just fic

Title: Kids do the Damest Things
Author: anne
Posted: 05-30-2003
Rating: NC17
Category: Adventure, friendship, romance
Spoilers: Specifically up to TVT (ATS) - but I’ve taken bits and pieces from other episodes of S3 and even S4- meaning, I’ve taken comments and statements from the characters that explore Angel’s feelings for Cordelia. I did it this way because I didn’t want to deal with Cordy dying from the visions and becoming half-demon, Groo showing up, Darla, Connor, but I wanted to give some authenticity to Angel’s feelings for Cordy through cannon. (Sorry, Joss, I put most of the words in Angel’s thoughts and mouth in this fic, but you and your writers put some in too.) Also, I’ve given Angel a permanent soul, but hey, if Joss can ignore the last three years of ATS in less than 10 minutes for Buffy, I can ignore a year in a half and change things to get what ‘I want and I need’.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made. I started this after TVT aired, but I watched the BTVS ep. “Killed by Death”, 3/3/98 (Joss & ME) and the Charmed ep. “Once Upon an Time”, 10/19/00 (Burge/Spelling Television) prior and can’t deny that they influenced this story- both eps. involved a ‘big bad’ that only children could see- The Charmed ep. probably the most influential in that a spell enabled the witches to see the BB. Also, while STB (ATS-Joss & ME) aired well after I made the first attempt to write this- it did influence my decision to try again and the direction I decided to go.
Distribution: NF, of course and anybody else that has my stuff and wants it.
Notes: I started this ‘barely’ after TVT but never got beyond the first chapter- so the beginning it’s a little dated. I’m finishing it because I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind- so now you will suffer. But, I hope in a good way.
Feedback: is always lovely.

Part 1

Cordelia flipped through the pages of the magazine, not even looking at the expensive fashions modeled in between the glossy pages. Every once in awhile she would glance up towards the stairs. She sighed.

“What is it?” Wesley stopped sharpening his dagger.

Cordelia raised her eyes to Wesley then to the weapon. “Geez, aren’t you getting just a little unnaturally attached to that thing. It’s just a knife.”

“I’ll have you know it’s not just any knife. It’s a filigreed dagger from the Sixteenth Century Murshan dynasty. It happens to be very rare. It’s amazing that Angel found it.”

“Whatever.” Cordelia rolled her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Wesley put down the weapon.

Cordelia scrunched her face and then sighed again. “It’s Angel. He’s gone all broody again.”

“Angel seems fine.”

“Hmmph.” Cordelia looked back at the stairs. Angel wasn’t fine. He hadn’t smiled once since she cooked him breakfast or rather toasted frozen waffles.

Cordelia bit her lip. Angel had seemed okay then, better than okay. A warm feeling encompassed her belly as Cordelia remembered Angel’s awkward smile and his words. Angel had told her that she had been more important than whatever probable evil thing that he released for Wolfram & Hart in exchange for her safety.

Cordelia guessed that she had known that Angel cared about her, but when he said those words, she really believed it. It had made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Angel had smiled and poked at the cooling waffle. Cordelia had smiled at his awkwardness. He really wasn’t a foodie. But he had tried. Cordelia eventually had to take pity on him though and she had exchanged the waffle for some warm blood.

Angel insisted that he wanted the waffles. She might have believed him if he hadn’t kept staring at the harmless pastry like it was going to jump up and bite him. Cordelia had laughed and told him he was sweet, brave, selfless and a really bad liar.

Angel had even looked more uncomfortable, fidgeting as he gave up his poor attempts at protestation and sipped at the mug.

Obviously, her praises had embarrassed him or that was what Cordelia had thought. But, now she didn’t know. It was after that breakfast that Angel started to avoid her. Maybe after more thought he was beginning to see what Cordy had been worried about- that the evil Angel had released wasn’t worth her life.

“Cordelia.” Wesley’s voice broke through her thoughts.


“What’s wrong? Angel seems fine.”

“He’s ignoring me. He’s having second thoughts.” Cordelia slumped in her chair.

“Second thoughts?”

“About letting ‘flame boy’ out of the other dimension,” Cordelia’s shoulders dragged even further down.

Wesley leaned back into his chair. “Cordelia, Angel did what had to be done.”

“Come on, tell me you didn’t go all devil’s advocate on him. You know that doing what Wolfram & Hart wanted was not one for the ‘good team’.”

“Getting you better was definitely one for the good team. No. We didn’t have time to explore other options. You could have died. No one regrets what Angel did. I don’t and Angel surely doesn’t. We’ll handle ‘flame boy’ if the need arises.”

“But Angel’s avoiding me. He’s broody.” Cordy insisted.

Wesley sighed and picked the dagger back up. There was nothing he could say. Angel was, in fact, avoiding Cordelia and it was obvious to Wesley why. Even before Angel’s frantic ‘no thinking of the consequences’ jump through the Plyea portal to save Cordelia, Angel had been showing signs of panic when it came to the young woman. Angel had gone to extreme measures to win back Cordelia’s friendship and trust after the Darla ‘period’. Angel’s concern had been singularly focused on Cordelia. Wesley and Gunn’s sense of betrayal had been merely an afterthought for the vampire. Then there had been the way Angel would seek Cordelia out after he return from his ‘grief trip’.

Wesley had witnessed their frequent talks. He hadn’t ever been privy to the content of the soft conversations but he had seen caring and trust between his friends as they talked to the exclusion of all others. Then there was the fact that after each talk both Cordelia and Angel had smiles on their faces. Not so unusual with Cordelia but close to shocking with the vampire. And the last incident with Wolfram & Hart had made it more than obvious how much Angel cared about the young beautiful woman. So obvious that Angel may have finally noticed.

Wesley wouldn’t go so far as to think that Angel actually realized that his need for Cordelia was based on more than friendship. But Wesley had a suspicion that the possibility was occurring to Angel.

Wesley couldn’t fault Angel for running to the highest hill or room. Love was a very scary concept, especially for a vampire with Angel’s track record. Even the happenstance of a permanent soul didn’t change the sad fact that Angel’s romantic life up to this point had been the pure definition of a tragic farce.

“Oh this is stupid.” Cordelia shoved herself up. “I won’t let him get all weird again.”

“Um, Cordy.” Wesley jerked out of his thoughts.

“No. This was how it started before, tiptoeing around ‘grr’ guys moods. Next thing you know we’re out of a job. It won’t happen again.”

“Cordelia, I don’t think you have to worry that Angel will fire you. For one, he’s not the boss and the other I believe he has shown quite emphatically that he will do anything to make sure you are safe and near, Plyea, mind hijacking, flame boy come to mind quickly. ”

Cordelia scrunched up her brow. “Yea, but you never know with him. He gets all broody and the next thing…”


“You’re right.” Cordelia slumped. “So, why is he avoiding me?”

Wesley shrugged. He didn’t think his hypothesis on Angel’s reasons would help the situation. His two friends needed to figure it out themselves. Wesley would just have to trust that when they finally did that they would be adults about it.

Part 2

Angel tapped his fingers on the shredded padding of the arm of his leather chair. He was going stir-crazy stuck in his room. Damn’t. He couldn’t even wallow in a decent bout of long-suffering guilt properly. Angel should be able to brood at the thoughts running through his head. But it just wasn’t working right.

He tried, really he did. Angel remembered Cordelia’s lovely face covered in tears and the evidence of Wolfram & Hart’s torture. It had been because of him and that did make him feel guilty but even more than that it made him claw at the leather chair as if it was a certain lawyer’s throat he could tear the life out of. Then the guilt and anger would slip away as the image of Cordelia’s face free of pain, smiling as she made him toasted waffles came forth.

It had been so cute. She was so cute. Hell. Who was he kidding? She was gorgeous. Cordelia Chase was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen especially, when she was smiling and so cute. It made his heart hurt. Which he knew was impossible, but that didn’t change the fact the dead organ ached, along with another dead organ of his. Damn’t. Angel should be brooding. He should feel guilty about thinking of Cordelia in any other way except as a friend, his dearest friend, the friend that was always there for him, the friend that accepted him, the friend that encouraged him, the friend that made him laugh, the friend that teased him unmercifully with love, the friend that’s smile made his dead heart beat, the friend with a face and body that made borrowed blood rush to his groin.

Angel smacked his head against the back of the chair as the wood under the cushioned arms cracked at the pressure of his fingers. Desire. It flooded him. Angel closed his eyes. He not only loved Cordelia as his dearest friend he wanted her which was leading him to the undeniable conclusion that he was in love with her. Oh god. If that wasn’t perfect brood fodder than he didn’t know what was. Angel had nothing to offer the young woman. His love? Well, Angel knew what that got beautiful exceptional young women- pain and tragedy. His history with Buffy proved that point- his romantic history was a tragic farce.

Yet, Angel couldn’t submerge in the guilt or hopelessness that had surrounded his life for a century. It was impossible when Cordelia Chase was still with him after all that he had put her through, caused her to be put through. Cordelia was still there making him waffles and placing bright plastic flowers in his gloom. Cordy’s continual presence gave Angel hope and that was why he was squirreled up in his room. Angel was scared. He wanted so much to go down the stairs and be happy in Cordelia’s presence. But, to do so would require him to ignore the urges that his silent acknowledgment of love caused in his body and those urges could not be acknowledged until he figured out if he should or could ever tell Cordelia that he was in love with her. So, Angel was stuck up in his room wanting to be close to Cordelia but too frightened that he would do something insane like blurt out that he loved or just grab and kiss her before thinking through all the consequences.

Angel jerked out of his chair and ran barely managing not to knock he door down in his haste.


Cordelia wasn’t going to let Angel’s weirdness go. No way. No how. She and Angel had reached an understanding one even more binding than before he had gone beige. She would not let them backslide. The stupid vampire was going to talk to her if she had to plant herself at his feet until she turned wrinkled and gray.

She reached the top of the stairs when the vision hit. Cordelia tried but she couldn’t contain her scream. She fell, her body starting to roll. Cordelia’s descent was stopped almost immediately. Angel’s strong arms held her bringing her shaking form tight into his body.

“Wes.” Angel called as his hands cradled the young body closer.

“Oh dear.” Wesley took the stairs three at a time. This would be the first vision since Angel made sure that Wolfram & Hart couldn’t mind jack Cordelia again.

Cordelia struggled against Angel’s moving hands. His fingers were feeling all over her trying to see any evidence of boils, slashes, burns, or any other type of injury.

“Stop. I’m okay.” Her voice was trembling but sure. “It hurts but I’m okay.” Cordelia’s hazel eyes held on to Angel’s. “Normal pain fare from the powers, I swear.”

Angel stilled not at her assurance but because he was satisfied that there were no outward physical signs that ravaged Cordelia’s body. His hands moved up to cup her tear stained face. “Cordy.”

“I’m okay, no circus freak show here. But there was a child at St. Matthews. He’s being attacked.” Cordelia hid her face in her hands, struggling. “I don’t know what’s attacking him.”

“Cordelia,” Wesley probed gently.

Cordelia shook in frustration and pain. “It’s not that I don’t recognize the type of demon. I can’t see it. It’s not there. But it kills. Oh, god.” Cordelia winced, the tears falling harder. “He’s so scared.” She leaned up her hands grabbing at Angel’s shoulders. “Go, Angel, please, he’s just a child. Please. Jimmy, his name is Jimmy. Please. He’s so young and scared. GO. I’m fine. You have to.” Cordelia crumbled in tears and pain.

Part 3

“Fred is with her.” Wesley said as he squealed around to the corner that would take them to St. Matthews. “Cordy’s…agitation seems more from the content of the vision rather than the pain,” trying to appease the silent vampire in the back seat.

Angel nodded caressing his sword. His mind was a blank except for killing the demon and saving the boy. Then he could get back to Cordelia. Angel's reassurance at the absence of any physical signs of the vision on Cordy's body dissipated the further the car traveled away from the hotel. She had said she was fine but he couldn't let go of the fact that she had lied repeatedly before about her pain. He would've never known about the visions’ manifestations if it had been up to her but even she couldn't hide the marks on her face or her unconsciousness. Angel wanted to believe her when she swore that she would never lie about her visions or health again. But Cordy was hell bent on never showing any weakness. It was a trait he greatly admired except when it was at her expense then it just infuriated him. God, he wished he could get inside her head.

"Barbie couldn't ID the big bad?” Gunn asked from the passenger seat.

"Didn't see it," Wesley shook his head. He didn't much care for going into a battle unprepared with the appropriate knowledge. But they did have their skill and their weapons. Cordelia's panicked fear for the little boy did not allow for any time to be wasted on seeing if she would have a clearer vision.

"Hey, I got my axe and love surprises," Gunn said philosophically. The black man's attitude was fairly simple- put him in front of a demon and he would fight it, didn't matter what or how big. Everything could be killed with enough guts and Gunn hand guts to spare.

"Here we are," Wesley pulled along the curb. "Good lord, I hope we aren't too late." He jumped out of the car, along with Gunn and Angel. The three men stared briefly at the chaos surrounding the boy's home.

Perplexed and shaky adults were haphazardly herding sobbing and terrified children out of the building attached to the Catholic Church.

Angel went up to the nearest adult. "What's happened?"

The man gulped, blinking at Angel. "I don't know. May God forgive me, I don't know," the man crossed himself, a rosary dangling from his fingers.

Angel took an involuntarily step back at the man's actions and the white collar of his calling. "Father, are all of the children outside?"

The Priest shook his head. "Jimmy, we couldn't get to him. God forgive us, we didn't believe the boys when they said that a monster had started living under their beds, terrifying them in their sleep. But, tonight, it can't be denied. Jimmy's up there trapped by a malignant force. We tried but whatever the evil was unaffected by the cross or prayers. It tossed grown men like paper dolls when they tried to enter the room." The priest made the sign of the cross again.

"Which room?” Angel demanded, stepping further back at the Priest’s sign of faith.

The Priest blinked, noticing for the first time the sword in Angel's hand and the two men behind him each carrying their own weapons. "Second floor, third on the right." The Priest prayed for the small boy and the strange men that ran to save him.

Part 4

Angel didn't need the Priest's directions. The sounds of the frightened child's whimpers and thudding heart rang in his ears. Angel was grateful for the sounds it meant the boy was still alive. He kicked open the door scanning the room. He saw nothing, sensed nothing except the crying boy huddled in the dark corner of the room. "Jimmy," Angel held his sword to his side, he waved Wesley and Gunn into the room urging them to search but to give the terrified boy a wide berth.

The boy's eyes stayed fixed on an empty space in the room, his gaze opened in shock and horror. Angel stepped quietly closer, using a soft voice to coax the boy's attention.

Suddenly, with a choked scream, Jimmy pointed. Angel swirled and still saw nothing, never saw anything as a hard force rammed him off his feet. "Wes, Gunn."

His friends were already running to where the blow originated, turning and searching but seeing no evidence of what knocked the vampire down. "Angel?"

"It's real enough.” Angel held his hand briefly to his side. It had been flesh that had hit him. Angel stood his handsome face retreating to give his demon free reign. Nothing. "Jimmy, where is it, just point, okay." Angel whispered, too late he remembered that he still wore his demon face. But, Jimmy merely blinked once at the vampire and focused his terrified gaze at the area behind Angel.

Angel didn't like that. Whatever the boy saw was scarier to him than a vampire's face. Angel swung out with unnatural speed to where the boy was staring. He grunted satisfactorily when his fist hit solid flesh.

Gunn and Wesley's weapons quickly zeroed in on where Angel had punched. Their weapons hit air as their bodies were knocked back.

"Shit, where's the bastard, whoops, sorry kid," Gunn grumbled.

"Wesley, Gunn, just get the boy out of here.” Angel called, focusing again on where Jimmy's pupils fixated. He swirled again this time with his sword. He pulled the weapon back. The blade was stained with yellow. Angel brought the substance to his face, sniffing and tasting it, going once more into his demon guise. Angel had wounded it. Its blood was in the air. He tracked the scent.

Wesley and Gunn ran to the small boy. Angel's eyes targeted where the blood smell was concentrated. "MOVE," he yelled a warning to Wesley and Gunn but he was too late. The men were pushed back before reaching the boy, dual slashes evident along their chests. Angel growled and charged the scent, taking the invisible body with him through the glass window.

Wesley coughed. "Charles."

"Still here." He struggled to feet, looking at the broken window. "I hope Angel rips that ghosty bastard's head off, sorry kid,” once again apologizing for his language.

Wesley held his chest. "Jimmy, is it gone?"

The small boy blinked up and slowly nodded.

Wesley smiled. "Good, let's go then okay."

"Hey kid, you're safe now.” Gunn soften his normally tough tone.

"He'll come back," the boy whispered.

"We won't let it hurt you," Wesley promised, holding out his hand.

"He will."

"We won't let it. You saw Angel, he's our friend, yours too. He drove the bad thing away. I'm sure that the danger is gone now.” Wesley coaxed, truly hoping he wasn't lying. "Give me your hand."

Jimmy slowly raised it. Wesley grabbed it bringing the boy up to his chest, careful to avoid his bloody cut. "Jimmy, could maybe you describe the thing for me." Wesley jerked his head to Gunn.

Gunn nodded at Wesley's silent request to go see if Angel was okay.

Wesley walked more slowly down the stairs listening intently to the child’s stammered tearful description of the boogey man that had been living under the beds.

Part 5

Gunn ignored the Priest except to say that Jimmy was safe as he ran to the side of the building. He skidded to a halt at the scattered glass and sword at his feet. "Angel," he called into the night.

Gunn looked relieved as the dark figure emerged from the brush. He winced. "Shit, please, tell me the other guy looks worse?"

"Can't,” Angel groaned a little as he bent to pick up his sword. "He was wounded, but I lost track of his scent."

Gunn glanced over at the scowl on the vampire's face. Damn. Angel didn't lose track of many things once he set his vamp radar on them. Whatever that thing was- was good.

"Jimmy?” Angel shook off the irritation of the multiple slashes on his torso.

"Wes is with him getting a description. He’s standing. " Gunn nodded.


"Not, too bad," Gunn looked at his chest. "Hurt like a bitch, but it ain't deep. You."


"Uhuh," Gunn eyed the vampire's bloody shirt again.


The Priest was pacing in front of the steps of the home, listening intently to Wesley's questions and the answers of the small boy sitting on his lap.

Wesley looked up as Gunn and Angel arrived. "Jimmy, this is Gunn and Angel, they're your friends like me."

The boy stared, giving a small smile to the vampire. "You pushed the boogey man out the window. Wesley says he's gone and won't scare us anymore."

Angel nodded, trying to give the boy a confident smile in return.

"Father, maybe...” Angel urged his head towards where the other boys and adults were huddled a distance away.

The Priest blinked. "Brother Joseph." he called.

A sandy hair young man in jeans ran up. "Yes, Father Timothy."

"Please take Jimmy to the others, he's been very brave."

"Yes, Father." Joseph leaned down. "Come on, Jimbo, let's go tell everyone how cool you are for being brave."

"I was scared," Jimmy shook his head.

"And you were still brave, that's why you are so cool, come on.” The young brother held out his hand.

"Do you really think I was brave?"


The small boy looked to the others and their nods, his questioning gaze landing on the man that hit the boogey man and drove him away. "I didn't hit him or anything."

Angel hid his wince as he kneeled down. "You faced him and told us where he was and I'm sure you described him to Wesley. Those ARE very brave things."

Jimmy smiled and took Joseph’s hand.

Angel put his hand on his knee to brace himself back up. "Wes?"

"He did give a good description, it’s familiar, but I can’t place it, but I'll find out. Is it?"



"Excuse me," Father Timothy cleared his throat. "You came knowing that Jimmy was in danger from something but didn't know what?"


"How did you know?"

Angel coughed uncomfortably. "A friend of ours gets visions of people in trouble."

"And you come." the Priest smiled. "Your friend has been blessed and you all are a credit to God."

Angel fidgeted noting wanting to contradict the Priest but Angel would be hard pressed to ever say that Cordy's visions were a blessing, more like a curse. And as for him, the God that Father Timothy worshiped kicked Angel to the curb a long time ago or had it been the other way around.

"Yes, well. Father, we are non-denominational.” Wesley interrupted.

"God sees and rewards the good, no matter the denomination. Thank you."

Angel was already moving to the dark Plymouth. God, Religion, Priest, crosses weren’t things he needed to be around- talk about major heebie jeebies. Angel shook his head. Even under stress he was beginning to sound like Cordy. Cordelia, he needed to get back.

"Father, I would not advise the children returning to the home just yet. Angel was not able to kill it and it may return. I would feel more confident when I know exactly what we are dealing with," Wesley handed the Priest an Angel Investigation card. "We will be in touch."

Part 6

"Sit, all of you.” Cordelia waved at the men coming through the door, her eyes fixed on their blood stained shirts. "Fred, the first aid kit."

The young woman was already going under the counter for the necessary materials.

"Angel?” Cordelia wavered from going to his injuries or the humans.

"It looks worse than it is. You?” He asked pointedly. Angel couldn’t detect any pain from the vision in her wide gaze but he wanted to hear it from her.

“Pfft, I told you I was fine. Are you sure?” She nodded to the splattered blood on his shirt. There was blood everywhere on the vampire's shirt. "I'm sure." He urged her to Wesley and Gunn's less bloody appearance.

"Jimmy?” Cordelia asked as she gently cut away the material from Wesley’s wound.

"Safe. But, we were unable to kill the demon or identify it." Wesley winced as Cordelia applied antiseptic to his injury.

"Thank god, it's not that deep.” Cordelia placed a white bandage over the cut. "Your turn." She headed to the black man sitting beside Wesley.

"You couldn't identify it?” Fred puzzled. Wesley pretty much knew every demon by sight.

"Damn thing was invisible." Gunn grunted patting at his bandaged.

“A ghost? Not like Dennis, of course, a mean one, I mean.” Fred added quickly at Cordelia’s frown.

"No. It was flesh and blood just invisible.” Angel said shrugging his shoulders to aid Cordelia's efforts to rid him of his jacket.

“However, not invisible to Jimmy. And from what Father Timothy indicated, not to the other children either." Wesley responded.

"He called it the 'boogey man. Ow.” Angel whined up to Cordelia.

"Big baby, Wes and Gunn took it like ‘real’ men." she patted the antiseptic soaked cotton over Angel's cuts. Now that Cordelia had seen for herself that the vampire's cuts while numerous weren't serious, she felt free to tease Angel, rather than scared to death.

"I got more than them."

Cordelia rolled her eyes at the vampire's pout. "The boogey man as in 'you better be good or the boogey man will get you?'"

Wesley nodded. "An imaginary monster used to frighten children, only this time, not imaginary.” He headed into his office.

"Stop moving," Cordelia peered down at Angel.

Angel looked up apologetically. "I can't help it."

Fred and Gunn’s eyes locked in mutual amusement at the vampire’s constant squirming and Cordelia's scolding.

"Good grief, Angel, you're a vampire, big, bag and strong, and you're whining over these little cuts. They're practically healed already." Cordelia brushed the closing injuries with her fingers.

"I can't help it," Angel mumbled again looking at his shoes. He couldn’t help it. Every time Cordelia touched him he wanted to jump out of his skin and on hers. He didn't completely understand it. It wasn't as if there was any sexual innuendo in her competent bandaging or even in the way her fingers feathered his skin. It was the look in her eyes, he guessed. Even in her teasing, her eyes portrayed her concern and worry for him. She cared. Of course, she cared about Wesley and Gunn, too. But, Angel swore that she spent longer with him, her lovely hazel eyes a shade darker when she treated him evidencing her love and friendship for him. And knowing that she truly cared about him, triggered all his thoughts of what a wonderful friend she was to him, which triggered all his thoughts of how special she was, which triggered all his thoughts of how beautiful she was, which well triggered his need to jump out of his skin and on to hers. They were a vicious cycle his thoughts and they created havoc within his body.

"Hmmph.” Cordelia leaned in tussling his rich brown hair. "My big strong baby," she smiled, her eyes twinkling at him, leaning in towards the vampire.

Oh Christ, she wouldn't. She would. Soft lips brushed over his forehead as gentle fingers slightly scratched at his skull down and round to a sensitive area behind his ear.

Cordelia pulled back puzzled. "What was that?"

Angel blinked. Oh god. He didn't. He did. Angel wondered if vampires could die of embarrassment. "What was what?” He forced his voice flat.

"That sound, you made. It was almost..."

"I don't know what you are talking about.” Angel got up quickly, walking but wanting to run away from the questioning eyes and delicate dangerous fingers.

Cordelia just stared at the retreating vampire. Angel purred. A real honest to god kitty purr. Vampires purr when scratched behind their ears? That was so....cute. Cordelia bit at her lips. Did they purr when other areas were scratched? The cat she had when she was a child, purred when scratched behind his ears, under his chin, his belly, his shoulders. A blush crept up on her face as Cordy imagined testing the same on Angel. She shook her head. Angel wasn't a cat he was a vampire. Cordelia was having silly thoughts.

Cordelia scrunched up her face. Angel was going upstairs again. What was with the vampire? One minute he was ‘oh’ so concern about her visions and almost normal. Well as normal as Angel could get, the cute purring aside and now he was back to avoiding her. Cordelia narrowed her eyes. She was going to finish what she started before the vision hit.

“Do you think they will ever admit that they love each other,” Fred whispered to Gunn as Cordelia stomped up the stairs after Angel.

“Nope, not without a bolt of lightning or a road map. They’re clueless.”

Part 7

Wesley appeared out of his office and book opened in his hands. “Where are Cordelia and Angel?”

“Upstairs.” Gunn said from his position on the counter.

“Oh, could you please go get them.”

“Did you identify the demon?” Fred asked.

“Yes, Charles, please.”

“Sure,” Gunn let out a loud yell for Angel and Cordelia to get their butts downstairs.

Wesley and Fred winced at the shout.

“Really, Charles.” Wesley shook his head.

“What? It’ll work and I was comfortable.”


Angel groaned sensing Cordelia at his door before she even knocked. He briefly wondered if he didn’t respond that she would go away.

“Why didn’t you answer,” Cordelia popped her head in.

No such luck. God. Angel really hoped that she wasn’t going to ask about what happened downstairs. Angel still couldn’t believe he did that. He never had purred before. Sure, Angel knew that the phenomenon was physiologically possible for vampires but from what he understood it was pretty rare and only occurred under certain unique circumstances, ones that required the vampire to be completely relaxed, contented, and trusting. Angel didn’t see how being wounded, patched up by Cordelia and her touching him in the presence of their friends fit the bill. Okay, Cordelia touching him so tenderly, her nails lightly scratching his head and behind his ear had been relaxing and he had begun to feel pretty darn happy not wanting it to stop, and sure, Angel did trust her completely but still.

Damn’t. Angel wished Cordelia would go away so he could bang his head against the wall and then wonder over the intriguing possibilities of where else Cordelia could touch to see if he would purr again. Maybe if Angel scowled at her in his ‘leave me alone’ expression.

“Angel, I’m not leaving you alone, so get that grouchy look off, you’ll get unsightly wrinkles and look your ‘older than dirt’ age.” She stood in front of the vampire, her arms crossed, and a determined look on her face.

Angel refused to whine. When did that expression stop working? “I’m not older than dirt. I’m only 246.”

“Pfft. Not a spring chicken there, Angel.” She waved away the topic. “ I want to know right now why you have been avoiding me, I’m not leaving until you do so start talking, buster.”

“I’m not avoiding you,” Angel said quickly darting out his chair to stand across the room.

“See.” Cordelia pursed her lips. “You just ran away from me. Do I have coodies or something?”

“I just want to be alone.”


“Because I do.”

“That’s not a reason.”

“It is too.”

“Not a good one.”

“Why is wanting to be alone not a good reason. People want to be alone all the time. It’s natural.” Angel wanted to bang his head against the wall or at least smash something. He was pretty sure he whined.

“Sure, it’s fine for the emotional healthy and well-adjusted but not for you.”

“I am too emotional healthy and well-adjusted.” Okay. Angel whined. He was big enough to admit it.

“No you’re not. You and being alone aren’t good things. You brood, you keep secrets, you cut yourself off from your family, you start obsessing about blondes, and the next thing you know your firing me. I’m not letting that happen again. Are you going through some sort of new drama that I have to worry about? Because you know you can’t fire me. Wesley’s the boss.”

Angel paused in his next words, whining or not whining no longer in his thoughts. The flash of insecurity and hurt in Cordelia’s hazel eyes rooted him to his spot. Damn’t. It never occurred to Angel that his actions would stir that all up again. Great. Now Angel was getting in the perfect frame of mind for a brood fest equipped with enough guilt to keep him holed up in his room for decades.

“Cordy,” Angel reached out and held her gently by the shoulders. “I promise you, I’m not cutting myself off or obsessing about any blondes. I don’t want to ever lose my family again.” He stopped just short from saying it was her that he couldn’t bear to ever lose.

“Then why? You can tell me.” Cordelia bit her lip not wanting to ask but having to. “Is it because you regret releasing flame boy?”

“God no.” Angel said quickly and sincerely. “I told you. I would do it again to save you. I meant it.”

Cordelia gave a little smile at Angel’s assuring tone. But. If it wasn’t a new drama or second thoughts what was it? “Well, something’s wrong, tell me.”

Right. Tell, Cordelia that he was in love with her and had no clue how to handle it that he was scared that telling her would in fact cause him to lose her friendship all over again, “nothing’s wrong, Cordy. I just….”

Bless Gunn and his loud shout for Angel and Cordelia to come downstairs.

“Angel,” Cordelia held onto his arm.

“Cordy, it sounds important. Wesley must have found the ‘boogey man’. It’s still out there and a danger to Jimmy and the other children.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face nodding. “But…”

“Later, Cordy,” He said tilting her face up wishing that he could wipe the worry from her lovely eyes.

She nodded again. They did need to get downstairs. Still. “We’re okay, though, right.”

Angel gave a soft smile. “We’re definitely okay.”

“You’re just acting weird because you ARE weird.”

Angel stared at the young woman. The only reason he didn’t protest was because the worry had disappeared. “Right.” The unwanted admission was worth it, Angel decided as he was rewarded with a big smile.

Part 8

Gunn shot an ‘I told you so’ look at Wesley as Cordelia and Angel wasted no time getting down the stairs and settling around the lobby counter.

"You found it." Cordelia nudged up to Angel's side to get better look at the book Wesley was holding.

Angel's pleasure from Cordelia's earlier smile began to wane as the young woman pressed against his shoulder. Could she be any closer? One inch to the left and she'd be on top of him. Angel gulped. Cordelia on top of him. That was not a thought he should be having when all he had to do was move an inch to the right to make it happen.

It was all Cordelia’s fault. There had to be a way for Cordy's scent NOT to smell so uniquely HER and her skin, what was with Cordy’s skin? Angel may not be up on women's little beauty tricks, but he did know there was a way for a woman's skin NOT to be so soft, golden, smooth, or lickable. Oh god, did he just moan? Angel quickly looked at the young woman next to him. Whew. Cordy was still trying to get a look at Wesley's book. Oh no. Now, she was now looking at him.

"Angel, Geez, tense much. Wesley found the 'boogey man'. You need to relax. Bubble baths- all sudsy and warm, caressing your muscles, soaking into your skin. I'll draw one for you after you kill the big bad. You'll feel better. It always makes me feel better.” Cordelia said knowingly.

Angel gulped. Had her voice dipped to a sultry whisper? Warm. Caressing his muscles. Soaking into his skin. Cordelia and a bubble bath. She would be naked in a bubble bath. She...Oh god. Angel seriously wondered if anyone would think it odd if he just vaulted the counter and hid back in his room.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at the hopelessness of the vampire. "Geez," she reached out her fingers brushing with her pads and lightly scratched along the back of Angel’s hand urging his fingers to let go of the counter top. "Relax. We’ve fought worse."

Angel focused on the dangerous fingers trailing up and down the back of his hand nudging under the sleeve of his cotton sweater to reach his wrist. Had the woman no shame. First she teased him with talks of bubble baths and now this. Cordelia was seducing him in front of everyone. Angel’s head shot up to meet the shocked stares of his friends. Except they weren't shocked. In fact, they were acting like every thing was normal. Were they blind? Didn't they see what Cordelia was doing?

"Jimmy and the other children will be fine," Cordy patted the vampire's hand affectionately and then turned to Wesley crossing both of her arms under her breast to lean on the counter. "Speak oh wise one.” Cordelia teased lightly.

Hey. Angel blinked. Cordelia stopped touching him. Why’d she do that? Oh. Lord. He needed to kill something. Either that or damn the consequences of loving her and grab Cordelia where she stood. Wesley, Fred, and Gunn wouldn’t mind if he just took her on the counter. Now, Angel knew he was going crazy. Cordelia had to stop touching him before he lost what was left of his sanity and control. Wait. She had stopped and he was still going crazy.

"Wesley," Angel forced himself to lean into the counter copying Cordelia's move, but keeping their bodies separate. "What is it? How do I kill it?"

Cordelia nudged into the vampire's shoulder and patted his hand again, "should’ve known that the possibility of a dose of good old fashioned violence and mayhem would get you speaking."

STOP TOUCHING ME. Okay. Now what? Now everyone was looking shocked, except Cordelia she just looked hurt, really hurt. Angel groaned. He couldn't have. Please God, no. Oh right, Angel kicked that deity to the curb long ago. Damn. The God of his childhood held a grudge, it was the only explanation why the floor hadn’t opened and swallowed him straight to hell.

"Geez, fine, whatever," Cordelia squeezed her arms tighter around her body. "No touching."

Something catastrophic had to happen to get him away from the wounded look in Cordelia's eyes. Angel looked to the windows, hoping that the thunderstorm that had suddenly appeared would produce a lightning bolt and reduce him to ash. No such luck. The windows rattled and the night flashed but the storm didn’t seem to want to bother with him.

"Cordy," God. What was he going to say? How could Angel fix it? Lie. "I'm really sorry for yelling like that. It's just that," he swayed to imitate her previous nudge. "Kind of pulls at the wounds," Angel waved down to his chest and side. "I shouldn't have shouted though, I'm sorry."

Cordelia scrunched up her brows. "They still hurt? Let me see." Cordelia suddenly worried that she had shoved off the seriousness of the wounds before. "They didn't look deep," Her eyes went to Wesley and Gunn. "Do yours still hurt?"

Angel's gaze bore into Wesley and Gunn's skull begging the men to back him up.

"Um, yes," Wesley stuttered.

"Ah, right," Gunn added not understanding the crazy whys of the jam Angel got himself into but Gunn was always ready to help a buddy out, “especially when, you know," He copied Angel's previous movement and swayed.

"Okay, everybody's shirts off." Cordelia demanded. "Fred, the first aid kit. Please."

"No, really," Angel held the bottom of his shirt firmly to his body. "I'm fine now."

"You said it hurt." Cordelia turned back to vampire. "I might have missed something, maybe it was poison.” She swirled her gaze to Wesley. "Does that," she waved to the book," say that the 'boogie man' is 'poison man'."

"Um, no.” Wesley had no idea what was going on. Angel better have a good explanation for yelling at Cordelia AND for getting Cordelia so worried AND for roping him into covering for the vampire’s insane outburst. "It's not poisonous. The creature has razor like fingernails," he turned the book to show Cordy the picture of the demon. "See," Wesley pointed to the creature’s hands. "They’re very thin and sharp, not very long though. But, the cut's are...well, like paper cuts, only, of course, worse. You know how you're always complaining how much paper cuts hurt when you file. They're fine one minute and then the next they can really hurt."

Angel was impressed and grateful, catching Wesley’s explanation like a lifeline. "That's right," he nodded to Cordelia. "I'm fine now, it was just the sudden movement caused a sharp pain. And I yelled. That's all.” Angel gulped a smile. Now Angel was begging for the lightning to stay outside. If he were reduced to dust right then Cordelia would figure out that he was lying.

"A paper cut?” Cordelia raised her brows in an elegant expression of disbelief. "You are SO weird." she shook her head deciding that the vampire’s current actions were undecipherable.

"And nuts," Gunn murmured.

"Amen," Wesley coughed, under his breath.

Angel shrugged he really couldn't say anything in his own defense.

"So, I can put the first aid kit back," Fred raised the red-crossed box.

"Yeah.” Cordelia rolled her eyes, pulling at the book. "Hey, Wes, it's Freddy Kruger." She pointed to the being depicted on the page. The black and white sketch was of a man with a scared face, the head covered with a floppy hat, his hands ending with sharp claw-like fingers, and clothed in a striped shirt.

Wesley gave up his internal scolding of Angel to look where Cordelia pointed. "Freddy? Oh, of course. That's why it's familiar."

Gunn looked over Wesley's shoulder. "Damn, sure is, a real Nightmare on Elm Street.”

“St. Mathews is on 23rd and Hall.” Angel said. “Where’s Elm Street?” Angel looked at his friends but none of them were bothering to answer him. Sure, now they couldn’t hear him.

Cordelia considered the picture. "Doesn't have the gloved razors that Freddy had though, good thing," she looked at Angel through the corner of her eye, "or big strong vamp, here, would be yelling out in pain every five minutes. Ow, don't touch me, I hurt," her high pitch whine was exaggerated.

Angel winced a little but maintained his steadfast demeanor. He deserved any insult that Cordelia wanted to dish out. But, still it made him twitch in his skin. Angel hated it when Cordelia was upset with him. It made him need too touch her and reaffirm their friendship. Oh. Who was he kidding? He just wanted too touch her. Which was in direct contradiction with his unconscious unmeant unneeded unplanned cry for help. Angel didn’t think too much about the dichotomy of his thoughts and wants. It was all part of his approaching descent into ‘I love Cordy’ crazyland. Angel knew that. He just didn’t want Cordelia to know that.

Angel really needed to be alone so he could bang some normality into his being or at least he needed to go out and kill something and bring some relief to his tightly buddle of nerves and frustrations.

A brief bit of common sense flitted through the vampire’s brain. Tell Cordelia the truth. Just tell her he was, had been, acting weird because Angel loved her and he didn’t know what to do with that knowledge. That when Cordelia touched him or was near him wild thoughts took over Angel’s mind, those of making love to her, sliding in and out of her warmth, burying between her luscious breast and into her firm thighs, soaking in her scent, and living in her body. Yeah, that would work. Angel silently groaned.

Angel needed to get out of there. “Who’s Freddy Kruger and how do I kill him? Do I have to go to this Elm Street? Is that where he is?”

Part 9

“Angel, the demon isn’t Freddy Kruger,” Wesley commented.

“You said it was, Cordelia did,” Angel insisted. He needed to kill something soon.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “It’s a movie, dumb ass.” Cordelia was still smarting from Angel’s outburst and lame excuse. He didn’t want her to be concerned about him or touch him. Pfft. So be it. It’s not like she wanted to touch him or anything like that. Who cares if he could cute kitty purr? Cordelia didn’t. The vampire could just take care of himself and his stupid injuries.

Angel winced again at the young woman’s tone. “A movie? I never heard of it.”

“That’s surprising, why?” Cordelia leaned back into counter. “You and pop culture not really on the same planet much less the same wave length.” She scoffed.

Okay. Cordelia’s wounded bitchiness was more disturbing than her touching him. Angel leaned back into the counter, this time pressing at the woman’s shoulder. Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the contact. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

“The cuts are better now. It was just the sudden movement. I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

Cordelia hmmphed but remained next to the vampire.

Gunn silently exchanged a ‘what the fuck’ look with Wesley. The other man shrugged. He didn’t have a clue as to what had gotten into Angel.

Angel smiled. Hmmphs were much better than bitchy disdain. He just might get through this night without any more screw-ups. “This movie, what does it have to do with the demon that attacked Jimmy.”

“Nothing except the demon’s resemblance to the titled character. Fred Krugger was the embodiment of an evil spirit that lived in dreams.” Wesley explained. “The movie was ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’.”

“Didn’t kill kids though, more like half naked bimbos.” Cordelia grunted. “Chicks with boobs are the first to go.”

“Hey, girl, you’re talking Jason now.” Gunn corrected.

“Please, they’re all the same.” Cordelia shook her head. “It’s the standard formula the sexually confident chick with big breast is the first to go- it’s a clear slap in the face to women that are comfortable with their bodies and sexuality.”

“Shit, girl, it ain’t anything to do with that- the bimbos are always going off alone or running and screaming in the wrong direction-alone…ooh, I’ll be safe in that basement that the last ten kids got grabbed and slashed in, ooh AND , silly me, I forgot my shirt.” Gunn exclaimed, acting out the last part with a squeal and vacant frightened look.

“I saw ‘Friday the 13th’,” Fred joined in. “Cordy’s right, the first girl to get naked and have sex is always the one to die.” She scrunched up her nose. “The sequels weren’t as good. The first was scary. But then Jason was killed - how could he keep coming back. It’s like…. how many times is Michael Myers supposed to be alive after he was killed?”

“That may be the only realistic thing about those movies.” Wesley commented. “As we are well aware, a dead monster, isn’t always a stay dead monster. Though, technically, if I remember correctly, Michael Myers wasn’t a ‘monster’ in the sense that he wasn’t otherworldly or a demon, just an psychotic evil boy that had an aversion to Halloween and grew into an even worse adult, so yes, he probably should’ve stayed dead.”

“Wesley, I don’t think it was Halloween per se, I think that just happened to be when he first killed.” Fred reasoned.

“Same with Jason, not the Halloween thing, I mean,” Gunn said. “Didn’t somebody abuse him or something, made him hate summer camps?”

“I think he hated his mother.” Fred said. “Or was that somebody else?”

“Norman Bates.” Cordelia nodded. “Classic.”

Fred blinked in agreement, stabbing her fist in the air wildly. “I couldn’t take a shower for weeks.”

The room nodded, all except Angel. Norman Bates sounded familiar, but he still didn’t understand. What in the hell were they talking about? Stay dead monster? What was that? Was Wesley referring to Darla's resurrection? Was a vampire a non stay dead monster, did Wesley just call him a monster? “Who’s Jason and Michael and Norman and what do they have to do with Freddy? Who's not that demon?” Angel jabbed at the picture.

Cordelia peered up to vampire. “Horror movies, Angel, we’re talking horror movies.

“Oh.” Angel still didn’t understand.

Wesley pushed at his glasses. “I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that Wes Craven, the creator of the Freddy Kruger franchise,” he added for Angel’s benefit,” saw this,” pointing to the demon on the page, "as a young child. Unusual that Craven would retain the memory into adulthood, though.”

“It’s more unusual that he lived through it.” Gunn interjected. “That thing didn’t seem really willing to let Jimmy go. So, what is it?”

“It’s a Jakcara, an evil demon that targets small children to terrify and kill. It’s quite literally the monster in the closet or under the bed. A boogie man.”

“Why couldn’t we see it?” Angel asked.

“It can only be seen by the children it targets.”

“It shows itself to its victims.”

“More like the victims are the only ones that can see him. Children at a young age are susceptible to believing the unbelievable - Santa Clause, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, imaginary friends, and monsters. It’s only as they age that they lose the ability. Jimmy said he was 8. The other boys in St. Matthews were approximately the same age. “

“But, Wes, you, Gunn and definitely Angel have seen the unbelievable before, Geez, Angel is the unbelievable. So, why couldn’t you see it? I mean you know that the things that go bump in the night are scary real.” Cordelia asked.

Angel nudged at her shoulder. “Thanks for not calling me a monster.”

Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the vampire. He did it again. He could touch her but she couldn’t touch him. That didn’t make any sense. “You’re weird, a dumb ass, and a ‘grr’ jerk, but not a monster.” She hmmphed.

Angel didn't care. He could live with dumb ass just as long as Cordelia didn't think he was monster, non stay dead one or otherwise.

“It’s the nature of the demon, Cordelia. Only children can see it. The unbelievable that we as adults know is because they have been proven by our experiences, children believe because they just do.”

“Wesley, is there way you can make it visible.” Angel asked.

“Yeah, the not seeing it as it knocks you on the ass, makes it difficult to get an axe in it,” Gunn commented.

“No. Adults can’t see it.” Wesley repeated.

“Angel tracked it.”

“And lost it,” Angel stood. “I could sense the blood once it hit the air, but the trail didn’t last.” Angel was beginning to feel more at ease. Killing demons he could deal with loving Cordelia was what made him nervous.

Wesley nodded. “The Jakcara are quick healers, shutting off the scent.”

“So what? We go back and keep swinging our weapons in the air hoping to get lucky and spurt some blood for Angel to follow.”

Wesley sighed. “The problem with that bad plan is that we wouldn't even know if the Jakcara has returned or if he’s gone to terrorize children at another location. A child is the only one that can tell us where it is.”

“Wesley, you don’t mean…” Fred asked.

“No, of course not,” Wesley’s head shook with an offended shake. “I wouldn’t use a child as bait that would unconscionable. No. I have found a spell that does release an adult’s inner child. It is used primarily as a therapeutic tool by mystic holistic circles. I have modified it a bit, enhancing the properties. It should allow me to see as a child would.”

“You?” Angel straightened.

“Yes. I do not think it would be beneficial if you were under the influences of your ‘inner child’. The demon’s whole purpose is to frighten a child and eventually kill the child. In strength and skill, you as a vampire have the advantage. However, you could be at a disadvantage if you see the demon through your child’s eye. I will point and you and Charles will kill it.”

Angel contemplated Wesley’s proposition. It could work. Though, he didn’t like Wesley putting himself at risk.

“I don’t like it.” Cordelia said quickly.

“I realize that the plan is not completely fool proof but I was limited in time.” Wesley defended. “We can’t be confident that this storm will prevent the demon from attacking again tonight.”

“It’s not your plan.” Cordelia explained. “I just don’t think the spell should be done on you. It should be me.”

“Excuse me?” Wesley jerked at his glasses.

“NO.” Angel said quickly.

“I’m just saying that girls notoriously mature earlier than boys, therefore I would be better suited for facing Freddy. And, honestly, Wes, do you even have an ‘inner child’ to tap into? Seriously, I bet you were English stuffy in diapers.”

“NO.” Angel repeated again very loudly.

“Cordelia, we would just be concern with your presence. It would be a distraction.”

“Distraction, BIG distraction.” Angel shook and nodded his head in emphatic agreement with Wesley.

“Pooh. Just do the spell. One of you brave men can baby-sit me and that leaves two big strong guys to fight.”

“There would be two with my plan.”

“Gunn is strong and big- and I’m strong.” Angel insisted, adding his voice to Wesley’s.

“Damn straight.” Gunn piped in.

“No, some one would have to baby-sit your baby self, Wes. Or at least stop you from running away before the demon was spotted."

“Cordelia,” Wesley huffed indignantly.

“Okay, Geez, Wesley, but it does make more sense. Take me and my inner child along I’ll point and you all will attack. The more the better.”

“Cordy, I don’t like placing you at risk in that manner,” Wesley’s voice wavered.

Angel rushed to his friend. “And you are absolutely right, Wes. Cordelia is wrong. WRONG. She can’t go.”

“Hey,” Cordelia smacked the vampire on the arm. “You aren’t the boss so shut up.”

“Wesley,” Angel ignored the young woman for the first time in a very long time.

Wesley bristled a bit at Angel’s authoritative tone and growl. Angel should know that he wouldn’t needlessly put Cordelia in danger.

Part 10

Angel couldn’t believe it. No one was listening to him. He stalked into Wesley’s office.

“She can’t go.” He said for the countless time, annunciating his words clearly so Wesley would understand.

Wesley looked up from the spell’s preparations. “Cordelia made some valid points, Angel.”

“No she didn’t. Wesley, she wants you to do the spell on her and then put her in front of that demon. How is that valid? That’s stupid and dangerous. I won’t let her go.”

Wesley took his glasses off. “And how do you plan on stopping Cordelia?”

Angel was ready for that. He had been thinking non-stop about it since Wesley made his decision. Angel had settled on the sure fire method of tying up Cordelia and locking her in one of the rooms upstairs.

Wesley held up his hand. “And skip the nonsensical plan of keeping her prisoner in the hotel.”

Angel scowled. “It would work.”

“It would get you dusted.”

Damn. Angel forgot the part where he would have to come back and face Cordelia.

Wesley rolled his eyes as Angel pictured all the possible ways that Cordelia would torture him for even contemplating such an asinine idea.

“Wesley, she’ll listen to you. Tell her she can’t go.” Angel slumped in the chair. “You said it would be a distraction. It would be. It’s too dangerous.”

“Angel, we aren’t sending her in alone. We will be with her. She will be protected. And, it would be more efficient to have Charles and I at full capacity.”

“It’s too dangerous,” he grumbled.

Wesley frowned. He wondered if he had been wrong and Angel actually realized that he loved Cordelia.

“Angel, what was your outburst for?”

“It's too dangerous. I told you that. And it wasn’t an outburst.”

“Yes it was and not that one.”

“Oh.” Angel tapped his fingers on the chair arm. “My wounds…”

“Angel, while, Gunn and I didn’t receive the amount you did, we did receive them. And with your abilities, I imagine yours are practically healed. The Jakcara’s nails are used to create terror. As weapons go they are limited, especially to a vampire.”

Right. Angel lifted his eyes. “I…” Angel took a deep breath. Maybe Wesley could help. Angel sure wasn’t getting anywhere useful with his scattered thinking. “I’m in love with her,” he mumbled slowly. “I don’t know what to do and it’s driving me crazy.”

Wesley leaned back in his chair fighting against the smile that wanted to appear. “Tell her.”

“I can’t tell her.” Angel rolled his eyes, so much for Wesley having any useful advice.

“Why not?”

“Because.” Angel stared at his friend.


“Because,” Angel repeated slowly giving Wesley time to understand. Wesley was certainly being dense.

“Angel, ‘because’ is not a reason.” Lord. Angel was bordering on the pathetic.

“It is too.”

“Angel, a reason- is an explanation or justification, not simply a ‘because.”

Angel slumped further into his chair. “I can’t tell her because…”, the vampire took a deep breath, “what do I have to offer her, what if it ruins our friendship, what if she hates the idea or laughs at me, or….”

Wesley held up his hand. “A simple ‘I can’t tell Cordelia because I’m scared’, would have been sufficient.”

“I’m not scared…I’m worried.” Angel clarified weakly.

“Ah,” Wesley nodded. “But, Angel, you have to tell her. Your ‘worry’ is exhibiting itself in some bizarre behavior.”

“It’s not bizarre to want Cordelia far away from the Jakcara.”

“Angel, Cordelia has already expressed concern over your behavior towards her. She believes that you are avoiding her and she’s right. Cordy deserves the truth and the right to decide how she feels about you loving her. I think you’ll be surprised about her reaction.”

“What do you know? Did Cordelia say something to you?”

Wesley sighed at the eagerness in the vampire’s voice. Wesley hated to discourage it. “No, but true feelings aren’t always expressed in words sometimes, as you are no doubted aware, they are expressed in very real and very obvious actions. You should talk to her, Angel.”

Angel deeply sighed again finally nodding. “I don’t want Cordy to go.”

“She’ll be fine. The spell’s ready.”


“Cordy,” Angel paced.

“Don’t bother, worry wort, I’ll be fine. Geez. Wes, where do you want me?”

“In the circle,” he indicated a circle drawn on the floor with candles placed around it.

“Okie dokie,” Cordelia stepped in the middle. “Now what?”

“Be quiet, while I do the spell. Now, theoretically, once the spell is completed you will have a child’s point of view but will not be a child.”

“Theoretically?” Angel stepped up.

“Angel,” Wesley shushed the vampire and started the incantation.

Angel growled inwardly and stepped back his eyes glued on the form of Cordelia He couldn’t believe he was just going to stand there and let Wesley experiment on the woman he loved.

Angel’s tensed even more as the clap of loud thunder vibrated throughout the hotel. He looked around. Lightening and thunder came hand in hand and the sounds of the angry storm were swirling around the hotel. His nerves were on fire and it wasn’t because of the spell. His body reacted as that of a wild animal’s that sensed approaching danger. Angel lunged towards Cordelia tackling her out of the circle as bolt of lightening ignited the center to the ear splitting sound of more thunder.

“Fuck,” Gunn tried to blink the white spots out of his eyes.

“Angel and Cordy?” Wesley struggled to his feet. The impact of the lightening had thrown him to his feet.

“They’re okay,” Fred said pointing a shaky finger.

The three friends stared at the couple.

Angel and Cordelia lay sprawled on the floor of the lobby. Cautiously they struggled to sit up blinking at each other than at the room and then they both started to emit very child like wails.

“Oh dear,” Wesley rubbed at his face.

“Is the vamp crying for his mother?” Gunn searched for any one to answer him.

Part 11

Wesley, Gunn, and Fred stood slightly taken aback by the sight of their friends, Angel and Cordelia did indeed look fine -physically. However, to the on lookers' dismay, they both were sniffling and crying, Cordelia calling for her mommy, daddy and some one named Rosa, Angel, on the other hand was just crying for his ma.

“Oh dear,” Wesley repeated.

“That ain’t helping,” Gunn rubbed at his head. Wesley needed to say something productive real soon.

Fred blinked, clearing her throat. “The spell must have affected them both.”

Wesley shook off his consternation. “Of course, we should’ve expected this.”

“Expect that the vamp would be whining for his mommy?” Gunn snorted.

Wesley stood straighter. This was merely a mishap not a serious problem. “We should’ve expected,” Wesley, said with great-determined care, “ that the sudden exposure to the inner child would have an upsetting reaction, though it is a bit more severe than I contemplated. However, I believe that we merely need to calm them down. Fred, perhaps,” he gestured to Cordelia and Angel’s sniffling forms, urging her to do something. “I will get the reverse spell and perform it on Angel and then our plan can proceed.” Wesley decided.

“I don't know, Wes, man, I ain't seeing either of them up to facing the boogie man without peeing in their pants or crying for mommy. That ain't just the inner child we're hearing, it's the outer too. Freaky with them looking the same."

"I'm sure it is just a matter of calming them down." Wesley would hold on to the concept that the unusual interference of the lighting and resulting circumstances were not a roadblock or dangerous rather just a small bump.

Personally, Gunn couldn't quite get behind Wesley's projected optimism. Anything that turned the vamp into a sobbing kid crying for his ma wasn't good. It was freaky, unsettling, and potentially bad for all of their health. Still, Wesley was brain guy. Gunn hoped his friend was right. A six-foot super strong bloodsucker baby wasn't what Gunn signed up for when he agreed to the plan. Gunn followed Wesley into the latter’s office hoping his presence would spurn Wesley too work fast.

Fred bit her lip and moved slowly to the crying figures of her friends. Why was this her job? Wesley and Gunn knew Angel and Cordelia longer, Wesley especially. Fred sighed and went closer. Whether she liked it or not this was her job. She felt out place, her nerves tingling with the unwanted, unneeded, inescapable unease of confronting anything unknown that wasn’t scripted on the whiteness of paper or in the gleam of a computer. It was very disconcerting to see her two normally very brave and strong friends sobbing in child-like panic. Whatever. She moved closer.

Cordelia didn't like being scared. Cordelia’s teary eyes rested on the boy next her. His arms were all over her holding her to the ground. Cordelia took in his brown tussled hair and gangly thin body. Geez, he was ugly, all big head, hands, and feet on a skinny short body, and he was a crybaby AND he had PUSHED her down. That made her mad which was so much easier than being scared. She sniffled, her tears disappearing, and glared. “You stupid boy.” She struggled and shoved Angel with all her might. “You pushed me, you dorkhead.”

“I did not.” Angel scrambled back along the floor, trying to scoot away from the girl. He had never seen her before. What was a ‘dorkhead’? She seemed to be his age, really skinny with pretty brown hair and a red puffy face. “Ow.” he whined as she shoved him again. He didn’t like her. She was mean. “Stop it, I didn‘t do anything.” He pushed back.

Fred’s eyes widened. Oh no. This was not good.

Fred squealed for Wesley and Gunn as she ran towards Cordy’s sprawled body. Angel had shoved the young woman across the floor.

Angel bit his lip and wrung his hands. Boys weren’t supposed to hit or be mean to girls. If his Da found out he’d get a lashing. Wow. Angel looked again. How’d he push her so far?

Cordelia blinked. Why that nasty little boy. She scooted to her feet, ran, and jumped.

“WESLEY, CHARLES,” Fred yelled again, missing Cordy’s arm as the young woman swept past her to land on Angel, Cordelia’s arms swinging wildly.

Wesley and Gunn ran out of the office, skidding to a halt at the sight of Angel and Cordelia rolling around on the ground. Angel seemed to be taking most of the abuse. Cordelia was pulling at his hair, pinching and hitting him.

“OW,” Angel whined, jerking and trying to get Cordy off of him. He didn’t care about his Da and a probable lashing anymore. If the girl pulled his hair one more time he was going to hit her.

“Oh shit,” Gunn slid to his knees grabbing for Angel. “Wes, get Cordy.”

“Oh dear,” Wesley hurried to the young woman looping his arms around her waist and yanking.

Cordelia’s arms and legs swished madly in the air. “He pushed me.”

“She started it.” Angel whined letting Gunn pull him to his feet.

“I did not. You did, booger face.” Cordelia stuck her tongue out at the vampire. Wesley groaned holding Cordelia tight. She may be acting like a child but it was the full-grown Cordelia within his grasp and Cordelia, the grown up version, wasn’t a weak woman. He held tighter to the squirming body.

“I did not. You pinched me, ....you...you...horse face.” Angel gulped out.

“Butt head.” Cordelia cried.

“Swine breath.” Angel just knew he would get in trouble but he couldn't just let the strange mean girl call him names.

Wesley let out a loud whistle transforming the childish insults into the silence of glares and protruding tongues.

“Cordelia, Angel, you are acting like….” Wesley stopped. They were children at least from their point of view. “You two behave and be nice to each other.”

“Angel? You’re name is Angel.” Cordelia giggled maliciously. “That’s a girly name, you’ve got a girly name.”

“I do not. My name is Liam.” He stuck out his chest.

“He called you Angel,” Cordelia pointed to Wesley. “Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel.”

“Cordelia Chase, be quiet.” Wesley said in his best authoritative tone.

Cordelia shut her mouth and stared at the man. “Who are you? Where are my Mommy and Daddy? You can’t tell me what to do.”

Angel blinked in wonder at the little girl. He had been taught to always respect adults or get whipped. The mean girl wasn’t even scared.

“Yes, Cordelia, I can. Your parents left me in charge. They’ve gone on vacation.” Wesley thought quickly.

Cordelia scrunched up her nose. “Why didn’t they leave me with Rosa. That's what they always do. I don’t like it here. I especially don’t like him,” she swirled pointing at Angel.

“I don’t like you either, so there.” Angel retorted.

“Big whoop, I didn’t like you first. So there. Dork head. Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel." She hmmphed.

“STOP calling me that.”

“Whatcha ya going do about it, crybaby. Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel."

“I’ll…I’ll..I'll hit you.” Angel took a step towards the young woman.

“Ooh, you just try it.”

“Whoa, Angel, no hitting Cordy.” Gunn pulled at the vampire.

“My name isn’t Angel.” Angel insisted.

“Angel, Angel…”

Fred quickly but gently covered Cordy’s mouth, stopping the young woman’s continuation of her singsong taunt. “Please don’t, Cordy. It’s not nice to tease Ang…Liam.” Fred removed her hand and smiled encouragingly at the now quiet Cordelia.

Cordelia slumped a little turning to the woman next to her. The woman had called her Cordy. Why? Cordelia studied Fred’s smile. The strange woman seemed nice enough, well except for the grabby hands part. Pretty, too, in the way Cordy’s mom said wasn’t pretty because it wasn't the result of hours in a beauty salon. Cordelia bit at her lips. “I don’t know you.” She was getting scared again. Why had her parents left her with strangers?

Fred tried to think quickly. This was Cordy, she looked like she had less than fifteen minutes ago, but she was acting like a child. Bizarre. Weird. Fred looked again. Cordelia was for all extensive purpose a child. A child in a strange place with a bunch of adults she didn’t know, a child, who was looking up to Fred, figuratively speaking, and asking Fred for more than her name. Fred decided then and there that as much as she was a friend to the adult Cordy she would be more so to the child that needed her- all weirdness would be ignored. Fred hoped Wesley could fix this soon because it was really going to be odd.

Fred reached cupping Cordelia’s chin. “Cordy, you can trust us, please. We will keep you safe. I promise. My name is Fred.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face. “That’s a boy’s name,” she finally said in a small voice.

Fred cocked her head. “It’s short for Winifred.”

Cordelia rolled the new name over in her head. “That’s a grandma name.”

Fred smiled and nodded. “It was my grandmother’s name, but I didn’t quite fit the prim and proper namesake, so my friends call me Fred. I'd like it if you called me Fred.”

“My friends call me Cordy.”

“Can I call you Cordy?”

Cordelia pursed her brows in thought, she wasn’t like any woman Cordelia had ever met before- she was nice and pretty and from the state of her wardrobe didn’t need to impress anyone. “I guess.” Cordelia said hesitantly, not quite ready to completely trust the woman that dressed badly and smiled so easily.

“Thank you, Cordy.” Fred broadened her smile. “This is an unusual situation for everyone, Angel too. So, why don’t you apologize to Angel….I mean Liam…and he’ll apologize to you.” Fred coaxed.

Angel grumbled under his breath. His name wasn't Angel and he didn't want to say sorry to the mean girl.

Gunn nudged at the vampire. “Apologize.” He said in a strict tone. Gunn was still a bit weirded out about the whole thing but he would follow Fred and Wesley’s lead and act the adult to Angel and Cordy’s ‘inner child’. Gunn scoffed inwardly, Angel and Cordy’s ‘inner children’ were breaking way into the outer limits.

Angel shuffled on his feet, completely chastised by the strange man’s tone. He begrudgingly looked up at the girl. "I'm sorry."

Cordelia scowled but mumbled her own apology.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it," Fred said.

Cordelia crept her fingers around Fred’s at the woman’s approval.

Fred blinked at the contact but didn’t move her hand.

Cordelia smiled at Fred. “I think I like you.” Cordy said softly.

“I know I like you, a lot.” Fred answered sincerely.

Why was everyone taking the girl's side? She started it. Angel kicked at the floor. Probably because she was a girl. Where were his parents? Did his father finally act on his repeated threat and just get rid of him. But he had been good for ages. He had done all his chores, hadn't talked back, hadn't fallen asleep in church, and had done all his lessons, even the hard Latin. “My Ma and Da?” Angel tried to keep the fear from his voice not wanting to trigger the strange girl’s taunting again.

Wesley turned. “They asked us to watch you, also. It will only be for a little while.”

“Oh.” Angel stared again at his feet. Angel didn't understand but he knew better than to ask any more questions of the grown ups.

Fred cleared her throat. "Cordy, why don't you come with me to the kitchen. We have ice cream."

"Ice cream?" Cordy's eyes lit up. "Do you have chocolate?"

Angel frowned. Ice Cream. That was a rare special treat. He wanted ice cream. Why did the Cordelia girl get to have some and he didn't. She started it. Angel slumped his shoulders. He WAS being punished.

"Yes, we do." Fred led Cordelia out of the lobby.

It wasn't fair. Angel loved chocolate. He didn't even hit the girl just pushed her and it was all her fault anyway.

"Yes, well, Ang....Liam," Wesley went over to the vampire, "My name is Wesley and this is Charles Gunn."

Angel ignored Wesley, his focus remained fixed on the departing figures of Fred and Cordelia.

"Liam?" Wesley tried to get the vampire's attention. "Is something wrong?"

Wesley glared at Gunn's snort. Wesley knew it was a stupid question considering the circumstances but Wesley doubted Angel's pout at anything to do with those.

Angel's bottom lip trembled, fighting an internal struggle with what he knew he should do and what he wanted to do. "Why can't I have any ice cream?" Angel blurted out ignoring the consequences of questioning an adult.

"Um.” Wesley pushed at his glasses. That was a surprise. The spell didn't change the fact that Angel was a vampire. Still there was no reason that a vampire couldn't have ice cream. "You can, I guess, if you want too."

"I can?" Angel sputtered. "I'm not being punished?"

"Punished? Why would we punish you?"

"Boys aren't supposed to fight with girls."

Wesley slowly nodded. "That's right, you should never hit Cordelia or anybody for that matter."

"Unless that anybody is a he, she, or it that is trying to kill you or us.” Gunn added.

"Kill me?” Angel squeaked a little.

"Charles," Wesley shook his head. "Angel..."

"My name isn't Angel,” the vampire protested quietly, still trying to get his thoughts wrapped around the idea that some one would actually want to kill him.

"Of course. Right. Liam. It's just that...nevermind. You can't hit Cordelia not only because you are a boy but also because you much stronger than she is. If you hit her you would really hurt her."

"She pinched me and pulled my hair. She hurt me." They were really being unfair.

"Yes, but you have the ability to cause her more harm. Just don't hit her or push her and then there will be no reason to punish you. Why don't you go into the kitchen now? I'm sure Fred will give you some ice cream if you ask."

Angel licked his lips his mind no longer on Wesley's lecture or the unfairness of his life but back on the chocolate treat.

Wesley faced Gunn once Angel left the room. "You better go just in case Cordelia starts in on him again. I'll hurry with the spell."

"Man, did you see her, never pictured her as such a hellion thought she'd be more of the princess type."

"That must have come later." Wesley shrugged.


"Hello, come on in," Fred beckoned Angel further into the kitchen.

"Wesley said I could have ice cream too." Angel said tentatively.

Fred blinked. Angel wanted ice cream. Why not? "Have a seat and I'll get you a bowl."

Cordelia lowered her head and dipped furiously into her ice cream. She may have had to apologize but that didn’t mean she had to notice the boy or anything. Pfft. He was gross.

Continue on...