
The Site - Bits and Pieces

The Just Fic collection is the official archive of the Stranger Things Message Board. The collection was established after many stories were unfortunately lost, falling off the back of the forum as the board grew and grew and grew.

In an effort to preserve the wonderfully broad-ranging fiction found at Stranger Things, the archive was established at the beginning of March, 2002.

The initial collection of stories and archiving was made so much easier with the wonderful help of Hidden Willow, Kazz, Angelmeg and Lolly, who were kept busy sourcing files, cutting and emailing. Take a bow, chooks!

Many thanks also to Ignited (Stef) for (patiently) making the Just Fic banner on the front and index pages. I know I said this site would be nothing fancy, but we couldn't go without a C/A banner!

Disclaimer: This site is an archive site for the Stranger Things Fanfic Forum and is not run for profit in any way. The characters of Angel; the Series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and associated companies. Other characters from various television programmes belong to their respective companies.