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Old 02-04-2004, 09:55 PM   #8
The Pointy End
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It was the "real" of it, wasn't it? And that's why, after all of the hallucinated/ dream/ possessed/ astral" kisses, none of them stand out for me as the one time best moment.

Nope. For me, the Cordelia/Angel relationship was never more sweet, real, poignant, spiritual and just plain "how can anyone not love these two together" than at the end of "That Vision Thing." The two of them together, so comfortable with each other and yet so awkward because of the depth of their feelings for each other, and the realization of what those feelings meant. That both of them would cross any line, go to any lengths, and sacrifice anything for each other.

When Angel told Cordelia that she was important. Someone finally putting her first, above all else.

Cordy making waffles, even though Angel wasn't a "foodie". Because she never pretended he wasn't a vampire - but she always accepted it as a part of *what* he was, never treated him as though that changed *who* he was, and never stopped making him be *who* he was by interacting with the rest of the world.

The entire scope and breadth of the C/A relationship was on display in that one scene, and it was that one scene that made me love not only Cordy as a character, but also Angel, at that moment in time. And it was probably the only time that I began to feel that maybe, just maybe, Angel was good enough for her, even though she was always way beyond good enough for him.
Homer Simpson: Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass.

Last edited by Platypus; 02-04-2004 at 09:58 PM.
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