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Old 02-14-2008, 03:11 PM   #14
owner of a lonely heart
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I never trully shipped until C/A..they were and still are my favorite pair. I remember watching tid bits of BTVS episodes here and there when it first aired. The first thing that caught my eye was Cordelia's character.

Every person I knew or was surrounded by hated her charcater but for some reason I immediately fell in love with her. The moment I became a C/A fan was that eventful episode where I saw Angel really and trully smile..and Cordelia was the one that made him do so.

B/A made me gag from teh very beginning..though there are a few of my friends who are B/A fans who write excellent fics and have convinced me otherwise..sort of.

I thought I was the only C/A shipper back then so I kept to myself and never bothered looking up other C/A fans. After that episode I again came across a few more episodes that didn't really hold my attention (it was all Dawson's Creek back

It wasn't until Angel's promo of CC going 'grr' that I fell in love with her all over again..and Angel was the first show in which I watched every episode except for one..and that was IWRY and thank god for that. lol My love for C/A was still strong and it only grew with each passing episode..but I still didn't think there were any C/A fans and didn't bother to look them up thinking that everyone were B/A fans.

Stranger Things is the first site that I came across that shared my love of CC and C/A and I fell in love with it..and it is here that I am not alone in my love for C/A..and it's also on this site that I've made some great friends.. this day I can't seem to fall in love or find my otp..C/A still remain my #1.
Lucille: You tricked me.
Michael: I *deceived* you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship. ~ Arrested Development

Dean Winchester: I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it! ~Supernatural

Cordelia: I like 'David'. It's such a strong, masculine name. [pause] It just feels good in your mouth. ~ Angel
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