just fic

Title: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Author: Anne
Posted: 03-19-2001
Disclaimers: Ats, nor St. Paddy’s day belongs to me
Spoilers: absolutely none
Couples: duh, C/A
Rating: NC17
Distribution: If you want it, it’s yours, just let me know
Comments: This was a thought I came up with lying on the couch suffering from a massive headache from too much celebrating last night. I figured that I had to get my aching head off the pain and on to other things, so here it is. It’s just fun and some sex. I hope everyone likes it.
Feedback: Please, I live for it…

Chapter One:

“Angel, Angel” Cordelia called excitedly as she ran into the hotel lobby. A small bag decorated with balloons and streamers was clutched in her hand. Oh where was that stupid vampire, she thought. She had been waiting all day for the sun to set, so she could come over and drag Angel out. If he had already gone patrolling or gone off to brood somewhere, she was going to kill him, she grumbled. It would be just like the socially impaired vampire to ruin all of her plans.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Angel said concerned at Cordelia’s agitated state. “Great, you are here. Come on, let’s go,” Cordelia smiled widely coming up to Angel and tugging at his arm. “Wait,” she stopped and looked the vampire up and down.

“What are you wearing?” She scowled at Angel's all black attire, then with a wicked grin she reached out a pinched the vampire sharply on the arm.

“What? Ow?” Angel said more in surprise than any pain. “Why did you do that?” He said in an almost whining tone.

“You aren’t wearing any green, so ‘grr’ guy that means you get pinched,” she laughed reaching again for the vampire, her fingers making an exaggerated pinching motion.

Angel brushed her hand away. “Green? Stop that,” he jumped as Cordelia tweaked him again with her other hand.

“It’s St. Patrick’s day, Angel. Geez, what kind of Old Irish guy are you?” She pouted. “You have to wear green or you ….”

“Get pinched,” he stared bemused at the young girl before him, finally noticing her apparel. “I take it you don’t want to get pinched.” He said in awe at her festive attire.

“That’s right, nobody is pinching me,” she said proudly. Cordelia was wearing low riding green leather pants. A huge sequined four-leaf clover was appliqued on the middle of her tight black shirt. Angel leaned in, his hand brushing her hair aside. His eyes widened as he saw little leprechauns dangling from her ears.

“You look….festive.”

“I know,” she smiled widely. “But you don’t, not at all.” Cordelia shook her head. “I figured as much. That’s why I brought you these.” She pushed the bag up towards the vampire.“What did you bring me?” he asked with trepidation.

“Oh, don’t be scared. It’s just buttons,” she smiled pulling out two large green pins. One stated proudly, ‘Kiss me, I am Irish’, while the other was a happy face with shamrocks for eyes. “Come on,” she said pinning the buttons onto Angel’s black shirt. “Wesley and Gunn are waiting.” She stood back admiring her handiwork. Impulsively, she leaned forward and planted a moist kiss on Angel’s cheek. “You are Irish,” she explained at Angel’s surprised look. “Let’s go,” she grabbed at Angel pulling him towards the door.

“Where are we going and why?” Angel didn’t budge from his spot, his cheek still tingling from the sensation of his seer’s kiss. He tried to ignore the urge to pull the beautiful young woman back and beg her to kiss him again.

“It’s St. Patrick’s day,” Cordelia said exasperation yanking harder at the immovable vampire. “We're going to celebrate. Wesley and Gunn are all ready at O’ Malley's Pub. I made them go earlier to save a table. It’s probably way packed by now. So, come on.” “Cordelia, I am not going,” Angel shook his head firmly, resisting the pressure of Cordelia’s grip and the pout forming on her pretty face.

“Angel, you’re Irish and this is like the biggest, best Irish holiday there is. You have to go. It’s like mandatory or something.”

“Cordelia, St. Patrick’s day is a religious day in Ireland not a green wearing drinking-fest that you American’s have turned it into. If I wanted to celebrate the day, which I don’t, I would go to church.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “You in church, right. And I bet your pre-vamp IRISH self wasn’t in church, either.” She said in disbelief.

Angel frowned. Cordelia was right, as soon as his mortal self was big enough to defy his overbearing father without getting the daylights beat out of him, Angel had never set foot in the church again. His father had said he would be damned for his blasphemous actions. And his father had been right, Angel thought dryly.

“Oh, please Angel,” she pouted prettily. “You need to get out and enjoy yourself. It isn’t healthy for you to stay cooped up here and brood. “Please,” she whined.

Angel stared at the pleading girl. He silently cursed his inability to defy his seer’s beseeching gorgeous eyes. The idea of being in a loud, smoky bar with a bunch of drunken humans held absolutely no appeal to him, but he couldn’t say no to Cordelia.

“All right,” he conceded. “But, I am not wearing these,” he said in defiance, pulling off the green buttons.

“Ok,” she warned. “But that means more pinching, no kissing.”

Angel’s hand automatically pinned the buttons back on to his shirt. Getting pinched by a bunch of drunken mortals was even less appealing to him, then going to the pub. And, just maybe, he thought, Cordelia might kiss him again.

Cordelia smiled brightly and kissed him again, this time on the lips. “Thank you. You won’t regret it, it will be fun.”

Angel wasn’t sure about the fun part, but he was about the not regretting part. Angel never regretted anytime that he spent with his seer, especially when she was happy. He smiled still tasting the flavor of her lips against his.

Chapter two “Hey, there they are,” Cordelia exclaimed pointing to Wesley and Gunn as she pushed her way through the crowed bar.

The bar was as bad as Angel had feared it would be. The bar was jammed packed with boisterous party revelers, mutating lovely Irish songs, with inaccurate words and loud off tune voices.

“Isn’t this great?” Cordelia beamed. “Come on.”

Angel moved to follow when he was abruptly pinched on his ass. He turned quickly around to face a happy inebriated woman.

“Whoops, I didn’t see the green,” she slurred. The woman squinted up her eyes to read the big button on his chest. She gave a goofy grin and lunged towards Angel landing a wet sloppy kiss on his lips. Angel jerked back in distaste at the woman’s actions attempting to untangle her arms that had made their way around his waist.

Cordelia had stopped as soon as she noticed Angel wasn’t following her. She glared at the sloshed woman and headed back towards Angel. “Hey, he’s with me, get your own Irishman,” she glowered at the woman removing her bodily away from the vampire.

“Sorry, just doing what it said,” the woman pointed to the button and swayed back.

“Umph,” Cordelia huffed. Cordelia scrunched up her face and stared at the button that she had placed on Angel’s shirt. She grabbed it off the vampire. “One button is enough,” she demanded scowling at Angel.

“It’s not my fault,” Angel defended. “You made me wear it.”

“Umph,” she huffed again placing the offending button on her shirt.

Angel smiled. Conversely, it pleased him to see Cordelia act all huffy at the other woman who had kissed him. His smile soon turned to a growl as he saw a strange drunken man grab Cordelia and pull her into a big kiss. Some one else kissing his seer was unacceptable. Angel yanked the lout away from his seer instantly flashing his vamp face to the smashed fellow. The man squinted and swayed at the change in Angel’s visage. Angel rolled his eyes in disgust; the lush was too far-gone to even have the sense to be frightened by the vampire. The man just shrugged and started to push through the crowd.

“Eww,” Cordelia gripped wiping at her mouth. Angel scowled at the young girl and tugged the pin off her shirt. With lightening reflexes, Angel grabbed at the retreating drunk. Angel placed the pin on the man’s shirt and pushed the dazed drunk towards the earlier female that had kissed Angel.

“That will work,” Cordelia said now smiling as she saw the other woman lunge at the drunken man now wearing the ‘Kiss me’ pin. “Come on, I think we can make it,” she shouted over the din, tugging the vampire to where Wesley and Gunn were sitting.

Angel gapped at his two friends. Wesley and Gunn were sitting around a table singing ‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling”. They were singing loudly and badly, waving their beer mugs wildly in the air. One empty and two full pitchers of green beer were placed before them.

“Angel, Cordelia…Top of the morning to ya,” Wesley belched. “Whoops, pardon me,” he stated. “Have a seat, have a drink,” he shouted grabbing at a pitcher.

“Nice hat,” Angel said dryly taking the pitcher from Wesley’s wobbling hand.

“Do you like it?” Wesley said proudly. Wesley was wearing a tall green top hat with a green carnation pinned in the band.

“Hey man, what about mine?” Gunn interrupted.

“Yours is nice, too.” Cordelia said grinning at the black man’s green and white cap with a big green pom pom attached to the top. Gunn smiled at the compliment and took a swallow of his beer.

“Um, how long have you two been here?” Angel asked his obviously tipsy friends.

Wesley turned to Gunn, his forehead scrunching up in concentration. “One, no two of these ago,” he claimed holding up a pitcher.

“Yep, that sounds about right,” agreed Gunn.

“Here, lass have a beer,” Wesley said in a bad imitation of an Irish brogue. He magnanimously offered up a full mug to Cordelia.

“Why, thank you kind Irish sir,” she giggled.

“You know,” Wesley whispered conspiratorial tone. “I am not Irish, I am British.”

“Hey, I told you to stop saying that.” Gunn rolled his eyes. “Next thing you know he will belt out ‘God Save the Queen. I have already had to break up one argument on home rule.”

“I have absolutely no problem with Ireland’s call for home rule. But, that ignoramus had no business slandering the Queen.” Wesley said getting indignant again.

“Hey, guys, we are here to have fun, not reenact the centuries old conflict between the British and the Irish.” Cordelia cut in.

“You are absolutely right,” Wesley agreed.

“What is this,” Angel said looking in dismay at that the green liquid that Gunn had poured into his mug.

“Beer, man, the specialty of the house.”

“This is not beer,” Angel disagreed. “Beer is Quinness, this is colored water.”

“Ooh, the Irish vamp is a beer Snob,” Gunn countered. “Well, you try to get a waitress in this place. I am drinking this.”

Angel looked around the crowed noisy bar. He didn’t see a waitress in sight and the bar was knee deep in people. Angel sighed and tentatively brought the mug to his lips. He shuddered in disgust, as he tasted the weak beer.

“Oh, get over it Angel. Have some fun,” Cordelia pouted.

Angel grimaced and took another swallow. For Cordelia’s sake, he would try. He gave a small smile to his seer.

Cordelia smiled at his attempt. She was about to say something when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck tingle. She glanced quickly around, Cordelia could have sworn she felt someone staring at her. Cordelia shook her head, like she could see if anybody was staring at her in this madhouse. She turned back to her friends.

“Cordelia, what is it?” Angel asked. He had noticed her movements. “It was…” she stopped and jerked around as she saw a flash of green scoot by in the corner of her eye. There it was again. She looked harder into the dark corner of the bar where the flash of green disappeared. Cordelia’s eyes widened as she saw a little bearded man staring back at her. The small fellow was decked out in a green suit with a green hat covering his bushy red hair.

“Cordelia, what is it?” Angel asked again.

“Angel, it’s a leprechaun,” she said pointing to the corner.

“There is no such thing as a leprechauns, probably just a midget.” Wesley said knowingly.“Right, just like there is no vampires, werewolves, demons or witches,” retorted Cordelia.

“Cordelia, how much have you had to drink,” asked Gunn.

“Please, I just got here and it was a leprechaun,” she demanded.

“Sure, it was.” Gunn nodded, winking at Wesley’s smirk.

“Ump,” Cordelia retorted getting up.


“It was a Leprechaun and I’ll prove it,” she promised. “If I can find him that is,” she said leaving the table.

“Cordelia, don’t….” Angel stopped as Cordelia moved off ignoring his order. Angel started to get up to follow but was pushed down by a passing patron.

“Don’t worry, Angel. She will be fine. Even if for some reason it is actually a leprechaun, they aren’t dangerous. Just mischievous.”

“Yeah, she will be fine, unless she goes for his gold,” Gunn added laughing.

“I don’t know.” Angel was uneasy about having Cordelia out of his sight. The slim form of his seer had already disappeared through the milling crowd.

Chapter Three

Cordelia shoved her way through the crowd until she reached the corner of the bar. Actually, it wasn’t a corner but an entranceway to a hall. Cordelia glanced back at the table with her friends. She managed to see Angel through the mass of people. Oh, she wished he would have a good time, she thought noticing his broody expression. All she wanted was to give him some joyous diversion to the everyday grimness of his mission. Cordelia knew enough about Angel’s mortal self to know that Liam was capable of having fun, so why couldn’t Angel. Granted he had spent the last 250 years or so not having a good time, actually a horrible time. She refused to count the Angelus period as being fun for the vampire, that had just been evil and nasty. But, now, Angel had a chance to change all that, he just needed to loosen up, to embrace his humanity, to reconnect with his Liam side.

And Cordelia wanted, needed to help him to do it. Oh well, she would keep trying, she promised. But first, she wanted to find the Leprechaun. She had seen one and she wanted to prove it to her doubting friends. Cordelia strode forward into the dim corridor.


“Well, little lassy lookin for meself were ya?”

Cordelia started as she heard the thick Irish brogue calling to her. “Hello?”

“Now, what would such a bonny lass have with the likes of me. Ya wouldn’t be after me gold now would ya?”

Cordelia stared as a little grizzled man dressed in all green emerged from the shadows. The small man hugged possessively at a brass pot.

“No. I don’t want your gold. It’s true, you are a leprechaun.”

“Aye, Shamus O’ Toole at your service.” The little man gave a brief nod of his red hairy head. “So, what would be wanting if not me gold? Aye, you lass want what’s in here,” he predicted motioning to the bag swung around his shoulder.

“I don’t what anything. Well, except for you to come back with me to prove that you are a leprechaun. My friends don’t believe me.”

“Disbeliveers, are they.” He chuckled. “Well, It’s not me purpose to make believers out of ‘em. So, lass do you want what’s in me bag? They be wishes.”


“Aye, I have me a bag full just aching to be used by such a bonny Irish lass.”

“Actually, I am not really Irish. Well, my grandmother was, but that’s it.”

“Then why ye be celebrating the blessed Saint?"

“Well, my friend is Irish and well, I was hoping he would have some fun. We aren’t really celebrating the religious part, you know.”

“Aye, well, all Irish have tendency to put a little drink in their religious celebrations. It’s our way, ya know. This Irish friend, would he be the strapping lad with the touch of the demon in his soul?”

“Yes, Angel.”

“Angel? That’s not Irish.”

“Well, actually it’s Liam,” she shrugged.

“Ah, Liam, a strong Irish name, that be. Come child, would that be your wish? For your Liam to have a fun, joyous Saint’s day. To have the misery in his soul healed.”

“Well, yeah. But,” she asserted. “I don’t like to wish for things. You have to be real careful, you know.”

“Aye, that be true. But is that your wish?”

Cordelia shrugged.

“Aye, good then.” Shamus quickly reached into his bag and pulled out a handful of sparklingly dust. “So be it, then,” he said blowing the stardust on Cordelia.

“What the?” Cordelia exclaimed brushing the dust from her eyes. She blinked rapidly clearing her eyes and looking for the little man. He was gone. Oh, she grumbled. Now, she would never be able to prove it to the others. She headed back to the bar, mumbling in frustration.

She squealed suddenly as she fell, her feet tangled in some type of material. Ow, she grumbled trying to stand up, but her feet wouldn’t cooperate they kept getting snagged in something. She looked down, the frustration in her face turned into astonishment and some fear. Her feet weren’t her feet, well they were her feet, she corrected but those weren’t her shoes, she silently exclaimed looking at the hard leather cloth booties that encased her feet. And this was definitely not her leather pants, she thought, pulling at the white heavy cloth skirt twisted between her legs.

Cordelia cautiously got to her feet pulling and swinging the full skirt away from her legs. Oh dear, she thought in panic as she looked down at her attire. Oh dear, she thought again as she saw her breasts overflowing from a tight-laced bodice. Cordelia cautiously felt her head for any bumps or signs of injury to her head. This was so not right, she thought as her hand felt her heavy now long again hair bundled on the top of her head. Her hand traced down to the strains of wavy curls that caressed her neck. They were dark; her hair was long and back to its original darkness. She had to find Angel. Cordelia moved quickly through the hallway, cursing as the long skirt encumbered her movements. With a scared and disgusted sigh, she bunched the skirt up in her hands allowing her legs the freedom to run.

Cordelia stood in shock as she looked out into the bar. The sights and smells froze her in her tracks. The bar had been transformed. Where there once were polished wooden tables filled with green clad men and women, there were old rough wooden long tables filled with men, none dressed in green. Some were wearing suits, but all were clad in historical type garb. There were no women, well actually there were a few, but they were all wearing the same type of bothersome outfit that Cordelia was wearing. And they seemed to be serving drinks in heavy pewter mugs, or….Cordelia’s eyes widened in annoyance and anger as she saw one of the top-heavy women draped on the lap of Angel.

“Arrgh,” she grumbled out loud as she saw Angel’s hand cup and squeeze at the woman’s overflowing breast. What the hell, her mind fumed. She was going to give that vampire a piece of her mind that was after she threw that blonde floozy to the floor.

Cordelia moved forcibly forward only to be tugged back.

“Aye, wench, where’s me pint?” the man questioned pulling Cordelia to his lap. The man leered. “Aye, you are new. Very bonny, very bonny,” he leered, his hand running down her leg as the other held her firmly onto his lap. “Aye, me pint can wait if you wanta give me a kiss,” he winked lecherously.

“Ewww,” Cordelia yelled struggling away from the man.

Liam was bored. He had been in the inn for over 24hrs now. He had stayed overnight to avoid his father’s raging fire and brimstone at him for not wanting or caring to go to church with the family on St. Patrick’s Day. Liam detested his father. The man was the worse hypocrite there was he preached godliness every day, but every night he slunk over to the widow Connor’s hut to partake in sin. Liam looked around in abhorrence at the evident hypocrisy of the other well-dressed men in the taproom. They all had been to church earlier, praying with their families and now they were here engaging in lecherous and lewd behavior with the serving wenches. Liam had nothing against tumbling a wench or two, in fact he rather enjoyed it, he thought fondling tavern wench’s full breast absentmindly, but he hated hypocrisy.

“Sir, would ya, want to be going to the room?’ The blonde squirmed in his lap pouting her harsh red lips together. Liam considered. Maggie was always willing to do him service, she would even oblige for free sometimes. Well, she was good and he was bored. Liam smiled and was about to answer, when a weird high pitch squeal caught his attention.

Liam looked towards the source of the sound. His breath caught in his throat as he saw a young serving wench struggling on his drinking mate, Ian’s lap. Liam couldn’t see her face, but he could see her thick mahogany hair and her slim leg as Ian’s pushed up her skirt, exposing her stocking limb. His eyes narrowed on the thin black garter holding the hose securely around her well-shaped thigh. Liam knew he had to see more. He ungraciously pushed Maggie off his lap. Liam walked purposely over to the couple. He paused as the other man pulled the fighting girl into a rough kiss. Liam was surprised by the sudden anger that sprung up in his chest at the sight.

“Ewww,” the young woman cried again, breaking away from the man’s hold. There was that sound again. Liam’s anger turned to amusement and definite lust, as the young woman slapped, no punched the man with a solid right cross to the face.

“Ah, gross,” she complained distastefully. “Ow,” she added as Ian pushed her to the floor in rage. “Oh, you big nasty dirty oaf,” she cried trying to manipulate the awkward skirt so she could get to her feet.

The anger ignited into his chest once more as Liam saw Ian make motion to kick the fallen girl. Quicker than he knew possible, Liam was there yanking his friend back. “Go, have Maggie, Ian, she is ready and waiting for a tumble.” He said lowly, his tone making it clear that if Ian made another move toward the young girl, Liam would rip him to pieces.

“Sure, Liam, these wenches are all the same.”

No, Liam thought, helping the young woman to her feet. They were all not the same. This one was unique, he thought staring at her flushed and angry face. She was perfection. He watched as the young woman’s beautiful hazel eyes went from flashing anger to warm happy relief. Liam felt his body’s lust go into overdrive as the young woman lunged into his arms. She squeezed her amazing body closer to his for a brief moment before leaning back; her hands still clutched at his arms.

“Angel, thank god, that idiot was all over me, gross.” She shook her head in disgust. “Angel,” she stared at him. “Something it’s terribly wrong. I think that it had something to do with the leprechaun. It was a leprechaun. I was right, I told you. Anyway, he was talking about his gold then his bag full of wishes, then poof some glittering dust and now this, I am in some stupid hideous outfit, in this gross smelly place and …..” she scrunched up her lovely nose. “ You’re also dressed funny and warm...” She exclaimed, dropping her hands in shock. “You are warm and breathing. Oh dear.” Her mind raced. Where were Wesley and Gunn? Cordelia looked frantically around, but there was no Englishman or black young man in sight.

“Angel?" Liam said once the young woman stopped her nonsensical babbling. “You are the only angel here.” He said softly trailing a finger down her smooth cheek. She may be a bit touched in the head, but she was gorgeous. There was something about the young woman that called to him.

“Ohhhh,” she whined. Damn that leprechaun, she thought. No, damn her, she angrily corrected. When will she learn not to wish for anything? Didn’t she learn her lesson before? Now what? The last time Anya could be tricked into reversing the wish. But, now? Oh lord, was she going to have search the countryside looking for a leprechaun?

“I am not really a bad person, I’m not. So, why do these things always happen to me,” she whined. “Oh,” she glared at the living breathing man before her. “You have no idea what I am talking about do you,” she grumbled.

“Not at all,” Liam laughed pulling the young woman towards the room off the hallway. Liam wanted to be alone with the beautiful young woman. She was different. He did not want any other man’s eyes to linger over her luscious form. “Come on, tell me all about it,” he cajoled.

Cordelia narrowed her eyes. There was something odd about his tone. But this was Angel, or at least pre- ‘grr’ guy Angel, so she could trust him. Anyway, she needed to get him to help her find a leprechaun, so everything could get back to normal.

“Okay,” she nodded.

Liam led her into the back room used for storing the kegs of beer. The only piece of furniture it the dim room was a long wooden table. Liam gently placed the young girl on the table. “So darlin’ what’s your name, I haven’t seen you here before.”

“Of course, you haven’t. I don’t belong here. Ohh,” she shook her head in frustration. “My name is Cordelia.”

“Cordelia, that is a very pretty name.” He whispered leaning in close, again caressing her face. Cordelia, it was a lady’s name, not fit for the taproom. And the beautiful woman before him was a lady. She may be wearing the clothes of a tavern whore, but her bearing her presence oozed breeding. Lord, he wanted her, Liam thought.

Cordelia squirmed uncomfortably on the wooden table. She was getting the distinct impression that Liam’s was well interested in her, in like a kind of a lust type way. Cordelia was definitely beginning to feel nervous. This was Angel, but it wasn’t. His touch was warm, but it had the same gentleness, the same effect on her as the touch of the vampire. It made her tingle with want and longing. Why couldn’t Angel look at her with the same desire? Because, Angel didn’t want her like that and even if he did there was the whole soul/Angelus thing to worry about. Cordelia sighed as Liam’s hands moved down the side of her face and stroked at her neck. But, this was Liam, his soul was still there and solid, no fear of Angelus and he definitely was interested. Cordelia began to wonder, if Liam wanted her than could perhaps Angel want her too, after all Angel was Liam. No, she shook her head. Liam hadn’t yet met Darla or Buffy. Those two blondes would be his obsession for the next two hundred years or so. She didn’t have a chance with Angel. Cordelia couldn’t compete with the blonde super chicks, not the good one or the evil one. She sighed in disgust and moved away from Liam’s searching hand.

Liam growled as she moved away. Cordelia stopped in shock. “You 'grr' ed,” she said in surprise her hand quickly reaching for his handsome face. No, it was warm, she thought, but he definitely growled.

Liam trapped her hand against his skin, turning his head nipping and kissing her palm. Cordelia shivered and jerked her hand away. Liam grabbed again at her hand and said tonelessly, “How much?” Liam didn’t want to have to pay the beautiful wench. He wanted her to come to him willingly wanting and needing him as much as he needed her. But he would pay, he would pay anything to have her tempting body beneath his, he would give up his soul if that was possible to feel her skin against his.

“How much what?’ Cordelia stuttered trying to get the butterflies in her stomach to stop banging up against her sides.

“How much will it cost? I want you. How much will it cost?” He said clearly. Liam was resisting the urge to throw her on the table and just take her. Liam was amazed. He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted this one. Everything about her, her long thick dark hair, her beautiful expressive eyes that tinkled from brown to gold, her gorgeous body, her full and inviting breast that were pushing up through her bodice, the way her nose would scrunch up in the most endearing, ugly manner, even that weird ‘ewwing’ sound that came from her perfect too wide mouth, beckoned for him to make love to her.

Cordelia eyes widened in sudden understanding. Her eyes flashed from shock to anger in a split second. “I AM NOT A WHORE,” she shouted. “If you want some floozy go back to the BLONDE. Ooh, I hate blondes,” she yelled.

Liam stepped back from the fuming girl. His cock getting harder as she jumped from the table and ranted about the sleaziness of men and the inferiority and simperingess of blondes in general. Liam had no idea what she was talking about but she made a magnificent appearance in her anger. Liam reached out and grabbed at her as she paced by him. He pulled her tightly against his body. “I want you,” he growled capturing her mouth with his.

Cordelia stilled, she wished he would stop growling, it made it hard not to think of him as her vampire. The vampire that she would give anything to be able to touch and kiss. The one she wanted to touch her and kiss her like Liam’s was doing now. This was Angel, just him alive and breathing with a permanent soul and she added as an afterthought, a tad bit chauvinistic. But, he was the Angel to be and she would never be able to feel her Angel touch her like this, so….so, Cordelia leaned in closer to Liam’s embrace, her mouth parting for his questing tongue.

Liam met her tongue eagerly, exploring and devouring her mouth, trying to reach every crevice inside. Cordelia sighed as she pressed even closer to him, her hands running down his back. “Angel,” she murmured.

Liam didn’t know why she kept calling him angel, he was anything but an angel, but if that was what she wanted him to be than he would oblige. He would be anything this woman wanted him to be. Something sparked in his soul, he didn’t know what it was, but it felt wonderful. Liam pushed the young woman towards the table. He broke their intense kiss as he placed her on the table. Liam stared at Cordelia. Her dark hair had fallen loose down her shoulders; strains of dark silk were draped over her heaving breast. With great reverence, Liam reached for the ties binding the bodice together. He took one of the freed breasts into his mouth, sucking and licking at its erect nipple as his hand found the other. Cordelia moaned out loud pulling his head closer to her chest. Her fingers entwining around his thick hair, untying the leather thong that held his longer hair back. Cordelia marveled at the sensation of his lips teasing and tugging at her breast. A warm molten liquid settled in the pit of her belly. She squirmed on the flat surface. Her movements were bringing her closer to the edge of the table. She brought her legs up and around Liam’s waist pulling him closer to her. Liam groaned in pleasure as his rock hard member came into contact with her center. His hand slipped up and under the flowing cotton of her skirt, briefly staying at her garter pressing and molding the smooth flesh surrounding the flimsy piece of material. Gradually, he trailed his fingers up to her center all the while sucking in earnest on her nipple. Cordelia gasped out in pleasure and surprise as his fingers stroked the dark curls of her heated center. She hadn’t realized that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. That was probably the only benefit she could see about her new outfit, easy access for Angel’s, no Liam’s, her mind corrected, questing hands. Cordelia moaned pulling Liam’s head to her mouth, attacking his lips with her frantic ones. Her hands slid down his shoulders on to his back tugging at his shirt.

Cordelia gasped as Liam’s forefinger penetrated her center thrusting in time with the rhythm of his tongue. She pressed her hips downward, begging for more. Cordelia moved her hands to the waistband of his trousers. She fumbled a moment, then grumbled breaking away from his kiss.

“Zipper, where is the damn zipper?” she demanded.

Liam raised his desire-laded eyes to hers, questioningly.

“Oh, right, no zipper, so get them off,” she demanded her fingers tugging at his pants.

Liam smiled, he didn’t know what a zipper was but he did know what she wanted. Liam frantically worked loose the laces at the front of his breeches, his large hard shaft springing free.

Both Cordelia and Liam moaned in unison as her small hand gently but firmly took possession of the organ. Her fingers stroked and fondled up and down it’s length in time with Liam’s thrusting fingers. Cordelia thought her nerves were going to explode, the tension building up inside her was almost painful.

“Now,” she begged.

Liam grunted in agreement as he withdrew his hand from her center. His two large hands now on her thighs urging them further apart. Cordelia closed her eyes at the feel of his large organ slowly filling her damp aching passage. Liam pushed her down on the wooden surface of the table as he pulled her body closer to his thrusting hips. He watched in amazement as the beautiful girl writhed beneath him accepting everyone one of his strong thrusts. He marveled as her breast raised as she took tiny gasps of air, at how her eyes deepened to almost black as her desire overcame her body. Liam didn’t know who she was or where she came from, but he did know that she was his and she would be his forever.

“You are mine, forever.” Liam closed his eyes has he let his own desire control his actions.

He pushed harder and faster as Cordelia whimpers of pleasure became louder. Cordelia was on the brink of the edge. She could feel her body teetering towards a massive explosion. Her body tensed in preparation. Her now almost black eyes gazed at the handsome man over her.

“I love you, Angel,” she whispered as her body exploded into a thousand tiny exquisite pieces.

Liam growled his own release falling on her chest. Cordelia’s hands embraced his trembling form. “My name is Liam,” he struggled needing her to say it.

“I know,” Cordelia smiled brightly stroking his back. “I love you, too, I love all of you and I will never leave you. ” She confirmed as the world went black.

Chapter Four

“What the hell,” Cordelia said out loud as she gazed around the darkened hallway. Her hands felt at her clothes. Yes, she was wearing her clothes, she thought has her hands touched the leather of her pants. What had just happened?

She looked around for any sign of the leprechaun. Nothing. Good lord, she thought, had it all been a weird, really real dream, really real she repeated to herself, as she felt the wetness and ache between her thighs. She blinked wide eyed, had she been standing in this hallway daydreaming about making love to Angel or rather Liam? That was a new one, she thought, she had had plenty of dreams of Angel and even a few of Angelus she was embarrassed to admit, but never Liam. She shook her head; she had to get back to the table.

“Hey, Angel man, what’s up? You have been sitting there staring in the air for the last many minutes.” Gunn asked the vampire.

“Uh,” the vampire said. Angel shook his head; he had just had an extraordinary memory of Liam’s. But it couldn’t have been a memory, he thought perplexed. Angel would have definitely remembered if he had made love to Cordelia has Liam. And anyway that was impossible. Cordelia wasn’t even near ready to be born when he was Liam. But, the memory had been so vivid. And the young woman that Liam had been making love to had been Cordelia. She had been the one, that his mortal self had vowed would be his forever and it was definitely Cordelia that had said that she loved Angel and Liam, that she loved all of him. That didn’t make any sense, but Angel couldn’t shake the memory. Nor could his body or soul shake its contentment at the thought.

“Don’t fret me lad, it was all real,” the leprechaun said from the side of the table. “The bonny wee lass wished it so, so it was so. I do take it me boy, that Liam did find joy on the Saint’s big day?”

“Hey, who are you,” interrupted Gunn.

“It’s Cordelia’s leprechaun,” exclaimed a wide-eyed Wesley.

“Shh, you disbeliveers,” the grizzly little man in green ordered.

“I am not Liam. Why did you call me that?” questioned Angel.

“Aye, but Angel is such not a strong Irish name.” The little green man shrugged.

“Cordelia wished that Liam would have a joy?” Angel questioned again. His mind trying to make sense of what the little man was saying.

“Well, no, she wished for Angel to have joy. I’m afraid that I may have added Liam to the mix can’t leave the Irish lad out, now can we, eh, not on this grand day. Anyway the poor young lad needed some joy in his life. And now that he has had it, don’t you think your bit of demon is more at rest, ready and willing to allow you some joy, eh?’ The leprechaun nodded.

Angel glanced in amazement at the little man. His demon was at rest and his soul felt complete. Somehow, it was all true. Liam had made love to Cordelia and their vows to each other so long ago had enabled Angel's soul to become permanent. Angel tensed and looked up, sensing his seer’s gaze. His eyes met Cordelia's eyes. She was his and she would be is forever. Angel moved from the table as he saw her eyes widen in shock and she suddenly took off into the hallway where the restrooms were located.

“Aye, the lad still has plenty of the Irish heart and soul in him. No, evil demon can take that away,” the leprechaun claimed with glee as Angel rushed after Cordelia. “So, ye disbeliveers what be your wishes on this fine grand day? The only day in which all of the blessed are Irish.” he quizzed the stunned remaining occupants of the table.

Chapter Five- the end

Cordelia leaned up against the sink, splashing water over her red face. She wasn’t at all sure what had happened, but it did happen. It hadn’t been a daydream; she realized that as soon as she saw Angel and the leprechaun. Somehow or another she had made love to Angel’s mortal self. And it had been…..Oh god, she thought splashing more cold water on her face. How was she ever going to look Angel in the eye again? Maybe, he wasn’t aware of what happened. After all, maybe her wish just affected her and no one else. But that wasn’t her wish, she cried silently. Her wish had been for Angel to have fun and find joy today, not his old long gone former self. “I will never wish again,” she repeated over and over again out loud.

“That would be a shame,” Angel growled lowly coming up behind his anxious seer.

Cordelia jerked up and looked in the mirror, she saw nothing but her own reflection as she felt Angel’s cool hands push the hair away from her neck and begin to tenderly touch her skin, kneading and stroking at her flesh.

“I liked your wish,” he whispered nuzzling against the delicate skin of Cordelia’s neck, his hands sliding down to her sides, pushing up the material of her shirt. He hands greedily spread out under the piece of clothing, moving in wide circles along her skin, trying to feel as much of Cordelia’s smoothness as possible.

“Angel?’ Cordelia squeaked as her body fell back into his touch.

“It was real, Cordelia. Liam promised that you would be his forever and you vowed that you loved me and him and that you would be with us forever. And now, I am promising you that I love you and will be with you forever,” he whispered kissing her neck.

“Oh,” Cordelia said softly turning her body towards the vampire. Cordelia gazed with wonderment and joy into his deep brown eyes. Angel smiled as he saw her bite at her beautiful lips. He brought up a finger to trace the line of her lips.

“ Such a beautiful, delicious mouth that at times can be so annoying.” His own smile became beautiful as he chuckled at the beginning of one of Cordelia’s patented pouts. “So, delicious,” he said again leaning forward to stop the formation of her displeased expression.

Cordelia pressed in closer, her hands clutching at the vampire’s broad shoulders. She moaned in intense pleasure as she and Angel explored one another’s taste. It was the same as before, but better, she thought in amazement. This was so much better because it was truly Angel, the vampire, and the man that she loved with all of her heart and soul.

Angel growled as he felt the warmth and love of Cordelia’s touch under his shirt. He pulled her closer lifting her on to the sink bringing her long legs around his waist. Angel’s hands found their way back under her shirt, this time moving up to the lace of her bra. Angel relished the feel of her skin under his fingertips. This was so much better than Liam’s memory. His sensitive vampire’s sense ignited over everything about this young woman. Angel could smell her aroused scent, everyone of her gentle gasps and moans vibrated in his ears, his finger were tingling with sparks of heat every time he touched her sweet flesh. All of his senses were alive and dancing in desire for this woman. They were both so lost in the rediscovery and discovery of each other that they failed to notice the restroom door being banged open.

“Whoops, excuse us,” the women giggled as they saw the couple’s intimate embrace. Angel growled at the disturbance. Cordelia immediately pulled Angel’s flickering game face to her shoulder, hiding it and her flaming red one with her hair.

Angel got control of himself immediately as he sensed his seer’s embarrassment. He quickly adjusted their clothes and lifted Cordelia from the sink. He smiled tenderly at the young woman’s flushed face. “I think it is time, we go home,” he whispered. Cordelia shyly nodded.

“Ladies, it’s all yours. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day,” the vampire beamed at the giggling drunken woman as he escorted Cordelia out of the bathroom.

“Yikes, that was embarrassing,” Cordelia stammered still pink in the face.

“That was wonderful.” Angel pulled the young girl to him. “I love you, Cordelia Chase. And thank you for your wish and the best St. Patrick’s Day ever.” Angel’s eyes were overflowing with love and joy.

“I….I ..Your welcome…and I love you, too.” She stammered trying to resist feeling self-conscious about what she had been more than willing to do with the vampire in a public place.

Angel smiled knowingly. “Let’s go home, we can finish what was started centuries ago, alone, without interruptions, in bed.”

Cordelia bit her lip and giggled. “Okay. Um, what about Wesley and Gunn?”

Angel shrugged smiling. “I left them with your leprechaun. I’d just as soon be as far as possible away from whatever those inebriated friends of ours wish up.”

Cordelia giggled louder. “You’re right, let’s go to bed.” She smiled happily. Wow, she thought, a wish that not only worked, but really, spectacularly, amazingly, awesomely worked. God, she loved Saint Patrick’s day.
