just fic

Title: Betrayal, Deception & Forgiveness
Author: anne
Posted: 09-17-2002
Rating: NC-17
Email: anneeb4@aol.com
Content: C/A
Summary: I'm getting Angel and Cordelia out of the 'situations' that the writers put them at the end of S3
Disclaimer: No, I haven't managed to buy or get control of ATS over the summer- it still belongs to Joss, Mutant Co & etc
Notes: Okay, the story is not done before the season starts. Sorry. Also, I noticed that I may of (most likely, pretty sure) screwed up about Justine. I seemed to have forgotten there was an ep- where we didn’t quite know who she was and that she interacted with the AI crew.- I forgot and I wrote more in lines as to the later eps where we knew she was a Holtz groupie.
Dedication: anybody and everybody that read my stuff before and took the time to say nice things. Thanks.

Book 2

Part 1

About a two weeks later

“Arggh,” Gunn threw his computer game on the couch.

“What’s wrong,” Fred looked up from her computer screen.

“I’m bored. No clients and vision-girl has been slow lately.”

“Hey, what do want me to do -make them up.”? Cordelia peeked up from over her magazine.

“If it gets me out of here and out doing something, yeah. What are you doing, Fred, there’s nothing to research.”

“Yes there is, Wesley brought back a bunch of papers and stuff from Wolfram & Hart, I’m helping him try to figure out what they mean.”

Gunn shot a look to the inner office closed door. “Least he’s sharing this time”

Cordelia looked up again. “Yeah,” putting down her magazine. “I’m going to the basement.”

Gunn shook his head. “All she and Angel are doing now a days is train.”


Gunn looked up. “ Yeah, I guess, hot and sweaty in the basement is better than in the bedroom.” Gunn leaned over cupping Fred’s chin. “Glad, we get the joy, uh.”

Fred’s lips twitched into a smile. “I feel sorry for them, they love each other so much and still can’t be happy, it’s unfair.”

“Hey, they’re doing alright.”

Fred nodded pushing up her glasses in thought.

“What, girl.”

“Cordy. Have you actually seen her talk to Wesley?”

“They were fighting over the doughnuts this morning.”

“That’s not talking and it wasn’t the same.”

“Hey, it’s not the same, a lot of shit has happened, starting with him,” Gunn urged his head towards the closed office door, he eyes back on his computer game.

Fred shook her head. “It was her idea to have him come back and not stay working for Wolfram & Hart- not that we didn’t want him back. I’m glad Wesley's back, but it was her plan. She seemed just as happy as we’re that Wesley wasn’t really bad-bad, though, Skanky bitch, eww, but Cordy seemed happy. So, why isn’t she being friendlier?”

“You’re thinking too much about it, girl,” Gunn started to push the buttons of his game.

“I don’t know.” Fred shrugged and went back to her research.

Wesley silently closed the door and went back to his desk. He had been about to go get some coffee but stopped when he heard Fred and Gunn. He leaned back in his chair. He didn’t know why but he had always assumed that Cordelia had known why he was working for Wolfram & Hart. Wesley knew that Angel said he wasn’t going to tell the others - that he had to be cut off. But Wesley couldn’t believe that meant Cordelia. He had assumed that she must’ve known, that explained why she never contacted him to question him or at least yell at him.

Wesley had accused Cordelia of ignoring his existence, but he hadn’t meant it. He and Cordelia had gone through too much together for her to just forget about him. But, it was obvious now; she hadn’t forgiven him or even cared enough about him to find out his reasoning of why he took Connor. Wesley pressed the heel of his palm into his brow, not believing how much his realization hurt. He had told Lilah the truth without even knowing, Cordy had hurt him.

Wesley shook his thoughts away and tried to concentrate again on the papers he had taken from Wolfram & Hart.

Part 2

Cordelia sat on the bottom step watching Angel, clad in only a pair of sweats, demolishing the punching back.

“Does that work better than a cold shower?”

“Yes.” Angel threw another vicious punch.

Cordelia walked over. “Then I guess it’s my turn now.”

Angel caught her fist before it smashed into the bag. “You need to wear gloves.”


Angel stared, his hand wrapped around Cordy’s fist, her body so close. Was it the flesh he saw or was it the comical expression of Hmmph? It didn’t matter. The urge was real.

Angel pulled Cordelia close capturing her ‘Hmmph’ with his lips. Cordelia pressed in immediately, her body automatically molding itself into Angel’s, her arms going around his body. Angel never stopped moving his lips as his hands cupped the soft mounds of Cordy’s ass bringing her hips even closer, his feet moving taking them both towards the wall.

Cordelia lifted her legs wrapping them around Angel as her back slammed into the wood, her lips moving to his cheek. “Angel, I want….but we…” she practically growled in frustration.

Angel lifted his head, his hands still holding her hips, his own moving pushing into her. “I..Let me have this, please.”

Cordelia darted her tongue nervously over her bottom lip. “I’ll give you anything I’ll do anything…but we both have to be able to stop or….”

Angel growled capturing her lips and tongue trying to block out her voice and only feel her body against him. The desire was pounding in his head. He was so close to being inside her. His hands digging under the waistband of her pants, searching for her heat. Cordelia jerked trying to help him, as she pressed closer to him, her thoughts and warnings fading as his cool fingers traveled and fondled. Tears squeezed out of her eyes, dampening Angel’s face.

The feel of the salty moisture brought Angel’s head up and some sense to his brain. He moved, still kissing but bringing his hands up to separate their bodies. He slowly drew his lips away, drawing his head to rest against Cordy’s. Cordy took small pants forcing herself not to push back into him.

Angel stepped away from her. Cordelia stumbled back flopping down on the step. “I think it is time for me to go back to my apartment.”

“NO.” Angel shook his head. “It won’t…….”

“Angel,” Cordy bit her lip. “We both keep saying that and we both mean it, we go to sleep holding on to each other, great no more nightmares, but the dreams that wake us up are getting to hard to stop, this morning…. now….it was……..” Cordy hid her face in her hands.

“I won’t let you leave me.”

“I’m not leaving you, I’m just giving us some distance.” Cordy struggled with her words.

“Stay in other room.”

“Tried that. I still ended up in your bed using the excuse of nightmares.”

“They were real.”

“I know that- but, Angel, its getting too easy to justify or rationalize the danger away. I wake up in your arms, feeling safe, like nothing can touch me, I see your face so full of love and want…and I want to give that to you so much so that one morning or one sometime I will forget that Angelus exists and that I need to be afraid.”

“Cordy, I won’t….”

“Won’t what, Angel? Lose your Soul? Angel, I won’t die from not making love to you, but I will if I do. Your loving me keeps me safe from everything but Angelus”

Angel growled swirling around, the punching bag slammed up against the wall breaking from its hinges at the force of his blow.

Cordelia forced her feet to remain rooted to the floor; she would not go running to him. It would be too dangerous, too tempting to want to ease his pain.

“I’m not leaving you, Angel. I’m just going to be sleeping in my own bed in my own apartment from now on, that’s all. “ Cordelia stood with more strength than she knew she had. “ Angel?”

“Just go, Cordelia,” Angel ordered.


“GO.” The vampire growled.

Cordy took a deep breath and made it half way up from the steps when her vision hit her. She didn’t know whether to thank its timing or curse it. “Angel.” Turning.

“Can’t you ever just leave me alone?"

Cordelia bit down her yell and urge to smack the vampire. “There is a very ugly large demon about to have a smorgasbord of people down by the pier. Horns, big tail with spikes, and claws for hands. With that said, I’ll now leave you alone and go tell the others. Perhaps, you can vent your stupid anger at me onto the demon.”

“Cordy.” Angel called, but the young woman had already gone slamming the door. Angel turned to swing another punch, dropping his fist when he realized that the bag was across the room. “Damn it.” He growled grabbing up his sword from the bench and running up the stairs.


Angel strode swiftly to the others waiting in the lobby, dressed in his usual dark attire. “Where’s Cordy?”

Fred looked at both Wesley and Gunn who were conscientiously inspecting their weapons. Too conscientiously, Fred shook her head. “She went home, said that she wasn’t needed for this. Said she was tired.” Fred shrugged. Fred shrugged again at Angel’s glare. She had no idea what else to say. Cordelia had come barging back from the basement, shot off her vision, then said she was tired and call if anyone got hurt. Fred normally would've been inclined to try to cheer up the glowering vampire, but Cordy had been crying, okay maybe she wasn’t-Cordy never really just boo hooed and cried, but she looked like she would and as much as Fred loved Angel, she loved Cordy and if Cordy wanted to go home and cry, then Fred said go and as much as she wished Angel didn’t look so mad, Fred had the feeling that it was Angel who put Cordy in her unusual state. Fred wasn’t real inclined to feel all that charitable to Angel at the moment. She took a deep breath as Angel’s expression turned from mad to lost. This was so unfair. “Cordy really did look tired, said she missed Dennis, but too call if anyone,” Fred looked pointedly to the vampire, “ was hurt.” Okay, that hadn’t helped. “Be careful.” Fred said with a sigh and went back to her computer.


Cordelia threw open her door, striding into the living room. She knocked the flower floating in the air towards her to the ground. She gasped as she saw the broken petals falling. “Oh, Dennis, I’m so sorry.” She slumped on the couch, burying her head once again in her hands. “I did miss you too.” She reached out trying to put the flower back together. “You know, you really are the only guy that has ever given me flowers, even if they’re mine. I wish you could hug, I need a hug.” Cordelia swung her feet up in the air slamming them to the ground with a thud.

“Dennis,” she clutched at the blanket drifting over her shoulders. “Thank you.” Cordy brushed her face. “He has no right to be mad at me. Why? Oh, I really do love him, but it hurts when he’s mad at me and it makes me mad.” Cordelia got off the couch. “I didn’t do anything. …Well, I did, but I stopped like we were supposed to like we promised that we would. He knows it. But, he’s mad. I hate that damn vampire. I wish I never fell in love with him. I….” Cordelia slumped back on the couch. “I….Dennis, I can’t remember not loving him, I know I didn’t at one point, I know it. I just can’t remember what it felt like.” Cordelia got up. “I’m going to bed. Sorry, Dennis. I just don’t want to think anymore. Sleep might actually work.”

Cordelia threw herself on the bed. She punched at the pillow trying to find a comfortable position. She sat up and looked on her dresser glaring at the blue bottle. Why couldn’t that work? She smacked again at the pillow. She sat cross-legged on the bed, still staring at the blue bottle. Paranormal Prophylactics might not work, but maybe. Biting her lip, Cordelia went back into the living room and grabbed the phone.

Cordelia asked questions, listened, and hung up. Maybe. She’d have to talk to Angel. Cordelia went to leave the apartment. Wait. She was still mad at the vampire. Cordelia kicked the couch and ran throwing herself back on the bed.


Fred stood up as Gunn, Wesley and Angel entered the hotel.

“How did…” Fred swiveled as Angel stormed by and stood at the foot of the stairs.

“She didn’t come back,” Fred said. Wow, when did she start recognizing Angel’s smelling habits?

Angel nodded and turned and left the hotel.

“Other than that, did everything go okay,” Fred turned to the two men.

“Score 1 for the good guys, o for dead squashed demon.” Gunn moved closer to his girlfriend.

Fred smiled, and then looked to Wesley. “Where are you going?”

“Home. Good night.”

“Oh, I can cook some eggs, I’ve learned, if you’re hungry.”

“No, thank you.” Wesley turned and left.

Fred turned to Gunn. “Are you hungry?”

“Cook it, I'll eat it, girl.” He swung his arm around the young woman.


“I don’t know. Both were no fun. Seemed to get way into the killing thing. But, Connor was there again.”

Fred pulled back. “And…”

“And, nothing- didn’t show himself like before. But, Angel knew. The boy just watched and left.”


Gunn shook his head. “Don’t have a clue, but it creeped me out. Did you say something about food.”

Fred gave a tight smile and went into the kitchen.

Part 3

Lilah kept her eyes on the elevator doors. Two weeks and a whole new floor manufactured out…of what ….hell, black holes. She refused to be nervous. The lawyer escorting her hadn’t said a word since he directed her to the elevator. She refused to wonder or worry if this was her final evaluation.

She took a step out as the elevator stopped. Fear wasn’t an option.

“Ms. Morgan,” A tall-distinguished man in an extremely expensive suit came forward. The darkness of his suit drew her attention a way from the stark white walls.

She gave an appraising glance. “You are?”

“Garfield Manny, you’re new boss.” The man smiled.

“So, I still have a job.”

“Yes, come, there is someone I want you to meet. It was his decision.” Garfield swept out a well-tailored arm.

Lilah turned and blinked. Great, first little evil Annie and now it was fucking Evil Oppie Taylor.

“Lilah,” the young red-hair freckled face boy gestured.

Lilah nodded and moved closer.

“I can assume you’re wondering why you’re still alive. After all, the tapes have been seen.”

“I can only assume you have you’re reasons.”

“Yes, my sister seemed to have misjudged- fatally- all the players in this little game.”

Lilah stared, holding her cringe. This was scarier than the little girl. All she could think of was the horror shows that scared her so badly as a child, mainly the Howdie Doodie little puppet coming to life to kill every person in sight. She couldn’t help but despise Toy Story and she hated the Andy Griffin Show with a passion.

“Problem, Ms. Morgan.”

Lilah took a deep breath. “I find you a little unnerving, child hood nightmares and all.”

The little boy stood. “Good, then, we just may have a beneficial working relationship. I’ve a job for you.”


“I don’t believe that the previous plans regarding Angel have been at all workable. In fact, all have failed. He’s a thorn that I want removed.”

“Kill him? Okay, but….” Lilah couldn’t get over it; the freckled face demon from hell was wearing suspenders and a cute little bow tie. He was freaky.

“Not, the option, I’m looking for. We can’t. It could potentially disrupt everything. He’s a player in the upcoming Apocalypse.

Lilah nodded. “But, he doesn’t seem to what to ignore his mission.”

“I’ve studied the tapes and my sister's results- it’s not the mission that he won’t ignore, it’s the woman. Get rid of her, he’s easy.”

Lilah took a deep breath. “Cordelia Chase is hard to kill and every time we fail they get stronger.”

“Insightful, but not your thought. The reason you’re not dead is, because unwittingly you’ve given us more information about Angel through your association with Wesley Wydam-Price than either of you intended.


“We attack Ms. Chase, Angel reacts to our detriment, his son, will be the same, as it has been proven. However, without her….he wouldn’t last a day as a warrior, not if he’s the one that killed her.”

“Angel would never….” Lilah shook her head. “Wesley said, the little evil…your sister agreed, and the researchers agreed Angelus is not an option.”

“Angelus is a vampire. He’s not the boogey man, stake, holy water, he dies. But whether he does or not, he will kill Angel’s family or if not they will kill him. Angel’s power structure will be gone.”

Lilah kept shaking her head. “The researchers studied the curse the gypsies put on him. That’s it, there is nothing that will poof take it a way.”


“Okay, ‘the happy clause’, he lost it once with the slayer, but odds are she wouldn’t have sex with him again and Wesley says that’s not who Angel loves not anymore…. And big old no to Cordelia Chase sleeping with him. She’s scared of Angelus. She wouldn’t risk it.”

“Yet, it’s a possibility we can’t ignore. Put surveillance on Angel Investigations.”

“We’ve done that.”

“No, I mean watch Cordelia Chase and Angel, watch them when they wake until they wake up again. Watch them. I expect you to find a way.”

Lilah nodded, wondering how in the hell she was going to play pimp to Angel and Cordelia.

Part 4

“Connor,” Wesley stood at in his open door.

“Can I come in?”

Wesley stepped back. The teenager entered the apartment looking around. “You’re not scared of me?”

“Should I be?”

“I’ve been watching him.”

“He knows.”

Connor looked straight at Wesley. “Right, vampire.”

“Vampires possess extraordinary senses, smell being one of the greatest.”


Wesley couldn’t help his chuckle. The teenager before him was so much more than a typical teen, but in so many ways just a teenager.

“What can I do for you Connor?”

“Tell me about him.”

Wesley nodded.


Cordelia tossed in the bed, trying to either wake up or fall asleep. More dreams. Angel holding her, making love to her, her body tingled with the feelings. She pressed harder at the mattress, grabbing at the pillow, begging the vampire in her dreams to stop teasing and just take her. With a moan, she opened her thighs wider inviting the penetration, hoping that it would stop the ache. She grabbed out trying to touch the hard muscles of Angel’s back. Her hands fell empty through the air, the air turning into water. The ache became harsher, no longer one waiting for pleasure but searching for something. Angel was gone. She looked but saw nothing but water. She couldn’t find Angel.

“Angel,” she cried sitting straight up in the bed.


Angel paced the small hallway in front of Cordelia’s door. He kept glancing at the door waiting for a sign that it was okay for him to be there. It wasn’t happening. He should leave. Cordelia made it clear that she thought that they needed distance. The logical part of Angel’s mind knew she was right, as well as the part that held his fear. But, every other part, the part ruled by feel and instinct knew that he needed her with him. Angel was no longer angry, well, that wasn’t completely true. But his anger at Cordelia was gone; it never really existed in the first place. Well, that wasn’t completely true either. He had been, angry that she was afraid, angry that she was denying him; angry that she was forcing him to remember why they couldn’t be together, angry that she was right. Just once, he wanted to have what he wanted. His damn soul and conscious kept him from just taking so much. Revenge, love, it was all denied to him because of his soul. He just wanted her so much and he was so close. Angel dug his hands in his pockets forcing himself to remember. He did have what he wanted. Cordelia did love him. He had a family. His soul allowed for that, it allowed him to be a champion, it allowed him to believe what he had told Connor and he needed to remember and be grateful, not angry. Cordelia was right. Not making love to her wouldn’t kill him, though at times it felt like it, but making love to her would destroy everything. Angel turned to leave. He would give them distance until they figured out another way. His destination changed and he was through the door in an instant when he heard Cordelia’s cry.

“Cordy,” he ran into the bedroom.

“Angel.” Cordelia blinked rubbing her eyes. It was a dream. Angel wasn’t lost to her. In fact, he was standing right in front of her, in her bedroom. “You’re not supposed to be here.” She grumbled, getting off the bed. “Distance, Angel, not stalking and eavesdropping.” Cordelia’s glare traveled over the vampire. She sighed deeply. “You’re hurt. Come on.” She held out her hand. “Come on.” She repeated to the still vampire.

“I wasn’t….”

“Weren’t hanging around outside- didn’t hear me scream? Right, okay. You just needed me to patch you up because Fred, Gunn or Wesley couldn’t do it. I understand.”


“Angel, don’t, okay. Dennis, first aid kit please. Come on, couch.” She walked passed the vampire as a small box floated towards her. “Thanks, Dennis. Angel, sit.”

“It's only a scratch and I wasn’t stalking,” Angel mumbled as he sat down. “I just wanted….”

“To be angry at me some more.”

“I’m not…”

Cordelia cocked a brow.

“I’m not, not really, you were right.”

“So, you came here to tell me that.” Cordelia pushed off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. She lifted up his undershirt scrutinizing the small cut that already started to heal. "Hmmph, barely a scratch." She patted at the area with gauze and ointment.

“That was what I said." Angel squirmed in his seat trying to figure out what he was going to tell her. That it was his anger that drove him to her apartment- the anger that wanted to force her to stay with him, that his need to have her presence and scent by him was stronger than any commonsense that he might have possessed at one time. “I just wanted to be near you, I wanted you to come back with me, I need you in the hotel, doesn’t matter where, I just need to know that you’re there.”

“Hmmph,” gently pulling down his t-shirt and buttoning his shirt. “I almost did go, to tell you that I might have figured out a way that we could make love, but then I remembered that I was mad at you for being a jerk. So, I was going to wait until tomorrow. Of course, that was before I had my nightmare and you burst into my apartment. Please tell me that you didn’t break my door.”

“I…it can be fixed…what do you mean you ‘might’ have figured out a way?” Angel took Cordelia’s hands from his chest. “What did you figure out?”

“You did? Knocking, Angel, knocking, it works too.” Cordelia shook her head and sat beside the vampire. “I started to think the paranormal prophylactic wouldn't work, we knew that, but I figured Anita’s was a brothel to the demon and supernatural, etc. So I called her. She suggested something called the Enchanted Room. It’s…”

Angel got off the couch. “I know what it is.”

“How do you know,” Cordy’s narrowed. “Chippies?”

“Cordy, I went there remember for you and what’s his name, with what’s his name in fact. I saw it.”

“Oh,” Cordelia sat back down. “Well?”

“It’s a room that extends a couple’s maximum pleasure, not a problem that we would have and not a solution that would help at all," rubbing his hair in frustration.

“But, Angel, it’s enchanted. She said the people are under a spell. It would be sort of like a ‘possession’ us but not quite. Angelus wouldn’t be a danger because it wouldn’t be all you.” She pointed at him.

“I want it to be all me, I want it all to be you. That’s what I meant…nevermind.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face. “When you said that you wanted it to be new…”

“I didn’t think you heard me with the Groosalugg all bright, well dim, and shiny present.”

“Angel, be nice. And, I did hear you, I just had no idea what you meant, or didn’t want…or okay, just clueless, okay. Geez. But, Angel, it can’t be all us, not now, not until we find a way to permanently to anchor your soul. But, it was real, believe me, I remember what happened the night of the ballet, and believe me, I felt your touch, Stephen be damned, when I remember- it’s you. You were the one that made my toes curl, not some damn spirit.”

“I made your toes curl. That’s good, right.”


“Just checking,” he smirked.

“You’re an ass, anyway, I checked Anita’s before. There are no ties to Wolfram & Hart or anything remotely evil, well except some of the demons that go. But, it’s legit. Lorne gave it the thumbs up when I asked him to read the place before I got the potion.” Cordelia bit her lip as the smirking vampire turned to stone, his expression to kill. “You didn’t know that did you?”

“Lorne knew what you were going to do? He ‘checked it’ out for you. That green dead demon, he knew that I loved you, he’s the one that convinced me it was okay to love you.”

“You had to get Lorne’s approval before you could love me.” Cordelia stood her face sporting her own look to kill.

“No, of course not,” Angel back peddled. “I just didn’t…Cordy, I’ve nothing to offer you, I didn’t deserve you, there was just no reason to…you understand right.”

“I understand- you are an insecure jerk. Hmmph.”

“Cordy, I ….”

“Angel, you give me everything, okay, done this, gone through it and settled it. So, stop thinking it.”

Angel shrugged. “Actually, I have.” Angel reached for the young woman, pulling her to him. “And even if I don’t deserve you, I don’t care. You’re mine now.” He leaned in to capture her lips.

Cordelia sighed into his mouth, her tongue meeting his as her body automatically moved closer.

Cordelia pulled up. “Tomorrow, we’ll check out Anita’s?”

Angel shook his head. “Now.”

“Angel, it’s like one in the morning.”

“I don’t care. I know I won’t be able to just sleep beside you tonight and I’m not leaving you or letting you leave me, so now.”

Cordelia blinked biting her lips. “Okay. Hey, wait, I'm still mad at you."

"Tough." Angel ushered her to the door.


“Angel, we’re heading back to the hotel.” Cordelia glanced out the window of the Plymouth.

“I have to stop and get something.”

“Isn’t that what drug stores are for?”


“You know, two wild and crazy kids out to make love having to stop at the drug store first.”


“Right, you don’t use condoms so hence, the miracle baby that…. Angel, I didn’t even ask was he there tonight.”



“Same. Just watched and left.”

“Is this good or bad?”

Angel shrugged. “I’m hoping good. But, I don’t know.”

“I don’t know either, he could be laying in wait or just seeing that you’re a champion and not the monster Holtz said you were.”

“I think I’m probably both.”


“So, you don’t know. Here, I thought you knew everything.”

“I’m not perfect, I don’t know all the answers. ” Cordelia squirmed. “You shouldn’t think that I do.”

“You know the important stuff and you are nearly as perfect as a woman can get.”


“Shh,” Angel leaned over and kissed her smartly on the nose. “Wait, I’ll be right back.”

“Angel,” Cordelia turned the vampire had already disappeared into the hotel. What was he getting? If he had a stack of condoms in his bedside drawer- the vampire would have some major explaining to do.

Part 5

"Wow." Cordelia looked around the brothel and its colorful if not somewhat icky patrons, humans included. "Poor Groo. This isn't at all his style. You know he was a little naive."

"No, really." Angel deadpanned.

"Angel, be nice."

"I don't have to anymore and I don't have listen to you go on about him." Angel growled. "Your mine." He moved ahead.

Cordelia stood scrunching up her face at the vampire's back. "Yours? That’s the second time you said that. I love you but I'm not a possession, Angel."

Angel paused- trying to reason with himself, throwing Cordelia up against the wall and demanding her to submit that she was in fact his, probably wasn't a good idea. "Figure of speech, Cordy, of course you aren't a possession." Angel amended quickly.

"Hmmph. okay." Cordy hurried ahead to look for Anita.

"But, you are mine," Angel growled to himself. Cordy didn't have to admit it - it was enough to for the vampire to know it.

Angel stuck his hands in his pockets and moved to catch up with Cordelia.

"Ms. Chase, tell me how'd did the potion work. Have you come back for more?" The brothel owner looked from Cordy and then to Angel noticing him come up beside Cordelia. " Oh, hello, where is that good looking strapping fellow that came before, the one you matched so well?" She asked Angel.

Angel growled. "This is your fault- dressing him like me," jerking to Cordelia.

"Be quiet, Angel and I didn't dress him like you. He just ended up resembling you- just a little. It was the coat."

"And the hair, and the shirt, and the pants."

"Shut up, he was taller."

"He was not." Angel stared hard at the young woman.

“Was to.”

“Was not.”

“Erehm.” Anita interrupted. “I think I know why you are here. You both seem exuding a great amount of tension- of the sexual nature- it’s not healthy to bottle that up.”

Angel growled. Cordelia glared.

“Definitely, not healthy. Was it more potion you needed? Wait you were inquiring about the Enchanted Room. That should put you in a good mood. Have you rethought your concerns about the spell?”

“Clarify. Will we be possessed or something like that?” Cordelia asked deciding to ignore Angel.

“I explained that while the enchantment does effect your beings and controls a part of your psyche, you will still experience physically all of the sensations to a maximum degree.”

Cordelia bit her lip, glancing at Angel.

“I don’t know, Cordy, drugs manipulate a part of the psyche and create feelings of pleasure and you know what happened when I was drugged and that was without sex.”

“It was only temporary.”

“That makes a difference- how?”

Cordy kicked at the floor. Temporary would be more than long enough for Angelus to create major danger as well as kill her. Damn, she wanted this to work.

Angel growled knowing that it would be damn near impossible for him to leave this place without touching Cordelia. He was too close. Angel tried to keep thinking hopefully as well as rationally.

“May I ask what your specific concern is, perhaps I can alleviate it?” Anita inquired.

Cordelia sighed. “Angel has the potential to get uncharacteristically mean under the influence of any mood enhancing simulates, especially those that can make him really happy.”

“Ah, not to worry, this is not like getting drugged or high on some artificial narcotic or substance, this is all natural and it only effects the pleasure zones. While it does enhance it doesn’t cloud.”

“That’s not really helping.” Angel growled.

“Angel, stop being ‘grr’.”

Angel growled again.

“You’re a vampire.” Anita said in realization. “And you are….” She studied Cordelia. “Human?”.

“Close enough.” Cordy shrugged.

“Well, then, don’t fear, the room will not allow anything that is not wanted or consented. If you need to curb your vampire instincts while making love, you will be able to. Your control or inhibitions will not be lessened to such degree that you would harm her, if she does not wish it. Only what you both want to happen will happen, and that pleasure will be enhanced. The room ensures the safety of all occupants. My establishment is only for consenting beings.”

Cordelia glanced at Angel. “Uh, vampire instincts?”

Angel bit down his growl and directed his attention to Anita. “Putting a side, whatever you think a vampire instinct is,” Angel ignored Anita’s raised brows and smile,” The spell prohibits any dangerous actions by either party.”

“Danger is subjective, but for the ‘activity’ to be allowed it would have to be consented to by both parties. If one is unwilling then the room will protect that party. The enchanted room is for pleasure not unwanted harm.”

“Excuse us.” Angel grabbed at Cordelia and pulled her off to the side. “It may work. Slightly possessed is…not what I wanted but…it might work. And if it doesn’t Angelus can’t hurt you.”

“So, what, I go nay nay boo boo to Angelus as I chain him up and go running or do you want me to just stake him.”

Angel really wanted this to happen tonight and as long as there was a safety net, he would do whatever it took to make it happen.

“Wesley has a copy of the disc. But, I don’t think we’ll need it.”

Cordelia bit her lip and turned back to Anita. “It will be us but not really us?”

“For lack of a better explanation.” Anita nodded.

“And no harm can come to anyone in that room? Like a ‘no’ violence spell.”

“There are aspects of that yes, the furies input were an integral part of the enchantment. In fact, they did the no violence spell on the entire brothel. As I said, this is a place dedicated to pleasure nothing else.”

“How much?”

“For an hour?”

“Whatever.” Cordy shrugged.

Cordelia slumped towards Angel at the price quoted. “Come on, we’ll find another way.”

“Wait.” Angel pulled out a bundle of cash.

“Where did you get that,” Cordelia blinked. “That’s not Connor’s college fund is it?”

“No, though, it’s doubtful he’ll be needing that now.”


“Cordy, it’s the fun fund.”

“Fun fund? Were you going to get me a boat?” She squealed.


“You’re so sweet.” She jumped up and hugged him.

Angel shook his head. “So, do you want the boat or…”

Cordelia grabbed the cash out of his hand and thrust it at Anita. “For as long as that lasts.” She looked over her shoulder at Angel. “That was at least an hours worth right?”

Anita quickly counted. “A few more than that. The room is vacant, if you come this way, please.”


Cordelia scanned the room, her attention staying for a moment of the big bed, then traveling back to Angel. “Um, Angel, what did she mean about ‘vampire instincts’?” That if you wanted to curb them you could? She wasn’t talking about Angelus what was she talking about?”

“I’m not really sure, Cordelia,” Angel moved closer.

“Angel.” Cordelia moved stepping further away from the vampire.

“It’s not important.” Angel shrugged off his coat, the leather falling on the floor as he stalked Cordelia.

“I think it is.” She kept moving further away.

“No, Cordy,” he grabbed at her arm, pulling her towards him. “What is important is you, me, together now.”

Cordelia let him pull her, placing her hands lightly on his chest. “I just don’t want you to have to ‘curb’ anything.”

The visions of holding her down, making her stay still by ropes and chains if necessary vanished as Cordelia stopped moving away but came to him. Angel leaned in. “There is nothing to curb, Cordy,” he smiled his lips barely touching hers. Angel wouldn’t deny that he had those thoughts but he did realize why, fear and anger that she may leave him or reject him. If she had, he would have had to fight for control of himself to let her go. Thank god, that wasn’t necessary. She loved him and that’s what he really needed, not her submission to his desires.

“Okay,” Cordy smiled grabbing his head and pushing her body against his as she attacked Angel's lips, her arms and legs taking hold of him instantly. Angel reacted quickly cupping her to his body, his mouth devouring hers with the same fervor. Angel stumbled back, ramming into a small chair knocking it to the floor. He gathered Cordelia’s body further into his turning and moving towards the wall. Cordelia’s hand lashed out crashing a table lamp to the floor as her back banged up to the wall. Angel pressed her body up, his hips and strength keeping Cordelia pinned to the wall. Cordelia ran her hands through Angel’s hair, gripping his head closer.

Angel’s hands pushed at the annoying material of her shirt, his hands trying to reach her breast. Cordelia jerked her mouth away from Angel’s as he immediately dragged her lips back. “No vampire instincts. Need to breathe.” She jerked away again. “Sorry.”

The words registered, Angel moved his lips from her mouth, chuckling along her neck, his hands going to the neckline of her shirt.

“Angel.” Cordelia leaned away, pushing at his hands.

“Don’t,” he growled bringing his hands back to her shirt.

Cordelia pushed them again. “We’re not at home, I have to leave here at some point do you want me to do it topless.”


“You’re about to tear my shirt. Geez,” Cordelia pushed his upper body back as her legs kept a tight hold on his hips. She moved her hands through the small space provided and drew her shirt over her head, tossing it to the ground. “Wait,” she quickly unclasped the front hook of her lace bra. “Bras are expensive,” she explained.

Angel’s eyes went from her face directly down to the freed full breast moving with each gasping breath Cordelia made, his mouth descended to catch a rose nipple, his hips jutting further into hers. Cordelia moaned cradling him closer. Angel dragged his mouth towards the nipples mate. His voice a low growl, “I’m about to rip the pants,” offering her the chance for another option.

“Elastic just tug, don’t rip.” She lifted her hips as Angel’s hands went immediately to the garment pulling and fondling at the pants moving them closer too the floor exposing precious flesh to his touch.

“Angel, how much do you like this shirt,” Cordelia’s fingers were digging and pulling at the buttons trying to get them open.

“Damn.” Angel moved. “Everything off now.” He tugged at his shirt, pulling it and the undershirt over his head as his hand yanked at his belt.

Cordelia taking deep breaths fell against the wall, moving her legs quickly to get rid of her boots and pants. “I can’t get my shoes. God, you’re quick, …and really beautiful…” Cordelia gapped as she looked up from her feet.

Angel growled picking her up and throwing Cordelia on the bed, knocking over the table as he followed her on it. “Here,” he grabbed at her feet quickly removing her shoes and pants.

“Angel, I still…nevermind,” Cordelia screeched into the mattress, as Angel plunged into the juncture of her thighs, wetting her panties even more. She squirmed trying to get hold of the mattress. “Angel,” she squealed as she heard a rip of satin polyester blend, and felt his mouth on her bared center.

“Sacrifices have to be made, Cordy.” He growled burying his lips further, soaking in the moisture and fragrance. As Angel savored every crevice of Cordelia’s delicate flesh he knew that he had been right, there would have been no way that he would’ve stopped had he allowed himself this pleasure. He could stay there forever. It was more powerful than anything he had ever tasted, blood or otherwise. Cordelia tugged at his head. “Angel, please, we’re on a time clock here, please, I need you now, take time later, if we have it, please.” She yanked harder.

Angel growled. He moved quickly up capturing her mouth and thrusting. She was right again. Some day he would prove her wrong, but now Cordy was right. He thrust harder, flinching as each movement brought searing heat and pleasure through his body and Cordelia gasped and welcomed each.

Cordelia nails made piercing nicks and scratches along tensing muscles, as she moved in a frantic rhythm trying to ease the ache, trying to reach the pinnacle of pleasure. It hurt it was so much. She cried out as Angel shouted shuddering as he spent himself in her embrace.

She clung to him, trying to catch her breath. She sighed deeply, kissing the top of Angel’s head. “Angel?”


“You okay?”


“Angel,” Cordy tried to scoot out from underneath him. Angel reached his arm up locking her to him and shifting. “I’m much more than okay, I’m…”

“Angel,” Cordelia tried to look at him directly in the eyes, which was hard to do because Angel was still nuzzling her breast.

“I’m not…. Damn.” Angel shot up.

“What,” Cordy scooted back. “I don’t like ‘Damn’.”

“Cordy, where’s my coat. Found it.” Angel took out a two pair of manacles from his pockets. “Here.”

“Vamp Instincts?” Cordy eyed the heavy-duty iron handcuffs.

“In case of.”

“Oh, talk about mood kill. You know, condoms are easier to explain as safe sex. So, what am I supposed to do with these?”

“Chain me up.”

“Now? But you’re not Angelus.”

“Cordy, I’ve only lost my soul once okay, it’s not an exact science. I had sex with Buffy, fell asleep, next thing I knew woke in the alley screaming and Angelus. So…”

“So, are you ready to go to sleep?”


Cordy shrugged. “You don’t seem as happy as you were a few minutes ago, how about I put these here,” she leaned. “Hey, where’d the table go? How’d that get broken and the lamp too? We’re not paying for it. They must’ve been cheap. Anyway, I’ll keep these close by,” she tucked manacles under her pillow. “And won’t fall asleep and you if you’re not too tired and we’ve got time left, you can go slow.”

Angel laughed crawling over her body to cover it completely. “Broken furniture, vamp instincts.”

“Oh, then definitely not paying for it, Anita knew the risks.” Cordy giggled.

Angel leaned up brushing at Cordelia’s face in a tender gesture.


“Where to start.”

“Where do you want to? What?” Cordy squeaked at the gleam in Angel’s eyes.

“I want to kiss the sun.” He flipped her over and traced small kisses until he landed on Cordelia’s bright tattoo. His mouth moved over it as his fingers traced and kneaded into the flesh. God, it did burn. Angel moved his kisses upwards licking at the line of her spine as his hands moved and teased at the small of her back.

Cordelia dug her nails into the mattress resisting the urge to grab at the vampire. She took a deep breath and relaxed, letting his cool-touch and kisses tickle and inflame her flesh once again.

She moaned and whimpered as the kisses teased and the hands fondled and pressed easing her muscles but igniting her nerves. “Angel.” She whispered to the head that was now settled sucking on her neck.


“I think I’m ready to turn over.” She ached.

“Have you’re toes curled yet.”

“Only about a hundred times now, don’t be mean.” She begged.

Angel chuckled, turning her over. He leaned up looking again up and down her body.


“You really are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Perfect.”

She looked down to where he was caressing the scar embedded into her stomach. “Right.”

Angel glanced up. “You are- your body was made for pleasure just as your heart was made for love, beautiful all of you.”

“That scar is ugly.” Cordy squirmed trying to get away from the finger caressing it.

Angel shot up his hands holding her in place. “It was made because of love, its real, it was pain that you survived, flawlessness isn’t perfection Cordy, living and loving and still having the ability to take one’s breath away is.”

“You can’t breathe.”

“I can have my breath taken away though.” He moved to gently kiss the scar. “I wish you never had this, not because its ugly, it’s not, but because of the pain.” Angel looked up moving quickly to cover her again. “Never, do I want you to feel pain, not again. You’ve had too much in your life. No more. I won’t allow it.”

Cordelia reached up tenderly cupping Angel’s stark face. “You can’t stop it, if it is going to happen.”


“Angel, the room is sucking if we’re about to get into an argument or a brood moment. Pleasure- remember. That’s what the brochure said.”

“Pleasure.” Angel nodded, moving to kiss her, “Pleasure it will be.” He kisses moving lower as Cordy’s hands moved to clench the bed again.


“Excuse me. Knock, knock.” Anita entered the room.

Angel jumped up, looked around for what woke him, frowning when he saw Anita at the doorway. “Times up.” She said apologetically.

“Angel.” Cordelia blinked sitting up. “Oh.” She grabbed for a sheet, only there was nothing to grab. “Where’s the…. How’d that get over there?” She pointed to the satin sheet hanging on the far bedpost. She looked down puzzled. “How’d I get on the floor…nevermind I remember.” Cordelia got up pulling at the sheet wrapping it around her body. "Hey, don't you knock?"

"I did, repeatedly."


"The next appointment is due to arrive and the room must..." Anita paused and looked around the room. “Be refurnished." She blinked. "As every piece of furniture seems to have been broken.” Raising her eyes at the mess.

“No they're not, the bed is….” Cordelia looked, the mattress was on the floor pressed up against the wall, the box springs were half way to the floor and the two bedposts at the head of the bed were broken. “Shoddy material, that’s all I’ve got to say. We’re not paying. Hmmph.” Cordelia quickly turned around hunting for her clothes in the debris.

“Bill me,” Angel whispered to Anita. “We’ll be out in just a moment,” he said louder.

“Very well,” Anita smiled as she closed the door.

Cordelia pulled on her shirt. “Angel, the handcuffs weren’t very effective if you had lost your soul.” She pointed to the manacles hanging from Angel’s wrists and the two broken bedposts.

“Had to know, just in case.” Angel shrugged. “Where’s the key?”

“Did you even bring it?”

“Where’s my coat.”

“Angel, you broke the bed.”

“It wasn’t my fault…you did it. I’m ticklish.”

“A ticklish vampire with a tentative soul, how do I pick ‘em?”

“Luck?” Angel said unlocking the iron cuffs.

“Ass,” she responded to the smirk on his face. “Get dressed, time to go home.”


Cordy looked out the door of the brothel and shot back in slamming the door. “What time is it?”

“I can make Cordy. Here, just go put the top up and roll up the windows. We’ll get back to the hotel before dawn.”

“The sun’s almost up.”

“Hurry then.”

“Okay.” Cordelia grabbed the keys and ran.


“Angel, you’re going to have to run.” Cordelia climbed out of the passenger side of the car.

“Yep,” He tossed her in his arms and ran into the hotel. Cordelia was still laughing as the vampire carried her up the stairs.

“Angel,” she warned as he threw her on the bed and quickly followed.

“Sleep, Cordy,” Angel rolled to his side looking down at the young woman.

“Oh, right.” She shrugged biting her lip. “I…”

Angel cocked his brow. “You know, Cordy, four times and still not tired, you would make a helluva vampire- breaking furniture, insatiable stamina-“ Angel moved quickly to the end of the bed, pulling off her shoes.

“What are you doing?”

“Seeing if your toes are still curled.” He smirked up at her.

Cordelia laughed and threw a pillow at him. “I didn’t break anything.”

“I don’t know- I didn’t break the dresser. I believe that was you- and the mattress on the floor- definitely you.” He crawled back up the bed, making a preemptory strike at the other pillow in Cordelia’s grasp. “Vampire instincts.”

“I didn’t break anything, you practically threw me on the dresser-it was you, not me, you’re the vampire. Hmmph. I can’t believe you’re letting Anita bill you.”

“You heard that.”

Cordelia shrugged lying back on the bed. “Maybe.”

“Amazing woman,” Angel pulled her into his chest. “Love you.” He kissed her on the crown of her head.

“Me, too,” snuggling further into Angel’s embrace. “Angel,”


“How much money exactly do we have in the ‘fun fund’?”

“Enough for several more toe curlings.” He nuzzled into her neck. “Then we’ll have to just raise our prices.”

Cordelia yawned. “Yeah, and get paying clients. Maybe, we could start charging the victims of my visions. Kidding.” She said at the vampire’s silence. “Angel,” she peeked over her shoulder at the sleeping figure. “Vampire stamina my butt.” She wiggled in closer and closed her eyes.

Part 6

Cordelia stretched moving around in the bed. She sat up and looked at the empty space beside her. She blinked as Angel exited the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. "Not afraid I'll rip it off." Her appreciative glance wandered up and down the vampire's strong body.

"Maybe, we could talk Anita into putting a shower into the Enchanted Room." He knelt on the bed.

"An Enchanted Shower, that’d be fun." Cordelia smiled in leaning in for a kiss, her hand stroking along Angel's chest.

"Uhuh," Angel cupped her chin bringing her even closer, his lips gently taking possession of hers. Cordelia scooted along the bed, drawing out the kiss, her tongue meeting Angel's in a gentle caress. She leaned back. "Wow. Towel wearing Angel and a morning kiss and I don't feel the need to embarrass myself in front of Fred and Gunn. This is an accomplishment."

Angel sat back, a slow sexy grin forming. "Oh, the magic is gone, is it? I think I feel used. You sure, I can't get you to go running into the shower?"

"Stop that, Angel. Don't start a challenge that we can't finish." She scooted back suddenly wary at the vampire's expression.

Angel laughed and kissed her soundly on her scowl. "Will save it for our next outing."

"Get dressed, mustn't push our luck."

Angel took a deep breath and nodded.

"Angel." Cordelia sat on the bed watching him pull on his pants.


"It worked." She smiled happily at Angel's grin.

"Yep, it definitely worked. I don't feel like killing anything this morning."

Cordy scrunched up her face. "Afternoon and what do you mean?"

Fully dressed Angel flopped back down on the bed, his hand teasing at Cordy's toes. "Frustration, Cordy."

Cordy nodded. "Yeah, good thing too my big toe was beginning to hate me."

"Uh?" Looking at the digit in question.

"Frustration can hurt sometimes when it causes kicking hard unmovable objects." She smiled. "So, when can we go again?"

Angel chuckled lying on his back, his hands resting behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. "Now would probably not be good, uh."

Cordy turned to lie on her side facing the vampire. "Oh, it would be good but not financially feasible. Can't splurge all at once. It's like ice cream, control, Angel. Get the most for your money."

Angel jerked to his side to face her. "Cordy, you have no control when it comes to ice cream. You can't stop once you start."

Cordy shot up. "I can too. I'm not a pig."

Angel laughed. "Okay, it wasn't you that finished off a gallon of Rocky Road in one sitting."

"Only once and I needed the comfort. Hmmph- you do spy on me." She glared.

"Only.... when I need to." He shrugged sheepishly.

"Hmmph." Cordy scrunched up her face. "Angel, how’s the blood diet going, you ready to cut down?"

Angel puzzled over the change of subject though he was glad she had switched away from his habit of watching her, though he wasn't sure he wanted to talk about his diet either. "I'm still a vampire, Cordy."

"Duh, human blood. Can we cut it back to 1/4 mixture - Larry’s is expensive. We could maybe increase the fun fund by a couple of hours, if you are."

"Oh." Angel thought about it. He still craved the human, but the half and half was going fine. So it was only a matter of deciding which he needed more- human or Cordy. "Okay." Actually, even the little needed to create a 1/4 mixture was too expensive when he looked at that way. "We won't get anymore, just stretch out what we got, then go back to just pig." He decided.

"Are you sure, we can do the 1/4th." Cordelia asked.

Angel nodded. "It's time anyway. I should've just gone cold turkey."

"Angel, if you still need it. It's only been two weeks or so."

"No, Cordy. I'm fine, never felt stronger or better." He kissed her again.

Cordelia nodded. "So, maybe shoot for a week."

Angel grinned knowing that the young woman was no longer talking about his diet. "I don't know if I can last that long but we'll plan on next week."

Cordelia gave a bright smile. "My turn for a shower. Do I have any clothes here?"

"Washed and folded."

"You're so sweet,” jumping off the bed and heading for his shower.

Angel groaned plopping back down on the bed. There was that word again. 'Sweet'. Good god, Cordy made him sweet. A sweet vampire, it could bring shivers up the spine if it wasn't so laughable. But, Cordy thought he was sweet so he'd live with it. Anyway, making love to her did have some moments of sweetness, he guessed in between the more lustful carnal aspects. Angel turned to stare at the closed door of his bathroom. Angel groaned again this time in frustrated appreciation. Cordelia Chase made love like she lived - to the fullest extent, no hesitation, with love and confidence, with assertiveness borne from strength and desire. She exuded a sensuality that ignited desires throughout his body as well as a vulnerability that made him ache to protect her always. God, he loved her. Angel groaned getting off the bed, he didn't know if he could last a week.

Part 7

"Good morning," Angel said cheerfully to Gunn and Fred. "Coffee," he poured a cup, whistling.

Fred's eyes got big shooting a glance to her boyfriend. "He's whistling."

"I heard, girl," Gunn shot back. "Hey, Angel, it's afternoon."

"Right." Angel leaned back against the counter, sipping his coffee.

"You seem to be in a better mood than last night."

"Yeah, why are you so happy. How happy are you?" Fred asked.

"It's a beautiful day."

"Okay, Mr. Sunshine that can't go out in the sun without being burnt toast." Gunn shook his head.

“Good one, very funny,” Angel brought up his mug in a cheer.

“Weird.” Gunn whispered to Fred.

"Good afternoon, all." Cordy bounded down the steps. "Ooh, coffee." She grabbed Angel's cup out of his hand. She peered in. "Coffee,” She sipped.

"Please take mine, it's only the last cup."

"Thanks, you're so sweet. You can make some more."

"Sweet," Angel shook his head, moving towards the coffee maker, whistling again.

"Okay, twighlight zone here. Were they or were they not mad at each other last night." Gunn whispered again to Fred.

"They made up," Fred looked at the humming vampire than back at Cordelia leaned up against the counter seeming more relaxed than she had been in ages. Fred blinked rapidly. Angel was humming. "They didn't." Fred looked worriedly to her boyfriend.

"That won't Angelus." Gunn shook his head.

"Right," Fred swooshed out a deep breath. "Angelus wouldn't whistle or hum, he would just kill us all."

"Actually, Angelus did sometimes whistle while he killed." Angel came back into the lobby a mug of blood in his hand.

"Oh." Fred looked concerned again.

"Angel, shut up." Cordy said her eyes never leaving the paper on the counter.


"You're new 'whistle while you work' routine is freaking everyone out."

"I can't be in a good mood?"

"Of course, just not perfectly in a good mood." Fred apologetically explained.


Cordelia's eyes shot up. "Angel, you just 'geezed'. Stop- that's freaking ME out."

Angel rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her.

"You jerk," Cordelia laughed and threw the newspaper at him.

"Okay, that is just really weird-weird," Gunn tugged at Fred.

"Yeah." She shrugged.

"Good, everyone is here." Wesley strode into the lobby from his office, glancing momentarily at the laughing young woman and vampire, Angel swatting at the newspaper that fluttered around him.

"What's up?" Angel said once the paper was safely littering the floor. "New case with paying clients. Please tell me they're paying. You know, I was thinking we should probably raise our rates. So how much are they paying?"

"What's the deal, planning on starting a new college fund, don't think Connor is Ivy League material yet," Gunn questioned.

Fred smacked at his arm as both Angel and Cordelia's expressions changed from happy to blank.

"No case," Wesley responded. "But it is about Connor."

"What." Angel said his tone now deadly serious.

"He came by to see me."

"He did?" "Is that good?" "What did he want?" Angel was the only person that remained silent.

Wesley directed his attention on Angel. "He admitted to watching you and he wanted me to tell him about you."

"I repeat is that good?" Gunn said. "What did you tell him?” Cordelia questioned over Gunn.

"Cordelia, I told him what history I know which happens to be substantial."

"You what?" Cordelia snapped. "History as in Angelus. He knows too much of that as it is- Holtz told him more than enough. Did you tell him about now- that Angel's a champion, that's he is a good person, did you explain about his soul, did you?"

"Of course, Cordelia, I explained about Angel's soul. But, I couldn't ignore or deny Holtz's claims of what Angelus had done."

"Why not?" Cordelia demanded.

"Because, it would've been a lie. Cordelia, you know as well as I do that to accept Angel you have to understand Angelus and the potential threat."

"You told him that Angel's soul wasn't permanent. You sanctimonious bastard." she yelled. "Since when have you cared about the 'truth'?"

"Cordy," Angel went towards the angry young woman, surprised at the venom that sprang suddenly into her words. "Cordy, I can't deny Angelus. You told me not to lie to Connor, that we needed to build his trust."

"By confirming whatever crap Holtz' has told him over the years, NO." Her eyes remaining fixed on Wesley.

Gunn and Fred stepped back from the three people engaged in an eye power struggle.

"Cordy, Wesley was right."

"Right," Cordy scoffed, glaring at Wesley. "We know how 'right' Wesley can be. He's so smart, reads ALL the prophecies and gets them WRONG."

"Cordy," Angel pulled at her. "It's okay. Wesley and I are okay about that, alright."

"But, you aren't are you, my good friend Cordelia?" Wesley stated coldly. "But where were you- oh right, getting suntan oil rubbed all over you by your lover."

"Wesley," Angel warned, his attention now on the British man.

“Oh Christ," Gunn mumbled pulling Fred further away. "Some shit's going to happen now."

"Shouldn't we do something?" Fred blinked up.

"Move out of the way," Gunn urged.

Cordelia took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes into dangerous slits, shrugging off Angel's hand. "Ever heard of the phone, Wesley. Mexico has them you know. Reach out and touch a friend, maybe I don't know call and say, ’hey Cordy, I'm about to ruin everyone's lives- got any thoughts’. But, no, you know everything that comes from those dusty scrolls and books. Why tell a friend, they might just tell you that you were wrong and you can't have that can you. But, you were wrong, disastrously WRONG."

"I KNOW that, Cordelia."

"Do you? I wonder, Mr. Know-it-all, you should've called me."


"WHY? Because I would've come back."

"Maybe, you shouldn't have left, have you even thought about that or have you been too busy blaming me?"

"It wasn't Cordy's fault." Angel stepped closer to Wesley.

"Of course not, perfect Cordy, never wrong. Our little self-centered girl has turned into quite the persona of perfection."

"Wesley," Angel growled.

"What's your problem," Cordelia shoved Angel out of the way, standing directly before Wesley.

"Charles." Fred whispered.

Gunn shook his head. "Angel, man, let them argue it out, okay." Gunn stepped up next to the vampire. "Angel, she can handle it." Gunn reassured.

Angel stared at the other man and then nodded.

"My problem? Could it be that my friend, my very good friend, never bothered to try understand why I made my mistake, so much for friends and promises, uh. Or now do your promises only pertain to Angel?"

Cordelia shook her head. "Don't Wesley."

"Don't what Cordelia, question your objectivity, question the promise we made three years ago, the one we made last year. Why not?"

"Cordy?" Angel stepped up.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Gunn whispered to Fred.

Fred just shook her head.

The young woman ignored the vampire. "Wesley, I haven't forgotten. I just don't go looking for Angelus under every mood swing. It wasn't Angelus, Wesley, it was Angel being drunk with Connor's blood and if you hadn't had a prophecy so far up your ass you would've figured it out. They did," She swung her hands around to the other occupants of the room. "But, no, you assumed the worse because some stupid book said so and because of Angelus. And your assumption cost us baby Connor." Cordelia shook her head. "I didn't need to talk to you to understand your motivations, Wesley, I know why you did it. But good intentions be damned when talking could've prevented everything. Why didn't you talk to me, if you couldn't trust Angel -and don't give me any more bullshit about me being with Groo. Or at least Fred and Gunn. Why?" Cordelia's angry tone had turned into plea.

Wesley looked away from her searching gaze. "I didn't...I didn't want to call you until I was sure, I didn't want you to worry about it if I was wrong and I hoped maybe you were happy. And when I thought I was right, it was too late." He slowly answered.

"Fred and Gunn? Nevermind," Cordelia whispered at the brief bit of pain that flashed through Wesley's stance. "Hey," she tugged at his arm. "I missed alot." She lifted a hand to his face. "I was wrong, I'm sorry."

"Cordy…me, too." Wesley smiled gently.

"I'm not hugging." She smiled. "Wesley, talking, remember from now on."

Wesley nodded, taking off his glasses. "Then that brings me to my next topic."

“Did they just make up? And what was the first topic?" Gunn looked down at Fred. She shrugged.

Angel looked uneasily from both Cordelia to Wesley. Something just happened between the two of them one that ended the antagonism between the two for good and what promise was Wesley talking about? He knew that they were close, but how close. Angel studied Wesley with a glare.

"Wesley, no next topic, Connor." Cordelia reminded.

Wesley took a deep breath. "Connor is watching trying to place what Holtz taught him to what he sees with his own eyes. He's willing and listening."

"So, his stalking is a good thing." Cordelia nodded.


"Do you believe him? He fooled us before." Cordelia asked suddenly. Fred nodded along with Cordelia's question.

"I believe his willingness is legitimate, what he does with the knowledge I don't know. However, his anger wasn't as pronounced as it was when I spoke to him at Wolfram & Hart."

Cordelia scrunched up her face. "Okay."

"Does he need anything?" Angel asked.

"He didn't ask but I fed him and gave him some money."

Angel nodded. "Thanks."

"Next topic," Gunn asked, hoping that it wasn't going to be as volatile as the first.

"Yes, well, it's...Angel, your blood, there is a large portion of human in the mix."

Gunn slumped back against the counter, his hope damned. "Great, anyone we know?"

"You've checked Angel's blood supply, why?" Cordelia shot up glaring. "You've no business doing that."

"He hasn't been acting weird, well, not too weird." Fred said.

"You're point." Angel said quietly.

"You know." Wesley asked. "Of course, you would have to know because of the amount."

"You're drinking human," Gunn shot a look over to Angel. "Why? Should we worried, I'm worried."

"Of course not," Cordelia rolled her eyes.

Wesley stared at Cordelia. "You knew."

Cordelia squirmed a little then stood straight. "Everything is fine, Wesley. No need to go running for the stakes. Angel just needed some human after almost starving to death for a month."

"Vampires don't starve."

"You know what I mean. Anyway, we're going down to 1/4 mixture."

"You knew." Wesley shook his head.

"So what."

"Don't you think that is something we all needed to know."


"Cordelia, human blood...."

"Blah, blah, blood lust, blah. I've heard it before Wesley ad nausem. Angel's fine hasn't snacked on anyone. Hmmph."

"Cordy," Angel held out his hand.

She swirled and turned. "What?"

"Nothing." Angel shook his head, wishing he had the courage to tell the complete truth. "Wesley, I needed it, alright- I didn't say anything because there wasn't any need to worry everyone. We’re dealing with it. It will be pig only in a few days."

"Then it can start now." Wesley took the mug from Angel’s hand.

"Wesley, blood's expensive, we can't just waste what we have." Cordy argued taking the mug out of Wesley’s hand.

"Whoa, I'll chip in. Get rid of the human stuff." Gunn looked warily at the vampire.

"Fine, Wesley, today then." Angel gave Wesley the mug that Cordelia had shoved back to him.


"Cordy, it's not that much money wasted, especially, if it gives everyone peace of mind, okay."

"That's not.... are you sure?"

"I told you earlier, okay." He leaned into kiss her forehead and then looked up. "Please tell me that there is something that we can work on."

Fred shrugged. She was just glad the yelling stopped. "We're still trying to track down the zombie boyfriend of Carol Jones, you know, the one of the few clients we have, I’m not sure we should raise her fee though, since we haven’t actually found her dead boyfriend. Where do zombies hang out?”

"Graveyards." Gunn answered, studying Angel. He couldn't help it. Gunn wasn't at all comfortable with the fact that Angel had been drinking human blood all this time. But, while he had been acting strange lately, Angel hadn’t got really gotten mad at any one but Cordy. “Hey, it wasn’t Cordy’s blood?”

“What? NO.” Cordy shook her head.

“Just checking.” Gunn decided that he would leave the subject alone. “Zombies, graveyard.”

"No, that's just where they come from, there always leaving them in the movies." Fred disagreed, moving and waving her arms and legs in a zombie motion.

"What do you have?" Angel headed towards Fred and the file she dropped when she started on her impersonation of a zombie.

"Cordelia," Wesley called.


"You should have said something."

"It wasn't a problem, Wesley."

"I thought I could handle it alone, Cordy, don't make my mistake."

"I won't."

Wesley took a deep breath. "You haven't forgotten, but would you still be able to do it."

"Wesley, Angel and I know the risks, okay."

"I hope so, Cordelia."

"I'm not stupid, Wesley."

"No, but you are in love and you can be blind when you want to be."

"Wesley, we've already had one fight today, do you want another."

"Cordy, you need to be careful, if not for yourself, then for us and Connor."

"I KNOW." Cordelia huffed turning away from her friend.


"Cordy," Angel leaned up on his elbow staring at the young woman in his bed.


"You're mad, why?"

"It's nothing, just Wesley." She sighed.

"You did lay into him pretty hard."

"Oh that, he deserved that and he was mean too. No, we're okay. It's just...."

"Cordy," Angel interrupted. "How is it you two are okay, one minute you wanted to kill him the next everything’s fine."

Cordelia leaned up. "I never wanted to kill Wesley, just wanted him to understand what he did. He does. Now, hopefully, he'll keep remembering and not do it again. Though, I'll have to watch him, he has a tendency to get tunnel vision."


Cordelia looked at Angel. "Wesley and I are friends, Angel. Friends fight, hurt each other, but they can forgive if they really care and are sorry. Wesley's sorry."

"You didn't forgive me that easily. Took weeks and clothes."

"That was different. You hurt me."

"Wesley didn't? He betrayed me, us."

"Yes, but I understand why he did it, he was wrong, but I understand, I didn't understand why you betrayed me-us and I hadn't hurt you. So, it was harder to forgive. That's all."

Angel scooted up. "You didn't hurt Wesley."

Cordelia shrugged. "Yeah, I did. Just like I hurt you. I wasn't here. I was supposed to be here. I’m sorry. Wesley loves Fred, you know."

"Uh. She's dating Gunn."

"I know, and I should've seen it earlier, seen what it did to Wesley. He shut himself off before I even left and I didn't do anything to help him. That's why he didn't talk to them. And I was so wrapped up in Groo- I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, he explained why he didn't call me-stupid reason, but just as stupid as your reason for not calling me. Denial with Groo withstanding, I would've come back, I may not have realized I loved you then, but I did know what my priorities were- you and our family, I would've come back," she lifted a hand to his cheek.

Angel caught her hand bringing it to his lips. "I know, that's why I didn't call and you didn't hurt me."

"Stupid,” commenting on the first part of Angel’s statement.

Angel gave a small smile. "Maybe. What was the promise, Cordy?"

She scrunched up her face. "Oh," she said in realization. "The same one I made to you."

"To stay with Wesley always?"

"Did I say always," she teased. "No, silly, the one where I stake Angelus, if you ever lose your soul. So, don't okay."

"Oh. You will, right."

"You doubt me too." Cordy shook her head. "If by some bizzaro chance Angelus pops out, I will do what I need to do."

"And that is stake me."

"After we know that Wesley’s spell won’t work and there is no other way to restore your soul."

"No, Cordy," Angel shifted, holding her shoulders straight, staring hard into her eyes. "If you get any opportunity you will stake me before you get hurt or our family does. You won't wait."

"I'll do what I have to do Angel."


"I promised, Angel."

"Cordy, Angelus is not Harmony."

"I know that. I'm tired. Let's just got sleep, okay."


"Stop okay, please, Wesley's lectured me enough today, please."

“You didn’t tell him.” Angel had wondered why Wesley had kept pulling Cordy into the office. He had almost followed. He didn’t like the way that Cordy looked after each time she left. But, Gunn and Fred had convinced him that obviously there was more stuff to work out between the friends. Angel hadn’t really liked the idea of ‘stuff’ between Cordy and Wesley, but he hadn’t realized that Wesley was taking the opportunity to warn Cordy away from him. Angel swallowed his urge to kill Wesley at that thought. He choked on his growl. Wesley had every right to be worried about Angelus appearing, everyone did. But, Angel and Cordy had found away to be together, and he didn’t want it to stop. Oh god, he was getting angry at Cordy and he didn’t even know her answer. “Well, did you?” Angel prayed that she would say no.

“Of course not. He’d have you staked and had me in chains. Tunnel vision. ”

The relief Angel felt was monumental, he dragged Cordy’s body closer. “Good. Love you.”

“Me, too.”

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