Thread: Twilight
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Old 09-25-2008, 02:04 PM   #46
insane clown girl
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My big problem with Kenyon is that she doesn't know how to write interesting female protagonists. They're always the same person; shy, scared of sex, BORING, and always hate they way they look and can't ever figure out why a man would want them--and yet by the end of the story they've defeated the bad guy and saved his everlasting soul--usually making herself immortal in the process. Oh, and they ALWAYS end up married and pregnant in the end. Because who wants a twu wub that doesn't in stretch marks?

That being said, I still read them, and for the most part enjoy them. I just roll my eyes at the endings and flip back to the porny bits. What can I say? I've got a one track mind. I've started her newest one, Acheron and it's pretty good, though her characterization of Artemis makes me want to tear out my hair.

Samsmom, I actually took the Armintrout books as a personal challenge and managed to finish the first three. Honestly, it was the hardest time I've ever had reading a book (other than An American Tragedy back in high school which I eventually chucked in a trash can, resulting in a serious drop in my GPA that I didn't mind in the least). I really wish I hadn't read the series though. Just thinking about them leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The main character is probably my least favorite character EVER, and that includes my hatred for Cathy Dollenganger in the Flowers in the Attic series. Just an awful set of books.

OH! Thought of another great series. The Novels of the Darkyn by Lynn Veihl. They're pretty entertaining books, and reinvent the vampire in an interesting, scientific way.

I've read one of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and it was good, but I haven't picked up any more of them. I really should.

Another good vampire book is the Sonya Blue series...though it's definitely les romance, more Kindred: the Embraced. I read a few of them a dozen years ago, but the only title that sticks out is A Dozen Black Roses. I know there are more.

And there was this one series of books that my brother had way back in the day, which he gave away to his friend (argh). I can't even remember the name of them, but they were based on Dracula, and was centered more on Van Helsing, and his family...I've been trying to think of the titles for years, but I can't even recall them. It's a shame, too. They were fantastic and I read them a few times.

Yeah...I read a lot. Can you tell?
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