just fic

Title: Kids do the Damest Things
Author: anne
Posted: 05-30-2003
Rating: NC17
Category: Adventure, friendship, romance
Spoilers: Specifically up to TVT (ATS) - but I’ve taken bits and pieces from other episodes of S3 and even S4- meaning, I’ve taken comments and statements from the characters that explore Angel’s feelings for Cordelia. I did it this way because I didn’t want to deal with Cordy dying from the visions and becoming half-demon, Groo showing up, Darla, Connor, but I wanted to give some authenticity to Angel’s feelings for Cordy through cannon. (Sorry, Joss, I put most of the words in Angel’s thoughts and mouth in this fic, but you and your writers put some in too.) Also, I’ve given Angel a permanent soul, but hey, if Joss can ignore the last three years of ATS in less than 10 minutes for Buffy, I can ignore a year in a half and change things to get what ‘I want and I need’.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made. I started this after TVT aired, but I watched the BTVS ep. “Killed by Death”, 3/3/98 (Joss & ME) and the Charmed ep. “Once Upon an Time”, 10/19/00 (Burge/Spelling Television) prior and can’t deny that they influenced this story- both eps. involved a ‘big bad’ that only children could see- The Charmed ep. probably the most influential in that a spell enabled the witches to see the BB. Also, while STB (ATS-Joss & ME) aired well after I made the first attempt to write this- it did influence my decision to try again and the direction I decided to go.
Distribution: NF, of course and anybody else that has my stuff and wants it.
Notes: I started this ‘barely’ after TVT but never got beyond the first chapter- so the beginning it’s a little dated. I’m finishing it because I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind- so now you will suffer. But, I hope in a good way.
Feedback: is always lovely.

Part 12

Cordelia swirled her spoon making patterns in the melting cream in the bottom of her bowl. She was dying of curiosity but she didn’t want to ask Fred why the two strange men called Angel out of the kitchen. After all, it was of no concern to her where or what that stupid little boy was up to. Cordelia didn’t like him. He couldn’t even talk. Maybe they were going to punish him for him pushing her. It would serve the snot head right.

Still, she really wanted to know. “Is Angel in trouble?”

Fred jerked her eyes from the doorway. “What? No, of course not.”

“Oh.” Cordelia bit her lip. “Why not? He pushed me.”

“Actually, Cordy, I saw you push him first.” Fred corrected.

“I did not.” Cordelia scooted offensively in her chair. “He did. I only pushed afterwards.”

Fred wrinkled her brow. So far, Cordy, as a child, had been strong willed and taunting but she had also been respectful and pleasant with Fred once she decided that she liked the other woman. Fred had no reason to believe that Cordelia was a liar. She definitely wasn’t one as an adult. “No, Cordy…”

“I DID NOT,” Cordelia jumped up defiantly. “He knocked me to the ground. I was just standing…” Cordelia paused, scrunching her brow. She didn’t remember anymore before that.

Fred smiled strangely relieved that Cordelia wasn’t just lying to protect herself. “Cordy, do you remember Angel pushing you?” Fred asked softly.

Cordelia scrunched up her nose to match her brow.

“I didn’t think so.” Fred answered the question. “ Angel didn't mean to push you on the ground. You both sort of just fell. Really," Fred answered Cordelia's doubtful expression. "Hear the storm?” Fred pointed to the walls of the room indicating the loud sounds outside. "There was a bright bolt of lightening and a very loud clap of thunder. It shook the hotel. It was very scary. You both reacted. Falling was an accident. Honest." Fred hoped that would be a sufficient explanation. She didn't think the full truth would be anymore helpful and it would be harder to explain.

Cordy's eyes remained questioning as she thought about what the woman had said. She didn't really remember the boy actually pushing her. And sometimes she did get scared of thunder and lightening. And the boy sure would've been scared since he was a crybaby. And Cordy's gut told her to trust Fred. The woman was nice. So, okay, Cordy guessed she could believe it was an accident. The boy had said he didn't push her.

Hmmph. That would mean she had been wrong. Her daddy said that Chases’ were never wrong. Cordelia scrunched up her face. She knew that wasn't true cuz if it were her mommy would know being a cowboy would be a lot more fun than being Jr. Miss May Princess.

Cordelia frowned. If she had been wrong that meant she had been mean to the crybaby boy. Rosa told her that she shouldn't be mean to people because it wasn't nice and that Cordelia was a nice young lady. Cordelia's teeth tugged at her bottom lip. Rosa would be disappointed in her. She hated that thought even more than the knowledge that her mommy would be mad at her for not acting like a lady. A ruffian, her mommy would call her and probably make her go to another stupid etiquette class.

“He called me a horse face,” Cordelia complained. That was bad too. Cordelia glanced towards Fred willing the woman to believe that Angel wasn’t so nice either.

“Yes he did, but that was after you called him a dorkhead and booger head.” Fred reasoned.

Cordelia stamped her foot and pouted. It wasn’t fair. She thought he had pushed her. She didn't want the nice lady to think she was a meanie, Cordelia was a nice young lady, Rosa said so. “I said I was sorry.” Cordelia kicked at the floor.

“And he apologized to you so there is no reason for either of you to say mean things to each other anymore is there.”

Cordelia slumped back down in her chair. “I guess not.”


“He took that well.” Wesley blew out frustrated sigh.

“Don’t let the politeness fool you. He thought we were nuts or worse.” Gunn pointed out.

“Most likely. The lightening and the combination of Angel and Cordelia’s presence within the circle must have influenced the spell’s properties that is the only reason I can conclude for the failure of the counter spell.”

Wesley’s attempt to return Angel to his proper frame had done nothing but cause Angel to become nervous at Wesley’s mumblings and suspicious of the strange surroundings. Angel hadn’t uttered a protest or question just did everything they had asked but Wesley could see the questions and unease in the vampire’s eyes.

“So now what? Back to the books.”

“We don’t have time. We have to go to St. Matthews.”

“With which adult rug rat?”

“Angel seems to be the more compliant of the two. He’ll be easier to convince.”

“Right,” Gunn snorted. “Someone sure taught him how to be seen but not heard and jump when told to. But, will he jump straight into the boogey man’s arms or go running into the night?”

Wesley shrugged.


“Angel?” Fred asked hopefully.

Angel scowled but didn’t bother to say anything. He didn’t like it here. No one called him by his name even when he politely corrected the mistake.

Angel directed his displeasure to the little girl. They called her by her name. He waited for her to start taunting him again. He puzzled, as she stayed quiet and dropped her eyes back into the ice cream bowl.

Angel rested his eyes back on the woman that had had spoken. She probably did something to Cordelia like those men did to him. Angel didn’t know what it was but it was strange and little scary-whispering unknown words in a weird language, like a spell.

Angel’s eyes widened. Did they do magic? Were they demon worshipers? Was he really going to go to hell like his Da always said he would if he was bad? It wasn’t fair. Angel hadn’t done anything all that bad. He hadn’t hit Cordelia just pushed her. He shouldn’t go to hell for that.


Wesley entered the kitchen shaking his head at Fred’s inquiry.

“Oh.” Fred signed and sat down. “Now what?”

Cordelia looked up at the woman’s tone. Something was going on with the adults and it had to do with Angel. Her curiosity dragged her out of her self-imposed gloom that her discovery of being wrong had put her in.

Wesley cleared his throat. “We're going to ask Angel, if he would mind going with Gunn and I to St. Mathews.”

Angel’s eyes shot up to the man. St. Mathews? They were taking him to church. Why? Was it to have him officially damned or to save him? He didn’t want to go. Angel felt the tears beat against the back of his eyes lids. Why wouldn’t anybody call him Liam?

“Angel?” Fred knelt by the vampire noticing his struggle.

Angel embarrassedly brushed at his eyes waiting for Cordelia to call him a crybaby.

Cordelia scrunched up her nose. The boy was a crybaby. He was crying over nothing. No one had even been mean to him. She hadn’t said anything about him being a big old crybaby whiner.

Cordelia glanced questioningly up at the adult men. Did they do something to Angel? Did they spank him? Were they planning to do it again? Cordelia began to feel guilty. She couldn’t let Angel take a spanking for something that was her fault.

“You can’t.” Cordy blurted out to Wesley. “I was wrong, he didn't push me first. Fred said so. It was an accident. You can’t punish him. I called him a booger head first.”

Wesley rubbed at his forehead. First Angel and now Cordelia. Did he look like the type of man that went around punishing small children for any or all infractions, real or imaginary? Jimmy seemed comfortable enough with him. “We aren’t punishing Angel.” Wesley reassured both Angel and Cordelia.

“Then why is he crying?” Cordelia narrowed her eyes.

“I’m not crying,” Angel gulped.

“You are too. If you weren’t spanked why are you crying?”

“I’m NOT…”

“You are too.”

“Cordelia, leave Angel alone.” Fred said quietly but firmly.

“I’m not being mean.” Cordelia pouted. “He IS crying, see,” she pointed to Angel’s teary eyes.

“I’m not,” Angel turned but the path through the door was blocked by Gunn’s large form. Angel’s lips trembled. Gunn towered over Angel’s childish perception.

Fred gently pulled at Angel’s arm. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

“My name isn’t Angel.”

“Oh.” Fred sighed guilty looking to Wesley and Gunn each responded silently that they couldn’t’ remember to call the vampire Liam either.

“Hmmph.” Cordelia rolled her eyes.

“It isn’t.” Angel bristled at Cordelia’s reaction. “My name is Liam.”

“That’s a silly reason to cry and a silly name.” Cordelia stated matter of factually.

“I wasn’t crying.”

“You were too.” Cordelia twirled and sat in her chair. “And I’m not calling you that silly name. I’m calling you Angel, I like it better.”

“You said it was a girly name.”

“Still like it better than Liam.”

“But, it isn’t my name.”

“I don’t care.”

“I’ll just call you…you…Angel, see how you like it.”

“Why would you want to call me Angel?”

“I don’t.”

“Then don’t, Geez. No one’s asking you to.”

“Okay, because I’m not going to do it. So there.”

“You’re silly.”

“Damn, that girl was born with her screwed up logic,” Gunn whispered into Wesley’s ear.

“It seems so,” Wesley answered just as lowly. He cleared his throat. “Yes, well, Ang…Liam, we are sorry for forgetting your name. It’s just that…”

“They like Angel better cuz it is a better.” Cordelia hmmphed.

“Cordy, please.” Fred placed a hand on Cordelia’s shoulder.

“As I was going to say,” Wesley continued at Cordelia’s silence. “We need Angel’s…I mean….damn…”

Angel tensed at the sound of Cordelia’s small giggles but relaxed when he saw that they were directed at the adult and not at him. He quirked his lips. It was kind of funny. Wesley had said a bad word.

“I’m sorry,” Wesley said again. “We need Liam’s help.”

“Who’s Liam,” Cordelia giggled more.

“Cordelia Chase, do I have to send you to your room.” Wesley peered at her through his glasses.

“I was just joking.” Cordelia pouted.

“Well, it wasn’t funny.”

“It sort of was,” Angel piped in quietly.

“It was at your expense.” Wesley explained.

“Uh?” Cordelia wasn’t sure she understood. 'Expense' had do to with spending money.

“You were making fun of…Liam.” Wesley paused as he forced himself to call Angel by the unfamiliar name.

No, I wasn’t” Cordelia defended. “I was making fun of you,” she pointed to Wesley, then blinked and shot her hand over her mouth. She could really get in trouble for teasing an adult.

“Some things never change,” Gunn chuckled.

“We don’t have time for this.” Wesley shook his head. “Liam, what we need you to do will be really scary and you will have to be really brave. Can you do that?”

"Him," Cordelia pointed. "He can't be brave, he's a crybaby."

"I can too be brave."

"Hmmph. I bet I can be braver than you can. I want to go."

"No, Cordelia, you can't go. We need Ang..." Wesley winced, rubbing at his forehead. "Liam, I am sorry, you just happen to remind all of us of a friend of ours named Angel, he is very brave just like we need you to be for us."

"Pfft, how can somebody named Angel be brave, it's a girly name."

"You said you liked it."

"Better than Liam, doofus."

"Cordelia Chase, stop that. A person's name, Cordelia, in no way indicates their courage or their personality. Cordelia is the name of a princess, have you been acting like a princess lately. I think not." Wesley lectured.

Cordelia narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "I am too a princess, my daddy calls me one all the time, so there," she stuck her tongue out at Wesley.

"I doubt your father would find you very princess-like with your tongue sticking out like a frog trying to catch flies."

Cordelia's face brightened up like a deep red tomato, tears bursting from her wide eyes. "You're mean. I want my daddy," she swung burying her body into Fred's.

Fred wrapped her arms around the sobbing girl. "Shush, Cordy, Wesley wasn't being mean," her soft tone belying the fierce glare she shot in the man's direction. "He was trying to explain, though not very well, that a name doesn't mean everything. It's not who you are only want you are called."

"Good one," Gunn shoved at Wesley's shoulder. "That ain't the Princess that can fight back and tear you a new asshole."

"I didn't...” Wesley faced Cordelia. "Cordy, I'm sorry if I hurt you're feelings but you do need to stop teasing Liam, it isn't nice, not at all the behavior that I know you are capable of."

Cordelia burrowed further into Fred's shoulder, ignoring Wesley.

"Shush, Cordy, come on, let's go upstairs and get you ready for bed." Fred shook her head at Wesley," She's a child," mouthing in silent disapproval.

Wesley took off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. "Are you ready," he sighed to Angel.

Angel quickly nodded and scooted closer to Gunn. Angel didn’t want Wesley to be mean to him next. Wesley could even call him Angel if he wanted too.

Gunn noticed Angel's movement. "Hey, you'll be fine, Wes ain't that bad, he's just English," rubbing Angel's head in a friendly encouraging manner. Cool. Gunn had always wanted to screw with Angel's hair but figured that Angel's burgeoning sense of humor wouldn't ever extend to THE HAIR, but the 8-year-old Angel didn't seem to mind if his smile was any indication.

Angel tugged at Gunn's sleeve, "Da says all English are pigs," whispering.

"Nay, just stuffy. But, he's the boss so let's go.

Part 13

"Come in," Cordelia called at the knock.

Fred popped her head glad to see that Cordelia was no longer crying. "Do you need any thing?"

Cordelia shook her head as she counted the brush strokes through her hair.

Fred went to sit on the bed next to the young woman. "Cordy, Wesley isn't a mean man. He's..."

Cordelia plopped the brush down. "He said I looked like a frog."

"That's not...Cordy, trust me, he's okay, just not used to having children around. And he's involved in some very important work, he was distracted."

"Hmmph." Cordelia picked up her brush to resume her counting.

Fred watched for a moment. "Cordy, how many strokes do you do?"

"100.” Cordelia turned questioningly. "Don't you? You’re pretty and have pretty hair."

Fred tried not to blush. Cordelia had said she was pretty before but somehow her saying it now with the blunt honesty of a child meant more. That was stupid because adult Cordelia was the queen of blunt honesty. Fred guessed that it hadn't been so much that she hadn't believed Cordelia's compliments but Fred had been so shy and insecure when they first returned from Plyea she had thought maybe Cordelia had been sweetly exaggerating to help Fred become more confident. Guess not. Cordelia really thought Fred was pretty.

"Thank you, Cordy, and I don't keep count." Fred replied with a shrug.

"You should. Mommy said that I have to brush my hair at least a 100 strokes in the morning and at night to keep it shiny." Cordelia peered.

"What is it?" Fred could see a question begging to be released in Cordelia's expression.

"I could do it for you," Cordelia hesitant voice rang with hopefulness.

"Do you want to?"

Cordelia nodded vigorously. "Mommy won't let me brush her hair she says it messes up Angelo's work.” Cordelia scrunched up her nose. She shouldn't have said that. Now Fred will think Cordy will mess up her hair. "I'm a good hair brusher. I am, really. I watch Angelo all the time. Rosa let's me brush hers." Cordelia tried to reassure Fred.

"Who are Rosa and Angelo?" Fred undid her ponytail and sat cross-legged on the bed indicating Cordelia to go ahead.

Cordelia scooted happily behind and started to brush Fred's long hair. "Rosa's our maid. And Angelo is mommy’s stylist. She goes there every week- she's gets her hair done, manicures, mud baths, pedicures, and other stuff. She says I need to start going. Whoops," Cordelia cried at Fred's small wince. "I promise I won't do it again. I won't."

"It's okay, Cordy. It was just a knot. It's my fault I haven't brushed it all day."

"I promise." Cordelia concentrated gently pulling the brush through the tangle.

Fred reassured Cordelia again wondering about the difference of the spitfire personality downstairs and the one that seemed to need approval upstairs.

"Aren't you a little young to be going to the hair stylist?"

"Oh no. I have to go. Mommy says that it is never too soon to be beautiful. She's says it's work, but it has to be done because beauty is a woman’s only really asset.

What? Asset? Fred was beginning to feel sick. Cordy couldn’t believe that. Fred had to ask her.

Cordelia shrugged. “That’s what mommy says.”

Fred was beginning to dislike Mrs. Chase.

“Have you gone?”

Cordelia nodded pulling the brush through Fred’s hair. “The Jr. Miss May Princess is coming up. Angelo has to discover ‘my look’ to win.”

“Oh.” Fred was having a hard time correlating the woman she knew and the words coming from Cordy’s lips. “Do you want to be Jr. Miss May Princess?” Fred figured out that ‘Jr. Miss May Princess’ was a beauty pageant type of thing for small girls.

Fred turned as Cordelia stopped brushing.


Cordelia licked her lips, the brush wringing in her hands.


“Can I tell you a secret? You can’t tell anyone.” Cordelia urged.

“Of course.” Fred tensed worried about what sort of secret a child Cordy could impart. If it was bad how should Fred react?

Cordelia paused for another second and decided. “I want to be a cowboy.”

Fred fought to hide her giggle. So not what she expected. “Not a cow girl?”

“Gosh no, who wants to be a cow girl, all they can do is marry a cow boy. That’s all girls can do.”


Cordelia scooted over. “Of course. Mommy says that a girl’s job is to find a husband that can support her into the manner in which she deserves. I’m to find a rich husband and go shopping, the beauty parlor and to lunch, a lot.”

Fred held still. Good lord. The Cordelia Chase, Fred knew wasn’t, would never be a trophy wife- too independent, too strong, too damn confident to be regulated as a country club wife.

“Do you want that?”

“I told you,” Cordy peeked around Fred’s shoulder, “I want to be a cowboy.”

Fred smiled. Couldn’t image that either, but it was a far cry better than what Cordy’s mother had planned for her daughter.

“You can be,” Fred winced a little, knowing that the Cordy’s future was nothing close to her childhood wish.

Cordelia slumped back. “No. Daddy says cowboys don’t make money, mommy says they’re always dirty.” Cordelia shrugged. “Mommy says I can’t talk about it anymore or she’ll take Chelsey away. Chelsey’s my pony. She’s chestnut and pretty and I can stand on her when we ride. Mr. Thomas, he’s my riding instructor, says I’m better than anyone in all the classes, well for little kids. But, he says next year I can ride a big horse. Which…” Cordy scrunched her forehead. “I want too, but I don’t want Chelsey to be lonely. Do you think she will be mad if I ride a big horse?”

“I think she’ll understand.”

“I hope so. But mommy says, I won’t be able to do it if I keep forgetting to put on my gloves.” Cordelia shoved out a hand for Fred’s inspection. “She’s says the reigns make my hands ugly. I need to remember. But, I always take them off to pet Chelsey and forget where I leave them. I don’t like wearing gloves.” Cordelia’s eyes got wide. “You won’t tell mommy, will you?”


“Cross your heart?”

Fred quickly crossed her heart. “I promise. Cordy, what other classes do you take?” Fred was captivated. She was learning more and more about Cordelia’s childhood and it amazed her that the little girl that was told to be one thing became so much more.

“Ballet, manners, this stupid class on how to walk…”

“How to walk?”

“Yeah,” Cordelia giggled jumping off the bed, poising in front of Fred. “Like this.” Cordelia’s laugher stilled becoming what was too Fred a great big fake smile, her hand on her hip, her stride strong, her hips swaying invitingly with at each step.

OH LORD. Fred had to remind herself that with an 8-year-old physique the ‘walk’ wouldn’t be the obvious invitation that she was seeing. Then again, Fred had read and heard about those little girl beauty pageants. Fred was beginning to really dislike Mrs. Chase.

“Do you like that class?”

“It’s stupid. I know how to walk. Pfft.” Cordelia jumped on the bed plopping down beside Fred. “Who doesn’t, except a baby?”

“No one.”

Cordelia shrugged and then yawned. “See, stupid,” she yawned again.

“Cordy, why don’t you go to bed, okay.” Fred got up and gestured to the bedcovers.

“I am a little tired, but what about Angel? I want to stay up. I bet he wasn’t brave. I can be brave. I bet they just picked him to be brave because he was a boy.”

Fred shook her head. “Cordy, you can find out in the morning. And, Angel’s name is Liam. And he is brave.” Fred pulled out the covers.

Cordelia obediently scooted under. “Pooh. He’s a crybaby and I’m calling him Angel.” She tugged at the covers. “I like it better.”

“Cordy,” Fred sighed.

“Night.” Cordy called.

“Good night, Cordy.”


“Yes, Cordy.” Fred wondered what next out of the child Cordy’s mouth.

“I like you. You’re nice.” Cordelia said shyly.

Fred blinked. “Thank you. So are you. Good night, Cordy.” Fred backed out closing the door behind her. Wow. Fred wanted her friend back but until Wesley could figure it out Fred would make sure that nothing, nothing hurt the little girl that dropped surprisingly into their midst.

Part 14

Angel hung over the side of the convertible. The fear caused by what Wesley and Gunn wanted of him momentarily gone as he watched the strange world with it’s many lights and sounds zoom past. It was too unfamiliar too odd to evoke any other emotion except wonder.

Angel wanted to ask Gunn what each and every different thing was but pestering the adult with questions did scare him into silence so Angel just watched and absorbed it all.

“Amazing,” Wesley glanced up into the rearview mirror.

“Uh?” Gunn shrugged back.

“A child’s mind. What’s too overwhelming they accept or hide from- Angel seems to be accepting his surroundings even though it's a far cry from 18th century Ireland,” Wesley cocked his head towards the passing buildings and nocturnal wanderers of a typical LA night. "So far it’s going well. Angel seems okay, if not a bit awe struck, with handling the unknown.”

Gunn spared a worried look at the vampire in the back seat. “He hasn’t seen the boogey man, yet.” Gunn shook his head. It was getting easier to think of Angel as a child, granted a really big child, but nevertheless still a child and those thoughts made Gunn uneasy about subjecting the vampire to the Jakcara.


Wesley pulled up in front of St. Mathews. “I hope this will be over tonight.”

Gunn grunted his agreement.

“Here we are," Gunn pulled back the front seat to let the vampire out.

Angel stepped out looking all around, his gaze resting on the dormitory styled ornate building bearing a cross and the name St. Mathews. His eyes widened as his fear came back. St. Mathews wasn’t just a church. It was also an orphanage. They were going to leave him just like his Da always threatened.

“Hey, what’s up?” Gunn noticed Angel’s panicked hesitation.

Angel shook his head. “I don’t want to go. I’ll be good. I promise. I’ll be nice to Cordelia. You can call me Angel. I swear. I’ll be good.”

Gunn frowned. “We don’t need you to be good. We need you to be brave.”

Angel gulped. He wanted to be brave but he was scared. “Please don’t leave me here. I want to go home.” Angel’s voice choked on his plea.

Wesley came up to Angel, patting his shoulder in a reassuring manner. “ We aren’t going to leave you. We’ll be right with you. You just need to tell us when you see the monster and we will make sure it won’t hurt you. Okay?”

Angel bit at his bottom lip. “My Da didn’t tell you to leave me at the orphanage,” he pointed to the building.

Wesley blinked. “Good lord, no.” Wesley quickly reassured Angel as he shot a look over to Gunn.

Whoa. Gunn stilled. What in the hell kind of father had Angel had? Damn, that the bastard had been harsh.

“Promise.” Angel asked, his voice still trembling.

“Promise.” Both Wesley and Gunn nodded empathically.

Angel scrunched up his forehead studying the two grown-ups for long moment. “Okay.” He said quietly.


Angel fidgeted in between Wesley and Gunn. The adults were making him nervous constantly watching him and asking him if he saw anything in the rooms they searched. Angel wanted to see the monster for them. Well, really, he didn’t. But he didn’t want the adults to be mad at him either and decide to leave him. Angel still wasn’t so sure of Wesley and Gunn’s assurances, after all, even though grown ups had to be obeyed at all times, they could and did lie. He had learnt that from his father.

Angel paused in the middle of the room. He gulped and his eyes widened. Something was under the bed. He knew it. Angel shivered as coldness crept up his spine. He blinked licking at his lips slowly backing away.

“Angel?” Wesley whispered.

Angel backed up even further smacking into Gunn’s broad chest. He pointed his voice frozen as two clawed hands scratched on the floor inching further out from under the bed.

“Angel?” Gunn grabbed at the vampire’s shoulders holding him from running out of the room.

Angel struggled.

Gunn strained against the vampire’s strength. “Come on, kid. We need you.” Gunn urged against his feelings. He was more than just uneasy about placing Angel in this mess he was beginning to feel like a kiddy Simon Legree. Angel was more than just panicked. Gunn had seen that before - Cordelia lost in Plyea- Cordelia suffering from the vision crap- that was panic and fear- fear for Cordelia, this, however, was pure terror in all its childish glory and Gunn felt like a shit.

“Under the bed,” Angel gulped struggling to find his voice and pointing. Tiny whimpers choked out of his throat as the monster raised itself up to its feet, its long scrawny body leaning towards Angel a grotesque leer settled on its scared face. “It wants me,” Angel scrambled back pushing Gunn aside.

“Where exactly,” Wesley urged.

“He’s going to get me,” Angel cried covering his eyes. “Yuck, he smells.” Angel winced, the scent of the monster bringing flashes of fire and brimstone to his mind sucking him into hell.

Wesley struck out with his sword to the area in front of Angel. “Angel, you need to concentrate, tell us where to strike.” Wesley kept swinging.

Gunn joined with Wesley. “Come on, kid. Be brave. We won’t let it hurt you,” Gunn promised. “Just tell us where it is.” Please, Gunn silently begged. Gunn felt like a heel and a shit but they did need Angel.

Angel heard the grown up’s words. He peeked out from in between his fingers forcing himself to be brave in the face of an unimaginable nightmare. “There,” he pointed to the area on Gunn’s left.

Gunn swirled his axe. He grunted as the blade hit something solid. “Found it.” Gunn’s satisfaction was short-lived as he was thrown back.

Wesley hurried over lunging with his sword. “Gunn,” he called.

“Okay,” Gunn scrambled to his feet.

Angel huddled in a corner trying to keep his feet still and his eyes open. He had to be brave like Wesley and Gunn. But he was so scared. The horrible scent of the monster was all over the room attacking his senses.

The monster kept getting closer. “He’s going to get me,” Angel cried as a claw slashed into his chest.

“Shit,” Gunn ran to vampire only to be pushed back again by an unseen force.

Wesley attempt resulted with him on his backside next his friend.

Tears flowed freely down Angel’s frightened pain filled eyes. He hurt. The monster crackled in laughter reaching again for the vampire.

Angel squeezed against the wall, fear held him glued to the hard surface. Angel cried out as the monster struck again.

“Wes, we got to help him. Damn.” Gunn grabbed up his axe heading for the terrified wounded vampire.

“Wait,” Wesley held on to Gunn’s arm.


“Look.” Wesley pointed.

Angel winced, his arm shooting out on its own volition, his fist twisting around the monster’s invisible wrist.

Angel felt something he never felt before. Anger and something else had overcome his fear. Angel felt a rush through out his trembling body stilling his terrified nerves. The surging raw power couched an intense instinct for survival to hurt, no kill, whatever it was that caused him pain. And the truly scary thing was Angel knew he could and that he wanted to.

“Whoa, he’s vamping out.”


Angel growled wrenching the limb in his grasp, not stopping at the monster’s howl or snapping bones. He swung the body around capturing Jakcara’s neck with his other hand and with a final growl Angel ripped the scarred head from its body.

The instinct that had fueled Angel’s actions left as soon as the Jakcara’s broken body hit the floor. Angel’s whimpers returned but this time not from fear of the monster but fear of what he had done. What had he done? How had he done it?

“Angel?” Wesley and Gunn moved slowly.

“I…” Angel slumped falling down against the wall. “I killed it. How?” His wide eye’s begging for answers.

Wesley and Gunn glanced at each other wondering how much to tell the vampire.

Wesley knelt down. “You were very brave.”

“I…” Angel shook his head, tears pooling in his eyes. “I changed. I felt it. I…I want to go home,” he started to cry harder.

“We will.” Wesley promised.

Gunn gently helped Angel to his feet. “Come on, kid. You did good.”

“Angel, there is probably something we should tell you. It will be hard for you to believe.” Wesley started.

Gunn rolled his eyes. Hell. Telling an 8-year-old that he was a vampire that just killed a boogieman, what was so unbelievable about that?

Part 15

Cordelia crept out of her bed. She wanted to wait up for Angel to return. Brave, AH. She’d bet he wasn’t.

Voices brought her to the balcony. She knelt down, hiding from the talking adults, not wanting to get in trouble for being up past her bedtime.

Cordy scrunched up her nose at the figure of the little boy. He was crying again. She knew it. Cry baby.

Whoops. She scooted into the dark corner away from the stairs. The crybaby boy was running up to his room.

Geez, was he scared. Cordelia peered back down to the adults. And they thought he would be brave. She told them. An idea flickered through Cordy’s mind as a small smile graced her lips. She’d show them how brave he wasn’t.


“Wesley, do you really think it was a good idea to tell him? He looked frightened to death.” Fred twisted her fingers together.

Wesley shrugged. “I don’t know, Fred. But, he obviously knew that he ripped off the head of the Jakcara. And, the chances are he will need to have some blood before I can figure out how to return Angel and Cordelia to their proper ages. Telling Angel that he was a vampire seemed at the time more feasible than any farfetched lie we could of thought up.”

“What about Cordy?” Fred asked. “Did you think about her? She’ll be scared of him.”

“Shit, girl. She needs to be then maybe she won’t beat him up anymore.” Gunn snorted.

“I don’t see any reason Cordelia needs to know the truth.” Wesley commented.

“And how are we supposed to keep it from her.” Fred peered up to first floor.


Cordelia stood outside Angel’s door adjusting her costume. This was going to be so much fun.


Angel lay curled up on his bed facing the wall. The pillow clasped in his arms was damp with his tears and sniffles. He was a monster just like the one he killed. He didn’t want to be a monster. Vampires were demons. Demons belong in hell. He was damned. His Da would never love him now.

Angel smacked the pillow. He wouldn’t be a vampire. So there. He wouldn’t.

Angel gulped. His body tensed. Something was in his room. The boogieman found him. He hadn’t killed it. Maybe it was another one.

He waited. But he didn’t feel the rush he had before. Angel just felt scared.

Angel’s fear became confusion as the eerie sounds coming from the other side of the room floated around him along with a smell. Angel blinked the scent wasn’t the same- no flashes of fire and brimstone that dragged him down to hell. Rather, it made him think of the sweet bread his ma made. It was rich, so rich you could sink into it and sweet, so sweet with a touch of something spicy. The scent made his mind want for safety, love and home. It made his body want for something unidentifiable.

Angel shifted turning to see what could so smell so heavenly and wanting. He gulped and cried out as the source floated and shimmered in front of him, white draped arms waved at him as the ghost moaned its eerie chant.

He scooted against the headboard, his eyes wide as the figure got closer. His cry choked in his throat as other sounds became apparent, the sound of an aborted giggle and rapid beating of a heart under-Angel narrowed his eyes seeing the figure clearly in the darkness of the room-a sheet.

In an instant, Angel knew what it was. Cordelia was trying to scare him. Well. He'd show her. Angel scrunched up his forehead. Nothing. Shoot. He was supposed to be a vampire. How did it work? Angel concentrated again.

Angel gulped in frustration. How could he scare her if he couldn’t turn into a vampire? What good was being a vampire? Angel stared again at the figure. He knew she was laughing at him. Angel was getting angry. How could someone that smelled so good be such a mean girl? Angel growled.

He blinked as the ghost stopped its movement. He smiled. He had done that out loud. The power was back taking over his body. Angel swung his legs over the bed, growling again towards the sheet-covered figure.

He laughed when the ghost screamed. Angel’s glee disappeared as sheet hit the floor with a squeal and a thud.

Oh no. “Cordy,” Angel scrambled to help the little girl up from the floor. Did she hurt herself? Angel couldn’t tell. She was so quiet now. He hurried trying to find her under the tangled mess of the sheet.

“What’s going on?”

Angel blinked up at Wesley and the other grown ups at the door. Shoot. He was going to be in so much trouble. Wesley had told him in no uncertain terms not to do anything to scare or hurt Cordelia.

“Cordy?” Fred knelt down, pushing Angel’s fumbling hands a way and gently removing the sheet.

Cordelia gulped sitting up shaking the rest of the sheet off, her eyes glued on Angel.

“Cordy? Are you hurt?” Fred tried to get the girl’s attention.

“Angel, what happened?” Wesley said sternly.


“He’s a monster.” Cordelia shouted. “Look,” pointing at the demon’s face Angel still wore.

“I am not. I’m a vampire.” Angel scowled.

“Duh, monster.” Cordelia retorted, peering closer at Angel’s face. “You tried to scare me.” She glared at Angel and then shot a wounded look towards Fred. “He tried to scare me with his bumpiness and toothiness. He growled.” Cordelia clawed up her fingers, scrunched up her nose and forehead, making snorting noises in an attempt to imitate a vampire. “Probably wanted to drink my blood,” Cordelia nodded trying to keep the adults focused on Angel and not the reason she was in his room.

“I was not. Yuck.”

Wesley shot a concerned look at the vampire. Angel had fed before the original spell had been performed. That normally would be enough until morning. However, he had been wounded again and his lack of knowledge of what he was certainly effected his usual ability to control his instincts if the manner of the Jakcara's death was any indication. Had Angel lost control and attacked Cordelia?

“I didn’t.” Angel insisted at Wesley’s expression. “I didn’t.”

Fred leaned back on her heels fingering the lighted flashlight and sheet resting near Cordelia. “Wesley, I don’t believe this is Angel’s fault, nor do I believe that Angel tried to bite Cordelia. Cordy?” Fred lifted the incriminating items for Cordy’s inspection.

Cordelia blinked. Fred was mad at her? She wasn’t the monster. Angel was.


Cordelia bit her lip, studying Fred. The woman was waiting for an explanation. Well. Cordelia wasn’t a chicken. “I was just a make believe monster- a ghost. He’s real.” She pointed again to Angel. Why weren’t the grown ups mad at him?

“And why were you pretending to be a ghost?”

Cordelia huffed and stared up at the ceiling. This really wasn’t fair. “I was just joking.”

“You were trying to scare Angel, that’s not funny.” Fred lectured.

“I didn’t. He’s a vampire. He tried to scared me.”

“You started it.” Angel retorted.

“Shut up, you….you….’grr’ crybaby.”

“You make a stupid ghost. Not even a little bit scary.”

“You cried at first. I did scare you.” Cordelia glared crossing her arms.

“Did not. I scared you. You screamed.” Angel copied her indignant stance.

“I was surprised. I wasn’t scared.”

“Were too.”

“Was not.”

“You screamed and fell.”

“Why would I be scared? You aren’t scary just an ugly bumpy butt head.” Cordelia shot to her feet. “So there.” She ran to her room.

"Am not.” Angel shouted after the girl. "Am I?" he questioned Wesley, Gunn and Fred tentatively.

Wesley rubbed his forehead and cleared his throat. "You aren't a butt head, Angel."

"Are kind of bumpy, though," Gunn shrugged.

Angel frowned touching the ridges along his forehead. "What about ugly? Am I ugly? I don't want to be ugly bumpy." He whined.

Fred considered Angel's demon face. It wasn't exactly pretty but it wasn't exactly ugly, either. It was just Angel going as Cordelia would say 'grr', something they all had gotten used to. And Angel was very good looking. "You are handsome and you are a vampire, therefore you must be a handsome vampire, not ugly bumpy." Fred reasoned trying to reassure him.

"How do I get it off?"

The three humans looked at each other and then at the vampire.

"Can't help you there.” Gunn finally said.

"Possibly, maybe, don’t think about it," Fred suggested.

"Or do. And relax." Wesley countered.

Angel frowned again. Big fat help the adults were. Once again his misery was that girl’s fault. He really didn't like her. Angel flopped on the bed, kicking his feet against the mattress in frustration.


Cordelia stomped around her bedroom. Stupid little boy. He was a vampire. Hmmph. Some vampire. Vampires were supposed to be scary not whiny little boys with funny looking faces. It wasn’t fair. Her joke should’ve worked. Now, she was just in trouble. Stupid boy. Cordelia threw herself on the bed.


Wesley, Gunn, and Fred huddled together in the hallway.

"Should we post a guard? That full size little terror just may try something else." Gunn peered at Cordelia's door. "So much for Angel's vampness to get her to lay off the poor kid."

"Now, Charles, she didn't mean any harm. She was just joking.” Fred said in Cordy's defense.

"I don't know," Wesley eyed Cordelia's door. "Angel was frightened by the Jakcara and by finding out he was a vampire. She had no business trying to make him even more frightened. I think I have to agree with Charles. She's a menace."

"You two, you're talking about Cordelia, your friend." Fred put her hands on her hips.

"Hey girl, Angel's our friend too and she's trampling all over him. Pulling his hair, pinching him, calling him names, scaring him. Menace. Go, punish her." Gunn pointed.


"She likes you."

Fred's mouth dropped open- of all the stupid reasons. She shook her head. "I will go talk to her but I'm NOT going to punish her. Angel handled it just fine by scaring her back."

"She won't scared,” Gunn protested. “She called him an ugly bumpy butthead. That ain't scared. Tell her to back off."

"Angel's not helpless and Cordy isn't a big bad."

"She's mean."

"She's not. She's just scared."

"I tell you...."

"And I'm telling you. She's an 8-year-old girl that thinks her parents have dumped her with a bunch of strangers. It's Cordy. She's as upset as Angel. She just doesn't cry all of the time."

"Now, Fred, don’t be start calling Angel a crybaby, too."

Fred grunted a frustrated breath. "I'm not. You," she pointed to Wesley. "Need to fix this."

Wesley blinked as Fred disappeared into Cordelia's room. "She's saying it’s my fault."

"If the shoe fits." Gunn rolled his eyes.

"I'll find a counter-spell."

Part 16

Fred sat on the edge of the bed. "Cordy?"

"Are you mad at me?” Cordelia turned her head on the pillow to face the other woman.

"I'm not real pleased with you. Playing practical jokes aren't funny not when they are done to embarrass or frighten some one. Angel did go through a lot tonight. He needs your friendship not jokes at his expense."

Cordy was now pretty sure that ‘expense’ had a different meaning that what things cost. Cordelia pulled her knees into her chest. "You think I'm a meanie."

"I know you're not mean that’s why I don’t understand why you are acting so mean.”

Cordelia pouted and squirmed. Fred’s tone reminded her of Rosa and she hated it when Rosa was disappointed in her. Cordelia let out a cross between a grunt and a sigh. "I can be brave, Angel wasn't. I saw him he was crying all over the place."

"Cordelia, he was brave when he needed to be. He helped Wesley and Gunn- actually he was the one that killed the monster. But, he is just as scared as you are about being away from home."

"I'm not scared.” Cordelia shot up her head stubbornness etched in every feature.

Fred cocked her head. "Well, good then, because we don't want you to be scared just like we don't want Angel to be scared."

"Are you going to punish me?"

"Are you going to play tricks on Angel anymore?"

"He's no fun."

"Give him a chance. Please. I think you'll like him."


"Is that your promise?"

Cordelia sighed. "I won't be mean to him anymore."

"Thank you. Now get some sleep."

Cordelia scooted under her covers. "How come he's a vampire? Are his mommy and daddy vampires too? Vampires drink blood. Will he drink ours?"

"Angel's a good vampire. And he's a vampire because he's special. He won't hurt you."

"Pfft. Like he could."

Fred gave an amazed chuckle at Cordelia's refusal to let anything scare her even when the little girl was scared.

Part 17

Cordelia sat up in her bed. Hmmph. Be nice to Angel. She guessed she could even if he was a stupid boy. She scrunched up her face. But if she was going to be his friend he better not cry anymore.


"Leave me alone." Angel sat up in the bed as soon as the door opened and Cordelia's scent reached him.

Cordelia shifted back and forth on her feet balancing her precious burdens carefully. "Nope."

"Go away."

"Don't be a dork. I'm saying I'm sorry for scaring you. So there." she wandered over to the bed.

"You didn't scare me."

"Did to. Well, for a minute anyway." She sat on the bed.

Angel scooted his legs and body away from her his eyes narrowed in suspicion at tub of chocolate ice cream and carton of blood in the girl's hands.

"What's that?"

"What does it look like, stupid?"

"You're mean."

"I am not. I brought you ice cream and some blood," she held up the carton. "How's that mean?"

"Eww, yuck."

"You aren't a very good vampire. Vampire's drink blood, everyone knows that."

"I do not."

"Do to."

"Nuh uh."

"Of course, you do. Don't you know anything about being a vampire?

Angel scrunched up his face. "Not really, just found out I was one, Wesley told me some stuff though."

"Like you drink blood."

"That's just gross."

"Pfft. I know. Icky. Here."

"I don't want it."

"I'm trying to be nice."



"Because, why?"


"That's not a reason."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Shut up, doofus and drink this. I put ice cream in it."

"Why did you do that?"

"You like ice cream, you ate two bowls before. You were a pig."

"I'm not a pig. I just..."

"Are a hoink hoink. Here.” She shoved the blood at him again.

"No, I'm not drinking it."

"You have too, you're a vampire." Cordelia said matter of factually.

Angel scowled at the young girl. He didn't like her.

"Geez, Angel. I snuck out of bed and got you ice cream and blood. You should thank me not be a meanie."

"I'm not a meanie, you are."

"I'm not mean. I brought you ice cream and blood. You're being mean by not drinking it.

Angel chewed on his bottom lip. There was something really wrong with what Cordelia had said, he just couldn't figure out what. "No. I don't want to."


"Shut up.” Angel grabbed the carton. "Where did you get it?"

Cordelia shrugged. "Refrigerator. There were a bunch of them." She peered studying the carton. "I wonder whose it is. Do you think maybe its Wesley or Gunn or Fred's.

Angel shoved the carton back. "I'm not drinking it."

"Oh pooh, it didn't have their names on it or anything.” Cordy's eyes widened. "Hey, do you think maybe they're vampires too."


"Well, you didn't know.” Cordelia scrunched up her forehead. "How come you didn't know?"

"I don't know...not until I..."

"What? What did you do? Did you bite someone? Wesley, Gunn. Who?"

"No," Angel cried.

"Oh" Cordelia slumped a bit disappointed. Angel was a boring vampire. She sighed pushing the carton back at Angel. "I put chocolate ice cream in it." She repeated. "But, okay, if you don't want to be nice."

"I am too nice." Angel grabbed the carton. He studied the carton and slowly opened the lid. Oh gosh. His eyes widened as the smell of fresh blood scented the air making his mouth water. He licked his lips. Oh god. He was a vampire.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm hungry."

"Well, then drink, doofus. Geez, 'duh' boy." Cordelia dipped a spoon into the tub of ice cream taking a bite.

Angel wanted to glare but his eyes were fixed on the reddish lumpy brown liquid in the container. It looked nasty but it smelled wonderful. Wonderful in a different way than Cordy's smell. Sort of. He couldn't decide which he liked better. The way his mouth was watering he would have to go with the blood. Maybe. He wasn't sure. But he was hungry.

Angel licked his lips and took a hesitant sip. "Yuck" he barely managed to swallow the concoction. It didn't taste the way it smelled that was for sure. It tasted funny.

"You don't like it? What kind of vampire, are you?"


"Here, figures blood would taste bad, I'll put more ice cream in it." She scooped a large spoonful dumping a glob of chocolate into liquid.

Angel scrunched up his face. He didn't know much about being a vampire or drinking blood but something inside of him was telling, no yelling that he should stop her from messing with his food.

"Blood must be like brussel sprouts or some other nasty vegetable, vampires have to eat it because it’s good for them but taste bad." Cordelia nodded wisely.

Angel took another sip. "Icky."

"Still? Hmm.” Cordelia reached for more ice cream.

"Stop.” Angel eyed the chocolate-heaped waving spoon.

"It will taste better." Cordelia insisted.

"Do nasty vegetables taste better when mixed with ice cream?” Angel questioned.


"Yea.” He swung the carton away from the infecting chocolate.

"Hmmph. But, you said blood taste icky."

"I said this," he held up the carton," taste's icky, not plain blood."

"But that's boring. And you like ice cream."

"I don't know." Angel doubted the young girl’s thought process but he wasn’t sure how to stop her.

"It's not the ice creams fault, it's the blood's." Cordelia insisted. She wasn't about to let her good deed be wasted by the vampire's stupid taste buds.

"Will you leave me alone if I drink it?"


Angel narrowed his eyes at the little girl. Was that a yes or a no? He couldn’t tell. “You drink it.”

“I’m not a vampire, stupid.”

“Stop calling me stupid. Why are you so mean?”

“I’m not. I brought you ice cream and blood, didn’t I?”

Angel looked at the bloody mixture in his hand. The yucky stuff didn’t seem that nice just gross. He looked back up at the little girl. Why was she there?

“I don’t understand you.”

“Pfft. That’s because you are a little nasty boy and I’m a girl.”

“I’m not nasty.”


Angel’s head hurt. Was she saying he was nasty or not? “Leave me alone.”

“You are mean.” Cordelia got off the bed. “Fine, I won’t be you’re friend.”

Angel looked at the little girl leaving the room and the cup in his hand. He slurped the rest down. “I need a spoon.” He gagged as a clump of chocolate settled on the bottom of the carton.

Cordelia waved her spoon in the air. “Are you going to be nice to me?”

Angel narrowed his eyes. How’d he get to be the mean one? “Fine.” His shoulders slumped.

Cordelia skipped back to the vampire, smiling broadly, “Told you, you’d like it.”

Angel finished the carton under the watchful eye of Cordelia. He didn’t like it but it did seem easier than trying to figure her out. He scrunched up his face. Cordy was kind of pretty when she smiled.

Cordelia grabbed the empty carton. “So, what do you want to do tomorrow? Or are your parents coming. Fred didn’t say when mine are picking me up. You? Do they know you are a vampire? So, how’d you find out? Or did Wesley just tell you?”


“Why can’t you finish a sentence?”

Angel took deep breath. “I can too.”

“That’s not a sentence. Geez. Haven’t you gone to school?”

“I have subjects I have to learn.”

“Oh you’re one of those.”

“One of what?”

“Home schooler,” Cordelia scrunched up her nose. “That’s explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“Why you aren’t any fun, haven’t gone to any school parties or stuff.”

“I am too fun.”

“Prove it.”


“Tomorrow, we’ll have fun.” Cordelia got off the bed.


“Night. Don’t let the boogie man bite.”


“Geez. It was a joke.”

Angel didn’t understand the girl at all. He wasn’t even sure if he still didn’t like her.

“Hey, Angel.”


“You have to be nice to me now, we’re friends.”

“We are?”

“Sure. Geez. You’re silly.”

“Oh.” Angel waited until the door shut before he curled up under the covers. Maybe Cordelia wasn’t so bad, she smelled nice. Angel frowned. It had just occurred to him that not one person had called him by his right name. Oh well. He fell asleep wondering what he and Cordy would do tomorrow.