just fic

Title: Betrayal, Deception & Forgiveness
Author: anne
Posted: 09-17-2002
Rating: PG up to NC-17 (later)
Email: anneeb4@aol.com
Content: C/A
Summary: I'm getting Angel and Cordelia out of the 'situations' that the writers put them at the end of S3
Disclaimer: No, I haven't managed to buy or get control of ATS over the summer- it still belongs to Joss, Mutant Co & etc
Notes: It's been awhile. I've been taking a break. I haven't read any spoilers for the S4 by choice, haven't written any stories by fact-I haven't had any ideas or I did, but I didn't have an idea how to start- I wanted to get the hero's out of the their respective problems- but I couldn't figure out what to write, so I didn't. I did try some of the other ideas that were suggested but until I could either get Angel out of the situation or watch it, all my other ideas slowed to a complete stop.
Well, I started writing, of course, it would have to be close to when Joss blows everything I write out of the water, so I'm going to be posting quickly from now on- trying to get the story out before the season premiere.
Dedication: anybody and everybody that read my stuff before and took the time to say nice things. Thanks.

Part 23

"My father told me that God gave me to him to protect me,” Connor glared at Wesley.

Wesley sat back in his chair. "To be more accurate, it was a large talking plastic JollyBurger that really set the final stages in motion. If that is God, then we’re all in trouble.”

“What? I don’t understand you.”

“Connor, no one, God included, gave you to Holtz. Holtz took you because I acted out of fear for you. Fear that Angel was going to kill you. I believed that because of a prophecy I found and signs that were manufactured or manipulated. That’s why.

“I don’t believe you. You’re trying to get me to doubt my father.”

“I’m trying to get you to see the truth. The cliché, in the one instance anyway, is correct. The truth will set you free.”

“Truth, what do you know about the truth? I know what my father told me.”

“Holtz was not your father.”

“He was.”

“No, like or not, Angel is your father.”


“Yes Connor.”

“I don’t want him to be.”

Wesley rubbed his forehead a sad knowing smile on his face. “That’s not a choice that you get to have, Connor. You can deny your father, you can hate him, ignore him, wish that it wasn’t so, but in the end, he is your father and that fact will effect your future choices and the life you choose. It can’t be helped, not until you accept and understand your father. Love and trust come automatically with birth and Connor I was there with you. You did love Angel.”


“Yes, you trusted that he would care for and protect you. It’s the nature of being a baby, Connor, it’s not wrong or anything to be ashamed of. However, the trust and love a baby has can grow stronger as the relationship between child and parent develops or it can falter and mutate into something akin to hate. It all depends on the relationship and the actions of the parent and child. You feel that Angel’s actions to Holtz’s family has made him untrustworthy, unworthy of your love.”

“He is, he’s a demon.”

“Yes. But those acts Holtz filled your head with were over 150 years old. His warnings weren’t current with the Angel of this era, the era to which you were born. You don't have a relationship with Angel or a basis that trust can grow because Holtz stole that from you.

“Why do you want me to trust him? I’ve heard them talk,” Connor motioned to the locked door. “They say you hate him too. That you are working with them against him.”

“Like I said before, I want you to know the truth. Holtz was a human, a mortal, that should’ve died over a hundred years ago, but instead he made pact with a demon to circumvent the natural order of things so that he could get revenge on the vampire that killed his family. Holtz wasn’t noble, he was a revenge-minded fanatic.”

“How dare you,” Connor swung knocking Wesley down.

Wesley stumbled back to his feet, his hand going to his jaw. “The truth, Connor. Holtz wasn’t an agent of God, he may have been pious at one time, but he lost that distinction when he chose revenge, when he chose to steal the childhood from an innocent babe, when he risked human’s lives for his plan, when he ordered Justine to kill me. Those actions that he described of Angel, were those of a demon without a soul, Holtz’s actions were those of a human with a soul. Which is worse?

“Angel killed him, those are the actions that I’m care about.”

“I seriously doubt that, the truth, Connor, think about it.” Wesley left the room.


Wesley unlocked his door. The first thing he saw as he entered was Lilah picking up her purse. “Leaving and I just got here.”

“Where have you been?”

“I didn’t realize there was a time clock on this job.”

“There is when my life is contingent on your cooperation.” She said.

“Hazards of a highly paid career.”

“Where were you?”

“Talking to Connor, don’t believe check with the readers.”

Lilah shook her head. “Any head way.”

Wesley shrugged. “He’s very loyal to Holtz.”

“What about Angel?”

“Still doesn’t trust him.”

“What about you?”

“Still doesn’t trust me, but I think he’s listening at least.”

“Fine.” She said moving past him.

“You are leaving?”

“Hazards of a highly paid career.”

“Something else happen.”

“It’s Angel. They’re concerned he’s not reacting at all like expected.”


“His seer's dead. One would expect him to be choking me again.”

“So, you came here. What hoping he went for me first, giving time for you to get away.”

“It was a thought.” Lilah smiled slightly, and then frowned. “He hasn’t made a move towards Wolfram & Hart, it’s been over 7 hours. Cordelia had to have told him before she died. He has to have figured out that her death was at our hands. He knows and he’s not after us, that’s not normal.”

“And what does Wolfram & Hart think is normal for Angel.”

“Wesley, every time, he’s come after us, going straight to Lindsey- when he was gone, to me to get answers.”

Wesley moved to sit down. “That’s just it, Lilah, he doesn’t need answers this time. Cordy’s dead. Angel doesn’t need to come after you or anybody, he knows who killed her.”

“Then why….”

“Lilah,” Wesley said softly as if talking to a small child, “those other times when Wolfram & Hart put Cordelia in danger, she was alive, almost dead, but still alive, he had a purpose, to get to you, Lindsey, whoever, as quick as possible, too get the answers he needed to save her. You are still alive because he got those answers. This time, he doesn’t need answers, he doesn’t care why you killed her or even how, he just cares that you killed her.”

“Then he should be…”

“Lilah, you’re not listening. Angel doesn’t need answers. He doesn’t have to move quickly. He can take his time. Cordelia's dead. He has time to plan now.”


“Plan.” Wesley nodded. “Plan, to make your death, the death of everyone and anybody in Wolfram & Hart he can get to, as painful as satisfying as he can. He doesn’t need you alive anymore, Lilah, you can’t help him. Cordy’s already dead. Honestly, you should have asked, there was a chance that you could’ve stayed alive if Cordy was. That’s what Angel really wants, without that, we’re all fair game.”

“You think he would really kill me.”

Wesley looked surprised. “You don’t. Lilah, he hasn’t kept you alive because of some hidden liking on his part or even because of his soul, not really. He’s left you alive because he hasn’t had to kill you yet. Every time, Wolfram & Hart has put Cordelia in danger, he’s truly wanted to kill you, but he hasn’t because you’ve had the knowledge to save her and once she was saved, his urgent need for your death had been diverted by his need to be at her side as she recovered. He’d rather sit at Cordy's bedside watching her sleep and be well than kill you. But, that’s gone, so he’ll be sitting at an empty bed, knowing she’s gone, and knowing you killed her and he’ll be thinking and planning the best way to kill you. Think about it,Lilah, Wolfram & Hart took away his chance to save Darla and look what happened, a wine cellar full of dead lawyers and that was Darla and unplanned, he was just really pissed. This is Cordy and I imagine he’s beyond just really pissed, and now he has time to make it really spectacular, there is some of Angelus in Angel. He’ll make it good.”

Lilah stepped back. “He’ll come after you too. He knows you’re with us.”

“I imagine I’ll painted with the same brush.”

“You’re taking it calmly.”

“I’ve been living at the whim of Angel for some time now. The only reason he stopped trying to kill me before was that Connor was back. Now, Connor’s gone to him and so is Cordy. I won’t be surprised to see him at my door some night.”

“Do the uninvite spell.”

“Why? Then I’ll be a prisoner in my own home. He’ll get me, just like he’ll get you. Lilah, you’ve been playing with the devil for some time now, did you really think that you could win.”

“We’ve got Connor.”

“He doesn’t know that.”

“Maybe it’s time we told him. Can you get in touch with him?”

“Without him killing me?”

“Can you.”


“Let me make a phone call.”


“Do it.” Lilah slammed her cell phone shut.

“He’ll want me to be alone.”

“Fine, but you’re being bugged.”

“No, then I’m staying here.”

“We need to know what’s going on.”

“I’ll tell you when and if I get back. But, I’m not making a dangerous situation more dangerous by having a bug implanted; he’d kill me on the spot. Telling him Wolfram & Hart has Connor just may do it anyway.”

“I thought you were okay with dying.”

“Okay is a lot different from facilitating the happening.”


Part 24

“How’s Cordy?” Wesley stood up as soon as the vampire entered the church.

“Alive and planning once the device was removed.”

“Planning?” Wesley laughed softy. Wesley breathed deeply feeling more light- hearted than he had in a very long time. “So she’s fine.” Wesley asked just to make sure.

“Yes. Is that why you called or is it something else, is it Connor?”

“I’m here at Wolfram & Hart’s bequest. They wish you to know that they have Connor.”

“They do?”

“Yes, it seem that they are nervous, you’ve failed to act as expected, they thought you would react violently to Cordelia’s death at their hands. You’re inactivity over the last several hours has confused them.”

“I’ll get to them soon enough.”

“Yes,” Wesley cocked his head. “They just thought it would be sooner until I reminded them that with Cordelia dead and you didn’t need them for any way to save her that you would kill all of them when you were ready. They hope that your knowledge that they have Connor will stall whatever plan of revenge you are contemplating. I may’ve mentioned something about wine cellars and lawyer killings and mass destruction, I don’t quite remember.”

Angel stared at the smile on Wesley’s face. Angel’s past action of letting the lawyer’s die at the hands of Darla and Drusilla had been the final step in the schism between Angel and his human friends over a year ago. Angel nodded refusing to be deterred by his past actions. He nodded accepting Wesley’s words at face value.

“I like your warnings to them better than Cordy’s plan.”

“Do I want to hear it?”

“Since it’s what’s going to happen and you’re part of it, yes.”

“Okay, we’re going with Cordy’s plan. I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“It is actually very simple in purpose, it’s application maybe a bit difficult.”

“I’m sitting down, just tell me.”

Angel sat next to Wesley. “We’re to find Justine, get the truth of how Holtz really died, bring Connor home, tell him that truth and you’re to stop working for Wolfram & Hart as soon as that happens. She said that as much as she hated it you couldn’t quit until Connor was home.”

Wesley turned to study the vampire. “Angel, you do realize that she’s just contradicted almost everything that you’ve planned, been planning.”

“She said that I could ‘whoop’ the little girl’s ass on the top floor and any lawyers we may come across while were getting Connor home.”

“Whoop? She realizes that they have tortured her right? That you want them dead? That me being in the middle could help bring them down.”

“Yes, she says it’s not worth it. “

“And you agree.”

“I agree that our family is more important at this moment than revenge. I agree that no matter how much I want to kill them all, I won’t go against Cordy on this.”

“Her plan means what for me, exactly?”

“You’re coming home. Wesley, I…I don’t know when or if I can forgive you, but I do know what Cordy knows, Angel Investigations has always been stronger together than separated, and you are a part of it. So…Cordy says everything comes in time.”

Wesley blinked. “Good God, you haven’t slept with her have you.”

“What? No.”

“But you love her, like really love her.”

“I know that.”

“Does she know that?”



“And what?” Angel got up from the pew. “We both know the risk.”

“Just checking, you did have sex with Darla, one could speculate that you weren’t quite as cognizant of the risk as you once were.”

“Darla wasn’t Cordy, never was.”

“Just checking.” Wesley got up. “Does this plan have any specifics?”

“You know where Connor is. Gunn, Fred and Cordelia will help you.”

“Not you.”

“My presence may make things more difficult with Connor. Anyway, I’ll be busy going to the top floor.”

Wesley started to nod then stopped as he realized all what Angel said. “Angel, that little girl is something that I’ve not been able to identify. She may not be able to be killed.”

“It maybe.”

“Angel, I know Cordy didn’t plan that.”

“She said I could whoop her.”

“That’s not what she meant and you know it.”

“You don’t know that you weren’t there when she said it and don’t mention it to her.”



Wesley took a deep breath. “When.”

“I’ll let you know when we find Justine.”

Wesley nodded. “Well, I’m sufficiently scared and you’re stalled so I guess it’s time for me to go back to my temporary masters.”

Part 25

Wesley was half way to his car when he realized what he had forgotten. He wasn’t exactly sure that it would matter but in the game he was playing he couldn’t take the chance. He ran back towards the church. Damn. Angel had already disappeared into the night.

How was he going to do accomplish this? Wesley’s mind kept playing over different possibilities, all sounding just as unappealing as his original plan and certainly none as effective. A sudden noise and blurred movement from behind the bushes jerked him out of his thoughts.

Wesley tensed as the figure jumped out yelling jumbled words and phrases. Wesley relaxed when he realized that the figure before him wasn’t a vampire or any other type of demon. He scrutinized the young man and his clothing. From the torn soiled sweatshirt, the bright bandana tied around his head, and the nervous way he held the gun, Wesley also felt it was safe to conclude that the young man wasn’t an employee of Wolfram & Hart. Wesley wanted to laugh, after all he had faced and fought, he was being robbed, robbed by a strung-out nervous everyday street robber.

“I said give me your wallet, your watch, mother fucker.” The teenage thug waived his pistol in the air.

“I apologize, is that what you said? I recommend that in the future possibly you should enunciate your words more clearly.”

“Give me your money, mother fucker.”

Wesley took a step back watching the gun swing in the air, his humor vanishing. Guns could kill and if they didn’t they could cause excruciating pain. Wesley had no desire to end up on the wrong side of a bullet again. Once was more than enough of that painful experience, anyway he had already fulfilled his yearly quota of life-threatening injuries and hospitalizations. He still had several months to go before the next should be slated and a bullet wound would be redundant. Blown up, shot, slit throat, Wesley expected next year's trauma too be entirely new and different- and of course extremely painful. He couldn’t wait.

“How about this, you put the gun down first.” Wesley offered, getting his mind off his self-mocking morose thoughts and back to the matter at hand.

“I’m giving the orders, mother fucker”

“Of course,” Wesley lifted his hands in the air and then moved one to his jacket.

“Whatcha doing? Mother fucker”

“My wallet is in my coat.”

“Give it to me, mother fucker.”

“Very well, if you insist.” In flash Wesley’s small crossbow was pointed at the robber’s neck and the gun was lying on the ground several feet away. The teenager gaped dim-wittedly at the surprise change in circumastances.

“Please refrain from calling me a motherfucker again, I find it very offensive, now this weapon can kill, a bolt right through the neck, but I won’t do it not if you do something for me.” Wesley believed he had found the solution to his earlier lapse. It still wasn’t appealing but at least it was doable.

“I don’t have no money. Mother…” the jab of the sharp arrow into his neck cut off the rest of the young man’s profanity.

Wesley smiled and lowered his weapon. “I'm afraid that I can not give you all my money, but how about $50.00 for a small endeavor on your part.”


“A job, you cretin.” Wesley said at the young man’s ignorance.

The robber glared suspiciously his eyes still on the crossbow. “What? What’s a cret…what?”

“Choke me.” Wesley ordered rolling his eyes. Wesley began to agree with all those that claimed the state of education in the nation was appalling.

“Uh, you loco?”

“No. Here,” Wesley put the crossbow back in his jacket and then drew the street robber’s hands to his neck. “Squeeze.”

“Fuckin A man, you ARE loco.”

“Just squeeze, leave out the commentary.” Wesley pressed the young man’s hands in closer around his neck. “Harder. Damn’t.” Wesley said in disgust. “You were just ready to shoot me, so what exactly pray tell is your hesitation with choking me.” Wesley brought his own hands up to the teenager’s neck.

The robber defensively grabbed for Wesley’s.

“The only way I’m going to release you is for you to choke me until I tell you to stop. So, be a good thug and choke me.”

The robber’s hands went back to Wesley’s throat this time in anger, his confusion gone as Wesley continued to strangle him. The robber pressed his hands roughly together around Wesley’s throat. Wesley gasped and when he thought it was long enough he released his grip. Unfortunately, the robber didn’t know or didn't care that that was his signal to stop. Wesley grunted and threw a tight fist into the young man’s kidney and his other balled fist slammed into the young man’s temple. The robber staggered back with a howl and a yelp.

Wesley leaned over trying to catch his breath. He glanced at the robber, leveling his cross brow and shooting at the young man as he went to the gun on the ground. The robber's yelp turned into crying as the arrow pierced his flesh and blood flowed on his palm.

Wesley straightened, pulled out his wallet and took out a two twenties and a ten and threw the money on the ground. “Thank you for your service. Oh, I’ll take these.” Wesley said leaning down to yank the arrow out of the robber’s flesh and pick up the abandoned gun. "These are weapons and should not be handle by children.” Wesley paused. “You are a child that thinks you’re a man, you should be in school, but now you really should go to the hospital, I imagine you’ll need several stitches.”

Wesley headed to his car. He took a deep breath and pressed his head against the back of the seat wondering if indeed he was crazy. Wesley shook off the useless speculation and looked up into the mirror studying the appearing red marks on his throat. Angel would’ve done a more effective job to be sure, but Wesley really didn’t think Lilah would know the difference.


“Well, what happened?” Lilah met Wesley at the door.

“Don't you have a home or at least plants that need watering or something?"

"What happened with Angel," Lilah demanded ignoring Wesley's remark.

"I need a drink.” Wesley went past her to the whiskey bottle.

“Well, will he stop his plans of revenge?”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “If your still here could you please make yourself useful and get me some ice.”

“What?” Lilah eye’s widened as she saw the red bruising on Wesley’s neck. “Angel did that?”

“No, a street robber. Ice please.”

“A robber…yeah, right," Lilah commented at Wesley’s tone. "Wesley, what did Angel do?”

“He wanted answers, I gave him what I could and he left me alive.”

“What did you tell him?” Lilah called from the kitchen.

“That Wolfram & Hart had Connor. Once he was satisfied that I didn’t know where, he stopped. Thank you.” Wesley plopped the ice cubes in his whiskey.

“So, he’s stopped.”

“No, he’s stalled.”


“I only gave him part of the answers he wanted now he’ll look for the rest. But, he will be preoccupied with getting Connor rather than destroying Wolfram & Hart.”

Lilah considered Wesley. “And where did you tell him he could go to get the rest of those answers?”

Wesley smiled and raised his glass to Lilah.

Her eyes got big. “You sicced him on me?”

“Angel could believe that I was out of the loop, but not you, not about this.”

“Great, wonderful, swell.” Lilah started to pace the small living room. “I don’t believe this.”

“I did what you wanted.”

“I don’t remember ever saying anything about sicing Angel on me,” glaring. “Give me that bottle, you bastard.”

“Lilah, really, you should be used to it by now, but you have his answers so you’ll live, at least he won’t come after you for killing Cordelia.”

“I didn’t kill her, that creepy kid flipped the switch. But so what, now he’ll just kill me to get to Connor.”

“Lilah, I told you as long as you have the answers Angel wants he won’t kill you, hurt you sure, but not kill.”

“You, bastard. I can’t believe I’m here like some trapped sitting duck.”

“You could go home, back to your apartment, you know where you live, away from here, away from me, unless ....have you invited Angel in for a late night cup of tea before?”

“Don’t be an idiot, I can’t go home, he’s probably out there now waiting for me.”

“Probably.” Wesley swallowed some more whiskey.

“You think?” Lilah ran to the window peering into the darkness trying to get a glimpse of the vampire.

“Well, I doubt he's at the hotel, Cordy’s not there. What else he is going to do?”

“This was a stupid plan.”

“It wasn’t mine. “

Lilah swung around glaring at Wesley. “Bastard.”

“That’s really getting tiresome and its incorrect, my parents had the benefit of matrimony if not wedded bliss.”

Lilah glared not bothering to answer.

Wesley sighed. “Lilah, calm down. You can stay here, since I can't seem to get you to leave. I’ll do the uninvite spell. Angel will concentrate on getting Connor, not revenge. The firm will be happy. This should be worth some plus points in your personnel file, diverting Angel with your life for the benefit of the firm.”

Lilah perked up. “I need to call Linwood, he needs to realize the danger I'm in for them."

“I thought you were bugged.”

“They took it out once you passed the soothsayers test. Bugging employees without their knowledge, while at times necessary, it’s bad for the morale. Why? You going to make a declaration of feeling.” She smirked.

Wesley chuckled and matched her smirk. “I’m just gratified that Wolfram & Hart is so concerned about their employees morale.”

“Oh, they’re sweethearts, all right.” Lilah shrugged making her phone call.

Part 26

"I thought I left you smiling and snoring," Angel smiled at the sight that greeted in the dim light of lobby.

Cordy rolled her eyes, turning the lights up. "I don't snore."

"I don't know, Cor, it wasn't me. I can't snore."

Cordy scoffed. "I've heard you snore, you sure did, like a chainsaw."

"I don't breathe-I can't snore." Angel defended himself over the unattractive snorts and grunts that were now coming out of Cordy's mouth and nose in rapid succession in a live audio impersonation of snoring.

"Pfft. They may have fed you that bull in vampire school but you do- sawing wood, buster, it was you. I heard and saw you." Cordelia crossed her arms and took another deep breath preparing to perform another demonstration.

"Stop, please.” Angel begged. “ I told you. I can't snore," his defense repeated, only this time with less confidence, Cordelia looked and sounded pretty sure. "Anyway, I wasn't sleeping, I was doing the staring bit, so, it was you- you were snoring." Angel insisted trying to regain earlier ground.

"Hmmph." Cordy stuck her tongue out at the vampire as she walked into the kitchen. "Like I could sleep. I want to know why Wesley called." She called over her shoulder.

"Wolfram & Hart wanted me to know that they have Connor." Angel followed her, his head still shaking at Cordy's performance of the physiological impossibility of a vampire snoring.

Cordelia paused in reaching into the refrigerator. "They do?" Cordelia’s brows rose.

"They think that it will stall me in any plans for revenge."

"Moronic satan toadies," she said taking out a tub of blood. "That makes sense- 'hey we kidnapped your son, don't hurt us please', oh please. Pfft."

"They think, I imagine, that I will concentrate on getting him back safely rather than tear the place apart because you're dead." Angel couldn’t help the small smile on his face. When exactly did he get use to Cordy’s speak and when exactly did he start to need to hear it everyday and every hour of that day.

"Oh, I keep forgetting I'm dead. I definitely don't feel dead, I feel great," she moved to the microwave stopping as Angel's hand held her arm.

"I'm not hungry."

"Of course you are," Cordy corrected. "I haven't seen you eat anything."

"Cordy, that's..."

"Fresh, so don't worry. I got rid of the other stuff, it was too old. You must be hungry. I haven't done anything to it, promise." She lifted the carton for his inspection. "Oink and only oink, no spices."

"You went out? I told you to stay put."

"I took the sewer, geez, anyway I was bored waiting for you. You didn't tell me you were leaving." Cordelia added accusingly.

"You were snoring so beautifully, smile and all." Angel grinned pleased the he got the final word in on that particular subject and hoping that he diverted her from the current topic.

"Hmmph. Whatever." Cordelia waved away Angel comment. "You need to eat." She turned back to the microwave.

"Cordy, I'm not hungry." Angel repeated.

"Angel, you have to be. What have you been eating since you got home? There was no fresh blood in the refrigerator. I had to go get this. Angel, you must be starving, it's not like you could grab a quick bite..." Cordelia paused turning from the vampire, emotion stalling the words in her throat. She took a deep breath forcing the image of Angel alone trapped at the bottom of the ocean away, "when you were underwater, sea food's not your thing," Cordy turned back smiling at the vampire once again successful at banishing the image. This time, Cordelia hopped it would stay away much longer than a few hours.

Angel gently took the carton from the young woman. "I can't starve to death, Cordy and I have been eating. Out."

"Dining out?" Cordelia wrinkled her nose. "Angel, eww, a vampire that eats out, is eating, you know," She held two fingers down mimicking a person walking.

Angel forced a chuckle out his throat. "I grabbed something at Larry's. I just haven't had time to stock up."

"Eww, Larry's a sleaze and he doesn't handle much animal blood, mostly human blood, hearts and organs and stuff, gross, and the stuff he does carry - you can't trust it. It's like a bad chinese, never knowing what you're getting, chow mien, yeah, more like meow mien, you could've been getting cat's blood or cheap pig or something. I think he just makes up his labels and he charges too much, especially when you're buying one at a time."


"Whatever, Angel. We've got the good stuff in house now. You SO need me to take care of you," she smiled and kissed him on his nose.

"Yes, I do." Angel reached out for the young woman embracing her tightly. Angel rubbed his face in her hair his eyes closed breathing in her scent. He wasn't really lying. Angel had gone to Larry's.

"Come on let's go to bed,"

Angel hesitated as Cordelia tugged his hand.

"Angel, you must be tired, staring is not sleeping. So, let's go 'grr' guy, sleepy time."


"Angel, I'll be good. " She bit at her lips. "I don't want to be alone. I woke up earlier and you weren't there brooding over me. I got a little freaky, just a little, but...."

Angel gently brought Cordelia's eyes back to his. "Freaky?"

"Bad dreams, I mean not...just...um." Cordelia paused, not wanting to remember or worry Angel about the dream that woke her. The dream where she was still encased in the bright prison, only that time, she could see Angel trapped in a watery coffin, unreachable and unsaveable. Cordelia hadn't like it and couldn't help the panicky feeling when she realized that Angel wasn’t with her. Fred and Gunn's reassurance that Angel had just gone to see Wesley had only marginally made her feel better about his not being in her sight.

"I need to know you're there too, let's go bed." Angel smiled kissing her lightly on the forehead now understanding completely Cordy's use of the word 'freaky'.

“You’re going to sleep not stare.” The young woman narrowed her eyes, not questioning but ordering.

“I’m going to sleep.”

"Good, but don't wake me up with your loud ass ‘non-existent’ snoring."

Angel started to respond but realized there was no point. Cordy always got the final word in when she wanted to. Angel shook his head and let the laughing young woman lead him up the stairs.

Part 27

Wesley jerked out of bed, gasping.

"What's wrong, Wesley," Lilah shot up next to him.


"You're shaking, what's wrong."

"Nothing, just a dream."

"A dream? More like nightmare," Lilah cocked her head. "What was it?"

"Go back to sleep."

"I heard talking about them makes them go away."

Wesley cocked his brows.

"What? I watch Oprah. What?" she said at Wesley's surprised look. "You didn't think I did anything but eat, sleep, Wolfram & Hart, did you."

"Yes, it never occurred to me to think otherwise."

"Well, I do have interests and hobbies that don't involve creating havoc and mayhem or evil incarnates."

"And Oprah is one of those. Are you sure? I've seen her, she could very well be a Bullock Demon, trying to control the world through mind manipulation and canned advice, seems like a perfect client for Wolfram & Hart."

"You ARE a cynic. Anyway, she's not, Dr. Phil’s the Bullock, how do you think he got his own show. We’re pleased -the revenues are pouring in. But, Oprah- she’s legit and puts on a good show, very insightful at times and she recommends pretty decent books. So, what was your dream?"

Wesley was slowly begining to realize that Lilah could be as surprising as she could be dangerous. Wesley leaned back against the headboard. " It was Cordelia, strapped down in an electric chair, Angel pulling the switch."

"Yeah, that was a dream. Like Angel would ever hurt his precious seer."

"He has, but you're right, he wouldn't kill her, Angelus on the other hand...."

"Angelus- you're scared of him."

"Anybody around Angel would be a fool not to be." Wesley closed his eyes.

"Hmm,” Lilah moved closer studying Wesley's face. "That dream wasn't about Angel or Angelus, but you. Wesley, you didn't kill Cordelia."

Wesley blinked. "Oprah tell you that."

"It's obvious, you're feeling guilty. But, Wesley, Cordelia killed herself when she lied to us."

Wesley gave a sad chuckle. "No, the little girl on the top floor killed her, flipped the switch. Pushed the button to be precise."

"Yeah, she sure did that, literally, not a fun sight."

"What do you mean?" Wesley leaned in waiting for the conversation to go where he needed it to.

"She didn't just push button or flip a switch. It was weird and scary." Lilah shivered.

"I didn't think anything scared you." Wesley’s tone was encouraging wanting Lilah to continue.

"Right. Well this did. She’s so damn cute, it’s unnerving and then she started to spark and glow. The little sweet form, not real, but then again who thought it was. Next thing, viola - bingo- you were there."

"Where?" Wesley calmed trying to hide his impatience now that the subject was where he wanted.

"Inside Cordelia's head, it was weird. That little thing just reached in with all of her sparking and glowing and short circuited Cordelia's brain with a bright ball of light energy whatever- like a 100 + watt bulb being forced into 45 bulb, all sputtering and explosion then dead little bulb. There was no device, the little girl was the device and the button, the bright mega watt bulb all in one."

Wesley leaned even closer to the woman. “You saw her true form.”

“What form? She glowed, shimmered and pulsated. Might’ve been pretty, like a Christmas light show, except it sucked the air out of you to look at it and filled you up with some really creepy vibes. So, I guess it wasn’t Christmas it was a light show from hell.” Lilah shivered.

Wesley slightly nodded and leaned back against the headboard, his need to know hidden under an more even tone. “ Lilah, I’ve given more thought about the Connor/Angel situation.”

"Huh," Lilah said surprised at the change of topic.

"It was a thought I had before you distracted me and we headed up in bed."

"So, I can distract you, that's almost flattery from you." Lilah smirked.

Wesley made a face. “I need access to the firm’s library.”

"Don't worry, I won't expect flowers and gifts. You already have access to the library."

"Not that one, the real ones, the ones with the important prophecies and really old books, the top-level materials. I know the books and files I’ve been looking at are for show. I need the real ones.” Wesley couldn’t quite hide his impatience and need.


“Lilah, Angel knows we have Connor. He just may succeed in getting him back. It is possible. If that happens don’t you think that it may be wise to have as much information about the prophecy that brought Connor into the game before he's out of our reach. We will need those answers. Answers to unanswerable questions keeps you alive.”

“Our researchers have already gone through all the materials, countless times, they found nothing.”

“Let me try. Over the last three years I’ve seemed to have made a study on prophecies that deal with the vampire with a soul. Only messed up really bad once, but even so, I’m still the only real expert you have on Angel right now.”

“I’m sorry, Wesley.”

Wesley looked up at her tone more than a little surprised at the sincerity he heard. “For what?”

“The false prophecy. You are the expert and there was no way you could've known. SahJhan was an inter-dimensional time traveling demon, he manipulated that prophecy a long time ago waiting for the day to use it. For all extensive purposes, it was authentic.”

“Except for the content.”

“How could you know that when the language, the paper, the dating was all correct. You couldn’t of; you couldn’t of figured it out not unless you knew about the Angel’s meals were being spiked with baby Connor’s blood or the deal between SahJhan and me. Wesley, truthfully, you probably did save Connor’s life, the doctored blood was affecting Angel, he could've killed Connor thinking he was food. And you didn't kill Cordelia. So, you see, you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about."

"More Oprah or was that Dr. Phil?" Wesley said softly, burying his anger at the matter of fact words describing the origins of the damage to himself and his friends-an explanation that Lilah offered genuinely in some bizarre attempt at comfort.

"Wesley," Lilah shook her head at his refusal to be reassured. She straightened leaning along side Wesley on the headboard. "I'll get you the access."

"Thank you."

"So, you up for more distractions, Dr. Lilah's way of keeping away the bad dreams, I think Oprah approved too." Lilah turned in to Wesley giving a soft smile.

"You are a bad dream." The realization of the words’ truth was hidden by Wesley's sarcastic delivery.

"More with the flattery, stop, please, it's going to my head," Lilah chuckled biting her lips.

Wesley shook his head and leaned into the arms reaching for him.


Wesley moved separating his body slightly from Lilah's. He sunk back in his pillow staring up at the ceiling. This needed to be over soon. Lilah was beginning to show glimpses of a woman behind the bitch and that was something he just didn't need or want to see. He turned, staring at the woman lying next to him, she was worse than a bad dream, she was close to becoming a habit, a bad one, definitely not one he wanted to acquire. Wesley went uneasily too sleep, reciting in numerically order every one and last horrific act done by Wolfram & Hart via the woman in his bed to hurt his family.

Part 28

“Whatcha doing, girl?” Gunn peeked around the door at Fred.

“Researching.” Fred said her eyes glued to the computer screen.

“I thought you said that Justin’s trail was a dead end on that thing.”

“I’m not doing that.”

Gunn moved slumping over Fred’s shoulders staring at what Fred was reading. “AMCE Private Eye School” Gunn’s brows shot up in question.

Fred shook her head pushing at her glasses “I’m going to register.”


“Charles, I think is painfully clear, we have no idea how to investigate, sure kill demons, but investigate, nope. Well, I’m going to school and learn and you should too.”

“We don’t need to go to school to find Justine.”

“Oh, so you know where she is.” The wheels of her chair squeaked as she spun around.

“Well,” Gunn backed away. “Going to school won’t help.” He shot back.

“How can you say that? You don’t know. Just like we didn’t know where Angel and Cordy were.”

“Fred,” Gunn planted himself on the edge of the desk. “This ain’t the Rockford Files. No amount of class work would’ve explained how Wolfram & Hart shanghaied Cordy from the middle of the freeway with glowly lights and special effects or that Connor would deep six Angel. It wouldn’t of.”

Fred tugged on her ponytail in frustration not wanting to concede but fearing that Gunn was right. It was just that Fred was a firm believer in education, if you didn’t know something you learned it through school and studying. Fred wasn’t arrogant by any stretch of the imagination, but she was well aware of her gift with science and math. But regardless of that talent, it was the classes, the mountains of homework and lectures that she attended when she was in high school and then later the University which gave her the educational foundation and research abilities to apply that talent beyond the limits of that education. It was painfully clear, though that she didn’t have an iota of talent in detecting anything that required more than equations, a computer or microscope and if she didn't have those particular talents she wanted at least to learn the fundamentals of detective work. Fred had thought she had known, detective work was asking questions and then getting the answers, but there had to be more to it, because she and Gunn had asked questions, but they didn't get the answers. Obviously, Fred was missing vital pieces of knowledge to the art of investigating and she wanted to know what they were. Therefore, to her, classes and school were the logical solution. Fred couldn't help thinking that had she taken classes on detective work before now they might have been able to find Angel and Cordy, instead of just waiting around for them to rescue themselves and that they wouldn't be facing a dead-end in the search for Justine.

“Fred,” Gunn rested his hands on her shoulders. “We did all that we could with what we had.”

“It wasn’t enough. Angel was in….”

“Damn’t Girl,” Gunn stomped off the edge of the desk. “I know where he was. At the bottom of the fuckin ocean. I know that Cordy was stuck being tortured by those bastards. Just like I know that I didn’t do a damn thing to help them. I know that I had Lilah in my fuckin fist and didn’t get the answers. Damn't I know.” Gunn’s shoulders slumped, his voice lowering with his head in defeat.

Fred moved suddenly gripping Gunn by the shoulders. “It wasn’t your fault.” Fred cupped his face. “You right, we did all that we could. You did, we both did.” Fred whispered forcing Gunn to believe just as she forced herself. Fred did know that Gunn was right in that the cases that came through Angel Investigation weren't standard PI fare, but still more knowledge never hurt. But she would deal with that later, her boyfriend needed her support not her recriminations on their lack of that knowledge. Fred closed her eyes, resting her forehead against Gunn’s wide chest. She wanted to cry. She should’ve known that Gunn would feel just as guilty as she did.

“It’s neither one of your faults.” Cordelia commanded from the doorway. "And I don’t want to hear anything like that again. There was no way that you could’ve figured out that Connor would attack Angel, not like that. Just like, you couldn’t have figured out that Wolfram & Hart had planned this elaborate power disguised kidnapping. You couldn’t. Wesley didn’t know and he was working from the inside. I’m the only one that should’ve known both. If it’s anybody’s fault then its mine.”

“Cordy?” Fred looked up from Gunn's embrace.

Cordy strode in. “I saw how much anger and hatred Connor had in him, hell I felt it when I did the glowly number on him. I thought it was because of that place, but obviously there was more to it and I should’ve realized that a bright big hug wouldn’t get rid of it all. Just like I should realized that Skip’s showing up wasn't right, after all I had a vision and I don’t get those of warm and fuzzy happenings. I still have a lot to learn about my powers, though I don’t know how, except screw up by screw up, unless the Powers want to give some more quick how to tips,” Cordelia looked hopefully up towards the ceiling, “didn’t think so..” Cordy shook her head.

“Cordy, it…”

Cordelia looked up at Fred. “Fred, I don’t need reassurance. It happened and I could blame myself, but I’m not. Because the real blame goes to Wolfram & Hart and Holtz. Guilt isn’t the answer. What we need is to concentrate on how to fix it and the first step is finding out where Justine is- any luck.”

Fred wanted so much to say yes, if for no other reason than to keep the confident look on Cordelia's face.

“No.” Fred had to shake her head. “I did find out more about her, but nothing as to where she’s at now.”

“Yeah, and I went to their old hangout and that was clean, no forwarding address left. She and the rest of Holtz's people just disappeared. Probably skipped town.” Gunn added with frustration.

Cordelia was about to speak, but shut her mouth with a wrinkled brow and looked around. “Where’s Angel?”

“Went to revisit my trail of snitches to see if they had told me everything.”

“Charles, I’m sure they did.” Fred nodded.

“Yeah, maybe, but if they didn’t I bet having an angry Angel in their faces will jog their memories.”

“Charles, you can be mean, too.” Fred urged supportively.

“Hell, girl, I ain’t a vamp, and the snitches know it. There ‘re certain inbred intimidating skills that come along with that undead gig.”

Cordy waved her hand brushing aside the conversation satisfied with Angel’s whereabouts -for the time being. “Back to Justine, Fred what did you find out about her other than she’s a bitch and slayer wanna be.”

Fred sat back at her computer pulling up her research on the woman. “I didn’t know her last name, but her hatred for vampires had to come from somewhere, so I started searching the obituaries- figuring that someone close to her had been killed by one.”

“Very smart, Fred. What did you find, mother- father- brother-lover- who?”

“Sister, twin sister.” Fred pulled up the newspaper clipping, her shoulders a bit straighter at Cordy's praise and her confidence that Fred had in fact found the answer.

Cordelia peered in closer at the picture of Justine’s sister. “Yep, that’s looks just like that woman in my vision, well without the leather and desperado look. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“What?” Both Gunn and Fred responded.

“That the Powers would send me a vision to save Justine. I mean what’s up with that. If those vampires in the night club had killed her Angel might not have ended up....it might've all been avoided." Cordelia let out a deep breath. Those images of Angel trapped and alone just had to stop they were distracting her from her goal to fix all of this. "Damn. I figured when Angel told me it was Justine that they had saved that the Powers must’ve had a use for her or something. You know maybe she'd see the error of her ways, maybe help in the mission become part of the team. But, if her use was just to warp Connor into putting Angel in that.... steel box-that- well- that will just piss me off. ” Cordy slammed herself into the chair, inwardly yelling to get a grip and concentrate on finding Justine and not the pain Angel must've gone through.

Fred and Gunn just shrugged not knowing what to say.

Cordy leaned again over Fred’s shoulder and read the article. “So no other family.” Cordy leaned back her nose scrunched up in thought. “Vampires killed her only living relative, her twin, she hates them with a passion. Holtz found her, trained her and used that hatred to get her to follow him. I wonder….”

“You’ve an idea.”

“She’s become a slayer wanna be, though I’m not too worried about Buffy losing the title, Justine’s not blonde or supernatural, just a very angry bitter woman. But, she wouldn’t stop hating vampires just because Holtz is dead. In fact, it would probably just make her more kamikaze like. She hasn’t stopped hunting vampires and I doubt she’s left the city, where else would she go? Everything she knows is here, plus plenty of the ‘grr’ set.”

“Okay, so…” Gunn sat back on the desk.

“Well, we can’t find her, but maybe we can find a vampire that’s survived a run in with her recently.”

Gunn got on his feet. “Or maybe she’s hooked up with others that’s mission is to kill vampires.” He started to move to the door grabbing his jacket.

“Where are you going?”

“Rondell,” Gunn called back. “If there has been some dusting being done and he and his boys didn’t do and we didn’t do it, he just may know the somebody that did. The boys always like to keep an eye out for new players good and bad. Damn, should’ve thought about it sooner. Girl, maybe I should sign up for those classes.”

“Do you want us to call Angel?” Cordy yelled to the retreating man.

“Naw, I haven’t seen Rondell since…”

“Since, he held us hostage, destroyed Caritas and tried to kill Angel.”

“Yeah, since then. He might help me, he ain’t going to help Angel.”

“Call us, if you find out anything.”


Fred pushed at her glasses. “So, what do WE do?”

Cordelia curled up in a chair. “Fred, how long was Angel back before I was?”

Fred sat next to the other woman. “Two days maybe.”

“And in those two days did you see him eat anything? I saw that there was only old blood in the refrigerator.”

Fred hand flew guiltily to her mouth. “I know, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about it when he was gone. Then he came back and told us what happened. Of course, we had to force him to stay still to tell us, he wanted to go look for you. Then when he was here, he was in his room you know like when Connor first disappeared. You know not real approachable. I’m so glad you’re back. I can already tell he’s better. We all are. Why, did he say something about the old blood, is he mad?”

Cordelia wasn’t even amazed anymore that she knew exactly what Fred was saying in all those words. Cordy smiled at her friend. "I missed you too. No, of course not, I was just wondering. It’s just that I used to be able to clock when he ate, now….he’s changing eating habits on me.”

“Are you worried, should we be worried? I mean, weird-eating habits was how we figured out that Wolfram & Hart spiked his blood. It was pretty scary. You should’ve seen it, he was getting really erratic, loud, and gulping down the blood by cupfuls- though if you had been here instead of on vacation, you’d probably would’ve figured out sooner that something was wrong and maybe, Wesley would’ve talked to you, maybe……” Fred widened her eyes finally listening to her own words and noticing Cordelia’s blank stare. “I wasn’t saying it was your fault, honest. I just…”

Cordelia put up her hand to stop Fred’s babbled apology, her expression understanding. “I should’ve been here, but I wasn’t and maybe your maybes are right or... not. I just thought it was safe to leave everything seemed to be in sync, life was as good as it gets for us-the baddies at bay for the time being. Angel enjoying his new fatherhood- he was no longer uptight and frantic- well at least only semi uptight and frantic- almost back to his normal uptightness and franticy self.” Cordy took a deep breath. “ I should’ve known then.” Cordelia looked up to Fred, her tone suddenly questioning almost defensive. “But, I mean, sure we have a mission and an important job, but everyone is entitled to some time off, right?” Cordy searched Fred’s face for some sort of answer, the compassion she found wasn’t what she was looking for, but then again Cordelia wasn’t sure what she was looking for. She took a deep breath. “ I just thought it was my time. I thought maybe I earned it. I thought everything was all right. I wanted to believe Angel when he told me to go. I wanted to have a real vacation with the man….” Cordelia blew out a burst of air. “That I didn’t love, leaving the man I did alone to face….Errgh,” Cordelia threw her face into her hands. “I HATE THIS,” she yelled into her fingers.

“Cordy,” Fred jerked towards the other woman in surprise at her out burst. “It’s not your fault. It’s not. If anybody deserves a break from this madness you do, you and Angel both. It’s not your fault, you said so and it’s not. You know that- what’s wrong?”

Cordelia shook her head pushing her hair out of her face. “I know? What’s wrong?” she gave a choked laugh. “I don’t know anything and I’ve been wrong about so much lately. I could make a list since Groo came. I was so distracted but,” Cordy sighed. “I can’t blame it on Groo, he was wonderful just not…” Cordelia paused looking at the strains of blonde hair in between her fingers. “Blonde.”

“Uh.” Fred really wanted to reassure Cordelia, because Fred did know that Cordy was what made them all family, but she had no idea what the other woman was talking about now. Groo not blonde, how was that the problem.

“Blonde. I’m going to blame it on the blonde hair, the color soaked into my brain making me as clueless as a real one and see I was about to whine and go broody-I refuse to ache and feel guilty about what happened to Angel, it happened and it will be fixed. I can’t fix it if I think about it, not now. And it will be all right, Fred it will.” Cordelia shot up.

Fred jumped back a little at Cordy's manic declarations and Fred still wasn't sure about the blonde bit.

“You asked what we’re going to do- WE are going to the hair salon and get me back to normal.” Cordelia said decisively.

“Um, Cordy, now. I mean we’re kind of in a crisis….aren’t we?” Fred was more than confused and a little worried about her pacing friend.

Cordelia glared and grunted tugging at her hair for Fred to see all of the blonde. “I want to be normal. Hair salon, let’s go.”

“Um, Angel said that you shouldn’t leave the hotel since Wolfram & Hart think you’re dead.” Fred dodged Cordelia’s grasping hands.

Cordelia almost growled at the other woman. “You can be that way, you’ve got your hair.”

“You have your….Okay, how about I go to the drug store, you stay here and I’ll do it.” Fred offered in attempt to stop Cordelia from getting rid of the offending blonde in fistfuls or leaving the hotel.

Cordelia stopped yanking at her hair and narrowed her eyes into hazel slits. “Have you ever colored hair before?”

“It comes with directions, right?” Fred didn’t understand but if it calmed Cordy she would do it.


“Cordy, you’re dead.” Fred pointed out again, hopefully this time it would work.

“Hmmph. Okay, but make sure you get the right color.”

Fred nodded. “Sure.” She hid her puzzlement until she got out the door. She was little perturbed by Cordy’s warning. How hard could it be, brown was brown.

Part 29

Cordelia was pacing the lobby floor alternating looking at her watch and the clock on the wall. She ignored the basement door opening, to concentrate on the figure that was coming in the front door.

“Pfft,” she continued her pacing as Gunn entered into the lobby and Angel came in from downstairs.

Angel shot a look to Gunn when Cordelia refused to respond to his greeting. Gunn shrugged. “Hey, Cordy?” Gunn tried, but the young woman refused to acknowledge either man.

“Cordelia.” Angel reached out to stop her from crossing the lobby again.

“What? Hi.” She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss and then resumed her pacing.

“Cordy, what’s wrong.” Angel said.

Cordy turned with hands on her hips. “It’s Fred, she’s been gone for over two hours, TWO HOURS. Geez.” Throwing up her hands.

“Where is she? Where'd she go?” Gunn reached back for his jacket determined to find his girlfriend.

Cordelia waved her hands. “She’s fine, just LATE.”

“Cordy.” Angel said starting to share Gunn’s concern.

“Really, she’s fine.” Cordelia blew out some air. “Until I get a hold of her,” she added mumbling under her breath. Cordelia looked up. “So, how did it go with you two?”

“Cordy, FRED.”

“I told you she’s fine. Geez, I talked to her like five time already.” Cordy shook her head. “I knew I should’ve gone with her, she’ll screw it all up.”

“Where did you send her?” Gunn was getting even more agitated.

“Cordy, I’m back,” Fred ran huffing into the hotel, her arms filled with bags. Fred had raced like a madwoman to get back after her last phone conversation with Cordelia. She could tell that Cordy was getting irritated by all of her questions.

“It’s about time.” Cordy ran up.

“I know but who knew that there were so many brands and colors. There must have been seven different shades of brown multiply that by number of brands. There were fifteen, which made 105, give or take. There were the reddish- browns that I’m not sure I can legitimately count and then the black- browns. I don’t know there was just a lot and they all had these patches of hair attached to them. It was hard.” Fred puffed.

“ Brown….hair…attached…, girl, what are you talking about.” Gunn moved closer his relief at seeing Fred turning into confusion.

Cordy waved away Gunn and pulled at the plastic bags. “So, you bought all of them? I told you ‘Espresso’. Simple, I told you that over a half hour ago after you called me for the fourth time."

“I know but it didn’t look right on the hair thingy, so I got some more, rather than call you again. And then I saw the ‘French Roast’ and it was so pretty. Then each box said that it works best with their shampoo’s so…” Fred lifted up the bags proudly.

Cordelia maintained her grip on the bags and yanked. “Come on.” She swirled in the directions of the stairs.

“Cordelia, STOP.” Angel yelled. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” She squinted at the vampire. “So, did either of you find Justine.”

“Yeah” “yes”

“Both of you, great.”

Gunn and Angel shot looks at each other. “5th street.” They both said out loud and then both nodded at the other’s answer.

“How’d you find her?” Gunn asked.


Gunn remembered the little weasel Baccus demon. That purple warted low-life snitch hadn’t told him a thing. “He said he didn’t…right, how’d you get it out of him.”

“Hung him upside down and dunked him repeatedly into the sewer. Baccus’ hate the stench, don’t know why since they live in the sewer but they hate being dipped in it. Damn. I forgot to let him go. Oh well, he’ll either drown or something will find him and release him. I was in a hurry.” Angel shrugged. “He said you had been there before,” Angel nodded to Gunn. “He should’ve told you, he knows we work together.”

Gunn nodded impressed. He’d have to remember that piece of knowledge. He could dip some Baccus.

“You?” Angel said.

“Rondell. Went to visit the boys. He after a few let’s get reacquainted formalities … told me that there was action on 5th street, dust they weren’t responsible for. One of the boys said he saw a woman doing the dusting but she was gone before he could catch up with her. I’m figuring its our girl.”

“Good work.” Angel nodded.

“I should’ve thought of it sooner.” Gunn begrudgingly admitted.

“No, good work.” Angel slapped the other man on the back.

“Excuse me. The plan was to bring her here.” Cordelia quickly doused cold water on the congratulatory man-moment.

“I was coming to get Angel,” “Gunn” Angel pointed adding his excuse quickly.

“Then go to it boys. Come on Fred.” Cordelia pulled at the young woman.

Fred leaned up and kissed Gunn on cheek. “Very good detecting.” She whispered before running after Cordelia.

Angel’s forlorn gaze followed Cordy ascent until she was out of sight then switched to Gunn. Angel smiled he figured out the feeling he was having. He felt like whining that Cordy didn’t kiss him and tell him that he did a good job. He was getting back to normal. Angel frowned he did still have a question however. “Did you understand any of that?” He asked the other man.

Gunn shrugged. “Only the go get her part. The coffee and hair part, completely over my head.”

Angel nodded relieved. He thought maybe it was a human vs. vampire thing, but it was just a woman vs. man thing. “We better go get her then.”


Part 30

“It looks kind of purple,” Fred looked worriedly at the plastic gloves she just tossed on the sink.

“Yeah,” Cordelia refusing to the let the sight upset her. “It doesn’t look like that on the hair, I hope,” she winced slightly. “Moment of truth,” she shrugged to Fred.

“I’ve got more, just in case.” Fred smiled encouragingly.

“Out.” Cordy pushed Fred from the bathroom. “Oh, Fred.”

Her friend turned. “Pray and thanks.” Cordelia beamed.

“Any time, though, you’ll be beautiful. I mean you are, but more.” Fred nodded rocking on her heels smiling back.


Cordelia stared in the mirror the old picture up next to her face. The color wasn’t perfect but it was close enough to do wonders to her confidence levels. It wasn’t that she actually thought she was smarter or never wrong with her natural color it was just that she felt like more like her old self, the one that had confidence galore- the girl that had known what she wanted and how to get it. She had talked big over the last year as an increasingly blonde person, but she had been wrong in almost all of her recent choices the important ones anyway. Cordelia peered in closer to her image. Brunette or blonde, what did Angel see in her that made him trust so. She squinted hoping to see a big heart appear on the glass. She stared at the pretty young woman and her new store bought ‘French Roast’ hair color that stared back. This was stupid. Even if she hadn’t dyed her hair blonde she wouldn’t have said no to ‘false’ Skip. Why had she done it? Did she really think she deserved to be a higher power; did she even want to be? What did she want? Her head jerked towards the sounds coming from down stairs. She beamed back at her reflection. She knew what she wanted and it really wasn’t that different from what she told little evil Polly and she would do whatever she had to keep it, now that she had it. She brushed back her new dark hair and ran downstairs.

Fred’s head shot towards the running figure. “I love it.” She jumped up and down pointing to Cordy’s new hair color.

“It does look good, doesn’t it,” Cordelia patted at her head.

“Yeah,” Fred smugly swung back on her heels. “Told you ‘French Roast’.”

“Yeah, you did.” Cordy smiled running to the door of the basement where Fred was poised teetering on whether to go down or not.

“They got her.” Cordy acknowledged the sounds and curses coming from below.

“Yeah, she sure is loud.”

“Most bitches are. Come on, the guys may just be stupid enough to think that boys can’t slug a girl.”

“I did once already,” Fred raised her tiny fist. “I’ll to do it again, I don’t like her, a lot.”

Fred and Cordelia entered into a tense stand off. Angel had Justine pressed against the wall, his strength keeping her still, but the woman was cursing and spewing venom from her lips.

Gunn was standing by rubbing his swelling jaw and looking a little lost.

“Shut her up.” Cordelia glared to Gunn.

“She won’t. Angel keeps hitting her, but…he doesn’t want to kill her or knock her out until we get the answers so she keeps yelling. But, I think the vamp is about to burst.”

Cordelia studied the struggling woman and the vampire that was fighting his urge not to kill. She stepped up.

“Angel,” She gently touched his arm, beckoning him away.

Angel glanced up his vampire visage plain to see, his elbow up against Justine’s throat.

“Angel,” Cordelia nodded.

The vampire growled and threw Justine to the floor moving away.

Cordelia shot a quick smile then turned with the sword she had picked up before entering the basement. “Stay down.” She said the tip of the blade to Justine’s throat.

Justine glanced at Cordelia and scooted back against the wall, the blade followed.

“We haven’t been introduced properly. My name is Cordelia, Cordelia Chase; you already know Angel, Gunn and Fred. Fred here would like to go a couple rounds with you and don’t fooled by her delicate appearance, she’s a hell cat when her loved ones are threatened.”

Fred stepped up. She wasn’t sure what Cordelia was up too, but she would play along even if it meant physically fighting Justine. Fred braced her shoulders and remembered that Justine was the one that sliced Wesley’s throat and manipulated Connor to hurt Angel. She could do it.

“But,” Cordelia continued on. “She’s not the real danger.”

“The vampire, he won’t kill me.”

“He won’t?” Cordelia stood back her sword pointing to the floor.

“No, he doesn’t kill humans right. Isn’t that his banner of his so-called redemption -I’ve a soul” she laughed harshly.

Cordelia narrowed her eyes and leaned in closer to the woman. “If you believe that- then you may have just signed your death warrant. If you believe that Angel has his soul -won’t kill humans yet you led Connor to believe that he could kill Holtz anyway then I will kill you, don’t worry about the vampire. I wanted to feel sorry for you, think that the Powers had us save you for some reason. But I can’t think of one. Don’t fear the vampire, fear me.” Cordelia reached up her fist in the air, the skin turning gold as the air around glimmered and brightened.

“What are you? What do you want?” Justine tried to scramble even further back against the wall away from Cordy’s glowing fist.

“I'm not really sure, except that I'm a demon, mad and pretty powerful. What I want- other than you dead is the truth.” Cordelia said coldly.

Angel leaned back against the wall and whispered to no one in particular. “Cordy would’ve made a helluva of a vampire. Did she do something to her hair?”

“Uh,” Gunn shot a look at Angel then to Fred,” did you hear that.”

“I think he meant it has a compliment, you have to admit Cordy’s a bit scary right now and doesn’t she look pretty, new hair color or really close to old, ‘French Roast’ I picked it out.”

“Uh,” Gunn said again.

Angel bent around Gunn to face Fred. “Good choice almost looks like it should.” He nodded. “Oh, don’t tell her I didn’t like it blonde, I did, but this is just better.” Angel glanced back at Cordelia hovering over Justine a sword in one hand and a glowing fist poised over the woman. Part of Angel wanted to just rip Justine’s throat out, but the other was quite impressed by the picture Cordelia made and he did like her hair better brunette, maybe next she’d grow it back out.

“I won’t tell.” Fred beamed.

“Shouldn’t we stop Cordy, she seems too be glowing all over now.” Gunn interrupted trying to direct his companions to his original concern.

Fred and Angel shrugged. “I kind of want to see what she’s planning.” “I’m with Fred, god, Cordy’s amazing. I mean, just look at her. Beautiful.” Angel added in admiration.

“You guys.” Gunn urged.

“Oh, look too late.” Fred shook her head.

Cordelia had leaned in grabbing Justine by the throat; the glow of her fist began to encompass both bodies.

“Holy shit.” Gunn stepped back.

“Wow.” Fred said.

Angel waited.

Cordelia released Justine, starting to stagger. Angel was behind her in an instant steadying her body against his. Angel growled, it wasn’t amazing anymore, not if Cordy’s actions brought her pain.

Justine huddled against the wall crying gasping tears. “I…”

Cordelia pushed away from Angel, her voice now gentle. “Don’t dwell now, the hatred and anger are gone, don’t dwell on the guilt, just tell us the truth of how Holtz died.”

Justine blinked up, her eyes full with tears. She pushed herself up against the wall, her stare never leaving Cordelia. "You think that I'll help you because what -you took away my anger and pain?" Justine continued to shake her head. "It was never about anger or hatred. It was about conviction and belief. I kill vampires because they need to be killed they're evil. And his soul," Justine cocked her head towards Angel, "I don't believe it exists, or if does, it doesn't change what he is or what he did. So, as far as guilt goes, I've none."

“You…I felt it, you were riddled with it that and rage.” Cordelia momentarily cofused. Cordelia knew what she felt when she embraced the woman. The woman was supposed to be purged of all those damaging feelings. Cordelia stared. The woman was no longer crying or yelling, the tension gone from her body, but the hate…Cordelia looked again. The determination in her eyes wasn’t hate, what was it? Could it be belief, faith that her actions were right? Pity washed through Cordy over a faith that could be so strong so warped do to so much evil and damage.

Justine crawled up the wall. “You felt the guilt and rage of not being able to save my sister and for failing Holtz. Angelus should still be at the bottom of the ocean, suffering for all the evil he's done. I won't help you, I won't fail Holtz again. I would rather die."

Cordelia had to be sure. She lunged back the glow once again encompassing both women. Cordelia jerked back. “You’re right.” Cordy said coldly, her pity gone, anger taking its place. The woman was truly damaged goods; there was an emptiness in her that was frightening. Justine was like every other fanatic and zealot so limited by their own sense of righteousness that they committed evil under the absolute surety of doing the right thing. Cordy wondered if the woman would ever see the effects of her beliefs in the light of the bigger picture. But Cordy also knew she wasn’t going to be the one to convert Justine. Whatever reasons the Powers had to send her the vision of Justine in danger wasn’t her concern. They had already saved her once and without a big old sign from the Powers Cordelia wasn’t about to waste her time or her family’s on the woman again.

“Well, if you’d rather die, then - Angel, kill her.” Cordelia demanded. “Give her the death she fears most, drain every friggin fanatical blood cell out of her body."

Angel moved forward at Cordelia’s order, but hesitated in lunging at the scowling female prisoner. He knew he wanted to kill Justine, but he wasn’t so sure that was what Cordelia really wanted. Then again, she had surprised him before when she had nonchalantly brushed off the possibility of his killing Holtz with a Pfft, wave of her hand and a quick ‘kill him, he stole Connor’s childhood’. He believed then that he could’ve killed the human with no fear from reprisals or recriminations from Cordy. She hadn’t cared about Holtz just Angel and Connor. Angel again was reminded that Cordelia would’ve made a helluva a vampire worthy of Angelus. Angel hid the wince at his thought, Angelus and Cordelia were not something that ever should be recognized in the same breath except as a warning for Angel to remember and heed. Angel stilled waiting for another sign from Cordelia. If she told him again to kill Justine, he would and enjoy it.

“I don't fear death. I've nothing on my conscious, no reason to fear it, no matter the manner.” Justine said echoing Cordelia coldness.

"Really," Cordelia narrowed her eyes, placing a hand on Angel’s chest stalling him, even though he hadn’t moved an inch. "You don't fear death, how about your soul's damnation then."

Justine pressed against the wall moving as far as she could from Cordelia, her eyes widening a little in fear and incomprehension.

Cordelia smiled silkily, her manner condescending. "Oh, did that trigger a little something. I think it did. Angel, don't kill her, turn her, take her soul-damn it."

Angel didn’t even move a muscle, he knew he didn’t want to do that- with his soul, he’d struggled with various of his demon's darker instincts but that wasn’t one of them. He already had a family he didn’t need to make one up. Hell, even if he had that desire, Justine wouldn’t be a choice- his choice would always be the glorious woman directing him. He just wanted Justine dead. Angel knew that Cordelia wouldn’t want him too turn Justine either. He tried to ignore the frustration that had suddenly sprung up. Cordy wasn’t going to let him kill the woman, he hadn’t even realized how much he wanted to until that moment, he swallowed his growl, his Cordy had a plan.

"NO." Justine scrambled back along the wall.

Cordelia’s sword shot out halting any further movements. “Why not? What's the problem Justine? Don't want to become a soulless evil creature, does that wreak havoc to your convictions, your self-righteousness. It won't, really- once you're turned - you'll forget everything except the lust to kill and feed off of humans, too bad your sister's not alive so you could be the vampire that kills her, but hey, there are plenty of innocents out there, walking talking happy meals.”


“Angel will do it- you'd be his childe. You never met Drusilla. I don't even think Holtz did- not the right time period, you turned her after Holtz?" Cordelia looked to Angel for confirmation.

Angel nodded, his face still remaining passive accepting that he would just have to wait for whatever part Cordy wanted him to play next, though he was fairly certain he wouldn’t like it. Then again, the fear level in the woman against the wall was finally rising to an enjoyable degree. Cordelia hit on the woman’s weakness. God she was good.

Cordelia tilted her head and studied Justine. "So then you haven't heard about her. A piece of work, Dru -crazy as a loon and very evil. Loved her sire, though. Would've done anything and everything for him, come to think of it, she did and some of the things she did, they did -together- it makes a girl blush too think about it. She was his crazy little pet. Don't fret- she loved it. So, will you once your undead."

"You wouldn't..."

"I thought that was covered- I would, Angel would, we're demons you know how we are- evil, right? Isn’t that your belief.”

Justine shot a look at Gunn and Fred. Cordelia smirked. "Yeah, they're humans but they don't like you. You've caused us a lot of problems." Cordy shrugged. "You would be much less of a problem as a vampire, they know that and I like I said they don't like you at all."

"I would..."

"Try to kill us." Cordelia laughed. "You couldn't. Angel wouldn't let you and you couldn't even fight him because he'd be your sire. Now, you could try maybe, but then he'd have to punish you. Then again, from what I heard, you'd like being punished by your sire. Sick, I know but it's the way of vampires. Holtz didn't tell you everything about Angelus, like I said it would make you blush. Whatcha think Angel? Want a new evil eternal plaything?” She turned to the vampire.

“I don’t know, Cordy.” This time Angel did move closer, he didn’t like it but it was the dichotomy of his being that he made him begin to enjoy the situation and it was what Cordelia wanted him to do. Angel's hand shot out in a flash pinning Justine to the wall by her neck, his other hand traveled lecherously down her body. He leaned in a sexy leer transforming his handsome face into a charming dangerous thing. “She’s not really my type." He growled lowly. "But then again, it could be fun for a while. Can you be fun, Justine? Even a little? Come on, it’ll be fun.” The hand that wasn’t holding her neck, squeezed at her breast.

“What do you want?” Justine screamed, struggling against the vampire.

Angel quickly released the woman, sensing her break; he stepped back behind Cordelia, wiping the hand that had fondled the woman discreetly but harshly against the material of his pants.

“I told you, didn’t I? The truth and we want you to tell Connor, that’s all. Just the truth.” Cordelia said softly. “But,” her voice slowly transforming back into cold steel. “If we can’t have that then we’ll settle for less- revenge. You pissed us off. The truth or eternal evil unlife as Angel’s crazy pet, it’s really just up to you.”

Justine stared at Angel trying to determine if the vampire really would do it. Angelus was evil, all vampires were, but Justine also knew that Angel had claimed to have a soul and he hadn't killed her before when he had the chance, in fact he had saved her.

Angel winked, the dangerous leer back on his face.

Justine blanched, starting to speak quickly. “I…I killed Holtz at his command. He wanted to set Angelus up for his death, make it so Connor never would forgive Angelus- that the son would kill the father. He told me how to use an ice pick to make it look like a vampire bit him. Connor came after it happened, it was even better than we originally planned- Connor seeing the body right after it was done. I told Connor that Angelus had done it, that I saw it all and that's when Connor devised the plan to make Angelus pay." Justine told everything she knew, she wouldn't take the risk that she would become one of the evil things that she swore to always destroy and so what if they knew the truth, Connor was the one that couldn't know not them.

“You’ll tell that to Connor." Cordelia said.

"I can't. I don't know where he is." Justine said some of her earlier bravado returning.

Cordelia gave her slow smile in return. "Don't worry. We do. And until you tell him the truth you’ll stay here, Gunn take her too one of the rooms, watch her.” Cordelia turned and walked up the stairs.

Gunn shrugged trying to get over his unease at Cordy's performance and his disgust at the truth Justine told. “Come on.” He dragged Justine up by the elbow.

Fred let a whoosh of loud air that she had been holding in for the last few minutes. “That was a little terrifying, but effective.”

Angel just nodded and went after Cordelia.

Continue on...