was never a big fan of Armageddon- no fun afterwards. Sure.”

“Good. Your job is to make sure that,” she tugged and pointed to Crystal. “She stays alive no matter what. Got it.”

“Tasty for a gold one, but who is she and why?”

“Just do it. Okay.”

Spike looked again at Cordelia. “What’s really going on here?”

“We’re saving the world.”

“Right,” Spike shook his head and followed the dark-haired woman back into the main room.

Chapter 43

“Buffy,” Dawn ran up to the slayer.

“Dawn, I know you want to go, but you need to stay with Connor. Honey, it’s not a matter of not trusting you; it’s just that you’re not that experienced and this is not the time for you learn. This won’t be like patrolling the cemetery. Okay,”

Dawn wanted to argue but she did understand. It was just that she didn’t want to be left alone worrying about her sister and friends.

“I understand that, too.” Buffy said softly. “But, we’ll be fine, you just make sure that Lorne and Connor are, okay?”

Dawn slowly nodded. “But when you get back, next patrol I get to go, right?”


Dawn shrugged.

Buffy hugged her younger sister. “Fine.”


“So, you up for another apocalypse?” Xander looked at Willow.

“Yeah, at least this time I won’t be the one causing it, that’s a bonus.”


“I’m fine, Xander, ready to go kick some Drakkus booty, in the non magical sense of the physical hardy stuff.” Willow stumbled then regaining her footing bringing the heavy sword crashing to the floor. “Is there a lighter one?”


Lorne’s melodic words melted into gentle hums to Connor. “Don’t worry, baby child. Didn’t daddycakes and mommy just promise that every thing would be okay? They sure did. Now, honey child, daddy and company will save the world and Powers willing….god, let them be willing, mommy will be back, to snuggle and serenade you with bad songs.” The green demon placed a gentle kiss on the little boy’s brow.


“So, English, gotta be happy to be back,” Gunn leaned on the counter. “Can’t tell me you had any weird ass demon world saving gigs in the last year.”

Wesley pushed up his glasses. “I’m glad to be back, weird ass demon world saving gigs aside.”

“Me, too.” Fred hugged the ex-watcher, squealing. “We’re all together again, this is so…so…” Fred scrunched up her brow.

“Wow.” Wesley cocked his head at Gunn. “She’s speechless.”

“Am not,” Fred squinted up at Wesley. “This is just great.”

“Yes, Fred, I would have to agree,” Wesley glanced fondly at the young woman his gaze then going to Gunn.

“Thank you for trying, both of you and sorry I couldn’t…”

“Don’t hassle it man, it was tough for all, but hey, the team is back and in action,” Gunn raised his hand in the air.

Wesley paused then smiled proceeding to smack, shake and grin all during the intricate handshake.


Cordy smiled. Her family had found their way back to each other. Things would be okay and maybe even good. She had to be happy for them.


The young woman’s smile got brighter as the strong arms encircled her waist and the lips nuzzled at her neck.

She waited a brief moment and turned in the arms to face Angel. “I love you.”

“I love you. We’ll be fine. This will work. I believe it. I know it.”

Cordelia caressed Angel’s strong jaw. “I love you with all my heart and soul, forever.” She said smiling, refusing her last words to Angel be another lie.

“Whew. I didn’t want to be the only one.” Angel smirked.

Cordy cocked a brow. “More with the funnies. The world is ending.”


“Ready, darkness as descended, vampire heroes are safe,” Buffy called leading the way. Willow and Xander close behind weapons in hand. Spike taking up the rear, close but not quite a part of the group. Buffy waited. The vampire reached her side and then she moved forward at a quick pace.

Angel and Cordelia moved up to Wesley, Gunn and Fred. “Anybody up for saving the world today?” The vampire asked.

“Sure why not,” Gunn grabbed his axe hosting it up on his shoulders.

Wesley swung his sword, “I say, it has been awhile.” Wesley looked straight at Angel. “And NO ONE will die.”

Angel nodded, finally really accepting Wesley’s presence back. “It’s not a party without you, Wes.”

“Right, no one to dance like a wooden dyslexic puppet.” Cordy smirked.

“Really, Cordy.” Wesley smiled.

“I’ve got a sword.” Fred swung her weapon wildly in the air.

“Girl, watch the arches.”

“Pooh, I’ve got aim and swing. Let’s go. I want to get home.”

Cordy smiled. “I love you guys.”

“We love you too, Cordy,” the group sang out together. Lorne’s strong musical tones rang loudly in accompaniment from the couch. “Luv,” Connor giggled up at the game long remembered.

“Smart beautiful boy,” Cordy beamed to Angel.

“Still wondering where he got it from,” Gunn cleared his throat, happily.

“Pfft.” Cordelia stuck her tongue out at her friend.

“Let’s go.” Angel took the lead. Cordelia close at his side, Wesley, Gunn and Fred fanned out behind walking in determined confident strides.

They were at the door when Cordelia paused looking back at Crystal. The demon was standing there looking a bit lost. “Come on, you’re with us.” Beckoning the young woman.

Crystal ran up. Cordelia moved back letting the demon take her place beside Angel.

Angel stopped and turned grabbing at Cordelia without thought he brushed the other demon aside. “Beside me, always,” gripping Cordy’s hand walking out the door.

Wesley, Gunn and Fred started to move again, Crystal fell in beside them off a bit, a little on the outside, but included in the determination and power of the group.

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