just fic

Title: Betrayal, Deception & Forgiveness
Author: anne
Posted: 09-17-2002
Rating: NC-17
Email: anneeb4@aol.com
Content: C/A
Summary: I'm getting Angel and Cordelia out of the 'situations' that the writers put them at the end of S3
Disclaimer: No, I haven't managed to buy or get control of ATS over the summer- it still belongs to Joss, Mutant Co & etc
Notes: Okay, the story is not done before the season starts. Sorry. Also, I noticed that I may of (most likely, pretty sure) screwed up about Justine. I seemed to have forgotten there was an ep- where we didn’t quite know who she was and that she interacted with the AI crew.- I forgot and I wrote more in lines as to the later eps where we knew she was a Holtz groupie.
Dedication: anybody and everybody that read my stuff before and took the time to say nice things. Thanks.

Part 28

Cordelia bypassed the questioning looks of her friends and headed up the stairs.

“Angel, I need some answers and they better not be as stupid as the Powers.”

Angel stared as the young woman strode over to sit across from him on the bed. Angel wasn’t surprised that she was still angry but he didn’t understand her reference to the Powers. “The Powers?”

Cordelia waved away his question. “I’ll get to them in a minute. I’ve some questions that you need to answer truthfully.”

Angel sat back in his chair. “I explained. I wasn’t lying.”

Again Cordelia waved away his words. “I know. My questions aren’t about why you chose to do such a destructive and insane thing.”

“Then what?”

Cordelia took a deep breath. “You marked me as yours. How serious is that to you.”

Angel felt his stomach drop. He knew he should’ve lied about that. “Very.”

“That’s pretty vague. Does it mean my choices are gone- just how possessive do vampire’s get over what they consider theirs, does the so- called possession have any say in it? Are you going to kill any guy I decide to date?”

“You’re going to date? Who?” Angel was too shocked to even growl at that information.

“Why, so you can kill him?” Cordelia snapped.

Angel narrowed his eyes, studying the young woman. She wasn’t here to tell him she was starting to date again, but she was asking a serious question. “Vampire’s are very possessive demons, they don’t share, Cordelia. But, I wouldn’t ‘kill’ anybody you decided to ‘date’, I wouldn’t have too.” Angel said pointedly.

Cordelia stared at the vampire for a long moment. Cordelia shook her head blowing out a burst of air. She got up and started to pace. “The Powers want me to forgive you so as not risk any more ‘beigey’ behavior on your part or some nonsense like that and you tell me that if I don’t you will beat up or at least scare to death anybody I date. What if I don’t want to forgive you or can’t. What if I don’t want to be your possession? What if I don’t love you anymore.”

Angel’s fingers tightened around the armrest, threatening to shatter the wood. Angel pushed down his growl and urge to just take Cordelia, forcing her to realize that she didn’t have a choice in the matter- she was his.

Cordelia stared at the vampire sensing the violence in the still form. “Would you make me?” She asked in a soft voice.

Angel tensed even more, scenting the fear that was growing in the young woman standing before him, the one he wanted to just grab and take. Angel gulped, hating the brief hesitation before his honest assurance. “I can’t make you love me if you don’t, Cordelia.” He said lowly.

“But, you could take me and lock me in a room, what did you say, keep me for yourself- BE Angelus,” she stood before the vampire.

Angel’s eyes locked on the hazel gaze that was searching his- for what he didn’t know. But Angel could see and feel Cordelia’s body radiating in tension and fear. A stake would be welcomed about now or a soulless state. Since, it looked liked he would get neither Angel took a deep breath and answered. “I could.”

Cordelia leaned a bit back, her frame slightly relaxing. “But you wouldn’t.”

Angel shifted puzzled by the change in the young woman’s demeanor. “No.”

“Why not, you could.”

Angel not only shifted again, he blinked not at all sure what he was scenting now from the young woman. It was a very welcomed and recognizable fragrance but not one expected or understood at this moment. Angel shook his head trying to focus on the woman’s question not her scent. “I love you, Cordelia, forcing you wouldn’t get me what I need.”

Cordelia moved to sit cross-legged on the bed, her chin on her fist, studying the vampire. “But you want to.”

Angel stared at the young woman, taking a deep breath and then cursing as he did. The vampire was definitely getting whiffs of arousal from Cordelia. It was confusing and he needed to think. “Yes.”

“But you won’t.”

Angel grabbed onto the arms of the chair. This time he did hear the crack of the wood. He gulped rather than breathed. Angel wasn’t at all sure he would stay in the chair if he took in the air floating around the young woman. The fear was losing the battle with arousal, leaving Angel very frustrated, confused and wondering about his sanity. “Cordelia, what’s going on? Do you want me too? I smell fear and a lot of desire. Since when did fear turn you on?”

“What?” Cordelia scooted back. “You can smell that?”

Angel shrugged lifting his finger to his nose. “Vampire”

“You were just talking about shampoo, lotion and such, not THAT. EWW. THAT’S an invasion of privacy or something, stop IT.”

Angel took a breath, thanking god for Cordelia’s unique rants they could always distract him. He was almost thinking logically again, almost, he didn’t want to get carried away in believing that he knew what the hell was going on with the young woman. “’THAT” is definitely not ‘EWW’ or something I can stop when it comes from you. You haven’t answered my question.”

“Hmmph. It’s not fear.” Cordelia scooted back on the bed cupping a pillow close.

“I …..”

“Oh, give me a break with you super vamp nose, would ya’.” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “It’s not fear, stupid. It’s…You’re a vampire…No not that…. that’s actually kind of creepy. But the vamp instincts- strength, power, danger, violence that you could use to harm- you use to help and save- not even mentioning the over the top not average sexy vibe that comes with it- is kind of attractive.” Cordelia slightly shivered, unconsciously licking at her lips. “It’s not just the leather coat and good looks that make all the damsels saved swoon, buster.”

“You still think I’m creepy.”

Cordelia blinked and shook her head at the hurt expression on the vampire’s face. Her shakes turned into sudden movement and wide eyes as Angel’s expression changed. Cordelia gulped scooting further back, her hand held out in front of her as the vampire and his gleeful sexy dangerous grin stalked onto the bed. “STOP” Cordelia yelled. “Don’t.”

Angel paused the knowing grin still on his face. “Creepy, maybe, but you want me.” He reached out gripping a graceful firm denim-clad calf.

Cordelia stilled. “No, you wouldn't use force, you wouldn’t have too. But, Angel, be warned, you use my weaknesses and feelings for you against me, without respecting my right to be angry or to say NO beforehand, I will be mad afterwards, no matter how pleasurable the act.”

Angel’s hand trailed off the leg to the bed. “How mad?”

Cordelia drew her legs away from the vampire up against her chest, her arms hugging at her knees. “Permanent unforgivable-type mad,” she vowed into the dark eyes.

Angel leaned further away from the young woman. “What do I need to do?”

“I don’t know, Angel.” Cordelia signed. “You did the unimaginable, but when you fired us, that was unimaginable….what are you going to do next to top yourself. Without a soul you wanted to take fun and blood to greater heights, outdoing yourself with each terror and kill, with a soul, will you do the same trying to break the trust more spectacularlly all in the name of good or for the sake of the one’s you love. How do I trust you?"

Angel clenched his fist tight to his side. "I...Cordelia, I want to be what you believe I can be, I will try, day by day to prove that, but I am what I am."

"Angel, being a vampire doesn't excuse or even really explain what you did. It wasn't some 'dark' instinct you couldn't control, you thought, planned and did it." Cordelia gulped and brushed at the tears that were starting to fall. “I really don’t know, Angel, I do want to know." Cordelia looked at the vampire, her eyes closed involuntarily at the pain she saw reflected in his strong body suddenly so weak at her words. “Angel, please.” Cordelia knew then she was a goner and she hated it, but she had to reach out to him, he was fading away in front of her.

“Angel,” she grabbed his hand. “Know this, please. I do love you. But, I’m scared. But, no matter, it will be all right. I don’t hate you. I can be your friend… I do love you. …” Cordelia pulled away going back to her position against the backboard. She took a deep breath, wiping away her tears.

“Angel, I do need to tell you that I went to the Conduits.”

Cordelia waited until the vampire looked up at her before she continued. “I wanted to find out why I didn’t understand my visions-the one before I was kidnapped and the one of Angelus." Cordelia brushed back her hair.“ Like you said, not really batting a thousand with the vision stuff lately and I was fairly certain that it didn’t have any thing to do whether I was ‘fucking’ or not, so I went.”

Angel winced at Cordelia's use of his own harsh words. “And…”

Cordelia shrugged waving away his look of guilt. “Angel, the Angelus-words I’m not worried about, it’s the reason that they were said and who said them that's the problem. Anyway, somehow I was supposed to figure out that my vision of me saying I loved you was a warning not to love you or at least not tell you.”

“The Powers warned you about loving me? They don’t want you to love me.” Angel felt as if he just got suckered punched after already being gutted. He blinked clinging to an earlier statement made. “You said they wanted you to forgive me.”

Cordelia shrugged. “I think it goes back to something Skip originally told me- the Powers aren’t real up on emotions and stuff, not much use for them and they think that emotions, love, gets in the way of the purpose of the mission. So, no love. But, then I guess they figured it was too late, so the vision of Angelus- only it wasn’t a warning of Angelus appearing but that you and Angelus were one in the same. Skip said it was too prepare me for the consequences of my choice. You know, sleep in the bed you had sex in and all that crap. The Powers and their whole ‘free-choice’ line is bullshit. They want me now to forgive you. Otherwise they say that I’ll be a whoa major-weakness, possibly push you to make decisions that would effect your role in the up coming apocalypse- for the worse.”

Angel stared trying to gather his thoughts, pushing aside the selfish thought of using the Powers wishes to convince Cordelia to love him.. “I…. Cordelia, I don’t want…I don’t want you to forgive me just because the Powers say too. I need you to mean it.”

Cordelia gave a soft smile. “I wouldn’t. And the Powers are wrong, you don't need me to make the right choices, you have it in you- remember you do have the best heart of anyone I know.” Cordelia sighed and got off the bed. “Day by day, uh.”

Angel gulped, again at the change in Cordelia’s demeanor. "Yeah,” Angel watched the young woman go to the door, small tendrils of hope rekindled in his being. Angel scowled as he thought more about what Cordelia had said. “Up coming apocalypse?”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Like they gave me any more useful information. Hmmph. Just know one’s coming, but hey, what’s new about that?”

Angel nodded. “You’re leaving?”

“I’m tired, haven’t slept yet. Good night, afternoon whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow. You should eat and get some sleep too.”

“I will.” Angel said rooting himself to the bed refusing to say anything more. He didn’t want to take the chance of ruining the soft smile on Cordelia’s face.

Cordelia nodded again, closing the door as she left.

Angel stared at the door. Cordelia still loved him, she was his friend, she said so and she was still worried about his well-being. Oh lord, Angel’s hope was jerking into tentative happiness. Tomorrow, first thing, Wesley needed to do the spell, just in case the real thing came as unexpected as the beginning.

Part 29

Cordelia stretched, yawning as she got up. New day, new what? Cordelia rubbed her face heading for the shower. Her mind wasn’t necessarily more settled but she did know there were a couple things she had to do before she could concentrate on putting everything back to normal. No. Shaking her head. Putting them back - better than normal. With determination, Cordelia got dressed and headed for the Hyperion.

* * *

“Hey,” Gunn sipped on his coffee as Cordelia came in.

“Hey.” Cordelia looked around. “Where’s Fred?”

“Still upstairs, this day was a big sleep in for everyone.” Gunn nodded to the clock showing the afternoon hour.

“Yeah, is she asleep…”

“Nay, just slow moving. Why?”

Cordelia shrugged. “Girl stuff,” she smiled.

“Oh,” Gunn shivered a little before going back to his coffee.

* * *

Fred opened the door. “Cordy? Do you want to use my shower? Is something wrong with the one in your apartment?”

Cordelia smiled. “No. I wanted to talk to you for a minute.”

Fred puzzled and opened the door wider allowing Cordelia to enter.

Cordelia sat in the chair twisting her fingers together. Fred sat on the bed watching Cordy’s nervous actions with interest. “Cordy?”

Cordelia chewed at her lip, glancing up at the other woman. “I meant it when I said that you’ve been a good friend.”

Fred scrunched up her brow. “I know.”

“I lied to you. I’m sorry.”

Fred scooted back on the bed leaning her back against the wall, taking a deep breath. She had been prepared to forget that small fact to keep the peace in the family, but she was actually very relieved that Cordelia brought it up. It kind of made her happy, even though the lie had upset her.

“I trusted you, both of you,” Fred blurted out. “Defended you to Wesley even.”

“I know, thank you.” Cordelia sighed. “I…” Cordelia brushed at her hair. “We thought we found a way. It was ours and Wesley would’ve…” Cordelia rubbed more at her forehead.

“He would’ve been right.” Fred said more calmly. Cordy had come to her and apologized. Fred would’ve let it go, but Cordy hadn’t. It kind of made Fred real happy.

Cordelia laughed softly. “Yeah. I am sorry, Fred. We’re friends and I lied, betrayed your trust in me by ignoring the potential dangers of what I was doing and I hope that you can accept my apology and forgive me.”

Fred smiled. “I can do that.” She jumped off the bed and hugged Cordelia.

“Fred,” surprised by the other woman’s easy acceptance.

“Pooh, Cordy, had you told me, I would’ve been on your side not Wesley’s. Anita’s checked out through the computer and Lorne.” Fred shrugged. “I would’ve been wrong too. Though, I wish you could’ve trusted me.”

Cordelia smiled. “I do and did. It was just that…” Cordelia leaned back a twinkle in her eyes. “It…well, it was kind of fun, sneaking around.” Cordelia scrunched up her nose as she jerked a shrug.

Fred smiled with a responding twinkle and shrug. “I can understand that.”

* * *

Angel left his room heading straight for Fred’s. He stepped back as Fred opened the door. “Angel, hi.”

“Hi,” Angel looked around the young woman into her room searching for the scent that had overcame him when woke up. He frowned and looked back down the hall, slowly moving towards the lobby.

“Cordy left, she wanted to go talk to Wesley.” Fred called after the vampire. Wow. She was getting good at this. Fred wondered though was it that she knew that the vampire was smelling or was it just that lost little boy look whenever he wanted Cordelia and she wasn’t around. Fred studied the vampire. Hmm. She need to fine-tune her observations of human/demon behavior, reading beings was an essential talent for good detectives.

Angel turned. “Why?”

Fred shrugged. “Probably to apologize.”


Fred tsked at the vampire. “She apologized to me and then Charles, now she’s going to Wesley’s.”

“Why? She didn’t…..”

Fred stared at the vampire. “Cordy understands that you’ll sneaking around could’ve been very dangerous to ALL of us, she’s apologizing for lying.”


Fred shook her head, gratified that the vampire had the decency to at least look a little guilty.


“Don’t bother, Angel. Cordelia explained that it was fun for you both to sneak around.”

“Right,” Angel said slowly and started to move to the stairs.


The vampire turned.

“Did you smell Cordelia in my room, or did you just want her to be in my room.”

“Uh.” Angel gulped.

“Reading people is important in the detective business. Now, I say you smelled Cordelia when you woke up, even though she left like an hour ago at least. But see, also, you do kind of look upset that she’s not her because you expected it, but then again you look like you want her to just pop around the corner, like a big nice surprise, so which is it, smell or expectation or want or anticipation. “

Angel turned looking at the eager cute brunette. “Which do you think?”

Fred shifted, tugging at her t-shirt. “I can’t decide, if it was multiple choice I’d say all of the above, but that’s…”

“Then you would be right.” Angel interrupted giving a slight smile as he headed down the stairs.

Fred bumped against the door. Wow. She had been right and not only that she had a 30 second super meaningful conversation with Angel about his love for Cordelia. Wow. Fred went back into her room to finish getting dressed.
* * *

“Hi, can I talk to you.”

“Of course.” Wesley opened the door wider for Cordelia.

“I’ll be quick. No more secrets.”


The young woman shook her head. “I’m not bitching. I know we were wrong, potentially VERY dangerously wrong, but no more secrets. Angel and I needed to know that you were working on a spell, it would’ve avoided a lot. By the way, great job on that.”

“Cordy, nothing ….”

“Wesley, a lot did happen. Angel realized that even without sex he could lose his soul, so he concocted a dim-witted plan to break us up. It almost worked, but he can be pretty stupid at times and I figured it out. But, if you had told us then it wouldn’t have happened. “ Cordelia held up her hand. “And if we had told you about Anita’s you would’ve disapproved, yelled and worked even harder to find a solution. I know we were wrong too and I’m sorry.”

Wesley cocked his brow at the woman. “Are you okay? What did he do?” Gunn had been right, there had been something wrong with the vampire.

“I will be.” Cordelia gave a wide smile. “Do the spell quick would you. I don’t want to ever have to worry about Angelus without a soul again.” Cordelia leaned up to peck a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “Bye. I do love you and am very glad you’re back where you belong,” Cordelia trailed a soft caress over his jaw.

Wesley watched the young woman leave wondering about her use of the name Angelus. He shook his head; his hand going to the path on his cheek that Cordelia had left. Wesley smiled. He had been working back at Angel Investigation for awhile and it had been good but it hadn’t quite felt like home, until now. Cordelia accepted him back totally which meant he was home for good.

“So, no more secrets….does that mean I’ll be invited to the next family dinner.” Lilah leaned up against the bedroom door.

“No, that means that this whatever it is - is REALLY over.” Wesley turned.

“Right.” Lilah swayed towards him.

Wesley grabbed at her out stretched hands. He quickly pulled her hand to his lips, placing a harsh kiss on her palm. “Yes.” He pushed her back. “No more. You are the embodiment of Wolfram & Hart; my family’s worst enemy….I will not betray them anymore. I…Lilah, you are amazing, but you also choose to have no conscience and I really don’t want that. Goodbye.”

“I don’t believe you, you’ll come back.”

“No. I won’t. Lilah, ours is not a relationship that is possible now if it ever really was. I’m not even sure what you want, if it’s sex- go to more bars or walk your fingers through the yellow pages. If you want a puppy dog to jump when you command, then get a puppy, if it’s unconditional love you want- then just get any pet- warm blooded would be the best for growth, if you want a real relationship get a conscience. Goodbye.“

Lilah straightened staring into his unwavering blue eyes. “You’re serious.”


Part 30

Many days later, but not too many

Cordelia sat at her desk sparing a glance around the office. It finally felt all right. Wesley and Gunn were arguing about the best method for cleaning weapons. Cordelia scrunched up her nose. It was a strange argument but a familiar one. She still didn’t understand the big deal. She shrugged just glad that whatever unease Wesley had felt about Gunn and Fred’s relationship seemed to have evolved into acceptance and the friends earlier friendship seemed to have returned.

Cordelia turned to study Fred, puzzled by the fierce concentration on the other woman’s face as she stared at her computer. Fred had been sitting at the computer for hours.

Cordelia didn’t know what she could be researching, Cordelia hadn’t had a vision and the pending cases were pretty simple. Sure, Wesley had been searching for any signs or prophecies on any up-coming apocalypse but Cordelia didn’t think that Wesley found anything that needed Fred and her computer.

“What’s so interesting?” Cordelia wandered over to Fred’s desk.

The young woman looked up nudging at her glasses a scowl on her pretty face. “I got a B.”


“Look.” She swung around her laptop showing Cordelia the Acme Detective School web page and an instant message flashing a big B. “They gave me a B.” Fred said in disgust.

“Oh.” Cordelia patted Fred on her shoulder. “It was only the first test, maybe on the next one you’ll get an A.”

“You don’t understand- a B. I’ve never gotten a B, never.” Fred glared at the screen. “And they didn’t even tell me why my answer was wrong- just flashed error, error. I don’t think I was even wrong. I studied and studied. I don’t get Bs ever.”

“Maybe you should e-mail them ask them to send you more detailed explanation.” Cordelia shrugged.

“I did. The instructor responded that my analysis of DNA identification wasn’t the answer they were looking for.” Fred swung her chair around to face Cordelia. “How is showing someone a picture more effective for purposes of identification than DNA tests?”

“What was the question?”

Fred clicked on her mouse, pointing to the test and the question that popped up on the screen. “Looking for a missing person and identifying that person. If you were missing, a DNA match would definitely be more accurate than some person identifying a picture of you.” Fred commented.

Cordelia frowned as she read the question and Fred’s answer. “Wouldn’t you have to find me before you did the DNA thingy." pointing to Fred’s long detailed scientific summary of DNA and it’s usefulness in identification.

Fred shook her head. “Not necessarily. Not if you had a clue with viable blood, salvia or hair.”

Cordelia looked at the question again, “Fred, honey, I think maybe the instructors didn’t want you to think so much in your answer or read so much into the question. I think you just blew them away with all that scientific stuff. “

Fred studied the question. “What, you think the answer should’ve been handing out fliers and showing pictures around to potential witnesses.” Fred pushed at her glasses. “But that’s so simple and I said that.” Fred pointed to her answer.

“Yeah. In a sentence, then you spent the rest of the,” Cordelia scrolled down the pages, “10 pages on DNA. Overkill.”

Fred bit at her lip. “You think so.”


“Hmmph. Well, they could have just said that AND I did answer the question right. I shouldn’t be penalized because I added a little bit extra. I’m going to write them.” Fred tapped on the mouse, getting back to her e-mail.

“Good idea.” Cordelia smiled at the determined expression on Fred’s face.

“Hey, Mario, and Jr. Mario, how’d the drivin' go, no broken bones or other damage to report.”

Cordelia looked up to the door at Gunn’s call. Angel and Connor were just coming into the hotel lobby. She scrunched up her face at Angel’s expression. The vampire looked paler than he should- practically terrified even. Cordelia looked at the teenager. Connor seemed fine. Cordelia blinked, Connor looked better than fine, the boy was actually smiling.

Cordelia moved closer to hear Angel and Connor’s answers.

“I drove.” Connor said proudly.

Cordelia glanced back to Angel. He didn’t look proud- he looked sick.

“Angel let you drive his car? I thought you’ll were still in the observing stage.” Wesley questioned.

“Man, I was just kidding. How’s the car?” Gunn winced up at Angel.

“I didn’t hit anything.” Connor said defensively. “Well, except the curb, but that wasn’t my fault, he did it when he grabbed the steering wheel.” Connor pointed to his father.

“Angel, what happened?” Cordelia wanted to hear Angel’s interpretation of the event and find out why the vampire looked pale and sick.

“The car is fine. I’m not, though.” Angel turned to his son. “Connor, I explained that the yellow lines are on the roads for a reason, you must stay in them at all times otherwise the cars coming towards you will hit you.”

“But it didn’t hit us and you didn’t have to grab the wheel, I could’ve avoided it, you almost caused an accident the way you jerked the car around. ”

“Connor, I saved both of our lives, that car was a semi and you weren’t paying attention. Eyes must remain on the road at all times, not watching hoo….women on street corners.”

“But, they kept calling out and waving to us.”

“Angel, where exactly did take your son.” Cordelia raised her brows.

“I didn’t ‘take’ him anywhere.” Angel defended. “It was just that being on the freeway was a really bad idea, so I told him to get off at the soonest exit he would actually slow down for.”

“You took him on the freeway? Are you nuts?” Gunn said.

“No, I’m not nuts. It’s just that I didn’t realize my son had trouble with left and right.”

“I know my left from my right.” Connor protested.

“Then why did you take a left onto the freeway, when I specifically said right.”

“That was your fault, you were still yelling about the stupid light and you weren’t real clear.”

“What stupid light?” Fred had joined the others in listening to Angel and Connor’s adventures.

“It was no big deal, I didn’t hit that car wasn’t even close to it.”

“Connor,” Angel said with forced calm. “Red lights mean STOP.”

“It was yellow.”

“First of all it was RED, it had turned RED. Yellow means caution, look out for traffic slow down and prepare to stop, it does NOT mean speed up.”

“He does it,” Connor pointed to Gunn.

“Whoa, kid. Hey, Angel man, I never told him to speed up on yellow, never man.” Gunn held up his hands at Angel’s glare.

Angel gave a stiff smile to the black man. “Yes, well, later I would like to have a word with you about what else you have and haven’t been telling my son.”

Gunn shot a look to Connor. “What’d I say?”

Connor grunted, rolling his eyes. “He’s still mad that you were talking about him having sex with Cordelia.”

Cordelia gapped at Connor than at Gunn, who by that time had fallen off the desk. Fred just hurried to get Wesley a glass of water, since he seemed to be choking.

Gunn scrambled to his feet, looking back and forth from Cordelia and Angel. “I didn’t…never said anything about…….no way. Kid, why are you trying to get me killed, I thought we were cool.” He called to Connor.

“I’m not,” Connor looked puzzled. “All I did was ask him why he would want to jump Cordelia’s bones if he still had his soul and what bumping and grinding meant. You said it was a conversation I needed to have with him. So, did you.” He pointed to Wesley.

Fred got back up and ran to get some more water as Wesley started to choke again.

“Whoa, hey,” Gunn held up his hands. “All I said was jumping bones and bumping and grinding were a Dad/Son conversation. He’s the one that brought Cordy into it,” Gunn pointed accusingly at Wesley. “All worried that you two couldn’t be alone together without….anyway, I was defending you.”

Fred looked at the water in her hand and put in on the counter and decided that slapping the back of the blue-faced choking Wesley would be more effective. “Come on, Wesley, you just need to breathe.”

“I..I..” Wesley coughed and took a deep breath, his blue face turning red. “I was being vague in my worry in front of Connor, you were the one that brought the simple thought down to the gutter, with your jumping bones and bumping and grinding in front of the boy.” He glared at Gunn, who just glared back.

Connor shrugged. “I don’t know why everyone is getting so upset. What’s the big deal about Dad and Cordelia having sex now that his soul is anchored?”

“Man, if you knew what it meant why’d you have to bring it up.” Gunn whined.

“Well, I didn’t until he started to get all stammery and flustered then mad.” Connor pointed to Angel. “It was obvious then.”

Angel turned from his son to watch Cordelia get up from her chair shaking her head. “Cordy? Where are you going?”

Cordelia blinked. “I’m not sure but away from this whole conversation and those imbeciles,” she blinked again at Wesley and Gunn. “If I stay I might have to kill them.” She said her head still shaking.

“Cordy,” Wesley started to reach out.

“Don’t, Wesley, saying anything else right now probably wouldn’t at all be in your best interest.” Cordelia moved past him towards the stairs.

“Right, Well.” Wesley cleared his throat and studied his shoes.

“Angel, man.”

“Gunn, what Cordelia said goes for you too.”

“Sure, Gottcha.” Gunn settled back down on the desk.

Connor shrugged. “So, when do I get to drive again?”

Angel studied his son. “Never.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault that Cordelia got mad. It’s theirs.”

“Can't we just gag that kid.” Gunn whispered over to Wesley.

“I wish.” The other man sighed.

“Yes, but it is your fault that we almost got killed numerous times tonight.”

Connor glared. “You are melodramatic those cars weren’t even close.”

“Who called me melodramatic?”

“Please, god, no, please…don’t let him say me.” Gunn whispered again. Wesley closed his eyes praying the same.

“I heard Cordelia call you that - a melodramatic dork.”

Gunn and Wesley let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god.” Wesley nodded in agreement.

“And they all agreed.”

“I hate that kid.” Gunn whispered. Again Wesley nodded.

Fred rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and Wesley. “Angel, sometimes you can be a bit melodramatic.”

“Girl.” Gunn warned, trying to wave Fred’s statement away.

“I am NOT melodramatic.” Angel glared. “And Connor, until you can tell me exactly everything you did wrong tonight and why it was wrong, there will be no more driving lessons.” Angel shook his head and went up stairs.

“See, melodramatic,” Connor looked to the others for agreement.

“Whoa, kid, I’m not saying anything in front of you, you little tattletale.”


“Connor, there are times that conversations heard are best not to be repeated.”

“If it was wrong to say them, why’d you say them?”

“Very good question, unfortunately not one that Wesley or Charles can seem to answer right now, if ever. Why don’t we order some pizza and you tell us exactly what you did tonight while driving and maybe we can help you figure what you did wrong.” Fred said reasonably.

Connor nodded and then lifted his head in a question. “What kind of work do woman on street corners do? Dad said those women that were waving at us, were working. What kinda work? They weren’t wearing very many clothes.”

“I’m not answering that, no way.” Gunn shook his head. “Sticking to the driving stuff, only.”

“Yes, Charles is correct.” Wesley nodded vigorously.

“Oh, sex can be a job?”

“What?” both Wesley and Gunn exclaimed.

“It has to be something about sex or you wouldn’t be getting so nervous.”

“I’m going to go order the pizza,” Gunn decided too just ignore the teenager.

“Charles, I believe you will need my input.” Wesley followed the black man to the phone.

Connor looked at Fred.

“Yes, it can, one that can be unpleasant and unsafe for the women and men that are forced by circumstances to make their living selling sex. Sexual intercourse is an act that should preferably be done between two emotionally mature and loving people that respect each other, not for profit or other senseless reasons. It’s not a job that most are eager to have. It is not so much embarrassing but sad.”

Connor smiled. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome. Now, tell me about the driving and then I’ll show you the material I studied when I had to retake my driver’s test when I got back from Plyea. Will get you ready for your next lesson.”

Part 31

Angel paused in the doorway of his suite bracing himself enter. It was both heaven and hell in there. Cordelia had slowly resumed her habit of just going into his bedroom to talk to him. Angel remembered the hope that had sprung up when he first saw that she was sitting on his bed waiting for him. The hope transformed into another type when Angel quickly realized she wasn’t there because she wanted to make love.

Angel had been disappointed but he had also been grateful. Cordelia wasn’t shutting him out. It was almost like it was before- before the kidnapping or forced underwater imprisonment, before any declarations of love-just friendship and talking, usually about Connor but never about the two of them. It was almost comfortable.

Who was he kidding, it was wonderful, but it was also damn painful and frustrating to have to sit in the chair away from Cordelia, when all he wanted to do was be on the bed with her, in her, touching her. There were times that Angel could sense Cordelia wanting the same, but she never gave any indication or made a move towards him and Angel wouldn’t. Angel believed without a doubt if he in anyway took advantage of her desire she would never forgive him. Angel wondered if she was testing him. If she was- he wouldn’t fail it. So, Angel just sat and forced his instincts and desires down concentrating on her voice and words immersing himself in the enjoyment and comfort of talking to his best friend.

Angel took a deep breath and opened the door. He stopped. Cordelia’s face was buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking. Was she crying? “Cordelia?”

Cordelia looked up, wiping at her tears, small choking sounds came from her throat, vibrating her body and shoulders. Angel sat down on the chair, his worry gone. She was laughing or rather she was trying to stop laughing.

“What part of all of that do you find so amusing?”

“All of it, you should have seen your face. You were scared.”

Angel growled. “That was not funny and you would’ve been scared too, he can’t drive. Rules of the road don’t exist for Connor, he just does what he wants the faster the better. He’s dangerous. I’m not letting him drive again. He doesn’t listen to me. He listens and repeats any other stupidity that he hears but he won’t listen to me tell him to stop at red lights and stop signs or stay in the white and yellow lines, that spend limits must be adhered to even if it seems too slow. Connor’s a menace. We could’ve died or killed somebody. Rules are made for a reason. They must be followed. My car could’ve been hurt.”

Cordelia started to laugh all over again.

“It’s not funny.”

“Oh, my poor baby, afraid of his son that doesn’t like to follow rules,” Cordelia slid off the bed.

“Rules of the road…..Cordy, what are you doing?” Angel’s rant changed immediately to a startled question as her warm body settled in his lap and her hand snaked up around his neck.

“I think I’m about to jump your bones, if I understand Gunn’s meaning correctly.”

Angel started to speak but no words came out, he just froze as he felt gentle moist lips grace his. Cordelia leaned back up at Angel’s unresponsiveness. “Did I get it wrong? I could’ve sworn that it meant make love.”

“Cordy,” Angel squeaked finally finding his voice. “You wouldn’t….”

“Tease you?” Cordelia smiled. “Not now, maybe later.” She leaned back in.

Angel brought up his hands pushing her back. “You forgive me? You want to make love? You love me?” Angel gripped at Cordelia’s shoulders, searching her gaze.


“Cordy.” Angel shook her slightly needing to hear a better answer.

Cordelia brought up a delicate hand cupping his jaw. “I love you and I’m tired of wondering how long I’m supposed to be mad. Day by day has to stop some day and since you are so damn cute when you become frantic daddy dork, I’ve decided today is as good of a day as any.”

Cordelia scrunched up her face at the still motionless vampire. “Angel, you’re being slow on the up take here.”

“Slow.” Angel blinked finally understanding. “Can’t be slow, later,” he growled pushing up from the chair, Cordelia’s body tight in his grip until she was dumped on the bed.

“You have two seconds to take your clothes off or they will be in shreds.” Angel growled removing his own quickly and efficiently.

“Not fair, you’re always faster than I am.” Cordelia mumbled through the material of her shirt as she tried to kick off her shoes.

“Wear less.” Angel growled yanking down at her jeans breaking her zipper and pulling the denim off as he threw Cordelia’s shoes across the room.

“Hey,” Cordelia cried out. “Okay, Geez.” She quickly reached around freeing her breast as Angel tossed the little ripped material from her hips. Once Angel had Cordelia’s nude body safely trapped under his, he calmed his earlier urgency. Angel leaned slightly up not quite willing for his chest to leave the softness of the breasts that pillowed him, but he needed to have a better view of Cordelia’s face. Angel’s hand came up to caress the smooth cheek, his thumb tracing the full bottom lip. “I love you,” he said forcefully and earnestly into the happy hazel eyes.

“Me, too.” She grinned, wrapping her hands up around his neck urging him closer. Angel dove to capture the beautiful grin. Pent up frustration was released in a deep growl as Angel savored the lips, his mouth and tongue moving to relearn every taste and flavor that had been denied to him for too long.

Cordelia whimpered at the force of the kiss, her body arching in need as Angel’s hand palmed her breast, his thumb rubbing her nipple, his other hand entangled in her hair keeping her lips locked to his. Cordelia squirmed jerking her hips closer, gasping as Angel’s firm caress left her breast traveling down her side to embed itself between her thighs. With the heel of his palm he pressed into soft curls of her center spreading the concentrated moisture with wide strong strokes, causing Cordelia to gasp out her breath as she tried to open her thighs wider.

Angel growled shifting, bringing his hips in line with Cordelia’s, stopping her movement with a strong hand, lifting and pressing his penis to the hidden entrance. Thrusting with a hard push he embeded himself in the heat, catching Cordelia’s gasp with his lips. Angel felt whole as he pressed harder into the warmth, every dead nerve cell became alive with the pleasure and power of his thrust, every brain cell and every corner of his soul filled with love as his body and instincts screamed out for possession. A low growl of need vibrated deep in the vampire’s chest, emerging from his throat in one harsh word. “Mine.”

Angel lifted his head as his brain and soul panicked, his body stilling under the knowledge of what he just said and the burgeoning fear at the beautiful woman’s reaction underneath him. Would she reject this instinct within the vampire, regardless of her love? Tell Angel again that she hadn’t consented to his mark, that she refused to be possessed.

Cordelia reached up to cradle Angel’s face, smiling softly. “Yours.”

With one word, Angel’s fear left leaving nothing but love and instinct. “Mine,” he growled, plunging to capture her smile again as his hands and hips moved with vigor to take claim to Cordelia’s entire body.

Cordelia closed her eyes feeling the barely restrained danger of the vampire as he moved over her controlling her body with his strength. This was not like any prior acts of love between Cordelia and the vampire. It was surely not soft or sweet by any means. Neither was it the mutual aggressiveness and playfulness of the so-called unbridled lust variety nor the manipulative teasing of faux Angelus’ versions of sex. It was power and controlled violence, leaving Cordelia with nothing to do but hold on. She began to wonder whether it mattered to the vampire who she was or was she just a body to be used. Cordelia hoped to god she was wrong, she opened her eyes straight into Angel’s intense gaze. Tears started to form blurring her visions as the intensity overwhelmed her. It wasn’t blind lust, but everything that Angel was, she saw love, desire, pain, strength, need, want, hope all contained in the dark stare, all directed towards her begging for acceptance. Cordelia moved slightly to hold on tighter, bringing her lips up to Angel’s ear, rubbing her cheek against his, “I love you.” She whispered, then closed her eyes abandoning all thoughts and worries for the purely physical sensations of being owned because, in that dark gaze, Cordelia realized that while Angel took relentlessly from her body, he was offering her something precious in return- his entire being.

Cordelia cried out as Angel shifted her hips changing the position of their joining. Tension that had been caused by thoughts and worries now changed to the tension of pounding excited nerves. Angel’s low growl of release and the twitching of his expelling cock triggered small explosions under Cordelia’s skin. She cried out again as Angel withdrew. He moved quickly descending kisses down her breast as his hand and fingers claimed the just abandoned warmth. Angel’s touch was gentle and precise building the pressure back up in Cordelia’s belly. Angel’s lips settled on her stomach covering the newly healed wound. Angel glanced up searching for Cordelia’s gaze. Cordelia rolled her eyes, grapping the vampire’s hair forcing his lips back to her skin and his hand back on her center not wanting to deal with words or the dichotomy of the insecure powerful vampire at that moment. Cordelia smiled as Angel took her direction as consent. This time she watched as Angel transformed, his fangs piercing the skin as his fingers distracted her from the initial pain with pleasure. Cordelia’s eyes widened at the eroticism of the feel and sight, she gasped as the pressure in her belly erupted into an intense orgasm and Angel in human form sucked and licked at the small puncture wounds. With one last gentle kiss, Angel rose bringing his body back over Cordelia, again searching her gaze. Cordelia wanted to smack him for still being unsure, but then he smiled, one of those beautiful smiles that made her heart ache.

“I love you,” he whispered, nuzzling his face into her neck.

Cordelia pulled up at Angel’s face. “Mine.” She said clearly with a small grin. Wow. Cordelia had thought the first smile was beautiful. “Yours.” Angel agreed, returning to the crook of her neck and shifting their bodies, tucking Cordelia’s into his side, with his arms and legs bringing her in closer.

Part 32

Cordelia started to stretch but hesitant when she realized exactly where she was and what she was lying on. She moved her head slightly deciding that she didn’t want to wake Angel quite yet, she looked down from her position on Angel’s firm stomach. Ah. Morning erections, you just got to love them. Cordelia grinned as she scooted closer, pausing when Angel’s hand slid up to her hair. Cordelia considered for a moment. The bad thing about sleeping with a dead guy was she couldn’t tell if he was awake or not. No change in breathing or heart beat, because there weren’t any of either. Hmmph. No more movement from Angel’s hand. Cordelia slowly lifted her arm, taking Angel’s hand and removing it from her head. She waited. Satisfied, she moved closer to her goal.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Angel lifted up on his elbows.

Cordelia propped herself up on Angel’s stomach using her elbow and palm to support her head. “How long have you been awake?” narrowing her eyes.

“Long enough to know that you were going to take advantage of my vulnerable state.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “If you knew why’d you ask? Well since I’ve been busted in my nefarious plans, I guess there is no point to continue.”

Angel considered. “Then, of course, I could just be talking in my sleep. Yeah, just talking, still sleeping, nefarious plans may continue.” Angel fell back on the bed.

Cordelia laughed pulling herself up over top the vampire. “I’ve a better idea.”

“Better than nefarious plans, I don’t know, I really like nefarious plans.”

Cordelia rested her arms and chin on Angel’s chest, scrunching up her face at him. “Pooh, no manacles and don’t want to break the bed anyway, need it to sleep on.”

“The hotel is full of beds and I’m sure I can get some manacles from somewhere.”

“Pfft. Shower.”

“Mmm. Shower, as in cold shower, I don’t think so. Why?”

“Angel.” She glared at his teasing tone.

“Oh, all right,” Angel sat up taking Cordelia with him. “I guess we can think of something nefarious-like to do in a shower.”

“Hmmph. You guess? What happened to all those fantasies? All talk weren’t you, buster.”

Angel cocked a brow. “You’ll just have to decide for yourself,” pulling the young woman after him towards the bathroom.

Angel leaned twisting and turning the nozzles. Once he was satisfied with the pressure and temperature, he stalked towards the young woman waiting. Angel encircled Cordelia’s waist picking her up. Cordelia giggled bracing her hands on his grip. With a quick kiss, Angel deposited Cordelia in the shower, following close behind. Cordelia turned to face Angel.

Angel leaned in to kiss her again,” #17”, he explained as he turned her back around under the pounding spray.

Cordelia turned back around. “The shower was MY idea”, taking the soap from Angel’s hand.

The vampire grinned brushing the wet strains from Cordelia’s face. “By all means, please, expound on YOUR idea.”

Cordelia gave a teasing glare. “Hmmph,” slowly rubbing Angel’s chest with a soapy washcloth. Her other hand mimicked the circular of the path of the cloth on Angel’s firm stomach. Pearl teeth chewed on a full bottom lip as Cordelia centered her concentration on the skin she touched.

Angel placed strong hands on either side of Cordelia waist, his thumbs continuously sweeping the flesh of her belly, his fingers spreading over the small of Cordelia’s back. Cordelia stepped closer the washcloth and a bare hand encircled around Angel’s leans hips. The cloth dropped to the porcelain as Cordy’s fingers and palms pressed and fondled over slick muscles of Angel’s backside. Cordelia ran her tongue over her lips, moving even closer, pressing soft breast to hard chest, tip toeing up to whisper, “You really do have the best ass,” in his ear, her tongue following her words as her body avoided Angel’s hands and slid around to his back.

“Cordy,” he growled, trying to her pull her back to his front. Cordelia laughed pressing her chest against the broad planes of his back her hands caressing over his chest, stopping to tease the hard male nipples. Again, she tip toed up,” Patience, ‘grr’ guy”. Cordelia stepped back.

Angel turned around. “No,” pulling Cordelia back to his chest cupping her ass towards his hard erection. Angel stumbled as delicate fingers encircled the base of his penis stroking up to the swollen head. Angel growled, moving her hands as he turned her away. Angel pulled up her hands urging her fingers to hold on the towel rack mounted on the far shower wall. Cordelia clenched the bar as Angel bent her towards the wall pulling her rounded ass towards his erection. With deft fingers Angel pinpointed Cordelia’s center and thrust embedding himself completely. Water pounded on Angel’s back as he moved in and out. Angel steadied his stance bracing himself with one strong arm against the wall as his thrusts become stronger.

Cordelia’s grip tightened on the bar, her face turning into her shoulder catching her moans.

Angel’s arm held Cordelia’s hips steady as his mouth latched on her back, trailing kisses and nips up to her neck. Angel’s arm became tighter as Cordelia’s legs buckled and he heard a crack. Angel stilled his thrusts, moving his arm up from Cordelia’s hips, the other moving to her hands, straightening her up as he slowly withdrew.

“Angel?” Cordy whimpered at the lost.

“Shh,” Angel kissed at the crook of her neck. “About to go crashing, finish in bed.”

“Uh,” she blinked up, trying to regain her normal breathing pattern. Angel lifted over her to release her still clenched fingers. “Oh.” Cordelia said as she saw the split in the plastic. Cordelia tested the bar with a quick tug. Angel caught her as she stumbled back as the bar split.

“Couldn’t believe me, could you? Just had to break something.”

“Hmmph. Weren’t you saying something about finishing in bed,” stepping out of the shower.

Angel quickly turned off the water. Angel yanked at the towel Cordelia was wrapping around her body and picking her up.

“Hey. I’m wet.” Cordelia scrambled on the bed, the cover already pushed to the floor.

“I know.” Angel smirked crawling over her positioning himself between her legs.

“You don’t know any good jokes, so now your just going for smutty vamp humor, aren’t you?” rolling her eyes as she clutched at his shoulders pulling him down.

Angel chuckled seizing her lips reclaiming their bodies’ earlier rhythm.

* * *

Angel lay on his back, one hand curled around the sleeping body pressed to his side, the other reaching along the floor. With a satisfied grunt, he pulled up the comforter around Cordy’s body tucking it close.


Cordy stirred, slowly opening her eyes. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Angel leaned down to kiss the young woman.

“Mmm.” Cordelia squirmed closer to the hard body that held her. “You were staring again.”

“Can’t help it, you’re beautiful.” Angel leaned in again to taste the soft smile. “Why?”

Cordelia raised a brow at the question. “Well, Mom and Dad might not have been the best parents but they had great genes.”

Angel smiled, pulling down the cover softly tracing the new mark on her flesh. “Why?”

Cordelia watched Angel’s fingers circle around the wounds. She scrunched up her face. “Hey, you made it look better.”

“Cordy.” Angel shook his head at her nonsensical observation that more marks on her flesh were better.

“Okay, I like it better then. Look, you barely even see the skewer scar anymore. You gotta like that.”

“That was the point, but Cordy….”

“Angel, the first one didn’t mean anything, this one does that’s all.”

“And what does it mean, Cordelia.”

Cordelia sighed, positioning her self on Angel’s chest to look him in the eyes. “It means that I love you, that I believe you will always try to do what is best for our family, that you will try to always remember that together we’re stronger and lying is very very bad and it means that I wholeheartedly agree that I’m yours….oh, and that your mine all vamp stuff included.” She perched her chin on her hands, her gaze never wavering. “I’m thinking though to be fair you should get a big fat tattoo screaming I belong to Cordelia Chaseright smack in the middle of your chest.


“Eww, don’t you dare, we’ll get a T-shirt.”

Angel laughed hugged the young woman tightly, thanking anybody that would listen for Wesley and alternate curses and anchored souls but mostly for the beautiful giggling woman in his arms.

* * *

“Okay, now we have to really get up.” Cordelia swung her legs off the bed.

“Why?” Angel threw out his arm.

“Why? Is that all you can say now a days?”

“But, Cordy, we can stay in bed as long as we like, no paying by the hour or anything.”

“Angel,” Cordelia knelt back on the bed. “Gotta work, gotta eat, gotta get up.”

“I don’t want too.”

“Come on you big baby, think how much fun it will be to get back in bed later for free. Think ice cream, Angel, ice cream.”

“Oh, all right, but we’re going to bed early.” Angel grumbled pulling Cordelia towards the shower.

Cordelia tugged back. “Angel, I mean it.”

“If you don’t break anything else we’ll be fine.” Angel yanked again.

“It wasn’t my fault.” Cordelia whined following.

* * *

“What part of I mean it didn’t you understand?” Cordelia glared trying to move past the vampire down the stairs.

“Hey, you broke the shower curtain, can’t finish a shower without a shower curtain- water gets everywhere.” Angel shrugged, stepping to keep ahead of Cordelia.

“Oh, but it’s okay to drip water all over the bedroom and lie around in soaking sheets. Hmmph. I’ll probably catch a cold.”

“I don’t think you could classify what we were doing as simply lying around and you didn’t seem cold at all.” Angel stopped on the steps, holding Cordelia from proceeding ahead. “I say very warm, hot even.” Angel smirked into her ear, his hands skimming up underneath her shirt.

“Angel,” Cordelia slapped away his exploring fingers. “We are going to make it down stairs before tomorrow, so hands off.” She pushed ahead practically running down the stairs.

“I don’t see why we have too.” Angel grumbled and quickly followed.

“Cordy?” Angel questioned at the still young woman at the bottom of the steps.

“Look,” she pointed.

Angel stared. Connor was leaning over the lobby counter listening intently as Wesley, Gunn and Fred argued about the proper distance a car must stop from a railroad crossing.

“Connor,” Angel stepped up, noticing a plate of half-eaten pizza crust and glass of milk on the counter.

The teenager jumped and turned towards his father. “You said I could stay if I was tired.” Connor asserted defensively.

“You stayed?”

Fred leaned up over the counter. “We ordered late pizza last night, so, of course, Connor stayed,” smiling at Angel and Cordelia.

“Pizza? I’m starving,” Cordelia looked around for any more evidence of food.

“Man, girl, it’s late all the left-overs are accounted for.”

“Damn.” Cordelia grumbled, glaring at Angel.


“You are so going out to get me some food.”

“You’re blaming missing pizza on me.”

“Damn tootin’ - you’re the one that kept…..” Cordelia trailed off seeing Connor’s inquisitive stare and the amused glances of her friends. “Yes, I am.” She ended firmly and quickly.

“Cordy, it’s still daylight out.”

“Barely,” Gunn motioned to the darkening sky. “I say we all could go for some more food. Boy-hoover- wonder snagged the last piece of pizza. I’m hungry. Anybody else”.

“I am.” Fred raised her hand.

“Yes, I believe I am as well.”

“Me, too.” Connor added.

“Man, boy, you’re always hungry.” Gunn shook his head. “So, who wants what?” Gunn held up some menus.

“Pizza.” Cordelia raised her hand. “With Pineapples.”

“We just had pizza, you missed your chance.”

“But, I haven’t had pizza in forever.”

“Not our fault. I say, Chinese.”

“Mexican.” Fred called out.

“NO.” The room called out.

“I’ve haven’t had tacos in months.”

“We just had breakfast burritos, that counts.” Wesley insisted.

“I’m with English on that one, Sorry, girl.”

“I want pizza,” Cordelia whined again.


Angel sighed and sat down. By the time everyone figured out what to eat it would definitely be dark enough for him to act as food delivery guy. It wasn’t really fair- he didn’t even eat. Then again being able to keep Cordelia in bed for most of the day was definitely worth the aggravation.

“Here.” Angel looked up at his son and the pad of paper Connor was holding out.

“What’s this,” Angel took the papers.

“What I did wrong when I was driving.”

Angel looked at his son then at the papers trying to hide his surprise. Angel never figured that Connor would actually do what he said. Angel quickly read through the writing. “This is good.” Angel glanced back up to Connor.

Connor shifted on his feet and shrugged. “Fred gave me a book to read, and they’ve been quizzing me. Well, at least when they weren’t arguing.”

“Good, that’s smart to read about the rules of the road. Good." Angel nodded, a little scared to smile at his son. Angel took a deep breath and tried a small one. Angel raised his brows. It was quick, but Angel swore he saw a responding quirk on Connor's lips. Angel took another breath. At least the teenager wasn’t scowling.

Cordelia crossed her arms in thought, listening to the arguing around her. She really wanted pizza. She had been thinking about pizza for the last few hours. Well except when she was thinking about Angel was doing to her. Cordelia needed a plan. “Fred, if we order pizza from D’Angelo's they have this Mexican Pizza to die for, sour cream, peppers, salsa. It’s a pizza burrito.” Cordelia nodded encouragingly at the light in Fred’s eyes.

“Why haven’t I had one of those before?”

“D’Angelo’s is across town, expensive and don’t deliver, but it’s great.”

“No fair, come on English, say you want Chinese.”

“To avoid Pizza, especially Mexican pizza, I agree. It’s a tie. We flip.”

“Angel hasn’t voted.” Cordelia called out. “Angel.”

“No way,” Gunn yelled before Angel could answer Cordelia’s glare. “He’s a blood sucker and YOU’VE got him whipped, his vote doesn’t count.”

“I’m not whipped, right Cordy?” Angel asked not quite sure what it meant. He hadn’t been whipped in centuries and surely not by Cordelia. Though in the context of Gunn’s shout Angel wasn’t at all sure the literal definition was proper.

“Told you.” Gunn pointed. “Ah. The vamp asks her if he’s whipped, how whipped is that.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes at the vampire. “Great defense there, buster. Geez.”

Angel winced.

“Connor.” Cordy asked sweetly. “What would you like, delicious pizza that both Fred and I would love to get or dumb Chinese food that those idiots want,” she tossed her head over at Gunn and Wesley. “The Pizza restaurant is across town- Chinese delivers. I’m sure that Angel will let you go with him maybe even drive to D’Angelo’s.”

“Uh, Cordy.” Angel lifted his finger trying to get her attention. Connor did seem to recognize what he did wrong from the last time but Angel still remembered the experience and it had been terrifying.

“Stop her, she bribing the kid with Angel’s inability to say to no her. It ain’t fair.” Gunn called out to Wesley.

Wesley cleared his throat stepping up. “Angel, do I have to remind you of all the near accidents Connor almost caused. Think of your car.”

“Hey,” Connor called out. “I read the book.”

“Angel, no man, think of your car. Your great complicated car.”

Fred entered the negotiations. “Angel, Connor did read the pamphlet and he got all the questions right. So, if Connor should decide that Pizza would be the better choice, I’ve no doubt that he would do just wonderful driving there. Connor, dear, what would like to have for dinner?”

“Connor, before you answer, Angel hasn’t actually said you could drive.” Gunn interrupted. “Girl, you’re wicked.” He whispered to his girlfriend.

“I want the Mexican Pizza,” Fred whispered back.

“Connor, honey” Cordelia smiled. “It’s me Aunt Cordy, I changed your diapers, sang to you even, floated just for you to get that cute smile on your face.”

“Foul, low blow, we all changed his diapers.” Gunn shouted.

Angel stood up. “Guys, all of you shut up. Yes, you too,” Angel put his finger up to Cordelia’s lips, ignoring her glare. “Connor, you will have to eat whichever you decide, so pick what you like best.”

“Will I be able to drive?” Connor asked.

“Angel, don’t do it. Your car.” Gunn said.

“Angel,” Cordelia yanked at his hand. Angel drew his arm around Cordelia’s shoulder, bringing her in close. “I’ll get you your pizza, now, please let my son make up his own mind, I’m the one you have twisted around your little finger, not him.” He whispered. Angel paused. “That’s what Gunn meant wasn’t it.”

“Yeah.” Cordelia giggled.

“Great.” Angel rolled his eyes.

“Connor, honey,” Cordelia giving Angel a reassuring pat. “You make up your own mind. If you don’t want pizza, your Dad will take you out driving later. So, don’t let that influence you.”

“Cordy,” Fred whined.


Angel blinked. Connor called him Dad. “Um, I told you that if you figured out what you had done wrong, I would take you out again. And you did, so yeah. I’ll take you out no matter what you decide.”

“Sorry, guys, I’m with Cordy and Fred. I like pizza better than Chinese.”

“I’m not eating pineapple.”

“I’m not eating Mexican.”

Angel growled. “Small okay Cordy, Fred?”

The women shrugged a happy okay.

“One small, pineapple, one small Mexican- Connor?” Angel called to his son.

The teenager shrugged. “I like pineapple and Mexican.”

“Okay, one med….”

“Angel, he eats a lot, really a lot.” Fred interrupted.

“Okay, one large- pineapple, one large- Mexican. Wesley, Gunn.” Angel growled again at the two men engaged in a heated debate over sausage or pepperoni and green peppers or olives. “Guys, put your order in now.” Angel said loudly. “Or the bloodsucker’s doing the choosing.”

“Aw, man. Why did you have to say that,” Gunn shook his head.

“One large- sausage and olive and one large pepperoni and green peppers.” Wesley said decisively.

“Naw, the other way.”

“I’m leaving now, Connor, here.” Tossing his keys. “Remember, eyes ….”

“Eyes on the road, red means stop, green means go, yellow means speed up,”


“Joke, Dad.” Connor pushed passed the vampire flipping the keys in the air.

Angel stared at the door with a stunned look on his face. He ran back to Cordelia. “He called me Dad and told a joke.” He grabbed Cordelia by the shoulder looking her in the eyes a wide smile on his face.

“Yep” Cordelia kissed Angel quickly. “Now go or he’ll take your precious car out for a joyriding night on the town.”

“Right.” Angel nodded running out the door.

“Man.” Gunn flopped down on the desk.

“Oh, Charles, don’t be a sore loser.” Fred said.

“It aint’ that- what if the kid crashes, we’ll never eat.”

Fred bit her lip as Cordelia scrunched up her brow and Wesley looked worried.

“Good thoughts, everyone, good thoughts.” Cordelia urged. “And finger’s crossed, I’m starving.”

* * *

“Angel, get up.”


“Angel.” Cordelia wrapped a sheet around her. “Fix the bed.”

Angel grumbled getting off the floor, pushing the mattress and bedsprings back together. “Well, just don’t stand there.” Angel flopped on the bed. “And get rid of the sheet, I can’t see you in a sheet.”

“I getting the blanket, ‘Mr. I’ve the body temperature of an Eskimo.’ Hmmph.” Cordelia stood at the foot of the bed and floated the sheet she was wearing over the bed and vampire. The comforter soon followed.

“Cordy, the pillows.” Angel pointed, leaning up against the backboard, appreciating the back view of Cordelia bending over and picking up a pillow. “Here, lazy ass,” throwing the pillow at that grinning vampire. “Where’s. How did get over there.” Cordelia walked over around the dresser and bent down to pick up the other pillow. “Hmmph,” She said, slamming the pillow at the cozy vampire.

Angel grabbed at the pillow. “That’s how it started last time.” He warned waving the pillow in front of her.

“Oh give me my pillow.” She tugged, settling under the covers.

“Your just mad that I won.” Angel pulled Cordelia close into his body.

“You didn’t win.”

“You said uncle, first.”

“You cheated.”

“How’d I cheat, I beat you fair and square. I held back, you were the one getting violent and I swear you glowed, so if anybody cheated it was you and you still lost. Ha.”

“You disarmed me unfairly and I did not glow, cheater.”

Angel shifted leaning over the pouting young woman. “And just exactly how did I disarm you unfairly,” Angel grinned slowly, the corners of his mouth curving into a dangerous smirk, his voice low and teasing. “Hmm,” he rubbed at the pouty lip, with one thumb while the other hand disappeared under the covers.

“Ooh, Damn’t, uncle.” Cordelia choked as Angel’s fingers found the moisture that was once again was pooling in her center.

“But, I’m not done playing yet.” Angel smirked as his lips replaced his thumb.

* * *

Angel slowly caressed the smooth back of the young woman draped over his chest. “Connor’s staying again.”

“I know I said good night to him when I brought towels to him AND he didn’t wreck your car. It's a good night.”

“He did better. Fred was right to give him the book. Still goes to fast but at least he stopped at all the lights. I didn’t think of giving him a book, I didn’t even know they had books for driving. But, I should’ve, I knew you had to take a test before you got a license, if there's tests, then there’s books, I should’ve known.”

“Angel, you did good.” She leaned up easing the worry that suddenly appeared on the vampire’s face. “You are a great father and Connor is beginning to see that. Two nights in a row, he’s coming home. It is will be all right. “

“No,” Angel grabbed at Cordelia’s hand, raining it with small kisses. “It’s better than all right because of you. I love you.”

“Me, too. How long do you think 'all right' will last?”

Angel shrugged tucking the young woman back into side. “Maybe until next week or until Wolfram & Hart think up something new or maybe the apocalypse will happen.”

“Next week-that long, God you’ve turned into an optimist.”

“Your fault.”

* * *

Lilah juggled her keys, briefcase and plastic bag in her hands as she pushed her apartment door open with her hip.

With a sigh of relief she dumped everything in the foyer of the high-end expensive tasteful apartment.

She scowled, as she looked at damage in the first class living room, rolling her eyes at the fallen silk Japanese plant, the ripped five hundred dollar pillow it’s white goose very expensive feathers scattered around it. Lilah with trepidation looked around the corner in the expansive dining area. Lilah slumped as she saw her new original silk designer flower arrangement shredded into bright tiny bits.

Lilah went into the kitchen and quickly closed her eyes. She squinted only focusing on the wine wrack on the edge of the dining room and kitchen. She quickly poured a glass of red wine keeping her eyes averted to the mess in the kitchen. Taking a deep breath she went to back to living room wine in hand. On the way she picked up her briefcase and took it and her wine to the beautiful soft supple leather couch.

Lilah pulled out the file she had been working on at the office and putting the wine glass on the low glass table in front of here. Lilah leaned in studying the glass, looking at the smudges and marks that were all over the table. Lilah leaned back with her file. Something more disturbing than the smudges on the glass top caught her attention, Lilah really wanted to just close her eyes, but she looked. Her beautiful expensive one of a kind leather sofa had been cut with deadly precision. Lilah leaned back into the couch. Just read. Lilah took a deep breath and opened the file. Lilah pondered the material it could work. She went to turn the page over when a hiss and ball of little fur landed smack in the middle of the top-secret file.

“I was wondering where you were.” Lilah said disapprovingly in the gold eyes of a fury fuzz ball tabby kitten.

The kitten crawled up Lilah’s silk blouse, it’s tiny sharp claws poking holes in the delicate material, rubbing its puffy vibrating body across Lilah’s face.

“Connie, I’m trying to read here. This is important stuff,” Lilah moved her hand around the kitten. “Destroy Angel and friends and world in bargain important stuff, but I need to read it. So,”

Connie peered her golden eyes at the woman and turned and pounced on the papers.

“Connie, you’ve already destroyed my apartment, do you have to destroy my work,” Lilah asked the small ball fur that was smacking at the hand holding onto the file.

Connie rushed up the silk blouse as her oversized kitty ears twitched at the sound of her name; small repetitive mews came from her mouth.

Lilah cupped the bundle of purring fur scrambling up on her shoulder bringing the kitten close to her intense gaze. “You, Conscience, are a very needy thing.”

Connie purred, swatting at the woman.

“Okay, you win. The diabolic plan can wait, probably wouldn’t have worked anyway.” Lilah got up and picked up the plastic rod with a large feather attached to the end of it, dangling the toy for the happy leaping kitten.
