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Old 05-01-2006, 05:42 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Platypus
(1) Forever Knight - worst finale ever... for a show that I was still watching and that I still sort of liked.
You know, I realize FK wasn't the best thing out there but, for the most part it was pretty entertaining and it took an interesting storyline/plot. The idea of an evil created looking to make up for it all (and no one can convince me that A:TS wasn't a total thematic rip-off of FK). However, that damn ending pretty much killed the show for me.

(4) ST: The Next Generation - "All Good Things" was a really wonderful way to wrap up the series. It's a shame that the movies that followed kind of cheapened a really good ending.
I thought Generations and First Contact were a really good continuation of where the show left off and IMO, "All Good Things" was the best Trek series finale.

M.A.S.H. - I'm probably dating myself on this board, but yes - I did watch the finale of M.A.S.H. when it first aired. And I thought it was tremendous - particularly the out-of-nowhere smooch between Hawkeye and Hot Lips! Somewhat tainted by the awful "After M.A.S.H."
I guess this makes me dated too because I saw the finale when it originally aired and I still think it was a great ending for such a wonderfully entertaining show.

Cheers - I remember thinking that the drunk cast antics on Leno after the finale aired was more amusing than the actual show itself. It rubbed me the wrong way that Sam ended up all by himself in the bar - I'm not sure why, but I didn't like it.
You know, I loved that Sam ended up by himself in the bar, it wasn't sad to me, more poetic, the bar was his true love. I guess it could be depressing but it didn't bother me. I would have been very upset if he ended up with Diane.
ME: Farking up all your good memories one character at a time ~ Prima
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